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tv   Steinreiches Lubeck  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2021 7:30pm-8:31pm CEST

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every journey begins with the 1st and every language of the 1st word, nico ethan, germany, in germany. why not learn with him? it's a simple online, on your mobile and free p w e learning course. nikos vague. german made easy. the basically the w as a show coming up today, i've got face uncertainty. as the taliban becomes more assertive. the militant group continues to capture districts without much of a fight. international troops, meanwhile, carry on with their withdrawn leaving a security void. we look at the ordinary guns caught in the middle class a look at the role of neighboring pockets on it has the influence over the taliban
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. but what does it using this influence for the news i'm trying to do was to dig up the news asia. gotcha. could join us over the weekend of con government troops in the north of the country, abandoned their posts, and fled to neighboring jacob on the reason a tale by advance. they felt they were ill equipped to oppose. it's a pattern playing out across the country with the taliban. now controlling some one 3rd of the countries, 421 districts. these games come as international troops continue to pull out from the country a scenario the fest. many of the guns worried about the future. these afghan people are determined to leave the country. that's why thousands of them have gathered at this passport, office and capital cobble trying to find
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a way out their future has become too uncertain. as the fact of the us troops withdrawal will start to unfold, one according to districts have fallen. there's not a single district without fighting the tale. bon, have even reached the chief of police, his office, and provincial capitals. i've come here to get my passport and get out of afghanistan. it's not safe here. many embassies have registered a dramatic increase in the number of visa and passport applications. as the tale bond advances, people fear the hard one progress over the past 2 decades will start to roll back. women and girls, for example, went from near total exclusion from public life to being able to work and study in mix schools to day. now these gains are hanging in the balance. very recently, we have reports that just districts that have been taken over by the taliban. they
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have already imposed restrictions on women on media. for instance, women are in the high, reportedly not allowed to leave the house without a male chaperone clinics have been closed. there's also reports of media blackout. this is happening despite the tale. bonds promises that the public has nothing to fear and the situation could intensify. the group has already made significant territorial gains in the past month. as gun forces struggling to hold them off. now our people thinking, if our government can not to control the situation, maybe the civil war will restart. so that's the main problem. why people trying to go abroad those who couldn't afford a visa, a seeking to leave illegally. many of them are young people.
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they're about to cross the border to iran before embarking on further journeys, hoping to secure a better future. one second of i've gone citizens that's particularly concerned about the future. it's women. and from what i'm that i'm joined by our shock horror . i'm a law student at arbor university and a former gone youth representative to the un. i ship nearly 50 percent of of got tons, population is women. how worried are they about life under possible taliban influence? well, if we look at the rapids and i'm conditional withdrawal of the troops, and since that osmond of the nature of the troops which all of from us guns, so we can see that the slightest hope for peace was vanished. and right now there is a wind with mentality on the ground and on are getting more than it's leaving
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a lot of people, not only room and but all i've done is worried about what is to go now the future of the peace process, the future on the younger generation is, it's all in and the big city, it's in question. both i live on is correct. your point out have rapidly advanced across the country from what you was getting. can you describe for us what the situation is, particularly for women in the area that they control but women right now women living and some of the district, their situation was relatively better sense to talk. and in one, however, there is a huge gap of a breach in abilene when it comes to urban areas. but the religious says, and they're really terms of security. their progress has even before as district of
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again, it was something to be preserved and protected. and right now, as talking about are getting more territory as the government, as st. silence about it and not withdrawing responsible, which it makes women more fight and wanted to come right now. we are left with no guarantee of any future that we could look forward to. now we are also getting reports that are being welcomed in some of the areas that they are capturing. what explains this support for the taliban? well, how did this tricks that are right now and taliban control over the years when get were, is strikes and they were the what crime committed by south and get them in the international community. it really created this,
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this sense of peace among people that they could rely on community on the people who are from the community through writing against the government. but this particular the mean or supporting the geology you see in the past 20 years, again, ration was read and born in this conflict. now get her forgot what this story at the beginning of the 1st place. and right now we are fighting even not knowing for what reason. so some of the people are even joining one or another side just for the sake of survival. talk to me a bit about the conservative nature of outcome society. i mean, how much of a priority is go to integration, a women's participation in politics, for example, among the general population. well, in 20 years ago, when you're new to my condition and i was one year old born
