tv Kick off Deutsche Welle December 21, 2021 1:00am-1:31am CET
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in 370, they will revise in geneva, the stage of human tragedy and political entry in our series. legendary hotels in 75 minutes on d w. what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage site d. w world heritage. 360 kept now a ah, this is d w. news. and these are our top stories. the european union's medicines regulator has approved a new corona virus vaccine made by us company. novak's trials date are, indicates that it's very effective against older corona virus variance and it's not
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none how it will perform against oma cra. i've a vax uses a more traditional protein based technology raising hopes that can convince people who are hesitant about taking new m, our ne vaccines. julie has elected the left as former student protest, lady gabriel burridge as its new president. the 35 year old defeated a conservative candidate in a highly divisive campaign, or it's rose to prominence during long running mass protests against corruption and inequality. he's promising a generational shift in july and politics in ethiopia to grind people's liberation front, says it will withdraw from several regions. it had captured, saying it was a step toward pace. if u. b a has been fighting a civil war for more than a year. now, forces from the t cry region had been battling governor troops in a conflict that has killed tens of thousands. this is dw news from berlin. you can
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get a lot more information at our website to be found a d, w dot com. ah, had of sundays run off a chillies presidential election looked like it was a neck and neck race pitting an older far right candidate. sort of a former german nazi soldier against a young left winger allied with the communist party. and the historic turn out 100 left is to gabriel bondage. a resounding with. i'm fil gail. this is the day. ah, what do you see? this either type will be a president who cares for democracy and does not risk it more. we've made so much progress now we will move forward. i will firmly fight against the privileges of a few. if we don't, yeah,
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we expect peace. we expect unity and above all, we expect social policy, and i work every day for the quality of the children and family. you know, for me also on the day a month ago, chinese tennis superstar parish re talk to social media alleging that she'd been raped by a senior chinese politician. now in shanghai, she's given a very different account. for 1st and foremost, i must emphasize all i have never said or wrote about anyone sexually assaulting me since she did. she all that's a very important point to the day i chilion have elected a new president after an awful polarizing election campaign. the victor left us to
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gabrielle borage. she is a 35 year old, former student activist. want to resign, the 56 percent of the vote defeating his far right rival. jose antonio cast by a wide margin, an expected purchase victory promise is a shift towards more progressive policies and a generational change. o historic and jubilant victory with 35 year old gabrielle butch chile now has its youngest ever president. he was helped to vote the barricade to take to the stage and recognized the people who have put him in power. the left wing, former student leader, had tapped into their anger at the country's economic model, and the inequality it is brought to when 56 percent of the vote. what do you see the again, am i guarantee that i will be a president who cares for democracy and does not risk it? who listens more than he speaks,
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seeks unity and attends to the needs of the people daily. i will firmly fight against the privileges of a few, and i will work every day for the quality of the chile and family will likely they'll get from you to his promises range from protecting the environment to tackling chillies, private pension system. and his followers are full of hope. a nameless can wait any moment they still eagle eye me with that is no place in the history of chile. surely emotional sienna, most of it always made so much progress. now we will move forward with social rights continue to advance and fight against the far right. unlike them. c with a high voter turnout, borage squarely beat the far right candidate. jose antonio cast, but cast was dignified in his defeat. he to mitigate or said equality that earth king i want to do is congratulate gabrielle borage. he deserves all of our respect
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. he won fairly many children's trust him and we hope he will lead a good government going and in the ways we can with our legitimate differences, we want to hound our nation. and we'll say when i bought the battle about the the night though, belongs to porridge, who harolds a new political dawn to chile, australia to santiago to chile, where we joined the derby reporter benjamin varner said group a welcome ben. so this presidential runner brought out a historic vote. what was it that made so many people a want to vote? it wasn't historic vote, it was a record vote. it was the highest voter turnout since voting is not mandatory anymore. in chile, it was even higher than for the referendum of the new constitution. a big reason for why so many people went out and had to the streets, is that all the options and the opinions and the ideas that both candidates a so m forage on the left wing and also cos anthony cost the far right candidate
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have, are opposite when it comes to many things, and they were appealed by the ideas of copper in florida when it comes to increasing air rights of women when it comes to including and the indigenous population. also similar ideas that are being treated in this constitutional assembly. there were more appealed bias ideas, and that's what they went out. of course, when they only had 2 options, it was not the 1st case in the 1st round when they had 6 candidates who wanted to become jealous. next president. right, so, so one of the top 2 things and, and the president elects and trey, so what's most important for gabrielle, laura is something that has been repeated over the past month is reducing inequality. if we look at sheila, one percent of the population has earned more than 25 percent of the worth of a chili. when we look, it's a really, really big difference in chile is not a poor country, but there is a very big difference when it comes to
