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tv   Stonewall  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2021 1:03pm-1:45pm CEST

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since the early days in february, march, last year, it's made the worse because this was a largely avoidable and foreseeable crisis. but thanks to the very poor procurement and roll out of the vaccines, we don't have that strength to, to respond to the situation that emerging as the virus forces life to a standstill. australians can only hope that the vaccination rollout picks up speed soon of them on this. let's cross over to catherine james, a journalist in sydney, katherine in new clusters of cases across the country. what's behind that? that's right. as you heard the case numbers are relatively low, so we currently have 130 in sidney. the reason for stroke is locked down is that is caused by the delta variant, and that's happened. the last 12 days astray is tolerance for any cases is
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basically zeros. the same in the northern territory that lockdown is full cases. but again, with a much lesser equipped health system, they have locked down immediately. they do not want any further transmissions within the community. and so we're seeing that your tolerance recovered, bringing in these locked down and mainly so the crunch pack traces have time to get across the track, the right of transmission. so i understand only 5 percent of the strategy as population as so far been fully vaccinated. that's definitely not much compared to other highly developed countries. even germany is much further ahead. why is the figure so low? well as you mentioned earlier, the, the role that has been flo, the right of vaccinations that are arriving in the country every day has been small . and when you think about the threat level of striving was so low. so the, the urgency to go out and get back tonight is definitely not there. this situation
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of course, will change that people really do not feel that they want to be back and look down to like rebecca, the start. so that's going to be wrapped up the government, as you mentioned, is having an emergency meeting on monday out. that will be on the table in a very serious way. the state governments are pretty furious about it. the federal government has been in charge of that. they banked more on the astrazeneca vaccine and then the medical advice around that changed. so they are trying to ramp up the purchase and shipment of 5 vaccine. and a lot of people were waiting for that arrival of the find the vaccine for the people who is age 60 and under janet, catherine james, joining us from sitting there. thank you. thank you. now let's have a look at some of the other developments independent south africa has also re imposed corona virus restrictions to combat the search. and the delta variant presidents are on a post
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a band all gatherings except funerals and ordered travel restrictions and a ban on alcohol sales, south africa. maxine roland has been slow with less than 5 percent of the population population having received a job. one, malaysia is extending a nationwide locked on indefinitely as the number of infections remains high, the measures were meant to end on monday, but will not be maintained until daily cases fall below 4000. the government aims to have 10 percent of the population fully vaccinated by august. now russia is in the grip of a 3rd wave of the corona virus that is threatening to overwhelm the country's health service. the capital moscow has just recorded 124 death and one day from colbert 19 surpassing pandemic records that at the weekend and average of 20000 new infections being reported across the country. each day. the authorities are
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imposing strict new measures to come to the search as t w's eulley resettle reports. the st. petersburg city beach couldn't be busy with the temperatures about 30 degrees celsius. thousands of russians have come to the gulf or finland to escape the hard to weather and social distances. russia is in the middle of its 3rd quarter on the fires wave thanks to the rapidly spreading built barrier. the stories are sounding alarm is in you, you taishan accounts for almost 90 percent over the you gave them the situation with go with 19 explorer. if you have had record numbers of noon mortality statistics, i'm not going either here to do this has the record number. so just within one day to switch those to me at most officials are talking about more than $20000.00 new infections every day. most of them in moscow to get to the situation under control,
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the russian capital has re open field hospitals and built medical stations, especially for corona virus. all of the hospitals are quickly being re equipped to handle it 900 patients. but their main goal is to get more citizens vaccinated against of a 19 rational. so the 1st country in the world to get seemed to market with sport leak v. so far, however, only 10 percent of the population has been vaccinated. the government wants that to change by degree from now on. all companies in moscow must have at least 60 percent of their workforce vaccinated. and the other side of the mayor is right. everyone has to get vaccinated to stop the corona virus. each year. they shouldn't force on they should try to motivate us. jim, because i'm for love down in the virus will spread less quickly this way because
