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tv   Julian Assange  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2021 4:00am-4:46am CEST

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while materials to avoid containers, food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases in the home by applying the 5 keys to safer food use them. you also have a role to play. the ah, this is d w. news, and these are our top stories. more than 170 wildfires are threatening towns in western canada. thousands have already been evacuated and one talent has burned down completely. many of the fires were sparked by lightning strikes. this comes during the country's recent record breaking heat wave, which has caused hundreds of deaths. thousands across brazil have marched in protest at what they say is present. julia wilson was miss handling the pandemic.
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more than half a 1000000 brazilians have dined from covey. 19 and down with the supreme court is investigating claims that the hard line leader ignored corruption. interactions yield england fans or celebrating their countries advance to the european championships in my finals after humiliating ukraine for nil. it'll be england's 1st appearance in the semi finals in 25 years. they'll faced denmark with vent, after beating the czech republic to what england will have the home advantage in. when's a clash in london? this is dw news from berlin. there's much more in our website, that's d, w dot com the oh, with the
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news this week on will stories. political activists some. this rant in hong kong. the essence of beauty and diversity in london. we begin in afghanistan with a more than a decade line. the hi diary has been helping drug addicts and couple with taliban to surgeon is making hope work difficult. the earrings and because on and linda hi diary is on her way to mother camp. it is one of the few privately run addiction facilities and caboodle. her diary founded another camp on her way. she passes by poly, sucked her bridge, where many drug addicts live a lima. you know that i'm up with. but other, and we'll talk when i saw the bridge for the 1st time, it was like looking straight into the ranch,
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that i thought this is what hell looks like. and even the people were lying on the ground like animals and were dying. and they could have had promising life become doctors maybe have some good work at how much there was another shock and still also her diary. she hadn't seen her brother for a long time and found out that he was living under the bridge. high diary decided to take action. she wanted to help her brother and be many other addicts, and caboodle almost everyone in the city of 4 and a half 1000000. know someone whose life has been destroyed by drugs rehabilitation center located in western could boil, is dead. her son was once an addict himself for 30 years he suffered from harrison dependency. but with high diaries help, he managed to kick the habit. now he manages the center in her absence. meet is not an addict. he has been here ever since high diary found him as a young child in a garbage can on the side of the street,
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most likely abandoned by his family. he was doing well. patients stay here for about 4 weeks. there is a lack of closely medicines to eat their withdrawal symptoms, so patients usually have to make due with cold showers. we also have a lot of talks and music sessions. the high diary also has in mind to 10 after the rehab. she also runs the restaurant, taj be gone, all employees are recovered addicts, the world helps them lead drug free lives and brings new perspectives. mohammad hussain is one of those who managed to turn his life around. this is a special place for a gun is done. so we can feel pretty safe here. i'm very happy to work in this place. because here in the restaurant, it's just different. almost like
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a family goes from about the same on, on some take of 10 to the venues. the restaurant received threats from extremists also be to that is run by women. hi diary has managed to build what she said out to build, but the situation in afghanistan is unstable. he was crawl of international troops is underway and should be complete within the next few weeks. the 3rd, but when her phone i was up and i got on her. i'm pretty pessimistic about just gone to the future. it seems totally really key as my the only one who can look to wants the future of the taliban that are, that are radical muslims, that here and double know not county women was and they is the mommy lane and the future is uncertain. but at least for now layla hi diary knows what she is going to do. so part those with a drug addiction and come to for as long as possible. the,
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the one year ago, china past the controversial law making it easier for the mainland government to arrest and charge pro democracy activists. now, very few activists have the courage to protest in public. the writing, he is politics and his love of hong kong into his skin still be with one yet chin even in the darkest days. so the whole whole i hope they remind me of the beliefs i started with, even if i'm jailed in the future. one started the group student politicize, and last may just after hong kong or is heard about the national security law all at 20. he's one of the oldest in the group. there is young as 15, there's some of the few still visible on the streets. many other groups are gone. sorry, is not all that, well, i decided not to go to college last year,
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which i wanted to get to keep myself to activism while i was still free. i heard all, they are still guy. i know many political influences seldom speak in public. people fear they could be called under the national security law with all else, especially with it being so uncertain migalia how we feel like we have to step out . especially when prominent figures are either in jail or in exile. deli, all that i ball why one has been arrested 4 times in the last year, twice just this month. march is our band under pandemic rule. he and his group hand out leaflets instead. but it's enough to get him into trouble. the pressure is intense. he knows national security officers are watching him. he doesn't go to sleep until 7 am, so he's awake at dawn. that's when police arrest people at home. he's part of what beijing says is an extremely small minority that the national security law targets
