tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle July 4, 2021 2:30am-3:00am CEST
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not the for sports heroes, actually, it was a weapon, the face, but now we just have to fight their mobilizing superpowers. i'm fired up in reading, down, doing walk down the go to tokyo, starting july 19th on d. w. with the good conclusion. did any danger or idea as to the church? i'll be a comfortable room where you feel at home and what feels more at home than the count. how is nick coach? you want me? it's just as i imagined, notion best and follow best case scenario is that in
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a few years time it won't just be us. it might be everyone on sofas beanbags and dec janice, do you drink on some drink by the smell that black batman james bond address? the catholic we leave that out. that creates distance and it makes you into this big black wall. and we where our normal clothes and i where capital genes, trash and shoes to put the ah, the evangelical polish group who say embrace half and northern germany months border and christian to our friends and co pastors. here. this is their 1st posting
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candle, vivian. gladder has been a parishioner for many years, man, cap, guns, nerve and was exterior fest on dust puffy. people get stuck in one style of music, especially counters. so i'm glad you too are making me think outside the box. i believe if we want to reach a lot of people, we have to be open to things outside of our experience. i'm happy to explore heavy metal, tech know or hip hop as long as it moves people that some learners mentioned, leaked do, can miss your music, can touch people's hearts in a totally different way. what i need 4 minutes to say take you just 4 bars and the whole room feel food doesn't tend to be for me. that's called working and lot when people work together, something emerges that nobody can do alone. and that's amazing. will get ya. oh
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pastors and we don't know what it's like to be a pastor and normal times. but there's definitely a lot missing kind. i haven't shaken a single person's hand and i'm a half. and one, you know, i haven't been able to give anyone a hug. the one that's past pastors, we literally want to go beyond the church. we don't want to hide behind the walls, but be accessible to people in the neighborhood in pesca status. good other than we noticed the church doors can act as barriers on. i'm like ok, class. and how was it fair that we expect people to come to us on when we could also be the ones taking the 1st and get them going out of them. when the author said, again, you said we came here last summer when i know i genuinely like living here, people are easy to talk to like like over because we know i'm crazy about
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skateboarding escape board. instead of the pastors come, there are many things that the rookie pastors do differently. the the town is the parish counselor. she regulate the former pastors grace, the the company, nicholas i bought coffee for me one for me. and, and one black coffee from miss mottos. you really like coffee are going to be past us. it just felt right. he wasn't into flower and i had to send him whenever we'd
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have a chat, he'd always have a coffee and cigarettes and a capital. but that's what i mean that was making and from that i had passed. i like to bring him a cup of coffee in coffee mit sitting, chairs making post me. he passed a group club was much love, pastor, filling his shoes. is a big task. me. he had also the home and asked me he was already doing things differently as will not ins. it's an interesting to 5 o'clock church service once a month, which he didn't wear a catherine target. talking to him, he will require a jacket with pastor written on the back on and they had only did things differently in his own way. and that laid a good foundation. open people to change providers. i'm 1st off, it was on the one common concert on sure. there were some people, a few older people who care about tradition, avoid criticism and these it soon. for somebody over 80,
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it's important for the pastor to wear cassock. feel like you monday your box. is this the postal intolerable? but i think in those cases you just have to talk to listen and communicate with each other and explain the changes and the opportunities they offer home as possible. and they, she talks will be the one it pieces 1st acts as pastor took him to the top of the bell tower, mcglatian as long as the very 1st morning we arrived. i noticed that at 8 am this bell rang for 5 minutes straight to ship. but when you right away, i thought that if we wanted to be accepted in this area, then this thing can't ring for 5 minutes at 8 in the morning because there are people who do work. and i also like to sleep past 8 on my days off and now the bell is silent,
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attained lives in the lodge returning his girlfriend. ah, he's turned one of the many rooms into a dressing and exercise room. ah, i really enjoy experimenting with clothes shoes . i could tell you, but i said as what totally surprised me when we started here was that i thought we'd get into trouble for things all the time. and church was almost nobody cares what really got people worked up. were our cat dogs. i got calls from all over germany about wearing caps during service and that's in the middle. and i have to admit that well, the rebel enemy, the 10th. because frankly, i don't understand that kind of superficiality, the kind of god doesn't care what we,
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where in church we gotta just to be ourselves. you don't know what ms. epstein the issue would need. i wouldn't say i'm vain for me. vanity is when you need others to notice you feel as if you exist. and i did that a lot in schools and fell flat on my face to talk on monday we, many time and for my classmates, i was always the one who was too sensitive. it's within the room, cried too much who dressed too colorful and too much like a girl. when done might often get told, you're not a real boy and if you and then they tried to beat me up to make a real boy out of me in your office and then i couldn't care less about the man woman thing holdings, me the way i walk around now is a bit in your face, but that's also reactionary. and
