tv Eco India Deutsche Welle June 30, 2021 10:30am-11:01am CEST
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the fight against the corona virus pandemic. now has the rate of infection been developing? what measures are being taken with? what does the latest research say? information and context, clues of data. special, monday to friday on d, w. i. the news water is fundamental to life without it didn't exist and neither the plants, animals, and other organisms who share this plan or treat. despite being such a basic need almost half of the world's population expedients,
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some kind of water shortages or trash into these episodes. we'll look at ideas on how to use water sustainably. this is equal india, and i'm sorry about let start into menard at the height of the dry season. many districts in the southern states expedients, extremely high water stress. historically, mother i district dotted with water tanks was prepared to deal with this, but wrap it up and i vision in the last few decades has stood in the week and organization in the region has been working with local residents to restore and maintain the ancient water tanks to ensure access to clean water to order in the village of gambler in moderate district, coming to the d starts with a trip to collect water from a nearby barn. the village isn't connected to any water supply network. so let me
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fill several containers at once. there are strict rules about what selection from the bond indiana outside his aunt allowed to use the pond and no one is allowed to submit to washington. no, don't clara loud. not even livestock, like how's the village organizes water use it. so tanks to an organization called a ton foundation, development of human action. don heads, villages regarding a centuries old tradition called korea mortimer to a system of community management negation tags. corey means people mama to mens repair the project manager, whole regulatory with viola gums, associations of local farmers. they are responsible for the maintenance of the village water supply. all everybody's people who have always depended on these water bodies using phones,
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the drinking interrogation tank. so farming that people use the income from them as a community funds to restore and bring tain, the water bodies model. and this heat, almost according to system, has had to make water manager and more efficient with the introduction of redemption bases that allow locals to use water collected during the month and season throughout the you got my report about them when this integration tech is 1300, you know, those want to, to keep to me by land. arable disposition that my daughter, usually positioned on the river bank with my own local. i got, i want, i don't, i got a data, but if it's in the one that doesn't. okay, then i listen to go to the silt from the reaches the field on the next time. and on the way i got to go into the new one of them said somebody. and i don't know why a little more of the people in charge of the maintenance of the irrigation time and spawn are known as water managers. they also decide who gets how much water and
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rent it's a challenging job. give up on, on a lot of might not be monitoring slowed. they have to swim on the water and remove the stones at the bottom of the dam. hello. and it's all about and otherwise the water can't flow through the outlet into the feeling waterfall, mangle enough already. not so many times as well too, because people who go into the water to open the slim cause i'm gonna go put all the ones that are going to go out. and among the green i'm a to system was discontinued during the colonial era. when water management was nationalized, local expertise gradually disappeared, and many reservoirs fell into a state of disrepair. the lines of people reading at water connection points, a debt to the importance of an efficient water management system. in india, water shortages threaten some 600000000 people. 75 percent of the villages are not
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connected to any water supply network. the foundation was closely with community locals plan and organized the restoration of rows and irrigation tons shouldering 25 percent of the cost themselves. the rest is funded by the n g over the last 3 decades. why are la gums or farmer associations have restored nearly 1200 deformed turns in the palm by region. this family recalls the early days of the contract over the me, a lot of the 996. we paid money at work on 2 tanks. we transformed a huge wasteland into an education tank. it's still in, you know, it's a community tank on the god. is it even now? cultivate the board and decide to hush some of this. you know, the old integration tank in fumble is again brimming with water. the farmers in the
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region tell us how in the not so distant past, it was badly dilapidated until the island does. yeah. usually we saw in january kind of in the harvest, we didn't have a lot in the field barren. a lot of them now we have access water and cultivate codo miller. when one sec of ground gives us a profit of around 20022400 rupees. on one acre we can harvest 20 sex of grandmother. we are in an extra 10240000 rupees and when the waters were not born known as ronnie's also supplied drinking water to remote villages. the mother of municipal corporation in the pond bar basin that one's house more than 90 . ronnie's currently only has 21 left, many of the older tanks and running our garbage dumps to d, or have been re purpose by the government or private industry because these
