tv Verruckt nach Meer Deutsche Welle July 4, 2021 10:30pm-11:31pm CEST
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the tomorrow today. in 60 minutes, you w. me. what secrets? why behind these was the discover new adventures in 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage site, the v w world heritage $360.00. get the app. now the good conclusion did any day or idea is that the church all the comfortable room where you feel at home and what feels more at home than account nick coach
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won't be me. and it's just as i imagined, notion best and follow best case scenario is that in a few years time it won't just be us to time. here. might be everyone on sofas beanbags and dec janice, do the drink on drink by the smell that black batman james bond address? the catholic we leave that out. that creates distance. it makes you into this big black wall and we where our normal clothes and i where capital jeans, trash, and choose ah, ah,
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the, the evangelical parish, green brim harvey norman germany. mux border and chris slate. our friends and co pastors. here. this is their 1st posting candle, vivian. gladder has been a parishioner for many years, montana gunn snuff, and was excuse fester on the perfume. people get stuck in one style of music, especially counters. so i'm glad you too are making me think outside the box. i believe if we want to reach a lot of people, we have to be open to things outside of our experience. i'm happy to explore heavy metal techno or hip hop as long as it moves people that some learners mentioned leaked to kind of mature music, can touch people's hearts in a totally different way. what i need 4 minutes to say take you just for bars and the whole room and feel food doesn't tend to be for me that cold working and lot when people work together something emergent but nobody can do alone. and that's
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these days unemployment is high here. and child poverty has become a problem. like my reason, penny me past one, we always say we're pandemic, pastors and we don't know what it's like to be a pastor in normal times. but there's definitely a lot missing kind. i haven't shaken a single person's hand and i'm a half. and one, you know, i haven't been able to give anyone a hug. we want to pass pastors, we literally want to go beyond the church. we don't want to hide behind the walls, but be accessible to people in the neighborhood. and i'm going to be in the state of god as we noticed, the church doors can act as barriers on and then we'd like to keep close. and i was in the affair that we expect people to come to us on when we could also be the ones taking the 1st and get them going out of them on the vault and fit again. makes you
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said we came here last summer when i know i genuinely like living here. people are easy to talk to me like i could play. you know, i'm crazy about skateboarding escape board instead of a pastor's car. there are many things that the rookie pastors do differently. the day from the town is a parish counselor. she regularly perform a path disgrace. i took care of him nicholas. i bought a coffee from england for me and,
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and one black coffee machine making mottos any you really like coffee or can be passed us? it just felt right. he wasn't into flour and i had to send him whenever we'd have a chat, he'd always have a coffee and cigarettes and a capital, but that's what that was making. and from that i had passed. i like to bring him a cup of coffee, him and coffee, me something, chairs making post me. he passed a girl's club with much loved pastor filling his shoes. is a big task me. he had also and asked me, he was already doing things differently as will not ins. it's an interesting to 5 o'clock church service once a month, which he didn't wear a catherine law. good talking to you or acquire jacket with pastor written on the back on as it had all he did things differently in his own way. and that laid a good foundation. open people to change the problem i did. i'm 1st offered us on
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the one common content on sure there were some people, a few older people who care about tradition avoided, criticism these that how did students for somebody over 80, it's important for the pastor to where cassock. feel like your mom is this, the stuff there puzzle, intolerable. but i think in those cases, you just have to talk to listen and communicate with each other and explain the changes and the opportunities for us all. and the songs will be to those one. it creases 1st acts as pastor took him to the top of the bell tower. let's make like i'm asked and long after the very 1st morning we arrived. i noticed that at 8 am this bell rang for 5 minutes straight to share with you right away. i thought that if we wanted to be accepted in this area,
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then this thing can't ring for 5 minutes at 8 in the morning because there are people who do shift work. and i also like to sleep past 8 on my days off and now the bell is silent, a pay and chris lives in the lodge returning to his girlfriend. ah, he turned one of the many rooms into a dressing and exercise room. ah, i really enjoy experimenting with clothes shoes to tell you. but i said, that's what totally surprised me when we started here was that i thought we'd get into trouble for things all the time. and church was but almost nobody cares what really got people worked up were our cat dogs. i got calls from all over germany about wearing caps during service in the midst,
