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tv   Kultur.21  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm CEST

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i choice in this car. it has given away full time smith. my name is moment and i was detail the me every here many terms of cocaine or smuggled into the board of julia towel in italy's calabria region. the illegal drug trade have made that get rich and powerful. it's now one of the most feared mafia groups in the world of europe. they invest in buying up important company as they brian politicians and officials into working for the money. and that means every one of the reasons i got
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that did you dish lee and calabria is fighting back with the largest mafia trial in 3 decades. a stopping the rise of the get me i regional chief prosecutor nicholas penny. he's preparing the case for trial being held in the cannot bring in town of limits that patty has dedicated his life to fighting the mafia. the name felt it was especially important to arrest the members of the mancuso family, as they are the most dangerous. even the number of arrest has been impressive. we have more than $450.00 thought factors pretty close to his. we've achieved the breakthrough and are now further along in our fight against the drug gator than ever before. no contracts. the
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max, the trial began in january and is expected to last 2 years. a huge warehouse has been converted into a fortified court room or bunker. the trial involves 600 lawyers more than 900 witnesses are due to testify. the list of charges is long. murder, arms, trafficking, drug smuggling, money laundering, extortion, and more. the defendants, a group that includes politicians and officials, are all from the province of debo, valencia, prosecutor, nicholas. terry has been 100 police protection day and night for more than 30 years . he hasn't been to the movies in 3 decades. he can't go to a restaurant or take a walk, the risk of being killed by the getter just too great. so can be sonya, you have to take a sensible approach to death. rationalize
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a can we just put it is that you have to convince yourself that what you're doing is worth while. then you have the strength to carry on it, but you can't be afraid of death if you have to be rational and cool. devious to understand that you're in the right, it could be to thousands of people believe in. you. give me a your, their last picture to say to us bit when the trial opened in mid january and get the land of calabria. it was black daddy's biggest success today who rounded up in late 2019 in coordinated braden. bobbins, 3000 police officers, police arrested more than 350 people seized 50000000 euros worth of goods and shut down dozens of businesses. law enforcement agencies in switzerland,
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germany at the guerria were also involved. crap. harry wouldn't the arrest of politicians, lawyers, business leaders. crucially, members of the mancuso klan, the family dominate the leadership of been that i get this area the serve as the lynched in the cocaine trade between latin america and europe. klan boss, luigi mancuso, and his business affiliates are accused of infiltrating all levels of power in the low valencia, dealing with opponents, with breathtaking brutality. they think they demonstrate their power through murder . and they don't just hill and they use extremely brutal method. get phone was anyone who makes a mistake or is disrespect at home and their eyes gets beaten senseless, and has their livelihood and destroy them. everything they interpret as a lack of respect or damaging to their interest. provokes a swift response that far outweighs any disadvantage. they may have suffered to
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spit them then as will be the in recent decades. 170 innocent victims have been murdered at the hands of than that i get in calabria. the small town of low re on anybody yellow. which section that was where enchant so came nemo sister lives. she disappeared 5 years ago. it's clear she was murdered. but her body has never been found. the entire family is still traumatized by what happened . a oh, they don't put the templates for a while. i couldn't even come to my shop to work. i couldn't bear to look people in the eye because i was afraid i might be looking into the eye of my sisters murderer . and i'm used to have the model. and with every handshake, i thought i might be touching the hands of my sisters murderous.
