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tv   Ein Duft von Freiheit  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2021 10:30pm-11:16pm CEST

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often go astray the will when the game of diplomatic poker, the power plays and alliances behind the climate summit. august on d, w. i after 2 decades, us and nato troops are leaving afghanistan. the tale bond is quickly moving back in the african interpreters you helped alliance forces in there are thousands of them, say they'll be slaughtered if they can't get out in time today. president biden said those you help the us will be phone out of afghanistan in august. but what about the surge of the tale bomb in 2001 the us went to war. because the taliban had given terrorist a home in afghanistan in 2021 americas longest war were told is over. everyone is
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going home, including the taliban. i'm bringing from berlin. this is the day. the news we have spent a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of resources in improving the competency and the capability of the afghan national security forces. the withdrawal is essentially an admission of failure to try to your mission negotiated settlement between the parties. in this case, the lama for public in the taliban is the only way to end 40 years of war. we are not about to turn away, nor are we on any illusions about the perils of today's situation. and now it's their turn, their time to, to, to defend their people. use the also coming up former south african president, jacob zoom
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a swore before his supporters. that he would never go to prison. but last night in the cover of darkness, zoom turned himself in to the police. i'm not scared of doing, of blowing to jail. for my belief. it will not be. for the 1st time, the reviewers on p b. s. in the united states, as of all of you around the world, welcome, we begin the day with a promise to afghanistan from us. president joe biden. us forces our exiting afghanistan after a 20 year mission that became known as america's longest war. today. biden's said the military campaign will end august 31st while the us will not stay involved in afghanistan, militarily. biden says, diplomatic and humanitarian work will continue in an effort to protect the thousands of africa and interpreters and translators, who helped us and native forces by announced that the u. s. military will operate
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flights throughout august to evacuate them and their families. they will be taken to an unannounced safe country as they wait for their visas to be approved. now the tele bon, are going from strength to strength in afghanistan, taking over more territory. and that process has only accelerated as foreign troops leap biden's message after 20 years. us and native no longer have a job to do in afghanistan, the future of afghanistan must be determined by afghans. and that includes in 2021 just as it did in 2001, dealing with the tale bar. here is the u. s. press. or military mission, again, the name will conclude on august 30. first. the drop down is proceeding in a secure and orderly way. prioritizing the safety of our troops as they depart. our military commanders advised me that once i made the decision and the war, we needed to move swiftly to conduct the main elements of the draught out. and in
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this context, speed is safety. and thanks to the way in which we have managed our draw, no one, no one us forces or any forces have, have been lost. conducting our drop down differently would have certainly come with the increased risk of safety to our personnel. was the us president there? earlier i spoke with trey parsi, he's executive vice president at the quincy institute for responsible statecraft. he is in authority on geo politics, from iran to saudi arabia, to afghan stay. and i asked him if there is any positive news in this announcement, given that the tale bon is researching enough canister? i think it's important to recognize that the color bon was researching and would be researching regardless as to whether the united states would be leaving or not. after 20 years, we have now people saying that the african government cannot stand alone for 6 months. well, after a 20 year investment and they can only hold out for 6 months,
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what does that tell us? it tells us that another year and other 2 years and other 20 years will not make a difference. and that is bringing the united states to a point in which you have to decide does it want to continue to engage in an endless unwinnable war? or is it going to withdraw and recognize that that original objective of the feeding the archive there has been achieved and settle for that? yes, the original objective, the mission of going into afghanistan, the president said today was to rid the country of the terrorist who had hit the united states. but wasn't that mission accomplished in 2011 when some of been lot was killed? i think in general had just been an objective to go ask a taller, gone and unkind are there it would have been achieved much earlier, perhaps even earlier than 2011 months of the fact that beloved and was killed in pakistan. not enough cornerstone. i think this is
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a typical case of mission creek in which we were originally went in because of the attacking the united states. and then it was the into the nation building project counterintelligence counterinsurgency. and it's just been dragging on. this is part of the reason why the united states should be extremely selective when it comes to using force outside of its own borders and be extremely selective when it comes to the type of military interventions that we're seeing here. because once it is started, usually there are very, very few good options left and you will be forced to only choose between bad options. i heard one us will make or today say that the, this war would have turned out much differently. had there not been the invasion of iraq, 2 years after the started the war in f ganna stand and this is congressman said that what happened is you had the us trying to focus on 2 words. neither of them got complete attention and you see that mission creep began, as you just said, is the failure in afghanistan. if you want to call that,
