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tv   Pufpaffs Happy Hour  Deutsche Welle  July 15, 2021 5:30pm-6:15pm CEST

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advocates to be very, very careful of spreading the virus. that's also something we experience here. we got to test it again before she comes. she's, she's really, really careful. when it comes to cupboard 19. now we're reading. we're also showing in a small screen or right next to you live pictures. we're waiting for that ceremony to get underway at the johns hopkins university, where the chancellor will receive an honorary doctorate. this is for arlington, intents and purposes. and for the purposes of this conversation, probably her final trip to washington. she'll be meeting with president joe biden, shortly. do they know each other? well, how would you characterize their relationship? yeah, sure. i mean, they have met a couple of times, obviously when joe biden was the vice president obama, they were very warm relationship, joe biden, and his administration con stress. the fact enough that germany is one of the biggest, biggest alliance. but we also layla mustn't forget by the end of the day,
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joe biden, as all the other presidents before him, will take their own country 1st. he doesn't, don't some say america 1st, but he also, like really tries to bring business back to the united states. and has a very, very different approach to do business with china, for example, than america because he and many americans do so these china is a huge, huge competitor. so it shall be interesting to listen to the press conference. what we obviously also follow here on the w news and get a little bit of a feeling how this meeting really went. but overall, it will be again, a celebration of the u. s. german relationship. a will be a celebration of the western revelations we just saw in the live pictures, the camera zooming in the door, but nobody is coming out yet. want to bring in a will at the, at this point in the conversation,
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isn't president by very much putting america 1st, you know, maybe not using that type of terminology. but for all the purposes, america for is the cancer has suggested. now also that europe should put itself 1st, can you speak to that a little bit more? sure. and this is rarely pointed out. it's the, the duty and responsible if any leader of a country to put their country 1st and put their country's interest at 1st. and many of of the policies that donald trump put into place where there was tariffs especially that specifically the, the tariff that is handling both to europe and to china are still in place. and that joe biden has a way carried that over saying look to, to our european allies, you need to put up or shut up and give us a reason for us to continue investing in you both in security and per and personnel at to give voters the united states a reason to continue engaging in the world a reason to keep reaching out to europe in germany. specifically
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a reason to keep this transatlantic relationship going. 30 years after the cold war ended the bus ending, the immediate reason that this whole relationship exists in the 1st place. and joe biden is saying, well, you need to give us reasons. otherwise, my own political future might be in danger. domestically here in the united states, and that is how foreign policy and domestic policy really come together, or at least joe biden is trying to bring them together. but of course, with a very different tone, very different rhetoric than what we heard during the trump years. joe biden, of course deeply values the relationship with europe. you can see that the people he's picked for the state department, not so many ambassadors yet across the european union are really all around the world. but very much a new tone of how we can find not a transactional relationship, but a way that both sides can when i want to go back to n. s a, standing by right outside to the white house on, along their penis. almost 16 years, of course, at the home of germany,
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chance on glimmering met. i understand it for you as president, which present in your opinion was she closest to would be easier to answer whom she was the furthest away from say so that obviously was donald trump. we all maybe recall this moment when she was expecting him to shake her hand in the oval office and read. she refused it. and as a typical miracle face, she gave the little murky laugh and like, doing bad with her shoulders. she was very, very close. close with george w bush. that was her 1st president. why is that? as we know, america grew up in eastern germany and president reagan and president h bush, who was the father of president george w bush, really helped bringing down the wall held reunify,
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germany and america herself said once in an interview, if it wouldn't be of george h bush, i wouldn't be where i am. and this really close feeling through the bush family was transported into her relationship to her 1st president to george w bush. i had the chance to talk with him a couple of days ago, and he also trust. so i think that is fair to say with obama i, they shared really like an intellectual closeness of the beginning was a little difficult. we might recall that he wanted to come pain in front of the brand broke gave and she refused him to get that beautiful spot because she said, only the presidents are allowed to speak there. and joe biden, she knows him for a long time, and i'm sure it will mean a lot that he is her last right president. and i just want to let you know that the chancellor has just gone on the podium and think everybody's taking
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a seat and getting ready for the sarah morning to start. let's take a listen. all walk. all of washington welcomes the chancellor here this morning, including washington's warm weather. i am lu forster chair of the johns university board of trustees and i want to extend a warm welcome to everyone here this morning to my colleagues of the board to university leadership, to our students and especially to ambassador harbor and most especially to the delegation from germany and our guest of honor, chancellor angle america. today's and i was suspicious day and i am truly delighted to be with all of you here at the paul h. it's the school of advanced international studies to present chancellor medical
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with our university is highest recognition. an honorary doctorate of humane letters . the purpose of an honorary degree is to recognise and celebrate extraordinary human achievement in a manner that aligns with the values. commitments and aspirations of the johns hopkins university. chancellor merkle joins and luxury, a group of political leaders of germany becoming the 4th since 1976, to receive this honor. and we will hear more detail in a minute. there are strong and enduring bridges between our university and germany . madam chancellor, truly, we are privileged to bestow this degree upon you today. thank you again for being here. and now let me turn the podium over to my excellent colleague. dear friend,