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everyone should be vaccinated at home and to get money for food the same time. then we will all be healthy movies. restaurants asked him open if only until 11 pm, but in the future, only people who have been vaccinated have a medical certificate showing as they have recovered or who has a negative p. c, r test, who will be allowed to eat there is there will have to scan a q r code issued by the moscow house authority published with a cheerleader. and of course, this means our turnover will be much lower, especially at the beginning until the customers have gotten used to it. but i think with each passing week will feel relief with more and more people getting vaccinated. so that was because it was. but even these unprecedented measures, i saw a cry from tough locked down the government, imposed last year as infections began to rise. biologist say it's a case of too little too late. and that 3rd wave could be arrested by
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an expert say the spread of the delta vary and is driving the cobra, $900.00 by some, several parts of the wood from one that i'm not joined. but dr. john campbell, he's health analyst based in england, joins us from carlyle. john, what's going on here? just a month or so ago, people in many parts of europe at least, were breathing a sigh of relief. and now this unfortunately, the u. k. seems to be leading your cont, indeed part of the world in the worst possible way at the moment. the cases in the u. k. the moment about 58 percent on the last 7 days and there was a similar rise in the 7 days before that. what's happened is there's been travel from india primarily from india into the u. k, but not single travelers, multiple travelers, many thousands of travelers. so what happened in the u. k, we've had multiple seeding events, many different feedings of the delta virus in different parts of the u. k. and i'm sad to say that from the u. k. it's also spreading to europe. so
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a lot of people went on holiday from the u. k because portugal was on the, on the green list for the catalog. people went to portugal. and now portugal unfortunately is leading the way in terms of increasing delta various numbers in europe. and because the delta variance is so much more transmissible household transmission is 64 percent higher with the delta value with the previous u. k. how for variance. and that's so much more contagious is now spreading around a radius about 95 percent or more of the cases in the u. k. and unfortunately, you are, pres, is following in this trajectory. and the percentage of delta vector into is pretty well doubling every week. unfortunately, across many european countries at the moment, john is delta, just more transmissible, is it also more dangerous? there's some early information from public health, england that shows that might be a slight increase in hospitalizations. now this isn't massive it's, it's
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a slight increase, but it's certainly more transmissible. what seems to be happening is when people are infected, that can be infected with a lower number of bible particles, but then they develop a much higher bible load. so the more of the high, a viable low that someone house means that coughing and breathing out more particles, but could also mean that that's somewhat more at risk of becoming severely. but it doesn't seem to be a massive effect, but it is a risk to bear in mind. quite right. infections on spike in across asia and africa lockdown. so coming back or being extended, do these regions not have enough vaccines? absolutely not. i mean, the vaccination rates in the united states, the united kingdom and europe a good and kind of does not too bad, industry is coming on. the rest of the world basically is sure to vaccines. now, china is doing well, china's vaccinating at very high rates listed, there's a lot of vaccine available. the uptake is very low for various reasons we've already discussed. but basically the rest of the world is very,
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very low vaccines. very low vaccination rates, even even in india, 70 something like 12 axis given per 100 people in india and other asian countries are particularly problematic at the moment. so for example, the delta variant is now spreading from india into bangladesh, which of course is imposing a week's locked out at a terrible cost to the local people who went bound with some web builder for to eat . but yeah, doing that. so this delta varies spreading in the lights of low vaccination numbers and because the delta varied you so much more transmissible, we need a much higher community or heard vaccination or immunity threshold to prevent and that's simply not there. so the vaccinations are losing out to the delta various in many asian countries. so pakistan, bangladesh, thailand, my, and mar malays, cambodia, file and all these countries unfortunately are going to be getting massively increasing cases over the next few weeks. and we know that even in some parts of
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time on the health facilities are very badly stretched. so let me talk briefly dare i say it looks like this pandemic is really gathering, seem all over it well in the countries which aren't vaccinated. i think that is true. you're the vaccinations of accelerated really, really quite well, it's not quite what it is in the u. k. in maine on europe at the moment it's increasing. and that combined with the some means i'm hopeful we will get the surgery in sickness hospitalizations. and in the u. k, we're still hoping to open up on the 19th of july. that is still the plan. they'll be more infections, but we're hoping that the link between infections and hospitalized nations and debts has been well and truly broken. you are heading that way, but many of the parts of the world are not. so there are definitely hospitalizations decks and overwhelmed health systems. and oxygen shortages and all these things, unfortunately look to look forward to, i'm afraid, over the next month or 2 in many parts of the world while we better keep our fingers crossed that health and was john campbell in england. thank you john. thank
