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tv   Verruckt nach Meer  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2021 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST

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tomorrow, the dw me what matters to us me, that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d, w i n d homes and decaying buildings have become common in a 3rd of italy's villages. they're like ghost towns. the youngsters go away field, stay on. yeah, no, no go. every year when they move, it is like less than $1500.00 residents lost about $25.00 people. wasted 10. 20 year be done. a village would have nearly been lately. but for many families,
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big city life has become unbearable, especially now. the longing for more space is driving people to take reasons. important, important in life to have new experiences and never to settle for the life you have but to discovering a thing with a company or anyone or some communities off of financial support to attract new residents. i think there's more opportunity initially than what the reason you k easy to lease countryside regaining a future i just before the 2nd corona locked down in the autumn of 2020, the victoria family was living in naples. life didn't change much for them. school holidays were extended and the children were already at home. anyway, paolo, the professor of education at the university,
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naples federico 2nd. his wife woolley is a programmer. they've been working from home for weeks. smart working children running riot, the television always own and a chronically underactive dog world. just too much chewing on the chairs. he always does the bathroom. now he's wrecking them. more and more everyone was loaning for wide open spaces. and thereby, when we got the idea during the cobra lockdown and we're going to call it was a moment that all 5 of us and the dog, which is the focal point of the family, found we were shut up in our apartment again to come into the the gentleman, spacious area and light as it is, we were still stuck inside our 4 walls. i mean also, but i don't know why that's when we felt closer foby i just working here at home and slowly but surely to be locked up. and here again in the proceeding to the background on it, like as naples is a fascinating noise. these city traffic crimes,
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and hardly any green space make living in the city with nearly 1000000 residents a challenge, the families you wake up, the kids in the morning, take them to school, go to work, and somehow you have to cope with a diabolical traffic. then you could hold it around 8 and make them something to eat. basically, you can't spend much time with the family decided to leave naples and stressful city life behind them. making a new start about 100 kilometers away in taylor. they made the final preparations to leave and go to the village in abilene province. taylor has the opposite problem . the population there is shrinking the town urgently $0.01, the poor families with children who want to move in. the victoria's spend summer vacation in toyota, they loved it. when we sent them, why i'm happy we're moving to tiara. i made lots of friends there and we only side not like here. it's really nice in the country,
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but we're not tied to our smartphones. we prefer to play outside instead, and i love the the victoria is will be living out of suitcases for a few weeks because my house, they're moving into is still being renovated. the real move will take place later despite all the noise intention in naples, the victoria families decision to move to the country is still rather unusual in italy. because the opposite trend continues to unfold. more than $2500.00 villages and small towns in the countries interior as threatening to dying out. ah, because there is no work. young people in particular move away to the cities or to the north, or go abroad right away. that's triggered a vicious cycle. towns with fewer residents have lower tax revenues and a less able to afford infrastructure and services like medical care,
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which in turn drives more people to move away. the mayor of taylor says he can no longer just look on as the village dies out. that's why stefano sarina is fighting for taylor a future at the beginning of the 1900s around 5500 people still lived in t ora. today the population isn't even a 3rd of that. after the devastating earthquake in 1980, the town was almost completely rebuilt. but about half of the houses in the village center remain uninhabited. as italian cities still to bursting small towns and villages a dying out. but they could be a simple solution. because of because we've never better understood how in the course in the state, he's over crowding in big metropolitan area to live with soon and hurried people to settle in out of the way. places deep in the countryside and develop a better quality of life. and at the same time provide to solution,
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i see that all the places in italy in fact, well why could be revitalized in more while at the same time improving the quality of life in city? urban areas are in the precarious situation because they have too many residue. stefano farina would like to make a ora attractive to new comers. anyone who registered here as a resident and since at least one child to school is allowed to pay nominal rent and no property tax for 2 years. the program made headlines around 14000 people sent email inquiry, many of them from abroad. but only european union residents can take part because of the use complicated immigration and visa regulations among the funding sources of revenues from a wind energy on them. what is the one to go with the drain? it became clear to us to the small community like cars are around $1500.00 resident and with births and deaths being as they lose about $25.00 people each year.