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existing structures. so the regions topography, the hon initiative has walk the restore, close to $300.00 to run is income and well then no organism, village you're running, you know, but after respiration it's bigger and deeper. that's 3 times as much water as they used to be. and it never runs dry together with locals. don has help transform the water system in some photos and villages using traditional methods to improve the future of ra lindale. many people around the world drink water out of plastic bottles, whether it's considered unsafe to drink, tap water like an india, or because it stays still a more convenient while traveling. whatever the reason it often leads to more plastic trash. germany has found the solution. but let's find out if it works as well as it seems. i'm on the most common pollutants around the was,
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but all countries have been struggling to contain germany. think of crack the course was on the countries around the world. and then i did this last in crisis. the dreaded plastic bottle that's come to symbolize. i disastrous impact on the planet is really bad around the world every day. almost 1.5 fabian, crossing germany where i live is held as having the best system the system is caused as an overarching chad. henry schneider is from environmental action, germany, which studies and footboards the fund or the closet return system for plastic and glass bottles. so that deposit system works really well close
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to 0 units, beverage packaging and actually in the state and the entire and that's, that's really causes keeping plastic and glass out of nature was one of the main reasons the german government introduce the deposit system in 2003 another was to incentivize a shift more environmentally friendly beverage packaging. market overall feels how it works. manufacturers make the bottle and the deposit is worked into its costs. they sell the boxes to wholesalers, retailers who sell it on to the consumer. when consumers have drunk bad drink i'm doing my money that carried them to the store. one of the countries 48000 diverse vending machines. i have
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the these except most kinds of bottles. very much for the 25 bottles like to can i go back around 3 people for the wards off all the bottles collected on the other side. around 40 percent of these are re fillable which means they get clean, refilled and sold again. refill about plastic bottles. can be used up to 20 times on glass bottles can be used 50 times in germany. the remaining a single use bottles. these have a wrong double the deposit cost built in with the hope the customers will be different than device from buying them. the problem with single use bottles and
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best they can be recycled, which uses a lot of energy and reduces the value. only a quarter and up in new bottles are those are downside linda fibers all the material exported or simply burnt. even considering the collection washing and transport that refilled those require each single you can have more than doubled a carbon footprint of re fillable one over its lifetime. one reason the deposit system has largely worked is because you are never more than a few minutes away from a supermarket shop that takes them back to retailers, can make money from it. those collect bottles can decide whether to recycle them themselves or send them on to recyclers and they pick the more profitable option. the coca cola is getting around in big 2 liter plastic bottles these days to lead a plastic modeling 25 percent lasers. and the big single use packaging push started
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in the global not in the eighty's and ninety's. when the consensus was the plastic was the light with failure that would replace fragile glass bottles, me when environmental risk firms, different governments tried to contain the mess in different ways from schemes like producer b as to the green dots system. germany's environment minister at the time, yoga into team decided the country needed something more radical and for against resistance from beverage lobbies including cold challenges. he said to the deposit system in motion to dance decision was full of received and he was so proud that in the side gig as a d j, he calls himself dove, and fond is the day. most of the western countries have still been unable to stand up against pushback, from beverage corporations. if you book with them because they go for
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a material that is cheap lightweight, so they are quite low. the plastic is true if they're lightweight, so you only pay for the production of john, mark simon, and his colleagues pushed for better waste management policies around the world. right now, around 20 countries, mostly in europe, has some version of the deposit scheme and some states in the u. s. and austria, i experimenting with it on a local level. other countries like indonesia, i could have tried different mentors, including extremely plastic bottles from boston. after public pressure of cotton has been the latest to implement them. deposit systems, the parliament was close to making a decision. but postpone the critics and the you said, the plastic lobby still plays a big role. installing sucks decisions and was we have seen if they have been opposing as well in production of new deposit systems as