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and i have to admit that was the rebel enemy, the 10th. because frankly, i don't understand that kind of superficiality, the kind of god doesn't care what we were in church. we gotta just to be ourselves . you don't know of is epstein issued in me. i wouldn't say i'm vain for me. vanity is when you need others to notice you just feel as if you exec i did that a lot in schools and fell flat on my face to talking over from other from mine and we, many times. and for my classmates, i was always the one who was too sensitive. it's within the who cried too much, who dressed too colorfully. too much like a girl. when done might often get told if you're not a real boy, if you and then they tried to beat me up to make a real boy out of me in your office and then i couldn't care less about the man
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woman thing coding is the way i walk around now is a bit in your face, but that's also reactionary. and taught in the precinct around $3000.00 dvds in his living room. him underfund before this was i'm in this one when i started collecting dvds when i was still at school at emma. so not cool thing about movies was that they were this journey into another world full of feeling with an issue that tries to north. and i know when things weren't going great at school, i could take an emotional holiday with a film, wasn't what hurt me back in school has now become something i really treasure and me, stephanie, and that sensitivity community management. when i talk to people now about something sad, i only have to flip a switch and my heart is on because i know exactly how it feels it's vice. i know what doubts do to you. it's not something i've learned from book. i know the feelings i've experienced emotion so strongly doubt, sadness,
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joy love met at some point. i couldn't deal with them. i'm and, and i had to learn to live with egypt. leave him down at max leads just around the corner. he made a conscious decision to take an apartment in one of these buildings and the cooks, the only half of the apartments here occupied, but hardly in high demand began. there was a period when this really vogue and high end. but that was a long time ago on the high end of it long. i've actually torn some buildings down and there were still empty. flat the morning. sunlight quiz max was populated.
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he doesn't have any expenses, furniture in his flat, but his home has a lot of playful elements which he values didn't miss the most powerful, warmed in the world. stop the hell. the plan is to see how they can do a little magic up. and so not with, for example, if i say alexa knox and the light goes out, alexa lumen dot o mark received his ring as a prison surpassing his starts exam, a german government licensing exam license usually i just think it's beautiful and cool about there have been times were often annoyed when things got to be too much for you and i looked down of this ring and thought you passed the exam. this here
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is a much smaller problem. you kind of a and that works and it's a little trick of mine on the get me it's not so important that it's a ring from my grandpa. it's a special object that i invest with the meaning of the daughter of florida. yeah, just so much, this is my little ins to corner. let me get the light complex by and i'm sitting with a completely white background and it's nicely lit to take the to tie really like that, a static and saw all just why. oh, constant work media loss. the explore the new plan raymer scape with the here the only way to to
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record the housing on this smart phones and share the experience with the dram. follow the you'll be surprised. there's a lot to see here what creates a lot of jobs around a 5th of all work at around 70 to 75000 jobs in the state of breyman, depend directly or indirectly on the port from his map, these gateways, the world are of enormous economic importance for germany suffered from explain war with all the immigrants. the morning commemorates to more than 1200000 people who started their journey. the new will from here in the 19th century,
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the support facility in greenhouse 4th largest in europe. the everyday 10000 shipments of cars, agricultural vehicles and military transported a loaded onto a ship in this harbour along with the around 10000000 fish. get exported from each day. the normalization will probably not through our stories intact so the contact is much more open and direct to post about their lives almost every day. also to make themselves approachable. they call it in the counseling i'm writing highway high
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will have to be a popular ship's name on an order can also find people can reach us really easily. you just have to type and send a message and the message reaches us that makes us clickable. pastor song, which means they aren't the only class going digital. german lutheran church even has its own network called eat on which christian influences regularly exchange ideas. chris gets paid to participate soonest that allows them when everyone in this group would say they're not doing this to promote themselves. to me, it's about getting colds. message out all that about showing people that the church is also normally on. it's about overcoming barriers and prejudices. evening of which there are heaps directed the whole time. you've had copeland by the because you get social media is great for that. easy guy on easy on the be pretty stupid if
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we didn't use it as a communication channel for a lot of people. if something doesn't exist on their phone, it doesn't exist at all. in other words, this is a new living space that we all use and then have it together. so old media also have to develop join in and find ways to get involved in people's lives. as well. we need to need to be a vehicle, a way of transporting god's message of love. well, thanks guys. it was great. niga. race is a, this is go 111. got all the 2 friends of all of the make sheets, g d on the floor of the rectory. they use it to record the video podcast. a 3rd, the format to get their message out. and one of the topics i want to discuss today is how difficult it was to get internet in the church. oh,