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a small part of the population that has a lot of money. and the big part of that population who don't have that much, and that's what he wants to reform the health system, the pension system vacation system. he also wants to look at climate change in chile, in regions that have a lot of problems with that. so he has many plans for his presidency that will start in march of next year. and it all sounds you, you went through alyssa, welfare education pensions that all sounds really expensive. and he was painted a sort of a radical communist in quite a vicious campaign. so how does he convince the rich not to take that money and run, but rather to stay and invest quite a vicious campaign? you said it was a toxic campaign that we have, and the far i'd candidate always attacked gabriel. burridge calling him from the fall left you to the support of the communist party, even though he has different stands than the chilean communist party when it comes,
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for example, to nicaragua, to venezuela. that's nothing new. the campaign and holding someone common is not only in chiller, but also in latin america. when we look at what it does it mean to vote for a left wing candidate? it's not new in the past presidential campaign because the left when candidate the they set that if he won the presidency, sheila will become sheila swell as always pointing to was direction saying that if there is the left when candidate and the tiller will become either and he cut out, well venezuela, but of course the markets have reacted and there are a lot of companies who are not so sure about all these changes and oldest reforms, and that will come so he will try with to see with the message. and of course, what's important is that an on, on the promises that he made during this campaign, but the actions that if he will be able also to fulfill this promise. yes, let's talk about that then because right. he's got the job now. now he has to, to, to put his campaign, his a, his election platform through congress. water is ties
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a to the path is in congress and how, how amenable is congress like we should be to his agenda? of course, congress is important for the president. he has no clue majority in both chambers, so he will need to find agreements, not only with him, he's in the left wing parties, but across the political spectrum. he has to see how he can people, for his ideas formed the left wing parties. there are divisions, there was a lot of fighting also during the campaign so we will have to see and will be outgoing. president told him as an advice, it's not the same thing being a candidate and being a president. so he has to see if he can fulfill this idea, especially now with a country that has been struck by the co 19 pandemic. and of course, the economic situation in schiller also, well maybe not let him with to concede and to succeed with the plans that he has on mind right now we're, we are, we saw very gracious confession speech from murph jose antonio cast despite this
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vicious campaign. so how does a president borrowed now stop chilion, politics and society becoming hugely divided that's very important. he has had a unified approach. he sat that his talk with was sampling a gas with a the fall right candidate that conceded. and that talk with the conservative president, he met him in the alimony in the presidential palace. today's that it's very important. and that's quite incredible. if we think that poles close at 6 pm local time and less than 2 hours later, he had a talk with the outgoing president and also with the other candidates. so that of course shows how important this democratic process is. and that he also thinks that it's important now to be the president of every one. and she'll and not just for those who voted for him. okay, thank you for that. benjamin alvarez gruber reporter from santiago, chile ah,
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just over a month ago, chinese tennis, a superstar peng way, a claim she'd been raped by china's former vice premier as young golly. her allegations came in a detailed post from her account on chinese social media part waiver. now she is denying that any sexual assaults took place late. the statement was made during an interview with the singapore based chinese newspaper. chinese language newspaper pen was apparently in shanghai promoting next year's winter olympics in beijing is a click of the video that emerge from that exchange. for 1st and foremost, i must emphasize i have never said or wrote about anyone sexually assaulting me. she this, you know, that's a very important point. it's a very interesting when you consider the wording of that to denial. she says she denies saying or writing about
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a sexual assault. a very roundabout way of denying that an assault actually took place. she could simply have said no, there was no sexual assault or comments the latest in a series of events that appear to down play, the initial allegations she made in november. nothing to see here. come, fly now says she never wrote a social media post accusing form of vice premier jungle lee of sexual assault. it's the latest doubling down to avoid a potential public relations fiasco for china's ruling communist party footage of pung, posted by a state media reporter on twitter shows with former in b, a basketball star yell mean? yeah. was probably the most recognizable chinese sports overseas. and the member of the communist party is top advisory body, singapore, leon hoods. i'll ball chinese language newspaper, rent, video of pung in full petro. it gob, a china log on her jacket and a red t shirt, bearing the characters for china. the newspapers report
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a asp hung for clarifications about her allegations, and this is what pung said, oh, when we were on the way, bo post. that's my personal issue. i think, you know, i know there are many misunderstandings. 3, but there is no distorted interpretation. they seem to be no distorted interpretations when pung, initially made the post in november, but then it was quickly scrub from the chinese web, but not before. screenshots were posted on twitter, setting off a global outcry. she disappeared after the accusation, and there were concerns for her safety. she reappeared at a tennis tournament in beijing weeks later, with the message that she was safe and well. the international olympic committee supported the official version and held a video chat with punk some 3 weeks after the initial posting. it remains confident