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questions that have been using mental internal, 20 years. we'd be a coast time we need ah, ah, the means plan to attract young families is working. the victoria is a one of 7 who have since moved to t ora. during the 1st weeks they stayed in the small house because their new home isn't ready yet. now they're living in green surrounding, and it clearly takes them getting used to somebody about it. so when we got here it was boring, bought it for so from where the standpoint it was a bit challenging today the sun is shining and we've been really able to enjoy the place for the 1st time. it was so we're still over. there are only the trees behind
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them is the river. there are fruit trees and the bubbles out here. it's quite peaceful fashion. until recently, it would have been unthinkable for working parents with children to move from naples to taylor. but the corona virus pandemic, a new acceptance of smart working a, changing the world of work in italy radically right now and private life along with it. while he is also hoping that in the future, she'll be able to work from home. paolo is already holding office hours the students on line when it, when. ok. so could you make a comparison between the 2 approaches approach? he didn't tell me that clearly to be a few weeks ago, the 6 member greenwood family moved in there from manchester. the old time residents, a curious hardly any one has met the newcomers. you know, so a lot of i don't know that doing as a but a final 6 people came from england that they don't speak earlier. natal rallied
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idea just one john and john the mankunis. rachel and damien greenwood had already long been playing with the idea of immigrating to recently by chance they came across a c, n n article about the program aimed at attracting new residence to the order. because pritton was on the brink of breaks it, damien hopped on a plane 4 days later in order to house an apartment in toyota, the whole family moved in june. it was just love at 1st sight. literally. the friendliness and the mare was so welcoming the people were so nice and obviously looking around just it's just that for the place. and this is a big me, but is something we really wanted for the children. but life is not without daily
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challenges. the greenwood still speak very little italian not quite true, but. 5 they see that what they mean to just do one to be quite sure. what's her been seen to you? no, no, no no. the greenwood steering to food. after all in manchester they actually had a restaurant and 3 suite shops. maybe they'll open an eatery here too. we go to the market today and we own the market on a sunday. fuel usually says through some badge and the quality is really,
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really good. as many projects, it's amazing that it's really nice that people are somewhat common somewhat of what you are doing the best, what you will read them out by call around for the green woods, italy seems to be the land of a 1000 oppertunity. they think britain spence days are in the past saying that a good life there had become unaffordable and as staunch opponents of bricks it, they want to leave in a country that belongs to the thing is, i think there's more opportunity in italy than what the reason the u. k. especially having lived in u. k. in a period of growth and theme or what, what works and then at and adopt can you really to, you know, it to in right now, but green with the living off the savings and working out plans for the future in
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their new home after they've eaten the children go out to play at the bill video to where the villages incoming and local youngsters meet and greet the as the victoria and the greenwood lonely get settled into ora. other towns in italy are looking for new ways to bring life back into shrinking localities. the about 700 kilometers per the self on sicily is the small medieval town. this move so mainly the surrounding landscape is breathtaking, really beautiful. ah, of all the buildings and the elder panted towns stand in. many of their own as has left, while others preferred new developments. the community been decided to sell the
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houses for one euro. each valerian sushi is a real estate agent who's working for the town. the one year of home sales are a big hit. more than 1000000 people clicked on the homepage that was specially set up for the project. thousands of calls coming in and hundreds of tourists have arrived to have a look at most of my lease old town. almost all of them come from abroad. danny, i left the room with the nurse to see him as a dream. it's rich and art and culture. having a house in italy is the fantasy of a lifetime, especially the american say that so together with a colleague, valeria meets a group of potential buyers who come from malta to take a look at the abandoned houses. property on sicily would be
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a dream come true for sarah cooper and her partner to today i will explain a little bit how it work the project that your house and, and i will also shoot you some properties. we would like to find something very traditional. for people who buy property for one, euro and mussa, mainly a pretty much free to do what they like with it. there is no residence obligation, but there is a catch renovation must complete in 3 years. otherwise, the owner is subject 285000 hero fine. this is the house. when you're a, you will see in 3 levels the house has been vacant for 15 years. it belongs to an elderly couple who moved to northern italy, the children interested in the property, the 1st time the bathroom or its more bedroom because they their
