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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2021 3:30am-4:01am CEST

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as long denise kemp, we approached the health authorities in 2003 tilting underneath my uncle to correspond to everything. how do you explain your failure to convince the health authorities to act faster and informing medical professionals and above all patients who might be pregnant? a content through the 17th, and it is the responsibility of our company to ensure at all times that the information we gather about the use of this product, pharmaca vigilance, scientific developments to be constantly transmitted to the health authorities so that that's all duty. and we do that regularly, systematically, and transparently in special correspond while the evidence was piling up on the link between the drug, deborah keen and serious disorders affecting children, it took another 11 years for patients to be alerted me in 2015. so no fee finally came to an agreement with the an f m, the official bonnie,
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that licenses drugs in france. the patient package insert, supplied with the keen was amended to clearly indicate the significant risk of deformity and developmental problems. almost 50 years after the drug was 1st launched, despite all of the warnings said that the warning in the patient package insert was finally included in 2015 and extremely precise terms. would you mind reading the 1st hard hitting paragraph? no, no. you'd rather i did it? yes, go ahead. so no fees, patient package insert is now very clear. and all languages dep, again can seriously harm and unborn baby when taken during pregnancy. expose children are at high risk of serious intellectual and motor development disorders. and up to 30 to 40 percent of cases and or deformities in around 10 percent of cases. argument is the state license me to sell
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this product. so don't blame me between the and the volkswagen diesel gate scandal, the government thing because roadworthy, but it is volkswagens responsibility to pay for the lies and the defects in their cars. not the government reported if it was he did, it's observed. manufacturers are responsible for the product, the telephone assistance with deborah can the authorities were a mess up, but the main responsibility lies with the manufacturer. oh, only after a 2 year battle was marine midtown able to ensure a warning would be fixed on the death of keen label, like those found on alcoholic drinks. mm. the all pharmaceutical companies are looking for what they call a blockbuster, a drug that treats widespread diseases and can be marketed worldwide. to preserve
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exclusive rides. big pharma companies have developed some powerful strategies. this is the story of a revolutionary treatment for a m d age related macular degeneration, a severely disabling i disease that can lead to blindness. millions of patients are affected worldwide. me. it's also the story of the competition between 2 equally effective drugs. one costing 40 times more than the other until 2005, there was no effect of treatment. and many patients lost their site shown invoice. you waited in quite to the for me on the report i see want to show you some pretty, pretty symptoms in the body of the kind of thing reduces the miller and that on the
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path then came a new drug that significantly slows the progression of the disease liquid injected directly into the i i, the therapy had been developed in the united states and was said to revolutionize treatment the disease. several major off the mala, just launched clinical trials on thousands of patients. they were unable to treat. it's the leading cause of permanent blindness and people over the age of 65. in fact, perhaps for any disease worldwide. there is a role for pharmaceutical companies, particularly in research and development of new medications. they, they invest many years and a lot of dollars, that being said, you know, they are for profit companies. and their objective is to, is to find what they call the blockbuster drug that they can sell a lot up to
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a large population. which is why there is a lot of r, n d or research and development going into macular degeneration, because it is such a common disorder. i, this 1st treatment was developed by the american laboratory genentech. it was called of aston newly licensed by the f d. a in america, the drug was officially used to treat colon cancer. then by accident, an american professor discovered that it properties significantly delay the development of a m. d, and improve activate generate slowly and causes legal blind feel. rosenfeld began experimenting with interveners. they've asked him for the treatment of the ask or am d. there was really no studies done by the pharmaceutical company to do that. it