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does it have something to do with iraq? i'm not for convinced by that because at the end of the day, even if the united states had not gone into the rock and clearly going into iraq did not help, but had it not gone into your walk, it would still have been a very difficult mission because nation building and i've got a son is not with united states eclipse to do, you can take a look at the roxy, how about the nation building when fair as well? the problem is, from the very beginning, the mission actually was limited to the seating. the on kyra and been in more into something much, much bigger. had that not happened, we would be in a very different situation. the. the 1st question for the president from reporters today were, are you handing over afghanistan to the tele bon word? the past few decades and it began to stand where they worth it. what would be your answers? well, i think the premise of that question is quite incorrect. handing afghanistan over
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to the tyler bon resumes that the united states is in control of africanist. united states is not in control of carson and has not been in control. and that's been the problem from the very beginning. a lot of folks seems to have the impression that of cornerstone some way somehow is 51 state of the united states. and now that by the ministration or whoever had been truck would be handling it over to someone else. this was never denied estates. this was their country, and the u. s. was never in control of it. i think assumptions as such, has really made the conversation in the united states much more difficult about what type of rational sources you can choose between and moving forward. what, what will you tell the administration? what should we expect in the next year? and if can stand the government with the taliban, and of course, there's the role of pakistan and even the role of trying to consider i think it is essential that when the military mission is now and that the united states remains
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engage diplomatically, try to help stabilize cornerstone, it's going to be very challenging. but one thing the united states can should do is to encourage the regional the neighboring states to really step up and their incentives to do so has now increased as a result of the united states leaving. for instance, if you take a look at what the iranians have been doing, in many ways the volunteers had shared interest with united states and i've gone on and opposed itala. but as long as the united states was enough cornerstone and was seen as a threat by the barney's yvonne is did not collaborate with the united states. and actually in many ways to undermine the united states deliberately feeling that if they didn't, the united states would have greater bandwidth to attack iraq with the united states not being present there. this dynamic changes and their opportunities for collaboration and diplomacy goes, but it takes initiative, leadership and participation. why the united states. so i think it's essential that just because the troops are back home does not mean that the diplomatic commission
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in any way shape or form should and in fact, it should be wrapped up. yeah, that's exactly what the president said earlier today to the policy. we appreciate your time and your insights tonight. thank you. the south africa, the former president, jacob zoom is behind bars tonight in the cover of darkness. last night he did what the country's highest court had ordered him to do. he turned himself in to the police. as he may had threatened to evade capture, since he was sentence last week on contempt charges for failing to appear before a panel investigating corruption allegations against him. starting a 15 month prison sentence, he may be eligible for parole after serving for months. now this is the 1st time a former president has been jailed in south africa, but it is not zoom as the 1st time behind bars. he spent time in prison as a freedom fighter during the arm struggle against apartheid. cutting it close to midnight deadline. the convoy of vehicles carried former south african
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president, jacob's una, on his way to hand himself over to authorities. ah, the 79 year old is now in custody in his home province, beginning his 15 month sentence for contempt of court. on sunday, xena stressed, he wasn't afraid of jail time referencing his previous incarceration for his role in fighting south africa's races apartheid regime to remind them. and i am not scared of doing boeing to jail for my belief it will not be for the 1st time, i will be a prisoner of conscience. the former president, it was in office for 9 years, has been at the center of corruption allegations surrounding his time in public life. the contempt of court charge came as a result of him refusing to appear at
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a corruption commission. he's called the process a political conspiracy but authorities have accused him of misappropriating funds and fraud, some of the charges date back 20 years. the on monday, the constitutional court is due to consider an application by xena for the cancellation of his prison sentence. when he w christine, why is covering the story for she joins me now from derby in south africa. good evening to you, christine. the events of the past 24 hours. just how much of a surprise have they been branch. nobody expected that. when that convoy raced out of the room as homesteads shortly before midnight on wednesday, that what would follow was the confirmation from his spoke people that that was in fact him going to hand himself over to the police better because just days before
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after weekend on sunday and i was actually outside his home in guns in the pop in when you told him that he would not be doing that, that he didn't deserve to be in prison in that he wouldn't be adding itself in. so it's brittany came as a huge surprise and came down to the very last minute. it was a very long night or not. it's not african here who was new to the kind of bring because it just wasn't payable. was going to happen. what we full where police amassing and approaching his homestead and it appears mrs. opted to head in felt over. yeah, i mean we're seeing that video there of the convoy last night when he turned himself in and he turns himself in at night just before midnight. as you said, it was dark and not so easy to see. those crowds of supporters who had been promising violence, if mister zimmer were to go to jail. i mean, did you think that zoom used the cover of darkness, perhaps to avoid possible bloodshed? if that is what he did?
