tv Ein Sommer auf Hiddensee Deutsche Welle July 14, 2021 6:30am-7:01am CEST
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long share fly has a problem for the days long shelf life in the, in the for, for a long time we saw that the was influence to reduce the taste of the tomato. and now we are going back and try to increase that this again of the tomato jeroen. she ross was to prove to us that durable tomatoes can also be delicious. taste ok. like we said, not all the time. i don't need to have the days because if you read all the voice and assault you don't need me. i tell you, i know what to make to make this is ok. ok. there is the worse amount in full was the ones, this is ok. what we're looking more and more is it to have a good color and good firmness and good taste and the nutrients
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intimate or steal. it's a small player in the market for cooking and it is hybrid breeding. the main reason for the loss of nutrients and tomatoes, and then come back to me. southern france says one of the last traditional see produces and from flips. luc pool does not produce hybrid tomorrow has. he creates what he calls old varieties. this is how we obtain the seats, the seed stay on the bottom, and the skin floats to the top floor. deal to everyone used to know this technique of producing seeds for themselves. after psychological farmers knew that the next harvest depended on the seeds last and they were very careful when producing them
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for that one company with a few a tomatoes yourself. but the seats were always the most important thing. most him up today know, farmer produces them anymore. the big companies do that from pl. dying tradition. yes, almost on orthodontia. the in this greenhouse, luke cultivates only the old farm varieties 100 percent. nature effectiveness sample about it seems a bit wild and chaotic because i only have a small area of land to work for it to make the most of the space from i squeeze the tomatoes in close together only working with soil and without chemical simple
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you known i don't use any 3rd party products at all in this greenhouse. i grow about 20 different varieties of tomatoes that what do they all have in common? so they know hybrid, you know, cross pollination but cosmo, i thought, but do these old varieties contain more nutrients for modern hybrids. we decide to analyze them. both these looks tomatoes and here is a similar looking hybrid from the supermarket. we sent both off on the same day to state laboratory to evaluate the ingredients was 3 weeks later the results are available in the case of the hybrid tomato,
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all 5 values they compared a much lower the hybrid contains 63 percent less calcium. 29 percent less magnesium and 72 percent less, letterman, c. the hybrid contains less than half of the anti oxidant, like athene, and less than half the health promoting secondary plant compounds of poly females. then the pharmacy to martin is consistent with the idea that there is a relationship between taste and nutrient content. this is published by professor clay at the university of florida. and he made the observation in his paper that many of the flavor components of tomatoes are derived from human nutrients. when you eat a tomato that has good flavor, that means that it probably also had good amounts of the nutrients that were used
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to make that flavor. it's a consequence of nation. it's consistent with all of the other evidence breeders select for you is, but they're also looking for other economic traits and in the process of making that change. they also cause to change in the chemistry of the tomato, lima, the parent company of his era is a global player in the seat business. paris, the journalist, a lease leasing needs, the vice president for lima, called international affairs, who are part of the management of a globally operating producer. have you ever analyzed the nutrient content of your tomatoes? don't vote on that. so it depends on the growing conditions, not on the variety of value t s. so this problem is not a concern of yours or 70. i didn't say that like the nutritional quality of our
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product was a very important issue for us. the value didn't come to the ice on the 5 in israel we met professor read the you know, him, we say it's like i said, you know, he invented a tomato that last 3 weeks and you've been well, yes, you knew that he explained to us that the longevity gene blocks the ripening process of the proved effects, the development of the nutrients develop monday new female high stand by watch i told you post, i think the tomato growers have the greatest influence on the nasa of the tomato and the responsibility of dealing with this is dan, as they have the most significant impact baskets. if you want to back the f one, hybrid have another huge advantage. we'll see it supply as their seeds can only be used. one, me, if you can see from the freezer hybrid to the next 2 genes becomes
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a game of chance. the next ration may produce tiny small or rapidly rustling fruit . this is why farmers have to buy new tomato seats every year in the profitable market for producers like his era in israel. and the small seats are incredibly expensive. how much is one kilowatt seats? so this kind of to me to just kind of made today can reach the 400000 euro. what for kilogram seats? what? 400000 euro or more? yes, you can buy a house with this. i've heard that the to me to do more capital gain of all of the yes, the margin or our margins. we can get incremental. why? because it's expensive, expensive seats and there is also demands. so way to. yeah,
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it's a good business for us if it's not, we don't hear full 100000 euros for one kilo of these kilo cherry to melissa seeds . normal tomatoes cost around $60000.00 euros per kilo. more even than gold. and when you produce the, like we told you to gain 22 different countries, something all over the world. and we've kind of country like a row in thailand, liking and chilling with spain in india in many places. ready seats that are more valuable than go. ready produced in no age countries when nevo causes little. ah, the next call is india. this version is the reason for the long june. so you'll see an investigation by the dutch human rights organization. a reason they claim that
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16 percent of the work is in the seed business are children under 14 years of age. ah, for example, in the indian state of canada dot com. the remote villages are among the poorest in the country. the climate in south india is perfect for growing vegetables every year. 160000 kilos of tomato seats are exported from here. the full global play is in the seed. markets have a presence in india. b a says do poll. bio monsanto, syngenta and lima. robbie ranch works on behalf of reason in this region and fights against the exploitation of child labor. i took
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the day before yesterday around 12000000 children in india work under the list condition since 2016. it has been forbidden for children under 14 to work now and then we observe from a distance and count the worker. no, i didn't see how big or small they are. randy says that the seeds of hybrid tomatoes are mostly collected by children. many children were working after, but now the harvest was over, the fields are almost empty. but in the greenhouse, we can see human city with this company works for the multinational corporation,
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syngenta faced in switzerland about 10 women and girls of pruning tomato plants. when the smallest of the girls sees us, another worker signals that she should squat down how long we went up to the 5th grade news. how now you don't go to school anymore? no. how old are you? she's 17 and you find me 18. why don't you go to school? there are, and i'm here only the primary school. how long have you been working there? for 3 years, she started before me. it
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was in the market, i mean, and since when do you work? since she left school at 11, this school is supposed to be 17. we all find it hard to believe. the syngenta purchase, is it seeds from around $25000.00? mostly small hold firm is throughout india, wheels. this was multinational how it feels about child labor. the answers sounds good, but it's not specific syngenta compliant with all labor laws. the syngenta fair labor program promotes these and working conditions under poses child labor children of cheap labor. but there is another reason why they are so often used in the production of the author of the report. soiled seeds knows too well.