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was really some doctor and a pharmacist who work together to come up with what might be the optimal dosing of of asked and in the i the, the treatment worked flawlessly. professor rosenfeld presented his results at the annual off them. ology conference. me the results for like nothing that ever seen before. every retina specialist that i know who is at that meeting our jaws were on the floor because the 1st time we had seen improvement and visual acuity. whereas every treatment that came before it had a decline. ambition over one year period, we've never seen that before. and because i'm asked to miss price to be given for cancer was inexpensive. so for the
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1st 6 to 12 months, everyone all over the world was using a vast and to treat these patients. until meanwhile, after mama g researchers at the very same american genentech, pharmaceutical laboratory, that manufactured of asked for cancer were developing a new treatment. specifically for a m d who sent us introducing lou center, a breakthrough in neo vascular m d lou center redefines efficacy and the all the studies show that the 2 treatments were identical except the new center treatment was much, much more expensive for a vast and that would make a vast and about $50.00, an injection. and then when lou centers comes out a single dose in the eye is $2000.00. meanwhile, and friends,
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pharmacists and hospitals were becoming interested in treating the i condition with the vast and used for cancer. that is dosed in bottles for injection into the i. pharmacists had to re package it in syringes at a lower dose. the fact you take a file, a small bottle containing 16 millimeters, then use it to fill a number of syringes, maybe a batch of 50 off. now my logical injection, excuse me. so it entails re packaging the contents of a bottle into an injectable form form. so long as me of course it's really important thing is to ensure the preparation is complete, at least sara, before delivering it to the administration by the off elm ologist. the syringe must
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be absolutely sterile. ah, since the me delete this meant we could make syringes for around 50 euros each. going to hope you have to include stuff costs and testing costs. plus the premises and equipment have to be paid for the material. when it is over, the cost for us was $20.00 times less than it was for lou centers, so which cost around a $1000.00 euros, a serene mutual assigned in europe, while expensive the cost of the new centers i. treatment was still only half what it was in the united states, where prices are not controlled. the drug was marketed by swiss laboratory. novartis of ashton is sold by the other big swiss laboratory rush, which bought out the american company, jeanette tech. the new
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demo was novartis and rush, especially rush. i don't like it when products they sell to treat specific condition or used by us to treat and also medical condition. it is full door used for purposes other than those designated guys of course. and you get to distinguish novartis and rush, then concocted a strategy to prevent doctors from using of asked in to treat conditions and convince them to inject lou center. there was no system. please. will you visited by representatives of novartis or rush at that time? about that treatment? absolutely. yeah. they came to say they didn't understand why we were using a cancer treatment to treat or found the logical condition that provides your son ruben. is in the who is he's on the i had
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a meeting with the general manager of nevada who came to the hospital to ask me why i insisted on making these vast in syringes when lou center was a likeness treatment me. so i guess there was no, can you sense of a no show me sort of l. c. those would be expired. so i explained my thinking which was how best to serve the public and patient sylvia highlight. he cannot make an health considerations. that's a little conversation with mostly about the potential danger to patients. this will additional don't say the person that did you think about us with putting pressure on you sitting close, so if it was pressure shoot, it carried no threatening enough. ah, since all international studies demonstrated the equal effectiveness of the 2 treatments hospital pharmacists naturally favored the least expensive option
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the to laboratories rush and novartis launched a long legal procedure against the french state. the maneuver was doomed to fail of asked and was eventually authorized for use in france, but it was too late. led the she can do all the policies them do. so the problem now for the health system is that it has a set up that is so complex optimal to manage the basically, everyone has given up to the body. thus, almost all patients treated for a m d, or given an injection of the more expensive products, including the one made by no artist the in italy. in 2014 rush and novartis were find some 180000000 euros for enlisted price.
