tv Homo Sovieticus Deutsche Welle December 21, 2021 4:15am-5:00am CET
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dustin sap to swim 100 meters while some are playing to win for others. the reward is a feeling of relief when it's all over. so what did you have horrible for the 1st 10 seconds, but afterwards you feel really good. why are you doing this? uh huh. because we're having fun or so yeah. for the smile afterwards. exactly. with a smile afterwards of what? oh maybe that explains the record attendance permission once again to do something out of the ordinary. ah, not thanks. coming up next. october. 19th, special looking at why many people are protesting against corona virus measures. i'm anthony howard on. we'll be back in 45 minutes with the fight against the corona virus pandemic. how has the rate of infection been developing? what does the latest research say? information and context. the corona virus updates. they covered 19th,
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special next on d. w. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning pass like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now, feel free ah, ah. protests across the world. demonstrations against vaccination, sometimes peaceful, sometimes violent. police often have to intervene when protesters, without mosques and social distance contributed to the spread of the virus. debate
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seems futile. for many conspiracy theorists. after all, what do you say to an activist who thinks that bill gates is trying to embed secret micro chips and people using the coven vaccine? but when you draw the line between extremists and skeptics, and how can radicalization be prevented? i'm daniel winter. welcome to our coven. 19 special vaccination rates. show what the majority of the public believe that jobs are safe and effective. but not everyone agrees. and of those people as a fine line between skepticism and conspiracy. then there are the extremes. in recent days, several prominent politicians here in germany were threatened with violence for supporting coven measures. so why does a loud minority seemingly want to fight for what could harm them or even kill them, or their loved ones?
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their views are seen as radical and although the number of so called clear thinker or lateral thinkers is relatively small, they're certainly vocal. what did the protesters have in common? one study suggests that in southern germany, they often share esoteric and anthropological beliefs. that generally highly educated and many a former green or left party supporters. however, in eastern germany the far right plays a much greater role. in mentioned the these people lead largely civil and autonomous lives. but now they feel they're being dictated to by the state. again. although multiple esoteric aspects play a role, but there are clear differences of opinion, even among esoteric thinkers. tobias to sure man is a pediatrician and fryeburg. he believes in patient autonomy and holistic medicine,
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but it's still vaccinated against covert 19. many of his patients are skeptical, but he tries to ease their fears. as i know if it is our men, is that a common concern is that the vaccines were developed so quickly. lawton, the under another fear is that people believe that there has to be people out there who have had some negative side effects. baker didn't wilken dartford. i try to reassure them and ease their doubts. also convince them to a certain extent is a bidding to niemen. and when it comes to children, having to wear a face mask at school to buy us to shelburn says he won't issue exceptions. especially after a corona virus outbreak at this, near by val doth, school infected dozens of children. authorities later discovered 50 pupils had been issued fake musk exemption certificates. they're always going to be debates about what's right and wrong to do in a panda wrapped in a pandemic, paranoid conspiracy is particularly dangerous phenomenon. so let's speak to
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psychologist and each tennis co. thank you very much for joining us. and you've written extensively about so called national narcissism and the spread of conspiracies during the pandemic. what were your findings? thank you for having me. in our research, we find that national narcissism tends to be positively associated. the believe in conspiracy theory is related to covet 19, so national narcissism, we can think of it as individual nasa system on the, on the social scale. so it is the concept that people have an insulated belief of how great their country is. but at the same time, have also the desire to have that greatness being recognized by others we. we call that, sorry, continue. yeah, yeah. so we find a, this related to the believe and covet 19 conspiracy theory. and then there's also a relationship through the believe to with us health behaviors to combat the virus
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. what do we draw the line between skeptics and extremists? that's a good question. i think get things open for different opinions and to consider eternity and extreme of them. it's more associated with not being open to having discussions and updating one's belief and how strong are these movements after all, we can see in most western countries, majority of people have accepted getting the vaccine. yeah, related pan. we looked at 56 countries and we saw that there is quite a variance in how popular koby 19 can be a to the theories are and also how popular this national narcissistic ideas are. so for example, what we find is that in india and greece, this idea of national narcissism, i'm conflict and covert 19 contribute to theory,
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beliefs are actually very high. whereas, and we then we see that both of them are actually very, you know, so we have to look at the countries on an individual scale to understand this psychological process. when you look at the countries on the individual level or even regions within countries, what are the causes for those differences in the strength of conspiracy movements between different places? yes, so it is, we know that conspiracy theory believes are associated with a sense of uncertainty as sense of having been left behind by for example, the government and country to really do for the, for in how people feel about being considered by governmental policies or how good policy makers where in communicating the complexity of the virus. and what can we do with this research with the studies that you've
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been doing and, and other people like you into vaccine conspiracy theorists. one of the, the takeaways and how do we use them? they think to take, take away that we found in our research is we have to distinguish between people who are skeptical, su dad, who just need more information about the vaccines. and then people who are strongly conspiracy theory believers who need to be more addressed in their overall molded to believe the theory that says feeling out of control or feeling uncertain . so we have to meet these needs before talking about and b a c theory. believe that them ok, so it's also about meeting their needs and understanding them in a way as well, and that we can't reach out to them without understanding them. so if there's someone who's watching this right now and saying here they go, spreading their propaganda again. what is your message to them?
