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tv   Fokus Europa  Deutsche Welle  December 23, 2021 3:45am-4:16am CET

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off c o 2 per kilogram of milk. goat and sheet milk impact is more than double that with $5.00 and $8.00. point 4 kilograms of c. o. 2 herb. so mega animals, pollute the planet. less per kilogram of milk. that's because cows or buffaloes just produce more milk than a good of shape, for example. and because all these animals are ruminants and pump out methane, jesus covered footprint is actually bigger than that of poultry and even pork. more emissions than meat that is absolutely insane. but anyway, now that we got the milk, we need to heat it up and at some bacteria the go to day turning this into a dummy socrates. and let me tell you it's boiling in here. this chase is particularly happy if a room is a little bit too hot for the chief maker. so if you're having a hard time and you feel like you're in a sauna, this jesus going to love it, or i,
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or i thought what was starting here is the process called fermentation. the bacteria feast on the sugar that in the milk and break it down. after a while, we add a liquid called rennet. this is what turns our concoction into cheese as it restructures the case in it, a protein that can only be found in animals melt. and yes, it really works, our milk is suddenly solid just for me to cut it into pieces again. and so neil realised that 200 leaders of more can quite screw. now we have to work quickly. the current needs to go into these molds while it's still warm and be flipped after a couple of minutes. it'll cost you $20.00 arrows for up on the low pressure is on . as i basically wow. after another 2 or 3 hours, all of these molds go into the ripening room. a cheese makers, treasure chamber. there are all sorts of cheeses compared to these that lead to age
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for long periods of time from one or 2 months to even up to 3 years like the famous parmesan, the processing accounts for between 2 to 18 percent of cheeses, final c o. 2 emissions, but of course the longer you need to keep it at a certain temperature and humidity for it to become really tasty. the more energy it uses. such a certain extent, it's better for the planet to eat lots ariella instead of parmesan. but there are other plays on the market that can further reduce your carbon footprint vegan cheeses, but they might not be as environmentally friendly as you think. new day, another cheese maker. but today we're producing the vague, in our tentative and here cashews are the main ingredient. yes, that's the wonderful thing about cassia. we can make a nice milk from them. if we salt them, clean them, and crush them. yet this produces a smooth milk that can be processed into cheese alternatives. the way animal milk
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would be for normal cheese production either for ob, i did to that and con. and after i've drowned down all these cashews bacteria cultures will be added to stop the fermentation process, just like you would when making cheese from animal milk there or thought of ingredient forces alternative tests. now, man, oh boy, and even olive oil, a bunch of different recipes might have to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions, water, and land vacancies, alternative vegan cheeses are fairly new. so there aren't a lot of studies on there and by mental impact yet, which is why we can only compare what it takes to grow the most popular ingredients . cash used almonds and the new kid on the block codes. the dutch national institute for public health and the environment compare different environmental impacts. other studies claim different impact, but for easy comparison,
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i'm sticking to this one. making cheese emits weigh more c o 2 than v can alternatives. one is the bacteria have started their work during the fermentation process. the herbs and spices are added to this version is what the company called chuck calico to become as delicious as possible. it goes through a similar ripening process as a real cheese, where the bacteria continue their work. looking at the science though, it takes quite a lot of water to grow cashews. the dutch study found water consumption to be as high as 2000 liters per kilogram of cash use. but it's not just the number that's important. the impact depends a lot on the region, whether cash use or ground. does it rain a lot or is it a waters cast region, for example, in vietnam? cashews, i'm mainly grown in areas with relatively little water stress, but the opposite is generally true for brazil or booking a fossil. alrighty. and now i'm really curious how that is going to taste.