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a lot of people would be thanking him because that was the fear in this country. brent, that there was going to be bloodshed, were told that on sunday when people had gathered outside the home when he addressed the supporters, that as many as 100 fire on were in circulation among the forces that were gathered outside of his home. we heard that these minutes because he was asked about why he didn't disclose this crowd because public gatherings are currently not now here in called africa because of course in 1900 restrictions that he said, what he did not want was some kind of an escalation of confrontation between police and the forces because there was support for me. open that i spoke to were saying that they will really die in the president. he told them that they had formed the human shield that even if the police had tried to get to him that they wouldn't be able to get through him. a prescription need be it that they would be violence that there would be an outbreak of violence that people would die in defense of prison. so we full members of the a and c,
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appealing to the president to instead he supported to, to refrain from finding they were on holding all sorts of weapons. i feel some of them carrying some of them even during the shifting because they were ready as soon as important. 7 in moving forward, can we say that there is any consensus among south africans regarding zoom as fate and what should or shouldn't happen to him? the short answer is no britain and i'll tell you that shaw, the people will support him or they see him as being a victim of political persecution. why is he being persecuted? they say that he is being prosecuted for defending the black that he has been trying to break down the structure of wife monopoly capital. what that means is south africa, it's code essentially for the fact that basic rumor has been trying to re allocate this country. well, from the white minority to the black majority,
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and they said that he is being prosecuted from that people who, who see things differently say there is no evidence that mrs. ever has done that. that in fact, the corruption and his tenure during resulted in human robbing the code that he stolen from this country club. the black majority in this country that he's stolen, sanitation, basic services like water and healthcare. so depending on who you are in this country, you either see him as some kind of a hero or a villain branch. and that is the reason why there is no consensus as to what mrs in the state should be. so we've got some time and let me, i'm going to ask you about that. what do you make of zoom equating, his past going to prison as a freedom fighter against apartheid equating that with now going to prison for defying a court order in a post apartheid south africa. what went through your mind when you heard him? you know, equate those to i mean it's astonishing. i didn't miss through apology,
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but we certainly learned about what that was. and of course, when people like me told you when we heard it in the report, this is somebody who helped bring about this country's liberation. so to invoke the words of a party, to like in a democratic from africa to, to a party, days rainy, stuck out for a lot of people. and so you've heard a lot of people who would then struggle coming out and saying that that is the wrong use of this country's history. but it really plays into this, into this narrative that, that zoom and his camp are putting all that he is being prosecuted. he said that he is being detained without trial. and back to him is what needs to happen in a plastic. that's what happened. a deposit, a new calling himself a prisoner of crunches. of course, minifield africans do not by that, that argument. they do not by that nature. they say that mr. do math is way he should be because he has defied the institutions of the very democracy that he has
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worked for about 30 seconds. christine, what does all of this tell us about the, the rule of law in south africa tonight? well, people in this country who, who are happy about the debate of makia i celebrating what they say is the rule of law being supreme. this long been the view in this country that the political each enjoy and live in a community that the ordinary south african doesn't is no the corruption in this country. it has cost this country investment and it has cost people to have people in this country. the most and so people are seeing this as some kind of a message to people and government that no more gone other days, no matter who you walk off off of corruption because people are tired of that people, especially as this graph commission has been going on people have been hearing about the extent of government corruption, south africans off frustrated. they are angry and they see this as a victory for the country. they seem to have a training that nobody is above the law. and they're hoping that that message get
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through to everybody in government. a very interesting one would tonight's reporting from south africa helping us put today's events and last night's events into context. christine, as always, thank you. the controversial new law has now come into effect in hungary and it has put the country on a collision course with the european union. the law bands, portrayals of homosexuality or gender change in schools and on tv programs. for children. critics, including the european commission, say the wall discriminates against l, g, b, t. 2 people. european union is urging hungary to repeal the law. but budapest is refusing and insist that this is not about discrimination, but rather about protecting children. here's what european commission president ursula, the lion said today. the discovery stared homosexual law for homosexuality and gender reassignment on par with pornography. just because it uses the protection of
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the children to which we are all committed as an excuse to really discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. yet this law is disgraceful. that is gently on the strong words they are coming from brussels to talk about that. i'm joined now by aaron demetre. he's program director for amnesty international in hungary join me now from budapest. it's good to have you on the program. aaron. so the p and commission president, they are saying that this law is a disgrace. let's move beyond words. what, what action do you expect to come from brussels? good. they think i think the european commission should immediately start an infringement procedure against this low. and the basically act strongly and united because that they, that the best chance that the law will be repealed people in time. do you know
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we're organizations in g o as in hungary, were they able to lobby members of parliament against this legislation? which obviously would be standard procedure in a democracy, was that the case there in hungary mission among our partners. we are also trying to lobby the opposition party. so out of the 6 opposition parties, the current that hungry currently has 5 of them restrained to all today, didn't show up for the ward. i'm watching the one your pick. one more thing. yes. so i'm not sure whether we can call it the flux, the full of being, but we try do you know where this low is coming from? we've heard victor or by the prime minister saying that this is about protecting children. we've heard, while makers is saying that children are under threat from peta files. but that's not true. if we look at the statistics, we know that's not true. so where is this legislation? where's it coming from?
