tv ZDF Bauhaus Deutsche Welle July 12, 2021 5:30pm-6:30pm CEST
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not these for sports, he rose. it was a slap in the face, but now we just have to fight there, mobilizing superpowers. i'm fired up and ready to help down doing walk down the rocky. go to tokyo store to july 19th on dw. what's this be robot doing in the name of science? me and why is this little muscle is locked by fishermen and researchers and how can an excess skeleton make heavy lifting? easy all this. i'm all coming up the welcome to tomorrow. today use science show on d, w,
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the a x 2 skeletons, other fields of, of the animal kingdom, all anthropology and manas have the heart external skeletons that protect them from the outside world. vertebrates by contrast, have an endo skeleton inside their bodies joint inspiration from nature. researchers have been designing exoskeleton as well. yes. they're often used in medical therapies, can also be put to good use, physically demanding the helmet. schmidt, university, and hamburg profess circle. but why not? and his team has spent the past 4 years testing picks us getting these supportive structures relieved. the strain on the body when bending or lifting on is kind. we don't know of any universal exist skeleton model of the support. several different
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parts of the body at once. this is instead, you have systems like you and that support individual areas in the team. assign him be they might be the shoulder region like these 1st 3, or they help you do like the others. you see here are the oh, some major support made of metal passive models, an active one with an extra motor. how well suited the various systems off the use of the construction site, for example, is being tested in a special live oratory. doctoral student show now is putting on a rigid, fix the skeleton that she develops herself. it has a mentor that is designed to help assist the arms and back when lifting heavy objects biomechanics research with him. schubert places reflective mark is the pacific point that the cameras will record. the markets revealed the position of
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each part of the body during movement. the cameras transfer the motion patterns to the computer. additional skin senses record the activity and select muscle. corey's . the signals are also transferred to the computer titian job then begins lifting 10 kilogram boxes and moving them from left to right down. this allows us to see how the system would relieve the strain on a construction worker. no, i wouldn't. lifting or moving heavy object one, but will also show us whether, who changes the way a person moves just mentioned. if an excess skeleton changes natural movement cotton's that could damage the the time. so what do the measurements show you're having? by measuring the muscle activity, we see a 25 to 30 percent reduction in the weight being carried during dynamic movements.
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this means that the package being lifted effectively weighs 2 and a half to 3 kilogram less. and the optical measurements confirm that the excess skeleton does not impede natural movement sequences success next don't is enough for a tree that test system for trade people. it's a working in partnership with the university. equipment is tested in conditions that are as close as possible to real life. this project is all about teaching plumbing and air conditioning. so the test is being done in a mockup, ball thread, over to that testing a fabric x. there's gotten designed to support to find it's a passive system without notice. the back support works by redistributing the strain through the harness to promote the test subject to strapped into an active support system, which is told by
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a motor to support the shoulder muscle joint. the skeleton has a rigid structure, that means extra weight and but once which don't compressed air is used to operate . actuated bees allow the harness to support the shoulder area as needed. but here too, it's important that the harness doesn't hinder natural movement. the system is designed especially the job that involves holding a heavy powered soul above head height for several hours in the exit we see that the extra skeleton can dramatically reduce the muscular activity needed for this kind of task. were seen, for example, of 50 to 70 percent reduction in the strain on the shoulder muscles as well. so when we only have to do half the work we would normally do to complete the same task. the researches make sure that the muscles are still doing some of the work and you're blending garnished. we don't want the machine to do it all. we want to
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use the muscles, so that will remain strong and capable to avoid strain injuries, and musculoskeletal complaints is going to pick up the test phase here is almost complete in the lab. but when we reach the end of the test phase in the laboratory, as because we can't simulate any more, we'll go into the workplace. and so we're very close to that because we want to find out what will help our end users most in real life. and best in some work environment, skeletons already in regular use. how god is a painter and decorator and uses a passes support system for many jobs and other voices. today i'm filling holes and smoothing the ceiling before painting. that means a lot of overhead work, which puts a strain on my shoulders and our son was his employer invested in this x, his skeleton. the system doesn't have a motor but uses the bodies of energy. when the arms and know it,
