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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2021 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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covering the species is still in danger. able 3000 the next on the double use. the secret why behind the discover new ventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage site the w world heritage 3 now. mm. the welcome to global 3000 in 2015, i must die off nearly wiped out like a life and catholics. we find out how that during today the
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columbia coffee, thomas, the face of the future as temperatures rise, even the high altitude the 1st we had to the ghost town of back to town where residents are pending that hopes on brushes, new plans for its polar region. in 2007, russia planted a flag full 1000 meters deep on the north pole feedback stake its claim to the arctic. as the ice melts, competition for the region is precious. resources is heating up by 2035. russia plans to invest millions and infrastructure in the arctic ocean. one key component is an increased military preference to defend russia interest in case of complex as russia's aspirations have jarred with other object nation like canada and norway. most of the only icebreakers can get through the arctic ocean of russia. melson, i soon opened up the ne passage between the north atlantic and pacific all around
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ships could transport russian oil and gas straight across the arctic ocean. an opportunity for the northern russian regions to flourish. for the dying city of bucking tough, it could mean salvation. the growing emptiness in high areas in the russian town is laquita ly abandoned. ah, if the around 2000 people leave town in the arctic. and it's highly, it's because still has a lot to do. she opened to beauty salon here in her home town, 9 years ago. around it doesn't customers come to her every day. she hopes her sullen can give them a moment's break from the harsh reality of daily life. you've been chappelle my opinion. the women in town are more beautiful than anywhere else. you talk more.
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she knows many women on the planet and live in such a harsh northern time. it is 3 days before she knows all too well how hard life is here. by the time lives north of the arctic circle, 180 kilometer from the arctic ocean. in the winter minus 35 degrees celsius is quite normal. even in the summer it can suddenly start snowing. laquata is a mono town. the entire city is dependent on one industry cold, but the regional government says the deposits will be exhausted by 2037. that reminds all around the city, but only for if the original 13 is still in use. since the soviet era, more than 60 percent of the population has left walker, tom, do shamal. there are many people left and hardly any jobs we plan to leave. so you
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can see how many of the houses are in terrible condition. you're saying that they will strengthen everything just going to just go from the sand to schools and kindergartens are closed because i'm going to go full. it's a vicious cycle. social institutions like schools are being close because people are moving away because they close even more people leave visual work. officials are trying to regulate the number of people leaving, but struggling to keep up. there are more than 14000 names on the official waiting list for resettlement to another region. that's almost a 3rd of the remaining residence. be empty. apartments in the suburbs have become a problem for the cities. government entire districts have had to close. it is a lot of people get relocated and move away from some apartment. buildings only have 2 or 3 families left, but the central heating and sewer system will have to run for the whole building. so the city is paying for the empty apartment. it's a big problem. the problem will follow the awkward child. soviet era monuments pay
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homage to the minus more coal for the motherland. it says here, but the demand for that coal is falling, especially in europe. now russia has a strategy for the arctic that could offer a glimmer of hope for residence here, even though it's disputed internationally. russia wants to stop people leaving by investing an infrastructure, particularly for the extraction of natural resources like gas and oil. they've even factored in climate change. the warming of the arctic could open up new transport rates. voc talk could become a dry port including for coal, with a railway line to the arctic ocean. the region is counting on this on vicious project, even though currently it only exist on paper in the market. instead of russia using traditional export routes to the west and south of the country. our northern regents could be linked to the northern sea route and the arctic. you know, we hope that as a result we can be connected to the global logistics network. it's going,
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it's annessa, groan and ideas the natalia, it's sickle, it's fun as well. she's investing in her business beauty salon will move to a new building soon. the renovation are in full swing but she says she too might turn her back on her home town. one day, her son is about to graduate stickle dreams of buying a salon and moscow. she says there's no guarantee the government projects in the art take will work out. before the teacher is difficult to say anything about the project for now, because it's all just getting started and we're good. we really want a breath of fresh air here. something new that was more than maybe the idea of moving would be such a burning issue for people anymore. but most people are no longer willing to wait. those who can a choosing to leave soccer tom rather than betting on a future in the russian all take on
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me is a blue planet. around 70 percent of its surface is covered in water. climate change is causing the temperature to ride. the sea has absorbed much of this excess heat so far, which has helped to us that the increase. but now see temperatures are writing significantly and with that sea levels escalation, melting, and the warm water is expanding. since the year 1900 sea levels have risen by around 20 centimeters, but about half of that since $993.00. if the trend continues, levels could rise by another one meter 10 by the end of this century. in our unseen series, this week we had to times capital, bangkok, water has already become a real danger. i leave before the flood happened in the area. my daughter was only 2 years old.
