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tv   Gesprach  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2021 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST

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where it ought to be, and that about a nuclear power. nixon proposed a huge expansion of nuclear power in the name of getting america out from under the boot of opec. but even with nick's in support, there was one pressing problems, the cost of every reactor and the nuclear power plant surrounding it. those costs were doubling every 2 years doubled and then it doubled again. i can't tell you, let me see because when the price of oil quadrupled, it was quite a shock. let's look at their cost. 68 percent of our electricity came from oil to japan. we had, i think the money crisis began. it became clear to france that it salvation was nuclear. it didn't nuclear, new wirelessly or power, or electricity lick pcp luisel the only area where you could easily replace oil electricity because in 1973. we already had the generation of nuclear reactors to
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nuclear. spurred on by the oil crisis, the french government move quickly to build more nuclear power plants. it didn't have to worry about public opinion. i quoted you point when it comes to decisions. it's just a small group of people making the body from the area, you know, from the atomic energy commission fuels. basically tom administrator, he's got court with the state representing the people don't pay for ram. so you have the authorization to build a nuclear plan and that was it. in the us things a little more complicated. elizabeth, you asked, it was very fragmented. around 2800 different electricity companies. you filled, they kept changing the designs in a, in a competitive frenzy to try and get ahead of the other guy. and that meant that the construction times for nuclear plants, just balloon way to do business. the business.
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ah, francis ambitious nuclear program was becoming the largest in the world. the united states could only look on and wonder, ah, during the time that from bill to $58.00 reactors, the americans cancelled $200.00. ma'am, was the difference if you felt. meanwhile, frances next door neighbor had other nuclear issues to contend with the nice 70 west germany. so the growth of one of the largest movements, again, nuclear energy in western europe, possibly the wealth disorder, those those, those people were concerned because they started hearing that in the areas around reactors. and there were unexplained illnesses or environmental change. the concord failure or the end of them
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now, unless you had to remember that germany had a pass mark by war and it was part of the cold war in which nuclear weapon he played ro awesome. and so there was a lot of insecurity, and this was intensified by atomic energy when he was at home in the real point of origin protests in a very small south german village of via where a new power station was picked. we built this law, the local citizens initiative tried to stop it in the was the only option they had mr. occupied the building site where the ball plots up, the mob the site they put in 10 whole thousands of people too many really so the police to handle and set up a camp, a lot of guitar singing in public classes in free love and all that sort of thing,
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oh, i see when you got wind makers from the kaiser store student, then journalists and an expert talking to one another, exp, this counter expertise is the foundation of the german anti nuclear movement to the end. it started here and to the feel of the deals, peaceful teaching gave way to much uglier scenes wherever there were plans to build a reactor. there were huge protests and they also clashes with the police in port golf. blocked off in 1080 ones, 150000 people gathered for an illegal demonstration in february. and the freezing call. isaac came to dallas, tx dot for the state reacted continually disproportionately gas. they sent
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hundreds of policemen by had a concert manager who went through the crowd beating that we were thoroughly frisked, but we still weren't allowed onto the site and puts him demonstrations with obedience would foreboding, with demonstration protest as on both sides of the atlantic had been sound in the alarm about the prospect of an accident at a nuclear plant. the industry dismissed their fears until early one morning. in march, 1979. i came in to work in commissioner, went running by me. john earned any sick. i use your car as it? sure. i guess there's a discovery that we've got a problem. harrisburg, pennsylvania, an accident at a nuclear power plant. a spokesman said that a feed water pump broke down this morning, automatically shutting down the 3 mile nuclear power plant. people think that emergency everybody's running around like an operating room. you know,
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in fact everything kind of goes slow down because you've tremendous uncertainty about the facts. the information's contradictory meters are reading very high radiation experts are saying these meters must be wrong. overwhelming feeling is the fog of infamy, information fog, it was very much unexpected and is feeling is this is much worse than anything that one could have imagined. had been some near serious accidents, but not one like 3 mile island. and when that happened, i think the whole, the whole framework fell apart. it could no longer claim that nuclear plants were safe. that was a very defining moment. even though they say what we all have the boss,
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i was only a little global people, peace activist to activists. and that there's a new problem to deal with in the ages we had to sort of is this inevitable march towards a new future. and at the same time, we were looking at the situation where there was wheezing puffing plans and winscow in which was pumping out 2000000 gallons of contaminated material into the are she every day? i mean now the thing was just a joke. reading was and we had to addressing some light at 1st light green apiece, row, ready up and about. the plan was simple to block one and a half mile long discharge pipe with stoppers like this one. i held is confidential briefing with depression. you know, we're going to bung the pipe off,
