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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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it's always worth it. severe off the beaten chicken in 30 minutes on d w. they want to make the gen came in love batting thing away. i'm not going to my own car. everyone was laid open every day. getting you ready to meet the gym and then join me, rachel, do it on the w. touched forest and dying trees. germany is feeling the heat of climate change. what can be done to help plum trees, for example, the pan african green belt movement has along the way and can medical research be conducted without laboratory mice. all that and more coming up
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the talking to tomorrow, today you will find on d w mice all by far the most common laboratory animal. especially bread for this purpose for around a century. without them many medical breakthroughs wouldn't have been possible. for instance, lab might have been used to study the immune system, as well as in cancer research and drug development. in the russian city of novels appears, a monument has even been erected in their honor. so there are no alternative lab mice as to indispensable to trying to think research. ah, ah, this me, as does invaluable work at the max planck institute for molecular genetics,
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berlin ah, it helps the scientists here gain insights into congenital malformations. today it's due to be inspected by professor stefan mont los and his team. at 1st glance, it looks just like any other regular mass. but then you notice that the 4 of its toes are missing. it was also one to find out what causes this kind of developmental defect or the most the mouse is a useful object to study because of how closely we can track its development of way . but ultimately we're investigating a human disease and the human fenner type as we call it. and it's about patients who exhibit similar developmental defects in leisure and thinking the researchers use genetic engineering to create the defect altering mass genes, so their offspring are born with abnormalities. the mice now have the same genetic
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defect as professors patients at the shower to university hospital. they have, we can see how similar the changes are when the 2 side to complete a different, which is typical because the physical expression varies widely. or you can see several thing is missing here. the other 2 are missing. on the other side, they're only partially developed and they're also partially fused on don't know why the fresh medicine when does this in contents quite similar to what we see appear in the mouse. but i'm also genetic comparisons of sick and healthy might help the scientists figure out the exact cause and preconceived amount formations. busy the max planck institute lab has its own facility for breathing. the animals. the 1st bar 2 mice were bred in the early 20th century. they've since been involved in various medical breakthroughs, such as the development of insulin, antibiotics and cancer treatments like their counterparts in the wild,
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they have a natural curiosity and a rapid reproduction race. what makes them ideal test subjects? are there genetic similarities to human? scientists use genetic scissors to alter masses, genetic makeup by switching particular genes on or off, or introducing new genetic materials. over the decades, the institute standard lab mazda spawn hundreds of new genetic lines, including my so the predisposition for diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer. ah, the aim is to decipher the genetic causes of malformations and diseases that might have been key to a host of nobel prize winning research projects. the mice at the institute for molecular genetics are used for basic research. after almost half of old test animals, the other half are used to develop drug treatments or vaccines. each animal experiment here has to be approved and deemed essential for resolving scientific questions.
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but the moral dilemma remains. is it right for us to conduct tests on animals which result in pain distress and even death? currently is often no effective alternative stefan month lows. feeling a come on love, which was a lot of tests can be done using cell coaches these days. it's measuring the toxicity of various substances. for instance, noir may be covered when it comes to developing new drugs. you have to see what it does to an entire organism booked. and some of those effects are hard to predict the effect, the hard to d, montgomery for years. and that's why there isn't really a viable alternative. it does. and of course, when you order tissues is a spin off, developed at the berlin technical university, it's teams develop chips that could take the place of animals and drug trials that contain miniature versions of human organs. this is stamped by this is chip to which currently has liver and bone marrow cells. we hope it will replace animal
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experiments in drug development. we also have chip for where we can test all organs . and we're currently developing a chip for 10 organ. it's in oregon who the scientists isolate human cells, for example, from human blood, bone marrow, the intestines are the liver, and use them to make tiny organ emulators for drug testing, the researcher louise old myers check into quality of liver cells that have been ordered by a customer for tests, ah, computer item and labor. and right now i'm using a microscope to examine my liver cells which i keep them different media. now one day 7, i'm looking at how they're doing and they look quite lively. and so i'm happy of the fibrous ah, lapse supervisor. alexandra lawrence, shows us how the chip works. has a micro pump that conveys
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a blood like nutrient solution from one miniature, oregon to the next. this simulates processes that take place in the human body. ah, maybe it can, we can put some of the junk into chip and because we use human cells, we can gauge the effectiveness far better than in animal experiments. dickson later than an animal experiments. that's yes, this is more effective. the organ ship is placed in an incubator as a temperature of $37.00 degrees celsius. the start of hope, these chips will soon make drug trials and many other animal experiments redundant . but the multi organ ship won't be able to test the impact of genetic mutations. for that there's still no alternative to lab mice. ready i if i was let, is read, why can you have a science question you'd like us to send it in?