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the water camps no need like one step and start getting bigger and bigger and everyone in 60 is almost half off. somebody is going to be under water. sea level is rising. 5 meters a year and inbound call. also house her diploma and also land subsidence 12 centimeters a year. a c t that just was meter a both c home. so we need to be re adapted if people have no prepare
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back. com is a city of what we have water in every direction on the floating rain from to the lord. sounds he's the know flooding from the nod. this is my home. actually trying to use my profession. the truth that i have as a landscape architect to tackle climate change in my city, a lot of spanish happening was we do know and suddenly to the water, just attack when the water doesn't have the area to stay. so it's stay on the road and the house of people billions of people, type people and i are homeless. these place actually want the way
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that i have my parents that i have to carry and i have to taking care. then the plot shop hosted to me we need to increase vehicles. so says try to claim the visitation. so phase when the water goes through the services and can be reuse, everybody can help or slow down this chart to the cd. you need to increase as much as you can degrade area. that's a big parking space. so conway into, with attention surface, we have 700 to post in the city is to convert back into green area is a lot. and i think the level should have knowledge for the
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whole year. the flood comes 1st. you know i'm, i'm building my house right now. i spend lots of money to building my house. i'm always thinking, you know, okay. one day i was thinking to be under the see anyway, and some people say they happen in really still in the next 10 us me i think rush people already by land in march and you know, like poor people, it's really difficult for them to move. you know, the whole life, their job that the family there many
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see around, he's not actually designed to tackle this problem or does change. so i just feel that every development thing, the design architecture, every house, every buildings have to replace all the other families. it's actually the biggest move in asia. we actually have the requirement to have a beauty. we inclined the whole path student architecture and then use to some of that to be part of the side. by choosing it, we call like a we got some rain. so normally will not fly in the pipeline on the road is actually in a flood in a park and we have, we still want to hang fish can keep the water the,
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the reactions my do, i mean i like the way the support way of buying things on who issues to work with my be maybe in the hills, only one can not be effective, but we have millions of people here, bits my bases can help me. this is probably how coffee was made a 1000 years ago, but a lot was changed since then. today, coffee is a global commodity and exclaimed, in many countries across the world, around a $175000000.00 bags were produced in 2020 each weighing 60 kilograms. the prophy is also at the mercy of climate change in columbia. the 3rd largest coffee,
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growing nation after brazil and vietnam farmers of fair and for that future, ah, she's just set off on her round through her coffee plantation, but clara largo is already feeling anxious. are the coffee cherries still healthy? or have they been attacked by the curse in beatles when they come get the might be called climate change is feeling the spread of the coffee board beetle. me. you know, if you don't check the cherries all the time, they are more into the fruits and, and everything. you look on the whole lago family trudges along the steep slope after heavy rainfall. the path is slippery and indeed, there are beatles everywhere. the dilemma not okay. the problem is these critters, they've invaded the area and destroyed the entire bean. look, it's eaten away, the center does not mean that it's heartbreaking for the farmers once again. years