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energy flows into the funder on the back, which is in charged. when the res 6 funder gets the energy back, i guess the sensation of a floating arm, i think we're boy and in water power card for a using this system for over a year before the strain of my arms and shoulders after the test phase, i didn't want to give it back to the company since kids 6 teens of painted with the devices and they all say it makes a real difference. digitalization is transforming society other rapid pace. that's why it's vital for young people around the world to become familiar with computing. and i t for that one day they can help shape the future. inheriting his interest at
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a young age is team. has talked a lot above about an invention that's turning computer programming into child play . this oversized be, is a big hit at this preschool. it's not toys, but a hi tech tool designed to prepare children for the digital age and introduce them to basic programming skill in classic to me. and i enjoy using it challenges the kids and promotes logical thinking later. and to the i have to plan what to do to the end which command to enter into the be bought to program it for korea. and it's really challenging a great toy with affordance of the fun tool was developed and engineered by an
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educational research group in switzerland. it includes a roll up game board and the be bought. the board has target fields such as flowers and honey and obstacles to avoid the children give the be bought a series of commands such as turn right or straight ahead. if they get the programming right, does see the destination the these for that it's challenging, but not too hard. children in this preschool love playing would be bought. but how effective is it for teaching young children, basic programming skills? professor l smith down from the switch federal institute of technology. and the study of that question also on board is pedro domestic founder of the educational lab that created again to understand how can i to show like how our main motivation is insuring equal opportunities for math teaching. i t and schools from an early
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age ensures that all children are given exposure and access can in forgot that school wednesday since we live in live to the family, then a boys who tend to be enrolled and computer classes and to get the 1st computers your computer course, uncommitted, and socially disadvantage children also tend to miss out and to have enough punish . around 8000 children have already had hands on experience with the be bought play set. they combine the simple electronic tool, but the board game format already familiar to young children. but what do experts say? can a digital be teach children how to program? and what exactly are the basics they're learning here? the doctor who are those include putting things in the right sequence, developing optimization strategies, and working towards a goal, sometimes incorporating additional factors. that's what we looked out there to prove. her study confirmed that young children are capable of learning the basics
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of computer programming. although the body is not the be all solution, it's why had 2 important hypotheses. first, we wanted to find out whether children learn as much playing on their own as they do when given instructions. and that was not the case. the children need guidance. or despite, and the 2nd hypothesis was that the electronic be bought doesn't always produce better results. some things could be taught better using a regular board game that turned out to be the case could be written, couldn't opt out. you don't necessarily need the digital tools to teach children digital thinking, but be able to have some advantages, like providing feedback in a playful way. plus schools and preschools in switzerland can borrow them for free . so that will be buzzing around this preschool again soon. the know to this week 0 question.
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the world has run. 20000 place has my stuff shrinking. a recent study found they've been losing almost 270000000 tons of eyes a year. that now now accounts for about this authorizing global sea level. the survey was based on half a 1000000 previously i'm used satellite imitate for thinking about lamba had a question about the what would happen if all the earth place is melted? one result of human driven climate change is that gracie is around the world melting. in many places where a century ago, there was a thick sheet of ice. now there's only debris, less of areas of reflective surface have been lost. normally the bright surface of the ice reflects the sun's rays back into the atmosphere. but now the earth
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dissolves more of the sun's energy, which hates the earth's surface. the heat is then released, which causes atmospheric temperatures to rise, which in turn intensifies the greenhouse effect. this continues relatively soon. they will be no life is left on the planet. scientists say that all of the 400 remaining light is on iceland, for example, could disappear within the next 200 years. in 2019 a memorial plot was installed on iceland to commemorate the 1st glazier losses to the climate crisis. by one estimate, if all the glass see us on a melted sea levels would rise by around 66 meters across areas of land would become uninhabitable. even a smaller rise in sea levels would lead to devastating flooding.
