tv Made in Germany Deutsche Welle July 14, 2021 2:30am-3:01am CEST
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the but not all member states supported and some persuasion is required. some time who will win the game of diplomatic poker intrigue, power plays and alliances behind the scenes of b. u climate summit starts august 5th on d. w. me. ah, ah, ah. the economics of depression with violence, crackdowns, corruption and restrictions on freedom, authoritarian regimes not only hom people, they also destroy the economies. the highly skilled and well educated often have the means to flee. but where does that leave the rest of us made looks of the economic impact of repressive governments going against the system. my savvy with
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us here are 2 examples barrows and hong kong. in both cases, the state meddling in the running of private businesses has gone wrong. we've seen a whole generation take to the streets. those who can pack their bags and left that brain drain can be costly, and the long term effects can be disastrous. bella ruth has been on kong peaceful protest. movements were crushed by authorities. many highly skilled workers had fled abroad. could that cause those economies to crash? ah, ah, i'm sure name is frank job shadow. i left the room because it's an authoritarian state. me until 10 months ago, the 26 year old program. i was living in ment with his family. but he moved to poland to gain more freedom. he was among the countries 100000 workers of whom
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15000 and have already immigrated. databases borders are currently closed, but experts say further 40000, want to leave the key workers in bella luce are relatively well off earning 5 times the average wage. but for many immigrating is the only way to escape the violence and feel genuinely safe . during the border of the time, the protests began on the day of the election, bought a liberal talent. there were violent, irrational by the police of please e. that's somebody arrested my brother. he badly just couldn't go over to live. they released him a couple of days later, but there was no court case. nothing is more then the police visited my parents in the winter. they took my mother entertained her for 15 days. of in general,
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not that much to be a story that's by no means an exception. they test against president alexander lucas shank began almost a year ago despite the crack down small, sporadic protest still continue. young people make up the majority of the demonstrators. many of them work in the countries relatively new sector soldiers. busy living and working in an all star a tarion state, these people have different values and they've become a vital element of the protests which began on august the 9th last year. the reason why people have been leaving the country is the fear of reprisals by the authorities. if you lots of them put in prison, although others are leaving because they see they could also end up behind bars if
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they stay with me and it's not just people leaving the country. the viber messaging service closed. it's many offices, while a host of other firms, including software company, pen, dock, relocated their bella, roof staff to new branches abroad. last year the internet was shut down here for a total of 9 days. i. the i t sector is an island of progress in an otherwise outdated and centralized economy generates an export revenue of 2 and a half $1000000000.00. it's useful, it's the only thing that's been a major success in the bellows economy in recent years. well, that's a g d p is currently dominated by agriculture industry and services. agriculture and industry remain largely in state hand while the service
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sector is mainly controlled by private companies. in 2019 i t accounted for 6.5 percent of g d p. that was going fast and last year accounted for half the country's economic growth while bella roost faces massive restrictions on political freedom. hong kong is also seeing growing crackdowns on civil rights. last summer, peaceful demonstrations against the new national security law were violently broken up by the police. the it was the turning point for engineer gary and his wife, who's a nurse. we talked to the couple one year ago. back then they were making their final preparations to immigrate they now live in australia up to the passing of the imposing up enough in the security law. i just don't want
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to talk about anything political or argue with anyone about our point of view because i cannot tell where the lie is. so if i accidentally passed a lie, i may be in trouble. fears evidently shared by many hong kong. ers, this is manifest in the steep rise and applications for british national overseas passports, just over the last 2 years. the figures that tell us story in themselves for a lot of people on the island territory, that passport is essentially an insurance policy, a lifeline in k conditions. further deterioration so far. however, hong kong economy does not seem to have suffered from the ongoing tensions. business remained buoyant in the financial hub and outflow people out of
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whose potential threats in the hong kong financial standing in the comic standing. and then most probably bank will be ready to place to people and to allow some mainland chinese especially ill to migrations. so all factors considered gary doesn't see a chance of things improving back home. he has no plans to go back except under extraordinary circumstances till next day. so fears, situation like i cannot stay in australia any more or if my family really need me back in hong kong, then i may consider to go back. but right now, i don't think i have much of reason to go back right now. the frantisha job is more optimistic about his homeland drug