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oh yeah, it has used mild and tastes a lot of herbs. the consistency is actually pretty similar to like cream cheese with herbs and star, as really read. all right, all right, all right, that was pretty good. even for cheese level, but if you want to go full out on saving the planet, go for oh based options, but they are just starting to hit the supermarket shelves. now real cheese will always be my number one, but i'll try to switch it up with some tasty alternatives. thing we can just start paying him in cheese now. now if you've found a fly in your soup at a restaurant, you might send it back. except these days it could be the garnish,
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to 1000000000 people already eat insects regularly. after all, they're a great source of protein and have a low carbon footprint compared to meet. there are already insect farms in europe, though most of them have produced for the animal feed market. but the e u recently approved locusts, crickets, and meal worms for human consumption to a business is booming. it could be so easy. breeding harmless little flies to lay eggs which turn into maggots with a voracious appetite for food waste. and the larvae can be turned into tasty, high protein. burger's good for the climate and the environment, though it's not quite that straightforward yet. but 1st things 1st. welcome to the love shack of the black soldier, fly, a creature by the name her meteor. in lupin's,
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highly cons is a superstar among fly farmers. he'd love to expand his farm and be part of the insect protein revolution. and the larvae are up to the job. they have a racial appetite and gobble up everything from food waste to animal excrement and true latin fashion. their body weight increases 6000 fold and just 3 weeks. the problem is in you regulations forbid the farmer from feeding them food waste. when we're my snowiest mark, if you're a pioneer doing something new or you're going to really enjoy what you're doing and be enthusiastic about it, what often you do, but in the challenges, like especially in the case of disruptive innovation, as you might find yourself facing regulatory hurdles avec friends. in europe, we say pot, if it's not permitted, it's prohibited a kind of a prudence principle default. whenever you do something truly new, you know, it'll be prohibited done. so mark, like for warden. the e. u is concerned about the sanitary conditions of the harvey,
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which live in their own feed and theses insect live in their feet. they live in their own feet. so you have to make sure that there is no risk of contamination between the feet which they live. and the insects protein, which is the final product at which would be consumes. this is why they're currently fed on pink feed, but they all dish this up here is kara, which is great for our young larvae. acora is a byproduct of tow for production for yes, this is in this, but there are more efficient solutions available, like in kenya were highly con, says also set up a fly farm. with indoor plumbing, a rarity in many poorer districts. a startup has set a portable lavatories in selected places. the excrement is later collected and mixed with food waste a blend that's perfectly suited to the black soldier. fly larvae. he laughed and
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bend on july. the larvae are then fed to pigs and chickens life. if we've had this system up and running for a couple of years now with 0 problems, and no cases of animals getting sick, i didn't give an office to show them despite its concerns the use as it wants to promote larvae farming, which could be a sustainable source of protein and a meat substitute. nearly 100 percent of the maggots can be consumed either by livestock or humans. there is far less waste than when pigs chickens or cows are on the dinner plate. plus the maggots shells can be used as a fertilizer or for making cosmetic products and even medications. and you know that you've been u. s. a doctor, an action plan for a circular column. and we have adopted the for the farm to for strategy where we want to develop resilient and able food supply chains. and one of the things which
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are being assessed there is whether you feed substrates for insects are focused on former food. those could be considered as a source or feature. so these reflections ongoing. meanwhile, the e is dragging its heels on the certification front. before waste can be used this way, the e once proof that as a safe product as its own sklar, that we know that we need to deliver empirical evidence that it's safe to leave hunger synthesis winfield. but the e u is basically making that impossible because they won't grant us an exemption, so we can naming off your creek. so we're being asked to provide evidence while being denied the means to do so. it was the miracle game. we can only hope that will be granted exemptions at the local level, and that the you doesn't put a spanner in the works you can discussed on the course petition her college. for now, i know chances ground fly larvae can only be fair to dogs and fish. but if all goes
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well, larvae could be the next big thing in the food industry. so everything we eat has an impact, but it's clear there are plenty of alternatives. that's all for this edition of made thanks for watching and see you can see ah ah ah, with
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ah with who into the conflict zone with sebastian. a dispute about fishing where i could judge of my goodness, crossing him bronze the breton of consigned anglo french relation to the free my
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guests into comparison. bruno by now and then people in the room are much party is michael's foreign policy enough to woo, right? when voters conflict in 30 minutes on d. w. the country's dance distances loo. the views from the windows hinted them and walked to the passengers expect when they disembarked riding the rails across mongolia. an extraordinary experience in 75 minutes on d. w. o tips for your bucket list. ah magic corner,