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you. annual monsoon ryan has caused flooding along the river ganges in india and exposed hundreds of graves of corona, virus victims. most of the bodies are thought to be of people who died during a big rise in cases earlier this year. the discovery of fuel delegations that the indian government has concealed the true number of colbert 19 fatalities. a single body float found the ganges india's sacred river has turned into a graveyard. seasonal flooding has caused the river to swell, revealing hundreds of bodies, they mostly sought to be victims of india. second wave of coded 19 during a surgeon cases crematorium could not keep up with demand. the marble
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bodies was thrown into the river and were floating in the water. the local authorities arrange information for them because the water level in the river is rising. many bodies will end up in the water and there's a chance that the river will be contaminated with cremation, that families could not afford. and now being carried out on the river banks more than a 1000 corpses have washed up here. since may health professionals have accused the indian government of fudging its current of virus figures to hide the true death toll. the official number stands at nearly 400000. the hundreds of corpses emerging from the ganges suggest that number may be far higher. best work is coming through the rubble of a collapsed florida. apartment block say there is still hope of finding survivors
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more than 150 people are still unaccounted for. for days after the complex collapsed, the death toll is now at 9 relatives of the missing have been allowed to visit the side. mike noriega came looking for his grandmother, a 92 year old living alone my grand. when he got the, the devastation was right before him, and yet he couldn't believe it. we rushed over and got here around 2 30 am. and when we saw the scene, it just it was so hard to process them in the debris. they stumbled across a card, and it happened to be my grandmother's name, hilda, and it was a birthday card that was given to her a couple weeks ago. mean what are the chances that that would happen? many others in miami dade county florida are desperate to find signs of life at the
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sight of collapse. on sunday, some family members were shuttled in buses after they demanded to visit the site. rescue teams have been working through the wreckage for dave's international units from mexico and israel are assisting as well. but people are frustrated that the rescue mission appeals to be to slow the refill scattered throughout and it's compact and extremely compact. so it's a very slow process where we have to sure we have to stabilize the best we can as we're moving through the area. because again, if there is a void space, we want to make sure we're given every possibility office of items. and therefore, we can't just go in and move things radically, because that's going to have the worse outcome possible. over the next days, miami dade county says it's going to audit every building older than 40 years to ensure that there won't come crashing down. under all this ruin,
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noriega doesn't know if his grandmother is still alive, but he sees her birthday card as a sign. i just feel like it's really god's way of comforting off to say either way . whatever happened with your grandmother. she's okay. and also some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. torrential rain, of course, flooding landslides in hong kong authorities day more than 70 millimeters of rainfall was recorded in several districts. severe weather led to the suspension of classes, vaccine services court hearings. morning trading at the hong kong stock exchange. us terry has released footage and says shows air strikes against iran back to malicious along the syrian iraqi border. the pentagon says a targeted operational and weapon storage facilities. after drone attacks, against american personnel and facilities, it comes as president biden tries to revive the international look at nuclear deal
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with iran. us secretary of state antony blink and is in rome for international talks, which he is co chairing with the italian foreign minister. the leaders will discuss the so called islamic state, and the situation in syria. lincoln has appealed to delegates and to re patrick and then either we have rehabilitate or prosecute citizens who joined the military. these are the scenes in brussels. belgium dumped remaining champions, portugal also the europe ian football championship in the round of 60 target and as are made the difference with a long range goal. in the 1st half the one know the seat means portugal relinquish that hold on the rookie and championship. prophy lillia again to speak from the w sports told us what belgium did right. and what portugal got wrong. portugal i
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have a very, very good squad of town to place, but there were always question marks about the coach banana center. and i think they probably got punished if and playing to conservatively in the 1st half, they did. try to open up the game, bring on their creative plays in the 2nd half, but by then already a gold down. and they didn't have a bit of bad luck. they hit the post a cape. um cape made a few good days. they could say we could say they were on lucky. but at the, on the day this belgian teams to good. i think they got their tactic spot on and they're the ones going through the next round. they definitely have the talent and go from lou leacock who up top who was just a big force in scoring goals, but also bringing the other plays into play. and then they've got a great mid field as well, but there are injury concerns over kevin to brain. and it and, and so missing 2 of the best players going into the next match against italy is going to be pretty tough and sundays other game. the czech republic read the quarter finals after a surprise when over the netherlands in budapest. but he still is threat cod in the