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rising sea levels is just one problem. out of many, most of the world's fresh water supply is stored in glaciers and estimated 70 percent of it is contained in the antarctic ice sheet. the light is disappear, drinking what would become increasingly scans. global warming continues. climate models showed that within 5000 years, there may be no glazed is left anywhere on the if i was let is read, why do you have the science person you'd like us to send it in as a video text or voice them? if we feature it on the shows, look at a little surprise from us as a thank you. come on, just the news. you can find more fascinating stories from the world of science on our website and on twitter. the today's
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places were full during the last ice age and the constantly shifting. their motion is dependent on the gradient of the slope, the structure of the ice, the temperature, and other factor in the else in europe, there are thousands of places including the mighty road lation. it's a magnet for turing eager to explore its ice grotto. and it's also a huge troll for scientists. yeah, researchers on the road, glacier in the swiss alps are investigating a fascinating phenomenon. how glaciers moved, and how they slowly but surely slide into valleys below. in other words, the glaciers dynamics, an issue of global importance. the globe lavonne says does practice. it's relevant globally because practically old lasers including their own pleasure slide and the
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biggest i sheets out large glaciers where the sliding is incredibly important. the way they slide determines whether or not these glaciers move forward, hold back or remain stable of the scene of if we don't understand how the letters move, we can make predictions for the future. how the glaciers will behave and weather and now they'll raise sea levels to fight. he didn't made a good and staying last. lecture bed is drawn down toward the valley by gravity. a little like flowing honey. when the ice flows over the valley floor, it can run into hurdles such as protruding bedrock. oh, when the stress within the ice becomes too great, it sometimes released in abrupt shocks, much like an earthquake. these ice quakes that occur across the surface can be measured with highly sensitive fiber optic cables. they are an important indicator
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of glacial motion. glitzy, ologist, fabi on voter has laid one such cable here. even carver shown visits and this cable allows us till the hundreds of meters down the mountain . and we can then measure the tremors that come from deep within the glacier. and it's even carbon of measuring the ice quake across the entire breadth of the glacier. it's critical to understanding its motion. a computer analysis shows all the rumbling going on inside the glacier. ringback doesn't the real time it's coming in now? record seismic vibrations that we measure in the cable cob lessons in mice than what we're most interested in is the glacier bed. that's the center of the glaciers dynamic. did you know me when?
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when a glacier produces a lot of melted ice and has a very weak because water is accumulated there and then it can begin to slide. like put says, this sliding process occurs all over the world. enclosures with the bed isn't frozen. that's where the glaciers dynamics come from. induct continues to denominated the glaciers motion also depends on the water. inside the glacier. using this portable radar setup, researchers can detect that water. the dynamics are also influenced by meltwater water on the surface of the glacier makes its way inside. through cracks and holes get progressive down to the glacier bed, then flows toward the glaciers and or snout. glacier starts to slide more quickly here because the water acts as a lubricant by reducing friction. alpine glaciers like here at the source of the wrong river,
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slide 200 meters at most each year. by contrast, the huge i sheets in greenland up to 7000 meters a year 35 times faster, but the longer the flow they follow are the same. so the information gleaned in the alps can also help scientists better understand the glaciers of greenland. the animals and even shots have always migrated to foreign ecosystems. european stoning has spread to north america. south africa and new zealand posting is threat to native species. the asian come to europe and north america, largely due to the exotic head trade and sport fishing became toad, headlight. the jump all the way to strange, originally introduced to control crop. it's now taking its toll on domestic animals
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and in europe, a tiny mothers is causing massive problems. and if you have attack the depths of lake constance or no home to a creature originally from the black sea, this is it's fascinating and terrified when they're aggravating and annoying, if we're not really sure what they're doing here. the quanto muscle, if disrupting the ecosystem of late constants, an important source of drinking water and biodiversity coast of booth and echo is a commercial fisherman whose halls have been declining over the years. and his fishing nets are increasingly clogged with clog muscles, emotions, and their soft country. they've got very sharp edges and depend if you're unlucky and dredge up a lot of shells and one catch in the entire net is covered with these tiny holes. of course that reduces your cash cut, and the clunk muscles are too small to eat,
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salutes and they're no use at all. really. the clunk i'm also was 1st discovered here in 2016, the probably migrated by, latching onto the homes of both store ways. ready for the scientists at the institute of lake research and long and hug and germany, much about the muscles remains a mystery. through close monitoring, bettina 1st want to find out exactly where they're colonizing the lake and how quickly they're spreading. your fi as well as if you were going to a relatively spot now to take samples of water depth of around 180 meters on its location where we found clog muscles in the past. and the program was muscle don't usually live in such deep water is off by the log in now they seem to be able to survive on the food supply down there and grow in the low temperatures