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guard. many of the homes are badly in need of renovation. they may cost only one euro, but there are plenty of other expenses, especially for renovation. the symbolic sale price is a brilliant marketing strategy. and it's getting attention around the globe. looking at abandoned homes is like delving into by gone worlds and lives in days gone by you know hello. hey this is that lee at least 20 years. that will be even more
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most of the one euro houses on sale in move. so milly developed his vacation rentals or holiday homes. the residents are permanent dentures, visitors, different entail for income pena. the families who move here want to live in the community. today is the 1st day of school for antonio and miriam. its a big event for the victoria family, but where is the school? its not in the main municipal building as expected, but in another place in the back. the cities, stress savvy family masters, the situation with the challenges today the big day because it's the 1st day of school school is the most important thing for children. and today's the 1st day during the last 5 or 6 months, we were locked up at hun, just like everyone else. for me,
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the only one who went to school was the dog. because the dog who lives out the door there gala, was again in a place on the after we began taking the don't cool, did we get that you can do stuff outside again. you will find it after a short chat with the family they missed. paolo move on to jake, how the new house is coming along. the building belongs to a group of people who inherited. the place has been empty for 2 decades, and has to be renovated from the ground up. the victoria's dream house is surrounded by greenery. because there is little demand for housing in tiara, the victoria were able to rent the place for a song seeing it now. it's hard to believe they'll move in in 3 weeks. they said that they need about 10 more days and that they really quite fun. let's hope that they manage it's actually on the he and he's
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a patient of living in a health surrounded by wild fig trees is a major thing with support that he got as well as the stores going to be replaced with the glass. wanted to find a big living room will be here, a large space where the kids can play even when it's cold. very jo, gotta the builders finally show up. they're putting a new floor in the house and giving everything a new coat of paint. the owners are paying for it, and small companies specializing in the building trades are benefiting from the new people moving in. they getting a lot more work. no, i don't want to go, but i do. i do get a me anytime on we've got a service corporate, if you work from the 1st time and they let you into the hospital and toyota and they can live there for the 1st day. the industry johnny bought their houses to of course were making habitable again after they've
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stood vacant for many years and it will increase, it works clusters and painters. so things are happening. see more, paolo has to go to pick the children up from school. he really doesn't like to dwell on the time in naples ready for answer for where it's really different. but let me ask, what are the naples when you go to get the kids that you have to cope with being stuck in traffic mall good, but the roundabouts delights smug, talking problems and loads of other probable hassle. and as a result, you complain about your life and you don't really with god much because you just have to do what you have to do. i mean, but here it's all different because you're in new, empty st. trees and fresh private domain. they wouldn't know where ya to be. born at was a good. i don't know,
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man. what about you the 1st day? what did you play there? you don't know, but it was a great game. did you ever play? what should we do with the backpack? the dad net no backpack. that's a handbag. that's right. hand bag to your a man stefano serena. seize the scenes of every day family life as a victory in the battle to save the life of his community. but a more faith total of be. i'm all school is where we 1st told the effects of all programs you know to the regional educational therapies, told us we would see teaching children from several age groups altogether. in one class, they bought a cell s corps. the new arrivals that we've been able to avoid that as well as the
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glass things to the 7 new families that move to tiara. the school can continue to operate as it has in the past. but there are still lots of empty buildings in the center of town. could selling these for one euro be another opportunity to improve taylor as future. like as narrows the new one year a project further reduces the real estate assets of the community. and when you give someone something like that gallery, then there isn't an obligation for the buyers to live in the community to be that we need families living, not 5 days a year. i mean, we need families. that would be part of our society and help us to keep our services. we step so that we're developing in a way that gets us back to normal life. 07 families from all around the world. settled in taylor and they are all a new passport holders and come from naples sicily, argentina, brazil,