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because now you can reach out to them. what would you say to that? i think you would say that 1st of all, how likely it is, how likely is it bad? these cover up wouldn't have been uncovered yet when we think about how many people would be involved in, in covering up that are actually deadly or harmful. is it really likely that there wouldn't have been a whistleblower just yet? and then on the other hand, also thinking about how many people around me are actually believing it. and how many people might actually say they believe these ideas to fit in a group. and having an open discussion might be actually very fruitful. so seems we have to be skeptical about the skeptics on eastern disco psychologist. thank you very much. that is very insightful. now it's time for you to ask the questions and for us to reply his of you a question about whether vaccines can have long term delayed side effects.
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answering it our science correspondent, derek williams. o, has there ever been a vaccine that has caused side effects? yes, in the future. 0, one of the justifications that people who are vaccine hesitant often give for why they don't want to be vaccinated as that. we don't know what kind of effects coven vaccines might only have years down the road. and of course, that's an argument that can't be refuted, because none of us can see the future. we can only make decisions about it based on the severity of the pandemic now. and the data that we have at hand, both as individuals and as societies, it's all we have to go on. it's not a perfect system, unexpected stuff happens all the time, but it's the only system we have as we seek on to stop suffering and save
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lives. and, and one great source of data is the information that we've gathered from vaccine drives in the past. that past experience with many, many different vaccines for a wide range of diseases makes a couple of things really clear. first, is that given a large enough sample size, some side effects are inevitably going to crop up. and very rarely, a currently approved coven vaccine can cause, for example, someone to go in to ana, lactic shock, or develop a thrombosis or develop my own cardite us. but billions of doses had been distributed so far over the course of nearly a year. and there is nothing indicating any wide scale trans, or delayed term of facts for any of the approved coven vaccines. that's
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because the expert said vaccines are only given a couple of times and break down quickly in the body after initiating an immune memory. which means if side effects are going to occur, they pretty much always do so within a few days or weeks of vaccination. so while it's true that for a very few unlucky people, a vaccine could cause a side effect that might have an impact on their life for years to come. the experts say there's no evidence linking any vaccine to side effects that only show up many months or years later. and finally, worries over an all micron wave huff even reached the edge of the arctic circle
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tourism operators and finish lapland are still recovering from a disastrous 2020. now there are hopes and fears as the frosty regions. winter tourism season gets underway at santa claus village. amusement park walkers of pudding finishing touches to be fantastic. mm. beautiful and pristine in the so called tron, a remote island of the horn of africa. an unusual part of him and untouched by the civil war, discovered by just a few tourists. the forgotten paradise. so cool. cool. so next on d, w, and memphis di hind. these doors an important document was drafted in this very sweet politician was found dead in room
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317. they bore, revise in geneva, the stage of human tragedy, and political entering in our series. legendary hotels in 45 minutes on d, w. o. ah, the landscape, a reflection of a turbulent history? the cities, a mosaic of different people and languages. ah, e, ron's mountains reveal unparalleled beauty level. yeah more. the scenery is magnificent, but he to live warm in acquisition assumption. ah,
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i ah, the slovak visitors are on their way to a cave. few tourists come here. the island is part of yemen, so it's not so surprising. but the civil war that has raged for years on the mainland is far away. the united arab emirates launched the 1st direct flights here in 2021. it's a 2 hour flight. so coach,
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lies directly off the horn of africa, about 400 kilometers from the yemeni mainland. that's the thir, our guide. he is having a travel agency and he's doing some podcast about traveling. so he and he's from co worker talking bicycle track. and when they prepare the strip, i decided i really wanna go because it's so strange destination. and because of the war in yemen, it's very that the chance that you come here again, later it's very, very low or in the situation will be better and more tourists will come. the country will definitely change. so to, to see that at this moment, it's really amazing. right? so culture is really far away from almost everything. while war is raging in yemen, the island is a peaceful haven, a safe place to go on vacation. caves are not something completely new for the slovak tourists. slovakia has many of them but the visit is
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are nevertheless deeply impressed. it's the biggest cave i've ever seen. it's really impressive. beautiful over style at nights and stalagmites on this thing. very, very impressive. hawk a cave is 2.5 kilometers long. the many stalagmites and stalactites are not just beautiful. they are of great scientific interest. they are an index for climate change.
