tv Emil und der Pferdeflusterer Deutsche Welle July 6, 2021 11:30pm-12:00am CEST
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with learning, like global ideas, we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the welcome to arts and culture, a new documentary entitled who we were, looks at the possibility that our days on this planet may be numbered. also coming up, we pay a visit to the luma. le, are center in southern france where frank neary dunning, aluminum plant, cower shines. it's centerpiece and much of the streets are that we know and love today has it. in mexican lismore, a tradition of large scale neural painting was social and political message as
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well. it was one of the standout films at this year's belly, nala, that's the city's international film festival. and its title is like a cry for help on behalf of the planet, the documentary, who we were projects and astounds are for our species as a last community looking back on its past. but it gathers insight and hope from expert to have an extraordinary perspective on the current state of the world. oh, when you come in and loan clinique your article, you will mention lean on his last mission to the international space station. astronaut, alexander, guest documents his thoughts, his perspective on the world from far above age. he reflects from the way we treat
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our precious planet, our oceans, our resources from space he could see was extreme weather events. and above all, the fragility of our happy tatt via and since i need to finish the survival in the end of the week after i thought i was immune. as a physicist, i knew the diameter to the kilometer. i knew how thin the atmosphere was. and then when i saw it with my own eyes, me again, show me a new one. and that's the big thing to understand that this is way too small to take its continued existence for granted for us not to care man. what are we doing to our planet? what is reversible? what can still be salvaged? the film follows 6 scientists from different disciplines and continents. oh sure, no. just sylvia. oh, who has been studying marine ecosystems for decades?
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gives an urgent call to action. every choice we make about what to eat, what to where the power we use, the water we waste or not mean all that times a 1000000000 really stacks up what i understand. so i want to make a film that takes you from they to we by showing that these problems that we often see in isolation by the climate crisis. social causes that you can always show that you see that we are always part of the problem, but also part of the solution. luisel. one demand is for more global cooperation. african countries, for example, account for only 4 percent of c o 2 emissions, but feeling climate change with particular severity. who we, where described are present and off how we will be seen by later generations when we, our history is offered. thus, the focus by fuel generations will remember our generation as
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a one not understood and transform knowledge into understanding and awareness from the film looks at the world from unusual perspective and has a clear message. we are the ones who need to tackle the problem right now. and in other news and wonders coming to light of fame seascape painting by one of the world's most renowned marine and landscape painters. english artist, j. m. w. turner is set to be sold by southern auction house in london. on wednesday . the painting, part of a series of works that establish turner's fame and reputation has spent over a century out of the public eye, could fetch upwards to 7000000 euros at and the 55th edition of the montoya john festival is underway on the shores of lake geneva, in switzerland, one highlight was a performance by lebanese trumpet virtual. so even i in my loss,
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was discovered here a few years ago by the legendary producer quince tito. the aah! last week we told you briefly about the opening of the brand new la arts complex and campus in aqua in southern france. and now we get to actually take you there for a closer look where the unveiling of the center signature tower was a very big deal indeed. and here's why 56 needs had told talent, sat in around 11000 aluminum panels essentially. and i catch it in the french city of it's the work of canadian us architect. he's famous for his extravagant creations. the tower alone is said to have cost $150000000.00 euros. as part of the new luma, our cultural complex,
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initiated by swiss bill in it and our connect to my husband was kinda excited mid italy supposes my expectations. so this be awesome. i think it harmonizes well with it's around in frank and frank gary is perfect for this project on thursday as the sole creativity of an artist. here to take the enough to use the telecom lines architectural, brilliant with artistic stuff. the engine tool, for instance, posts a spiraling 32 meter long metal flight contemporary artworks on display in the exhibition room. some works from my husband's private connection and tonight, grandmother's the back in 2010. my of my client, the 11 hector former french railroads, science and construction work is still ongoing. ah,
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only one of us largest private projects. in contrast to the picturesque old center of the southern french city and his landmark like the roman emp, the rectum list, if he welcomes this clash of old and new thing where you are all has always been home to monumental architecture. then theater was a phenomenal dimensions compared to the rest of the town. borrow also features medieval buildings alongside these antique monuments, stutsman, we are adding another new layer. this historical context has with a unique project, maya hoffman wants to break new ground and creates a very special place for visitors. but above all, for artists and scientists who can work together creatively and future oriented in the renovated railway buildings. when i say most interesting
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aspect is to make visions possible to make the impossible happen to realize things that cannot be alive anywhere else. that is a process for so creating and, and constructing deeply rooted relationships with artists with people who are right . there's lots of fairs with scientists who the culture producers design, this architect done. and this particular places for people who want to approach things differently. i'm all work in a completely new way and i will see you feel i'm i think we are trailblazers in this regard. and that will continue to develop in the future. many locals are still getting used to the center and it strikes the modern tower, but they appreciated. thank you. soon. all is sitting with a 2500 year old history, modern with some of them. phenomenal here until i fail the whole world is now looking at oral love it or hate. it's not the point who's going to the everyone's