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there to keep them suddenly the clouds gather and the wind picks up a change of plans, the boat has to turn back. the researchers decide to lower the sieve to collect samples and shallower waters. it's dragged along the bottom of the lake like a fled, collecting everything in its path over a distance of 50 meters. the meanwhile tossed incentivize its looking in water samples set off for now seeing the muscle larvae and winter to which used to be the case of quicker muscles reproducing even in winter, explains why they've spread and colonized the entire lake so quickly. as you can see it here on the all around the lake dens, populations of 502000 specimens per square meter. this is where the muscle has already taken hold. fish and oscar pipes. they're also affecting drinking water
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supplies because they clog up the lakes extraction pipes. the concrete walls of the waterworks are covered in clusters of mussels. ah, the facility had to hire for additional people to keep them clean. the muscle invasion was already a growing problem last year and also an incredible amount so much more than we used to catch. all i see now is clog muscles. they all have this round belly. meanwhile, they pose a threat to the entire ecosystem. because as all got the sauce is a very big and real concern comes from the fact that there are filter feeders, they get their food from open water. i'm sitting on plankton and it's too much blank and there's nothing left over for the other creatures that rely on them.
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especially white fish, which are the main catches for the lakes. commercial fishermen. i don't, i hope the fisher 50 for money goes off and my hope is for the muscles to be controlled naturally by a parasite or disease which would level out their numbers or i the, the delicate balance of nature has been upset researchers at the university of constance are also hoping the lake can handle itself. biologist, who is on and lim, knowledge of what helped have anchored cages at different temper. ah, i want to use a cage if you compare abundance matter thing site and the outside of the katie's to seeds are influence of water burst. muscles. waterfall might help reduce the muscle population in 2002 scientists using the same
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experimental setup, found that coots, parents, and push our ducks that spent the winter at lake constance fed on muscles. they fed unsee pro muscles, which are about the same size as clog muscles, down to a depth of about 7 meters. letting shunt into this winter is an idea for our experiments because we're having a very mild winter for us. not a lot of the diving birds from northern europe don't need to come to like constance to fi and don't see friends who came back at the lab in long and organ tossed and venable team is analyzing samples from the morning expedition. the clog muscles are sorted and counted according to size and age. there's a lot of the very smallest muscles here when it's giving the amount of young muscles and watching the level increase. i can't help it worry what it will be like in a few years. piano the clunk of mussel invasion doesn't seem to have reached its peak . the tiny mollusks will probably continue to play constance for some time to come
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ah, this is, you know, we do live from brooklyn, anger and unrest in south africa, the nation eruption deadly violence and widespread looting after authorities. geo former president jacob zoom up, the army says it's deploying troops to quell the violence. also coming up the fed up thousands in cuba take to the streets to protest food shortages and rising prices. the common interesting pointing the finger at the united states that the protesters are buying it, and also on the show jubilation after lee or chrome champions of your fans. the welcome home, the victorious adversity following the triumph over england and europe. 2020. we'll
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take a look at how italian 7 celebrating their big win. ah, ah, i thank you so much for your company, everyone. well, we open our broadcast with unrest in south africa. the military is deployed to tackle the violence, sparked by the jailing of for president jacob zoom up. at least 6 people have died and hundreds more arrested since the protest broke out last week. the unrest comes to south africa. the highest court begins hearing mr. zoom as appeal against his 15th month, jail sentence for contempt. soldiers gone the streets of south africa, then to protect police after protests, month by looting and destruction of property, became more violent. looters, plundered a large shopping mall in durban. overnight is one of many businesses in the port
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city that will ransacked over the weekend. another shopping mall lies in ruins in peter mad at berg, some 80 kilometers from durban. the unrest has been mainly concentrated in the south eastern province, of course, in a town. zoom is home region, many of his supporters, they are angered by him. it's 15 months, jail turn, imposed for failing to appear as a corruption inquiry. but now the violence is also sprayed to johannesburg. south africa's economic panel held with police rich, been the army will deploy troops to the 2 most affected regions. the young race, these uncalled for his presidency, were represented by those who may be hurt and angry at this moment. that can never be any justification whatsoever
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for anybody to embark on violent and destructive and destructive directions that's negatively affect the rights of others. juma is popular among many of south africa is less well off. his imprisonment has laid bad divisions in the country. and dw correspondence christine wanted to join us now from cape town in south africa. christine, what's the latest while made? this is i use this and raise has been intensifying what and just ready for a certain notation. it wasn't in the presence that the weekend has come out to full scale looting and ransacking off shops and bath, 3 the disreputable property to the great ben estimated hundreds of millions of rank . what the damage has been done in b, b, y. we know that among the people that have died is