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that she is fine, and her stuck to its message despite criticism. mm hm. we all are. oh, we're having the same impression and her that to we could not to feel her being under under pressure the i see was accused of staging a publicity stunt as cold grow to boycott next years, winter games in bay. jing and the women's tennis association remains unconvinced. c, e o steve simon said in good conscience, i don't see how i can ask our athletes to compete there. when punctuate is not allowed to communicate freely and has seemingly been pressure to contradict her allegation of sexual assault. the still no comment from jungle lee or the communist party hierarchy about the accusations, nor any expected. but for now repeated claims that nothing happened, and that ponies find being greeted mostly skepticism. let's explore this with her
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jato wang, who is a senior china researcher for human rights watch. she joins us from new york. welcome to d w. m. if publish, wife says she's fine and she didn't. and she didn't say all right, what we all thought she'd said and written shouldn't we believe her? just let her get on with a life? i don't think so. i don't think we should have believed the interview because the chinese government has done this so many times. before to so many people, they forcibly disappear somebody they don't like. what is that human rights? lawyer activists. celebrity, obedient near them, make them reappear, or some videos in there. i'm doing great. don't worry about me. or i confess to this cry. these had been played out many times before. push ice case just gets into this historical pattern. that's why we shouldn't believe it. and so what is your concern about? so what do you think has happened or might be happening to well,
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i believe she's on the surveillance she is on to harassment. she's be watched by the government. not only her people around her must be, you know, watched by the government. the government is threatening her with some kind of message and tell her to say, what did they want her to say? again, this has been played in many times before. some of those people went on t to say, you know, i confess to my crime eventually left the china and they said, you know, i didn't want to say that, i don't know, i was told her is so i have to say that. so what would satisfy you that punctuate is actually safe? well, i think, you know, if she wants to leave china, let her to leave china. you know, then she will have some freedom to say what she wants to say at least to her physical pra, simply would it be guaranteed. oh, on the other hand, if the chinese really wants to prove that he's, oh, well, she's all fine. then stop centering tonight, let everybody discuss the issue. lastly, you know,
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had initially elijah sexual assault and again, his lunch a fair and, and investigation into this allegation. ok, well that would be quite a quite a change if china worth to watch the launch a fair and transparent investigation to weston i is the chinese government's efforts to quell the international interest and criticism. in this case, it looks clumsy. we have but the hostage videos is i've seen them described and now this so it because it's so clumsy, one wonders, what will, what are they trying to to, to achieve? do they really expect us to believe this? well, i think that's what they wanted to do and they are out of, you know, since from there to walks, because the rest of the worry is not convinced about this. but i think that's what they try to do on the, on it, it does said then, you know, they're still insulated on a standard that the rest, the road doesn't work. you know, as the chinese government, as the can use media environment works. you know,
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there are independent voices there, media, there are ways of verifying information that the, the government is completely foreign to that kind of environment. they don't know how to convince the rest of the world. right. ok, so the united states and others have announced the diplomatic boycotts of the, the winter olympics. should that we go further? well, i think this is the 1st step to, you know, show that we don't want it to be used as a political to, to legitimize your human rights abuses, to validate your governance model. we don't want it to be part of that, but that's the 1st step in the u. s. government. and in many european governments should do more than that. i mean, the u. s. government just to pass the law to prevent a, you know, for a forced the labor products from china on entering the country. i think of any other comments you do the same. also there should be thank more sessions again is to train is companies who are in a complicity, human rights violations. yes,
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that's the 1st step. one needs to be done. thank you so much for joining us. that's very clear. i yet show one from a human rights watch. thank you. thank you for having. ah, europe is battling certain infections from me only kroner variant of corona virus in many countries or timing troubled restrictions in response. the netherlands is imposed strict lockdown, closing non essential shops, restaurants, and other public places until at least mid january. it's a big blow for businesses are hoping for a christmas boost. as the w correspondent, christine wanderer, reports from amsterdam. christmas is already over at this local markets in amsterdam. so this was supposed to be a christmas market, people spinning the day here, buying. also, christmas festivity treats like lu via et cetera. but as you can see within ours,
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every class being taken down. one gentleman, i spoke to the fact he's right behind me. he wouldn't come on camera, but he's fuming, he's raging. or he spent the last 2 weeks preparing our for this. and basically the celebrations are over before they've even begun after the holidays were canceled. last year, this christmas was supposed to be different, but the new restrictions which mean no shopping or restaurant training, are the surprise gift. nobody wants it. and even the outdoor national favorite pastime has been put on ice. yeah, the restrictions makes it again impossible to, to operate the the ring for this year. last year we close. so for this year we finally had a put unity to open up again and to, to make the losses of last year to, to make it a little bit more profitable. hopefully, we don't have much to look for, you know, the next couple of weeks because we can't really go ice for her. it's not just