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if we featured on the show, you'll get a little surprise from us as a thank you. come on, just this leads to the question comes from veronica in mexico. why is learning to love yourself so important? feel health takes the babies. what do they have to do to be loved? nothing were practically hard wired to find them lovable. but soon were expected to be great at school, then learned an amazing job that pays heaps of money. when to top it off, was supposed to look fabulous to people make demands on as we make demands on ourselves. one thing we said our expectations sky hi. thinking if we liked that my it will feel good about ourselves. but often that's a house of cons when it comes to self. esteem varies and study says that young
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people tend to be very critical of their appearance because they compare themselves to others, or believes that others find them ugly nor ex, in alcohol abuse, burn out and depression. many people who suffer from mental health issues also find it hard to love themselves. why? because something's missing. and that's a good relationship with ourselves. the relationship in which we're aware of our own needs and treat ourselves with loving care. loving itself doesn't mean that you worshipped the ground. you walk on the bed excepting yourself as you just like we accept the people we love the way they want sound. all so how can we do that?
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step one accepts how you feel and how you look, be okay with it right now in this very moment. therapists also recommend we reflect so many amazing things our bodies do for us every day. you might end up feeling something like gratitude and joy in the moment, which is a good step on the path to learning to love yourself. ah, you can find more fascinating stories from the world of times on our website. and on twitter, the every year, millions of heck to the rain forest are lost in 2020 even more disappeared in the year before. many products contain tropical wood. but where is that from labels on certified goods are supposed to make their origin more transparent. but does that make them agreement to with another
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tree is being cut down and one of the world's primeval forests, the wood harvested from them qualifies for certification by the forest stewardship council. even though old growth forests a crucial to the health of the planet, the fee is an international organization committed to sustainable forest management . them also proclaimed forest for all, for ever. there is the man who to the bridge to make sure the force is helpful. a lot of customers who buy s s c certified products, choose them because they believe it's for a good cause. it is actually true nature conservation expert, a bush has carried out a scientific analysis of the f s. c. certification system does f a c z good did
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fill the f. a c label stands for woods that has been harvested in a variety of ways. it might come from a huge, clear cutting in old growth forest. from eucalyptus plantations in rain forest areas could be in a logical terms. it doesn't necessarily mean responsible forest management for those. so consumers shouldn't be led to expect that get pushed. the d. c is made up of 3 chambers, each with an equal voice, but very different interest, indigenous peoples, environmental organizations, and the timber industry. ah, why do you logging companies have a say in the s s these management criteria? we couldn't get an interview with the f s c global h q, but talk to the head of it's german branch. that's a face kind of to see is not
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a conservation label. label that tries to take the realities of our world into account when it comes to generating this valuable resource would as a renewable raw material that entails maintaining ecological standards, while at the same time, respecting social concerns. as far as the f s. c is concerned that only works the lumber industry also has the same. and that's why even tropical timber from the peruvian rain forest can get the f s. c, seal of approval. the stipulations include cutting down no more than one tree on an area. the size of a football page every 20 years. that conservation group say that even selective logging is harmful. so the delicate rain forest ecosystem on that still is brazil. the wood harvested from the eucalyptus plantations is also fsd certified in return . the timber companies have to meet the various commitments, including preserving the last remaining old growth forests in the region.