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and personal. and i returned to, i've got to do with my family, i was a child, i grew up here, i went to school a wrench junior at university and you see that back then when everything started from, from the very beginning we were building from the criteria building from the ashes, there was a lot of talk to me and women who were in the society by today everything is in question including the future elements, education. and it was concerning go and the increase by then. but besides that, even during the peace process, the language about the human rights and the rights of women in peace against it was a big risk. and that was a very concerning point for a lot of them. and i shall call them, we leave it. there was time being the thank you so much for joining us today. and
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verizon state of pakistan has long been seen as having influence over the poly bon for batteries and pockets on involvement in the peace process is seen as crucial to its outcome relation between pockets on the poly bon go way back. the group itself was formed in the early nineties, primarily by partially students in pakistan, the mattresses or the stomach religious schools. bucket thought was one of only 3 countries that recognize and thought about when a group of grandest on between 19962001 in the last few years. but just on has played a key role in bringing the poly bonds to the talk stable a melissa correspondence. so there, july, the introduction packets on should say, aside from pakistan to influence over the polar bond, what is driving pockets on me engagement with the piece process? bridge the conventional wisdom around the world. because the focused on deep
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involvement enough to understand over the last decade and it's close to the dollar, bon santibanez and seen as sounds. but what we're heading now from focused on the army leadership is that they are losing phones with the thought of on, not be boxed on your teeth. and the head of the agency was briefing abandoned the parliament idioms. and they were told that they don't have as much influence with thought upon as people seem to think. and there's growing in the but in focused on that if things go haywire, next door focused on will be really difficult time. so we've also heard from other things like his group in washington last week. they are also saying that sounds influence may not be as much as we can really think the thing. so it's an open question. how much can really tell telephone in terms of coming to be negotiations
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or renouncing violence? what are the fields and parties on that if i've gotten it done, does not go down the piece route as it what will happen? what would be the effect on focus on so, you know, analysts journey live, think banks have been thing for, for a while now that we are headed for a very difficult period in the region. but now we are getting it from army leadership from political leadership. the biggest beauties taliban gaining more and more category eventually taking over and then focused on also facing a problem in terms of the focused on the on, on becoming more active. they don't already bought. the evidence that and focused on stripe and the next to a dollar bond and there are picking up faith and activity. so the big peer id be more money to focus on and on and on. does
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descend into gales and civil war. there will be more refugees. the country already has 3000000 and there will be people coming across the border. so those are the major. what are the thinking in buckets on there? does a pockets on believe the taliban should be a part of an interim government in afghanistan for instance, officially focused on attack? no favorite. it believe that whatever happens in the on to be own on lead. but we know from august on deep involvement with the thought of on the we delivered on the bond for example, for negotiation, but the us that it would prefer on voting. i mean, we have to recognize that dollar bond or know an internationally recognized entity the us agreement with them boxed on iran,
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india. i've been getting with them and ratio and john, i have posted them so they didn't even leave it there for the time. mean, but thank you so much for this update from graduate practice on and that's it for today is of course more information on the situation and honest on, on our website. they never dot com forward slash a show. and you can actually follow us on social media, on facebook and twitter as well. we're back tomorrow at the same time with them about the, the i was able to say to us in, that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on dw
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was right in front of them. they gave it. then suddenly, we agreed to postpone the or wimpy games that took your 202021. thrown off course during the qualifying ground. not for sports hero. i'm fired up and ready to count down during walk. walk. you go to tokyo, starts july 19th on d, w. me the the hello there, and welcome to our latest edition. and to kick off the week, we need not or 40. i am one of africa, visionary creatives, who worked tirelessly to preserve and showcase the past, present, and future of african arts and culture. also coming up based photographer zach fun video and capture the natural world in infrared,
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hoping to strengthen our bond with nature beyond the urban jungle. and over ted camps monumental novel, the tower is one of our $100.00 german must read a compelling tale off the east german experience. that one the german book prize. now a 40 i am has big plans for the african ard, seen the guinea and writer filmmaker and art historian has initiated multiple projects to showcase the diversity of african art or from an online pan, african cultural, encyclopaedia of arts and culture to her own. they do novel, which has just appeared here in germany. she's changing the narrative of how a vast continent perceives itself, not a for you is on the moon. we caught up with the expert for african art at the you art center in mind where she had planning and exhibition of contemporary art from
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ghana. i'm from one part of that well, which are cultural expressions and ways of being and seeing what's a certain extent suppressed. and i think my mission in a way is to bring these back to the forefront and show the value again so that we have this fullness of being moved between culture. she was born in germany, but today the grand daughter of a guinea and king lives across the 1st story of migration provided the background for her debut novel is that the god child child very much. still the colonial hang up. you know, parents said to us, especially when you grew up in europe and abroad, you know, you always have to be better than them in order to be taken half seriously. you have to speak better, you have to be more intelligent. you have to what?