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chris's around 3000 dvds in his living room. him and the phone before this was i'm in this one when i started collecting dvds when i was still at school at emma. so not a cool thing about movies was that they were this journey into another world full of feeling with an issue that tries to last. and i know and things weren't going great at school. i could take an emotional holiday with a film. was me what hurt me back in school has now become something i really treasure and doesn't. and that sensitivity, community management. when i talk to people now about something sad, i only have to flip a switch and my heart is on because i know exactly how it feels it's vice. i know what doubts do to you. it's not something i've learned from, but i, i know the feelings i've experienced emotion so strongly doubt, sadness, joy love met at some point. i couldn't deal with them. i'm and, and i had to learn to live with elaine, leave him down at max
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leads just around the corner. he made a conscious decision to take an apartment in one of these buildings and to coax the only half of the apartments here occupied. but hardly in high demand began, there was a period when this really vote can high end. but that was a long time ago on the high end of a just this is long. i've actually torn some buildings down and there were still empty. flat. my lovely ask the the more unlike chris marks was a popular kid. he doesn't have any expensive furniture in his flat,
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but his home has a lot of playful elements which he values didn't miss. the most powerful woman in the world are stop the hell. the plan is to see how they can do a little magic up. and so not with for example, if i say alexa knox and the light goes out, alexa loom us dot o. 7 mark's received his ring as a present surpassing his starts exam, a german government licensing exam. my thoughts usually i just think is beautiful and cool. about there have been times were often annoyed when things got to be too much to feel. and i looked down of this ring and thought you passed the exam. this here is a much smaller problem. and that works and it's a little trick of mine from the get me, it's not so important that it's a ring from my grandpa. it's
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a special object because invest with the meaning of the daughter of florida. yeah. this is my little ins to corner. let me get the light. i'm complex by and i'm sitting with a completely white background and it's nicely the to tie the really like that a static and saw all just why oh pastors work with social media. last, explore the new plan on the scape the here, the only way to get to the record the out in on this march times and share the experience with you to follow the references. you'll be surprised. there's
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a lot to see here what creates a lot of jobs around a 5th of all work that's around 70 to 75000 jobs in the state of breyman, depend directly or indirectly on the port coming here from these gateways. the world are of enormous economic importance for germany suffered from extreme war with the immigrant memorial commemorates to more than 1200000 people who started their journey to the new will from here in the 19th century, the support facility in greenhouse and 4th largest, in europe,
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the everyday 10000 shipments of cars, agricultural vehicles and military transported, a loaded onto ships in this harbour. along with the around can medium fishing is to get exported from each day. the question becomes will probably not through our stories intact. so the contact is much more open and direct to post about their lives almost every day. also to make themselves approachable. they call it in the counseling i'm writing highway highway seems to be a popular ship's name on an order can also find people can reach out
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really easily. you just have to type and send a message and the message reaches are not makes us clickable. pastor song made and they aren't the only class going digital. german lutheran church even has its own network called heat on which christian influences regularly exchange ideas. and chris gets paid to participate allows. so when everyone in this group would say they're not doing this to promote themselves, to me, it's about getting golds message out. all that about showing people that the church is also normally on. it's about overcoming barriers and prejudices. evening of which they're a heat director of the church over time. you've had copeland wisely because you get social media is great for that easy guy on. if you want to be pretty stupid, if we didn't use it as a communication channel, for
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a lot of people. if something doesn't exist on their phone, it doesn't exist at all. in other words, this is a new living space that we all use and then have it together. so old media also have to develop a join in and find ways to get involved in people's lives as well. and we need to need to be a vehicle, a way of transporting god's message of love. well, thanks guys. there was great niga races. races go one more time to loosen up and make sure judy on the 1st floor of the rectory, they use it to record the video podcast, a further format to get their message out. and one of the topics i want to discuss today is how difficult it was to get internet in the church. oh, the now everyone. i'm chris mine. when he hey and i mags here. we're here at
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libra alta, but i with 3 eyes. that was, i'll do it again. and if it doesn't feel right, i can say it well, but have another go. you always do such a good job. ok, good luck on. now everyone. i'm chris. morning. hey, and i max, we're here at lee bahama, but 3 head and i know more often shot after money. we finally have internet in the church because we had to check thousands of possibilities until we finally found a way to have internet strong enough to stream our church service. when to mean english is in an indication. com. i see. i remember when we started here in the parish, i came into my office and there was a yellow plastic case in the corner, plastic for charlotte, fun stomach. and i remember i said, what are we going to do now? and you can still fix this super old technology. your response really impressed me