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eucalyptus is native to australia. it's fast growth makes it popular. but plantations like this are harmful to the ecosystem. they reduce diversity and extract mostly from the soil than domestic trees. the timber is still f. s the certified because the industry has pledged to mitigate the negative impact name, the science ecological standards. there are socialist use, such as indigenous land use, right and workplace safety. there are also environmental issues like safeguarding waterways and ground water and reducing pesticide use. competitive middle ends at sweeten is also home to ober forests the trees here, mainly harvested by clear cutting the timber they supply tends to be far less valuable than tropical woods. and that's why the focus here is on quantity, not quality areas that were until recently blanketed entries,
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hundreds of years old. a stripped bare, ah, an old green forest clear cut, but even this timber is se certified. why? because s s t rules are designed to also take the host countries economic interests into accounts. in return, the login companies must meet ecological requirements that the f s. c has deemed reasonable to determine whether the f s police system helps protect forest. p. s. e bush and his team traveled to an old growth forest and russia and for the certified, clear counting is also committed in the candles greek and the research is compared areas with and without the f s. c label. they found that clear cutting in line with f s c criteria brings no ecological benefits and it has a serious impact on old growth forests. is in,
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in the region we're studying, we can say with relative certainty that the old growth forest will eventually be depleted. the next inflation for leon, as don flayson, so the areas left where the forest might be able to grow again, given fives, to its value, the land grows hotter and dryer. we may end up seeing lessing damage to the ecosystem initiated to go just because the samsung scientists like p, f e. bish, and many conservation groups are opposed to any logging in old growth forests. they want the priority to be sustainability. the current f. s. the rules don't meet that demand. that's why it says that certification labeled onto enough to protect the forests. and listen, we had to reduce wood consumption, companies cutting down primeval forests in russia, paper, tissues,
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and toilet paper is completely unacceptable. was there so the whole and sustainable forest management also means asking what the wood is useful. flushing old growth forest down the toilet is anything but green, even if the wood is certified in many parts of the world, the impact of deforestation can no longer be overlooked. it increases global warming and contribution to swell erosion and desertification. for more than 40 years, the green belt movement has been fighting to preserve forests. it was founded by kenyan scientist, one god, my tie, w series, african really tells his story in a very special way. this is canyon biologist, one gary my time during
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a visit to our home village in the 1900 seventy's. and she noticed that local women have very little firewood and water to cook with a situation that how they're thinking back to her own childhood back then, the surrounding hills were covered with forests and the streams slowed with water. the trees were later cut down to make way for you, farmland, wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. one gary, my tie decided to take action by planting trees to prevent thought erosion and keep the areas water sources from drying up. her work held revitalized the mansion regions and benefits of the entire country. my tie was a member of kenya's national council of women, and they also got on board. in 1977, she founded the green belt movement tree planting,
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campaign went on to attract high profile support in 1998 and a protected urban forest in the heart of nairobi was to be cut down for commercial development on gary. my tie was raged. she and other women from the green belt movement took their protests to construction site that side career a forest, which had been set up an order. the president daniel, are up malloy. they spent months mobilizing public support, other groups joined to protest. president moire refused to budge and sent in right police. the protests turned into violent confrontations. several protesters, including my tie, were injured. eventually, president more relented and ordered construction be stopped. and the activists made plans to restore the foreign lawyers when gary, my tie was convinced that planting trees helped secure people's livelihoods. in
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2004, she was awarded the nobel peace prize. when one gary my tie, died in 2011. she was honored with the state funeral and more and around the world . her legacy is a green belt movement whose message is gone, global. the in honor of one god in my time a tree was also planted in germany after head back then it was purely a symbolic gesture. but now germany too has a problem with drought and the russian in 2020 was classified as being the countries drought in a rough cut planting trees and farmers fields help save german agriculture
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no time a tool. it's a couple 1000 trees from that there's $25.00 per bundle if the real human is has big plans. she's hoping to see each of these cuttings grow into a fully grown tree in the middle of her parched fields. with the help of agricultural engineer, michelle invites, she'd already planted some poplar cuttings 2 months ago, but they didn't survive the spring time drought. a frustrating sit back. it's unusual. this 50 percent failure rate. right now it's tough on whatever that's happening. we've never seen that before. not even the extremely dry summer of 20182019. then in the spring at least the ground was moist enough. the force describe that this is you can see the way that it's just too dry. it's like a sand bulk. was on the thing,