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it's very much, you know, we have to still fight and prove ourselves to be equal in the novel, she is my own, the only black girl in 1970 neighborhood being procedures different is a defining experience. her father is a doctor, her mother, a princess who challenges preconceptions with an immense pride in her origins. you know, we're always preparing to go home. europe was always a short stop. it was never the end goal. so no, that wasn't the sense that europe was bad at all. it was always like home is where we belong. that's why we're going. we've come here to get an education so that we can go home and, you know, make it better, make a life event. at 1st maya has no concept of homeland. she shuttles between locations, do sport, london a convent school in noise. she learns the codes that the european world until one day, her cousin cojo rides, and sparks her enthusiasm for the history, traditions,
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and spiritual rituals of gunner de decide to rewrite the book of their ancestors. it was also a metaphor for that which had been lost. and i know that a lot of my generation felt this gap between us grandparents, gaps of knowledge, gaps, knowing how to do things. you know, that happened dances that parents can do, which out down to that speak that we just don't know the know those follow the rhythms of the canadian drums that some of the ancestor stories into the present. it also depicts, gone as colonial past, the stolen art treasures, the loss of identity. maya comes to see herself as a part of a country that has to recover the soap and go with them way. like her alter ego, i. e is reclaiming the history of her country using heart for years. she's been bringing it into the everyday lives of names with a mobile museums project. i think the colonial have made and south for it's kind of
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claim this space within history. and what i'm trying to do in a way to say, well, actually events all of this multiplicity, there's all this, well, there's all this witness in evolution, in our cultural evolution. and we don't have to keep reducing it to their body, where she uses art for transformation outside gonna to in 2019, she curated the countries 1st ever pavilion of the venice. be a knowledge, a major triumph that she fought hard for and even tougher process is towards the restitution of artifact stolen during the colonial era. on behalf of the guinea and culture ministry, she's involved in dialogue with european museums. a lot of questions that came up around the recitation, that beginning was we give them back the tech will they know how to look after them, which apart from, you know,
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the obvious insult and racism implied in that question on the surface. you know, this whole kind of civilizing colonizing mindset is still completely prevalent, even in those museum directors that are willing to have conversations with us, that they need to speak to us. and until this is shifted, it's for me, it's a bit of an empty jess. there are a multitude of historical wrongs to put right for you. novel says that god, children do exactly that is travelling through time and hearing the whisperings of the universe. in the other culture news, damien hirst, an awful lot of the contemporary art world is best known for his provocative pieces featuring dead animals in formaldehyde from way back in the ninety's. but a new exhibition in parents offers an unexpected explosion of joy and color with
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his cherry blossom series. it's seen as a natural progression of his earlier spot painting work and the homage to 900 century impressionism and point to live them over show features 30 works from a larger series that took in 3 years to complete and signals a return to paint her says his vision only got bolder with repeated pandemic delays . and a collection of paintings by american pop arts pioneer andy warhol is on show into iran for the 1st time. i clinic portraits of mick jagger, marilyn monroe, and jackie kennedy and a version of war hole famous candy 2 cans are in the spot life to the delight of visitors. the paintings have been lying dormant in the store room of the museum of contemporary art into iran. since the islamic revolution in 1917 well now to the work of photographers, zach funding yawn,
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who grew up in south africa, where he graduated top of his class at the national college of photography event, emigrated to europe and spent some time as a commercial photographer, before his urge to get a fresh look at nature made him see read the my name is actually young and i'm a saga. i'm currently working on my modernize native series, which is photographed and infrared the photographer uses the techniques to create a real image world like this one. finally turns pain can rate changing the natural environment almost thing to some kind of alien territory. and subtle greens from the trees become more dominant. let's put out some more. zacharon de leon is out hunting for subjects. he grew up in south africa that he's lived in switzerland for many years now. in 2009,
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he conducted his 1st experiments with infrared photography and has concentrated on the technique ever since. in color photography, we capture the visual spectrum that is blue, green and red. in the infrared, we capture near infrared light as well, chlorophyll in plums absorb the visual spectrum to use this for photos and pieces. and the cell walls on the other hand, reflect to me in for a light and this reflected energy creates these pinkson reds. zach 1000000000 has exhibited his works around the world. currently, his infrared photos are on display and sophomore, and many of them were taken here in the area. after he made the move from south africa to europe in 2004, he started working as a commercial and fashioned photographer. now he's got clients the world