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the tonight everyone. i'm chris morning when he hey, and i'm maggie. we're here at lee bow tie with 3 hays. that was, i'll do it again. and if it doesn't feel right, i can say well, but have another go. you always do such a good job. ok. could not. now everyone, i'm chris. morning. hey, and i max, we're here at lee bow tie with 3 head. i know more often shall after money we finally have internet in the church because we had to check thousands of possibilities until we finally found a way to have internet strong enough to stream our church surface with dream as good as in any case of con, i see, i remember when we started here in the parish sim, i came into my office and there was a yellow plastic case in the corner. plastic sash,
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charlotte fun stomach. i remember i said, what are we going to do now? who can still fix this super old technology? your response really impressed me when you said, going backwards isn't the way it's kind of a storm in practical terms, a cable doctor had to be done from the rectory to the church. due to corona, the number of helping hands in the community is limited. i think just my guy looking good. i'm dream team. i'm on the dream machine and i regularly see how our internet isn't working. we won't have better internet for the next 10 years. if we don't take matters into our own hands, that's why i'm helping you know exactly. now pull the parishioners don't mind
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working hard to support then you passes next to fresh and very different. and now people my age, i'm only for them to really feel like going to church. i'm going to be and i think that's great as a speech, i've got some, you know, it just offers a lot of opportunities and possibilities. this is good and i think it's good instructions that have grown over years or even centuries. get shaken up. mentioned as people who think creatively, unfamiliar, who have no unusual ideas that have always change history. i've changed the world and out of the church 6 and ruth lays the cable. the going online isn't the only development in the parish. you can see it here. very clearly reinforcing raj, showing the plaster as grumbling time is chipping away at the church.
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it's falling apart more and more. at some point it will collapse shortest time in. i don't have a problem preaching in a shabby church, but it shouldn't fall on our heads. or the big question is, does the church, but it's money and walls or people would mention that life room was born and raised in gloom. hoffer, during the 20 years that he's been fixed and he's watched the church, his place, and society shrink. this used to be the parish hall. now a social services center stores donated close here. like between all the rebel exit the church of or die. it's sad or, but what can you do? there are 2 sides to it. why you're tired. it's something new. and that makes young people happy. lawyers and, and, but the older ones don't like it. we miss familiar from these are there needs to be
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a balancing act on this enough. i don't know the spark out within the bid for that. corona has accelerated, the speed of change together with the current or the past as plan the online services almost like a shown including a song choices. oh, i, i, ma'am la. cool. that's a 1st song. booked. saved voice to men, boys, boys to men. you'll love them. yes, i mean, oh, boys to men, i see on, you know, when he's writing sermons much, withdraw into his flask. whenever he gets stuck,
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he meditates. instead of a crucifix on the wall, max has a trinity, not on the ceiling to symbolize the holy trinity. without my faith, i think i'd be a much crappy person on it. thanks to my faith that i can step into the world, happy and motivate and be kind to others and not be an idiot. sunday, the service isn't until 5 pm preparations that the live stream begin at noon. let's do a sound check and i like that thumbs up me ah mac increased coating because also helps keep grounded. especially during this emotional time when we've been showered with praise. but so it's been really important to keep each other honest,
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disappointing the mirror in the right direction in the mainly upwards and say, we don't deserve the praise of no, for the gulf desert the prize got saw the face from max. max can tell me anything. you can say, chris, that was crap, an arrogant or i was impressed. that was great. but no matter what he says, i know it comes from the heart and that's why i take it to heart melting. morning. hey guys. come welcome home. what a gift to be able to worship together again, i saw the new visit is angel out into the building it. but this woman came to follow the law
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stream in front of the church demand shop here. absent that sense of community is not for everybody, not just for me. no, for me. on my own, i only have a small dog at home practitioners on line 12 also and the church has always been the place where i can recharge my batteries. which means i'm not can then we can go online when all we can do is cry. god, god is there for us and says, i am your heavenly mother. my arms are always open to you often feel i am your heavenly mother who is happy when your high flight. you will never forget you again . when in whose forever there are men to make is meant to be young. pastor has been very different to how they imagined,