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it's nothing to fear. so now we just plant them deeper and using shoots that definitely reach down to the lower and moisture layers of soil and enforced on boarding systems. and the dried out samplings will be replaced. the concept they're following is acro forestry, incorporating trees into farming systems, to mitigate the effects of drought. this part of ne, germany is among the triumphs in the country. maria jimenez wants to be sure she is prepared for the likelihood of even dryer weather to come. when the case, if everything turns out as we hope the trees will help us to store water in the fields flashing of flesh. by the point, what's in the trees, sit down very deep roots and extract water from the lower layers of soil on with the evaporation. the entire area is cool down some watch q, and that makes it more likely that the crops between them will thrive. the trees will also help create humorous and protect the soil from erosion which also
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benefits the crops. agro forestry or a mix of agriculture and forestry is a promising concept in the fight against climate change. experts say that germany, for example, is likely to see not less rain, but 6 percent more. but in the winter, trees can help store that water for the summer when it's really needed. but acro forestry hasn't caught on widely yet. and part because it doesn't receive government funding, kansas enough. when you are applying for assistance, you can get funding to plant trees on farm and. and if you plant too many trees, you'll lose your fund and status. there are all sorts of disincentives that discourage farmers from creating agri, forestry system. everything we're doing here is possible because we're not farmers where outsiders has been fortunate enough to acquire some land land. so that
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because maria human is, is an artist, find prevention, but also manages this farm, just south of berlin. so far without state support in 2007 agro forestry was included in the european union's rural development program. but germany hasn't implemented it yet. in contrast to france, where the number of trees planted on farmland has increased significantly, studies have shown that 100 heck tears of agro forestry land produced the same yield as 140 hector of conventionally farmed land. still adding trees does make fields more productive if the saplings take root and about the saplings do get stressed when there's a summer drives that could happen here if we don't get more rain and so will the little poplar trees survive this summer? this time around it's been 5 weeks since they
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planted the pump, our cuttings in the sandy soil, south of berlin. so how are they doing? they hadn't met in recent weeks. we've had more rain than in the last 2 years. a lot by our standards. but it's still not enough. the ground is still as dry as the desert talking, but it was enough for the trees. and almost all the new ones we added have growing leads. they've been growing very nicely. decent allocation of ex all that stands in the way of the young trees now is couched grass. but they don't use herbicides and instead do the weeding by hand poplars grow quickly, though these still need a few more years. but eventually, maria minnows hopes the poplars will provide her fields with much needed water and shade. even when there is no rain.
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ah, that's all for today. we'll be back next week with another edition of tomorrow today. until then, bye bye. ah, the news . the news, the news, the news,
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the news, the news the news me returning to nature, ah, returning to the path. returning to marvelling. nicole truly explores dumb, stuck in the open for it is always worth it. severe off the beaten path
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in coming up on dw. ah 2021 venice architecture be and how will we live together on d w. ah, excuse me. how does the virus spread? why do we panic? and when will all of this 3 of the topics that we covered and i weekly radio
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if you would like me for information on the kronos virus or any other to find topics, you should really check out our podcast. you can get it wherever you get your podcast. you can also find us at ww dot com slash science today. can you hear me now? yes, yes, we can hear you. and how is german thompson? we bring you to a mac or and you've never had had before, right? just so would who is medical really want move and want to talk to people who follow along the way. admirers and critics alike. and how is the world's most powerful woman changing her leg is be joining us for macro glass. it's about billions. ah, it's about power. it's about the foundation of an order. the
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new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. also in europe, china is promises partners, rich profits in europe is there's a sharp warning you want wherever accepts money from, the new superpower will become dependent on in china's gateways. europe starts july, 1st on dw me ah, this is e w nice. and these are the top stories. 9 people are confirmed dant, and more than 100. 50 still missing, as rescue teams work through the rubble of an apartment building that collapse in miami, florida. a fire also is also hindering rescue efforts, emergency teams from mexico and israel. all been deployed to help and questions are
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being raised about the building safety and engineering report released in 2018 reveal it has the viet structural damage.


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