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the 14th president of the johns hopkins university, ronald j daniels. thank you lou. good morning, all. let me echo louis. welcome. 12, especially to our distinguished honoree, transferred merkel. back in march 2020. in the earliest days of the cope at 1900 pandemic the world was gripped by uncertainty. precious little was no one about the virus or the toll that it would take on our societies. a toll that now has tragically realized more than 4000000 lives. some leaders, however quickly grasped the gravity of the lumen emergency and the stakes that held not only for individuals in communities around the world. but for the future of democracy itself. you, chancellor merkel were among them. a march 18th, you addressed the german people with your trademark frankness and integrity. who
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know doped by your years. as a research scientist we have to embrace the university to say what was no one about the virus. what was still a no one and 2 acknowledges the sacrifice. the sacrifices this moment would require forth from each of us for the good of all your decision to make that address was animated by a core set of principles. as you said then, and here i quote from the most translation, this is part of what open democracy is about. that we make political decisions, transparent, and explain them that we justify and communicate our actions as best as we can. and democracy is do this. you insisted to save and improve lives because in your words, no one is expendable. everyone counts for me, this statement reflects so concisely and movingly the animating principles of chancellor, miracles, leadership and of liberal democracy. more generally,
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accountability and transparency, clarity of expression and, and trends. and, and transparency story, clarity of expression and purpose, and a profound care for both individual and collective life. for more than 15 years, angland merkel has embodied these values as she has guided her country and has been a beacon for europe, and indeed the entire world through multiple global crises with her singular combination of pragmatism and idealism. advancing crucial reforms to compromise and collaboration without ever losing sight of the core values. she has been a vocal defender of human rights for all people, even in the midst of growing nationalism and isolation. she has worked across national boundaries to support and boy, other countries in times of distress where they're helping europe navigate the great procession of 2008 or addressing the human suffering of refugees in 2015.
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and she has been a leader who, through her policy making prowess and her presence is a vast gender equity around the globe race in east germany under the shadow under the dark and harrowing shadow of the staff see angular merkel witness 1st hand the methods by which closed authorities, societies stifle inquiry, inhibit flourishing and treat citizens as expendable or political career has been a stirring, and indeed a potent rebuke to such modes of governance. no small part to her many contributions. and to her steady hand, she has helped to ensure that germany and so many other european nations have remained open dynamics societies that place a premium on freedom of speech. and thought that welcome descent and hetero doxey that encouraged the free flow of information ideas. and to support the view that nobody is expendable, and that everyone counts in truth,
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i would like to think that the same principles have guided our own institution since its founding. it is a central part chancellor of our origin story that johns hopkins university took its inspiration from the german university model. born of a shared commitment to free inquiry open debate, and the pursuit of truth through rigorous research and adopted it to american soil . while we are proud to call ourselves america's 1st research university, we have not forgotten that our nickname used to be coaching in baltimore. so madam chancellor, we hope you will see your new association with johns hopkins as a homecoming of sorts and know that we recognize you for having so fully embodied. often under the most strenuous, the most challenging of conditions, the highest ideals of our university and the open democratic society. it has so
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long to serve. on behalf then of the entire university, i want to welcome you officially tour academic community. and of course, i am thrilled that you have embrace that membership wholeheartedly offering to speak today to our students who are the future leaders and guardians, the world you have done so much and in such a remarkable way to shape. now for the degree presentation, i'll turn things over to our interim dean of the johns hopkins paul h and it's a school of advanced international studies called her being called the tensile miracle you stand before us is one of the most powerful leaders, but also is a woman of science dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and truth in all human endeavors. your political career began with the fall of the berlin wall
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in the re certification of germany. and for the last 3 decades, you have been a steadfast force in bringing young people together. whether by holding europe together in times of strain or by addressing climate change, or the fair and the fate of our planet or championing international solutions to the world's most difficult problems. from humble origins, you have risen to become one of the most important and global leaders of our age. displaying all the while uncommon strength, conviction, and humanity. angle a miracle for finding your power and sharing your vision as a world leader. the johns hopkins university is proud to
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confer upon you the degree of doctor of humane letters on norris cosa the
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the well being told her you may be in term, but you just accomplish what may have been one of the more challenging task that you will confront. during your team. thank you so much. madame chancellor. this is the official part by virtue of the authority vested in me by the board of trustees of the johns hopkins university. i confer upon you the degree doctor, if you mean letters together with all the honors rights and privileges pertaining there too. and i'm now going to present you with a diploma indicating that this honor has been confirmed and you have received the sign of the degree from being called there. so i think we're all of shelter with this final act. somebody present this to you.
