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tv   Ein Sommer auf Hiddensee  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2021 12:30am-1:01am CEST

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incentives, but best lead times, often go astray who will win the game of diplomatic poker. entry power plays and the lines is behind the scenes of the climate. some it starts august 5th on dw, the strict locked down, save lives. that's new zealand philosophy for dealing with covered 19 i want to avoid them. prefer tests, quarantines, and mosques to contain the viruses spread. initially both islands enjoyed success. oh, but that changed for taiwan. what happened at is one government approach beta. ah, welcome to the show line, ben. all and today will be talking to the co author of the report assessing the
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outbreak responses of new zealand and tie one it was recently hit by the alpha variant. it hit hard despite the government expertise and dealing with outbreaks of other diseases like saws running in and out every day. 39 year old mister chan delivers 300 orders a week. the reason coughing outbreak and taiwan has brought him more orders, but he has to take more risks since nearly 85 percent of the ones population isn't vaccinated. high, no, i live with my 5 children, my wife and my mother. you asked me if i'm worried about them. of course i am. i had so many children and i worry that i might get them infected to live johnny. bravo. as a father o 5, he has no choice, but to go out and make money. so i hope the government can offer food delivery drivers, vaccines as soon as possible. quite, you know,
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we're in contact with so many people doesn't. it's not hundreds every day by the, you know, too many are still waiting. the vaccination program for high risk groups started rolling in june so far, just 15 percent of tie ones, 23500000 people have been vaccinated. there isn't enough vaccine to portal, you know, we have an a vaccines. can we do mass vaccination? that's the 1st layer protection for all of the people. some things success containing the virus. and the insistence on developing domestic vaccines might have delayed high ones vaccine acquisition. and it was our mis judgment last year. not being able to, for seeing that there will be sent you actually shortage. and we might have being a bit too confident about what we could do in terms of our own dramatically
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develop the vaccine to taiwanese drug makers. revealed phase to clinical trials in june. and applied for emergency use authorization, but their effectiveness still needs to be examined whether it's education, so not still remains the open question, but at least there's sufficient scientific data to think it might be efficacious in such regards. it just to have it approved in case of need to so we can use it while the tower vaccines a wait authorization, the government is trying its best secure, more jobs overseas. so that people like mister chen, no longer need to worry that they and their families could get infected. amanda close like is an everyday me ologist at the university of taco,
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wellington. what went wrong in taiwan? in your opinion? it's been very hard watching time long struggled to contain this very large opera like someone has done so well. photon independent, haven't had to count instruction as the public responses connections in the south break. it's been interesting to see how different ones response has been compared to museums in museums. when we have off breaks, we react very quick and they decisively to extinguish them straight away. and sometimes that means going straight into the short, sharp locked down town, on the other hand, has avoided using locked on a panoramic response. and that may have kept the break going a little longer than if needed. and a matter of what i find striking when we look at the numbers is that outbreak you
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mention in taiwan, in comparison to new zealand numbers, the spike is really sudden and tie one manages to bring those numbers back down, but not to the level of new zealand being enjoying the whole way through this pandemic, they've managed to keep the numbers down so low. what's it done? right. i think the most important things that you didn't have got right is to have the right strategy for this next. and it's in deliberation strategy. this strategy sensors population how we don't tolerate cases in the community, we react to even just one positive case of community by moving to extinguish that outbreak as quickly as possible. that's meant that we've had very few cases when she deaths. health services have continued to operate. it protects job colony.
