tv Kultur.21 Deutsche Welle July 4, 2021 12:30am-1:00am CEST
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to do the field and the magic the discover the world around you subscribe to w documentary on youtube. oh, me the hello and welcome to the letter said he should have equal africa. the weekly environmental magazine brought to you from uganda, nigeria, on germany. i am sandra torino view and i'm glad that you along with us. and here
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is michael host crease. hello, everybody loves illegals. today for job a look at cells on what keeping up with the latest strength is not so and byron made to me friendly. but that's not all we see how a muslim be just resisting climate change learned why the company rate so fielding and visit, afraid to region suffering from a big shortage. wasn't vague, is the country that has suffered greatly in recent years from expand poverty coupled with political instability. now for many of the country's leaders and barbara of protection simply isn't on the agenda. while the mail berra wants to start tackling the problem, not least, the cost of cost to city has been hammered by type loans. more and more often, news,
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they started before dawn. we should in, in the city of be that need to be out in the water all day to make it was quite low than he did from his father. he grew up in the fishing community over and over. today he hits up the local fusion cooperative and not just where to get the best crunch. but i did bring it in. it's in but times the he was fish. now, the sea itself, though it is the biggest worry, every tied in and did the me, gave shoes to go back, go to our bought our house in villages we need to leave, but where can we go?
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is nowhere someday say growing for them this and then the other one on one of our houses in 10 meters of water. when you tell me, tell me it's dish mid for the pot city obeta and it's fishing industry. the sea is a volatile source of income, but every november, when the cycling season starts, it becomes dangerous. in order to absorb the destructive force of the flood waters. mcgrooves have been planted along the shore, which flunked by ledge bucks. over the last 5 years, beta has begun to restore the natural water causes and be the big green pack at the center covering for the for it cause of land is now almost complete. but city man, by no creature has come to inspect the wire to go to the part of the guy. do not
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need to see this area again. it's dried out to be in this area i designed to absorb the flood waters like a sponge, holding back the ones from the city. beta has become a pioneer in green infrastructure on the african continent. som, when we put in, we should be very narrow. we need to think about how we can, when can you living in how we can cope with the challenges of climate change without creating even more problems for the city, we need to simply and sustainably develop a sustainable life does. data will be found and more. and more attractive to be split up mice the go to eco, on the anti i trying to negotiate. but it means deficient community has to move prior nova is located in for my mom group. so i'm, which will now be the planted residence of being asked to move to the central ment
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aside in the edge of the city. like this one in the rosy, far from the sea. for fisherman leander was lost his home and his board to say clearly die in 2019. so she moved here voluntarily. she now lives from funding and is building his own house before that and i will never go back. no one wants to return that way of life because it's difficult and dangerous. it's like fighting a will not against men, but against what we are and what is not an easy operant in the future is here, but not if we fall. we have to walk hard to come, we should do, but as we go to my see, i did him wish, as daddy this city authorities offered him and 200 of a fisherman, small plots of land, each on which to farm and build a home. it's an area that's safe from flooding and suitable for growing rice,
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but no one she has known what upton is in the house of these neighbour been adel. matilda was flattered by powerful winds, much lower than the fish, like he used to. but that's not an option. here data, but even you travel to the sea and buy a fish to sell it, but no one could make a living best way up. there we are growing, right? did somebody this is completed? what was your site this year? we had a lot of rise a 2nd, but because the range filled everything has eventually we'll just talk about say, got a potential job for the children physic. during a visit, residence hall area and the cost of goods for support for his plan has to be built in the see here protecting the city from future months. he's don't pay them. and he, if you look on the need for change,
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he believes projects like the green pack and the location of a nova out of the vital for this to do the future. and he's hoping local residents will support him a launch. but it says to please that it was not screen. yes ma'am dish. we need to use our knowledge back to the city that to stop and don't put this stuff up there where we organize your project. i'm going out to my not make your because you want to give and the better, but i got my own with the one of ensuring that to moderate we no longer on the list of sit and buy climate change on this was just these doesn't regard for school maps, on the other side of the base, the fisherman continued to walk on a moment to the resettlement site is voluntary lee. many realize that it's too dangerous to stay here, but is out of your colleagues to believe that would make good for my homeowners.