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a teenage boy took part in some of the new thing that we've been seeing happening most me in was how as well as helping corporate it home to the medicine now been deployed. we're going to be hearing from the president in a few weeks from now about the situation in terms of that, but that is the situation as a bang, lena, who is behind this look, it started out with the people in the room i can pointing out before the president's support is to go and pray against his in cooperation, his imprisonment done so initially, rand purchases were coming out with him, a blocking roads and the creative also pay on. they were saying that this is in the name of the former president, mr. b. freeze back it is now is the to ration league. you can see there are criminal intimate, now you've got to be remind a lot of the people that were being carrying help be asked for signing these people
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come from under privileged communities. we had them on a policy and unemployment here in their present. you can see that the people working in the shop, the feeling base, as i said, in many cases, the baby and i some of them. i was not an image of opportunistic criminality taking place. people taking advantage of the situation, young children involved in the elderly people as well. so there was some incitement from this in montana, initially mobilizing support the hearing supporters on in terms of the replete them up these videos with people with anything that way more people to do the same thing in the name of. but it's not walk into a complete chaotic for to ration where there are different motivations. now, of course, mr. zoom. i said appeal trial triggered all this interest. what am assisting with chances of success in this new court hearing legal space that i've been to think she has basically said this is my need to be able to demonstrate one. all 3 things
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he's going to be able to tell before that is somehow what's called reaching is a decision in findings and ask him to see him or what made him great. well, that new information had been married since the ruling was handed down, illegally spread the view that mister, mocking, successful in demonstrating any practice. we know right now that he remains behind why many people think that will be the case for the next 3 weeks months, and that is how they see it's christine 10 seconds. how much support does mr. zoom still enjoy among the and see what the stresses in the agency have shifted significantly. this is why you for this cause we said that handled the approach when they took the course they could fit into defend and help me because they chose not to do that. and this is where we find the support for the pull the president with him. the key structure correspond to christine when reporting from cape town,
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south africa. thank you. an extra those astonishing season q, where were protests, have broken out. thousands of people taking to the streets against the communist regime, or demonstrators express frustration at food shortages, rising prices, and the lack of coven 1900 vaccines. the government has tried to put the blame on the us for the unrest and is rallying its own supporters. yeah, they crying out for freedom in the streets of savannah, the the greatest show discontent with the socialist government. the 1990s packed in the trigger for his protest. if the desperate economic situation right down the country is suffering from food shortages, we're here because of the repression of the people. they are starving us to death. havana is collapsing. we have no homes, nothing. now the,
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the police arrive and they begin to drag off people in the crowd. the arrest and the violence only makes the demonstrators angry. we are not afraid. they cry out the security beat me and my daughter a child. they beat us just because we were walking down the street. the supporters of the government had been out in the streets to president miguel diaz can now himself lead. this rally was organized quickly in town outside savannah with the anti government protest began early on sunday. so that we came here to show together with the revolutionaries of this town to the streets, belong to us with the president, encouraging supported to mobilize against opponents. there were ugly confrontations . here revolutionaries detained opposition protest to cubans who were here. we are
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never going to give up this river lucian, never the communist regime, his root cubits in 959. it survived the fall of the soviet union and the debt was found, the fidel castro. now would it's again been challenged on why it's like the show. it is unlikely to go without a fight return or focus now to the country of georgia where protesters have been calling for the prime minister to resign. over the death of a journalist, alexander les carrasco worked for an independent television news channel. he was found dead at his home on sunday, after he was badly beaten by far right. activists during a protest against an l g b t. you pride march in the capital to police 3 attacks for doing his job
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later found dead camera man alexander, alaska. rabbi was beaten by right wing mob, while covering an mc l g b t q riot. the exact circumstances of his death, a still unclear but the anger is unmistakable. the gen left an opposition politicians force their way into georgiana, parliament protest slash carrabas death and thousands rallied and solidarity with the journalist demonstrates his accused. the conservative government of enabling the violence. we hold the government directly responsible for failing to provide security for that. you are no wait, and therefore we believe this resignation of the prime minister and the government is the only requirements that will be your secretary of the georgia. very clear message. the government that has organized