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the locals. the cities, visitors are also losing out on amsterdam, must see and do favorites or whatever. we are here from florida, and we were going to go to the van, go museum, are going to go the and frank house. unfortunately, it's all closed. so we have to improvise and walk around and look at everything. so the dutch government said the measures were avoidable as cove at 1900 infections for among the population. the new variant omicron, which was 1st reported here 3 weeks ago, is expected to be the dominant variant before the end of this year. oh, oblique outlook. but some are still trying to keep the festive chair. it's dark times at the moment here. hold on. and what i'm trying to do is to tear people a little bit up. wish you a merry christmas and make the make them laugh on the faces. ah,
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well, the pan damage also casting a shadow over football with numerous fixed, just postponed the weekend because of a certain covert 19 cases in the u. k. despite this english premier league clubs have agreed to continue to play the games that have been scheduled for over the coming holiday period. the cove at 19 pandemic is taking its toll on premier league . football. only for matches out of 10 were played over the weekend because teams didn't have enough healthy players. and the other clubs like chelsea wanted to postpone their games, but we're not allowed to buy the league. we were just worried about the safety of players. the players were concerned about their health because we had several causative quoted tests in several 4 consecutive days. and that was it. but at
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a meeting with league officials on monday, collab executives rejected the idea of postponing the round of fixtures scheduled for over the coming festive season. coaches who want to break now have no choice. we have no idea what will happen. we was, we will do tests, we will continue to test on a daily basis and we will go to training like we did for now the games must go on. but that could change if the british government imposed further pandemic restrictions or tom joy from dw sport can tell us more. he joins us from that. campbell in the u. k. welcome tom. initially there had been talk of a fire breaker pausing games from the 28th of december to try and ease the pressure on premise ship squads. so what happened at today's meeting? well, today's meeting saw the 20 premier league clubs come together to try and work our way through the current chaos. and one of the options on the table,
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as you mentioned, was the circuit breaker to pause a couple of the upcoming games. there are very many now come to i according to the current schedule, to play 3 times between the 26th and the 26th of december. and of course, on the 3rd of january, one of the suggestions was to give each club just one of those match days off. another suggestion was of course to postpone totally, but that is the nuclear option that really nobody wants to go near. and of course, the, all the clubs have elected for is to carry on it carrying on where possible in an ad hoc way. because of course, further coded interruptions can't be ruled out. and given how many games had to be postponed on the most recent weekend, it seems very likely that that might continue to occur over the christmas period. right, so how contentious is this decision? some manages and coaches wanted to pause, but they've been overruled. yeah,
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absolutely. now one of the managers who wanted to pause as we heard the in the report was thomas took who the chelsea coach. he was fuming that chelsea were required to play after a number of cobra cases in there. scored on the weekend. you saw has also been vocally critical of the english premier league christmas scheduling anyway for a very long time. he's often been of the opinion and very publicly de too much. and of course, at the moment is also very concerned about coded. but the decision has been taken to press on where possible, like i said, and of course, one of the major factors in making that decision is that the schedule is tight wherever the clubs look. so of course christmas is about every busy, busy period. but many clubs are playing in international competitions. there are 2 other domestic competitions happening, of course, parallel to the premier league in the u. k. for a lot of these teams. so, you know, even if the clubs give themselves a little bit of free room now postpone one game for a bit of a while, it's going to have to be played at some point. and i think that's part of the
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reason why they've just chosen to try and get through this as soon as possible across get it to very briefly give us an idea of how badly english football is been hit by the pandemic tone yet. well, i mean, if it's of course causing chaos, the fact that we're talking about this means that the issue is very serious. i was on my way into watch, asked him the against bernie on saturday. just recently in that game was cooled off with just 2 hours to go until kick off. so you can imagine how sort of erratic the situation is at the moment. the real difficulty for clubs for play is for fans, particularly who are often traveling very long distances to attend games, is that there's no predictability. but this isn't the 1st time that cobra has caused chaos, even in football, and it's unlikely to be the last. so this could be a conversation that because at some point in the near future, ok, thank you for that tom, tom, joy, date of new sport. and that, that's it for another, the week the conversation continues on line. of course,
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we take on the world. 8 hours. i do all this weird all about the stories that matter to you. whatever it takes by policemen follow with here we are, your is actually on fire made for mines life and the digital age has many advantages. we can communicate with people on the other side of the world, find online communities and work remotely. we can even consult a doctor from the comfort of our homes but too much.
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