tv REV Deutsche Welle July 1, 2021 3:03pm-3:30pm CEST
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transformation has come out of cost to day tourists, boots ply this lake, but 100 years ago it was a small group of marx's to sort out. this is alex, but they had convened in shanghai, but the fear of spies. so then move their meeting to boat on non who lake 100 kilometers south of the city is where they found it. the communist party today, man who receives visitors from all over china. content that meant that it is the communist party that stands for and has brought us the good life we have today. the house on for month the government has built an impressive museum on the shore visitors. i told the story of a party that has tirelessly forward with the re, nations of the chinese nation. but during the cultural revolution, millions where you really aged and killed. or there was mouth great famine with
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tens of millions of victims by an erroneous collectivist ation policy. those pictures are absent from the exhibition of course in the development of a party like ours achievements in there are problems. but overall, our party has maintained the right cause and has made great efforts. so in our exhibition, we focus on this big trend on what really matters. not everyone sees the trend in the same way, which is one of the few critics who still dare to speak out. he compares the parties confidence to germany and japan before world war 2. how much is that parts of g? they paint a picture of an ascending global power whose rise is inevitable. it is the kind of fanatic nationalism that the world saw 100 years ago. the communist party is completely incapable of introspection and to reflect on itself, fascinatingly,
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all over the country. historic party locations are turning into pilgrimage sites. here in shanghai, the party found as convene before fleeing to the lake parties, selves from all over china, happy organizing, visits to the site. the exhibition has received a complete make over with a prominent role for president seeds in p. here to party history is a carefully engineered narrative. to jazz is tori and the party history institute, which is supervised by the center committee. there are materials we can not publish . this has to do with our position on our uses or communication have to serve the party, the people. i mean, that is our standpoint of lindy's aging is pulling out all the stops to celebrate
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the centennial of the chinese communist party. but it's a party that remains an extremely tight control. but it's saying that richard gregory, he's a senior fellow at the australian thing to allow institute and has written extensively about chinese communist party. so how has this party changed the country over the past 100 years? well, i guess it's only been in power since 1949. that's when that changes stop, but the changes you see today and the changes are most familiar with about china, that is all, you know, a strong country, a wealthy or a country which is getting wealthier of an astounding economic then that only started in the late 19 seventy's in the big change in china is the communist party . thank you. had a big as a big does of capitalism to their policy mix. as result, the economy took off as have other countries in north asia like japan and south
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korea. and that really with their population is starting to put china on with the united states in many areas. that's the big transformation. talking about the united states using thing was that foreign forces attempting to bully the nation will quote, get their heads bashed. what do you make of that tough talk? hard means who? well, it's very tough. i mean, i guess we 1st have to think this is aimed at domestic audience. and that line got one of the biggest cheers from the audience. and so that tells you about the sort of read me that many people in china like to devour. in other words, one of the, you know, the great sources of legitimacy for the communist party is that they got rid of foreigners and china and the anti foreign sentiment is still very potent, particularly if you keep framing foreigners in this narrative. the trying to
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contain china and keep china down. then you're always going to get a response when you speak like that. well, human rights abuses and crackdowns on free speech like in hong kong have come on the criticism in which direction do you see the party heading there? no, great change. when china was the much weaker and poor country, they didn't really listen to western countries criticisms of human rights. it's very hard to see why they will bother listening now. they say internal issue and the west has, might be less and less leverage. where it does. china, perhaps with this starting, thinking about changing tactics is in its global reputation. it's really one of the major issues putting all western countries on the other side of the argument. getting western countries to join forces against china. in that respect,