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we have bunch ready. we're going to stop the discharges. and somehow that got leaked. i'm being so the knew that we would only do it right at this moment because she wasn't beaten to the punch. they've obviously known precisely what we've been going through for the last week or so. i worked very heavily on this and it's impossible for us to we've got at the moment block the point. it was a balancing act always to try to deal with them. sense of it, but in the end, to use a lot of message to stop them doing things which i felt dangerous. they needed to be told. they will not be on the law anymore than where you are and the sell hours of battery chimes. advocates of nuclear power and opponents of nuclear power just didn't speak the same language. it wasn't that one of them had a monopoly effects is that the interpreted the evidence differently. they saw the range of concerns differently be nfl decided that they would no longer username, wind scale for the facility. they would call it sellafield,
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which is the name of the little village where it originally been built. ironically and soon after the name change was announced, be nfl was accused of having radioactivity on the shoreline and leaks in at least 2 of their facilities. i was tempted to go and tackle a safety issue and then i saw no be positive about the good things which i knew they will bring. and that was the start of the business center. welcome. so today i'll to showing you around the some of those to the to include is it to go the whole situation, generation electricity on the commercial side, nuclear station, subliminal messages got through which we could then build on. it must be safe, mustn't it? because i think the get us to go up, go round,
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and they are trying to be out on this because they're asking us to go to the nuclear previously been really in secrecy. the industry has a quite a reputation for just not telling anybody anything. and a result now when we trusted them, so they went for a kind of kind of glance, openness, policy. and then just as the charm offensive seemed to be working, unless viewers of moscow television were watching the 9 p. m. news closely on monday, april 28th. they would have missed the brief and buried report of the biggest nuclear accident in history and accident that occurred at least 2 days earlier, at chernobyl in the ukraine. chernobyl definitively ended the industry's line that there could never be an explosion that a reactor could never blow up like a bomb effectively. that's what happened. it blew up
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a dramatic event and of course did create a wide spread out new clip. there was a very concerted effort by all the western governments to distance themselves as fast as they could and blame it all in russian technology. it can be stated categorically that an accident similar to that one could not happen in a british nuclear pass station. the reactor of the to enable design simply wouldn't have been allowed to operate in britain. in the days following the disaster, a plume of radioactive fall out drifted width would be to the ally effects. you know, the off that you noble. there was an area in germany and italy could it can, i know human organ can sense the danger only these machines detect digital radio activity. i was found in the school playground with my
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geography teacher at the time, who had got himself a geiger counter out of the pharmacy, to check whether there was any high radioactivity level, of course, was useless because we didn't know what the normal level of words the moment was it's from the moment people were cold, don't teach me, don't cheat. my kind of pit from that moment on the accept among the german violation ton was completely com. i can refer call frederick to him. ah, leslie. nice is completely normal and highest. and then she never happens, and it hits us like a bomb district in a book and hits us personally and supposed to be for me. it was a road to damascus moment. my eyes were suddenly opened to what it all meant, but did not significantly called ourselves parents against their parents. then we thought, you know, that's not really
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a good name. we don't want to be against that would be want to be for sometime this . and that's why we changed our name to parents were nuclear free future ones. together with other families, sheila and michelle flooded was so determined to risk the village of nuclear power that they made and they should be to take control the local energy grid. frederick couldn't be your 1st day. you can probably imagine that when a citizens initially were building our own energy company to apply to the citizens of our town with electricity at 1st. everyone says mich, how is that supposed to you to ask my? yeah, so i did that scheme and, and of course the energy provider said this definitely won't work. don't never see the chart from d doff need up against all odds. the initiative did succeed, creating a citizen owned energy, cooperative law. and we have a vision of an energy supply without nuclear power at the energy provider wasn't prepared to do that. for in britain,
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the energy market changing all over the country or electricity use it would be preparing for the 12 regional electricity companies share rappers. states should not every once supported the conservative governments privatization plans. the postponement by 6 months of the privatization of the electricity industry is only 6 months. and it's still going to happen. is it really that significant? i think it's significant because what it indicates is that the plans are complete mass, and most people already realize that that bills have gone out in order to pay the way for privatization. they've got huge problems because they want to sell the nuclear industry, which is going to be very difficult to sell the cost of ultimately decommissioning and return the site to essentially a complete, usable, clean status have been underestimated the costs of future dealing with the spent fuel had been underestimated. i think it's very unwise to embark on