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and if i could invite you to the podium. thank you so much. guys in the president run the new prison. the board of the board of trustees for was to new coma in a coma in team can college president core professor cohen, dom and ladies and gentlemen, heflin and doug, i thank you very, very much for inviting me today. real pleasure to be here, of course. and i feel very honored by one welcome which you receive as well as the honor that you conferred on me for you. it means
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a great deal to me. the end of this man letters the honorary doctorate shows the friendship between countries, particular ties between myself and the rest as well. it is unique occasion in a unique time when for last year you had a number of lectures, an event that you could only hold digitally. so i might not, and most of my appointments as well had to be held in a virtual digital manner, which is why i'm over that. and once again, we can meet in person and see each other face to face on mind. if i think back to my last visit to the united states in may, 2019. come on, come fuck. it's hard to imagine what has happened since this time. the other 2 years ago. very few people and the thought of a virus. when they heard the word corona, but 18 months, now we have seen how the world has been in the grip of this virus and how it is
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changed world as well. and if the pandemic has taught us one thing, it has taught us how little is tied to certain, even those things we take for granted us. and it teaches that everything we do in everything we think we must prepare for the unexpected end up. we have learned in the panoramic and of continuing to learn as well as in this vaccination programs are starting to show the 1st effect that we must remain alerts because the virus is still here. but we are combating a rising number of cases across the world. thousands of people are dying every day of covered 19 and we've had more than 4000000 dead already on the planet. so these are just numbers, but behind every number mentioned, you are the faith of an individual. people who have families and friends you for
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them to grieve them, families and friends who will never feel the same as they did before the time to make. i know that we are all just longing for this dreadful panoramic to and because it requires so much of us and it grinds us down more money. and of course we want to get back to normality audience. but we cannot talk even the pressure now because the figures that we are seeing and talk are as worrying as they were on the very 1st day of the pan demik. we need to keep up the pressure and also we must continue to analyze these dates and facts and draw the conclusion that they tell us all of these facts and figures. ones like the johns hopkins university has delivered, there's almost no other name that is so associated with collecting and pro, testing the facts and figures. if the 19 pandemic as that of the johns hopkins
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university in baltimore usa since january 2020, the corona virus research center has provided researchers and politicians with the need data that gives them a tool to track the development of the time demick. this is crucial because it has contributed to helping us respond to the pandemic and to ensure that we strengthen international cooperation as well. because without joining forces, we would never be able to cope with time to make this kind and for this excellent work that you have done, i want to thank you when i profited myself from the facts and figures generated by johns hopkins university for one. but it's hardly surprising that it is particularly the johns hopkins university that has helped the world with this
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service because this university very tell us, it will liberate you. is it logan and has always aspired to truth and he's, and then i got a president, and it's the 1st president and daniel germany in 18, almost $276.00, your founding year devoted to the university. i'm the researcher to independent thought. looks. and so try to encourage them to share the findings of their research as well as raging them to think independently. if i may speak on a personal note, it was not the environment that i experienced in the young before the fall of the berlin wall in germany. physics in the was them and remains one subject where darwin quanto, the laws of physics are determined by nature not by somebody they apparatus and
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even the german regime couldn't change anything on that. but it took all those years until the fall of the berlin wall. the things to really change the aspirations of the people in east germany who couldn't have freedom were stronger than the barbed wire in the berlin wall. the revolution robinson was down on the 9th of november 1989, and this was the beginning of the end of the germany rain no less than a year later on the 3rd of october, 1990 germany was once again unify as peacefully. and i will never forget the huge contribution played by the united states of america. at this time. these changes, and i personally must say, i will always be grateful to us for the inc. germany and the u. s. have very close ties. and she's close ties. can be seen in the university landscape as well. the
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core of the german university system is bringing together teaching and researching and in the u. s. this is a duality that is particularly strong at the johns hopkins university, which has invested in research and development company almost more than any other. and it's hardly surprising. it's all your money go, your former resident steven miller referred to this within like fi fi. and when he visited west berlin as it was in the middle and said that there was seen as the father of the modern german university. miller said at the time the money i've been taught that you would also have to be seen as a grandfather of america. because universities are that it's not because what he had written were so influential in america because his kind of one that had spread across the lambs again. because so many american scholars who had
