tv Business - News Deutsche Welle July 13, 2021 8:15am-8:30am CEST
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capital tbilisi, dozens of journalists were injured in the violence that net to the pride march being cancelled. now off to an exam, the last 4 of the mission opposition protest, i have promised to keep challenging georgie in societies, traditional values and demanding the prime minister's resignation. you're watching d, w. news up next business. lose several ways. streaming regression again, world might be a couple weeks in burned in south africa school with disabilities, more likely to lisa jobs in the black lives matter. shine a spotlight on racially motivated to leave. things like marriage is being legalized in more and more countries. discrimination inequality are part of everyday life.
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for many, we ask why? because the life is diversity. make up your own mind. w. need for mines the, the world's factory is running at full speed as china's export search. we also correspondent what the figures mean for the global recovery and your pocket. and we take you to spain, sierra nevada, where climate change is robbing locals of an important water source. also on the show, we visit a new york firm that boosts old buildings, energy efficiency, the focus on minority neighborhood. hello, and welcome to d w. business. i'm daniel winter in berlin. i was countries around the world push
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towards pandemic recovery. china's export search by more than expected in june, leaping 32 percent supply chain disruptions across the world. increased reliance on chinese products. companies across the world are facing supplied bottle next. giving china the upper hand impulse rose nearly 37 percent a hefty rise, but down from the previous month, that's a sign. china's economic recovery is leveling off. let's go to d. w correspondence. so some hand in type pay flash to see these numbers are above the results of surveys. many analysts more than expected. how do we interpret this bond pin both imports and exports? well, this was the 12 consecutive period of extra growth. and the nice consecutive period of input growth, the china, these numbers show that china strong recovery as the latest speaker started from
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the low base wind, due to the, the impact of the call and of ours. china ex borders for example, benefit from the early reopening of the economy. while for the competitors, you're phasing anti virus down in china and like elsewhere with bar through surgeons. the, the control of the outbreak as well. so it's supply chains are stable. therefore, the demand of trainees good has risen and we can see that from the numbers. ok. and so talking more about how this fits into the global picture. so you mentioned a bit about the supply troubles, the bottlenecks. so china's leap in exports is helping to unclog those blockages. well, china's growth is expected to slow down. global activity returns no normal. china's general administration of customs also cautioned that the damage is an ongoing concern with uncertain and unstable factors facing foreign trade development. but
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if other countries are, they cannot recover from the pandemic soon enough, and the world's supply disruptions are the oh i and all like now, china will continue to play the role of the world men factory and enjoying competitive advantage from it controlling measures. okay, so status as the world's factory will continue for now. but just before the pandemic, the us china trade war was raging. now the u. s. needs all the supplies it can get . so always thing, at least a temporary change of the, the course of conflict between the 2 reflected in the figures. yes. in june, trying to trace our posts with the us row to 32.58 dollars. it was much higher than the number in 2017, when that's for a war started. and more to that, china, it's bailey, in the us radio. come in men. and according to the ladies data, total purchases of us goes in 2021. off the end of may reached all e,
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69 percent of the place total. so many experts they, they believe that the both sides need to sit down again and start a new round of negotiation. or thank you for picking through the numbers for a certain time and type a thank you. in spain, the sierra nevada mineral water is an important natural resource so much so they've attracted several multi nationals eager to make a profit. but local, say, climate change is already robbing them of the ground water. and the company's just making matters worse. new buckling facility, it's main plant in but say it is the pride and joy of i could day a c, e o. the high tech conveyor can fill 45000 bottles now with mineral water. that's a national record. most of it, but he's also saying we're the 9th biggest producer enough to use to keep
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developing the equity as brand and expand internationally as well. and the funny, really interesting. yeah. and i know exactly what environmental activists going to lose. you don't want the but the foot of the sierra nevada, the company build a 2nd factory fucking anger amongst local residents. they say the water is needed locally and shouldn't be exported to china. life become in summer. now when we have a water deficit of 1400000 cubic meters a year in this region, and they want to build a factory, would uses up a 1000000 cubic meters a year. and how can they be allowed to exploit the groundwater here in this region? where there isn't enough that we fiddle the snow cap peaks of the sierra nevada
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home to some of the best mineral water sources in spain. and several multinational companies climate change threatens the regions more to supplies if and i and, but i feel ready getting dryer and climate change is just making that worse on law previously. and i think you might think already seeing less overall rainfall. you said we get sporadic downpours that a lot because the soil can't absorb them, eat min. all i probably told i could day is doesn't want to hear about the company even plans to expand a 2nd plant by the end of the year, 8 liter jugs. slated to be rolling off the new facility there. no one knows what effect that might have on the environment. because sofa, the company hasn't had to provide any studies on the su marina andre, which is a guest researcher about the climate on analytics and joins us now. thank you very