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fixing of the 2 drugs in late, 2020 friends find rush and of artist 444000000 euros. there were people in the community who really liked using glue centers. it's a great drug. i have the utmost respect for the role. the pharmaceutical industry plays in our field. no good idea goes forward without a pharmaceutical company partner. and yet, the pricing to me, particularly when you've got a $50.00 disruptor that's equally effective. the current pricing is absolutely indefensible. in my opinion, it's estimated that the u. s. saves $3000000000.00 a year by using a vast of, instead of the centers. according to the regulations,
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the french medicines agency cannot force rush to manufacture of asked in syringes for the treatment of a m. d. this by 2 months of negotiations, the multinational rush refused to be interviewed. it's legal department told us we do not wish to speak or be filmed on this subject, but are more than willing to answer any questions you may have in writing question . why does the laboratory refuse to manufacture of aston syringes for the treatment of a m d. answer. rush develops drugs only for medical needs not covered by existing drugs where there are no therapeutic alternatives. rushed then says no. and the public authorities are powerless to force their hand. lobbying has paid off. the cheaper alternative is rarely used. the big winner
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is novartis, which coincidentally owns a 3rd of rush in the united states, the price of drugs is completely unregulated. as soon as the f d, a approved the drug, the pharmaceutical companies are free to impose their prices, elected officials, democrats and republicans alike persist in trying to force manufacturers to lower the cost of new treatments in vain. one recent medication has changed the health economy, an overpriced treatment that has launched a new scramble for profit between the biggest pharmaceutical companies. this is a major american discovery, a new treatment against hepatitis c. it helps cure the often deadly chronic liver
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disease by eradicating the virus. civility made by juliet the world. the 10th largest pharmaceutical company was launched on the u. s. market in 2014. the price of the 3 month treatment. $84000.00. that's a $1000.00 a tablet to serve on the is the 1st of the drugs that actually cures have to tie to see in 3 months. the virus system that is manufactured by what is now a very big drug company called gillian sciences. but gillian had nothing to do with the research that that discovered civility gayly ad sciences bought pharmacy and they bought it because that way they could get their hands on.
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so they are concentrating more on diseases 1st that don't affect that many people better life and death diseases so they can charge whatever they want. so they charged $84000.00. the sales gilliard sciences came to $32500000000.00 of which 55 percent. this is, according to the annual reports, was pure profit. the american drug then hit the european market at half the price. the price of treatment for a course of so volley was $42000.00 euros. the still exorbitant cost aroused a great deal of outrage among patients. the n g o mid sound who mourned launched an awareness campaign in france. 230000 patients were effected at
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42000 euros. a pop in terms of health insurance. the hepatitis c treatment was one of the most expensive around. can you figure the welcome to see the survey, the fast good. we can thank juliet for marketing savell be because they showed the wider public that today drugs are not sold for the price. they should be sold and you can divide more, sell, slipped and eat, reflects the necessity for gillian to recover the huge cost involved and having spent $10000000000.00 they had to fix a high price on ship is poker. and if i heard the temper title me could be treated against the treatment now available was extensive. i think you will the disease in 12 weeks and in the patients you had for the most part until them been condemned by hepatitis. think when they need emergency, can you give me it was in the position of relative strength or having
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a unique treatment that offered a key all getting really good negotiations that were rather robust antennae then got underway vaal with though the price today has come down by more than half the problem which, you know, under pressure, the american pharmaceutical lab lowered the price of the 3 months of all the treatment in france from 42224000 euros. a u. s. senate commission revealed the company's confidential marketing strategy. use of a diminutive duke more. i'm telling you dad, we had access to thousands of pages of internal gillian documents. so we could see that in gillian meetings. marketing ideas were ed in particular ideas for pricing, but no mention was ever made of the actual outlay for r and d, manufacture and marketing over the course of the loan to put
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a trunk of official in this internal presentation, the gillian sales team recommends an introductory price of between $8085000.00 dismissing concerns about any potential scandal in the press. let's focus jones, the whole concern was how to maximize profits, achieve strong financial margins and cover costs. then move on to public health considerations were never an issue. i just wanted to recap my story to then is now a director of unit aid, a body operating within the world health organization charged with negotiating significant price reductions with large pharma companies to treat patients in the southern hemisphere. 71000000 people worldwide carry the hepatitis c virus. the extended drop in price was considerable, was established by introducing generic drug and giving the farm lab assurances that
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we would open major market. rather than sell a little at the high prices, we offered the chance to sell a lot to know price. we scored a victory by ensuring treatment was accessible at a reasonable price. he does treatment for hepatitis c, using the generic drug produced by milan costs less than $80.00 available only in developing countries. in the northern hemisphere, a course of treatment still costs tens of thousands of euros. the price of drugs no longer reflects the real cost of research, rather the financial power of a few large companies. scrambling for disproportionate profit. with the appearance