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it's protected us having treated last center come right just from that initial impulse to protect the population. what i think is also really important to point out is that both countries as flow to immunize which is a problem in taiwan, but not for new zealand. where you can argue that on both sides, actually, on the one hand, yes museum doesn't need vaccines. and vaccines should be used in classes we're still occurring that should be used in cases where they can immediately save lives . on the other hand, we do feel vulnerable. we know that we get some break. most of our population is still, i'm fascinated, but couldn't, and even more virulent and infectious strained pop up at any time and hit new zealand to that's right. and i wanted about that. in fact,
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few weeks ago, an australian travel to new zealand, i spent the weekend in wellington holiday, went back australia, and on monday they started to be on well and tested positive dr. now that this is doing that, we can have visited a large number of places around wellington museums, restaurants shops, all the place that it doesn't actually know, watching experience for us. we were waiting to hear whether we got to have a really large break. as it happens we talked last camera didn't. that's it has been a warning sign for us of how badly things could go wrong. so the warning signs are there. what is the best way in your opinion then of containing, not only covered, but also all of its variance? well, the interesting thing about this pandemic,
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and this is something that we in the asia pacific region. and if the panic is control, it can be stopped. we have so many tools in the toolbox. now we have good faxing. we have our public health infrastructure, that's the test and tracing all of those measures. and we have mentions but can keep our community safe. optimizing ventilation, one of those things wearing a mask to protect others, supporting people to stay home. and i think we've learned so much in the last 16 months how to stop this far as i feel confident that it's not really a question if i can redo it, but i'm going to choose to do it. interesting stuff from a man call trick epidemiologist at the university of chicago. wellington thank you very much for being on the show today. a brief look at some other corona wire stories making headlines. malaysian officials have been forced to temporarily close
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a covert vaccination center after nearly half its worth is tested. positive malaysia is struggling to deal with a surgeon. infections the country recorded 11000 new cases on tuesday. it's most in one day and for president manuel, my cause says getting back. sedated against covert will be made mandatory for all health care staff and other workers who come into contact with loanable patients. it's part of the latest measures to contain the pandemic in france, where the delta variance is taking hold. that was that part of the program where we put one of the questions to outside correspondence, derek williams. ball will manufacturers need to modify maxine to fight variance this is really just another way of asking whether stars can be to will mutate so much that modifying vaccines makes sense so. so let's approach this question from that angle. the answer is we still don't know,
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but. busy a critical moment experts say will be large numbers of fully vaccinated. people start contracting a serious enough case of covered 900 anyway, to land in the hospital. that's not happening, at least not yet. even if some variance are infecting more vaccinated people than earlier versions of the virus dead in trials, none of them is viewed as what's called an escape variance. in other words, immunity and people who had the disease or who have been vaccinated appears by enlarged to be holding up pretty well. but if that suddenly changes, then, manufacturers will indeed have to tweak vaccines to help manage the threat and they're already. busy doing so, the good news is that this isn't a new problem. it's one that we've had to come to grips with in the past. for
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example, with flu viruses and flu vaccines have to be updated regularly because flu viruses evolve really pretty quickly. so the background that we already have in redesigning vaccine fast to meet that constantly evolving thread that will come in handy. now, according to the vaccine alliance, garvey, updating messenger r n a vaccines, and viral vector vaccines is still uncharted territory. but it shouldn't prove to steve the challenge. manufacturers are also saying that they can tweak back seems to provide protection against emerging threats within weeks rather than months and, and trials with tweaked vaccines are already going on. but some experts don't think that escape variance will develop so. busy the question of,
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to what extent will actually need modified vaccines? that still up in the air. me, derek williams. there are, for one thanks for watching. stay safe. as you again say, bye bye, the, the every day for us and for our planet. little ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities greener? how can we protect animals and their habitats all our ways? we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over deforestation recycling over disposable
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martin solutions to oversee that in our ways, or is truly unique. and we know that, that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive. my d, the environmental to global 3000 on dw, and online me, me, me can, because you know, isn't us. oh, no, no. to