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tomorrow today in 30 minutes. nothing like a break to see to come the so i suppose it is an island as copernicus and as germany's longest speech, some 1900 hours of sunshine a year. ah, the chum of a bygone era on the merger, co baltic sea island of louisa. don't use check in in 60 minutes on d. w. oh, the news against the corona virus pandemic now has the rate of infection in developing
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what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say? information and context, a virus updated because it central monday to friday on v w. the pain and above all, only feels jewish life in europe. that's what film producer, kona and journalist eve, cool, good martin, are exploring. delving into history and the present i would never thought they could be live. so i need to remind myself because i grew up in a completely different way, the broad floorless jewish
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in europe. the 2 port documentary starts july 5th on d, w. ah. the news . this is news law from berlin, jacob zoom. it defies a deadline to hand himself into the authority. as former south african president, chelsea cheering supporters. there's no need for him to go to jail. the supreme court is reviewing and prisons dentist imposed for contempt rescue efforts at the collapse condominium in florida are suspended. the remaining structure is declared
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unsafe and reckon crews are moving in more than a 120 people are still missing and devastating. wiles, bars tear through cyprus, dozens of houses, and the whole growth of ancient or olive trees are destroyed. shipping president calls it the worst disaster index news. ah spicer, welcome to the program. former south african president jacob zoom is defying in court or deadline to give himself up to the authorities. zuba has told hundreds of supporters outside his home that there is no need for him to go to jail. he was sentenced to 15 months in prison for refusing to attend the corruption hearing. the court has agreed to consider his challenge to the verdict. zoom call on his associates to keep backing him in his court battle. i call on all my
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support has to use peaceful means to protest against this injustice. i really must be clear. i'm not asking for sympathy, but justice and dw corresponding christine mando was with supporters gathering at the home of jacob's zoom in rural south africa. and she sent us this report where i am, if you didn't know any better, you would think that we're at a political ready. it is a celebrate tree atmosphere. here you've got people dressed in the colors of the ruling a and c. that is the policy of mister duma, people dressed in the traditional hulu regalia, people all his supporters, the whole, the whole province where he does come on a lot of support. you have had gunshots being fired into the people rallying,
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and the crowds hearing around that. the people here believe that they are here to support and show on the bearing with the man who is being persecuted in the household at the atmosphere might be a little bit more somber in the homes of south africans. to feel that this is a man who has a lot to answer for and he's refusal to present himself and answer questions to alleged corruption in his administration. and under his tenure is really a slap in the face of the law. so when the constitutional court or the supreme court handed down that that, that ruling that he wasn't contempt of court and they went on to sentence him 15 months in prison. a lot of people felt that that was a victory for the rule of law in this country. there is the feeling that the political elite get away with anything that they are not held to a counselor about a peoplesoft, that this would be a turning point for this country that people would see this. somebody like mr. zoom a former president who's really been at the highest of what you can be in this country going to prison for being in contempt at the law was equal and applied equally to everybody. and so that is what a lot of people welcomed in. that is certainly what
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a lot of people told me on the day that the constitutional court made that ruling. so that was the victory that this was viewed as now of course, things have sort of the winds have been taken out of the sale of the story and in a sense, for a lot of people. because of course mr. zoom has been allowed to review his case, but this is what this means to people in a country rife with corruption. that anybody who is seen to be corrupt would be held to a company. that's what the symbolized for a lot of people. christine manuel jacobs in his home in south africa there in florida, search and rescue operations have been suspended at the collapse condominium. it's outside of miami. what's left of the structure has been declared unstable and is being demolished. reckon crews are moving in was the building has come down the rescue oper, operation will resume a week after the disaster. 24 people are confirmed dead, but 121 are still missing for over
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a week. the families of those still missing in surfside have been waiting in vain for news of their loved ones. now they face another excruciating delay to the recovery operation of demolition teams. prepare to carry as a controlled explosion of the size. preparation includes activities like drilling into columns in the unsafe structure, and we are continuing to receive updates about the condition of the standing structure. and we will begin the search and rescue once again on any sections of the pile that are safe to access. as soon as we are cleared, with tropical storm elsa forecast to make land fall in florida in the coming days, officials decided the rest of the collapse complex needs to come down. we have a building here in surfside that is pottering, it is structurally unsound. and although the b b i of this storm is not,