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i don't think moving to resettlement sites within my own you, maria is no point why not take the quote from sean and with the he and continued to fish for the fishing cooperation of prior to the latter in the book. but i know the timing, i said to me that he was close enough to the water and affordable is certainly not realistic. on this report is that both style is ready to start off as fond the will of cycling westwood into new furniture. as the result, he knew hey, of the office humble beginnings of furniture making in egypt is expensive. ah. the country has no wood resources.
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everything has to be imported. normally scrap would get thrown away. but that's changed in shareef. alcholay is workshop. together with architect sarah about to t, he found the move on startup. they make luxury sustainable furnishings using scrap wood. and when they get the, the stuff, the number of sight, it's very important that we up cycle and not only recycle we use and b furbished the scrap wood and incorporated into a new product that also helped raise people's awareness with these products are made without treatment. and for those any harmful chemicals, you know, it may de la ah, they've made more than $120.00 pieces since newborn opened a year ago, setting them in egypt and as far afield as piracy in london. and how about you?
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if you are also doing your best tennis to visit our website, oh, send us the tweaks hash tags doing your base with your res when we pray for work one evening out in menu for us have a whole rock of things to choose from. bodies hasn't always been like that in the past. it was pretty standard for people to have few of clothes than there was more of it. that is true, creased foster fashion is the boss once it has made by includes cheaper and easier bought. it is terrible for the environment in germany, businesses and looking for ways to move towards a more sucking of business model and fashion. let's take a look. new t shirt, new pans, another t shirt, a new hoodie. and maybe another pair of sneakers on special offer. most likely,
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all these new garments will end up in the trash sooner rather than later. just like $92000000.00 tons of textiles, every year, only one percent of that gets recycled. the true price, so fast fashion. between 200-2015. the clothing production. meanwhile, the amount of time place has been used for individual items have been used for actually decreased by over this sorting facility and eastern germany takes in a lot of unwanted clothing. but here it's treated as a new resource every day workers sort of to 200 tons of items based on their condition style and type of material. it's one of the largest facilities of its kind in europe. garments come from all over the world through install collection and recycling containers. they're either sent a 2nd hand shops or sold to recycling firms to create new fabrics and some
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$500000000.00 us dollars could be earned every year worldwide. if the close industry would shift to a circular economy with valuable resource, the found in our clothing, and it is, it is, it would be a shame to not re utilize these resources. we are creating value again because we are identifying items that new didn't have the demand of the customer and privately owned it anymore. nonetheless, other people who are demanding these types of carmen. and that's how the value is created. the need for more recycling is growing due to fast fashion. now, power junction box is partnering with mario miles chatter from a berlin based initiative called circular fashion. seeking to move the industry towards a more sustainable model, we are dealing with also very high, valuable product like kashmir, for example,
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which we are able to identify by simply touching it. and this isn't a way is a showcase for what's about to come with regard to mature recognition because this we can identify however, when we're dealing with various mix us we need more precise information when the future is, will be relevant if it like 80 percent 90 percent will because the recycling has great much different quality if he knows exactly this is one on the percent war or he can combine material percent, all 80 percent or so that the, the output of the recycling it's really usable for the president and craig and many of the items that end up here are no longer wearable around 60 tons daily. right? now most of that goes to the automotive industry, but it's impossible to utilize the full potential of these textiles, while sorting everything by hand. this is where the technology developed by your model and just colleagues comes into its own interest. actually,
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intelligence are things just a quick scanner and through to gather as soon as a garmin comes to the table with an idea and size. so clarity id. it's automatically read out and we get all the products verification with the products as in case we can calculate what is the right we use case for this or what is the best recycling case? workers still have to decide whether the item is wearable or not. and the rest is shown on the screen. truly circular products will one day contain information from the whole value chain. the conventional textile industry is resource intensive. it relies on oil chemicals and 93000000000 cubic meters of water every year. the difference in a circular model starts at the very beginning of the product. it's all about from the outset, from the design principles,