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talking about architectural most pieces have proven crowd put isn't the policy even though oh, already has plenty to offer. the tower is yet another reason to this is well, i'll say finally, anyone who's had the good fortune to stroll around cities like philadelphia, melbourne, lisbon, athens, or even here in berlin, will have been struck by the amount of st art gracing the walls and buildings. jaundra that has really blossomed over the last few decades. and what many people may not know is that the trend toward large scale mural, got it, start in posts, revolution, mexico. they have their origins in latin america, in the history of mexico, around the time of the mexican revolution. in the early 20th century, a new phone was born during this it picked up on the social demands of the
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revolution, often painted on the walls of public buildings. heroes depicted martin mexican valleys. today these works hang in a museum in mexico city. one moment you can also when you come, when you are listen, is the only mexican not movement to achieve international success and remain topical with his day when people still speak about listening the most and plan. it's incredible that in the year 2021, we still have the same messages. it says if these murals were completely contemporary the content that the most we see the inequality between the social classes one or the the least, the murals, most moving thing which has lost none of its power or control the sea to this day is the struggle for power, but once again began this whole time in the air, lieutenant boy, the mexican government of that era, attend to the greatest artists of the day. diego rivera started as follows to kettles and jose clemente o roscoe. if they were to convey revolutionary ideas by means of public paintings,
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mexico's pri, hispanic, past all but forgotten during the centuries of spanish colonial rule returned to the spot, nice arts which aims to change the world. at that time, the majority of mexicans were illiterate. so those who commissioned the works, the people would understand pictures more than was acted as a facilitator back the mirror. and if no, never emancipated itself from the state, many works glorified communist ideals. so in 1924, when public funding was withdrawn, the movement ran out of the this is the working class neighborhood as colonial doctor in the 1970. it was quite rundown. in 2014, the mexican government, once again commissioned young artists to brighten up the course of morales. i'm in the mirror, realized, total creative freedom. use any of them up and the sentence insurance to theme by
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looking around the neighborhood and painting things that give you a sense of belong, younger because of the things that make people proud if the neighborhood but we are, we also do a lot of in mexico's new mural movement all to appreciate the freedom of expression and is wary of government propaganda. the brothers mice and have already realized major projects commissioned by the city including painting an entire subway station . we met them as a private property in the colonia doctor's neighborhood. injustice and inequality are still hot topics in mexico. whether consciously or unconsciously, the mexican 3 times his today influenced by that predispose a few of his collective, still explicitly aim to effect social change is stolen from the mexican state of what they highlight injustice and take a stand, including for the rights of women in mexico. well that brings
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us to the end of this edition of arts and culture, but there's a lot more on our website at d, w dot com slash culture. and until we meet again in the meantime, all the best. and thanks for watching, just the me i was interested in the global economy. our portfolio d w business b on. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the fight for market dominance. with c, w, and business beyond on youtube. can you hear me now? yes, we can hear you in germany. we bring you angela math and you've never had before.
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just so what is, who is medical? really want me and walk all the people in fulton along the way. myers and critic join us for mattel, the ah me, this is the drink the grease. the wheels in china, the town of mental time is home to the world's most valuable liquor brand. be corrupt officials prefer it because they only drink the most expensive brand year to go and they love it so ill and i was the price to go up for now. so he
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is an investigative journalist, your who has fallen curling cases and exposed corrupt officials. his work led to him spending a year behind bars. now he's come to mount ty, home to china's most popular liquor. brand wants to regions, dollar. this is going to and enterprise is gonna come china's most valuable company . it's overtaken the country's biggest bank in valley. well, well, i think there's a story here to investigate pen wilson guys, joseph, here's what i'm interested in. what this company suffers from all the hills. the chinese government suffers from rocker,
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see eyes and all sorts of inefficient oversight. and michelle, the doing what the story is now tie. liquor goes back to china. the civil war in the 1900 thirty's, when shanghai sex nationalist troops were pursuing the communists. the red army embark on a one year long escape known as the long march. in southern china, they came across the town as a male tie home to some fine distilleries. it was a thrilling experience as some soldiers later wrote home in their memoirs when we opened the cell it's the fragrance would fill nostrils. the owner was a well known reactionary, of course we confiscated over those soldiers who could hold their liquor,
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drank all they could those who couldn't get apart. so 10 feet in it, the story of expropriation in excess. although the drinks official, history is rather different. shoot ya is a research assistant at the central committee's party history institute to the law and paid for everything. they didn't take anything from the citizen. they were excited about trying to listen to what they had to find. so they didn't drink and not everybody likes to drink as much as those soldiers did. one american journalist famously referred to it as liquid razor blades in china. spirits like mel tie are called by jill or white alcohol. the american entrepreneurs, derek san house, has lived in china for
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a long time. he's written 2 books on chinese drinking culture. mount high is what's called a sauce aroma bought style by jo. him to be very savory. it's got like all the sesame, not kind of like chocolate coffee and also like more kind of out there flavors like mushroom or even like fermented bean pays fight show has been enjoyed for centuries as a cheap, effective drink. when the communist came to power, their priorities were clear to the very 1st business license, the issue was to a badge of factory. the red star distillery and bridging they took a drink that had been up to that point very much like a peasant workers farmers drink. and they elevated it to a position of prestige because they were looking to make drinks that were celebrated by the normal working people. and make those more popular than what the