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progress on this, by the radical targeted to the to so it's journalist and has multiple people who are damaged and now 11 that has to reside. yes, no sweep riotous. it's hacked. the l g b t q, campaign offices into audio capital tbilisi. last carrabas and film, the attackers around 50 journalists were injured. last carrabas, death had further inflamed tension, and more protests are expected. the and i just moments ago where we had the opportunity to catch up with 0, but he'd say he is a georgia writer and l g b t, q activist. and we began our conversation by asking him if he feels that the
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georgia government is complicit in, what happened to mr. les corolla? they kinda want her to lose me taco's n street. so i know that direction was there's only colossal clash between georgia people. this is the only way for me to make us blind and hide how jumps will struggle with low economy and justice. they want to make a blind for to speak corruption, we have in our country. and she said that they are choosing minority and they'll just keep people to height that we can. and so what's, what can you describe for our international viewers? you're also a writer yourself of what's like being a member of the media or a writer in georgia. can you without fear for life, conduct your, your job to be late? those few days was super hot for everyone, especially people also just the t q i committee team. if i change it for most of the time, going go through our strengths or without any people, it's not faith anymore. if you look like the trends are like you to reading some
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like everything's or like, i don't know, they will find any reason to like, speak you in the 3 we all cared and you're starting to think about leaving our country, especially like, you know, the writers and many other people for form like art or like media, because we don't see any future for minority in georgia. but not. this is hard because one of the main taken from people from bar, right? humans or lesbian, gay community is to leave georgia for good or type in a closed that's a georgia writer, and l g b t q, activist. sure, thank you so much for joining us and sharing your views with us. we appreciate it. so football now for you and has been a whirlwind, a few hours for the italian national team since they beat england in london to win the euro. 2020 or the squad to some barks. it's clean and italy with airport staff
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shearing as coach for better msr displayed the trophy from there they were with to be creating. now let palace were after showing all the silverware again. they were received by the head of states. president said, well, we heard from our correspondence, lima tacky in a row, who described with this victory meant to the people of italy. that's a speaking so not a fancy italian fan. there was a case that the emotions were quite intense. and i think that also had to do with the fact that of course, italy under wind temperature trick lock downs. and i think that resulted in some bottom emotions. well, of course you have to you couldn't meet up with friends. you couldn't watch football in math math gatherings and i think yesterday when in the one it was football became an outlet, it became a relief. it became where they actually posed a life. and we were talking reporting their moments ago. you're watching the news
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from berlin. stick with us, rob watts is up next with business and i'll see how many hours the the cost is increasing every year. many, i'm gonna working on landfill, we work very holiday destination drowning and the way we look at the year, year of the exports in tons of plastic waste there. another way. after all, the environment isn't recyclable. the make up your own
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mind may be w made for mines the . the dramatic worsening of world hunger. the united nations says 2020, so a previous progress on tackling food shortages last, the global con, demik is a major factor. we'll hear from the un food and agriculture organization, another giant leap for mankind. what does richard branson's journey to the edge of the atmosphere mean for space tourism and your morning coffee could be under threats from climate change. we take you to columbia, find out why is this did your business time robots in berlin to the program? first, hunger remains one of humanity's greatest challenges. the target is to achieve 0
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hunger by 2030, that's the united nations go. but the world is a long way from achieving that. according to the un food and agriculture organization, the number of people without enough to eat is rising. in 2020, more than 750000000 people went hungry, maybe as many as 811000000 around the attempts of the global population. the worst hits regions are asia, which has 418000000 hungry and africa, which has 282000000 hungry massages believe situation in africa, has dramatically west drought has destroyed the harvest and southern madagascar for 4 straight years. and sandstorms made it next to impossible. 3 plant fields. well, they had 3 children, as well as to orphan. she took n every day. is a fight for survival, photography,
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or morals or not. if i and i trust in god today, we have absolutely nothing to eat except cactus flowers, which we are trying to clean the children here. their mother died. i know, did my husband love to clean this? as the world food program says, acute nutrition among children under 5 has doubled and just 5 months in one district, a quarter of all children are malnourished, all pulled more than 1000000 people need help. the it's 7 times worse than it was just a year ago. 7 times more children are in trouble. why? because of drought, we're facing the worst drought in over 40 years. and this is an area where people depend on their own agriculture. northern ethiopia has also long depended on aid.