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of new gene therapies to treat certain cancers or rare diseases, prices are still increasing. reaching several hundreds of thousands of euro's all. the major big pharma companies are in the race for these new treatments. they save lives, but at what cost? a new gene therapy to fight cancer is now marketed by swiss company novartis to treat leukemia. its name is kim ryan. its price is 320000 euros per patient. the therapy was discovered by a team of publicly funded university researchers at the university of pennsylvania, but flexing its financial muscles, novartis became co owner of the patent in professor of him. itala g. jean paul as a know, is renowned expert in blood cancers. technique. i think
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in the shenise there's a whole technique involved with using gene therapy. a gene is introduced which allows t cells to target disease cells and enable them to be destroy. we sit dusty stem experiment there. it's a very interesting system, but there's no justification for charging 350000 euros or see if states structures in france went along with it. so it would doubtless cost $30.00 or $40000.00, but not 350000 pharmacies, obviously is the farmer industry's job to keep a lookout for something interesting. explain. the research is no longer carried out by the pharmaceutical industry. the work is tackled by publicly funded research, oblique. the drug companies, they don't do their own innovation anymore. i do 0 innovation or close to 0,
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or the innovation still comes from and i h funded research. what we're seeing now is a big change that i think is terrible. and this big change is instead of being focused almost exclusively on the size of the market on volume. it's now focused on price. they acquire a drug that's effective against a serious disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, serious disease that people will pay almost anything to get and jack up the price so that it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for years treatment, i mean hundreds and thousands of dollars. it's a very cruel business model, because if you can't pay for you don't get it. so it's supposed to call sales
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laundry cancer treatments now costs something like 300002400000 euros. while the number of cancer patients in front is around a 1800000, with 400000 new cancer cases every year, i cannot see how in the future we will be able to treat more than 1500000 people. when the price scale is some 300000 euros, should think you want me to get to the term. there's a whole sales pitch relating to the therapeutic value and life saving value of these medications, which has been skillfully put forward by opinion leaders to convince governments which basically says that drugs he'll, they are a unique product. the high cost is the price of life. and it's pure marketing. basic q is mean higher prices, marketing, precision, precision, no problem. i think there should be default. the problem is that each country
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defends its multi nationals and france defense sanofi. the usa defense, pfizer and the big american companies, switzerland defense, novartis and rock expense, hard to reach consensus to bring down prices to reasonable levels. repeat again. after 2 months of negotiations, the multinational no artist turned down our request for an interview. instead, they sent a simple press release. we price our new medicines based on the value they deliver to patients, health care systems, and society. we strive to take into account income levels, local affordability barriers, and economic realities, while maintaining the sustainability of our business. novartis tells us as its representatives have explained to political decision makers that this new
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single dose cancer therapy must be compared to a treatment of drugs taken for life. in late 2019 the laboratory agreed to a slight decrease in france, where the price of camera went down from 320000 euros 229-7006 166 euros the f. d a now is on the payroll. pharmaceutical industry, they pay user fees to the part of the f, da, that evaluate new drugs for approval. so this makes this part that the f d, a dependent on the company is that they are supposedly regulating the drug companies. love it because it makes the part of the f da that evaluate their drugs extremely friendly since they supported
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it is a blatant conflict of interest. this ought to be well funded and there ought to be no conflicts of interest. i lose i lose. there's a baby boom in the contact step and it's been national the psych antelope for critically endangered after falling victim to a mysterious epidemic. and while the population is
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recovering, the species is still in danger. global 3000. in 30 minutes on the w. africa in more ways than water decades of inaction have blood in water infrastructure in ruins. water that goes underneath the sodium to just div. derek goes immediately to the democratic republic of congo tributaries b 90 minutes on d w. oh, the news the we're going to go beyond deals. yes.
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as we take on the world. orders were all about stories that matter to you. i police here we are here is actually on fire for mines. ah, this is dw knees and these are the top stories in football it's they have beach in spain and penalty shoot out to secure their thoughts at the you are 2020 final off of the match and did 11. it's lead sure. xena code be decisive penalty to stand if li through on wednesday, denmark face england at wembley on the battle for the other final place.
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me was european council president charles michelle has visited the border between bel.


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