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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  July 9, 2021 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the the was who's this is the w 9 and then the un security council votes to keep a dispute in a car door open despite russian protests that violates serious sovereignty means another year of life, saving supplies of millions of civilians and the rebel control. also on the program of the artillery on display as the u. s. ukraine and international partners wrap up 12 days of war games in the black sea. again, despite russian objections, w correspondent is that hunted underway for the man who assassinated his
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president. at least these men are part of the hits that kills jovan and luis in his home. searching for more prospects at a motive. and going where no, and the reality of women has gone before i get out of emeralds, 1st female astral in training for her trip to just a me i'm so gale. welcome to the program. a lifetime to millions of syrians has been extended for another 12 months. he went to cure the council is voted to continue aid shipments through turkey into rebel held territory and syria. despite opposition from russia, russia backs the syrian government and claim the aid operation violates a serious sovereignty by going through a back door border crossing. rather than passing through the capital damascus, it took a last minute compromise with the us to keep the crossing open. e, lip,
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the capital of a disputed province of the same name in the north, west of syria. elizabeth, the last stronghold of the opposition malicious and syrian president assad wants to bring it back under his control. 4000000 people are stuck there in the hospital. they are fighting another battle, this one against the corona virus vaccine, the scares only 46000 doses have been administered since may. the only way to get more vaccines is from across the turkish border. but in eat live, people don't believe the regime will help them in their fight against the pandemic . if we don't trust the regime, they have promised in the past to deliver vaccines. and now they promised again. but here in the liberated areas, we never received anything. i experienced with them goes away back. they want the syrian population to start and die. joe was chava saudi. currently 11, getting supplies through
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a back door. the only open border crossing from turkey called jill, that is you there. bought a house on the syrian side. some $1000.00 trucks make the trip once a month. some of the money comes from europe. the un organizes the shipments. it's an ongoing war. it's an active front line. there's been shelling every single day in the last year. they've been multiple strikes and other missile attacks in these kind of conditions. it's very difficult to get agreement between the parties to the conflict, to safe route into evil. it is through turkey, but aside and russia, i want to block the entry point. you commission for crisis management janish, lin, our church visited the shipment center on the turkish side of the border. europeans and the you need to find a compromise with their ally, russia that you commission. i was angry, but it's putting a good face on the matter as you to be a union representative. i could only say that this issue should not be about
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politics. this should be about helping people who need help across the border and eat le province around one and a half 1000000. refugees have no permanent home. they live in camps. there are no jobs. they rely on help from outside. they're concerned about the threat and closure of the border crossing the good luggage, another robin red flower fuel medicine. everything comes through the bob, how are crossing if they close the crossing, they might as well berry as alive because we will all starve. there will be nothing here whether the border is closed or not, the syrian refugees will remain a bargaining chip in the struggle for power. so us troops due to leave us, got as time maybe 2 weeks earlier than planned by the 31st of august. that withdrawal after 20 years ends america,
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the longest war but is allowed the taliban to make rapid advances. leaving many afghans wondered about where that departure, what that departure means for them. the battalion say this footage shows them celebrating after seizing control of the keyboard. they're crossing into iran . it was one of several advances made by the militants throughout gaston, in recent weeks. they've been gaining ground since the us um nouns. the departure of its military by the end of august, the same military that out of them from power in 2001 in washington, president biden defended the speed of the withdrawal, saying the u. s. would no longer sustain the human cost of a conflict that cannot change. i've gone instance course ghani. so let me ask those who want us to stay. how many more? how many thousands more americans, daughters, and sons? are you willing to risk? i will much send another generation americans to war and i can stand with no
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reasonable expectation of achieving the different outcomes but wide and also argued the u. s. had achieved the original goal of routing al qaeda after the $911.00 terror attacks that led to the invasion. he said the decision to leave was overdue . we did not go to afghanistan to nation bill and is the right and the responsibility of the afghan people alone to decide their future and how they want to run their country. just days ago, the u. s pulled out of background air base near capitol the center of its military operations for nearly 2 decades. the pentagon says the withdrawal of us forces is now more than 90 percent complete. as foreign troops depart, the african military struggling to push back the taliban. like here, enough, danny's tense northwest peace talks between the government and the militants. have