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studied in germany took these ideas that come with them. and also the most high between teaching and researching is something that would and if i start makes it typical. let's see if it's fits or the one university or the one faculty to be american institute for contemporary german studies is part of your university. and this institute is ensuring that there is an understanding of potential solutions for the big challenges facing us in our age on both sides of the atlantic and based on our common values pursuing our common interest of thought up. and this requires a comprehensive dialogue actually across academic communities. and beyond this in the political sphere as well, both bilaterally and within the framework. the u. s. a
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dialog on the occasion president biden's trip, for example, in june of this year. it is, was significant that the last u. u. s. a summit talk came up with some specific ways of come back in because 19 pandemic and fleshed out to miss beers to dialogue by having a trade in our policy council. as well as other bodies in order to strengthen transatlantic relations, i did not know of closing ranks was also sent out from the latest nature in brussels. joining forces in a commitment to the form, again, the knots by mutual alliance agreement which shows alliance the way forward and partnership dialogue and working together on the basis
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of partnership assistance. when it comes to multilateral commitment for you ideas together and to involve new and old. so in this a, this is particularly true in i work in the united nation because we're working together con basis of an order of law charters that are universally valid. but ones which we have to say are getting harder and harder to implement because of the blockades that we are seeing again and again stopping you and doing what it should do. so we have to ensure that the, when has a great to cap past due to actual because it has the greatest opportunity to come up with global responses to global challenges in the future. connecting in our diversity in noble world means we must join forces unbundle drinks and we see this and know in a way we haven't for
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a long time in the cove. it is 1900 pandemic. it must be clear that we can only overcome this. pandemic together, and the key is access to vaccination and particularly the poorer countries of this world need them. and this is why the u. s. and germany are supporting the global initiative. the rate act accelerate, turn into a problem used to come in combat in the g r, 20 global nations, but also the, particularly the g 7 nations have a t responsibility. and so the commitments of the cornwell g 7 summit of particular importance of the aim is to have over 2000000000 vaccinations available by 2020. what's remarkable above and beyond this agreement to combat climate change to the international support for sustainable glo infrastructure town. ladies gentlemen, i've done that, economists torture as american americans,
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germans and european allies in nato. we are partners and international trade. we share common values and interests kind of, you know, 2 regions in the world that have such common interests and most values as europe and the usa. and because this is the case, was that i understand the great honor that use bestowed on me today also being an expression of the close ties of our 2 countries and for that. and i am truly grateful. thank you. the now for our international viewers are just joining us, a very warm welcome to d w. news into our special live coverage,
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a chance on ongoing miracle. there's honored with an an honorary doctorate from the world renowned johns hopkins university, and getting ready to talk to us our bureau chief in s pole right outside the white house, and she made it just in time. let's go to her right away. enos a great show of warmth that we just witnessed. absolutely wasn't good. and i mean, just to begin with the endings you really stress the importance again of the relationship between europe and the united states. saying that these 2 countries are these 2 parts. europe is not a country, as we know are so important for each other and there isn't anything else than europe and the united states would share steeper commitment and values. it was a celebration of science when the president of john hopkins introduced her. he's trust the fact that she is
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a scientist that she believes in facts. that's not true for every word liter as we know. and that the university system in the united states kind of copied the german system. i'm actually self was referring to whom boyd as the grandfather of the idea that teaching and research has to come together in a university. so that was the celebration i shall say, of love between germany and the united states and a true commitment that science matters. her handling of the pandemic in as a feature in very prominently absolutely. i mean i'm going to, i'm actually from the very beginning, i think of a cold 19 made it really clear that she takes it seriously. she herself was wearing a mask film, and other leaders kind of put it down. she was one of the 1st who really said that
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this is a deadly worldwide. why rose, which only can kind of follow the world, comes together. she also stress the fact how important john hopkins university was in fighting the pandemic. because as we might remember, it was john hopkins in baltimore just out of washington, which delivered all these crucial information in the beginning. all these figures, all these data scientists needed, but also politicians needed to really come to the right conclusions and, and find a way to deal with the pandemic. but just to give you a little bit of a perspective right outside the white house here, there are protests protesting against angular medical because she is not supporting the patient weaver, which would be, which would enable countries all around the world to produce their own vaccination