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and england. there's also a family that has fled from syria. so milles one year old houses and also made the place a nexus of many cultures. most of the buyers come from abroad and only vacation here. yet here it's less a matter of repopulating the village synergies of rescuing the villages, old bricks and mortar. the viewing to us of the great from moulton is coming to an end. sarah cooper and her friends have looked at a dozen old houses. everyone says the tour was a really special experience exhausted. they recount their experiences in a truck to ria a fish feed me if i just see
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the potential in the properties that you can do for the money the the area, like i said already a very nice area. i think it be nice if the future might be the best being one you were you, when you think it'd be like a nice way of writing the coaches, the own heritage of the great scheme to keep the properties going they still have to make the final decision about buying a house here,
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but they say they're sure to come back to me with so many, no matter what. back into aura, the victoria family has moved into their new home. everyone is happy that the building work is finished on time. now there's favoring a quiet life in a natural setting. motor in naples, by contrast, there being violent demonstrations against the lakers locked down. the victorious st news like that makes them certain moving was the right choice. the schools in tiara are also closed now, but paulo is the professor of education and he's determined that learning will continue together with other parents. he's organizing some improvised teaching sessions. after all, there's plenty of space. everyone is relieved that they're out in the countryside. if we're logged down again, but around us as fresh air and trees like we can go outside to put it. life is
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completely different here. it's another world, a whole new way of learning. new and out of my dream in the green woods for menches to feel right at home in t or a to the family is making long term plans for life in southern italy. they want to open a restaurant. we'll fish and chips be on the menu at any rate that would be something new and different for a long time. local yorkshire put in what we're not sure. actually, we've looked into different things. i mean, and one last question shit. so i suppose well, we won't be doing the pizza, we won't be selling piece to the italians which we dealing with. and so there is a possibility to show these projects the reversing rural lexitas and doing it with an international plan. the mayor is shipping his new flood around town. tiara has
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gained 31 new residents from 4 countries. thanks in part as well to the corona pandemic. the trend towards working from home is here to stay. it could be that many and abandoned, out of the way place in europe could fill with new life. ah, the news? the news, the news.
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the news. the news, the news, the news. the news. he's going to understand the world better. we need to take a closer look excuse
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me, returning to nature. returning to the past. returning to marverly. nicole truly explores dumb stock and the open for it's always worth it. the are off the beaten path. checking in 60 minutes on the w. o. tips for your bucket, the magic corner spots and some great help from the mortgage to boot w travel off we
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go. oh, the how it case feels the jewish life in europe went home producer, lona and journalist cooper, mont more exploring, delving into history and the present. i would never think you could be live so openly and so freely and constantly remind myself i grew up in a completely different way. it's broad. it's florida station,
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jewish and yours. the 2 port documentary starts july 5th on dw, i, ah, the who's the stay that we news lives from berlin. miami keep searching for victims and answers as 9 deaths are confirmed. hopes be for more than $150.00 people still missing after the collapse of an apartment walk safety issues at the building were detective years ago. so the big question now is, could this tragedy have been prevented? also coming up, frances far right comes up short and the 2nd round of regional election feeling
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a blow to leader marine. and presidential ambitions will get more from our correspondent impair. plus an evening of suspense and surprises, the euro. 2020 belgium and portugal dream of back to back titles, while the czech republic knocked down the netherland, awe, and called foolish welcome to the progress. was it negligence that led to the collapse of a florida apartment block after it became known that an engineering report warned of major structural damage 3 years ago, questions are being raised about the safety of the building. meanwhile, officials have confirmed 9 deaths, but 4 days after the accident. more than 150 people are still unaccounted for.