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last year there was a plague of locusts than the war. more and more people require assistance. but many areas from the interior away from the cities are inaccessible. people have lost their, their assets and monet. so people are in the senior bul middle situation, trying to manage with the farmers, potentially with a few stocks that they had. we know that people are not having seats to plant or the potentially might be missing and they know their harvest if the next harvest is also lost, people like this farming couple. we'll also have to turn to the agencies across africa. the number of those forced to flee drought violence in climate change is on the rise through the speak to cindy hollarman, who is a senior economist, the food and agriculture organization of the united nation. thanks for joining us
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on the do we you business the us to set this clear target? 0 hunger by 2030. but is that moving out of reach now? well, i think last year 2020 created a huge challenge for us. we just came out with our assessment, which is the 1st assessment of 2020 coven impact. and we're seeing that in that one year alone, we have up to a 161000000 more hungry and 2020. now that's an increase. that's the highest we've seen in decades. i think the other thing that's really critical to point out is that last year we also, we saw across the board not only in africa, in asia and latin america increases in hunger. so definitely, you know, we are now facing a much more difficult situation to meeting the target and those high numbers are hungry all day attributable to the pandemic and it's fall out. well,
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i think what we're finding is that 2020 with the unique year because we saw the largest increase and we also thought and across the board and all the countries the main impacted. it's coming from the economic downturns and countries. and this is largely attributed to the coven impact, and also the containment measures. so where we see hunger spiking, it's because people have lost their lives, their income, that aren't able to access sufficient amount of food. but i would like to add also that where we see the increase in the most just where it's combining with these other drivers that are already driving hunger spaces, specifically climate change climate, extreme disasters conflict. so where you have the confluence of factors that really seeing the spike in hunger and one of those places in africa where we do have the economic slowdowns droughts was,
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can you go the hunger in those places without tackling those major issues? well, i think that our main method that we're coming out with this year is that you know, climate extremes in climate you know, disasters are increasing around the world and they're not going to go away in the short term. and what we're seeing is that combining with economic shock, whether it's related to the coven demik and the containment measures. or maybe it's a global financial crisis. so that's, that's coming together of the different impacts. so we really need to support a resilience in the economies to climate and also the economic hardship. so that when we get the combined shock which are created creating more often that we don't see the spikes and hunger. and what i'm talking about is chronic hunger. so it's something that it's not going to go away, people have lost or likely that their, their income,
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it's hard to regain and that's our worry is anything being done to regain that and to improve the situation, turn back is backward tide. well, i think what was happening more is realizing that we need to have the colon, report approach and really focus on the drivers of the economic downturn, the climate billing and climate resilience. not only in africa, yet africa. we saw the sharpest increase, but in 2020 we saw 35 countries with the highest increases in hunger. and that was not only in africa, some countries like kenya or wanda, but also the philippines and asia, sri lanka, mexico, columbia, brazil. so we can think this is only a problem with africa and we need to really scale our efforts or climate resilience terms of all of the food chain in terms of protecting and making sure that we don't have any problems with accepting food when we get this climate extreme,
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and then you can cindy haldeman from the food and agriculture organization of the united nation. thank you very much for coming on and explaining this part. thank you. now let's take a quick look at some of the other business stories making headlines. china is tightening its cracked down on tech companies, issuing draft rule is forcing terms to undergo security reviews before listing abroad last week, right? showing up d. d. last $15000000000.00 of market value. shortly after new york p. o and china announced the ban on new use, a sign up so sensitively due to security concerns you had put a proposal for a digital tax on the hold spokespersons that the u. s. has pushed brussels to hold off on the measure which focuses on large tech firms as leading economy, discuss tax reforms to 20 finance cheese agreed to a minimum corporate tax rates over the weekend to promotional effects. see, show that we we are welcome to the dawn of