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the human rights record is the symbol of how china is different and it, and it is devastating bridge reputation outside of the country. that's focus on jumping for a moment. he's now said to be ruler for life. if he wants to. how would you compare him to other chinese leaders of the past? well, he's certainly a much more assertive and risk taking later in many respects. i mean there's lots of debates about whether it's the most help of the, the since now or down and so forth. but i think the really most important thing about teaching thing is not just these an associate leader, but he's leaving a much more powerful country. so all sorts of things that all chinese leaders would like to dominate the south china sea, with greater pressure on taiwan with great pressure on japan, the east china sea stand up and go sort of toe to toe with the united states. many
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chinese leaders didn't do that because china wasn't powerful enough. well now by all, now they had the military capability. now, now they have the economic cloud. so she is really in the chinese mold in that respect. he's different because china is different or should i crack a thank you very much for this analysis. today marks the launch of the european union's digital covert 19 statistical system. it's supposed to make traveling across the block easier by linking up the various existing apps approved by member states. certificate can be used on a smart phone or printed out and shows if someone is fully vaccinated as immunity or received in the recent negative test results. but it's also shaky stop airlines warning this system is not yet ready for roll out. and a search of the delta various could lead to authorities curtailing it's use do that because what about he got now joins us from brussel to tell us more about that. so
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what changes can travelers expect from tomorrow, from today actually for the 30 percent of those already fully vaccinated in europe. that means there's less hassle when they travel by plane. they don't have to come up with a p c r test before they enter the plane. and that's also true for people that recover from covered but the other 60 percent still have to provide in most cases a p c r test. but the truth is also that there is no common e rule. every member state does it differently. so you have to check where you go and which was actually apply. and for this is for intra, you travel only. and if you are coming from a 3rd country to the you, this coverage vaccination certificate doesn't mean anything because you don't need it actually to enter the you. you can also have you approve of explanation from
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your home country or a p c r test show that you have recovered from the cove it so and also here the member states in the driver's seat, they also can apply different to it. so if you come do, you have to check anytime which country entering and which was of that? so the system is still the very shattered your concern. sounds very, very half banks. i mean, why, why is there not? i think a single rule for all now why i mean they that it's been touted as the solution for europe and apparently it, it is not. this is the beauty of a few of the european union. every member states can do, but don't, don't, has to oblige to these rules. and the only rule is that this certificate is now accepted in all 27, a member states. and so this is one single thing, but what you can do actually with a certificate that is up to the member states to decide. so it makes it even a little bit more confusing. but the bottom line is,
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you don't need this testing every time you fly if you have x and then you don't need the p c r test. and also, not all vaccines are treated equally in this new systems. which will make it even more difficult to which ones are excluded. if you want to have the vaccination certificate, then you have to be vaccinated both by one of the 4 vaccines that accepted by the email, the european medical agency. if you come from outside europe, as i said, you don't need the certificate, you can also prove your vaccine that you have gotten in your home country. for example, if you come from india, you can do that if you are vaccinated with any variant that is produced in india. but it's not a european rule. also, this is checked by the member states. so if you travel from india to germany, this is not possible, but if you travel from india to spain,
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then it's possible. spain accepts also, this s are very, very end and also the chinese scenes which are on the list of the world health organization. so a member states can, but they don't have to accept it. it's very complicated. and from india, anybody you cannot travel for non essential reasons to your because tourism is excluded as of now a very, very common confusing new regulation d. w, correspond a battle he got from brussels there. thank you. bye us president joe biden is on his way to florida with 1st lady joe biden. the couple will meet families of those killed and missing after a residential tower block collapsed last week and stuff side. the confirmed death toll has risen to 18 with a recovery of more bodies that included 2 children. as many as 145 more people are still on it and accounted for the w. oliver's ellis. there's in 35 where he heard from local residents. about their response to the tragedy. it's hard to think about
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anything else for diana winner. every time she takes the dog out, she passes by the collapse champlin tower. us and survived. the hopes are fading to find more people alive. she believes the tragedy could have been avoided. i feel sad. i feel sad that people didn't really step up and say, it's time we need to, we need to pay attention to this and do what we need to do. it's too many lives and probably been lost as a result of it, where the cell cell are still hundreds of rescue workers piling through the rubble in 12 hour, long shift. the risk of further collapses, slowing. the digging and human emotions are another obstacle. very sad. the times that i've been going up on the title and you'll find strollers and