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a proposal from the government class last week. and the night before, the bulletin minister will get the phone call from enough to present the beach and the proposal will be removed and it puts in it will be made a leap internal memo from coca cola on to scandal and admit the strategy to a ball of the systems clear in writing this trend of corporations pushing single use into the market has moved to the global out until recently, bottles have largely been refilled. rico waste management rules have also led to many cities looking like this. so definitely the corporations have you believe this, the opportunity and didn't totally shifted from the fact if that thing is a waste management researcher in new delhi like many countries in the global south
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ways, production is growing fast in india. and the foremost systems have not been able to catch up even if they are trying the connection, the connection that they should be in india is overnight. most of the rest gets collected. but the problem is most of it gets collected and on informal ways collect does play a large role in south and southeast asia and africa when they pick out plastic from an segregated ways it is often contaminated, which means it's recycling value and the amount that can be recycled, a significantly lowered western countries also often export that waste to developing countries which adds to the burden. now back in germany, one reason the streets do look cleaner is the deposit system. it also means that
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uncontaminated waste with the recycling value gets systematically collected. but hasn't met its other initial objective of moving towards a greenow system. research shows that since 2003, the share of plastic re fillable the market has actually significantly dropped. one reason is that supermarket giants have had the financial power to stick to single use in order to streamline the return process. countries of the billable not including germany still produce much more packaging ways than those in the global south. so the most environmentally friendly solution would be to reduce that 2nd place goes to refilling and then recycling for my bought i started getting my own water bottle. so i only said you the amount of waste that i created on the state level. of course, you can push for policies like germany's that has proven to work for the do thing and reusing. now the trees need water just as much as we do. if not,
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will. trees and cities often locked in the middle of concrete and store and need extra k that are more than 400000 trees in germany's capital city. berlin and some of its residents have developed a project to make sure they're looked after. water at last. berlin has experienced 3 years of below average rainfall and the trees are dying out. ready a tree needs at least 10 of these watering cans of water a week. this group of volunteers wants to be part of the solution. they've gotten together today to water their city's trees. as hazardous lessons wilma last summer, the tree in our back yard dying because it couldn't withstand the drought and it was just gone and i thought the ones in front of the building might be next. and i didn't want to see that happen next. then before hall relation is a project based at berlin city lab,
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set up the neighbourhood watering initiative online. doing the platform shows how much water the different trees need. city lab is a nonprofit foundation based in the german capital where innovations are born with the aim of making the city and more sustainable. the data comes from the city administration, with daily weather updates and information about whether or not the trees have had enough water. given, you know, this map contains more than 625000 tree points. it could be range tree and you can find out what type it is, the age and it's water requirement in that's what we have for now. but there are other features we could include, like behind the diameter of the crown, the diameter of the trunk. it's really exciting, especially in terms of watering you vessels for
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almost 2000 and berliners have registered so far. some of them just water trees occasionally. others have taken responsibility for a single tree on their street. or land has 2500 parks there. the green lungs of the city, the trees improve the climate and filter out exhaust emission, and more people are becoming aware of their importance. there are now several environmental initiatives in berlin. this neighborhood inquiry bag has some regular gardeners today. there's bruising up the flower beds and planting bulbs for next year's flowers. we're in this together regardless of where we come from. it's a global environment. so we planted flowers and different sorts of things to have a healthy environment to bees. and above all, we just like getting all these people together to do something together. they're happy to be together. the watering group has their work cut out. there's been no
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rain for nearly 3 weeks. the volunteer can easily stay on the app, which trees need water. they're hoping the initiative will spread beyond berlin. someone comes off and put city what you could use this platform for other cities because an open source. in principle, any city that has a train register available and that has weather data, which is most of them i could implement this app themselves that we can. ready the volunteers will keep up the good work until winter, helping to keep the 30 trees of berlin alive. our planet to meet for water is only increasing and never decreasing. treating water may be a useful solution to meet this rising demand, but there are technical challenges to achieving this. and even if this roadblock is crossed, people university frown upon having to consume treated water. a company in delhi is