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2nd half turned the game and the check favor and they capitalized on their advantage to win to nail is just a couple of hours by car from the check border to you to pass. so it's no surprise that fans travel to hungry and then numbers and later celebrates at that team's performance. do you see the tramps and walk from the stadium, the check invasion, celebrating the sweetest the victory? oh, i think people perfect sounds very good. i like these my 1st much in chick or players were just as ecstatic as it goes from to marsh honish and puts a chick with the dutch to the sword. then it's good. it's me is unreal. no, it's a dream. but i'm yes, and it was the best game of my life. this is the euros and has the check national
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team right. or just getting out of lots of funds in the stands and it was a great game. i enjoyed it, a little possible descriptive us. how does the same story? the dutch struggled after mathias the legs read cards for them. it was another bitter disappointment and their weight when the 1st major trophy, since you $88.00 goes on we were very optimistic, but no, we're ashamed losing to know to the check the public shouldn't be possible. funny. it's a shame we didn't play well. i think we're finally allowed to watch football from the stands again, and then this happens for the night belong to the checks we played denmark in the quarter finals and will know surely fear no one and this week or half of the draw cuz of africa now where sardine fever has broken out once a year. millions of sardines swim along the country's coast, followed by birds, shocks and fishermen rushing to get their share of the catch. all correspondent,
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oddly increased, joined the fishermen. of course knew natal province to experience the fever for himself. this isn't an oil leak. it's a shoal of not deans fishermen. gerald michael and his team. a waiting for this warm right? yes. yeah, no, that was within seconds. everything suddenly gets very hectic. one got cold thought in view, everybody starts to run and check. yeah, yeah, yeah, right. every year between june and august, this audience move along the east coast of south africa following the cold currents in the indian ocean, bigger hungry fish follow them. and so do the fish i met the close of the shoals of sardines, gets to the coast, the better the chances of catch a pocket
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of saudis in the middle of the earlier, the better thing on the rock is huge disappointment when the net gets caught. and breaks most of the sardines get away with a quarter of a few kilometers further on. another team has more like to try and catch us. 150 creates worth of sardines in a net 2 thirds of the fish are sold for more than 2000 years. the risk goes to the team. it took a chance to gamble and paid off. and like you can see the novice. but as you know
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in this game, it's very dangerous. as you can see, having to myself, i had a cable go through molig, and that's the name of the game. we play with shocks, rocks net, rough seas, everything box. if you can get the fish, you can make some money. for gerald tobacco and his team, the 1st thing to do is repair the nets and then go home empty and bed bed 3 bad luck. got everybody i suppose, and they get to turn according to buckle. saudi fever should be around for a few more weeks. you're watching t w. c. as a reminder of our top stories, australia is tightening. it's corona virus restrictions following the emergence of corona virus class, as across the country, sidney and darwin have imposed new lockdown. russia. the 3rd wave of the crew of our spend amec is surging with record numbers of cases and deaths from court with not being reported. several regions are tightening restrictions in
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a bid to stem the virus who's and that's it from me and the new steam don't go away though. up next is global 3000 w as globalization magazine. more news coming at the top of the gas office in berlin for me on the team. thanks so much. and the the the news
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the news the, the the, the we don't want to see them, but they are, they're in a restrict water. even now we're here. unseen hidden threats, you're facing em, the heroes taking the stand to stop them. the news on the w india. busy
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the h method revised. busy it enables us their bible, a, panama, human, and the land in the state of time. you've got my report about them and i would look at them because of water pressure in 60 minutes on dw ah cruise, we're good to go beyond feel as we take on the world. we're all about the stories that matter to you. the little,
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every 5 policemen we are here is actually on fire for mines in the the welcome tick labels, 3000 wind. i'm from china and how the dominican republic is turning it back on fossil fuels. we find out how a malaysian celebrity chef is raising awareness about an unseen, but ever increasing stress. don't fall. music is on the rise in jamaica. so it's the merger rates. what's the name between music and violence?
