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tv   Check-in  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2021 5:03pm-5:31pm CEST

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i experience with them goes away back. they want the syrian population to star and die. joe was shot saudi. currently 11, getting supplies through a back door. the only open border crossing from turkey called jill, that you there bought a house on the syrian side. some $1000.00 trucks make the trip once a month. some of the money comes from europe. the un organizes the shipments. it's an ongoing war. it's an active front line. there's been shilling every single day. and the last year they've been multiple strikes and other missile attacks in these kind of conditions, it's very difficult to get agreement between the parties to the conflict. let's, let's let the safe route into evil. it is through turkey. but aside and s l i russia, i want to block the entry point. you commission for crisis management janish lin, our church visit at the shipment center on the turkish side of the border.
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europeans and the you need to find a compromise with their ally, russia, that you commission, i was angry, but it's putting a good face on the matter as you to be a union representative. i could only say that this issue should not be about politics. this should be about helping people who needs help across the border and eat le province around one and a half 1000000 refugees have no permanent home. they live in campus. there are no jobs. they rely on help from outside. they're concerned about the threat and closure of the border crossing garbage. you know, another webinar rad flower, fuel medicine. everything comes through about how we're crossing. if they close the crossing, they might as well barry s allies because we will all starve. there will be nothing here whether the border is closed or not, the syrian refugees will remain a bargaining chip in the struggle for power. lu charbonneau is the united nations
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director of human rights watch and he joined me now from new york. thank you so much for joining us. i want to begin with moscow's counter proposal at the united nations that would authorize more assistance, but only for 6 months on the ground. what is the practical implication of accepting their proposal versus the full year that western nation want to see lu, i'm afraid we're having some trouble hearing you there. we can see you, but we're going to see if we can get our audio line connected and come back to you later in the show and try one more time. can you, can you hear me, lou? i want to know about that proposal from the russians. nope, lost the line. okay, well come back to him later in the show for the interview, but let's move on now to some other news. why on tech and pfizer, excuse me. we're going to turn to afghanistan instead. now, us troops are set to leave afghanistan and nearly 2 weeks earlier than planned by
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august 31st, the withdrawal and the longest us war, a conflict that has stand to decades. i mean, you're worried about what the departure of international troops will mean for the people of afghanistan. as a taliban is making rapid advances, the, the tally been say, this footage shows them celebrating after seizing control of the keyboard. they're crossing into iran. it was one of several advances made by the militants throughout galveston in recent weeks. they've been gaining ground since the u. s. amounts to departure of its military by the end of august. the same miller treated after them from power in 2001 in washington, president by dint, defended the speed of the withdrawal, saying the u. s. would no longer sustain the human cost of a conflict that cannot change. i've gone instance course ghani. so let me ask those who want us to stay, how many more, how many thousands more americans, daughters,
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and sons? are you willing to risk? i will much send another generation americans to war and i can stand with no reasonable expectation of achieving the different outcome. but by then also argued, the u. s. had achieved the original goal of routing al qaeda after the $911.00 terror attacks that led to the invasion. he said the decision to leave was overdue . we did not go to afghanistan to nation bill. and it's the right and the responsibility of afghan people alone to decide their future and how they want to run their country. just days ago, the u. s. pulled out of background air base near capitol the center of its military operations for nearly 2 decades. the pentagon says the withdrawal of us forces is now more than 90 percent complete.
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as foreign troops depart, the african military struggling to push back the taliban like here, enough gun. his turns northwest peace talks between the government and the militants. have so far failed. and many fear the violence will only get worse when the last us soldiers have returned home. going to return now to our top story as vital a to syrians is thrown into doubt as un member states feud over how it should be delivered and joined by louis charbonneau, who is the united nations director of human rights watch for more on that story. and he joins me now from new york. lou moscow has put forth a counter proposal at the un that would authorize more assistance, but only for 6 months. what is the practical implication on the ground of accepting their proposal versus the full year that western nation want to see? yes, well 6 months would not be enough time to have humanitarian organizations be able
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to work out the massive logistics that are needed to cover all of northwestern syria. and the current deal also leaves out northeastern syria, which is a very, very difficult situation there that, that border crossing on the border of iraq and syria has been shut down since last year. and the a 6 month renewal would mean it would expire in the middle of winter on january 10th. and then we would have another round of security council drama with effectively what is russia blackmailing the international community to see what it can get while holding hostage? the, the people of northern syria. now we're hearing that from the united states, united kingdom, france and others have been trying to work out a compromise with russia. and they may get some sort of deal so that we get an
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automatic renewal on january 10th. so it would be like a full year, but it's not clear if that's going to happen. and, you know, russia as always is negotiating hard. what's really sad in this whole thing is that the, the last thing that, you know, russia seems to be thinking about are the lives of the millions of syrians that are dependent on un humanitarian aid. and if, if there's no cross border, un aide mandate and the un stop. so receiving aid in their non u. n. a group simply do not have the capacity to handle the logistics of this massive aid operation that millions of syrians in the north are dependent on. so many people would die if there's no renewal, so the stakes couldn't be higher. so we have seen what a dire situation is in syria, but to help us understand what potential deal could be made. what are russia as