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over but his own creative projects are where his heart is. the search for motifs, the nature is an experience and itself. more than half the world's population, all born in cities and all these people are no longer in sync. with nature patrol with a my life, phones and devices. i want to attract these cities and subconsciously remind you of the real nature. i will be walking in the mountains and a view like this will prevent south to me and i'll be without words. i cannot live without this, and i don't see us having a future without nature. some people may dream of going to mars, but all it takes to do the other worldly beauty of a red planet right here is a slight color shift. ah,
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ah. oh, finally, anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of the former communist east germany is well advised to read over 10 comes novel, the tower sets into raised and in south eastern germany, it recreates the atmosphere of the late phase of the country. so just before the fall of the berlin wall and the book, one several prizes and was also adapted for a tv film. but as we purists like to say, nothing quite nails that like the original what would you do if you saw a police officer beating and kicking your mother? what if you were held back and forth to watch down as a teenage boy, when he sees his mother attacked for protesting against the east german regime. it's october 1989, just weeks before the fall of the berlin wall. but no one knows yet the communism
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is about to cry. kristen is the tragic hero, an author over telecoms novel, the tower. it's about 3 generations in a family of intellectuals who despise both communist east germany, where they live and the capitalist west. they're the type of smug elite who aren't even supposed to exist in the so called workers paradise. they live a life torn between resistance and resignation. and it's especially hard on the youngest of them. cuz then the uncle warned him not even to fall in love with me. they kiss you and they betray you both in the same breath. it doesn't have to be like that, but sometimes it is. and you can't take any more risks. it's about time you started to learn, but in this country you can't behave like a little child with countries, not the place to be young. no author has ever described east germany, so free of illusions. if the last glance at the grand allies that many people
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relied on to make sense of their wits, howard was overtaken, breakthrough has a 1000 page breakthrough that won him the german ah, and enthusiastic recommendation. there are so many good books for that. never ending summer reading low stand with that all the rest from us here in berlin until next time. and cheers just ah, the news. the news
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ah. wonders french. northern coast as humans are encroaching, the creatures like turtles amenities are losing their habitat. paradise still be repealed because blind, a harsh reality proceed to the account of 90 minutes on d w. how does the virus spread? why do we panic? and when will all of this is a free the topics that we covered and i weekly radio if you would like any more information on the cronum virus or any other science topics, you should really check out our podcast. you can get it wherever you get your
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podcasts. you can also find those w dot com slash science in the name of climate change, the people here. what ideas do they have for their future? d, w dot com, african megacity, the media. imagine how many portion of land turn out in the world right now in climate change cost stores. this is much less the waste from just one week. how much was really good? we still have time to go. i'm going
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to subscribe for more than years like the news the news line from berlin. a roadmap for reopening despite sharply rising corona, virus cases for the prime minister for johnson says, rules on math, squaring and social distance thing will be listed and people will no longer be told to work from home. but more than $100.00 children are missing. after government attack school in nigeria, teachers fear
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a criminal gang kids after pupils. ah, and nicole foolish, welcome to the program. british prime minister boys johnson has laid out a 5 step plan for the u. k, to emerge from the toughest restrictions imposed on society since world war 2. key measures include scrapping, rules on math, squaring and social distancing, and a returned to normal working practices. the changes should take effect on july 1919th with a final decision due a week earlier. lately, the u. k. has been seeing a sharp rise in corona virus cases driven by the delta vary, and johnson says, now is the right time to lift restrictions. we have to balance the risks, the risks of the disease, which the vaccines have reduced, but very far from eliminated. and the risks of continuing with illegally enforce
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restrictions that inevitably take that toe on people's lives, livelihoods on, on people's health and mental health. and we must be honest with ourselves that if we can't reopen our society in the next few weeks when we will be helped by the arrival of summer and by the school holidays, then we massage ourselves. when will we be able to return to so far as john and one his country to return to normal for more on how he plans to achieve just this last spring. and charlotte chelsea pill from london, charlotte, 2 weeks from now. hundreds of guidelines will be scrapped all at once. can you walk us through that new normal that voice johnson is envisioning for his country. that is what's expected, as you said, the final decision on that will come on july 12, but what appointment is to did was outline if you say what the new normal will look