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maria was a, we do know venture and so his wife and his mother are bringing up her 3 children. that a we just couldn't believe that something so terrible couldn't happen to maria. someone would attack her and even take away the body, which is what the drug to cleanse do will and get them marie and never had anything to do with them. my. if i said when i was there, janet money was successful and outgoing. part of the well respected medical family, she went to university, got married at 3 children and founded a small agricultural business. then came her shocking death ah pension. so drives as to where she used to have her business on that fateful day, 5 years ago, one of many years. and so we found her empty car here and immediately called finch . and so we got the bull by rushed straight over here and arrived less than 10
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minutes later, maria's car was right there almost makes this one but was calling lud at the engine was running, but they were blood on the ground to us and we can all be as maria had been the victim of a brutal attack. since then there's be no trace of emery or queen nonsense. the police arrived with a forensics team question. the neighbors sees the car and recorded all the evidence . it could be leaking, request a quote for on 10 channels on the other side of the road, isn't it? with the security system that has a camera pointing this way, but the rental it should have recorded everything you need got been yet. but the caribbean, uri discovered that on that particular morning that the system wasn't working properly. vincent so still doesn't know what happened to murray. the police launched an investigation and searched the area,
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one suspect was arrested later released due to insufficient evidence. so when the trial began and limits insurance and hoped he might learn something over the past 50 years, then the getter has steadily expanded space. and calabria in the capital cut on saddle, are now hoping to at least liberate the province of vivo, valencia, the area controlled by the mancuso family. here, the local authorities were heavily infiltrated by them and get nicholas paddy has been tireless in his investigations. he reached a deal with 60 key witnesses who agreed to testify to avoid a life sentence and present. mancuso mancuso family dominated this area. they controlled all economic activity here that they bought, vocals and influenced local and regional election, the global within their territory. they infiltrated all areas of daily activity,
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economic, political and social mika. they view the entire province of debo valencia as their property, as opposed to a property. the mancuso family is heard of them that are getting the governing body known as the creamy ne, it controls and coordinates. all right, get yourself worldwide. lead able to the rules of the and john get, are the same all over the world. they just copy them. it's like a brand, they have a structure that's divided into territory so called low colleague in the young copy to get that. if they set up a new one somewhere on it, they follow the same principle is taken up. it's like a franchise whether it's frankfurt, do sport, zurich, piano, or new york, and it's the same everywhere. well, me in the district of buddy, talk to them and crucial plan the status now seeking to win back territory.
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authorities have seized illegally purchase property like this villa belonging to the mancuso family journalist mckinley albany to have been writing for many years about the criminal dealings of the far reaching tentacles of the mafia. clangs, he too has a pair of body guards constantly at his side. ever since it emerged at the mafia wanted to kill him and just go. and course i was told that you really on the s, francesco mancuso, had 11 children, who in turn have 6 or 7 children of their own. they are all engaged in lucrative activities, like cocaine trafficking, a lot of stuff they were authorized by the drug, get to import cocaine from south america. that sound the man who is a one, the support of the leading and drug get to families and moved into the elite leadership on many of the said air influences spread to the whole of italy,
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ends the entire world for the responses to pay valiant monta. he's lived under armed guard for 7 years. his work as a journalist, severely limited, and no one knows when things will change. reasonably my l, you never get used to the loss of your freedom. we've got a lot of driving a car as part of your freedom of going for a walk alone to think and reflect is another element has already been cited like anyone who opposes the data and calabria risks their life. the mafia control entire cities and villages a regime of terror. because even though it's difficult, i don't want to stop reporting the stories about my home. i want my people to understand that we could live here in italy like dogs, that we could have really good lines if it weren't for these criminals at all
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development and progress in police cars for the municipal council. and the body has been dissolved 3 times because it was so heavily infiltrated by the mafia. since the mid 19 seventy's, they skimmed us government contracts with millions of euros, with almost every investment made by the state and local authorities, and every private business transaction than that i get. i took their car to extort and intimidation. while criminals, like the mancuso, grew rich, much of the remaining population were less impoverished. many left the region, especially the young and well educated. ah, vincent hometown of the body yellow, was also controlled by the mancuso clan. he hopes that a new maxi trial will also reveal who murdered his sister.
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ah, the shock of her brutal death and questions about what happened. continue to play, venture, and so and his wife. ah, he's not going to come in to be just something youngster, video surveillance camera here in the town film to car driving up and down 10 times . they thought that someone in the car was watching to catch the moment when maria left the house at the low concur last set in momentum to the machine casa me. but so far, the trial has not uncovered the identity of the murderer. inc . eights on believable. try and see crazy to think that the person who killed maria flores listed in her murder is feel free and walking the street. and she gives him a company, not at court. i mean that our main tech and they listed on it. i
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mean, i miss maria so much. you know, she was the legal witness at my wedding as i was at home. and i loved maria deeply. i love her so much. i can complain whether you bought anything. my nieces and nephews deprived of a pencil in another day by day. no, not because of the cruelty. another agonizing pains me deeply felt so free. i would like them to have the same line as my children, so they gotta give me one moment. yeah, she got the yellow house over there is where maria lived and the car drove up and down here 10 times back and for what she kept them over.