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to preserve stability. one thing has the stability brought by the national security law. it's just an illusion and is built on people's fear. there's no reason for further treat, hollins, or what if even the terms freedom and democracy become to be one day. i won't compromise on my speech or that if he will. he and his group support those already in jail. they take supplies to protest, years behind bars on. well y'all handle on hong kong future is more important in my one future when the political prisoners are released in years or decades to come. i don't want them to return to the worst hong kong hong kong without hong callers. all in we have many see we are the kids chosen by the time. but i think it's we who have chosen this era. since i've seen all the
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symbols on his skin state, his certainty, the tattoos are messages of defiance to his future self. the for decades, fully east germany secret service side on it citizen, the information was stored on files. many people only found out later how extensively they will be monitored and longer zebra. i read the door of their old building in east berlin. they lived here when they were young, a nice that will anything but private window. then although i'm place stealthy infamous, spied on them from across the courtyard bag. when this tree was much smaller. how did you see stones, the people standing magical had now i just found out when i read about it,
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we would never have thought about it. the thought of them standing there. now, best on the dash dottie files contain hundreds of pages intercepted letters and informers reports, including zebra and offers apartment layout game and had in my someone looked into my life and i had no idea where they described me as a person from that perspective. but it wasn't a very friendly one, least the mission was on the last saw, it said, but i live with the culture. but why with a to women spite on. and then they came from the provinces to east berlin and found good jobs here working for the east german state newspaper, northeast georgia, and new germany. but they made a fate for move. they tried to leave the country from 976
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onwards, circle or fall and illness ever applied again and again to leave. always giving the same reason its lifeline. i do not believe a trustworthiness of discovery. i have seen 1st hand how little human rights are respected in east germany. after these days, they tell people born after the war came down, how he risked life and limb to leave east germany. old. i didn't want someone else to decide where i lived. you need, i have a certain point i had enough and then i thought, well, no, i want, i want freedom on, don't don't need loss. it's 25. and for that desire they almost ended up in prison. the how do we define you team? that is the question being asked by photographer christina, are actually,
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you know, she explores beyond classic ideals. we visit her studio in london. the people with disabilities, with different skin colors, sexual orientations, and cultural backgrounds. diversity in front of the camera, staged by a photo ard. me a photo shoot in london with an indecent attendance angel in deal both form with l . binary fans with milly, ellis brown, a person who identifies as neither male nor female. they are old uses of russian photographer, christina vaccine. okay, very good sense of beauty is the name of the photo project or actually not aim is to highlight people who are often under represented. and she wants to establish a concept of beauty that goes beyond the current standards a little bit closer
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to so many voices are suppressed and to be given a foreign powering as a model that i have today. shandy, very important to me is that in a strength that they've been able to understand themselves and find their place in the world, and believe in themself, and love themselves except their own money. their own uniqueness. the rocks you know, has earned international a claim for her photographs which are exhibited in galleries from new york to moscow. before moving to london and 2019, she worked in the us for 10 years, photographing people like artist, marcia. he actually has massive discussion about females and was
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passed as being a woman and need to change the office 2021. it's time for change and roxanne wants to support that change with her photographic works. and the little more with the news happening. it is for everyone. human penises are very different from primates. we have a totally ridiculous romanticized view nature a there. and david and this is climate change, pregnant sex who happiness in 3 books. you get smarter for free. d w books. ah
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me. because you oh no, no, no no. the ah, ah,
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the the the the its china's mega project, the new silk grow. a trade networks between china and the rest of the world, which could turn the old world order on its head. the changing jobs will challenge the
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gym of fighting china is investing in bridges, forts, railway tracks, and roads around the globe over 70 nations are already part of the new south road. europe sees the chinese as welcome investors. the ports of paris has been under chinese ownership for several years, and the chinese are now also showing interest interest in italy, natalia, and on the greater importance for china. the center of the mediterranean cast off the coast of africa. and just for the name of the fisher or the chinese, when i give you re, as is the emerald of the mediterranean milan must reveal. critics warn that china is using the new silk road to cement its power around the world and divide europe.