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the every minutes of this painstaking rescue operation is crucial. but for days there have been no new signs of life. emergency crews have struggled to contain a fire, smouldering deep within the wreckage. despite the odds, rescuers aren't giving up, sped on by knocking sounds reverberating from deep down in the rubble. our top priority now continues to be search and rescue. we continue to have hope. we're continuing to search. we're looking for people alive in the rebel. that is our priority and our teams have not stopped. but after so long that good news. many realize they weren't see their loved ones. again. a prayer vigil has been held for the dead with worship is praying for those still missing public rodriguez says his mother and grandmother would likely asleep in their apartment when the 12 story
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block came crashing down at times it complete the station and then you know, there's periods of disbelief where you get a little calm, just saying all the fit in, and it's impossible if it's a real nightmare building don't collapse. they don't fall. so for the building to be at a point where it just collapses on itself, without anybody knowing anything about it is very, that's the part that angers just how a high rise apartment block could collapse without warning is what miami or sorry t, and now asking themselves but they may indeed have been a warning, a report from 3 years ago, revealed major structural damage to the building federal investigative, and now looking into the causes of the tragedy. and the mayor has announced an audit of old buildings over 40 years old. relative, continue the anguished wait for their loved ones to return. as their hopes dwindle,
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the demand for answers will only grow stronger and joined now by the delay a correspondent stefan simons in washington, chef and welcome. the top priority continues to be search and rescue. israeli and mexican rescuers have arrived at the site. but after such a long time, is there really still hope to find people alive? i think this is what the driving, driving forces. he has to hope for the families, they grow frustrated increasingly with increasing death all and time increasing. there is more frustration that with families time spent by the $350.00 plus rescue workers. this is the single biggest operation reset, search and rescue operation in the history of the state of florida for a single event like this. not talking about hurricanes here. this is a state wide thing, but 370 people on the ground rescue workers. and as you said, now, is there any teams and mexico teams, those are experts,
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they really top of the line. so they are all driven by hope. and i think this is all, there is ways, again increasing the toll and the time this is day for of all this. and they will be there 5 in the day 6. they will be also, as you mentioned in the piece, now an investigation. and what has happened, of course, how did this happen? this is the big question. how is this possible? and of course people, everybody is looking for answers. exactly. we now know that there were warnings about major structural damages in the building already 3 years ago, but do we know why nothing was done about it? yeah, we don't, and that is the 2nd question is on everybody's mind. i know of a senior legal counsel to the homeowner association of this building, who stated that this building passed all inspections to date. now what inspections? i don't know. we don't know. and yes, you're right. there was a report. this report said, hey,
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there's significant trouble here. you've got to look into this and it has to be fixed. that needs to be done. we're talking not super glue here, we're talking structural damage. we're talking real, real, real fixed to structural damage and rust heavy rust in the robot system of this billy. that means 1000000 and for millions of dollars, investment to keep this building up to code hasn't happened. we don't know. and who know who knew what we don't know that either, but you can be sure that everybody, everybody, every federal state, county city, municipal, there investigators, they will be looking into this and i assume people will be held accountable if it is determined that this is somebody's fault or a group of people fault. 17 months from washington, many thanks. in france, the far right national rally party has suffered a resounding blow in the 2nd round of regional elections. the anti immigration party barely secured 20 percent of the vote nationally and failed to win control of
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any region. the result is seen as a setback for presidential hopeful marking the president them on my call. centrist party also fared poorly, failing to improve its disappointing showing from the 1st round. traditional party have come out on top and the selection, which was marked by voter apathy. earlier, we asked our corresponding lisa lewis in paris when she makes of these results. this election has also shown that actually these traditional parties that were thought about had died after 2017 run my call per that in my call one, the presidential elections defeated the traditional parties, but they have shown that they actually still exist. and that also shows, you know, despite the record extension that oppose in this country doesn't, don't seem to be accurate always. and that's why some analysts tonight say, you know, even though there is no reconnection between the regions, the departments were also elections took place over the past few days. but there is,
