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tv   Projekt Zukunft  Deutsche Welle  June 21, 2021 5:03pm-5:31pm CEST

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so that's it, because because we've heard from lots about foreign minister who said before the meeting that he hope the sanctions hurt so much that they bring the regime to its knees. so was that him being hyperbolic? or is the a you right to interfere in the internal affairs of a foreign countries and tried to topple its government? no, i don't believe this is an interference into the the domestic policies we're speaking about the universal values and universal rules which i adopted not by the european union. it's on the level here elections, democratic rooting can so one and so forth. so that's why i think the recent package of sanctions is about to bring flu shot to negotiating table for and it comes to be for, for, or excuse me, the package you cannot sanction package that it might hurt
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to look for machine economically and probably will you know, put him down a bit, but not finally. right. ok. so just to be clear, let me rephrase. my 1st question. is it that the you what change is the a you seeking in by the roof with these measures? well i believe so we are continuously seeking lucas encourage him to sit down to the negotiating table. if the democratic opposition of it was to start the talks about the peaceful transition to transform ation of this over again, the regime into something more acceptable to people. so should i just wanted to be clear on what you were trying to achieve and you've clarify that for me. thank you . what will the you do to protect better? we should work as in the potash or petrochemical and petroleum sectors. who will be
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hit by the sanctions? well, you know, i mean, we have very limited opportunities. i mean, to compensate all possible lots, especially to the families of those workers at the plans you just mentioned. but certainly we can reach them out, at least some families through informal, probably assist and what might come from the european unit. and they don't need much because the average salary is well below 300 euro. so i mean, we are speaking about billions of us, which might be reaching out to prove just just kind of a please, mr. estron just so that workers in the sectors who are damaged by you sanctions, you are saying that the e u is prepared to reach out, informally, explain to us what that means,
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how you will help them. i believe from you were speaking about the informal chatham channels, church, n g o, z and the rest. i know that, i mean all those channels exist and they've been, you know, tested before and i hope the european states a european, a and g o and charity organizations will be more active in supporting people in need in those thank you so much for joining us. trust us to be just starting wrapper to better ruth, for the european parliament. thank you. well, not exactly, look, shank, i was managed to retain his grip on better route, despite domestic protests and international pressure, helped him to keep him. that is the country secret service. the k g b and the climate of fear they have created the soviet dictator yoseph stolen looms larger than life at this military theme
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park, near men's people from all over billers have come to celebrate the so called border guard day. many like yell and support. alexander lucas. shank. oh, she works in a meat processing plant in breast on the polish border. she can't understand why people in bella. ruth wants to be rid of luca. shank. oh, what are the most important things in life? we have a salary, a job. we live in peace and our kids get a good education for me and my family. the current leadership is exactly what we need. why we like living and bella was, i don't want change in the foreseeable future master. picking the arch young cuckold, if she's bella. ruth, in a positive light, he's a truck driver but has no desire to travel abroad, and he feels safe with lucas shanker in charge. you go to stimulus. i'm not saying
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i like him, but i don't see who else i could vote for. was lucas shanker was leader. i can let my son play on the streets without any concerns. i sleep in my lori cabin without worrying that something could happen to me. many people here are untouched by the pro democracy movement. they watched a tv and work in state and companies or for the military or police. above all, it's the support of the secret service, the k g b. that is helping lucas, shank, oakland, to power agents, hound opposition activists. and generate a climate of fear. valerie costco once worked for the k g, b himself wellness that he knows why there's virtually no descent in its rank yards at the new poacher. prophy. first of all, they make good money compared to those who plow the fields or work in the factories . they are opperation or have taken on a criminal element for lucas shank needs people who already have blood on their
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hands. correct. and i will send you moving to them. there is no way out for you and i was telling you about that and need insured that the opposition is red and white banners have all that is appeared. all that visible is the soviet era, red and green of the countries official flag. for many, it's become the symbol of lucas regime. and then we'll take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world, starting in armenia, 5 minutes technical fashion, and has one another term following snap parliamentary elections. official results show his parties that one, some 54 percent of the vote, despite widespread frustration with his handling of a war last year with historic rival, as a by john sweden's prime minister has lost a no confidence that the vote in parliament deaf and law firm and now has a week to resign or announce a snap election. and the vote was triggered by a plan to ease rent controls is the 1st swedish prime minister to lose the