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when you make any can nomic agreement with the country, that doesn't respect the human rights. you are dealing with human rights because it means that you don't care much me. yes. the corona virus pandemic has brought life in colorado, a resort in north eastern italy to a virtual standstill. but even though few people visit his beach bar, ricardo loankey also is so glad to be back at work. he and his family were the 1st people in the resort to be infected with cove at 19 because i'm going to buy something similar to what we felt like lepers when they say it's a small community talk with on a particular community. on the summer. it's a well known resort. you see what we locals are all alone on the island in winter
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and then he is actually sort of course on an island. everyone knows everyone else and he needs that's why it was such a serious issue for me at 1st. having an illness when nobody knew what it would bring it to the dinner table, we can live in or see something about cars passing. but help coming in from china gave ricardo and his family, the feeling that they weren't alone. china sent 31 tons of urgently needed equipment, ventilation machines, personal protective clothing, masks, and medication, and also medical staff. soft power from china. some called it the silk road of help. me, me some cindy thought pissy felt more safe just trying to, to help you out or, or least look, if someone has already faced the same problems before you and found solution that you maybe haven't. it does give you a feeling of security and sort of syndicate,
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don't want to show for letting me until the record is clear. sense of the because you see these problem building and you don't know how to solve them in all cycle met. excited china as the savior in times of need. whether it was politically motivated or not. the symbolism worked for ricardo in his family. in the early stages of the pandemic, no help was forthcoming from the european union. the we saw when we saw china that really experienced the catastrophe in the beginning, the pen demik in china was really devastating in the beginning. so of course or so they offered us health and it showed us that they were prepared. i don't know that there are power some of the most time. they're afraid of nothing and nobody can learn about what i mean to me.
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3 is greece is most important port. it's been owned by the chinese since 2016. china started investing in the port after the 2008 financial crisis and has made it an economic success. over the last 12 years, handling has increased tenfold. the dock workers here on here one were here before the chinese arrived and saw the changes 1st hand round. it's an honest job with it. i've managed to feed my emily, i'm satisfied with the piano g o topple, as has been working at the port since 2005 like everyone else here. he demonstrated
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against the takeover of the court by the chinese state company costco. along with everything has been a mess since the privatization and if you are going to get more than ever since the investor got involved here and is only interested in profit and nothing else in our situation has changed. we cannot, before the port privatized, our work was much better and easier. we worked in fixed groups back only as a team of 2. now we don't have enough people now, so that's no longer possible. now we're forced to do the work of 2 men that each one shift in 6 was cancelled. new jobs were created, but hardly any of them offered the same social protection as the workers previously had these proud greek dock workers now work in afford which is no longer their own thing and must be
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the we think it was a strategic mistake to privatize the biggest important in the country, greece is a country with a huge number of violating the ports are essential, not only economically envisioned, but social, almost in economy. they keep people connect, it is really voice. i miss this, you know, she had to be more greece was forced to privatize the board as part of your demand to tackle the greek debt crisis. ga, ga, goes and his men still blame germany and the you for it. go, goes, is now trying to save what he can and his fighting to protect his people's rights. we must do the best of my when it got to stay pension because they calculated how long you would worked for the port when it would still stay don't what will happen to us now the longest starting workers,
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so not our rank. you know, i'm telling you my best man gotta stay pension. what will happen when everything because i get already retired, right? no, it won't be like that at all. but go, goes union no longer represents all the doctors. so it's hard for him and his men to fight against the threats of outsourcing or temporary contracts, because it'll portion of the portion, i don't know how much longer we can keep this working model with permanent staff, open and dignified work, and job security for us to know, garcia, we request an interview with the ports, chinese managers, but it's the greek press officer who explains to us why. perez is so important for china's new silk growth report. the photos is a furnace to lads, european boards after the crossing of sun. this is