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not likely to pass over this direction. you could feel gusts in this area. we don't know, it's definitely a possibility. the instability of the size has been a major challenge for the search operation. it was already for support for almost 24 hours on thursday. after dangerous movement was detected in the debris. it's hope the demolition will reduce the dangerous faced by the crews when they resume combing through the rubble and that the families now living in limbo will soon have certainty about the fates of their loved ones. and joining us now from miramar, florida, is that her as easy to me, a professor of structural engineering at florida international university, a professor you've been studying the safety of the architecture in the region. what needs to change to this kind of thing doesn't happen again. i think this is a broader questions or design philosophy for mid rise building. maybe we need to
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change all that in the case of the some kind of failure, let's say in a call or more another element of the building, the building should not collapse. it should sustained damage beyond the repair even, but it should not collapse. we have the design philosophy for buildings that we design and construct in this old pro to earthquakes. so we do that for quick areas and i think we need to revise a design philosophy for it. certain areas, maybe in the course of the areas and that's, that's a thought process that really we have not been thinking about it. but i think it's a matter of musing different building materials or what does that mean? concrete lead making things more like an earthquake zones. i'll give you, i'll give you the example for the air quakes in the city of in put so called the
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fuses in different parts of the building. so when the size of even the earthquake comes those fields of moves and forms the area of soft areas in the building. and so the building starts swaying and drifting and deflecting what it doesn't collapse . and it's able to dissipate the energy that, of course puts in the building. so i'm after the air could it could be you have to demolish it. so these seals is that digitally in different parts of the building to manage the energy that comes into the building because of the course. and we can do that and take the call. we can do that in the mid rise building in the non sizing areas to and of course this is a tragic story and they're still families waiting for news of their loved ones and must be a heart wrenching situation. but there were warnings about the flaws in the building
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years ago and big delays in voting to finance. and do you think that generally condo owners in florida will take advice such as yours more seriously? now i think that the issue of this building was inspected in 2018. i think there is a need also for us to revisit the develop embedded inspection system. when i say a system, it means that it should include we should, why the more guidelines, more instruction for inspectors where to inspect how to report that. and then the system should also include the follow up just to make sure that the recommendation on monday on this and this, this was, i believe this up in 2018. so it's been going on for several years. the tragic situation after and as is a new meaning. thank you so much for that insight. let's take
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a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the yo shield has sworn in an assembly to draft the new national constitution. it will replace the legal framework from the era of the dictator goosgo pinochet's. nearby protesters clashed with police and demanded freedom for people in prison during social unrest in 2 years. in the past 2 years, the taliban has seized control of several more districts in northern afghanistan. more than 300. after the government troops fled across the border to jesus. then as the militants advanced taliban now control around the 3rd of afghanistan district be the suez canal. authority has reached the financial japanese owners of a huge container ship and blocked the waterway for 6 days in march. the authority is due to release the ever given after a starting ceremony. mm. the worst wildfires in decades on the mediterranean
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island of cyprus have killed at least 4 people. raging fires have wrecked dozens of homes and destroyed pine forests. an ancient olive gross ship re presidents as it's the biggest tragedy since the civil war, which split the island nearly a century ago. as the wildfires raged through the troops, mountain range residence of at least 8 villages were forced to evacuate homes and vehicles. what got it by the flames? entire communities raised to the ground. villages describe the moment they decided to flee. see that they can look up about as soon as we saw the fire approaching bit . so we got in the car and drove off my back piece. have the if we told us already there was a fire, she got almost this because, but unfortunately the plains had on the fire services you arrived very late. but i believe i left help also came too late for,
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for the gyptian farm workers. their bodies were found 600 meters from their burned out car. police say they appear to have fled their vehicle on foot in an attempt to escape ran towards the wind found flames. the president of cyprus visited the area. he promised to help all those affected by the fires you have will reassure you that our support to all the people will be decisive to you will compensate whatever is possible to give people back home and help them survive. this tragedy will be, that is more than 55 square kilometers of forest, and farmland has been destroyed by the massive fires from the air. the scale of the destruction is clear. authorities say the main blaze has now been partially contained, but the fear is that the flames could intensify. if strong winds reappear later