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you know, you can say with these selections, that polls that have predicted a certain result, especially that marine append party would win several regions that these polls are always correct. and maybe the poll for next year in 2022 won't be correct either. these polls for now, i saying that my corporate, my call and marina penn, from the far right party, we'll get into the 2nd run off site. but that's not really certain anymore tonight . let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. the british government says it's investigating how classified defense documents were found by a member of the public at a bus stop. and papers discussed russia as possible reaction to britain's mess defender warship traveling through ukrainian waters off crimea. the ministry of defense said an employee had reported losing the document the mayor of the eastern city of bennie and the democratic republic of congo as declared
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a curfew following 3 bomb attacks over the weekend. a bomb exploded in a catholic church on sunday, injuring to women. hours later a bar was the size of a suicide bombing. city officials blame islamists, militants for the violence. at least 7 people were killed and dozens of others injured and an explosion in the bangladesh. the capital dot com blast occurred on the ground floor of a 3 story building and a busy mug. bizarre area, 7 other buildings and 3 buses were damaged. the cause of the explosion was not immediately no and the euro 2020 hold is portugal or out after they lost to belgium in the round of 16 target, as are made the difference with us to per long range goal in the 1st half belgium held on despite losing key players to injury, meaning portugal relinquish their hold on the european championship trophy
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and to talk some more about the extent of the title holders. anthony howard is here from d. w. sports. anthony, did you see this one coming? if you look at the strength of the building sport, you can say it's a shock because you look through the nines romilly, the cock kevin, to bro. another has brothers, it's a really, really strong team. i want you to think of it asking christiana christiana, now that the same, he's going to be shocked. an extremely disappointed of what's the last half hour of this time, and they chasing that goal and you're looking at right now the just expecting it to come. he's going to do something 5 champion leagues waiting for that moment where he was going to take over and we'll his team. i've a luck. he's done 100 times before. the next question is now for now though he's gonna be $39.00 at the next tournament. it's the only guy, i'm probably going to say that at $39.00, i think he's going to be that. i think it can be there. his body is actually temple to christiana. he's going to take care of himself, the desires there. and he's going to get into that tom brady territory just going on and on toward the 40. so i don't think it's christiano as last dance at the euros. i think he'll be back for another try. after kicking out the reigning
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champions. do you think belgium has what it takes to steal or crown? yeah, i think i do. i mean, on paper that we're a lot of people's pick. anyway, we talked a little bit about the squad and that quote was in gall, makes it really strong at the back as well. one footnote to come out of tonight and the note of caution in this goal of them going forward to when the, when the whole thing injuries come out of this. so kevin, to brian did an ankle injury in the, at the end of the 1st half. it has also picked up a knock. he's had, he's troubles at rail madrid during the year. you need luck to win these major tournaments and you need that timing of everything coming together. it's all going to be about timing as to whether they get it back now. so you, you look forward to italy on saturday, meaning which is going to be a huge time, amazing occasion. it's going to be about really those take a place to like, come back, kevin, to bro. and it has odd if it all comes together physically for them. it's hard to say why not, but it'll be a huge test. all right, anthony howard w's 1st. thank you very much. thank you. and the czech republic have
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also reached the quarter finals. after a surprise when over the netherlands in budapest, when he has the last red card early in the 2nd half turned the game in the check favor. and they capitalized on their numerical advantage to win to nail. actually just a couple of hours by car, from the check border to budapest, though it's no surprise really, that fans traveled to hungry and there drove and later hailed a spectacular performance by their team. do hughes, the tramps, and walks from the stadium. the check invasion, celebrating the sweetest the victory. okay. perfect. ah. i think people perfect sounds very good. i like these my 1st much in chickering players were just as static that goes from too much honish and puts
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a chick with the dutch to the sword. misquoted me, his unreal. no, it's a dream, but i'm yes, and it was the best game of my life with this is the euros and has the check national team right though it just came out of lots of funds in the stands and it was a great game. i enjoyed the little plus symbol descriptive up us. how does the studio the dutch struggled after mathias, the legs read cards for them, it was another bitter disappointment and their weight to win. the 1st major trophy since you $88.00 goes on. i hope we were very optimistic, but no, we're ashamed. losing to know to check with public shouldn't be possible. funny. it's a shame we didn't play well. i think we're finally allowed to watch football from the stands again. and then this happens. but the night belong to the checks we played denmark in the quarter finals and will know surely fear no one and this weaker half of the draw. well, it wasn't all bad news today for the netherlands in formula one red bulls max us