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like. what it will look like, how the public lens to live with this virus, and essentially that prime minister with pace, placing a lot of emphasis on personal responsibility on, on making your own decisions on how to remain, say, over top down rules. in some cases, legal rules, private 9 team restrictions site to give you some of the examples of things that are being listed, all remaining businesses will be open, that will include a night clubs. you're seeing an end to social distance thing regulations and an end to the legal obligation for people to wear face small indoors in public areas. that is one that is particularly controversial, as the prime minister did dress. there are cases where it is likely to be necessary, but that really will be down to the individual or indeed to the businesses
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themselves. so what you could see is a bit of a controversy that with businesses just wanting to take matters into their own hands. and the question is where the people will then follow a. so what you're saying, hey, expected is an end to restrictions as we've known them among the public. now learning to live with this virus all this. so while the delta various is spreading rapidly in the u. k. signed is or warning, not again, carried away dropping regulation. so is this force johnson ignoring their advice? that is something that was the stress heavily in this press conference, the press conference, the none the case is, is really rising sharply driven by the delta variance, which we know is more transmissible than previous barriers. in fact, over 20000 cases, a day of being recorded at the moment and indeed the prime minister said that number could even look like 50000 cases a day by july 19th. the cool freedom day when these restrictions will be listed. so
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he was clear that there is a tradeoff here. there is a balance that needs to be struck between as he called it lives and livelihoods, and the risks to help, which she said was decreased. i want to existing now as to how some scientists have raised concerns about eliminating these restrictions when the case is rising. but the prime minister to counter that off, the question is not now then when, when will these restrictions be lifted as warning that doing it later in the year in the winter period could come with an additional sets of problems. charlotte chelsea fill in london always a pleasure before re opening the u. k is set to host the remainder of the european football championship between tuesday and sunday. each of the 3 much is left to play. it will draw up to $60000.00 fans to london, wembley stadium concern and growing over the mattress,
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becoming super spreader events. scientists say the tournament is already driving an increase in infections, and nearly 2 thirds of europeans are still unvaccinated. the joy of euro 2020, summed up by scotland fans, they will you forage when their team and the points against the drive in england at wembley. the tournament came to an end soon after. and there was another thing in the tail cove it outbreak on and off the pitch scotland midfielder, billy gilmore tested positive, forcing him into quarantine, a post game, chatman, england, ben, chill, well, and mason mount also had to isolate even more worryingly. it was later revealed almost 1300 scottish fans were infectious when they went to london. the well health organization said supportive traveling to gain is a recipe for disaster. how are people getting the other traveling and large crowded
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convoys of buses? are they taking individual measures when they're doing that? what's happening after the games, when people leave the stadiums, are they going into a crowded balls and puts to watch the matches if this mixing is happening among people who are not fully vaccinated? and there is the presence of the virus. there will be cases, this problem isn't restricted to the k finish authority, say at least 300 fans were infected while following their national team. mostly at the 2 matches in st. petersburg. that's contributed to a sharp rise in new cases at home. but despite these connections between euro 2020 and cove, it outbreaks you wafer is pressing ahead with increased stadium capacity for the semi finals and final, at wembley. and politicians in several countries are furious. german interior minister horse they offer accused the governing body of putting profits over public health issue to i think that you wait for position is utterly
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irresponsible up to look for on for them close and put more association say clearly we don't want it this way and we're reducing the numbers of spectators at wembley on sunday, one group of fans will be celebrating their countries great sporting success. but without further restrictions in london, fears of a coven hangover will only rise. and let's take a quick look now at some other stories making news around the world. at this hour. she leaves national assembly has selected an indigenous woman to oversee the drafting of a new constitution and gone on an absolute majority. and the 2nd round of voting don't con, represents the future people a group unrecognized by the current constitution from the era of dictator. august united rescuers. i found another 3 victims in the rubble of collapse condominium, near miami 27. people are confirmed that now with 10800 still missing. earlier
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wrecking cruise brought down the remains of the unstable structure in a controlled explosion. on gary and prime minister victor oberon has placed a full page ad attacking the e. u in germany's biggest selling tabloid build the ad, which bears the signature accuses brussels of building and an authorized quote super estate and says, you citizens must be safe from what he calls the dangerous challenge of migration. mister oberon has placed similar as in other leading european papers. anti l g b t q. protestors have stormed the pride office and the ga capitol, tbilisi ultra nationalists, climbed onto a balcony to break in the signs and rainbow flags which they later burn. journalist working at the scene were also more than 100 children have gone missing. after armed men attacked a school in northwestern. nigeria,