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baby bottles, you know, it just brings a sense of reality to the moment. you know, it's very touching because i have, i have kids, myself, a 2018 inspection warrant of structural damages to the building. the focus is now on similar, high rises in the county, 40 years and older. as the search and rescue operation continues. inspectors are now checking 40 other high rise buildings for damages, a large effort that could still be enough if the owners don't have enough money to get the necessary work done. in case of the chaplain towers, the necessary repairs could have cost $100000.00 u. s. dollars per unit. darrow arnold who lives opposite the chaplain tower, is believe something has to change his own theory on why the building was repaired, despite the findings of structural damage. what happened in this case is the city official inspector said that there was nothing to worry
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about imminently. and people breath breathed probably a sigh of relief because they didn't want to find the money to deal with the problem. i assume that's going to change in light of this incident and you're going to have much more care and caution going forward. much healing is needed in surfside, florida. but for now, the beach community is reeling from this historic tragedy of some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. us canadian bill cosby has been released from prison after pennsylvania supreme court overturned his sexual assault conviction. the court ruled that a prior agreement with the prosecutor bob cosby from being charged. the committee was convicted and jailed in 2018 for drugs on sexually assaulting a woman. is a state. according to us,
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has denied the request for the thing of britney spears to remove her father from a guardianship arrangement that gives him control of her affairs. the ruling is independent of testimony, give must be as last week in which she alleged she had been abused under the arrangement. mia mas military has begun releasing about $2300.00 prisoners, including activists and journalists who are detained for protesting against the crew. in february, there was no reason given for the timing of and he says, so for to be behind bars in connection with the pro democracy demonstrations. the head of the world health organization in europe has warned a new wave of the corona, virus pan, down it could loom unless vaccinations increase, and people remain disciplined because i'm screw sets off the 10 weeks of falling cases. the numbers are now on the rise again. last week. number. let's have a quick look at some of the other developments in the corona virus pandemic. indonesia has announced a 2 week lockdown of its main island, java,
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and the to its destination of barley. starting this saturday. the country's health system is near and collapse in some areas as case number surge, district week long lockdown has also begun and bangladesh. people are confined to their homes except for emergencies, unto by essential and authorities in russia, save some clinics, have begun often boost vaccine shots for people already fully vaccinated. the country is seeking to combat rising cases. fueled by the more contagious delta barrier. serbian is one of the countries on the so called balkan migration wrote nobody knows how many child migrants pass through serbia every year in search of a new life in europe. many have been on the move for months or even years and thousands go missing some for prey to people. spotless, others face harassment from officials at border crossing pro. crossing the w funny foot shop went to belgrade to find out about the dangerous facing young migrants and the efforts to help them. i'll do what he has been on the road for the past 2
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years. he says he's 16, a child migrant from us gone down. his place to sleep tonight. under the bridge in belgrade, he shares display in english. he learned on the road will escape me to port will crush no worse after police, fish me do for it is the story of being pushed back all over the balkan route. he says some serbian police demand money from migrants to let them cross the border with romania, just for romanian authorities to return them to serbia, down to the police on the syrian border, creating problems for us because they asked for money years ago. we don't have that much money to give to the police and work and to buy food for ourselves, such as we're driving to support. it's one of the serbian hot spots for migrants trying to cross into you just a few 100 meters behind me,
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hungary and if you continue in that direction who cross into croatia, but claiming asylum in the european union has become nearly impossible. even still with these young men, one to take their chances. so local taxis stand by to drive those with enough cash closer to the border last night. know somebody have some kind of trouble with physical violence with the police on the board of the road here or yes, senior love each month to the only local and you in this area. she wants to warn, under h, migrants about the danger of crossing waters. police brutality, human trafficking, but we cannot say don't go, it's not our old say go or dont call. it just can see the options i can ask you to think about maybe going to the council, i'm sure. well, good. and then the answer i have to go from becky belgrade migrants have been