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mm. ah, javin louis, ben cap. this is an independent research and has been researching child labor in the hybrid seat production for 15 years. the hybridization activity is the very delicate request. a lot of the children are preferred because they can do to reduce it really fast. and then and also there will be and we can see 2 children can do the work off for 3 or that is the kind of calculation farm house and v. d and, and firms that farmers depend on child labor because they are poorly paid by the corporations, the department of struggling it will lead to have
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a good profit margin the with the how to have the labor and be good at mandation to the workers. the margin will be very nominal or sometimes they would be a new margin for different but not any children are exploited on what is evidence incoming tucker, only women work in the seed producing tomato feels the farmer tillman explains this to us on his from go that doesn't go down so for who h include. we have 3. darius e s h m close is a subsidiary of lima because the french c producer has hundreds of farms and the
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contract in the region. she pollinating the plans right now bent 8 hours a day. the women pluck pollen from the flowers with tweezers beneath the scorching sun. but why are there no men working under the remodel? on the credit a minimum or expensive? we only hire them for cutting and to carry loads. they called $300.00 rupees per day. women work for $200.00 the daily ways of less than 2 years. 50 is illegal, even in india's income at the minimum wage and agriculture is $350.00 rupees. around 4 years a day, these women only received 60 percent of the legal minimum wage. jackie,
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why do you work here? what's going on? because there is no other work right now. normally we work in the rice fields and harvest, right? but at the moment there is nothing except pollination. is this work difficult? and yes, my eyes are so or because we are so concentrated and i have a bad back out here then it's hard work. but we also have to earn a living. that one gives you, we get $102.00 euros kilo of tomato see if we on $26.00 heroes more, we could pay the women what they're asking, phil, and still have a profit. now, whatever the thumb is breaking the law because they don't get an additional $26.00 euros per kilos. lemma sells the seed in europe for an average of $60000.00 euros. all the companies aware of this illegal
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practice. we visit an indian location belonging to h m. close with a hidden camera. at 1st, it doesn't look good to gun money you're looking for. is that what is the offer for us? first, we make a documentary about the in the country, particularly offense, all walking on as we come from france, like the parent company, the ma grove, it seems to open doors. we're not to to manage it. like, oh, good man. the man phones his head office. okay. we got ready to lose
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it, but the team is surprised with a sudden offer of famous indian hospitality. our lunch was a v. okay. little we're in. this is where the c drive before they are exposed to me during the interview, the manager admit, he knows that his contract farmers are paying their workers below the legal minimum wage. voices a salary for one worker to hi,
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looking for some service. okay, that has no less than 2 years 50. the manager goes on to reveal that the company doesn't even pay its own people the minimum wage. how much are they? are in the gym clothes from the gooey, maybe just over 3 years. no one has a now to know how much the seats are worth in europe. what's the name of it to most of it? number, not, no me in life. need be back in paris. does the mark all know about these practices? i still going to say, are you familiar with this record soil seeds?