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it's a very similar religious, there's ship legislation to this so called in famous russian gay propaganda. lo, which was adopted in 2013, basically to copy cash flow, same the facts and with the same intention to stigmatize in the order. the one that belle grove and to, to promote the fear and the intolerance and one prime minister all about says the law is trying to protect children. that's, that's all i very see in play. this law actually puts children into, into harm and into even a greater, greater danger. what is this law going to do to the lives of l, g, b, t, q, people in hungary it will further marginalize an already marginalized group. our fear is that it. ready will it will lead to school bullying?
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it will lead to a see can have crime and to say the various it could lead very easily to the sides in the community around gender with amnesty international. joining us tonight from budapest, we appreciate your time and your insights tonight. thank you. thank you. the a member of the spanish government may have bitten off more than he can choose by calling for people to eat less meat in a country where that idea could easily be called bull. the reaction. well, it's been rather strong. the rift even runs through the cabinet spain, a paradise for meet lovers, the country's cuisine as famous for its hams and sausages. but the consumer affairs minister has sparked controversy by suggesting the spaniards should change their eating habits. campus idea. so because what would you think if i told you that
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excessive meat consumption harms both our health and also our planet? we can change our diet and improve the state of the planet. the minister noted the beef production in particular requires huge amounts of water and produces greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. some surveys have showed spaniards as europe's top carnivores consuming an average 98 kilograms of meter year. well above the average of 76. the suggestion to neat intake prompted the prime minister to way in from an official trip to let the way nivia estoppel me cause controversy is personal to me. as far as i'm concerned, there's nothing better than a perfectly done state. interesting. but convincing spaniards to change their meat loving ways may prove to be a hard so and
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finally tonight, anyone planning a visit to london this summer and it is possible. they can now look forward to a new attraction where the 1st time buckingham palace, the queen's residence, is opening its gardens to the public. previously, only guided tours were permitted, but now for a 16 pound admission fee. visitors control the grounds on their own. gorgeous, they're even allowed. i've been told to have a picnic a picnic and buckingham palace sounds like an episode straight from the cram. the day's almost done the conversation if continues online. you'll find this on twitter either. it dw news, you can follow me at brent golf tv. remember, whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. we'll see you then the,
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the, me, the, the, the news, the news,
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the, the, the, ah, the, against the virus pandemic now has the rate of infection in developing what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say? information and context, ah, viruses updated because of special monday to friday on d. w. then jen at any
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time, any place, even video and event, we have to sing along to the call from zillow, but it was the interest of exercising. everything is online. mobile interactive gym into 3 d. w. you ready to get a little more extra places in europe are smashing all the record? doesn't do a venture. just don't lose your grip. the treasure map for modern globe trotter's cover some of european wicker breaking on. do you to also in book form
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ah me. oh oh, i cannot because you isn't in this. oh no no, no no. me
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the news . this is the w news. why? but from berlin tonight depend image impact on the olympics for the 1st time ever, there will be no spectators took, he was under a corona virus state of emergency. today, olympic organizers announced, all fans or an in domestic will be banned from attending the games, which begin in just 2 weeks. also coming up tonight, former south african president, jacob zimmer, end his stand up with authorities and turns himself into the belief. spending several months behind bars were content and hungary attempts to enforce gender
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norms with a controversial new law banning depictions of homosexuality and transgender identity in schools. but as the law comes into effect, many hungarians are valid to disobey. ah, i'm bring golf, it's good to have you with us organizers at the tokyo olympics have announced a total ban on spectators in an effort to slow the spread of the corona virus for in fans and japanese spectators are being told to stay at home. this follows the declaration of a new state of emergency in tokyo, of corona virus cases, they are skyrocket. the games will be the 1st olympics in history held behind closed doors. the the olympic torch continued its a long journey towards tokyo to open the games. later this month. while there were plenty of fans cheering on the torch barriers as they passed through the site