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stranded here, trying to avoid the camps out of fear of being deported. nicholas of its size, children have a special rights to protection and trying to avoid the serbian camp system should not mean that they should be left to fend for themselves. unfortunately, the system does not provide enough that affection for them. yes, children wants to fail side the system, but also the system is not strong enough to to attract them to give faith in the system and then at least decrease the risks while that in transit thousands of migrant children disappear every year in europe. abdul dreams about a life in switzerland, but riding onto this swiss bills tram might be as close as to get the sports who is now and in tennis, britons and mary showed he's still got what it takes as he stays the thrilling, come back to reach the 3rd rounded wimbledon, he beat german qualify, oscar ulta and 5 sets this by trailing earlier in the match. andy murray knows
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perhaps more than any one that there's no place like home. the bridge one to titles on wimbleton. it's like playing and his living room. but some sort, murray might never get back here again after having major hip surgery in 2019 and a divorce. i had the worst when oscar also led by 2 sets to one. but the man with a metal hip also has steely nerves and it's the darkness descended and the center court light went on. murray started showing his pedigree inspired by the home crowd, he saved some of his best tenants for the deciding satch. delicate finish. for the most roker and trimming of occasions,
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one of the reasons why i'm still playing is because of moments like that. like, why would you want to give up? i know what a great atmosphere isn't tennis. i've played a play in a few of them over the years and that was definitely one of them and and yeah, obviously what the atmosphere is either and things are going your way it's, it's a nice feeling on that feeling, definitely neutral, which is why, especially here at wimbledon, you can never write off id murray, because they certainly won't. germany's interior minister holds they will find blasted the decision by us to allow large numbers of fans inside stadiums. the euro 2020. they will call that decision by european football, governing body, also responsible, especially considering arising number of corona various cases in the u. k caused by the delta barrier. more than 40000 fans attended germany's defeat against england. london wembley stadium on tuesday,
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wembley is due to welcome 60000 for the tournaments semi final. and final later this goes on have confirmed jaden. central will leave the club this summer at heels been agreed for him to join meant the united for 85000000 euros santa emerged as one of you appealed football. hottest prospects doing is for his involvement. he scored 50 goals in 100. $37.00 appearances for the club the trans with the thumb show who's in england euro 2020 squad returned to manchester, where he previously placed at youth level for united rivals, mental city and barcelona fans of sweating on the future of lionel. messy after the fall was contract with the club, ran out at midnight. that means messy was widely regarded as one of the best football players in the history of the game. could join another club on a free transfer. barcelona say they are confident, messy will sign
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a new contract nice, despite the huge financial problems and interests from the other european top clubs like meant to city and p. s g you watching the w. c. as a reminder of the top stories were following for you, present siege and paying has held some sign as a rise, as reversible as it holds lavish celebrations, marking 100 years since the funding of the chinese communist party. she told her, told a flag waving crowd that the error of china being bullied is gone forever. he also called for this occasion with self rules. taiwan and i said from me and the news team to go away, coming up next in d, w, and use asia around look inside the chinese communist party, a school where mid career members are taught. busy ideology, the not and a lot more coming up next with my colleague parish,
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to the w documentary on youtube. women in asia in speaking definitely for the role of money and lunch and on the voices. the only way i can be up top is to create my own the see their house standing stories in women in asia as weekend on d w. every day counts for us and for our planet. golden ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make the reader? how can we protect habits? what to do with them all our ways?
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we can make a difference by choosing smartness solutions. overstaying said in our way global ideas, environmental theories, in little 3000 on d. w. online news, a show coming up today, a warning for the world as china, the communist party, don, 100, anyone, chinese people will absolutely not allow any foreign forces to believe oppressed or enslaved us. chief and chinese president fugit being also reaffirm the communist parties tend to role in the development of china and it's a role.
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