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ensuring that you are eliminating waste and pollution that you are keeping products from materials in use and you're generating actual systems dying. the conventional approach uses water and chemicals. one reason why fashion is responsible for 20 percent of the world's wastewater. this dutch company is different. it's facility and vietnam dies polyester without process chemicals or water. 5 leaders of water just to today, and that's only one c shirt. so if you look at a t shirt, it will be 150 meters of water for kilogram of fabric. you need to dye textiles. this is what you said. we don't use that. ah, they work with reclaimed carbon dioxide instead. fabric is loaded into the dying vessel. c o 2 is added and brought to the right temperature and pressure. only pure dies are used with no additional chemicals needed. clean die is currently producing around $10000000.00 leaders of died fabric a year. that's not much compared to global demand. but all of lola took to
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skyrocket, production as interest and this sustainable method grows. this is also allowed to the rest of the barrel industry, but also to the consumer and, and the solutions on there and stock to buy them. consumer retailer or brand. it's a, it's the same with resources becoming more scarce. many businesses are reconsidering waste in a circular economy. clues are designed to be one for a long time. after that intelligence solutions can ensure the recycled for maximum benefit to the transition to this mentality is slowly getting underway. water is a precious resource anywhere and not only in regions of the planet struggling with high temperatures, like many places in africa. it is also an issue in europe. in france, for example, a large company is bottling local water to fill it around the world. and that's
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proving highly controversial. this is a fish farm, but you're more likely to find plants than fish and it's on. there's too little water. but that wasn't only so. for centuries, water cascaded down from the mountains near this farm here in the mossy sent home region. as recently as 2018 a stream said edward, it's elegant hans with a steady supply of fresh clean water. load the water from the cave used to stand at about this level. it was old, and today there is nothing left today. the water is bob lewis, when 70 percent of it is exported, cortez for some people, saw the fish farmer now fears for his livelihood. he doesn't blame climate change for his plight, but rather international food processing giant done on it, extract mineral water from the surrounding region to bottle and fill worldwide under the brand name. volvic locals complained that despite repeated droughts won't make a siphoning more and more water from the area with no regard for their needs,
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rejects their claims before. you must keep in mind that we don't just do whatever we want. we are subject to and monitored by the authorities. and the authorities might appear at any time to inspect all holes in order to confirm that the statements we make in our data correct solar provider. forgetting secret came august 2020, for example. they were 2 such announce visitors when they don't want. francois dominique de la a geologist is very familiar with this region characterized by extinct volcanoes. he says there are still plenty of natural water sources, mother dwindling as a result of general contracts awarded by the regional government to don't say the prefect grants to many authorizations and more seriously. on the 31st of march this year, the prefect put in place
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a new drum decree in case of heat wave and water problems. and miraculously exempt, involving by saying it's underground water. it doesn't involve them fill me. but many studies indicate the opposite. the flow rate of the small stream, which supplied edwards to philly gone fish ponds has fallen dramatically in recent summers in part due to the water extraction. don't the pacific gets us and we went from 470 leaders per 2nd or 510 leaders per 2nd in 1960 to nothing at all. percent. all to the benefit of jannen cordova for now he hope summer rain will fill his pond, but the regional authorities will reconsider the agreements they've made with dunham in the long run o 2 children to one giant problem. and we really need to see
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how will climate change affect us and our children learn more at b, w dot com slash water time. now to head to another water we the mighty combo river in the democratic republic of congo. one of the was deepest re them, not thousands of people depend on need for their livelihoods. but if he's on the threat, yes, sandra, experts say it's the police did an alarming rates due to paul was disposal. and that's the vicious circle. as we'll see in the capital more rubbish than water. that's the state of almost all of the congo tributaries in kinshasa. and every day, the mountains of waste continue to grow because almost everyone disposes of their