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tunnel prefecture, writing covert cases. and the capital means there won't be any fans to greet them in tokyo. government officials have announced a state of emergency in tokyo set to begin next week in a bid to curb the spread the virus. while the crux of the measure is cutting the sale of alcohol at bars and restaurants to help limit social activities, it will also directly affect be olympics use. although the number of severely ill patients and the occupancy rates of hospital beds have remained a low level, the impacts of the various strains must be taken into accounts. we must strain from the counter measures to prevent the infections from spreading to the rest of the country again. follow the pic organizers had already kept spectators to 50 percent venue capacity and bard international fans from attending. the new ruling now prevents any spectators from attending the games. the public sentiment in japan has widely turned against hosting the tournament. olympic organizers have dug in their
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heels and are committed to seeing the games through we continue to be committed to our principle of organizing safe olympic in parallel games that together with you. and we have shown, you know, this responsibility seen serve the day of the postponement. the games are estimated to have cost more than $20000000000.00 cancelling them, which should cut off broadcasting. revenue would make recouping any of that next to impossible for tokyo and the international and the committee for better or for worse, just like the olympic torch. the games look set to march on i, you know, like we said, this is an historic moment for the olympics to talk about that i'm joined now by german olympic athlete. eileen, broader talk and she is a metal hopeful in wrestling, and she joins me tonight from the historian capital colleague where she's currently
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training. it's good to have you on the program. i wanted to start by asking you what your reaction to today's news that there will be no spectators watching in tokyo. oh, grove. island. is it extra disappointed today? because wrestling and especially women's wrestling is really, really big in japan. and i was really happy to see all the crazy fans and big grout, but yeah, know everything changed. and yeah, that will be here all the time from olympic athletes that being at the games and feeling the energy from the crowds watching that, that feeds the adrenal, and that can even improve your performance. how does this impact you is a cause. it's much easier to, to make the best promotion after the 7 to make the best 5, the, the big crowd cheering on you and the japanese fans always read it and really fast
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on all the people just on their own. so it's going to be really, really crazy and going to be really tough to, to show everything and do a whole potentially much easier with people. and you know, that tokyo is now under a state of emergency because of, you know, the skyrocketing number of corona virus infections there. how do you feel about traveling to tokyo and how do you feel about the safety that is being guaranteed there for the athletes? i feel really safe because yeah, i'm sure that all the japanese people and also see people are doing a great job and they try to make that safe as safe as possibly olympic games and how to begin. so we have the really strict rigor and the playbook and i read everything about it, so i'm sure it's going to be okay,
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but i can understand that. and she, because for the dip on the table is really, really best situation. so i feel safe and i hope that every month everyone, they say, do you think this is the best decision to mean we know last year there was a great disappointment when the olympics were postponed a year and there had been talk this year of just cancelling them because of the pandemic. so which do you think was the right decision? i'm keeping the olympics this year without spectators, or would it have been better to just cancel them? now kenneth billing would be the rest decision, especially for the athletes. because we are training for a long time for this moment and we want to to show what we, what we did all the time. so of course it said it's going to be different. 6 without the but i think it's better to, to go through with people and to show our potential counseling and would it be and would be like that for every whatever. yeah. and we know you're looking forward to
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finally being able to compete. we wish you all the best allan rather fucking a german olympic athlete in wrestling only. thank you. thank you so much or former south african president, jacob zoom is now in prison. following a problem with the teleprompter of there we go. following a stand up with authorities in the cover of darkness. last night he turned himself into the police. zima had baited a rest since last week when he was sentenced to 15 months in prison for failing to appear before a panel investigating claims of corruption against him. will be eligible for parole in about 4 months. cutting it close to midnight deadline. the con boy vehicles carried former south african president, jacob xena on his way to hand himself over to authorities. the 79 year old is now in custody in his home province, beginning his 15 month sentence for contempt of court. on sunday is in
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a stress he wasn't afraid of jail time referencing his previous incarceration for his role in fighting south africa's racist apartheid regime to remind them and i am not scared of doing of going to jail for my beliefs. it will not be for the 1st time i will be a prisoner of conscience. the former president who was in office for 9 years, has been at the center of corruption allegations surrounding his time in public life. the contempt of court charge came as a result of him refusing to appear at a corruption commission. he's called the process a political conspiracy but authorities have accused him of misappropriating funds and fraud. some of the charges date back 20 years. the