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inspiration from his mural and downtown broad swath that pays tribute to develop russian revolution. mama jaz benjamin and excite them. i hope we will become a democracy and that they'll be an end to the dictatorship. that bella roofs will become a land of opportunities, a country that people want to come to, instead of flee from. but i global investors got all giddy when brazil j here both and otto came to double switzerland for the 1st time to address the financial was the lead a few years back. but they certainly did not get what they hope for from the new far right. president populists are often toxic to economies, despite their bombastic promises of economic boom types. it's the classic mantra of populous politicians. they promise greater wealth for the masses and protection from the greedy elite, but their policies can be toxic for the economy. studies show gross domestic
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product tends to drop considerably under populous governments. put it takes the economic policy, a populous leader is often very erratic in an orthodoxy, because they're not focusing on keeping the economy stable in the long term. it's a long life. instead, they're mainly interested in holding on to power according to economists at the german thinktank institute for the world economy in kiel. they studied populous governments in $27.00 countries, analyzing a total of 70 terms in office. they compared thousands of data sets on economic growth and income distribution and looked at nearly $800.00 scientific studies. the economists found that 5 years after a populous government comes to power per capita g d, p is 5 percentage points lower than in comparative economies. led by non populous governments, and after 15 years it's more than 10 percentage points, lower a staggering results. the reasons are many products and the most protect
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the tre. tariffs, in certain sensitive industry, protect jobs in state control, a certain politically sensitive sectors, like the media, and even that misleading in high level to stay dead on gifts to voters, of course, specially around election time and invited hook, who are the result that is a lot of expenditure that can't be refinanced, but the populace pledge to protect those on low incomes from the powerful elite and the impact of globalization is very appealing. the fact that disabling essential pillars of a classic democracy goes hand in hand with massive economic disadvantages is left unsaid. but there are also some unusual approaches, like in el salvador, where president g book away has pledged to make bitcoin in official currency starting in september. for the afternoon to me, that's typically a popular leader,
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one or 2 unorthodox measure it's very risky and follows the classic pattern is the actual we'll do anything but what the international community wants us to do. it's not much of follow up on that. i think at some point it will become very difficult to keep an overview of payment and track the flow of money within the country that's involved in. so it's a very innovative strategy, what he's but also carries a high risk the economists. and he'll say that once populism has gotten a foothold, it's very difficult to get rid of it again. then i can hear it as we can see that in argentina. christina fernandez, the kitchener was out of office for 15 years, but it's now back in the role of vice president and think that basically back to what they were 15 years ago with no real progress in terms of stability and democracy can for what you need to pay are the most
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important thing to do on the stay. i need to strengthen the judiciary, reinforce free election, bolster, civil society and education, and make sure people are informed that will in turn impact voting behavior which can ensure that popular eventually disappears. most of the now have you ever wondered why some buildings take forever to get built or how some infrastructure projects failed so miserably? it mostly gets put down to mismanagement, but there's often another reason, corruption, massive bribes paid to secure undo advantages. and those in charge of the job just aren't up to it. corruption exists in other sectors too. but how can it be fought me? what are the origins of corruption? it's just old as humanity passed civilizations apiece,
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they caused what was that already? a form of bribery in china in the 11th century, corrupt officials were punished by the sense threats the walls. first, anti corruption agency. it cared less about economic than moral integrity. indeed, corruption means to ruin or destroy, destroy trust value. the entire state some judges, politicians, police officers, doctors, and officials use their power for their personal gain outside law and to the disadvantage of others. here's an example. a building contractor treats an official to a luxury holiday. in return, the official gives the contract of permission to build a house and in nature as once the official has been sweetened, he reveals the bids that competitors have submitted for public him in return for a large bribe. the contract to undercut his
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rivals to get the contract, but does a bad job on the cheap, the building collapses. corruption hinders global economic growth, frightens away investors and prevents progress corrupt companies don't need to innovate to win contracts. the price of services and products rise to cover the cost to fries. according to the i am in the global of damage amounts to $1.00 trillion euros each year. to both ag says, that's the 7 percent payload for every one of us. transparency international publishes an annual corruption perceptions index in 180 countries findings. 2 thirds of all countries are corrupt. the least corruption 2020, with denmark and the zealand 9 was germany rank last with ammonia