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trying to change this by demonstrating how sewage water can be converted into safe drinking water. the marina river is most important source of drinking water at the city's northern edge. it's still quite clean, but it's a different story entirely. once it leaves the southern parts of delhi, because all the city sewage flows into the river, including industrial waste, water, from the lease and the subsidy. biggest problem and deli, today is the availability of clean water. will, a lot of work has gone into cleaning efforts, etc. but there is an urgent need to address the issue of making more water available demand phase calling. you can do public, zation is occurring rapidly and with it, the demand for water is rising just as fast can government. similarly these worms could help solve the problem. they're part of the facility designed to transform
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waste towards the into drinking water. in many parts of the world, treatment plants only clean sewage to a certain extent. before re directing the water back into the rivers. the new method aims to change that me to a single came up with a concept together with her father after she was angered by the water quality in their home. this whole idea came about is also because i have seen personally in my own home where the switch line and the drinking water supply line normally gets mixed up, especially in the veins. so at that point of time, it is, you know, it was just crazy. i mean, you could mail it in your why your be being, you know, we were having a stomach issue. we were having infections and all that kind of stuff. so it was about what can one do about this? and i've seen kids playing in wood. what though, you know, it's quite disheartening to watch. so that's where basically the whole concept came about. the daily job board,
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the government agency responsible for most of the cities water supply installed the plant at its cash post, right in west daily run on solar power. the absolute water facility generates 100000 gallons of clean possible water each day and helps clean up the rivers. sewage is collected from surrounding districts and tank containers and trash and tiny plastic particles filtered out of the waste water. it's then sprayed over 5 layers of bio filter beds filled with wood, chips, pebbles, and sand. here the worms get to work, breaking down the pollutants. the recycling process was developed and refined by company founder. so neil's thing guy who was a chemical engineer, technically the thing exists or some people had done some experiments, for example, using the will me culture. but at this scale it had not been
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done. and then the challenge was that it took all put it by from 50 degrees, which india experiences to minus couple of degrees. that for example, lake and approach and then to keep those ones alive. so that required some working to do and also the toxicity that is present in the sewage. because in india, a lot also, which is also mixed with industrial sewage. there's not just domestic storage using nano filtration technology. the water is transformed into what's classified as high quality drinking water that meets world health organization standards. the plant can treat 4000 liters and water every hour of the technology is expensive to install, but it's at position is offset by lower running costs compared to conventional sewage treatment plant. s t p 's. the most important
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thing is the operational costs, which currently in the market we are the cheapest one on back of the conventional s t piece. the other most important part is that being green we, we are not subject to very heavy equipment. so therefore, i like that the cost conduction is the lowest. so all in all, it's a full sustainable, glean system and it is going to be cyclical, as i call it, absolute waters, various facilities. now treat some 3000000 liters of sewage daily. that's just a small portion of what produces still. the firm's found is convinced that in future 80 percent of its residents, water needs to be met using purified water. water gives us life. we need to protect it. i hope to these show has helped to pink about your water use and how it could affect the rest of the organisms living on our
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d, w. o. the, it's about billions, it's about power. it's about the foundation of the new world order. the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. also in europe. china is promised partners rich profit. in europe, there's a sharp warning you want wherever accepts money from. the new super power will be coming to dependent on in china's gateway year starts july 1st on d, w. women in asia in speaking.
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that's me for them all the money and lunch and on the voice. the only way i can be taught is to create my own the there i was standing stories, women in asia this weekend on d. w. william how to think i knew when i would know if i had known that would be that small. i never would have gone on the trip. i would not have put myself and my terrorist danger. god, it's a theme either live away love and live with them. i had serious problems on a personal level, and i was unable to live there, but it wasn't gonna
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use, you know, their story, migrants terrifying and reliable information. the. the news . this is the w news coming to life from berlin. germany is less soldiers leave afghanistan after almost 20 years. berlin ends its mission in the war torn country . but there are fears over what will happen once fall. international troops are gone, also coming up sweet revenge decades in the make in england.
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