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a very important for the shipping companies in order to reach the port and to use it as it received my hub. so they're very loud, it's vessels. the mother version says we call them starting their route from east asia to where it's really the part of spite a wish. i live here that kind of go whatever it is going day notice or guys. and then as smaller rationalists, as we call them, feed the rest of the day that got to go in there redistributed to many other ports of mediterranean and lexie the dock workers are skeptical only 70 to 80 of the containers are trans shipped, which won't create any new jobs for the money on the profits. stay with the owner
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of the fort. the chinese state company, costco. none of it goes to the greeks gather the more for us. in fact, i think it's all about the expansion of chinese capitalism, connecticut, other se, he, the chinese has a lot of money. and this is its way of the landing and asserting and status position in the world to be the 1st to so by me we're using china is a world power. i mean, you can't overlook that or be indifferent to what is not the not, not shifting of the photo. the, me me
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hugh walker in the streets in italy. and then you walk in the streets in shanghai. you don't need to do any analysis to understand why countries grow at 0 percent like here and why some other countries, girl, it's 8 percent as you pass to china, you just see immediately and i've been weakness in 10 years over really important social and economic changes under my eyes, i've come back to europe and i don't see any changes. next time i go to shanghai after a few months. i will look at the underground map because it would be new life. keller, good archie, is known as mister china. now, after working as an investment banker and spending 10 years in shanghai as a professor of economics, he became under secretary of state in italy, ministry of economic development, and negotiate. i still grow deal with china. he used to commute constantly between
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china and italy, but now the corona virus has forced him to do business with the chinese via video calls. why is why when he's always a cecily? i hope so too. i'm sicilian hood, so i'm pinning my hopes on china 5 down that the cooperation with china will help the tourist industry to grow in sicily and don't lice usually i day though, the new jersey last year we had president choosing ping here. a lie that wants to see more chinese tourism and the chinese are very curious about italy, how good archie no longer holds political office. government, he was part of only lasted for 15 months. but the letter of intent that he negotiated with china is still valid. when i came in, i took on these projects and actually delivered so accelerated the processor made the final agreements with the chinese counterparts. and we implemented them,
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we signed it. and i do think that this is the base to economic opportunity to italy has to cooperate with china doing business together. this deal with china alarm to europe easily is after all, one of the use founding members, as well as part of nato. many saw the signing of this contract as a break with the old alliances the logic of the italian government back then was purely economic. they said everyone else was doing business with china to, even if they had no official agreement. there is absolutely no contradiction and no conflict. so we do a strategy. if someone worries about the fact that the china in less than the u. s . to give them back something china has invested in germany, orland, belgium,
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france, spain malta, a stumble in greece and u. k. all parts in europe have chinese, honestly just in the city because it's, i know just and also lived in china for 6 years and observed the events around the new silk road development with a critical fine she thinks the italian government was trying to create an economic advantage for itself, but underestimated the plans, political dimensions. hello recon knowledge, men of this political project. why a member of the g 7 had a great propaganda value when you're also in china itself and k propagandistic, went out and for the new silk room quite clearly and on the project. and like the projects in history in china and the usa of charity. they are pursuing their own interest if you change them in the
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it's obvious that china is trying to gain a global foot whole through key infrastructure investments such as a port yes. in the northeast of italy could also become an important logistical center for the chinese francesco, but easy as a businessman, who's currently planning to bring a new investor on board to build a 2nd container terminal inter yes. estimate of the minimum investment necessary to further expand to have a reasonable container. terminal is 300 mean on the order we are ready to discuss with other parties. if they have any interest to further develop,