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rubbish along the small rivers and drainage canals that criss cross the city. organic waste and plastic bottles suffocate, live in and around the water and club, the waterways causing severe flooding during the rainy season. is the situation that horrifies another survey after learning about the damage caused by plastic waste in his nature logical science course. he founded an environmental n g o to just so and i book with the rivers in can shasta polluted with run off from industries and plastic ways to ship. we plan to clean up the rivers by collecting plastics which have been turned into our object. i intend to start a business that will help to protect the rivers. so me, i business will put these in lives and he's using a lot of imagination to do it. ona
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savannah knows his initiative consult, can chances, overwhelming waste problem. but he sees the decorative objects made from plastic waste as a step towards raising awareness of environmental problems. but consensus waste problem also needs to be tackled at its roots. when belgium's built the drainage system for focus, as you can see that they can know that to build for drainage system the outflow was towards the congo river and we still have the system unfortunately today. so which means any water that goes underneath that, they saw again the direct to come out, it goes immediately to convert even decades of conflict. a rapidly growing
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population and a lack of investment have all contributed to this. if he's failure to develop a functioning water and sanitation system for 15000000 inhabitants, researches at the university of consulting test, the water quality, twice a year. the findings are published in the scientific journal and also presented to local authorities to push them to take action celine secretly. seymour is leading the research. rapid action is required because the results are cause for concern in the course that we find the industries are discharging their waste water into the congo river showing. and then there are a lot of factories situated close to the river. and then our scientific research indicated that there is
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a lack of oxygen in the water. this is having a negative effect on people. and of course, on the fish and the river flow for life. in the laboratory, the scientists can detect the different toxins. but because the government officials often side with factory own is not the action has been taken so far, says celine sickly. seymour and plastic waste is just as harmful sticks are very dangerous for the microorganisms in the water. because they block the sun's rays from reaching the water without the sun's rays from rain, plants and other organisms are not able to synthesize carbon dioxide and water, which is critical for their survival. fill up with those centers. in 2019 the government launched the kimball pater project aimed at making kinshasa cleaner and greener. on the last saturday of every month concert,
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the citizens are encouraged to clean up the neighborhoods. 300 trucks, troy, to connect garbage and transported to the land. for when the outskirts of the city were burned still to project any stretch of the surface, according to official figures, the city produce a 7000 tons of plastic waste every day. but environmental activists like, alas, availa, undeterred by the task ahead of them. even if it has to be removed one sec at a time. that's a pretty tough situation for the people in the d or a see. we do hope or she has given you something to think about. and you enjoyed watching. don't forget you can always check in with us anytime on social media platforms. i am standard twin audio signing go from compiler. here in uganda. thanks sons, right? time for me to say good bye to chris alone, lagos,
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check in in 30 minutes on d. w. in good say it's time the place for it. but when exactly early risers and night hours are put to the has the timing he him though is method be in good shape in 60 minutes on w o. the how does the virus spread? why do we panic by and when will all this 3 of the topics that we've covered in a weekly radio. if you would like any more information on the kroner virus or
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any other science topics, you should really check out our podcast. you can get it wherever you get your podcast. you can also find us at w dot com slash science tell me how it feels. jewish life in europe. what film producer and journalist good mine are exploring? delving into history and the present. i would never have thought they could believe . so i remind myself because i grew up in the completely different ways fraud, early jewish in europe. the 2 part documentary
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starts july 5th on d, w. i the was, ah, this is d w. news line from berlin. wildfires rage across western canada, rescuers search for the missing encounter, forced to evacuate. the government is warning of a long and challenging summer ahead. also coming up. thousands demand the impeachment of heart lang, brazilian president, john, you're both tomorrow from watching the pandemic as the supreme court and.
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