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much for joining us today. so what are the expected economic consequence to climate change? well, there are many, there are many biophysical impacts of climate change to many economists. sectors in many ways in which the interactive reaches saw. and the report from spain, drought is one of the most complex ones, and one with cascading effect on communities. as we just saw in spain, in fact, is one of the most vulnerable european countries. so currently we have about 9000000000 euros annual damage from droughts in europe. and spain takes about 1500000000 of this. and this is at $1.00 degrees, higher global warming compared to the pre industrial period. and with climate change, this will get much worse case and bright future ahead. but will this stock message increase the pressure on companies and politicians to take action? well, i certainly hope so, and i think we can save the government's chief can and companies as well. if we can
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draw any lessons from the current corporate crisis, it's that when governments take a crisis seriously, they also address it seriously. so this way we put about 10 percent of the global g, d p towards economic recovery from cove it. and this could also get us a long way in the fight against climate change. so you're saying that we can learn a lot from the quote from the cobra crisis. what, what specifically should we be taking with us on the journey to to fight climate change? so we probably saw that the size of leadership and listening to scientific evidence is, is a good strategy towards resilience. okay, and do you see that it's just the industrialized countries that have to take on the majority of this responsibility, or are others having to pitch in as well? industrialized countries are the biggest historical emitters and therefore they have the biggest responsibility to leave the site. again, climate change, but everyone has to do their fair share. and this includes developed and developing
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countries, but they need help. so countries need to work there together and developed countries have promised to support developing and vulnerable countries with $100000000000.00 annually until 2020 and we're far away from that amount unfortunately. so there's plenty of work still to do marina, andrea from class. thank you very much. talk to them that thanks for having me. now, a quick look at some other business stories making headlines. the new disney superhero film, black widow, has set a pandemic era box office record. it took in $18000000.00 in north american cinemas and put an additional $60000000.00 plus from streaming revenues. the movie saws scholar johansen as a former russian, the super spy, its release was delayed for more than a year. so we're going to talk like i'm tesla boss, eli musk defend the. com make his purchase of solar panel makeup solar city 5 years
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ago during courtroom testimony on monday. investors accused moscow using the $2600000000.00 deal to rescue the company, which he helped found from bankruptcy mosque denied. a conflict of interest in the move was critical protests. and let's stay on climate change. once again, climate change just have to transform city neighborhoods around the world. older buildings in particular require expensive with retrofits to meet new efficiency standards, such as new air and heating units in the united states. many of those buildings are in minority communities. is the story of one entre printer in new york determined to help these neighborhoods go green. a final adjustment and one last check of the new unit. danelle baird, is that a home in brooklyn? where a new combination air heating unit has just replaced an old oil run boiler. and as the air kinda get his company made it possible, it's called block power and it finances and contracts the work for retrofits of
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older buildings. its focus is neighborhoods of color home on idea. the reason that this is important is because in new york city and 100 other 50 cities around the country, there are new laws that say that you have to green your building. whether it's been 7 years, 10 years, 20 years, we're going to have the green 100000000 buildings across america. who gets those jobs who get the wealth that gets created from that transition. and are we as people of color, are we going to be at the forefront of that? or are we going to be like left behind? new york officials say that roughly 70 percent of city greenhouse emissions come from buildings. but retrofits are expensive and building owners hesitant. black power provides long term financing plans, working with investment banks like goldman sachs to create bond like assets from the debt which appeals to green investors. black power also overseas, the work itself. hiring local contracting crews,
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also from neighborhoods of color. the challenge convincing customers. the question is, can we build the trust with black and brown community to say we're going to come into your building and do something that's good for you. and you can have a 15 year financial relationship with up and we're not going to screw you over. so that's the hard part. it helps that retrofitted buildings save their tenants money . at st. margaret mary catholic church in the bronx, father rudolph gonzales, worked with block power to install individual climate units. and they are controlled by this remote how it has brought down our electrical costs. and we don't have a boiler to, to deal with, or oil, to have delivered and what have you. so we're very, very happy with it. and for block power. happy customer is the best advertisement. and finally, new corona virus rules for jim's in the greater sol area are really killing the vibe. that's because the rules limit how fast music can be to $120.00 beats per
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minute. it's an effort to limit breathing. i'm sweating during yoga aerobics and spinning classes. that means b t. s is latest hit. dynamite is allowed. what size gangnam style is not. new rules also limits treadmills, 6 kilometers per hour and band, the use of shout on the over me and the business team here in ballad. thank you very much for watching the sunny doing in the lead journey, lifestyle, china, tropical island. paradise for surfers. but the country and dream beaches aren't just about fun and relaxation. young surfers are training in the national program. their target. a limping goal for china.
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we've got some hot tips for your bucket. lead me into corners, the hot spot for food and some great help from the mortgage to boot. the w travel off we go. ah, the southern chinese island of high non homes of the countries, new surfing industry and used to be just a winter travel destination for retiree but that's all changed.
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