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when revelation has already emerged from the trial and a key witness said, while he was in prison, he heard that many as body was driven over repeatedly with a tractor and then fed to pigs to remove the evidence. he said she was killed because of a dispute over land, then ran getter often disposes of victims bodies for the families. it's a double tragedy. there's no closure and their loved ones can never be laid to rest . we leave southern italy and travel with the kilometers to meet with a former member of the mafia. luigi born, having toward a can't appear on camera. he's another key witness at the trial. information from him has put many criminals behind bars in recent years. his life is in constant danger. he and his family live in hiding. his father and uncle were powerful and
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as in love, maria, when luigi announced he was leaving the mafia, his father tried to kill him. but the meeting your needs are as a child, i experienced an extreme amount of violence and it was rooted not just physical violence, but also psychological in you're still a child a little, but they show you how to kill an animal. they force you to slaughter and got out from the machine and they force you to eat the raw flesh before long. so i said he was groomed for life as a killer. can you smell the stench of blood, the stench of death fuel? and then later, when you're in action and you feel everything, you're intensely aware of, all the smell is not the ground. all your senses are sharpened. your knees,
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especially while you're committing the murder. what's your name? luigi smuggles cocaine and weapons and committed a number of murders on behalf of his family. at the age of 30, he was made a couple of powerful regional leader. but in 2005, he threw in the towel, agreeing to tell the authorities what he knew about the mafia. he served 6 years in prison and was then released. only need q 1st. can you do everything like, you know, bill give me just like you've been taught to pull them out. it's all precisely planned. ice cold without emotion, when it's just something technical steps you follow precisely as though you've done it a 1000 times versus you feel nothing, but will you do. but then when you fire the fatal shot,
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at least this is what happened to me. you realize that at that moment that was something inside you changed. something is different. do this. and after i returned home from my 1st murder, the 1st murder that i had committed with my own hands. i told my uncle who was the boss at the time that everything was okay. so he looks satisfied and said sit down to see there's a meal waiting for you. and that was the last word on the subject instrument for a little kid. on the day after our interview with luigi prosecutor nicholas and terry questioned him in an online meeting. his family did business with the mancuso klein so his testimony is also relevant to the current trial. both families were heavily involved in drugs and trafficking. an ad contact in latin america.
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the enron get to specialize in importing cocaine to europe. they have their own men in columbia work. there is agent legal and can get cocaine for a minimum price of good luck. ok. ok. makes up 70 percent of the drug test activities and is to say use extortion mainly to stake out and control their territory not to earn money directly when the big profits come from drugs. profiteering and then money laundering and reinvesting money invest him in to the jewish mckayla, albany has watched the rise of various mafia families over many decades. the more successful ones quickly invested their profits from criminal activities in legal businesses. a lot of, well, a lack of concern that quarry over them made the mancuso clan what it is today.
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then from there, the family supplied construction materials on a grand scale to build the port of julia tower over the market. it was lucrative and at the same time did a huge favor for the drug who controlled the building of the course of the 3rd party. the power and wealth of many of that and get to families increased rapidly. they not only profited from the construction work, they also placed their own people at the port, the largest container terminal in italy, that allowed them to build up a far bigger business smuggling cocaine from latin america. in pudding vast amounts of cocaine into territory under their own control, soon they didn't get far more powerful than the cars are not in neighboring sicily . but only these are now they use not only julia tower, but many other to vanish in french ports at all. antwerp rotterdam humbug,
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grandma g, italian ports of genuine live on the tree. s and last spits, here are my the say they send the big consignments of cocaine to wherever they expect control to be the least strength control is me. police specialized in our kotik. now conduct daily checks julia total to try to intercept the drugs. there are 2 main shipping rooms out of latin america that go directly to julia total. so the port in calabria is a strategic important to them that i get. $2000000.00 containers arrive here each year. the chance of police or customs officers finding smuggled goods. it's relatively low, but at times they do get lucky. every they go, daisy and his team check up to 70 containers a day. every year they find more cocaine. the