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lewis alice hawkins. it's even better as on the pictures of the imagine before coming here. the drivers, the guides and the cooks are very happy that tourists have returned to the island for many years. so coach was practically cut off from the rest of the world because of the war in yemen. one of them, we are proud that tourists are coming here again, and that we have work men and we hope that more 2 groups will come a lot more work. and it looks of surprisingly, nature, conservationist ahmed, a div agrees it is okay. he says, as long as the tourists camp outdoors that minimizes their ecological footprint, what he doesn't agree with are the holiday homes that the immorality is
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a building in the middle of protected areas. for example, here by the coast close to the capital had the boot. he sees this as fraudulent on 2 accounts built on only a mini gemini law dictates that you cannot build within 300 meters of the coast. and foreigners are not permitted to buy land. the buyer is from here originally said bill it, but he has american citizenship like i get as he he used his brother to get around that oil and leave and he now keith had been and that is just one example. ahmed. a dave says that the purchases old follow the same pattern. there is a lot of demand for real estate by the see here,
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an entire vacation complex is springing up. the faces of immorality rulers are depicted at the entrance. the real estate investors do not attempt to hide what they're doing. legal, i'm a leslie and don't visit the people who are building here come from abroad. they are emerald, eas, or soccer. trees. with moratti's citizenship, leave it. there are also kuwaitis, easterel. they buy via middleman nest said these people have all bought land through local inhabitants, said that the hint good less that i don't think more than in scotland. the environmental activist is worried that the island is being bought out. he's particularly concerned by the growth of saudi arabia's influence in recent years. hattie blue is the capital of the main island, psycho tra, and the rest of the archipelago. here you can see how the u. a and saudi arabia of
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vying for influence. fighting to become the dominant power with displays of generosity, the emirates pay the salaries of the municipal officials while saudi arabia builds one school after the other. all of them identical this power game is even more apparent on the coast outside had dba. on the right, a yamini school funded by abu dhabi khalifa foundation and directly opposite on the left. saudi arabia has also built a new school at this roadside checkpoint, there are 3 marashi flags and only one jamini flag. the power relations a quite evidence
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in the foothills of the had g, a mountains which reach 1500 meters at their highest point. i made a d, bronze, a nursery and that you've been here. the environmental activist tries to care for the islands natural heritage, his son and his sister help him daddy, daddy. but it's a herculean task. unique endemic species plants that a native only here are endangered. in this, in it. since the 19 ninety's, there's been a drop in rainfall. the climate here has changed. this should be the rainy season. and that was september is over on october is drawing to a close up, but no rain has com. you can the chat, actually the vision that the family
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don't receive any financial support for their endeavors and they are unlikely to get any in times of war. nature is not seen as a priority, save for his relatives. the conservationist is alone in his struggle to save the islands iconic, dragon's blood tree at what level would regulate the this is the dragon's blood tree in the circuitry language, what we call it, the tree of the blood of the 2 brothers. the man, if you have and we said how i let sabelle me here, we have planted 7000 dragons blood trees. we had the alice and so the saplings can be planted out and dick some regent and reproduce. the mac leaned villette did excel ah,
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people here. the sea with its plentiful fish stalks is the most important source of nutrition. the islands, 80000 inhabitants fish to meet their needs. international fish inflates, dont come here. not yet. at least. i am with many fishing boats bear the inscription, the saudi development and reconstruction program for yemen. more proof of how the rich neighboring states, a trying to win influence. fishing is closely bound up with local identity. instead of playing with toy, cause children here play with home may toys, but ah, the fishes take turn, putting out to sea, 2 boats go out for 2 hours,
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and then they rotate the idea. everyone should equally benefit from this seas. riches fishes, solomon and mohammed are going fishing with half way to the fishing grounds. they come across maison salon. he has set out without his father. mohammed isn't surprised. the boy is known throughout the village with that. i like working of the sea. i like catching fish. i live here. i live at the c