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so far failed, and many fear the violence will only get worse once the last us soldiers have returned home all stories from around the world. now, france is to start with drawing troops fighting is mr extremist in the saw how region of africa, french president, manuel macros, beholding talks with the latest 5 african nations, french force has been battling rebels linked to al qaeda. and the so called is not state 78, people are now known to have died in the collapse of an apartment building in florida. another 62 is still missing. rescue workers have been searching the rebel for the victim. since they condominium and stuff side fell more than 2 weeks ago. if you any, as military is building a 550 kilometer long brace out. why a barrier on it's $40.00? if you wait, you know, sources accuse and neighbor of a line, hundreds of migrants who went to the european union illegally and the roofs allowed
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crossings in retaliation for a new sanctions imposed after many granite flights to arrest a distant blogger, hundreds of migrants rescued at sea has started to come ashore. italian important poster picked up last week by the rescue vessel ocean. viking operated by the charity s o. s. medicine. many groups as food was running short intentions on board, were high wargames involved in the u. s. ukraine and 30 other countries are wrapping up in the black sea exercise. the sea breeze was held, despite strong objections from russia. these largest at maneuvers in decades have been taking place around the waters of crimea, which russia antics from ukraine in 20. 14 king wants to join the nato alliance and will host more exercises with the u. s. polar. and with the waiting later this month, dw correspondent nick connelly has spent the last 3 days on board
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a u. s. navy destroyer taking part in sea breeze. he joined us from the port city of desa on the black sea in ukraine. welcome, nick. what have you witnessed aboard the u. s. s. ross well filled those with 3 days in which basically the russians wouldn't have more than a few miles away either with their ships or their plane. at times it felt as if there were many russians out on the water in the part of the black sea. we were in international waters as there were americans, ukrainians, and other nations. taking part in seabreeze, i even was sort of thing about of all of this was our american host were very keen to talk about the operational side of things, have a practice whatever skill with their ukrainian camp spots. but they were incredibly nervous about talking about the russians, those same russians who earned a couple of miles from the boat. i was on seemingly very careful not to be accused of war mongering, trying to turn things down and to be seen to be focusing on the task at hand. so it
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was kind of a bizarre situation for a group just trying to find out why these exercises needed, who they're basically aimed at what kind of situation, what kind of potential opponents these are aimed at. i'm being told time and time again, but these are just exciting instructional waters and, but anyone is able to go into the special waters without any particular target. so it was a strange time. but interesting one, just business as normal. how close did you come to crimea? so that was the big question in recent weeks between the british worship. defend coming, pulsing, bit close to to crimea. sort of bit busy, provoked to diplomatic spat between moscow, london. i think on the back of that the organizers of this excited started to keep, by the way, but you didn't need to be close to crimea to have those russian ships in very close proximity those flights going over every day. they will be paying a lot of attention to what was going on this exercise. and it's not unexpected.
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given the tensions we've had in last few months, russia and the west that look ahead over ukraine, roughly building up huge force on your grand borders. so that was a backdrop these exercises, and as expected, the russians were showing that they would definitely happy having american equipment out in the black sea anywhere near crimea. overshoot that my son feel free is held regularly, but this was the biggest one. yet what, what is the purpose of the journals on paper, it's about learning skills about interoperability between american forces and ukrainians, and other allied nations. but this is the political gesture, after those tensions in recent months about sharing that the west hasn't forgotten about ukraine 7 years after crimea was next. after all those tensions on your friends board is in russia, keeping that pressure high on ukraine. but it's difficult. see really what you can expect in terms of support. i mean, the ship's going to go home in the next few weeks and, you know, there's no nato membership aspects of ukraine on the cards anytime soon. no kind of
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formal security guarantees. so there's different, lots of reasons that you created to stay worried about their country security. even if we've seen the biggest exercises in recent years, it's still any $5000.00 personnel, which is anything less than the war games the russia carries out in this region which involve tens of thousands of people. so a small symbol of support, but nothing really changes the balance in this part of the world. i make. thank you so much. w correspondent, nick connelly in a desa. this is d w here. life from bad and still to come. space is famous for me because now there's a plea for spaniards to eat less of it and it's proving hard to swallow. for some excitement. i've been to care, but there'll be no spectators in the stadium suits with new current, a virus state of emergency. look at the mood in japan, 2 weeks away from the opening of the gate. columbia says it
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will send an intelligence mission to haiti to help investigate the assassination of president jovan and luis patient these claim. they've captured 17 suspects and killed several others amongst those arrested a colombian ex military and to do us haitian citizens, whose most is remaining clear authorities are still searching for more members of the landscape squad. the pursuit for haiti's assassins is on many shop and rhonda, how president juvenile needs normally undertake security could be killed in the middle of the night. the fact that he was no good for the haitian people, it's true that he never listened, but nobody is happy at the way he died. several of the suspects are now in police. custody and gone has been confiscated.