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stop and has won the syrian ground, free in austria, increasing the pressure on raining world champion louis hamilton. that's been started in poll position and never relinquished his lead. he took the checkered flag ahead of hamilton, whose teammates on very bottom, rounded the podium places of stuff and increases his lead over hamilton and the driver standing to 18 point and tennis players. serena williams has announced she will not be taken part in the tokyo olympics. thing, there were several reasons for her decision. williams has one for olympic gold medals with the 1st coming all the way back at the 2000 games in sydney. she won 3 of those metals alongside her sister, venus, and the doubles several other stars, including raphael and adult, have also said they will not be traveling to tokyo. are watching the news
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reporter is up next with the story of the soccer coach helping refugees in greece. we'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour. in the meantime, remember, you can get all the latest news on our website. that is d w dot com and make sure to also follow us on social media. i'm the confirmation from me and the entire team here in berlin. thank you so much for your company. was who's against the corona virus pandemic. now is the rate of infection in developing what measures are being taken with? what does the latest research say? information and context clues, recent data,
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special monday to friday on d. w. i was secret. lie behind me was the discover new adventures in 360 degree and explore the fascinating world heritage site. the d w. world heritage 360 get the app now me ah oh me. if i sponsor the soccer coach down to his bones, he's achieved are more than just mentoring successful youth teams on the greek island of black bus. spinal has set up a soccer club just for refugees on the island. thanks to his efforts. young
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refugees like paws from camera room can dream of professional sports careers. the ah there's little left of the moria refugee camp, unless posts more than 12000 people lived here for a while in and around the camp until that burned down in september of 2020 sometime the noise i don't like. for years in moria, he doesn't like looking back on a time that was difficult for him to do laundry. was film the raging blades with a cell phone. he was able to get to safety and time the. 7
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he's returned to mario to see if you can find traces of his life here. but at 1st all he picks up our medical records from former camp occupants. he's shot thought jordan. no, no, no, control of your head. yes . before he fled, ploy was also tortured in home country. cameroon. he says he didn't get any medical help in moria, and then there was the violence weren't even safe in your own tent. he came to sledge my fault. we have to fight and you see i have some scratches in my body. the man's will fought with him for with him. we didn't want to get by
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my phone, so we're so skid. then he finds the spot where he used to bed down. this is mike, cough i remember this is my golf. i. i got it forms pianos. so yvonne gallo spanners is probably the best known football coach on less bus and pause savior thanks to spine is no longer living in one of the camps. but as a member of the elite co soccer team, a local island squad just missed promotion to greece, a 2nd leak this year. that's success. to the new team members. 3 young refugees from africa and spinal cord. not everyone approves of his efforts to help refugees on the island was some greek parents have already taken their children off of spinal. so youth teams,
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it was a problem. but i decide okay, doesn't matter. i'm doing. i'm also a physical educator or not. so i have to teach people not only for sports, but also for me have your work for values for all these things. spinal c major soccer, talent, and paul that would make a professional career possible. but until he made it in the big league and all the training sessions was fine. often if he can drink the fire at moria spinal in his protege had been inseparable when the coach saw smoke rising over the island, he went to look for paul. immediately. i went back with my god, i took on all the ill, his things and also
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a bicycle in mike. and i said to him again because police was out and i said to him, go and they had some. they were waiting for you to kill him. and after some hours, again, we did after training today, all doesn't need to get a ride back to a refugee camp from one of his teammates. now he lives with other players in this former hotel. never again will we have to cope with insect and hours of waiting for food instead, he's got a full meal plan and a proper bed because he's made it into a support program for gifted athletes. boy says he has spawn us and got to think. sure this is my bible. like it, i see my name, younger bull on it. this is my email. this is my with the i go to