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as temper sports. now, in basketball, the german men's team has qualified for the olympics for the 1st time since 2008. they beat brazil 75 to 64 in the final of a qualification tournament. and v a centered more fragment led the scoring by a large margin, putting up 28 points and grabbing 6 rebounds in formula one max fish, tap and scored his 3rd. when in a row, as he converted pull position into victory at the austrian grand tree, it was a comfortable wind for the dutchman, but there was plenty of clothes racing behind him. for red bull and max, the stuff in the austrian g p is a race on home turf, not least because of thousands of orange collab dutch fans supporting the man starting in pole position. his team mates says your pet is enjoyed a tough stop to the race dropping down several spots as lando norris pushed him
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wide and lapped for the mclaren driver and himself a 5 2nd penalty for the maneuver. norris stayed competitive trading places with louis hamilton on numerous occasions as the 2 britons went head to head for 3rd place. then in a ram, move hamilton, let teammate voluntary boss as through who was deemed the foster of the 2 with 20 laps to go. the fin had to settle for 2nd though, while norris claimed 3rd ahead of hamilton. race leader mac smith, step in cruise to victory with a cushion of almost 800 seconds. but that was late drama, further down the grid as veteran pac kimmy rake, an unsurpassed and settled crashed on the final lap. but it was party time for the dutch friend who celebrated for stephens 4th when in 5 races. taking him $32.00 points clear at the top of the championship standings. and
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you are of course watching dw news live from berlin or show reporter looks next at the alcohol brand that has been drink of choice for the communist party elite in china. you can always go to our website, d, w dot com for the latest developments world news next. spicer, thanks for watching the news people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center more and more refugees are being turned away. the families claim to be crated. and the trade people seeing tween
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getting 200 people around the world. more than 300000000 people are seeking refuge. why? because no one should have to flee. make up your own mind. w. need for mines. ah, this is the drink the grease, the wheels in china, the town of mammal time is home to the world's most valuable liquor brand. will corrupt officials prefer it because they only drink the most expensive brand?
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yeah. and the love of it, and i was the price to go up and i was, and so he's the one as an investigative journalist, yahoo has fallen calling cases and exposed corrupt officials. his work led to him spending a year behind bars. now he's come to mount ty, home to china's most popular liquor brand. we're going to go through these and dollar. this is going to be enterprise has come china's most valuable company. it's overtaking the country's biggest bank in valley. well, well i think there's a story here to investigate. the good. i wasn't guys joe's
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a top, here's what i'm interested in. what this company suffers from all the hills. the chinese government suffers from when the rocker see eyes and all sorts of inefficient oversight. and michelle, the doing what the story is now tie. liquor goes back to china, civil war into 1900 thirty's. when chiang kai shek nationalist troops were pursuing the communists, the red army embarked on a one year long escape known as the long march. in southern china they came across the town is now time home to some fine distilleries. it was a thrilling experience as some soldiers later wrote home in their memoirs when we opened the sellers, the fragrance would fill the nostrils the owner was a well known reactionary. of course we confiscated
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those soldiers who could hold their liquor, drank all they could. those who couldn't get apart and soak their feet in it. the story of expropriation in excess. although the drinks official history is rather different. she is a research assistant at the central committee's party history institute to the sewer and paid for everything. they didn't text or anything from the citizen last week, and they were excited about trying to listen to that. they had the time, so they didn't drink and what was on not everybody likes to drink as much as those soldiers did. one american journalist famously refer to it as liquid razor blades in china. spirits like melted are called by jewel or white alcohol
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gum. the american entrepreneur derek sand house is lived in china for a long time. he's written 2 books on chinese drinking culture. now ty is what's called a sauce aroma by style, by jo. that tends to be very savory. it's got like all the sesame, not kind of like chocolate coffee. and also like more kind of out there flavors like mushroom or even like fermented bean pays fight show has been enjoyed for century as a cheap, effective drink. when the communist came to power, their priorities were clear to the very 1st business license. the issue was to bite your factory. the red star distillery and bridging they took a drink that had been up to that point very much like a peasant workers farmers drink. and they elevated it to