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motives here? well, i wish i knew exactly what russia's calculations are, but one thing seems clear that the lives of civilians, people trapped in northern syria, are at the bottom of their priority list. it seems that russia enjoys being kind of the, the, the king maker the chief power broker here, and is able to throw its weight around and try and get concessions. but it's also a staunch military ally of the syrian government and has been from the beginning. and they keep talking about the, the, the, their dislike of the cross border aid mandates because it is an affront to syrian sovereignty and that the syrian government can oversee humanitarian aid into non government held areas. well, frankly, the syrian government has shown time and time again that it has no interest in
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allowing humanitarian aid to go through to go across the front lines. on the contrary, they've done everything they could to obstruct it. we have documented that others have. and if you listen to the un, you'll know so that that's the situation we've charbonneau from human rights watch . we'll have to leave it there, but thank you so much for coming on. dw, thanks for having me. we could turn our attention now to some of the other stories that are making headlines. i think our the death toll from a fire in a food factory and bangladesh has risen it to at least 52 dozen are injured and missing. the blaze broke out at an industrial town in the northeast fires are common in bangladesh because of lack of safety regulations. a former british police officer has pleaded guilty to murdering a woman with killed as she walked home in london. sarah, every death sparks outrage over male violence against women when cruise entered,
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also admitted kidnap and rake. parts of new york city have been flooded as tropical storm also makes this way off the coast flash flood warnings were issued. a streets and subways were submerged. wargames involving the u. s. ukraine and 30 other nations are wrapping up in the black sea operation at feverish has been held to quite strong objections from russia. the largest maneuvers in decades have been taking place around the waters of crimea, which russia antics from ukraine in 2014. he wants to join the nato alliance and will host more exercises with the u. s. o and, and with the way now, later. and i now joined by alexander, kara foreign policy and security analyst from the center for defense strategies based in a key of thank you so much for joining us on the show. first. just ask you, what is the point of these drills?
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so simple. it's a bilateral deals where ukraine invites the native part, the partner countries and all the western oriented countries. the, the key, even though, although exercise is spencer. thank you. one is to show this to support all ukraine in facebook, ongoing russian aggression in them, and illegal indication of crania, and then create the medication for all the territories to like the territorial waters, the wrong crania, and the offers all a few, 2008 t rush, i was lucky, ukrainian ports of ago, and this war is so important to show that ukraine is not alone in conflict with russia. secondly, as we proclaim that need to membership, so what did you goal and maturity of ukrainian support session is really important thing to get more interrupted ability with natal country down to be more ready to
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get the membership action plan sense of the recent season. the we may do some if you will get the opportunity to, to become a member of the membership action plan. and finally, it's a group, pets unity to strengthen regional cooperation and to show the regional power and power beyond the region. the threats the russia post, not just to ukraine, not just to the region, but so the european continent as a whole of heavy militarization of crimea, including the nuclear component. it's a direct threat to us because we style capable of reaching each and every capital in europe and the capable of carrying the nuclear warhead. and the military's over different nations who are taking part in this exercise can see what the sneaks are roughly do well and is trying to a mirror in other areas like blake bolting the like in the article or in the far
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east now is understandable that ukraine wants to see a strong show of support given its nato ambition. but are these drills the best way to do it? well, i don't think in face of aggression the best way to show the strength of the society and we've seen it so since 2014 ukrainian still society show that there is no willingness to be on to do russian rule or to be in the hero pupils, the process taken the president, not just the so called nationally shamika, but the more production you lensky is showing, that we will choose our pos to, to where the where and certainly our military is the best defense against the ongoing aggression. while we are under the article, fly for the washington treaty and we, we, so he was russia, so no cell is the best way. how to show that there will be higher cost. so brought
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russia, you for they decide to move into intervene. you create more than the crime yet. in the end of the day though, the sailors are going to be going home, and russia will continue to a search control over the crime in peninsula. so do these drills actually make a difference? besides being a show of force, oh certainly, this is a said that the great news, we better in better shape and because of the ration and establish ties, so they will be more capable of doing the event. i'm going program with the united states, united kingdom and turkey, how to reveal to ukrainian navy will last capacity is going to be on the creation of going. yeah. and that's why, as far as the money times security concern, you cleaned it more from the southern, from the direction of it. why? because this with the building capacity of ukraine to defend itself on the see if
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they're really good move. i would like to say that the rotational presence will be the major countries. it's really important. and what we seem just a couple weeks ago with the defender who touched a territorial with us ukraine around premier that caused a numerous reaction. incredible. right. move to do because the freedom negation is something really important, not just for ukraine was the whole world. and that's why the call to support the grant shogun that russia can look at the rules in the black. the area right, alexander car from the center for defense strategy is joining us from q of thank you so much. thank you. well, days after haiti's president was assassinated in his home, who he said they have captured 17 suspects and killed several others. among the rest it r, columbia, an ex, military, and to dual u. s. haitian citizens. their motive remains unclear,