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i have it here. yes, i don't think it was written in 2015 and examined the problems of child labor and the exploitation of women. and here on page 6, it says the proportion of children under 14 years of age is between 10.5 and 16.3 percent of all field workers are working for lima. home upon your shoes. because 1st of all, i can assure you clearly and unequivocally, there is no child labor at the lima grand sites to sit during my god. what about the subcontracted farmers who work for you in india? can you assure us that there is no child labor there either sympathy to c d. so we've reduced this from 10 or 15 percent to less than one percent. all measures are being taken to achieve the pre, what's measures kirkpatrick contractual measures to ban child labor cars i do for we continue to educate, inform, raise awareness, and if necessary,
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impose sanctions to prevent child labor, lima grant, as much as possible. thank if you're supposed to hide this on fall negative too much as possible. hi, this child labor is a very serious issue. we have a 0 tolerance level to the high cost of the home. let me see when can we enter the 100 percent? certain in a country like india and probably not of every month, but our determination is unwavering. madonna, it was only some companies that work for you. we have many women who are paid below the minimum wage again, $200.00 rupees per day. instead of 330, what do you say to that? come up there. so i don't agree with this assertion. it's would that quality to come up? there was something else. you claim that the indian lima guy employee receives a legal minimum wage of $330.00 rupees per day. in reality,
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lima paid the workers $300.00 a month manager had actually confirmed this. lisa le, wherever we operate, lima grant employees are paid according to the legal minimum wage. ohio i take issue with your allegation is sort of summer, so it is almost impossible to avoid hybrid plans. i in 202060 percent of the world's commercial c. owned by full chemical giant bio monsanto del do po syngenta and via diversity is not an issue for these corporations. in 2009,
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an exit wound the world about this development alleviate issue test to until 2014 was the us official ref. what's her on the right to use the 75 percent off by a diversity has been as a result of the pressure, it was good option. you really for improved, right? we visit tissue to in brussels. me this, it works in an international team of experts for sustainable food systems. his message, the wolf suffers less from hunger than from malnutrition. if it moves, the figure is alarming. don't we have already lost 75 percent and plan for writing . i luke's bio diversity is not just a luxury for bought. nest. booklet also helps to secure global food supplies. the
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cheap death. we don't know what the future and climate change will bring to you, which are harmful insects and diseases willing bessler plants. one of those, when we need the natural reserves of a diverse plant world, where to cope with unforeseeable threat on the want, your marquee should be the clump business goes hand in hand with a pesticide business. 3 of the 4 world lead is producing seeds also produce pesticides, bio monsanto. del depole and syngenta on the farmers are always offered a complete package deal. they're told that they will only get a good harvest with this pesticide or at that fertilizer of exhibition. for example, some seats are develop that are resistant to certain act of substances. he was at home, some seeds like the trojan horse for acro chemicals, more than $4000000.00 tons of pesticides of sprayed on the every year.
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at some point we will all eat the same thing from dakar to miami, from paris to bangkok is that tomorrow's world funded for thousands of years. we had a large quantity and variety of c d value and the seeds in, moved year after year with the hard business by farmers that were using methods a goal. danielle plenty that would now be considered today as being traditional and she will deduct you to know him all fragile specialist companies have begun to perform this process of selection and reproduction, which in turn has put seeds on the market that can produce large quantities of genetically modified agricultural produce equal genetic more. you don't take that if your distribution of commercial seals in which all rights are owned by a handful of major trans national companies, where you means that agriculture will no longer be sustainable from many small farmers in developing countries. therefore, to something we're going to see a gradual world wide destruction of small scale far as soon the regular to appease
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. analicia will get the increasingly, consumers and foam is protesting. they demand free feeds natural seeds that are not owned by the not agro chemical corporations. in the sense of fruit resistance movement is gaining popularity via sophia. still cookie lee is situated in a remote unknown case, the nonprofit organization, the aim is to protect traditional clones and forgotten vegetable varieties. the seat collection includes over $2400.00 vegetable varieties from bays. cucumber to orange swiss charge us for quite a range of colors is amazing to to the standardization of agriculture species,
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the full and down and genetic funnels. most people, for example, think sweet chance a green and white and rolling economy sit down, but there's an incredible diversity of swiss chance all of the colors of the rainbow that we don't c, normally to do. the cookie lee has also started a seats without frontiers initiative. me. this is where we ship the parcel for the solitary c campaign. a seeds without front is once. every year we spend hundreds of packages worldwide. this is feedback from some of the projects we supported from where virtually everywhere india, central and south america, asia, the countries where the population is dominated by the agro chemical and food industry multinational. and as a result, they sometimes quickly lose all their natural varieties. sometimes in just one or 2
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growing seasons by saving the own arrive. and by rubbing traditional plans, the farmers and consumers have details to choose an alternative to standardized fruits and vegetables and can choose food that is good for us. as well as l t. i to you or not to well what about a sharing economy change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new
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economics magazine and really in germany. in 30 minutes on d. w. ah, ah, george w bush invited us to summer. we talked about the past as a special relationship to chancellor ongoing medical, i know is not afraid to make a decision, was not afraid to leave a kind person with a lovely song. and that's a person i got to know the exclusive interview with george w bush. today at 1530 on d. w. in december 2019 the european council's new president show me shows important on a ground breaking mission. i have
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a clear tools to make sure the 1st time a gentleman on the planet by 2050 but not all member states supported and some persuasion is required quite some time. who will win the diplomatic poker? injury to our place and alliances behind the scenes of the climate summit starts august 5th on d, w. ah ah, this is data abilene use and these are our top stories. south africa military has stepped up deployment, says the government tries to kind of protest and looting. at least 45 people have been killed in the unrest. it began last week after former president jacob's duma began serving a 15 month sentence to contempt. he's appealing the ruling at the high court
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