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me. i the coming up on arts and culture more forgotten. female artists come to light as art institutions in europe, reject art history written for by and about men and innovations from the barrio architect, look to venezuela neighborhoods born out of quick necessity. ah, but 1st, germany's culture minister monica great says the re blossoming of jewish culture in
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germany is the biggest gift the countries seen since the end of world war 2. she was speaking at the reopening of a synagogue in the city of girl. it's the house of worship, survived a nazi attack, but then almost fell apart under east german communism. now, decades of work and millions of years later, it's been reopened as a cultural center, including small space for the city's small jewish community. the synagogue encourage has been restored to its former glory renovation. work began 30 years ago following german reunification was here. it's a very respectful restoration, but they also left a lot of the building scholars intact. and you can really see the buildings history, what it went through and survived tuttle. the synagogue was completed in 1911 despite and also attacked on crystal knox. november 9th, 938. it survived almost and damaged, but it was neglected in the following decades. and the d consecrated synagogue used
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as a storage facility and commenced east germany, the plans to turn it into the navy. and for years after unification, it was unclear what speed done with the you can still structure. now it's been reopened as a cultural center. we're still on the poor the. we imagined it becoming a place of reconciliation as well as education. like school groups go the and hear about the history of jewish life in germany and in girl it's. but it's also meant to be a place for cultural event promised to thought that the jewish community also once again has a home here one area of the synagogue issues for really just worship. more culture news now from around europe that can film festival celebrated the premier of the movie petrovich, flu without the films maker russian director carol sarah brandt, gulf sara brent. a car is barred from leaving russia due to his conviction on embezzlement charges. critics of the travel band say it's an attempt to silence the
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director for his critical stance on the church and on russia government a flash back to ancient room. well, it's not just about the costumes. bosnia is hoping to attract tourists with this 2000 year old roman road, uncovered by a professor in the woods of the con you mountain and north eastern bosnia. the scholar and her team consulted historical records and interviewed locals to find the road which had long been a local legend. now you can visit it. and in italy, one of the world's oldest ballet companies, la scala, is out of the theater, performing all around the line, their latest stuff, a local swimming pool. their goal is to bring ballet to audiences who normally wouldn't fear from davinci to picasso. the most famous artists in history have been men with moody personalities. art historians used to
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say that great art was the result of great genius and genius, of course with male. because if a woman turned out to be a gifted artist, she with the exception. but now more and more art institutions in europe are challenging that history of art written by men. the music to look some book in paris is the venue for an exhibition of 18th century female painters who has been largely forgotten. bold and confident self portraits reveal little of the struggles these artists fought for recognition in an era when women were imprisoned by a strict moral call search me women, artists will not be denied access to an academy education. so they help themselves founding the own women's workshops networks necessary to assert themselves in
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a man's world. this is how they conquered the scene. it is a bit louise de la blow a celebrated portrait painter of european ability, one international claim for her painting of mary antoinette. particularly does a special thing about this exhibition is alluded to in the full name of the show female painters. the birth of a struggle to show looks at history in a new way. these women artists were actually visible during the lifetime and were only forgotten in retrospect. and for that, all history is to blame. the la y'all night, the fat puss tell me how mail is our history darling artist, sybil say, took a look at a popular encyclopedia of office and deleted all the entries on male artists. she
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wanted to make the women visible of the original $5200.00 entries, only $100.00. $69.00, remain 3 percent. the countless blank pages expose the established cannon as a questionable construct, a relic. patriarchy, me, me, no matter how successful the women painters were in the lifetimes. later, history passes them over, work disappeared into the store, rooms of museums, where they slowly decayed for space organization advancing. women artists has taken up the fight and literally fries out by women. from the dust of oblivion, the nonprofit initiative has rediscovered 70 paintings restored them and made them accessible to the public. but in france alone, 2000 paintings by women, artists still lie in storage. it's actually not just about the women artist and
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florence, it's about the women, artists in storage is and in the museums all over the world. and the art lovers beginning to ask, where are the women so that they can reclaim this part of history that's been forgotten. the ball is rolling now as a whole series of projects that engage activists detectives to track down the missing women artists international initiatives. exhibitions, or for example, the film and online project. last women arts, it retails 100 years of european history by spotlighting women, artists who disappeared due to prejudice and double standards. women from various heroes have been systematically marginalized by conservative historians and timid institutions. in terms of genre, painting, styles, and even lifestyles. the demands place the women artists were always rather