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and authorities are still searching for more members of the alleged head squad. the, the pursuit for haiti's assassins is on many a shot and wonder how presidential, when he's normally under ty, security, could be killed in the middle of the night. the fact that he was no good for the haitian people, it's true that he never listened, but nobody is happy at the way he died. several of the suspects are now in police. custody and gun has been confiscated. at least 6 of them appear to be ex soldiers of the colombian army. according to columbia, in official angry
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haitians are gathering outside the police station and mashing suspect cars. police are now cautioning against the vigilant to supper. i mean, you know, the people that we have found us, we have an obligation to protect them. we cannot take justice into our own hands and tell him prime minister cloud. joseph has declared a state of emergency and stepped up to leave the country until new elections can be held. but has legitimacy is being challenged by a rival candidate audience already. just the day before more youthful killed already was named new prime minister, but he has not yet been sworn in. the field is growing that a fight or the president feet may create a power vacuum unleashing for the instability. and earlier we spoke to professor,
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going to my hold from the german institute for international and security affairs, and we asked him what the opposition is doing to establish democratic and to sion in haiti is fractured. it is capable of from a national consensus. this opposition is although characterized by criminal interest family, groupings, person the powers duration. so the national dimension to, from the way out of the situation is very difficult to imagine. and in some way, international actors such as united nations, us, or friends. a hesitant to take up this challenge because they know about the difficulties to come to terms with the country and as it to asian, which is losing the rest of governance. it had in the recent years. professor
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gunter my hold from the german institute for international and security affairs. speaking to you earlier today was ban here. there's some of europe, the biggest consumers of meat. now, a spanish government minister is calling on people to eat less of it for the good of their own health, and of course, also for the planet. but his message has drawn rebuke from some of spain's most ardent meat eaters, including the prime minister, the spain, a paradise for meet lovers. the country's cuisine is famous for its hams and sausages. but the consumer affairs, the minister has sparked controversy by suggesting the spaniards should change their eating habits. gibbons, how do you answer? because what would you think of i told you that excessive meat consumption harms both our health and also our planet. we can change our diet and improve the state of the planet. the minister noted the beef production in particular requires huge amounts of water and produces greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.
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some surveys have showed spaniards as europe's top carnivores consuming an average . 98 kilograms of meter year. well above the average of 76. the suggestion to meet and take prompt the prime minister to weigh in from an official trip to let the weightier estoppel. and because controversy is personal to me, as far as i'm concerned, there's nothing better that i'm perfectly done state interesting, by the way, convincing spaniards to change their meat loving ways may prove to be a hard so well by on tech and pfizer artistic approval for a 3rd, a dose of their cobra, 1900 vaccine. pfizer will ask for authorization from the cdc health authority in the united states. the companies as a 3rd job within 12 months, could boost immunity and help ward off new variance. specifically, the more infectious delta variant drug makers world will also seek authorization in
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europe and other rich news from the world of boxing now and the highly anticipated heavy weight to fight between a type in a fury and dante wilder has been postponed after a corona virus outbreak in the fury camp the fight was due to take place on july 24th in las vegas. if now life be to be rescheduled to october, britons fury is considered the best heavyweight boxer in the world. the last time the pair phased off in the ring in february last year, fury beat his american opponent by knock out in the 7th round and the race 1st base or heating up as more nations set. because then astronaut into orbit. most of the participants are men. the united arab emirates is a new comer to space exploration, but it's getting ahead in other ways. now the u. e has just introduced its 1st woman astronaut. i'm not sure she had seen on the rights wants to reach for the
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stars and she is one step closer to that goal. she will be the arab world, 1st, female astronaut. a big step for her and women's rights in the united arab emirates . as the fact that i was selected to be part of the program, i think is enough and encouragement to all the girls who want to enter the space field. to go ahead and enter to be through becoming a scientist for a, by the training or working hard towards becoming a national survival training and the pilot license just a few of the skills. the 28 year old mechanical engineer is working on in dubai. she will head for nasa facility in january. my motivation behind the applying to be a square space program was my dream as a child. and me wanting to be an astronaut. she says she wants to defy the stereotypes that people associate with her job. i don't
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feel like i faced any challenges when applying to this program because everyone was very supportive here in the way currently, no space mission is scheduled, but i'm not sure she is hopeful. she will visit space by anyone who is lucky enough to be planning a visit to london. this summer can look forward to a new attraction for the 1st time at buckingham, how fucking a palace, the queen london, a residence is opening its gardens to the public. previously only guided tours for permitted. but now for a 16 pound admission, the visitors can throw the ground on their own. and they're even allowed to bring a picnic. and a girl in the united states has become the 1st black american to win the national spelling bee contest n u r h y. that is,
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that you haven't gotten one the $50000.00 prize by correctly selling the word. maria, which is a genius of plan to teenager, is also a basketball prodigy to hold the 3 guinness world record for basketball, dribbling of, and guard. the spelling is just her side, hardly knew the 2021 script national spelling bee. and if you're new update for now, i will be back at the top of the hour with more. i'm quite richardson in berlin for me in the whole team here. thank you so much for joining us. the news. the news, the news
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