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method of a rip off method is the classic one. that's where the bags and the drugs are placed on top of legally trans coded goods. so they can be removed quickly when they arrive at the court. the court was the amended in on last year we uncovered another method where drugs are hidden amongst the goods and put them in boxes of bananas, for example, and elementary belinda time during discovery, but on the other and in 2020 we seized a total of 5 tons of cocaine and drugs with his st. value of 350000000 euros. but it's estimated that less than 10 percent of smuggle drugs are discovered by the authority. the same is true of all other european ports where the amount of cocaine being intercepted is also growing. here by here,
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experts estimate annual sales for them and geta amount to 55000000000 euros. and then i get that call gets a convenient keela. kane, in latin america for a 1000 euro man. they sell it on here for at least 70 or 80 times that. well, that's a huge profit margin, wrote an impressive return, but i just told you that i change the recent study, put the value of illegal funds, hills by the italian mafia in tax havens worldwide at around 3 trillion euros. but i think this is skylar elementary that yanna internal meet out of be a little. they can literally by half of europe. com, proud of missouri. we're all, but if you don't feel they invest in buying up important companies, they, brian politicians and officials into working for them. and that means everyone is
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a great, i'm pretty corporate me. a former mousy, a member of intruder has brought his oldest son nemo. to meet us, luigi says neither his mother nor his wife came from mafia families. he says there positive influence helped him break with him that i get the bundle commission. when our 1st child was born, i realized that i couldn't teach him the values of the in john gave the john k to decides who gets to die. he could no one should have that right at the same time fighting for this society. i want my children to be part of this culture and we see this sort of luigi, but i haven't taught, i know is his decision to switch sides could cost him his life. he's come to terms
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with that. what he struggles with more is that than that, i guess i could also take revenge on his family. they live in an undisclosed location, and they're in constant fear for their lives. and some of my family has lived a life of health for 14 years. now. why, why is my family not under police protections? and why haven't we been given a new identity? if you need to get this from? it's all part and parcel of my dentist decision on the song of, from diane to, to, to the concert. he definitely made the right decision, and now we have to live with the consequences be slash out and testing. but what bothers us and makes us very sad, is that we're not getting any kind of help assist. we'll start that group thought the same state that made you an offer to work with them, then let's you down when you actually start doing it. so it's a huge worry for us. what's your nemo can't go to university because that would be
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too dangerous. experts say informants like luigi and their families need to be better protected so that more people will be encouraged to work with the authorities. at the trial back in lithia, all the talk mafia leaders in the province around trial. an absolute 1st that's created hope for some things could actually change. anytime it's heavily has very many mancuso family like this trial won't solve the problem. i wish it would, but sadly, we need to carry out many more such operations. but in the town of loudy, an antibody yellow local people can already feel that the power of the mancuso family has waned lynch's so kingdom is working with a local organization to ensure that the victims like his sister maria,
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are not forgotten. he's also volunteering as a teacher for prison inmates. he's teaching natural history. right now the lessons are online, only. all ecosystems are linked together. all organisms of a community are linked together and interact that can include my feel, see that he wants to provide opportunities for them to lead their life of crime. he also tells them about what happened to her sister and the impact her death has had on his family and on her children. in the past for the money back to the may never can be meant. they come off to maria's appearance. a part of me inevitably changed . i was full of anger at these criminal agenda weighs 30 s corps. now by teaching, i can somehow give vent to my anger a. and not only that, i can bring my anger and my desire for revenge in my desire for justice and truth,
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and channel it into something good that i want for this country. gone, ben again with asthma, the more and more people in calabria are daring to take a stand against the mafia. when chance will kill them all. the mccaden had uneasy luigi, one of intuitive and for more than 3 decades, anti mafia, prosecutor nicholas, teddy, no matter of price, they're willing to risk everything in their fight against and then get to create a better future for the next generation. ah
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ah, the news the demand me, i guess language courses, video and audio anytime anywhere that b w b women in the me all the money and lunch and on the voice. the only way i can be on top is to create my own empire story. this weekend on d w. the
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news . this is the w news. why? but from berlin tonight, the corona binders is dangerous. delta vary in south africa, titans restrictions as it battles a 3rd wave of infections will take you to a small town that, whether the pandemic with no infections, but it's not doing that anymore. we're also coming up tonight, wargames in the black sea nato, when ukraine stage, a series of naval exercises and russia is not happy about it. i think it's a provocation. and wimbledon is back after an enforced lay off last year because with demick.


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