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a position of prestige because they were looking to make drinks that were celebrated by the normal working people and make those more popular than what the lease were drinking. so they began setting up by jo distilleries, all. busy over the country, it didn't take long for the communists to remember the small family owned distilleries in the town of mount tai your they want to create a big stay tuned enterprise that would provide them with, with, with and so they expropriated the owners to about one of them didn't agree to hand over the factory was, so they executed him. but we will be the leo who has published several articles about bow tie. he searched through archives and
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talked to witnesses for him. it's not just history. military represents the vices of modern china. does he go to liquor? the chinese bureaucrats. like for my i don't drink any other liquor. she edge, i don't have printers have to buy this like a jewel. they feel it's expensive, happen. they have to buy it and it has to be in this liquor i don't live otherwise . they won't be able to establish a relationship with the officials. hi bad that the power of the chinese government is to be unique. i keep the officials happy. otherwise you'll have bad fortune. the showing a system of state controlled capitalism. brides are often the only way to get things done with the town of mount ty, his long become one with the brand that it hosts tens of thousands of inhabitants
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have been moved elsewhere to make room for the distillery. as far as you can see in all the mount tai group, kind of family rooms are privately cur factory within sight of the stadium distillery. since china allowed private businesses in the 1900 eighty's, thousands of small distilleries have set up shop in town. the liquor is made from sort of in wheat, fermented and pits in the earth. unlike western distilled liquors, this one is for meant to dry smell the liquors frank joe ha, for the distillation process, the grainy mass is piled into giant steamers than water is boiled in the steam passes through the mash, releasing the alcohol from the fermented grain. it's
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a technique that is unique to chinese spirit production. the liquor is then aged in earth and where jar tub all over to try and find. i can store it with us when later, when the kids get married. well, there's an anniversary. we bought it for them and send it over like do you have like a web portal project? how many, using this services or business model at the famous state of distillery? only top officials can get that treatment. why? the late 1950 the drink had become so important to the communists that nothing would stand in its way, not even catastrophe at the time now t tongue, so called creek leap forward, lead to an economic disaster. the experiment and collectivist ation produced one of the biggest famines in human history. tens of millions of people starve to death.
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yet the government is fine. grain quote is to make sure the mouth tiny factory wouldn't run out of stock. while farmers were starving in the field, the factory continued producing liquor for the party. li i, it was jill in line train is 1st premier who made mount tied to drink of state banquets . absolutely well, and he was an experience drinker, his ability to hold his liquor was well known. he'd been fond of it since the long barge. now he served to foreign visitors, famously to richard nixon on his 1st visit to china. type it came china's official diplomatic drink that made it even more prestigious for chinese
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consumers. i today to now tie companies worth almost 350000000000 euros journalist, yo who suspects that. the brand that fuels china's corruption may itself not be on the level. he's travelling to a nearby town by merge and it's a mountain company has registered an appalachian of origin periods produced in the town of mild ty record, now tie them of the company produced elsewhere but here 50 kilometers per malakai. he discovers that the company is building huge production facilities to meet steadily rising demand. the firm has launch various products, costing between a few dozen to several 100 euros dio, who finds out that some of it is being produced here. and not in mount. i itself
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it is then sites around and operating the mirror and no one cares when they do, it says if the supervisory agencies don't exist and the for you who the story of mount high is one of corruption. but for many customers, the brands proximity to power makes it even more desirable. a few years ago when president cheech and ping started his anti corruption campaign, prices of mal tight dropped. but today they're on the rice. again, a bottle of its premium brand sells for more than $200.00 euros. and even the
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cheaper varieties do well, can the sender says this one has just risen by more than 10 euros? it was under 20. no, it's at 30. she says. the most often doors are many people who collect smiles, who see it as an investment. they buy the bottles not to drink to store them. daniel found them to them. it's not so much liquor anymore as a financial product. which milton is the spirit of the powerful in china. he'll who intends to keep it in his sights. ah, ah, ah, ah,
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the power battery did not. i know who again whose team gave lin startup is old batteries. life and a new job to borrow today. next on nothing like a break to see to come the sol whose it is an island as copernicus and as germany's longest speech, some 1900 hours of sunshine a year on the charm of a bygone era on the medical baltic sea island of ticket
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