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confidence mostly been a space. prime minister says he's government will pardon the 9 jailed leaders of capital failed 2017 independence, a bit better. sanchez says he hopes to ease tensions in the northeastern region and kicks out because the catalog notices in ethiopia. people have begun boasting in general elections that have been seen as the 1st major test of prime minister abbey met his ruling coalition. elections were scheduled to take place last year, but we're delayed by the pandemic. corona virus isn't the only challenge facing. i be mad that comes as war rages in the northern te great region which is triggered a family that threatens hundreds of thousands of people. opposition groups accuse if you have his ruling party of harassment. but the prime minister has promised the election will be peaceful when i'll be men came to power. he was lauded as a reformer, lifting bands and opposition parties and free and thousands of political prisoners
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. his efforts to end hostilities in the region also saw him awarded a nobel peace prize would be met, is facing mounting pressure both at home and abroad. he t o p as international partners, one a quick end, the ongoing conflict graph region fighting there between the regions former ruling party, the t growing people liberation front and both government and retrain troops as cost untold thousands of lives and spread famine throughout the region. un figure say over 350000 people here are facing acute hunger. that includes tens of thousands of children. monday's pulling has been twice delayed due to the band, demik, and logistical challenges still remain. many opposition parties are also boycotting the election because leading members have been jailed. the accused the government
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of rolling back many of our b of meds, initial reforms, hardly no suspicious backdrop for the 1st major test of the prime minister's prosperity party. but in the run up to the vote, mister med remain confident seeing the pulling would be his country's 1st attempt. i truly free and fair elections or may i get the last skew is covering those elections for d. w. she's given us her assessment of the voting sofa. many people are still waiting to cast their ballots here in the center. at least you can tell us or just about election, which a prime minister described as the 1st really been the trash collection that the country has ever held. it's an extremely important election for met. he's trying to confirm his political legitimacy after having been designated in 2018 after his previous test or resigned to his partner. the 3rd party is considered to be the favorite in the selection. but we have to keep in mind that not the entire country is able to vote today. more than $100.00 constituencies will not be able to vote.
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this includes the entire gray region as well as parts of the region or the somali or region of the mounting international pressure for the situation in the gray region where an armed conflict is still going on between the federal army, backed by every trans folders and the t p s the gray people's ration from which is the former ruling party in the country. there's currently a great humanitarian crisis unfolding into gray. and the un is even speaking of a possible time and get little eskew. the printing process of one of hong kong last pro democracy newspapers could stop rolling within days. apple daily says this friday's edition is likely to be last after authorities froze its assets, and that china's national security. lo, these newspapers could be a thing of the past, not because of digitalization or rising competition,
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that because the government wants to put a stop to them. that's what supporters of hong kong pro democracy newspaper, apple daily a saying a last week, police rated the companies newsroom for the 2nd time. and under a year, 5 senior executives were arrested after authorities accused them of publishing articles that violated china, sweeping national security law. the government also for the papers assets leaving it unable to pay stuff or conduct business. the papers owners say they have enough cash to last a few weeks, but after that, their future and the future of free press in hong kong is uncertain. apple daily, you see jimmy ly was arrested during last year's raid. he was sentenced to 14 months in prison, in his role in an anti government protest in 2019 despite
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china's intensifying crackdown on media critical of the mainland government. many hong kong is still lining up to show their support. oh no, i'm have to buy a copy of actual daily because of what the police did. i have to support them in any case, i've paid their monthly subscription fee, but i think i continue to buy newspapers to help them. i want to support freedom of speech because the journalists, apple daily have done nothing wrong. hold on for the moment, mom said with an apple daily can afford to keep publishing is uncertain. its future will be decided by the company's board on friday. and the news palestinians have protested against the new israeli settlements in the west bank and burning ties and setting a fire crackers close to the town of numbers. the area has seen multiple demonstrations in the settlements in the west bank are illegal and the