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a with the boy is taking a big risk. the waters here are treacherous. thought i wasn't aware of them as mean. you said one boat has already sunk here. some even died. we were able to save obama a, the with solomon and aids, just a few minutes to catch the 1st fish. there is still enough to go and even if so, the man now faces more competition or so so
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i think it was i had the saudis have brought us books. anyone who didn't have a boat got one from them. another company. the immorality is how close to us and they brought us electricity, water, natural gas, and gasoline. and anyone who was sick gets flown to the united arab emirates here. well, i love them both, but especially the moratti's because they work with us most. i've got a message thought of life is changing on to culture. some people are worried about these new forms of dependency, but no one is willing to speak openly about it. for the last few days, the sea has been stormy, and the fishes were unable to put out to sea. within seconds,
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his catch is snapped up, but it will never got better. i know it's gone in the flesh. i wish that people take it out of my hands. we fish, they buy more than i was in far away from the beaches up in the mountains. you can find the coaches, iconic dragons, blood trees. oh i hear the tree stands in the middle of a nameless village. the houses are in good condition above them, flies to flag of the united arab emirates with the village elder sod. mohammed is fine with that.
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a mute. what is called good at the moratti's build the houses spread them within as yet. we sent time for these houses and we thank them to for the medical care. let's go, let's go long. you thank people who do good about the net. good, the net. good to was yeah, if you didn't know what would be an act of ingratitude to god, they might go to the image, but another medical thing life has improved, says thought muhammad seems not i can actually. now i know we used to live here with the sheep and the counter will cardona, we sat and slaughtered our animals here. you can get it so,
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you know. yeah, you know, we did everything here. we do and now couldn't no, no, no, no, no one does that the, you a, has won the hearts of the locals by donating these horns. alabama, the hot, amid is meeting friend and fellow activists. mohammed elk ebony the hood a sees a colleague far off, but he doesn't reach for a phone mom. i mean oh boy. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 yeah, yeah, i know that i got to read how yeah. yeah. but i have them. yeah, i mean, yeah, yeah. the goats are very far away. they're on the other side of the valley where the goats are very, very far away. i'm not going to love it. let's have lunch and then go look at it. no, we don't have time. we're in a hurry. send my greetings soon. so
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mohammed l k barney coles, his 60 goats and 10 cows with particular sounds. c that. 6 the hood is have their own specific coals, although the animals would get mixed up otherwise. ah, 000-000-0000 i am here on this plateau. there are practically no dragon's blood trees left any more. it used to look quite different. oh, i think with our grandfathers told us that there was an entire forest of dragons blood trees here. but that has gone. they have died off. now there's just one tree here. the other there. there are just
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a few dotted about you. they are in danger of extinction. i was talking out loud and that's the man about scientists have told us that it's new to climate change healey. i'm going to tell them in now. they're always used to be rain here. the demand and there were no go, it was it was a novice. 8 and i'm and i'm the rain at all times of the year. i have the goats are a problem into cobra. they eat the young, dragon's blood trees, causing them to die off. i only the older ones survives because their leaves are beyond the gods reach. people here say the trees can live for a 1000 years. in april or may,
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the harvest starts. the red resin from the trunks of the dragon's blood tree is used to produce cosmetics. the resin is used in nail polish and lipstick. reforestation is urgently needed. the dragon's blood tree is in danger of going extinct activist um, at a day, could use help above all money to help protect the trees. but he doesn't expect that from the u. a. l. l. my lead martine m. moratti's aren't up on this subject line that's we need specialists in business with business. people aren't like scientists and emerald tease our business people business. oh, i think it. mohammed elk ebony knows that he and his goats are part of the problem. that's why the herder is trying to grow dragons blood trees with his son. is my ill. lou?