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the, at least 6 of them appear to be ex soldiers of the colombian army. according to columbia, in official angry haitians are gathering outside the police station and the mashing stuff. cars, police are now cautioning against the michelin to talk with me. you don't really to people that we have found us, we have an obligation to protect them. we cannot take justice into our own hands and tell him prime minister cloud. joseph has declared a state of emergency and stepped up to leave the country until new elections can be held. but his legitimacy is being challenged by a rival candidate. adrienne already, just the day before, more you have killed already was named new prime minister. but he has not yet been
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sworn in the field of our growing fight, where the president seat may create a power vacuum unleashing for the instability. professor clinton, my hold is from the german institute for international and security affairs. we asked him what the opposition is doing to establish democratic institutions is fractured. it is capable of from national consensus. this opposition is although characterized by criminal interests, family groupings, person the power as duration. though the national dimension to form out of the situation is very difficult to imagine. and in some way, international actors such as united nation us or france. hesitant to take up
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this challenge because they know about difficulties to come to terms with her look country. and as it to ation, which is losing the rest of government it had in the recent years for hasn't been to my hold from the german institute for international and security fast. now it's been a couple of weeks for germany's green's after biding high the pose this year than now. losing support. critics have targeted the positive candidate for chances in september elections and elaina. babcock accusing her of unforgettable missteps. but supporters and some opponents have come to her defense, claiming the criticism in the press and on social media is partly motivated by sexism. and he's done it for a brief period this year the near unthinkable seemed possible. could germany's next chancellor be green and a woman again on the lena bear box, shook things up on human rights. she vowed to confront china, a keen market for german export. and she promised to greenly government would end
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the controversial project, bringing rush and gas to germany have for 40 years preparing for this one. now is the time to renew our country and anything is possible when i live in the top of most polls. the greens honeymoon didn't last bare bulk face claim. she was loose with the truth, apologizing for mistakes in her c. v. and for failing to declare party bonuses, she received book was then he with the classic korea killer of german politics, plagiarism in the book, outlining her vision to renew germany. she denied wrong doing, but it made she could have been more careful. bed box suffered the indignity of p t from her rivals. i just finished my class. so for me, it was always clear as a party, also me personally, i won't say anything about these things. you see the journalists who've asked critical questions, which are also asked of me,
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i haven't received much praise myself from the media recently. you just have to press on and give answers. there boxes, all these talk has been a distraction. the, i'm not all we, we've all seen as a society what happened in the us when the election campaign no longer focuses on the big issues of our time. but i'm mixing truth and lies to be finishing. sexism has swelled around fe baldwin to she's repeatedly face the age old question. her male rivals haven't. can she juggle leading germany with being a mother? the questions around suitability and integrity has had an effect. the greens have fallen in the polls, but they are still in 2nd place. bad headlines are not. what does seem very likely is that germany's next coalition government will need to have the grain. venus, the spain in spanish are some of europe's biggest consumers of meat and spanish government minister is calling on people to eat less of it for the good of their
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own health. and of the products that these messages draw rebukes from some of the country's most ardent meetings, including the prime minister spain, a paradise for meat lovers. the country's cuisine as famous for its hams and sausages. but the consumer affairs minister has sparked controversy by suggesting the spaniards should change their eating habits. gibbons, i answer because what would you think of i told you that excessive meat consumption harms both our health and also our planet. we can change our diet and improve the state of the planet. the minister noted the beef production in particular requires huge amounts of water and produces greenhouse gases responsible for global warming . some surveys have showed spaniards as europe's top carnivores consuming an average. 98 kilograms of meter year. well above the average of 76. the suggestion
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to neat intake prompted the prime minister to weigh in from an official trip to let the weightier estoppel and because controversy is personal to me. as far as i'm concerned, there's nothing better that i'm perfectly done. state monday. convincing spaniards to change their meat, loving ways may prove to be a hard so 2nd look at some of the latest developments in the corona virus. pandemic bond tech pfizer seeking f d a approval for a 3rd vaccine dose which could give which could be given as a booster shot. malta has become the 1st country to close its borders to taurus has not been fully vaccinated. following a spike in cases where the u. k is reported 35700 new cases of covey 19. that's the highest number since january and germany has declared spain a corona virus. risk area, meaning vacations, will have to show
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a negative test or prove vaccination, or proof of a vaccination when returning to germany. that 2 weeks until the tokyo olympics dude dots, but it'll be a game so that fans organizes have announced a total ban on the foreign and domestic spectators. after a new crone of our state of emergency was declared across part of japan games with the 1st image lempke history to be held behind closed doors in some site. they shouldn't happen at all in the info matter late than never. some might say, after a long journey through all of japan's 47 prefixes, the olympic flame has finally arrived in tokyo, one year behind schedule. due to the corona virus pandemic. rising quoted in 1900 cases in the capital. also, many members of the public were not there to greet the flame authorities announced the state of emergency in tokyo for the duration of the games to try to curb to spread the virus. amid fears of the delta variance,
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the measure mostly limits alcohol sales and restaurant opening hours to try to stop contagion. but it also means these will be the 1st limpid games without fans in attendance. stadiums like this one will be mostly empty. the top the government restrictions for tokyo site i'mma. can i go well and sheba, anything sure. would have tapped event attendance at 50 percent. the venue capacity up to 5000 people for the data to go to this we go. we haven't decided to allow no fans during the games as a stricter measure to prevent further spread of the virus and that he must stop. the decision has put a damper on the mood just 2 weeks ahead of the opening ceremony. posts show large swaths of the public don't want the game to take place. some people are even taking to the streets. who do people?