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on monday, the constitutional call is due to consider an application by xena for the cancellation of his prison sentence springs corresponding christine, what is following this story forth in south africa. and she said as an update from the prison where jacob's room is being held. jacobs who may assist to spend his 15 men prison centers at this correctional facility in was the new natal province where he will be among 500 other inmates. i asked the justice minister if the former president is entitle to special benefits and privileges. he said no, he will be treated like any ordinary inmates that means orange overalls and no access to a private firm. now mrs room is currently in the hospital wing in isolation for 14 days, pending and assessment off his health related needs. he is eligible for parole. officer serving a quarter of his sentence, that's roughly 4 months from now. but on monday, july 12,
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all eyes will be on the country's constitutional court. that is the court that convicted and sentenced. mister zoom, it's a prison. he has all that court to reconsider that conviction and sentence. that was christine, why they're reporting from south africa. let's take a look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. elise and haiti had detained, at least 6 people. the suspect were involved in the killing of the countries president juvenile movies. several other suspects have been killed in skirmishes with authorities. louise was shot dead in his private residence near the capital for the prince. that f, so from the building collapsed in miami, in florida, has increased a 60, with 80 people still unaccounted for. on thursday, dozens of people held a vigil for the victims. cruise have no end of the search for survivors, though they will continue to search for body belushi in authority to block the website of a leading media outlets to change several of its journals. nation niga is when deliveries is oldest newspapers and has been critical of the country's
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a long time leader, alexander lucas shanker. authorities accused of spreading disinformation on behalf of organizations not registered in build routes. i mean, nobody in controversial new law has come into effect in hungary, despite condemnation from the european union. the law bands portrayals of homosexuality are gender change in schools and on programming for television or children. rather critic say that it discriminates against l g b t q people. european commission is urged hungary to repeal the law. but budapest is defending its decision. the more love less hate activist than hungry gathered in front of parliament to protest the controversial child protection law. they vowed to disobey the new legislation, this low thing that i had to be the q i people and it actually puts attribute the key. i use more at risk and more danger of bullying and harassment in schools and
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in their families as well. a provision in the law bonds, the display of content depicting homosexuality or gender reassignment to mine as it was passed in june by the hungarian parliament, causing widespread condemnation in the european union. president missed this cause that stared homosexual law puts her sexual identity and gender reassignment on paul with pornography. this law uses the protection of children to which we are all committed as an excuse to severely discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation to this. this law is disgraceful, that is gently. she loves fonda line, threatened consequences, as noise from greece. victor all bomb rejected the censure for you wants to allow l g, b, t,
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q activists and organizations into kinda gardens and schooling. hungry does not want that debate is about who decides how we raise our children. according to the european treaties, as this is an issue that belongs to gary and national sovereignty, it's the latest round in a growing spot between hungry and the e. u. activists at home, certainly hope you will finally take action against hunger is anti l. g. b t q policies. i sports these mountain tennis top women seed actually barney is through to the wilton. finally, after knocking out germany's angelica kevin, when makes barty the 1st australian woman to reach the thing was final in more than 40 years. she's now just one went away from emulating her idol yvonne gould gall. this is uncharted territory for ashley bazzi. she's never made it this far at wimbledon game and not that you know,
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it from her 1st set performance. but angela carbon knows a thing or 2 about playing on grass. she won wimbledon in 2018 and puts up a fight in the 2nd set. it went all the way to a tiebreaker with bossy, letting 3 match points pass by the bossy dreams of emulating fellow indigenous australia and yvonne gould gong. it's 50 years ago that gould on one the 1st of her to wimbledon title, and on her 4th match point barty move ever closer to following and her idol now just one more much to go. and body will now play carleen of cobra, of the check, republican saturday's final, please go over, recovered from losing the 1st feed to beat arrhenius of
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a lake of bella. ruth like barty, who won the french open in 2019 place. cobra is still searching for her 1st grand slam title with our greenslate business is been which will be up. what if the break number gone for all of this year for the companies whose agree do you feel worried about the fantasy? amelia host of the, on the green fence clear remains to join me for the size of the green transformations for me to use for the women in asia in the.


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