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and stuff. the corruption also rises as a result of poverty or wherever it happens. correction homes, the economy, and the roads, morals, whether you're getting bride or taking them breathing, doctors and nurses, or paying them tips for a treatment or a nice a hospital bed at long being part of the system and hungry. the government tried changing that in the middle of the pandemic by substantially raising doctors wages, but it left pay for nurses and no medical stuff untouched. under $830.00 euros a month isn't much. and that's just one problem with the sweeping reforms. critics actually call stupidity. they blame an incompetent populace government that spots an exodus of workers. you like to send you some? hi, my name is christina, july, i'm 53 and i've been working in public health care for 4 years. i'm currently the
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manager of a retirement home in a town outside the past couple months and i was at work trying all day long to hold back. and if he, if he for, he is a full month's and 6 days for the wrong date. so my employee card that i guess i sell to was banks pass on deck. and as it says, i've been working in public health care since 1983 and didn't intensive care since 1992. that at the board of william octopus on the i thought i can say is, this has to be the biggest slap in the face we've had since the fall of communism. as up to march, christina c lion was working in and d, and ga, porsha bashed in an intensive care. then at the peak of the pandemic, 3rd wave and hungary, medical workers had their public employees status removed. the government said the new law was to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the chronically
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underfunded health care system. but the reforms mean it is now easier to fire nurses and health care assistance and they can be relocated anywhere in the country for up to 2 years. what the legislation did not include was a pay raise the country's health care workers. things didn't agonizing choice to accept the new conditions or quit. and if they talk to the media, they risk losing their job. the to staff we met spoke to us only on the condition that we would not show where they work. they just couldn't believe that the government would dare to impose this law on us at such a point in time. nobody had imagined that method on my own are also leaving their procedures for the 1st negative thing i noticed was the lack of discussion before the law. would you give us that the go, my shoving the contract in front of someone without consulting on the forehead? isn't fair and my eyes on
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a phone call from another problematic thing was the very vague wording of the law with respect to shift, barnett says, and over time, as well as transcodes and re cation. we really didn't know what to expect to keep it that we need to. while the government has doubled, the wages of doctors and nurses and other medical staff have largely been looked prompting at least 3000 to quit and march andriana short wish head of the independent union for health care workers. fears that more staff could turn their backs on the hungarian health care system that create that i'm not clean negative forms representing the insurance stuff in the house for them have essentially disappeared to collect your wage agreements have been abolished from the traditional way of protesting by refusing to continue in placing was also banned during the maintenance or not until last are employees. it's very difficult to show
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that they have to pay to asian and don't just want to carry on as before and remaining and really don't want to carry on cardiac a go back to 90. christina c line was among those who could not accept the new conditions. after refusing to sign the new contract, she lost her job, but that couldn't damp and her urge to help others. on the go to him all the time i left them public health sector. i was in really bad shape physically and mentally. so i think that question was a good decision. was that that kid who shot that was a couple of months go and happen since i wanted to have my old job back home bought shoes as an independent contractor was me. this wasn't allowed. however, the idea of doing nothing with this pandemic still going on. what's happening, i couldn't reconcile with my conscience as well as the way sion has been really bad
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since then. so now i work because the volunteer and causing him to pass the 1st row about or did the sign to sign the new contract. although he too is critical of the conditions i have, i love my job set up and i tried to do it to the best of my abilities. i had to see this and there's no way i can let down the people i've been working with for. so long as i've seen through so much with who was little, but generally imagined what would have happened to all of us care what it stood up unless it's megan. and i thought about all the people whose lives we saved from the workers and just a day, a man came in and said, thank you. you're wonderful. that's all i need to hear. got up as i get. well, it's not just people living under authoritarian style. governments,