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. so this is something where there is a huge disagreement in the united states with angle america. and this might come up later in the press conference and such a great segue in s. a. thank you so much for that because i was going to put that question to you, william, which, you know, it's just alluded to because there was this moment during her speech where we both kind of held her breath. if you're going to announce of removing the patients for the vaccines, right. i, i guess we're hoping beyond hope something really truly newsworthy was gonna come out of that speech. she just kind of paper it over it and talk to focus more on the international consortium through the un to get back scenes into lower income countries, which is we should note is very important of this puzzle and getting the whole world vaccinated. but it does, it is as it is point out, one of the many issues that divide it united states in germany right now, which is the question of patent waivers. of course, we should, we should show the other side that the by the administration has also put america 1st,
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by making sure that the united states had all of the supplies needed to make the vaccine and made it very difficult to get vaccinations out all around the world, so there are many ways to get vaccines into the arms of, of people all around the world, especially in lower income country patton. waivers is one way to possibly do it. of course, on the european side, they've been criticizing that saying yes, that's all well and good, but there's a lot of technology transfer. the has to happen here to be able to make very advanced vaccines in places all around the world. it might just be faster just to list some of the import export restrictions in the united states, and also the united kingdom to a certain extent that would also get vaccines faster all around the world. so no, we didn't hear any quite big policy changes that we thought either be some resolution, but nonetheless, academic very concerned. she said many times about about really ending the pandemic everywhere. and because it can't be over anywhere until that happens. and, you know, as you're reporting, we were showing pictures on
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a lighter note out of the chance or having some problems with the system on your la rover, putting it on one of those things that have made her, of course, throughout her tenure, very reliable to many people in it's want to go to you. if i may, president, jo, buying did put germany a little bit on the spot when it comes to the waivers that for vaccines by saying that he does supported and then germany had to come out and basically defend not doing that. yeah. it's, it's really interesting what will said, and i think he's perfectly right. i mean, we all remember that it took the united states a long time before they really supported as a vaccination, maybe for me and kind of domestic standpoint, understandably so because it was the beginning of the new bite and administer administration. and he really wanted to be successful in fighting the pandemic to really kind of have
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a good start. but some people criticized spite. and over over that saying, hey, it's easy to ask germany to allow to export the vaccination. but being so hesitant to really export the vaccination yourself, i think will, is right. it, we must have jumped to short here. yes. maybe it would be a good idea to, to open up the pace and to allow the weaver, payton, payton. but we also have to keep in mind it is very, very difficult to really produce this section that vaccination the actual countries like india, which would be able to do so. but there are many, many countries which really need the vaccination and not just the peyton. we're going to have to leave it there are team coverage with the washington bureau chief in a poll standing on the white house lawn. and with me here on the sets at william glue, croft, thank you both so much for your coverage. you've been watching our extended life
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coverage of the german shops. i'm going miracle in washington dc. the chance with just received an honorary doctorate from johns hopkins university. she's paying a farewell visit to the united states. it's one of her last overseas trips. as the german leader little she will talk with president joe by known a range of issues including climate change, global security, and the pandemic with the values university ronald j daniels. while her farewell trip is overshadowed by a severe storms that have been taking place here in germany, and that have set off the worst flooding in decades, at least $42.00 people have died including 2 firefighters who drowned. dozens of others are still missing. well german chest on gra miracle who you just saw in washington expressed her sympathy for the victims of the flooding ticket. if it should, not, when i am shocked by the reports that are reaching me from the places that are now
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completely under water in which people have rescued themselves in a situation of great, neat onto the roofs of their houses and hopefully will also be rescued. i mourn for those who have lost their lives in this catastrophe. we don't know the number yet, but there will be many, some in the basement of their houses, some as firefighters trying to bring others to safety. my deepest sympathy goes out to their families under feeling good, my teeth and turn on the german chancellor or their speaking moments ago in washington. meanwhile, here in germany, hundreds of thousands of homes are without power and many of collapse. several real services have also been suspended. meanwhile, germany's western states are bearing the brunt of the disaster. sweeping away anything in their path. these flood waters have claimed homes and lives across west in germany. emergency crews are trying to locate
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dozens of missing residents. some were trapped on rooftops as the water inundated their homes. but rescue efforts are hindered by roads that have been ripped apart, raging flood waters and debris. the german army has been deployed clearing pods through the mud. you can see here there is mud everywhere in the houses, the bridge there collapsed the water over it. further down, even houses have floated away guaranteed to take 10 years to recover from people. it's just horrible. now the regions of northrop with failure vine land palatinate, and saw land have been, was effected. the flood gates on a damn near the city of booth. it'll have to be opened as it threatened to burst.