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lease were drinking. so they began setting up by jo distilleries all over the country. it didn't take long for the communists to remember the small family owned distilleries in the town of mount tai jewel. they want to create a big stay tuned enterprise that would provide them with that. so they expropriated the owners to about one of them, didn't agree to hand over the factory was so they executed to be honest, i don't feel who has published several articles about tie. he searched through archives and talked to witnesses for him. it's not just history. military represents the vices of modern china. does he look like as
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a chinese bureaucrats like from i don't drink any other liquor, she had, an entrepreneur has to buy this like a jewel. they feel it's expensive, happen. they have to buy it and it has to be this liquor may have otherwise, they wouldn't be able to establish a relationship with the officials paid by the power of the chinese government is to be unique. the officials happy. otherwise you'll have bad fortune. the showing a system of state controlled capitalism drives are often the only way to get things done. ah, with the count of mount tai his long become one with the brand that it hosts tens of thousands of inhabitants have been moved elsewhere to make room for the distillery . as far as you can see in all the mount tai group,
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kind of family rooms, a private liquor factory, which in spite of the state of distillery, since china allowed private businesses in the 1900 eighty's, thousands of small distilleries have set up shop in town the liquor is made from saga than wheat, fermented in pits in the earth. unlike western distilled liquors, this one is for meant to dry smell the liquors frank, joe ha. for the distillation process, the grainy mass is piled into giant steamer. then water is boiled in the steam passes through the mash, releasing the alcohol from the fermented grain. it's a technique that is unique to chinese spirit production. the liquor is then aged in earthenware jar. hope all is over 2
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times fine. i can store it with us when later, when the kids get married. well, there's an anniversary. we bought it for them and send it over like g, like a lot of women on project family services their business model at the famous state own distillery. only top officials can get down treatment me by the late 915. the drink had become so important to the communist, but nothing would stand in its way. not even catastrophe. at the time now to tongue so called creak, leaped forward, led to an economic disaster. the experiment and collective is ation produced. one of the biggest famines in human history. tens of millions of people starve to death . yet the government is fine. green quote is to
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make sure the mouth tiny factory wouldn't run out of stock, while farmers were starving in the field. the factory continued producing liquor for the party. li i. it was july. china's 1st premier who made now tie the drink of state banquets. absolutely, he knew well and he was an experienced drinker. so his ability to hold his liquor was well known he'd been found it since the long barge. now he served to foreign visitors, famously to richard nixon on his 1st visit to china. ah, no tie became china's official diplomatic drink that made it even more prestigious for chinese consumers. i today the now tie companies worth almost 350000000000 euros journalist,
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yo who suspects that the brand, the fuels, china's corruption may itself not be on the level. he's travelling to a nearby town by margins. amount time company has registered an appellation of origin. them also only spirits produced in the town of mild time can be called. now tie the monday me produced elsewhere but here 50 kilometers for mount high. he discovers that the company is building huge production facilities to meet steadily rising demand. the firm has launched various products, costing between if he doesn't to several 100 euros dio, who finds out that some of it is being produced here. and not in mount. i itself it is most sites around and operating
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the newer one cares what they do is if the supervisory agencies don't exist and the for you who the story of mount high is one of corruption. but for many customers, the brands, proximity to power makes it even more desirable. a few years ago when president teach in pings started his anti corruption campaign. prices of mountain dropped. but today they're on the rise again. a bottle of it's premium brands sells for more than $200.00 euros. and even the cheaper varieties do, well, the vendor says this one has just risen by more than 10 euros. it was under 20. no,
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it's at 30. she says. the most often doors are many people who collect smiles, who see it as an investment. they buy the bottles not to drink. well, that's what the story tells them, don't you found them to them? it's not so much liquor anymore as a financial product, which is milton is the spirit of the powerful in china deal who intends to keep it in his sights? ah, ah, ah, ah. the
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there is a baby boom in the next step. and it's the psych antelopes were critically endangered after falling victim to a mysterious epidemic. and while the population is recovering, the species is still in danger. 3090 minutes on d. w. ah . excuse me. that was right in front of them. they gave them suddenly we agreed to postpone the or didn't the games to talk your 202021 through for story qualifying round. not for sports hero. i'm fired up and ready to count down
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during locked lock. you go to tokyo. starts july 19th on d. w. in december 2019 the european council for new president show me show, embarked on a ground breaking mission. i have a clear job to make you the 1st diamonds it's i don't see the planet value but not all member states supported and some persuasion is required. a surprising glimpse into the very hardest power negotiations. news money can be a process of flattery and the best laid plans
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often go astray when the game of diplomatic poker use power plays and alliances behind the climate summit on d. w o . mrs. d w needs, and these are the top stories in football. it's a they have beaten spain in a penalty shoot out to secure their foss at the u. r. 20. 20 final off the match and did $11.00. it's lead sure. xena gold at the decisive penalty to stand italy through. on wednesday, denmark face england.
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