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harvest is mediocre. at best coffee plants are sensitive. they need a mild climate between 18 and 21 degrees celsius, combined with moderate rainfall. when the earth warms the weather, patterns here are less predictable. nobody, hardly, none of them were ruined. we're going under because we don't earn enough money to buy food. and we don't have enough to pay our kids wages. he was here at an altitude of 1300 meters. logos, coffee trees are dining after 3 unusually hot summers in a row. there is nothing left but barren branches. it makes you sad, dan, down. you see how the plants are drawing up, even when they're water, they don't survive. 7 years ago, the family took out a loan in order to cultivate coffee. but because of the heat, not
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a single being grew. all they have to show for their effort is debt. these small holder farmers are struggling to survive. line from the town of can revolves around coffee. it's been that way for generations. the roughly 3000 farmers here are proud of their traditions. here, each coffee cherry is picked by hand, which is not the case elsewhere. that quality has made columbia a world leader in the coffee market, but as a result of climate change by 2050, the area used for coffee cultivation may fall by half worldwide. coffee will become scarce. many farmers have already given up inside it, but it's not worth it any more than i don't even get half of the kilo price i used to get. because the heat has ruined the quality of the beans. the beans are very small. as for the am we picking. alejandro bella because our lives at an altitude
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of 200 meters below clara lago. he's turning his back on coffee. he already cut down most of the coffee trees and he'll soon replace what's left with cocoa and sugar cane. c s 3 to put a kid on the cover. yes, it said everything here revolves around coffee. everyone's content. this coffee is magical. everybody reduces, it is happy that posey and bone to trail again everything his grandparents developed will vanish with sugar cane, taking its place. sugar cane is more robust in a warmer climate. still a 100 was worried about the future. sugar cane is sensitive to temperature. your team, i think, will make why don't stop climate change, everything here will come to an end. there'll be nothing left for tomorrow. my son
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will destroy everything because some of those still interested in growing coffee will have to acquire and clear land at a much higher altitude. that's not something that you will you borrow familiar has to worry about at altitude of 1700 meters. they are coping with the effects of climate change. they had a good harvest this year. the years i've lived off of coffee my entire life. they don't think, i mean, i don't have a lot of money. but i was able to start a family and take care of them, thanks to coffee. the audio quito, his family, and their neighbors have sony advice from an organization that gets most of its funding from the netherlands. they now plant their coffee trees under larger shade trees. they also leave weeds in place to keep the soil cool and most
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of the info in a short time, we have to stabilize the ground here by planting trees. that will help fight the effects of climate change. we can't stop climate change, but it will help to keep the coffee farmers in business longer. coffee farmers in columbia are fighting for survival. what he has to quito says he can't do it alone . but if he and his neighbors can work together, they might be able to manage. okay. and what's that? sorry. we see the result of our bad treatment, the earth, the earth, which was given to us by god within, i have grandchildren here and there's still small. but what would they do in 15 years, if we don't do all we can now, when one credit goes family wants to start planting shade trees to so that claris son hummus can continue his ancestors coffee. growing traditions.
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0 the spring of 2015 se never witnessed before, play down to mechanics. within just a few weeks, almost 90 percent of the population perished. why these animals died and more than anything? why so quickly and so many was a mystery to the range of research. and there, at the time experts wondered if the psycho would ever recover from such devastation . in 201-6102, the master of a team of researchers returned to the next step. they wanted to find out how many psycho survived the the scientists spent days in the backpack darla for the few remaining animals. this conservation area about the size of firms, was previously home 224-0000 cycles of which 200000 died.