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the late back reg dunning, issues and relaxed caribbean vibe, jamaica. but the island also has a duck beside in 2019 molding, 1300 people. when there were a similar number of shootings and just under 500 cases of rape bearing a day goes by without bloodshed, much of the perpetrators. a young people who are taking cues from the music scene. we have on mac enough enough, so it's going to bang a star to make an dansville scene has just released a new album. so no more than 20 rifles in the recording studio approx used in his videos which are saturated with imagery of gangster culture. gannons and drugs and lyrics with distinct yvonne and overtones got drunk.
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dancer is a cool kids and tough ones that so we live, that's all we. so what is life? what his life it or negative math is that level of negative and positive? i mean that's what just be cool. is the most popular music shondra in jamaica. the biggest hit tend to revolve around violence. as far as getting bang is concerned, he's keeping his fan satisfied and can't understand the criticism he comes in full from some courses. by actual pin birthday can be can be. and it can be hard to express whole skill you kingston's get has have been played by violence for decades to make a long had one of the highest murder rates in the world. dancing rhythm and
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rule lyric have seen it take the on and by storm. heard on every street corner. children grow up in the field. a huge debate about where the boundaries of should be draw. video dawns, whole reflect reality or does the music promote criminal behavior? does it glorify violence? phobia and massaging some of the artists even convicted criminals themselves to make his prime minister ones downhill. to be aware of his responsibility, you will have the protection of the constitution to sing up all to see us about doing it to the children. why is that right? android, you hagan work through violence prevention organization. he takes us through the
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slums with kingston increasingly dominated by again warfare. he explains the roots of the violence that he's experienced 1st hand himself. when you're born in a section in the community, you learn to heat another section on the community because maybe a person might have killed your father might have kill yesterday about a own go. so persons living with those kind of anger i've done, it's hard to find someone here who has not lost enough one to gun violence. late counting, son was killed recently by a bullet in the back. just one of the countless murders that never see any one prosecuted. so it's a similar case with collins neva whose son was executed with a shock to the head prospects accompanied by a hunger for recognition when the fee that 2 of them with you can talk today most because they will listen to you because some time be to be over the industry for
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them. so what can you say? it's a fight for survival. that breeds further violence. revenge was under demand for respect combined to form a vicious circle. as gang member garfield confirms deceased him for rena anymore. yes, and i mean it was, everybody is like a local pre or veneer for every job and they will have the dog sign back for other onto it. so good. you watch those among the known artists outside kingston is 21 year old coffee music features a rigor infused mix of dance. who am paul you got this? so the that love it that i think the last year
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coffee will in the grammy for best reggae album, her message is a positive one. i think i understand the music hole for it. gold like whole new, if you can, you know, go into a person's life or in a person's life, almost musical mean to them. and i think it's my royal to, you know, seeing positive lyrics and how positive by them i think be a positive public figure. her big inspiration as her mother who gave her a happy childhood despite the lack of money and coffee was able to finish school and got her musical training in church. she wants to be a role model in jamaica and not only for women teachers and more love and appreciate them from home so that when they grow older, they're already have a phone dish on their confidence and in death to expose themselves in a certain way in order to get a certain well, coffee is going her own way. violence remains
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a dominant and disturbing factor in dance music. the stick is everywhere from its 1st use up until 2019. we people produced an estimated 9000000000 tons of it. half of all plastic products the single use, and just the fraction of them a recycled the mountains of plastic waste to expanding steadily. the majority of plastic trash is dumped, burned, or ends up somewhere in the environment. around $25000000.00 tons of plastic waste and has already sions, that's around one truckload per minute. if this continues in 10 years, it will be to truckloads and by 2054 per minute. then there will be more plastics than fish in the things that need centuries to decompose so many future generations will have to face the repercussions. the use of it today,