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bible. the bible is the only thing he has left it after a month long odyssey to escape political violence and his homeland showed my burial fight in front of me. i was like a chart between these 2 bad so bad for me. and on top of what i did spawn was helps them forget and so to soccer nasty cosmos as the name of the refugee team, the young people come from the car to tip a refugee camp twice a week for practice. for the mostly unaccompanied miners. it's one of the few opportunities to get out of the camp. they say conditions and cut a tape are better than they were in moria, but they are still severely lacking. it can take years for an asylum claim to be processed in greece. the youngsters know that they can get a residence permit increase more quickly if they're successful with soccer ball has
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showed them the way since he has begun playing in a 3rd leak team and started working as an assistant coach for cosmos. he's become an example. paul really is unhappy that the afghans and africans wait separately before practice. much of course, most does more than contribute to understanding among the refugees. i know i know i know the sports and also promot sympathy among greek for the frequently traumatized foreigners. no, i know, i know we can give them here. we can change their behaviors so we can make them better, better be the best ones. so when they're in the society in the community, it will be very easy for them to speak with local people and local people to check to see that they are the same with us. they're not listen again,
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a new players introducing himself to spinal today. he too, is fled from cameras. if you played before, you entered the line. come on, but he's here. he's allowed to join in the end was banos has yet to turn someone away. nobody was out today spinal st. paul, are having the youngsters focus on conditioning. all of them are working as hard as they can, because the president of the thirdly team leakers has said he'd be there. let's get the rest. he's a business man, was hoping to make good deals with possible tre destinations for talented players. so we get the best, but today he doesn't have anything with him that that would mean a speedy escape from life in a refugee camp. maybe a residential program if we had like a who's a registered play can play anywhere in greece anywhere. you know,
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if he's good enough to play someone, identify, select them is free to go play anywhere he wants. so that's, that's the process we try to help as much as we can. the reality is there's only a small number of players that through yet another shadow on the dreams of the cost . most players always made it. for the moment, les post is only supposed to be a stop along the way, he dreaming of playing for a professional club in a major european city, like in germany or france. poor like going to the early cross cafe and people like seeing him there. but he's also experienced racism and if you push maybe a good to a coffee shop, this huge is on in a way like that. you find out why they're going. i want to see they're leaving ok. the refugee controversy unless versus continuing. the european union
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is planning a new center to take them in, but most of the locals are opposed to it as we were against the new candidate. so we don't want everyone coming in then, you know, like, you know, you know, we don't have any factories will work. what am i supposed to do here? if the germans have too much money, then they should take them in and become used to the fact that not all greeks like to see him playing soccer and at some moment he misses his family. i think that it was really painful when he visited a training camp with an american player. it came up with the team. like when i started claim no, i look at how they were like luckily
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for poor and the other soccer players. unless both they still have spawn us, he's tirelessly working on their behalf. even the european soccer association us has in the meantime began to support fc cosmos. in 2015 spinal won the great championship with a youth team from the a g and islands. there was talk of making him the coach of the national youth team . didn't happen maybe because he was known as the refugee coach. meanwhile, the 55 year old says he wouldn't trade his work with the youngsters from the camps with any other job. they've been fed these 3 races for me and my wife and they brought it here so i can see after 2 years and now is summer. we have the study here. and we, we saw people growing, we saw people changing, we saw people laughing. and when they are coming here,
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kids and in every age they are very angry. so and every day by day we are looking them smiling, working, talking we out as this is nice, this nice un ah, a former player is still there for his boys. even after he sent them on to other clubs in greece, or they've moved on to other places in europe. they don't forget. even if the coach couldn't make all their dreams come true, he's brought humanity back to the soccer pitch on the refugee island does less. ah
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ah, the me, he's going to understand the world better. we need to take a closer look. oh, excuse me, returning to nature. returning to the path. returning to marvelling. nicole freely explores dumb stuff and the odin for it is always worth it. severe off the beaten path. the trick is
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in 30 minutes on d w. they will make things love banning things away from my own and everyone with lead a hold and everything. getting you ready to meet again and then join me, rachel, do it on the w, touched forest and dying trees. germany is feeling the heat of climate change. what can be done to help plum trees, for example, the pan african green belt movement has long away and can medical research be conducted without laboratory mice. all that and more coming up the to tomorrow to gain.


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