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it can easy to do that that we have been discussing full time with chinese interest . the $43.00 s set to expand further until now it has only handled $790000.00 container ships a year by comparison. whereas handles 6 times as much congo, francesco parties, these berm, has been involved in the transportation business in europe and the rest of the world for almost 200 years. along with his son, he's the 8th generation to run the business. the company has survived 2 world wars, but today's challenges are just as great. and now you need the roots to asia to stay competitive. he says, it is not that we are giving preference to chinese business partners rather than other reality is that china has grown and, and is the trading partner and number one in the world. and if we are involved in
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logistic which is connected to international trading, you cannot simply close your eyes in front of what has developed you try to participate. so this is the simple answer, easy and his son have invested in china themselves and make 2 thirds of their turnover with asian customers. in spite of their old european traditions, they have long become a part of the new chinese silk road. europe is not anymore, the center of the world is not no time. so we have to take up to neat is where they arise and, and where we find and specially where we find people who are willing to share the same values that are not only make money, but we have that with some values. very part of the draft
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and the problem for the port of tree asked is that trina could be an opportunity all because china to make investments, of course, and italy need 7th, any thought in by the more to design or the investment the same time we have to be very careful when we make any deal with china on the car because you know, my power is vast and can be overwhelming to the committee for the past. gets out of the me patron check is waiting for visitors from china. a busy year for that. let's see. do holidays july. i'm like a bridge between 2 countries and between 2 people. gonna gonna gonna click on these
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next 7 i happen to small chinese really want to come to greece because they want to learn a lot about the culture of each in greece. the mythology in history and body, seen edgy. now i got 8 in the body for the small hole. that's why they love greece . so much of the 2 countries are similar. they both have a lot of history already. i came in and did the roots of the eastern world or in china. these are the roots of the western world or greece, what it is long before the corona virus hit, it was always busy. around the foot of the acropolis, chang had groups every day. the number of chinese tourists in greece had been growing rapidly, and some 800000 were expected this year. now because of the corona virus pandemic, the stream has dried up completely. tourism is an integral factor in the new chinese silk road. petro chang says, tourists from china bring money, and often become long term investors. wilmont property that we're sell,
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but you are the cobra. go to no, you don't have a 1st, we have to wait until the corona virus is over. and as i bought it then greece will need capital and china has capital. you can enter the edwin. you cannot sign in for chinese state really has a lot of money and it wants to invest and see the guy. all the china come to greece as a friend, not the way the west colonized asia or africa in the past. and now my biggest, and i see the chinese approaches then we here and that we invest as you know, and it's a win win situation for us both. she's lucky and he's okay want, i can hear me . the real estate lobby is profiting from the deal with the chinese more than most other sectors to attract foreign money. the greek government started issuing so called golden visa in 2013. so well,
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this is the apartment on the 5th floor. welcome to this lovely apartment in the heart of downtown athens. it's surrounded by some of the best areas in athens. it has to be with 2 bedrooms, and now we are fixing the another 3rd bedroom line and extra bathrooms. this is the living room, nice and spacious, fully furnished. there are 3 bedrooms, like this would be more proud to call us for your family, or even if it's not in your family space. the kitchen is fully equipped and we are going to have the kitchen here with a small island, and there will be an makes, per se so they can use the way they want. here i'm going to show you the balcony. ready it comes with a balcony and has
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a lovely view. enjoy your 1st cup of coffee of the day. you don't have barbecue here, you can eat flex spaces rebates and they can get all the space and song and the welcoming and few. we've not the most money for them. okay. greece has issued 6000 golden thesis to the chinese and the last 5 years and sold a lot of property to golden chains. the real estate race, the tiny k me greys. they were the 1st foreign investors that they left their money here that they paid for the properties because after the creek financial crisis, after it started 2008, i can say about the 2010 because and told no one was buying like all the properties were falling down. most of the chinese owners don't want to appear in front of the