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a hot spot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot d w. travel off we go. welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and after 911, he says after 911, the clubs came off. were organized crime rules. were conglomerates make their own laws? they invade our private lives through surveillance. hidden, opaque, secretive. what's true? what's vague? it doesn't matter. the only criteria is worked, we'll hook people. we shed light on the opaque world. who's behind
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benefits. and why are they a threat to whistle opaque world starts january 5th on d, w. mm hm. ah ah. this is dee bell. the news live from berlin. germany expects. i'm across become the dominant coven variant within weeks. that's as contact restrictions are set to tighten and officials plead with the public to get vaccinated. also coming up, madagascar is police ministers survives a helicopter in
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a 12 hour swim before being rescued by fishermen. my time to die hasn't come yet and says, ah, and in spain, the prize money is flowing in the countries, the traditional christmas water. ah, i am ami and isa welcome. germany is infectious diseases agency has one that i'm a crohn will become the countries dominant variant within just weeks. the robot cor institute says germany is health system and it's critical infrastructure could be compromised. if the latest wave is not stopped, the german government has responded by stepping up vaccination efforts and tightening restrictions on gatherings. they'll also be limits on social contacts, but not until after christmas. the festive preparations might be
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continuing across germany. but the country's top public health body has won people not to let christmas be the spock, the lights, the army on fire. there are no official restrictions on festive celebrations, but small gatherings are being encouraged and which dicks the most important thing apart from vaccinations is reducing contacts, but less people come together, the smaller we keep our social contacts, the less the virus will spread. everybody's behavior is crucial in this instance and try on tuesday german chancellor. oh la sholtes said the limits on the number of people who can meet will come into force from december 28th lodge. public events will also be banned, including prohibiting funds at football matches. the new german health minister also said it's likely that a 4th vaccine doug's will eventually be needed and nothing should be ruled out in
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the fight against cove it. when he got within, i believe that with the measures we agreed on, we can master the pandemic in the coming weeks. but we do not want to categorically exclude anything. we will consider everything if necessary. currently, that is not the case. well, yes, is the only stevie ah, while protests against mandatory vaccines and cove, it measures continue. many german support the new restrictions as a, i'll be honest, the numbers are actually going down again a little bit. but i have to say in order to finally end the whole thing, it's actually quite good that we haven't the locked down so that everything just comes to an end limit so that we can maybe celebrate again afterwards. vaccinations will continue during the festive season. as people hope this is the 2nd and last cove at christmas. well, the united kingdom has logged 100000 new cases of coven 19 for the 1st time ever,
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that in a single day. the new record comes as the country struggles with its own fight against om across. the fresh way the infections has also begun in affecting the economy. does no christmas rush in london this year. the number of shoppers and tourists down dramatically on even a few weeks ago. all microns rapids spread an a record number of infections, keeping many people at home. britons newspapers summing up the mood but the u. case. health minister gave weary britons a glimmer of hope by announcing the purchase of millions more anti viral pills to combat omicron alongside the booster program. these sup, pharmaceutical defenses, you taken together are a huge new way to defend ourselves against cove. it. there's no need for any further restrictions before christmas. we will certainly keep the situation under review. but across the u. k. conditions very while england has reduced the number
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of days, people with covert have to isolate from 10 down to 7 wales scotland. a northern ireland are introducing restrictions after christmas. what they do agree on is that vaccine boosters and reducing contacts are the best ways to reduce pressure on a health care system stretched to the brink. so we know there's lots of cases in the community that actually people are not getting say thank but there are still people being admitted to hospital and they are still getting very unwell needs of having to mania. and, and that's quite stressful for us to be looking after world. i think that much better now that we have more caitlin most alpha. another holiday season overshadowed by the coven, 19 pandemic. another new year on the horizon filled with uncertainty. as alma cron spreads countries around the world are urging their populations to get vaccinated, but the world health organization has taken a firm stance against rich countries offering 3rd or even 4th shots. while much of
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the world's population has yet to get the 1st one, the w h o 's director general explains why a blanket was that programs are likely to prolong the pandemic rather than ending it by diverting supply to countries that already have high levels of fascination coverage giving the virus more opportunity to spread and mediate well to sports now and north america. national hockey league says it will not allow its players to participate in the beijing winter olympics. in february, the decision follows disruptions to the any child's regular season schedule because of coven 19 outbreaks. leak has postpone at least 50 games with an inch l player that are in the teams of 11 of 12 countries, qualified for ice hockey at the games. the only exception being host china. here's a round up of some more developments in the crone of ours. pandemic china ordered