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international law runs. so nuclear power plant and we got a 10 pre emergency shut down of what's been described as a technical fault. officials say the average is expected to last up to 4 days. power blackouts are expected. a tornado has damaged homes and left thousands without power in suburban chicago full people were taken to a hospital with minor injuries in the u. s. city officials are assessing the damage which includes down power, lines and trees. positive romania battling severe floods after heavy rainfall. hundreds of houses in the eastern european nation are under water with some residents having to be moved to safety. it's just the one that more rain is on the way japanese conservatives formally adopted that joint program for september national elections. a cd you leader. i'm in lasha and marcus soda from the the variance in the pocket of c su, presented the joint manifestation lead rich,
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promising touch relief from fiscal discipline. say it's not clear how these plans would be funded by the 17th, the leading polls, and after 16 years in power, that chancellor, i'm going to america is not running again. mr. lashes posts to replace a d. w. because you can do something here. chris has been watching that presentation are welcome, may take mikaela. what are they promising? well, they're promising their kind of stability that angle a mac or a coined as a political bronze, while at the same time promising a completely new departure. i mean, last it, the chance the candidate and see you party leader, the one of the success of going to michael said that it can't be done with no one would be something said in germany, which does raise a question. what happened over the past 16 years of anglo michael in power, whom he knows rather well. so what the conservative over all of promising here is
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that there will be nothing that really huts tax pay is no higher taxes. and at the same time, a huge reformer departs a into the future with that overarching big question mark of how exactly they will fund it when they are promising that fiscal discipline that's pushed to return to the black 0, which was so seen as a german fetish in the past, ok, nothing's going to change, but i'm going to reform things. so that's clear in my head climate protection is now firmly on everyone's political agenda. one of the conservative leaders promising that well, they're promising climate new china t until 2045. that was something that i'm going to michael's own government corrected after there was a constitutional court ruling here in germany. that basically said that the current plans were shifting too much of the responsibility in too much of the downsides onto the younger generation. so the cd you wants to act that quickly, but we really haven't seen much more print on about how exactly it can be done,
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particularly with planning periods here to get the power grid from north to south that is so needed really on the road that can take up to decades to get something actually built. and also we're seeing a tough line on migration and that is the sentence in that that says that the cd you see if he wants to prevent migration into the german social system. so that's a much phone. the tone that i'm not receiving you, she has, she had a female transfer lead for something like 16 years, where are very now on the issue of gender equality. while it's early days, i mean last it was asked who would be the people he consults with, who would be his expert pool of people? he said he would introduce them for present those. that would be some surprises over the coming weeks. so we're all keeping an eye out on that, but the presentation today, so that there is still a significant lack to say the least in terms of recognizing that it's rather
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lopsided. we had to mail and pos executives come on to stays. the secretary general's of both parties. seaview sees you then to women coming to provide the hygiene required, disinfecting the desk, and then we'd have to older men come onto the stage. so in tons of presentation to say the very least, the cd you see if you has a very long way to go and also when you look at the candidates and to the proportion of male and female m p 's, i thank you for that's the w j political editor because i was a chapter of germany, 2nd world war history, that gets a little attention. this is the faith in the 14000000 germans forced to flee eastern europe. as the soviet army advanced. after decades of control, missouri had to tell the story, the new museum in berlin is now documenting method. a key taken in the rush with the hope to return home one day for every person forcibly displaced. there is
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a story. often a tragic one. and these are the stories, the new documentation center for displacement expulsion and reconciliation. and berlin wants to document in focus the fate of the 14000000 germans who had to leave their homes after world war 2. a controversial issue. the opening of the museum follows a decades long dispute because of one big question, the current and how can this placement and expulsion of germans at the end and after the 2nd world war be presented without leaving the slightest doubt that this country is aware of its permanent responsibility for the german crimes of the 2nd world war and the murder of european jews. particularly in poland. they were fears that the germans would turn themselves into victims and thus divert attention from their guild during the nazi era. the exhibition solution context,