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a new space age. the words of richard branson. as a virgin galactic plain blasted him to the edge of the atmosphere. he is the 1st billionaire to reach space, at least by the u. s. definition of 80 kilometers up, but branson's brief flight is important for another reason. it marks a major step towards space tourism becoming a reality. others are about to stake their claim for a piece of that future market, just based off as blue origin and l on less space ex bronson says he doesn't mind the competition. i've said there's so many times it really wasn't erase that. we're just delighted that everything went so fantastically well. we wish jeff the absolute best and his the people are getting up within during his flight. now then take your morning coffee for granted climate change means 60 percent of wild
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coffee species are at threats of extinction. warmer temperatures, pest and disease are all taking their toll. farmers in columbia are searching for new techniques to protect their crops. the inspection of her coffee field has just begun with clara lago is already nervous, or the coffee berries healthy, or has the beetle gotten to them 1st as it has so often in the past when it comes to not the climate change is fueling the spread of the coffee board beetle, if you don't carry out consistent inspections, then it gets into the fruit and consumes everything around the village of can everything revolves around coffee just as it has for generations. some $3000.00 small farmers opposed to tradition. each coffee cherry a selected by hand, like in other parts of the world. this quality control has helped make columbia
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world leader. however, climate change is threatening to reduce the area that can support coffee cultivation, both here and worldwide. by 50 percent in the next 30 years. coffee could become scarce. a many farmers are already giving it up. that's out of the question for the 2 kito barrow family. they're fighting against these climate change consequences. up here at 1700 meters. the harvest is going well for them this year. so i need to either copy it. i've lived off coffee all my life. i don't have a lot of money, but i've been able to raise a family and move forward. thanks to coffee. criminal is really looking for e l. his family and his neighbors sought advice from an organization funded mainly from the netherlands. as a result, they now plant their coffee trees under larger shady trees. they also leave weeds
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to keep the soil cool and moist court. with the info we need to act now and consolidate the soils. the plants, the trees, everything that helps us survive. we cannot stop climate change, but all of this will help coffee farming last longer. this is, maria says he can't do it alone. but with his efforts and his neighbors combined, maybe they can make a difference. and just finally on dw business time to tell you about the university and south korea that is turning human waste into digital currency. the b v is eco friendly toilet connected to alive, which turns the waste into me thing, a source of energy. there are currently 3 toilets on campus where students can make deposits, so to speak. anyone using the eco friendly toilet and 10 units of
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a virtual currency called google, which is the korean word for honey. and i'm sure i've said it wrong. the only catch though, the digital currency is only for use on campus and that's all for me and the business team here in berlin. ah, the secret lie behind these was the discovery new adventures in 360 degree and explore the fascinating world heritage sites. the v w a world heritage is 360 now president george w bush invited us to this summer home. we talked about the past and the special relationship to chancellor uncle medical i know is not afraid to make a decision was not afraid to lead. kind person with a lovely soul and that's the person i got to know. the clues of interview with
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george w bush july 14th at $1530.00 u t. c on the w this is the news asia coming up today, 5 years of illegal chinese actions in the south trying to see despite the court ruling, china is still preventing filipino fishermen from accessing foot fishing grounds. why and can the philippines do anything about it? plus protecting the holiday to be rescuers and militia, doing all they can do to ensure the creators, the fall foods don't die off the.
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