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a new nuclear program when we don't even know how to deal with the what's left over the legacy of the old. but we realized that the nuclear industry just could not be privatized quite early on. and we told the government, we can't do it and the government said rubbish, go away and think of a way that we can do it. so we went away, we're trying this, we're trying that. but in the end we said look, we just really can't do it. and so the government, the end said, okay, you can't do it, therefore we will pull it. and it was quite a momentous occasion. the government did manage to sell off the power stations soon, the new private nuclear company also ran into me. the company went into steady financial decline for from about the year, 2000 to my 2002. it was in effect bankrupt. it had to be rescued by the government with 340000000 pounds initially. and eventually went up to over 600000000 to keep
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the company alive. nuclear suddenly looked like just just a dead end area to work in. and these often very, very well qualified, very smart people. felt that they, you know, they've made a terrible career choice and their whole life would, in a sense, been wasted. they had never looked fine ripple and no way more than in germany. in the peace movement and logical movement discovered the parliament bruno, when the green policy form the government. this is centralist, social democrats. in 1998, it looked like time was up for nuclear power. in the year 2000, the red green government decided to phase out nuclear power went out to time. and i know we got onto the process of negotiation with the company about the maximum lifespan of each plant, which until then had been unlimited. and the bas diane on began spun and we wanted to limit them to enable a phase with shot down. but that meant that once all the existing reactors that had
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started operating in the seventy's and eighty's reached the end of their lifespan, nuclear phase, out in germany. what happened automatically cancels that come on to see if broad support both from the media and from the general public. these understood the some was good. today's news. it needed to recapture the excitement of the early years. and then came the chair of a come back the very 1st time i heard the term global warming was from a nuclear power industry executive in 1981. and i said, what is that? and he explained what global warming was. he said, that's why we can't rely on coal. says just once, i'd like to pick up the phone and say, atomic industrial form co kills energy is the story still being continue writing with c o 2 by the 2000 people had begun to realize
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the global warming was a severe problem. and people in foreign, even leading environmentalists began to say, well, maybe we'd better rethink nuclear power. the threat of climate change prompted us to, to ask the question, if we wanted to build nuclear plants in the united states by the 2010, what would it take? so we start to ask that question could department of energy, but also there were policymakers. senator pete domenici was a leading voice in the congress on this. i think we all know that the world must have nuclear power as soon as possible. it is time for this country to start building nuclear power plants. again, we are now thing roughly $8000000000.00 in loan guarantees to break round on the 1st new nuclear plant in our country in 3 decades. first, nuclear power plant
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c u. s u t industry was dreaming with renew confidence. 13 helping applied to the $25.00 the reactors. and it was changing in the u. k. 2 by 2025. it current policy is unchanged. there will be a dramatic gap on our targets to reduce c o 2 emissions. these fact puts the replacement of nuclear power stations back on the agenda with a vengeance. i suppose we shouldn't be surprised. the politicians say one thing and there's nothing in government, but that's what happens. and that's certainly what happened less. it was often reported. the new plan wanted to leave a strong legacy and part of his legacy, most perhaps launching a nuclear power program that would solve the problem of global warming. insulating
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a few lofts bringing in a few small wind turbines on land, doesn't have that same impressive sound to it as launching a huge nuclear power program. the successes were equally enthusiastic in 2009 gordon brown called for a nuclear plants to be built cross c k. and in 2010, david cameron's new coalition government gave those plans. the green light and the germans looked fit to give the ask him another chance. the nuclear industry knew that met with rethinking her previous position. and then when the c d, u and the liberal party, the f d p for the government, they actually agreed to go back on the decision and not to face out nuclear energy . it was the basic idea at the time was to use nuclear power plants for as long as what he was technically feasible with them longer acts the resulting additional income and then use this tax finance changes for the energy policy landscape in
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german. listen to finance and france quick hoping to repeat. it's new to success on the international stage. went up cuz he came to power. many of the trips he made abroad involved seeking nuclear deals. he signed contract with china. he signed nuclear cooperation agreements with several countries in north africa and the middle east. you need to keep in mind that you can't build endless numbers of reactors and france, no matter how enthusiastic you get about it. the extraordinary thing that happened looking back was the british energy. the british nuclear industry became effective in the french nuclear industry and was taken over by the french government state and energy company. the 1st decade of the new century came to close the nuclear. renee was in full swing but then