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police say the gunman shot wildly and overpowered. the security guards baffled baptist high school and missing children are thought tab and kid. now, around $1000.00 students have been abducted nigeria and last december, more or less left. bring and d, w. west africa correspondent french. he joins us from lake aust. friend, what more do we know at this point? we just mentioned a mod, done 100 students from the christian school. it's about school where i could not actually, i was of monday and according to the poorest, they're saying that they bond, it's all these groups came in big 9, but i'm, they overpowered the security of the school. i'm then to cut away more than 140. that's what they're saying. they said that they have managed to $26.00 of
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them. this is the code that has $100.00 them they to didn't seem total. so we are counting, at least more than one for the students who have gone missing and then in another another talk you can do not also that bind it's, i've talked to speak to, i'm not helped work. and some of the patients, including i try to in fund could do have days and northern nigeria in general is seeing more and more of these attacks of these kidnapping. this is the 4th mass school kidnapping in could do no safe and just 7 months. why do you think has this part of the country become such a dangerous place for school children? i think that so many different issues. it's not, not only do not but tonight, but teacher because they've got their you said that he's not going to negotiate
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with the bonded. so the bonded 1000 not reading this top active, not being people for ransom. and if they don't get money, some of these students or young people end up actually being killed because they want to force it to pay for ransom. and the governor, there has been more, has been not willing to negotiate with them. that's what some of the people say that's this is why there is an increase in that area. so tonight, yeah, of course it's particular because of these, but it's happening across the country, especially the northern part of nigeria. when you joining us from lagos, thank you very much. the intent is novak joke of edge remained the encores for a record equaling 20th grand slam title after a straightforward win wimbledon. so which, which you can see at the bottom of the screen was his absolute wasn't,
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is absolute best, but so managed to ease past really young carina in st. serve, who is the defending champion, is now through 2 quarter finals. he's going for his thanks title at the grass court tournament. and in the women's category to me, just on jabber has continued her historic wimbledon run by reaching the quarter finals that were recovered from us that down to the poland, e gosh, the on tech who last year won the french open. sober is the 1st arab woman ever to reach this stage of the turn. but that doesn't mean it's going to get any easier for her next phase number 2 seed arena lanka, you can see at the top of your screen that's after several inc. i'm bead elaina rebar. kina in 3 set ics. 3 or 6. 60 and then o'connor has one stage 9 as likely story to france, but fell short of taking the yellow jersey history alien conquered sunday's tough
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mountain finish and is 2nd in the overall standing behind defending champion 10 i forgot char, today is a rest day ahead of stage 10 years runner up, pretty much ro glitch pulled out of the race after falling well behind the main contenders. slovenia had been struggling after an injury he sustained in a crash earlier in the week. and finally, to china, where one determined youngster was intent on not letting nap time interfere with playtime. this young elephant is part of a wild herd migrating hundreds of kilometers through south west china. you just couldn't seem to let the others get some badly needed shut, insisting they get up and play neither nudges nor rubs. were able to rouse his fellow travelers. eventually the youngster appeared to give up and curled up and i've got your commercial one laid out who are wanting the w news. and here's
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a reminder of the top story we're following for you at the sour. the british prime minister boards, johnson has set out a roadmap for the nation to emerge from the last. so 1900 restrictions rules, mandating based math, social distance will be lifted and people will no longer be told to work from the change it should take effect on july 19th. i think the, the news coming up next is rob. what was the businesses for turning? ah, my 1st vice i was a sewing machine i found from women or bones by their portions or something as simple as learning how to write a bicycle, isn't me. since i was a little girl, i wanted to have a bicycle off my and it took me years to finally gave up and went to buy me and buy
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cypress and return sewing machine going, i suppose, was more appropriate for those than rising a button. and now i want to reach out to those women back home for bones by their social goals and inform them about that basic, right. my name is dave and i work at the me, ah, the $70000000.00 to unlock stolen data. packets have made their demands after hijacking and encrypting the data of hundreds of companies around the world. the thought of a native ransomware attack packs, i can just phase of its happening over the reins of the online, but he must be found as positive. legacy will leave behind as amazon and we have