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ah, the idea that they know on the go or like chain smokers, america, that madman, they're addicted to the tree. luckily i figured i'm home and he had the ama highly dam are gave. we built a wall to keep them out of them, but they just jump on to it and come inside and eat. the plant will go. i got them and we're going to get out of the door. the garden without good in the future is may, you weren't be tending the trees any more. he is received a stipend from the u. e. he's going to study computer science in the egyptian city of alexandria. his view of the emirates involvement here is widely shed because he had, he can government, fortunately before the muradi came here. so katra was a forgotten island. i get, i get 5 years have passed and we're now in a quite different position at glen or we can study abroad and we couldn't before last one. and now we have electricity. things are developing. there are roads and
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hospitals shop. what if it is yearly fee? yeah. how to give it gives you 2 feet and me feet total court fees as the huffinger fish viet ah, ah, for ton of selim new is the expert on the islands medicinal plants. he is also worried about the endangered species in global comparison, psychiatric is recognized as being particularly rich in bio diversity. also in terms of medicinal plants, many are endemic to the archipelago. like you phobia are buskey law. for example. he is harvesting it's valuable sap to create
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a medicine for digestive problems. then that sick penknife would cut the arteries of the tree and create a problem voice. but a stone only creates a tiny wound that enables me to treat the tree sparingly for the sake of myself and others can you and to protect nature will above. yeah, this is another popular plant. the healer says that it can even help couples to have children added to the algola element. and again, when we set this plant remedies in fertility in men and women who wanna help him. and he said, when men don't have enough sperm or their sperm are too weak. and when women have
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a problem with their ovaries or hormones, this plant is very effective because at the shady kits are the eliminate a saudi m radi company offered me 63 percent of the profits, see what the rest for them. so what about that? i think, but they wanted the hatton rights to federal game at the telephone. i'm and i turned them down to chef the stella here, one out of the then a pharmaceutical company from the gulf clearly has the coach or in its sides. a activist. i'm in a deep is accompanying his son aysa to a soccer match in the islands youth league. the 17 year old is the coach of the tigers. i help you with, with the hello. hello. hello. well,
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hello. hello. hello, hello. both players and audience are male. girls and women are not welcome society here is conservative. the pitch is typical for the island stony and dusty car. for many boys here, saki is all they have in terms of free time or entertainment. so cobra is still disconnected from the world at lodge. she back in the internet here isn't good what i need sick much like in other countries. so people here are still just as addicted as people abroad album would mean alan nessie butler the internet when it is working is so bad that they can't even watch a soccer match on youtube. it's no wonder that even a youth late game is a highlight of the week that i live in and visit any of that. and that the,
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the island doesn't have some things. will. those things are basically like internet, the telephone. it was out of missouri. there are places that don't have any internet, it'll ask them with a telephone, not out in the gallery with 11 am up in missouri, it's different in the capital than the neighboring villages and remote places. that's why the t, i just play sports, but they all are bad again, you can only find inside of the capital. here we don't have any sort of they play, sports will hang out together and have up again about a allah. again to vienna gives that to ship via saudi arabia. and the united arab emirates are investing in the island, but not in its internet infrastructure. it is almost impossible for young people to get access to information or to communicate via social media. is that an oversight on the part of the gulf states or intentional? ahmed, a deep believes the gulf states are acting out of strategic interests. the activist
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has arranged to meet up with his son aysa to eat on the beach. he says, abu dhabi and re out both want to consolidate their influence in the waters off east africa. he's under no illusions. he knows he must pursue his projects himself . yet he sees no alternative to the current situation past and present governments in yemen have done almost nothing in comparison with the n m. as in alan, them up. we are isolated from the rest of the world. they'll finish the honey but thank god the way he came to psychiatry and 2016 at physical dora we didn't have a government denies union and god sent us the moratti's lana medical alert of all they built a hospital and helped people here with just my son was sick when she something was wrong with his heart. he couldn't get up in the morning. i did it so they took him
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to the emory and cured him to come monday. thank god. oh conference. somebody make almond hanging if the moratti's hadn't come here in one or 2, we would have been worse off than the somalis. for example, let's get to lynette. no one can deny that things are better now. so again, imagine go to the faith. above all, it's quiet here, says the environmentalist, the war is far away and that's what matters most with ah and then for sty, jaime, still with an important document, was drafted in this very sweet edition. was found dead in vain.
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$317.00 they bo revise in geneva, the stage of human tragedy and political entering in our series. legendary hotels. 15 minutes on d, w. sharing the secrets of traditional construction with a new generation. ah, what is impossible in big cities can be realized in rural areas. more and more families are opting for the traditional techniques of sustainable construction india. in 90 minutes on d w. ah, ah
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