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theories unseen aims to open our eyes to environmental impacts, which are easy to overlook this week. we had to malaysia me, this is just perfect. now for the final ingredient. the you'd never, he's plastic. you see, he chances you already do stuff with the, with
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the food is always the part of my life. it brings my family to sit together and i love it so much. i've made a living out of it. i am the host of the number one food show him leave me estimate to about 250 because it's time plastic afloat in to see it's everywhere. so it's mean, it's also in your 4th plus, it doesn't layer the grid all magically disappeared. it can breaks into small
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particles. call michael bus, hit that smaller than 5 millimeters in the ocean, is full of plastic and a marine organism living in this awfully mistaken form. so the micro, fussy end up our place of previous reform said 5 grams of michael, fussy a week that similar to one could come per week. we we didn't home cooked food. does that stay in the stomach? so this is a week week, week old gram, i need to know how the bus to get to the food. and now that we know we can actually learn and do something about it,
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which is don't know yet the defects of life. i seem to human health, but in the previous 10 years, many researchers all over the world trying to find real effects to the organism to human have. but what we can call it is not a good thing for us to the fact that she has entered into our system of much weaker problem, the policy makers or the government itself. actually
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a very important rule in reducing plastic waste. the ends up in ocean that is mismanage the law plus to produce the mall. michael, if i see there will be contrary to popular belief my court past it's not just in the ocean the we know had one of the most spoke in investigate the avalon microphone sick leave this for one. 0 oh, this is what we have right now. we have similar types of problems such as a filament type like this is what every day
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reading the really you can stop breathing. wow. we breathing in plastic right now. i think that one of the things that we should do is useless thing. first used last thing i'll use buy thanks me. use your plastic has been doing our part to ensure that the plastic goes into our oceans. because what goes into the ocean goes into the animals, goes into the very environment, goes into the goes to the water. right back to us found out in your toilet. michael plastic product as well. we can do something about it every single minute of every single day. we can choose how we buy and we choose what food we eat. and we can also choose how we threw out or
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manage our ways. and by finding out that we can actually recycle or up cycle, at least we can prevent the cycle from, you know, repeating. i don't sound too preachy, but after learning we've learned we really have to put the message out that every person should have the responsibility of. when we leave this earth, i'm going to leave it a little bit better than when we found it. every person on did that, we wouldn't have a better children from children soon. so a nice, you know, you got to do it. start to that team is really in renewable energy sources. so gradually gaining ground over the past decade. the share of energy generated by the sun and wind globally increased from 8.7 percent to 11.2 percent. that's the good news. about the same time global energy consumption is also rising. the bad news is that within the energy mix,
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the proportion of energy generated from fossil fuels remains constant in 2009 electricity gain from oil, coal and gas made up over 80 percent of the global energy use. and it's still, it's 10 years later in 2019 as energy demand increases. so therefore, does our consumption of fossil fuels. it's time to step up the shift to renewables and in the dominican republic and vicious energy transition is well underway from global ideas. theories are reported, catch, you know, was that to find out more the market day in savannah. rio and villages are coming together. the little mountain village lies in the west of the dominican republic. right.


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