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anything phones in south africa that's getting help to go green from our package. this is the to be a business time robots open to the program. hackers are demanding $70000000.00 worth of bitcoin in return for data stolen during a major ransomware attack is thought over a 1000 companies may have been effected by the hack on b i. t services for based in florida. the knock on effect. so stretching way beyond the united states, no customers allowed in. that's because hackers were able to penetrate the supermarkets cash register system. there was out, hundreds of sweden, corpse doors were shot last weekend. it's the single biggest global ransomware attack on record. the hack head 40 companies in at least 17 countries. they all use software from the u. s. based services company, k, security expert suspect question hackers us present biden has ordered a probe into the attack. the fact is directly tells us really
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deep dive on what happened and i'll know better tomorrow. and if it is either with the knowledge of and or consequence, russia, then we will respond. what is clear is that the hackers used case a software to hack the company's encrypted important data and now they are demanding $70000000.00 encrypted currency to release it the, the iteration of german industries one such attacks are increasing ransomware attacks rolls during the covered 1900 pandemic, but at least 5 percent according to insurers. workers during the pandemic have also been an easy target blackers for items and deeply optimization and above all, private computers are a problem. they have anti virus software, but it doesn't offer sufficient protection. fall is cyber security experts linking the attack on affiliate of the russian revolt, gang, known for extorting $11000000.00 from net packer j. b s in may. and that's
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becoming a familiar story. beijing taking a tough line with china's home grown tech firms. the latest to feel the weights of chinese regulates is on their shoulders or a trio of apps. including ride hailing giant, d d global. that comes less than a week after the company's debut on the new york stock exchange. the chinese government has ordered up store operators to remove dd from their shelves as paging investigates it for alleged illegal collection of personal data. no surprise to locals. what you were talking about. i often receive spam calls. this is all part of the personal information, privacy leak problem. we have no idea exactly how it's leaked. the whole digital bomb and good and if it's true, the dd is releasing personal information. i think the government should remove it from the app store. and it should be given the most severe punishment after all,
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it's a company owned by the chinese why the heart of the d. d pro comes as online recruiter, bus g pin and full truck alliance, often called uber for trucks also come under investigation, all 3 up base businesses. and i've been from registering new use as dd says it is doing everything to work with the government in a statement posted on way. bo, beijing's move comes just a week after dd raised over $4000000000.00 in a wall street. i p. o and deals a blow to investors had gone in fast, expecting a bonanza. now let's take a look at some of the other business stories making headlines. the are being commission is drafting an e wide green tack on a vacation fuels, according to the reuters news agency. the draft is part of the box plan to flash greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent. by the end of the decade. you is also talking, we're fuels for road waterway, transport egyptian authorities are set to release the ever given the joint shipped
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the blocks the suez canal for nearly a week earlier this year. it's jeff and he's owners have reached a deal with egypt. the government has seized the vessel while speaking, compensation for damages lost revenues and the cost of salvage it. exactly 27 years after amazon was founded, jeff pays us is stuffing down today's chief executive head of its cloud division. and the jesse is taking over the company and more from its cloud services. anything else generated revenues of almost 400000000000 dollars last year. boosting profits to $21000000000.00 amazons market capitalization is $1.00 trillion dollars. investors love the base script. trade unions don't though poor working conditions and pay still billions of contention for an ever expanding workforce. amazon had 33700 employees in 2010. but over a decade that ballooned to 1300000. amazon was one of the few companies,
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hiring new staff at the height of the pandemic to riding a whopping 400000. now at the pinnacle of his success is hanging over the helm. he wants more time for other things like space travel. he's got a big flight plan for the 20th of july. well, for more and a big day for amazon and a big day for jeff phase off, let's speak to chelsea, the lady from dw business. he started amazon 27 years ago and his carriage i was able to get it to the gigantic organization that it now is. well, he's definitely leaving behind an enormous legacy. just base those of course, became one of the richest men in the world. his business has skyrocketed, but it really has transformed the way people buy and sell things throughout the world. and i'd say that the one quality that people always mentioned about just bases is that he's really obsessed with customers. so there's a lot of anecdotes about this. for example, in the early days of amazon, he got an email from an elderly woman who said she was having trouble opening the packages. so he changed the packages,
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whatever you fail to deliver packages for christmas. one year they bait you, begin building this entire logistics service. so very upset with customers. but there's, of course, a dark side to that as well, which is that many employees at amazon, especially the ones the lowest down on, on the sort of corporate totem pole in the warehouses say that the conditions are very bad. and of course, amazon has been really detrimental to a smaller independent retailers and not without his critics, but he's been replaced by the jesse. what do we know about him? well, and he just, he has been at amazon for basically his entire career more than 20 years. he was the head of the very profitable web services business. he's also known as being extremely detail oriented at the, perhaps one different as is that he's described as a bit nicer than jeff davis and not quite as harsh. but i'd also say that jeff pieces isn't completely leaving amazon, he's going to remain as chairman and likely remain involved in some of the bigger decisions. one of the big challenges ahead is how and he just deals with global regulators. right? yes, definitely. i just, he was really inheriting it,