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it wasn't easy for expedition leaders, stephens food her to return to this place of death as finding women in the i was really shocked when i saw how many animals were dying back in 2015 and i was in the field myself and saw with my own eyes the 1st dead psycho lying there, like at the long it was the 1st place where it happened and i was right, there was stuff on the flight deck brought me a huge amount of where thousands of animals were buried. still testify to the dials along with the countless leech line among the bushes, a british veterinarian and internet, which had coke, also witnessed the disaster that was triggered by bacteria. the idea that the bacteria is present in the animals and we have confirmed that it does occur and healthy animals and it overloads it. something triggers the growth of the back,
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terry and it kills the saga. the 2nd hypothesis is actually more of an environmental source of pass trailer, which are ingested by the animal cause you know, overload, and this would require an amoeba. this is a different organism which is infected by the bacteria. and then at the wet season period it may, may become active, the bacteria become active, and so the grazing animals in injustice and die as a consequence at the time the expedition members fit it would lead to the total extinction of the saga antelope. ah, what happened? amazed everyone. a baby boom in the step down the my special to me and that's because at the age of one females usually bear one can become chron. age . they tend to have twins been the older, larger females may have triplets. i was getting that means they
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invest a lot in the production of off the brain and that allows the populations to recover very, very quickly from each the, even after catastrophic events like in 2015, 9 portions of the system. the research has now estimate the number of saga at 250000 again as many as before the mass die of the joy, the many offspring bring is offset by concern. the saga are slowly returning to the area where the mass die off began. could dead still be lurking in the grass? the possibility of this occurring again is very high. and the question is simply when exactly what the trigger factors will be. but we can be reasonably certain this will relate to, to whether it may be driven by climate. so the,
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the frequencies, if you like, of climate related events which dr. humidity, temperature, and then influence either the bacteria in the animal or the bacteria in the environment. it will happen again. i have no doubt. but human beings also oppose a huge threat to the psycho poachers hunt. the animals who fail to china with their homes are considered to have healing properties decide as habitat is also shrinking . there are 3 large populations of psycho in kazakhstan, the year old group and the west of the country. the stuart group on the border with his becky stone and the largest bed pa dollar in the center of the country. the saga herds move back and forth during the year because the government wants to build a highway between the caspian sea and the cause, a capital news full time passing right through bad tuck donna. even though there's an alternative route further north than when you get
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stressed by every movement and especially car, even if they're far away on the horizon, they run away immediately and there was a road it would be fatal. i mean, they wouldn't even approach the road anymore. been from and even if they weren't completely prevented from crossing, they would at least he stopped for a while when their natural cycle of migration would be disrupted. to destroy it. right now, only a few sandy tracks cross through the sense that and pose a problem for the psycho, but the pressure on the animals is increasing. so i survived the holocene extinction, so it's a pretty tough animal. but whether it can survive, the human entropy scenic sticks and i'm afraid is pretty marginal i think. so we have a number of factors coming up. you know, it, it, you know, the change in human impact on the environment. reiki, you know,
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we'll just complicate this further. for the moment the saga has managed to come back from the bring in the long term. however, there's a vital, depends on whether the catholic step is left as an untouched paradise. yes. that's all from us this week at global 3000. thanks for watching. we'd love to hear your thoughts. so you write to us the label 3000 at the w dot com or check out facebook page b, w label. i did see you next time the the fuse,
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the the, the, the use, the nature of wonders in northern california. as humans are encroaching features like turtles amenities on losing their habitats. paradise to be things brazil doing coastline hush reality for sea turtle and
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see count in 30 minutes on d. w. o ah women. i will put them all. no money, no money. but the voice, the only way i can be up top to create my own the see they're standing stories in the women in asia this weekend on d. w. o. the fight against the corona virus pandemic now has the rate of infection in developing what measures are being taken?
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the, what does the latest research say? information and context, clues of data. special monday to friday on d w. the little guy that is the 77 percent the platform is used to be. he's used to share ideas. you know, on this channel, we are not way to have some young people clearly have the solution, the future 77 percent. now, every weekend on b, w ah
9:00 am
ah, the who's database, the news live from berlin, easily, fans ecstatic, also reaching the final of euro 2020 the same long into the night in london after their side, bates, spain, and a penalty shootout. italy will face the winner tonight clash between england and
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denmark. also coming up a top notch, crime reporter is shot industry of raise is 5.


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