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different from those placed on male counterparts. the po box is i observe this with quite a lot of women artists. in the days they had opportunities, had exhibitions sold, paintings, got good reviews. but that when they were written about in retrospect, they suddenly play a very small role to screen. and that shows that the problem is in the history on dust tight, get us the problem and concentrated, leaped. she was a legend in paris during her lifetime. suzanne valid dawn at the age of just 15, she modeled for the great painters, august. grandma and ed degas and later emancipated herself as a painter. ah nudes, have an authentic maternity and directness, a provocative new look at the female body. ah,
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the visionary painting of swedish artist, whom flint has been deliberately sidelined by the scene for decades, despite the fact that she was creating abstract paintings. years before vasily tendon ski. ah dressed an artist of freedom, lois vex was a victim of the nazi regime. pictures boldly depict the other side of the supposedly golden twenty's work to has gone under in history last women art works to put this right. ah, history itself is a very old fashion till it is old as the museum. that's reinvent new things. but there's no need to reinvent arts in many cases, 90 percent of museum collections, life in storage. our history is ready and waiting for
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a new don't. how will we live together? that's the question. and the theme of this year is architecture. be an hour late in venice, italy, every 2 years, architects from around the world come together to share their ideas and dreams this week on arts and culture. we're looking at different displays from the be an hour. today, a project that examines venezuelan barrios, informal neighborhoods that were long seen as separate from the city, but are slowly being recognized as an integral part of the urban fabric. for venice is architecture be in the award winning design practice in long architect tumor. showcasing an unusual part of the venezuelan capital correct. in the 1950 and it will based economic boom triggered widespread internal migration. i mean, i get this group. i know, so i didn't see enough to the 3 the board because of the time, you know,
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make system and acquisition was didn't allow people who contributed to this growth to have their own home. go no michel to here. so no gosh, i've called bottles to them. i know solomon hope and i'm, and i'm just a phenomenal dennis way la, but in all of latin america. and the whole thing is that those types of urban fabric exhibit the heat or vinyl one, which is the plant and one which is improvised and you are not out the constraint. you get an understanding of the spatial structures and life in about an architect to studied law palmera the neighborhood incorrect. ah, i wish you if i prejudiced discrimination or test, we think will die by mercy. the difficulty is that make living together a challenge into it. come on,
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we will hold their own grades. to token lawson architect to, to he is to build a relationship with the barrier residence. the design is documented the locals, traditions and knowledge might their understanding of herbalism. plenty of pleasant surprises for the research of like barriers, lively pavements and stay away from the developed public spaces. not only for their own community, but also as an opportunity to connect with the cities non barrier residents. ah, no language amounting to people who are outside is the city lives like this. and after many generations, there are professionals including doctors and lives professor and it's really time to understand that this is not about 2 cities about once they go to different. last to that go the he will be fred, a studio and architect. tudor in the barrier in
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a new light i that's it for this arts and culture. it's been great having you with us and for more you can always check out our website. that's d w dot com slash culture the next time ah, we don't want to see them there. open your eyes. on the vietnam, the traffic is out of control into noise. and some unlikely heroes beat it every day. $3000.00
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own or not to own. what about a sharing economy? it's a change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. ethan nomics magazines and was made in germany even 90 minutes on d. w. president george w bush invited us summer home. we talked about the past and the special relationship to chancellor uncle. i'm not afraid to make a decision was not afraid to leave the kind person with a lovely song. and that's the person i got to know these clues that interview with george w bush july 14th at 1530. you tc on the w?
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news . this is deputy news live from the in cities across south africa looted and ablaze in the was bond seen there in years. 1000 has been killed as rise as ransack stores and clash with the late soldiers on patrol. in areas where people say they're angry, the former president jacobs numa is now behind also coming up under fire in afghanistan as nato troops, withdrawal, a late afghan forces of fighting and dying. trying to stop the advance of the town about the.


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