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yeah, you know, i still remember the morning when i woke up and heard it was a earthquake. it's not me in japan, an immunity star? i think about friends i have in japan, so i went to the office and it was, you know, trying to reach people by email, but also watching events on tv. and then we start to know, notice that there was a problem that was due for power plants in the early years, the worst radioactivity in the, in the planet came from all the weapons testing. now it's coming from the accident . on the civilian side. i remember it was one senior staff person who was watching the video on television and he was almost in tears. and i remember he turned to me and he said, you know, i spent my whole career trying to keep something like this from happening. and now i'm watching to have no television, and it was really a very emotional moment. the. this was
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a western design reactor, and this was also japan. and this is a country, highly advanced country with excellent engineers. and somehow this still happened when fukushima happened. you could see that the nuclear industry's damage limitation machine had moved into action as fate would have it. i was actually myself travelling with my wife through japan. and for me personally, i remember hearing these reassurances from the japanese government and i couldn't help thinking of the sort of irony of this message that the country that for that had been such a target of this peaceful adam message in the 1950s was now, itself putting out its own version of reassurance of atomic energy. a p r faced was the biggest p r headache since to noble governments and the nuclear industry closed ranks with one
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notable exception germany because he manages the machine. things have changed. if you think about the reliability of risk protection and about the reliability of probability analysis and down therefore the use of nuclear energy and germany will be thought to an end by 2020, most ridiculous always. so that's in that you have to see it as a final step and a very long good bye to nuclear power that's been going on. the 1970s in get sold and hot pine patel won't find a single political party to day of whatever color that's prepared to even talk about doing anything with nuclear energy. and that topic is complete. at this point, solar and wind power are growing so fast and the costs are declining so rapidly that nuclear is like this old dinosaur. they can't possibly keep up the only nuclear power plant and massachusetts will be shutting down by $29.00 team fighting
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california changing energy landscape. pacific gas and electric is closing diable canyon. the real factor in the united states is just practicalities. i mean, we have the discovery of natural gas and large quantities and it's much cheaper and it's much easier. of course, nuclear power still has its champions. one of the things we want to do a deal is to is to make nuclear energy cool. yeah. one of the problems that the people who object to nuclear power really have. and can we solve those? technically, can we make nuclear power that doesn't produce waste the last for hundreds, thousands years? can we make nuclear power plants that can't melt? now, i think the answer, those questions is actually yes, ah, i know you can be confident that it is going to happen this time in the western
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countries. and it's going to happen in the far east. some of the oldest players, nuclear game to china make no mistake about it. this is an important day for britain. a british plant financed by france and china. the focus has been on a planet called hinckley point c. and the claim was made by d f. that this would be done absolutely without any public subsidy, which turned out of course, to be complete nonsense the subsidies got less and less well disguised until they got to the point where they were offering a guaranteed price for the electricity for 35 years. at 3 times the going rate in the u. k. p. works it right off the branch. teresa, my question, the deal made between cameron's government and a half on the montgomery for the f. 3 and the chinese and helen. and it seems to manage to get main government to reconsider the local things
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went ahead. after all, the consider it left in the middle. china is becoming a nuclear energy exporting power house. the country is building reactors at home and selling its expertise abroad in china to resistance to atomic power is growing amid mountain concerns regarding health and safety and future cause lives an inherently political technology because of the nature of the, the risk and safety aspect. for decades, scientists and politicians for nuclear power as the technology, the technology, they would fix the problems with the accents. if they just let us keep working, we're going to take care of all your concerns and all your problem. when it comes to the relationship between the ask them and us history suggests that in the end it will surely be us who just people who are filling computers. think of all
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kinds of reasons, you know, people are by so these guys are thinking of all kinds of reasons posted by nuclear power plants. because that's, that's what they're selling. is we have to decide if we want to buy the me. ah the 2021 vanish architecture b and how do we live together? we get our 2013 d w. ah
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ah, and above all how it feels jewish life in europe. that's what film producer, kona and journalist eas, could mine, are exploring, building into history and the presence i would never have thought that could be live. so i'd say freely, i need to remind myself because i grew up in a completely different way. broad for the jewish in europe, the 2 port documentary starts july 5th on d, w. i
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ah, the who's this is the w news. why from berlin? a search for victims and a search for answers in miami hope said for more than 150 people missing in a collapse of an apartment block rescue efforts are facing setbacks and many are asking why storm warnings about the building safety were ignored. also coming up britons health ministers steps down after breaking.


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