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i don't think we should hold the olympics in such a situation. together with these people who share my same opinion. we want to protest against the olympics till the very end and we want them to be cancelled. that's why i came here today. but organizers are not giving up and are determined to move forward. the olympic flame may be small right now, but they hope it will help spark enthusiasm ahead of these unprecedented games. taken in box in the highlands fated heavyweight fight between tyson fury and dante . while that has been postponed after a few and tested positive the corona virus divide that had been due to take place on the 24th of july. and las vegas is not likely to be rescheduled to october. britain's fury is considered the best heavyweight boxer in the world. last time the
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pair faced off in the ring that was february last year and fury. beaches american opponent knockout in the 7th round in tennis? no joke of h as beaten dennis shall, polar shap ovalo to set up a wimbledon final with italy's mateo, but a teeny and jock of h. the defending champion was pushed all the way by a shut off, but he came through in straight sets. the confident young pretender followed by the man who's been here many times before. no joke of h, soaking up the center court applause. but at the start, it was his b casing opponent denny ship. a bottle of lapping up. all the plaudits. competence can quickly drain against joke a bit today. and it's a double folks giving away the 1st step of all of discovering that playing junk of it. she's like playing against
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a brick wall. everything comes back at you. needed to show all his best defensive qualities to keep the powerful chaperone up at bay, shot after shot rain down on him. and yet jock of your ways had announced his deafness, of touching contrast to his opponent's hand blows stuff about a fool of id is joke of each one, the points when it message it's why he's the one chasing a rental, calling 20th france, i'm sorry. so now the races pace is hazing up as more country see to send astronauts into orbits. the united arab emirates as a new come into space. exploration of one of its 1st, ashton knows to be the atmosphere, is also the nation's 1st female astronaut. oh no alma true,
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she had seen on the rights wants to reach for the stars and she is one step closer to that goal. she will be the arab world. first, female astronaut. a big step for her and women's rights in the united arab emirates . as the fact that i was selected to be part of the program, i think is enough enough of encouragements to all girls who want to enter the space field. to go ahead and enter to be through becoming a scientist for by the training or working hard towards becoming an astronaut. survival training and the pilot license just a few of the skills. the 28 year old mechanical engineer is working on into by. she will head for nasa facility in january. my motivation behind applying to do a voice space program was my dream as a child. and me wanting to be an astronaut. she says she wants to defy the
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stereotypes that people associate with her her job. i don't feel like i faced any challenges when applying to this program because everyone was very supportive here in the way currently, no space mission is scheduled, but i'm not sure she is hopeful. she will visit space you're up to date sound. have more world news at the top of the hour in just a moment though. i'll be back to take you through the day the big stories of the day. so stick around the garage would use the news. the news?
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the news. oh, the news. the, the show i told the issue is shaping the continent of africa. the was gone. lead. what's making the headline? what's behind the well and the streets to give you enough reports and insights all the trends to use in 60 minutes dw
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ah, oh, the news you feel worried about the meal post of the on the green fence post code. and to me is clear. we need to change the solutions or out the join me predict the green transformation to me for the goal was right in front of the david. they're all for this one moment. then suddenly, we agreed to postpone the or didn't the games that tokyo with $22021.00 thrown off course during the qualifying round,
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not least for sports heroes. actually it was a flap in the face. but now we just have to fight their mobilizing superpowers. is what i'm fired up and ready count down during locked down the road to tokyo. july 19 dw the u. s. expedia, of withdrawal from afghanistan with troops scheduled to be out of the country by the end of august 20 years after entering the country in the wake of $911.00 to fight terrorism. bad leavings saying the job has been done of the costing millions of dollars and more than $2300.00. the us lies people about to ask when did this for wrap.


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