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cameras. some have come to europe for political reasons. others are cautious towards the media. it's an open secret that money laundering and corruption are also an issue. the e u has sharply criticized the program. the clients that we have are usually from the rapidly merging chinese middle class. they come here because they want to secure a future. in europe, they want, they give their children the opportunity to live here. they want to give themselves for june and the to retire here. a lawyer in athens puts us in touch with a client from shanghai who is in the middle of a legal dispute over her flat in athens. her whole family laboriously saved up for the 290000 year apartments. investment in greece and freedom of travel within the entire thing and area for the whole family sounds attractive,
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even in times of the corona virus. and then another. i like the greek, whether in lifestyle, greece is a country with a long history. with this visa, i can buy a piece of this lifestyle. there are a lot of chinese making this investment, including in my circle of friends. golden visas remain in high demand. though the corona virus pandemic has damp and the real estate market with significantly fewer visas issue due to travel restrictions and a temporary suspension of the residence by investment program. unlimited travel and the globalized world where you can commute between shanghai in athens, have been put on hold. but the estate agents don't think it spells the ends of this lucrative market. i think that after the recovery that we're expecting soon, the chinese clients are going to come here and keep buying properties like they did
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before. and as, as you said, the chinese middle class is rapidly expanding. so i don't see any reason why this may stop in and increasingly globalized world. the fish market in athens is still bucking the trend and dealing mainly and locally caught produce the most goods come to europe from asia through the suez canal. the citizens profit enormously from cheap chinese imports, but a sudden shortage of personal protective equipment during the corona virus pandemic
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had highlighted europe's dependence on asian invoice. last, you know, to start that fabric of michelin was worse than the world, forgot the most. we used to go there, you get good quiz and exploit chinese work out though i know as we were doing math on the chinese when learning from us from them and i'm starting to do it. i have overtaken us in many areas of technology, it up and down because and that's just how china's new cell grow got going. investments in ports, bridges, or rows all serve to bring goods to customers. the us, it's still the use most important trading partner. but trade with china has tripled in the last 20 years
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in china has been investing in the board to raise since 2008 and became the majority shareholder there in 2016. it's the perfect gateway to europe. over the last few years, the chinese have turned periods into the biggest support in the mediterranean and they're planning to make it the biggest port in europe, pledging $600000000.00 euros of additional investment in the next few years. your music i can make i was born and raised in prayer a me for years and i love him. of amendment had been i have felt connected with the see in the before, since i was small before in the green via this place where we are now. it's important to,
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and medical meadows. not only for its charm and atmosphere. now it's to, to, to be only meant that because it's a pod with open access to the c particle and the supposed to fail. and because it was who managed to keep it that way. for sadness. okay. yeah. remorse. yeah. tracy honest darzy, a francis coffee, believes that the old port area belongs to the cities residence and has long been campaigning to get them access to it again. she's the left wing, threes of parties, maritime policy spokeswoman. that is skeptical about the chinese commitment. she believes massive investments by beijing, what also have political consequences for her country about the issue that you some of the constant plenty is do not attend on the government that is empower, fragile, and accept them with the same spring. next, but i'll bring him
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a sample when the you want to pass certain resolutions regarding china's expansion in the south china sea. we have a left wing government here that had its doubts about agency. you'll be your best bet, escape spanish. e u member greece broker, political taboo by signing with the chinese greece has also been silent about aging actions in hong kong. money, francis cocky says, makes you dependent. she's particularly worried about the use divisions over china . but the realization that europe has to speak to china with one voice is slowly gaining ground. i mean, as i said, there's not yet reached a consensus on how to deal with china. what it's added to more than china is when making yes a fee on europe has no clear analysis.


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