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he's inheriting a complicated situation here on the one hand, amazon's business has really never been so strong, especially the pandemic, but they've never had as big of a target as they have on their back now from global regulators. so they're even been proposals, for example, in the us in the house of representatives to break up amazon. it's unclear if that's actually going to happen. there have been a lot of setbacks for regulators and trying to push forward with some of these anti trust actions. but there definitely is going to be more and more regulatory pressure and potentially more regulatory changes for amazon in the years. i had chelsea delaney and dw business thanks a lot now as been says around the world seek to go. green farmers in south africa are getting a bit of help with the efforts from out packers. soft will, is not there only handy attributes that 1st, how done is also proving useful around $1500.00 of them and now providing
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environmentally friendly fertilizer to south african farms. the these have the greece is willing to part of the original plan for this property. but today it's hard to imagine the police without them be eating and pooping biodiversity and promotes soil health. hello, george. hello freddy l o l t. when paula despair he bought this old pair from the quality of the soil was a poor. so she decided to acquire some animals to help reduce me to the base. then we've got our herbs. we've got about 20 varieties of, of herbs on the property. here's some, some time, super pungent and then some different edible, edible flowers that were growing. this the says she was inspired to practice permaculture, regenerative agriculture, doing south africa plus look them in 2020. her interest grew up, watching documentaries and climate change and going from performing requires huge
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amounts of herbicides and pesticides. and we didn't want to spray. so we thought how can we use the space better and we weren't sure whether we were going to have food security. so we decided to grow veggies in between the rows of perez and up the the pairs using the path as a trellis. and it grew from now when it comes to going to farming davis, if occasion is key full at the very has made a deal with local with she delivers produce and also collect the opening with the wall restaurants on, on a deal drug in boxes. it's a win win situation book. so we are happy to do that. that's a good thing. just to save all the research that we would throw away for them on their phone, they can still use it for money. jim, we come back new beaudry prepared the width for warms to and turn into conflict
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and get more action. if i, once i break its back, sometimes is not necessary because i give you those exams also for the god in the end result is a natural for allies, then known as one t bud receives the model can be repeated anywhere to grow organic food. and there seems to be a market for it. i think everyone during lockdown has has taken perhaps more interest in the health and the nutritional wellbeing. and i think now is the time we have a window of opportunity with small businesses like this are becoming more sought after. and i see that because i started with new customers and now i have nearly 100 attack is also used for the award. it's still a small scale industry here in south africa, but as the popularity of the animals increases, demand for the high quality,
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soft and silky, please is likely to for food. and just lastly headdresses in the u. k. a now requires to care for all kinds of hair, including afro and texture of types. black people in the u. k. have often had to seek out special salems the calf that i have. but after a review, the national occupational standards body has decided all head dresses, must learn to work with black hair as part of that training, it's been held as a big step towards inclusivity in 2017 only 302 of nearly 36000 hast alarms in the u. k. worked with africa. now reminder of our top stories this our hackers, demanding $17000000.00 off the stealing and encrypting the data of companies around the world as part of a major ransomware attack. charges answer to
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d. d is being private by regulators just days after raise nearly 4 and a half $1000000000.00 in new york. and exactly 27 years at the amazon was found as jeff bay is also stepping down, today's chief executive head of its cloud division. andy, just taking the hats off for me in the business here, and then if you want more from us to check out our website, either way to com slash business press one until next time the the site against the corolla virus pandemic. how has the rate of infection in developing? what does the latest research information and contact the corona virus off the 19th special next on dw
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wonder to northern california, as humans are included in the creatures like turtles and manatees on losing their habitats. paradise to be things we're still doing like a harsh reality for sea turtle. in 60 minutes on d w. me . a quarter of the global population has received at least one dose of a cobra. 900 vaccine, looks good. at 1st glance, the figure hides a serious problem. low income countries are far behind. just 100 have at least one jobs. the distribution is slowest in africa that just aren't enough doses. the
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world health organization has sharply criticized the lack of action. the world is in bikes, you know, but.


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