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they can find it difficult to get a hearing and have their needs met. democracies aim to balance competing interests, but often end up listening to the business interests with the most money, all clout. we met a german entrepreneur who's for sustainable energy, but not necessarily in his own backyard. goes the last good wind turbines over there, any in look out my office window. i can 21 of those awful thing on the island and it irritates me disturbed me. most inherent connect his company as a global market leader in tunnel boring machines. he doesn't shy away from politics . he's calling for no more wind turbines to be installed in his native southern germany. anywhere else is fine, but not in his backyard. because i'm not here, home is in the black forest. what do you dislike about wind from on the aga, then 2000 when they want to install a 1000 and wind turbines here and about,
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and that will cost 500 hector the forest. it's so i'm wondering, do we value nature at all? or we can cut down the black for a while. flows up the turbines are located high up in the mountains of the black forest, because the wind is stronger than in the valleys. every wind from needs access, roads and a wide open space around 4000 square meters of clear ground in all it has only come ours need our acts and i come from la city, which has a lot of wind toms in surely it's not fair with southern germans, like you say, they don't want any wind turbines in the area and they've been dock the fuel. i am in favor of them being installed, where the wind actually blowing also it's in northern germany and the code in those in the baltic sea or the north sea that we should install them in the few months. i also support building
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a power line that runs from north to south to transfer the excess electricity generated in the north sea and the baltic sea to southern germany. in july, the southern germany is indeed a lot windy and the south of the country soon think is an underground cable project that in the future will transfer or access electricity to industrial centers in southern germany. when does it happens? her connect drilling technology is being used to build the underground power line. his company also supplies the machinery required to drill the foundations for wind farms. benzine, somebody put 10 terrified unit and a lot of money from siblings since your machines are being used to build it. and this is a little bit contradictory that on the one hand, you're profiting from wind energy on while at the same time criticizing, it even gets crazy and created here. i'm not criticizing the project itself. i'm in favor of this underground cable that runs from north to south to been mia. it's
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just that if something bothers me including political issues, me then i speak out all is needed. and if that's not popular, that protocol, i want to fire people to thing, not thinking on later. so that electricity from the north won't be sufficient without additional wind farms in the south. so what's the alternative? gale? tell me, geothermal power like immunity, the sound of the moon can be without making a huge fuss about it. the city of unit gets producing 25 to 30 percent of its electricity and heating and with geothermal power, home down the soil. so we need to harness geothermal power to me. to me is the type of energy that works 24 hours a day. now, the power from wind turbines and solar energy on the other hand, is unreliable. take me can also be so we can cover spikes in demand, but when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow in, then we can't generate any power kind school math. so he can. so in his view,
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geothermal energy, which comes from heat under the surface, could be a permanent solution. pipes very deep in the ground, alongside the ryan river and running several 100 kilometers between southern and central germany would supply hot water to power steam turbines. he had to heron canadian company has the necessary drilling equipment, but it doesn't work everywhere in germany and from the may mid. this is no, not everywhere. global. i got the upper ryan riff seems predestined for the sea. and we certainly do with air producing heating and electricity all the way from basel, almost to my house home and get up for them each room to mia. that's what i wanted to see is finally developing a concept for the next decade with or where our electricity will come from the home had come on. we're missing and we need to finally develop
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the the the the great power. just a handful of chemical to dominate the industry, manipulating plants and the markets. however, they please. because of them from comes to thousands of years old or almost 16, but farmers and consumers, you know, whether he's 15 minutes on d w. we don't want to see them there. they're open your
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i will interest the global economy, our portfolio w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. analyze the site for market dominance with c w business beyond on youtube, president george w bush invited us summer home. we talked about the past as a special relationship to chancellor under the medical. and i was not afraid to make a decision was not afraid to leave a kind person with a lovely song. and that's a person i got to know the exclusive interview with george w bush today at 1530 on the w.
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i the who's ah, this is d w new lives from berlin, cities across south africa, looted and ablaze in the worth bond, same there in years. thousands have been killed as rise is ransacked, tools and clash with police soldiers around petroleum areas where people say the angry. the former president, jacob zooming is now behind bars, also coming up on the fight in afghanistan as nato troops withdraw late africa forces the fighting and dying trying to solve the advance of the taliban. the top should the corona virus.
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