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the unusually intense rainfall was caused by warm and cooler and mixing. the leader of one of the worst hit regions warned climate change could make more frequent disasters like this so we will be confronted with such events again and again. and this means that we need most speed in climate protection measures, european nationwide and worldwide. as the weather clears in most of the hot heat areas, some residents have joined the clean, up effort, salvaging whatever they can from the devastated harm. and d w before kate martyr is in the port some ports time near bon one of the hardest hit areas i want to ask you kid, what is the scene where you are for i'm here in
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southport time and it's a scene of chaos and a lot of sadness, a lot of exhaustion to people have been coming out of that herman all morning bringing that a few belongings and they've managed to salvage from their homes. there's been lots of rescue and teams here as well this morning as well as the police and firefighters. as well, and they've been going in trying to clear houses from all this like really, really fake mark, which has covered the road just behind me as well. so it's a scene of a chaos and sadness and there's a lot of uncertainty too. so i've spoke to many people. yeah. and people just still have a clear picture of what's going on and how wide spread the damage has been. what the people seem to have been taken by surprise and authorities as well. the residents not receive warnings. why? why were the authorities, not really, why was no action taken?
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so i spoke to people here in the village and they said that they were actually warned about that. but what they told me was that they just had no idea that the destruction would be this bad. so they had, they had warnings and they were told that they thought they would would be able to save that because they just never seen anything like this. sorry, that's just the red van gordon, which i think maybe you might be, but that's just part of the rescue effort as well. but just so people would just so on. the thought that this will be the central damage. they said they, they did know they were aware, but they just hadn't even had the word to describe how bad it's being. they just couldn't put them in the phosphate. i mean, are these areas more flipped for know than others? what do we know about that? i would say that some of the villages and they said yes, the scene of flooding, but they didn't think it were it. they didn't think it would reach the far order as
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far as value as it has done. so some of them they thought maybe it would just affect the holidays which are near the more you see very small villa, very small village river that flows through the village. and they thought that that would be, i maybe just the fact that you houses, it's usually very beautiful and a deal. but they, they just have no idea that it would be or so right. and that would be salvage and to free everyone. precedence is a deluge are there where you are, is, are the search and rescue efforts still underway? yes, they also on the way as well. so that has been a helicopter flying over several helicopters as such, and for more people as wow, and that has been intermittent now of as a slightly less police has in this morning for the rescue efforts. and the cleaner effort looks like it's going to continue to take them very long time to clean up after such a difference. and what's the forecast there? are people bracing for more flooding?
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they don't really, nor, as i said, there's a lot of uncertainty. lots of people have actually moved up the road and they're waiting for more information because they're just not really getting any at the moment. they did hear that one of the dams my break, which is kind of a room about seeing floating around. so everyone has moved away to see if they need to move all the way in case of 2nd wave in case the 2nd flood wave. the martyr reporting from the 1st time you're born or one of the hardest hit areas in what some are describing as a once in a generation flooding and taking place there. thank you so much for your continued coverage, greatly appreciate it. and before i go, want to remind you of our top story. the german chancellor anglo americans is in washington for a final trip to america. the chancellor received an honorary doctorate from johns hopkins university farewell visit to the united states. it's one of her final
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overseas trips as the germ. later, later she talks, president show by stick with the w a business next with robots and i'll figure out the news in december 2019 the european councils new president show me shows embarked on a ground breaking mission. i had a clear door to make europe the 1st time with its jones on the planet by 2050 not all member states supported and some persuasion is required.


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