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when you said, going backwards isn't the way it's kind of the storm in practical terms. a cable doc had to be done from the rectory to the church due to corona, the number of helping hands in the community is limited. i think that's my guy looking good. just the dream team. i'm on the dream machine and i regularly see how our internet isn't working. we won't have better internet for the next 10 years. if we don't take matters into our own hands, that's why i'm helping you know exactly. now pull the parishioners don't mind working hard to support their new pastor next to fresh on their different i'm now people my age. i'm only going to really feel like going
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to church i'm going to be and i think that's great as a species, i've got some, you know, it just offers a lot of opportunities and possibilities. all this is good when i think it's good instructions that have grown over years or even centuries. get shaken up mentioned to you. and it's people who think creatively, who have no unusual ideas that have always change history and change the world of the church 6. and ruth lays the cable and going online isn't the only development in the parish. you can see it here. very clearly reinforcing rod showing the plaster is crumbling, time is chipping away at the church. it's falling apart more and more. at some point it will collapse justice, shortest time. and i don't have
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a problem preaching in a shabby church, but it shouldn't fall on our heads. the big question is, does the church, but it's money and walls or people would mention that life rules was born and raised in green hoffer during the 20 years that he's been fixed and he's watched the church as place and society shrink. this used to be the parish hall. now a social services center stores donated close here. like between all the liberal exit the church of or die. it's sad or, but what can you do? there are 2 sides to it. why you're tired. it's something new and that makes young people happy lawyers and, but the older ones don't like it hung over we missed familiar from these are there needs to be a balancing act on this enough. i don't know the spark out with them to be. but corona has accelerated,
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the speed of change together with the current or the past as plan the online services almost like a show, including a song choices. oh, i, i man la guy. cool. that's the 1st song booked saved, voice to men, boys, boys to men. you'll love them. yes, i mean, oh, boys to men. i see in on, you know, when he's writing sermons much, withdraw him to his flat. whenever he gets stuck, he meditates. instead of a crucifix on the wall, max has a trinity, not on the ceiling to symbolize the holy trinity.
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without my faith, i think i'd be a much crappy person on it. thanks to my faith that i can step into the world, happy and motivate and be kind to others and not be an idiot. sunday, the service isn't until 5 pm preparations that the live stream begin at noon. well, let's do a sound check. i'm. i like that comes up me. ah, my priest, copart is also helps keep can grounded especially during this emotional time. we've been showered with praise, but so it's been really important to keep each other honest. this disappoint the mirror in the right direction in the mainly upwards and say, we don't deserve the praise as low for the price. not all the facts when max max
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can tell me anything he can say for chris that was crap. an arrogant or i was impressed and i was great. no matter what he says. i know it comes from the heart and that's why i take it to heart melting. morning. hey guys. there co welcome home. what a gift to be able to worship together again. i saw me in the new visit is aren't allowed into the building it but this woman came to follow the law stream in front of the church. good man. shops here. absolute. that sense of community is nice for
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everybody. not just for me. national for me. on my own, i only have a small dog at home practitioners on line one to also and the church has always been the place where i can recharge my batteries, which all the time mishma i'm not can when we can't go online, when all we can do is cry, god, god is there for us and says, i am your heavenly mother. my arms are always open to you. often few oil lamb, your heavenly mother, who is happy when your oil white, you'll never forget to get on in who's forever there. are men pandemic has meant that the young pastor has been very different to how they imagined, but slowly they're starting to feel at home in green. oh,
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town or it's about the foundation of a new world border silk road. china wants to use the network of trade with to expand its influence, including europe. conflicts are inevitable. gateway to europe in 75 minutes on dw. ah, the news when i arrived here i slept with people in a room. it was hard, fair. i even got white hair learning the german language helped me a lot. this keeps me and critical. trinity to instruct was the site. you want to
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know their story, verifying and reliable information for my grandmother. and above all, how it feels jewish life in europe. that's what film producer and journalists, good manners are exploring, building into history and the present. i would never have thought judaism could be live, so i need to remind myself because i grew up in a completely different way. the explorer listed to wish in europe, the 2 port documentary starts july 5th on d, w. ah,
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the news . this is the w news line from berlin. wildfires, rage across western canada. as crew struggled to contain the blazes forecasters warned that lightning could spark even more fires. the government is warning of a long and challenging summer head. also coming up thousands demands impeachment of hard line brazilian president jr, bulls tomorrow from botching the pen demo.
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