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context context on the one hand, the context of politically ethnically and religiously motivated force migrations, primarily in 20th century europe, but also beyond and on the other. the center contextualize is the fate of the 14000000 germans. as a consequence of the nazi policies of expansion and annihilation during world war 2 . but the intention is to not only look back. club at us is a team. i believe that these topics we are dealing with here affect all of humanity . all, it doesn't take much imagination to realize that these issues will continue to be historically relevant worldwide. a relevance that emerges from the exhibition, which highlights the crucial role of force migration in europe's recent history, but also how it still affects millions of people around the world to day. the well, italy's reputation is slow start as a major tournaments has been blown out of the water by the blistering form and euro
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2020 beating, wiles, one mill, and the final group game on sunday. and funds across the country celebrated the teams path to the last 16 jubilation on the streets of rome. i had no wonder with 3 winds out of 3 and not a single go conceited. italy's fans are convinced that all roads lead to london that i'm confident and hopeful that will least make it to the final. we have a great team, a great coat, and we have a good chance of winning the tournament. you don't, as it was certainly an easy road for italy, but it's a good start. it gave us confidence insecurity. you know, we have to see how we will play the important material person as the winner, italy. he was one of a new faces in a much changed side that worryingly for their opponent showed few signs of
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a drop in quality. never want to be sure to waste everyday. i'm very pleased to see that we change players rather than the team played very well. many valid decided we deserve to score more goals, but wales defended fiercely. rosie, i really like what i saw in my team. the boys played very well, but i was so excited. we're living the moment. we're very happy to be here. how are we going to face the quarter finals? well, we're going to put up a good fight. the actual fight starts, right? no. ominous word for austria and ukraine, one of whom will faith italy in the last 16, the organizes of next month tokyo olympics seminars that up to $10000.00 local spectators will be allowed inside games. venues. overseas funds are banned and venues will be limited to 50 percent capacity to a maximum of $10000.00 people. organizes and 50 gains can be held safely despite
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the corona virus pandemic. if japan's public health situation worsens, organize the say, events might still go ahead without spectators. the games that you started just over a month on the 23rd of july. meanwhile, the president of the international olympic committee, thomas box, as the vaccination targets for the $11000.00 residents of the athletes. a village in tokyo will be met in time for the game start. so for the residents, for the olympic villages, it will be well above 80 percent. so we have had our expectations, you know, in a, in a confident way that we will get to 80 percent. but today i can tell you it will be well above 80 percent in the olympic. we did use surmise that top store at this hour, the use of proof, new sanctions against valor is flatly thing more than 80 people and organizations.
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foreign ministers meeting in luxembourg are also considering measures targeting whole sectors of a better versus economy and an efforts to loosen. alexander nutrition comes great. i'll set you up today. tell me more world news at the top of the hour. don't forget, you can get all the bases news and information around the clock on our website, the w dot com on leave, you know, with music from the arena in verona. in italy, reopening was celebrated with a constant version of interest that is aida conducted by ricardo multi good. ah,
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ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. the news, the
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the, the the the, the scan replace things in the quest for the truth. innovative technology is hell things. ologist to get to the bottom of causes of virtual all new way of looking inside our bodies. tomorrow to day w.
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o. the the how it all really feels. jewish life in europe. ah, that's what killed producer, owner and journalist. keep in mind more exploring. delving into history and the present. ah, some things are painful, many or surprising. everything is important because life is so much more than what you think, you know? i would never think so open the and so closely as to remind myself because i grew
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up in a completely different way. broad explorer, las vegas jewish in europe. the 2 part documentary starts july 5th on dw this is the sound of his having a feast. grain we both unknown for destroying entire crop. this tooth is designed to stuck them in their tracks. should we be worried that an asteroid could destroy janet? ah, no mo scalpels autopsies goes virtual. this and more coming up on today's episode. the.


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