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13000000 people in the city of shyanne to stay at home after 63 new cases reported on thursday. an official said the beijing winter olympics would likely see some transmission of a virus. a new study says south africans diagnosed with the micron variant, where 80 percent less likely to be hospitalized than those who contract it a different strain. this autumn and u. s. regulators have authorize the 1st pill to treat coven 19, but the white house says it will be months before the treatment is widely available . and now turning to some of the other stories making headlines around the world. for intent african media outlets, media outlets have had to close since the taliban to power. a new survey by reporters without borders reveals thousands of journalists have lost their jobs since august. female journalists have been at heart hardest hit, with nearly 85 percent. no longer working the world food program has warned that
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millions of people in yemen will face hunger after it forced it's forced to cut aid, the war torn country. the un agency has received only half of the funding are requested in march to keep food supplies coming to yemen. a monument to the victims of 1989, 10, and then square massacre has been dismantled and removed from the university of hong kong. the area around the 8 meter high quote, pillar of shame, as it was called, was boarded up and workers wielded away in sections laid on wednesday. city authorities have been cracking down on descent and a chinese territory or a government minister and madagascar is being hailed as a hero. and an example to follow after surviving a helicopter crash at c. sears galle swam for some 12 hours before he was rescued. the police minister had been helping search for survivors after a cargo ship a legally carrying $130.00 passengers sang of think of madagascar is that
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a gas cars, northeastern coast fishermen who sit out before dawn spotted some one in the water exhausted and still in his wet uniform, madagascar, policemen, esther recorded the message of them hidden, i'm alive and well in 24 hours. i can be back at work. i'm not injured, but very cold america. i'm thankful to the people of mumble for saving my life and taking care of me. money then figure. the fisherman brought the 57 year old, safely back to shore. after he spent 12 hours at sea and other survivor and enforce mechanic managed to swim the entire way to the beach. the body of one of the men and the helicopter has been recovered, but the pilot remains missing and is presumed dead authority say the cause of the helicopter crash has yet to be established. the minister says something suddenly,
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d stabilize the helicopter, potentially causing it to go down feet and shortening the intended use of my. our mission was over at it. we saw the accident and we were about to go home. but like all accidents, something unexpected happened. did on our helicopter, may have been caught in a gust of wind or something and fell last. the helicopter was one of 2 taking pods in a search and rescue operation. after a small cargo ship sank on monday, an official said the ship was overloaded from carrying too many people. conservators in the u. s. state of virginia have opened a time capsule, which was found buried for more than 130 years. under the statue of a famous civil war, general free water damage books, cloth envelope, and a silver coin were among things found inside the sealed lead box. it was found embedded under a statue of general robert e. lee, who commanded the confederate states army of northern virginia during the u. s.
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civil war. his stature was removed, as it was considered a symbol of racism. as the pandemic health restrictions, damp and christmas celebrations for a 2nd year in a row, people in spain are taking heart in a 200 year old tradition. the al gore lottery, the top prize, a 4000000 euros is paid out to anyone with this year's winning number. but there are many other small prices to with almost 2 and a half 1000000000 euros paid out each year overall. i. 2 2 think they think me think, but in that yada y o. 86148 . this year's winning number. and go to the as the top prize is known was sung by 2 people from madrid. sunny ll defrances school as tradition dictates across the city. the celebrations quickie got underway at madrid's a torture train station. spain's busiest rail hub. the majority of the winning
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tickets were sold by base lottery center. ah, he went to go. it's a very widely distributed number. i'm pretty sure people from all over spain of florida here i think it's everywhere about the lucito into you from the region of kentoria on the north coast. and under lucy, undecided all the way to the canary islands, off the african coast and order those sparked celebrations by the lucky winners. and what is a fee like to win $1.00 of the many they prizes. okay. where the my haven't processed it yet. i was in the mountains with the dogs, and i came here because i received a call. my wife didn't believe it. she began to scream, turned the t v on look for the number and check that it was correct. we're just not used to winning anything with them on a sheraton. and i'm really happy and how many people have won a prize? well, that's almost impossible to know because of the complexity of the dural. but
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a total of 2400000000 euros was given away in prizes both big and small. in the centuries old and world's richest christmas lottery drove, is here. the election of gabrielle borage as chillies next president over the weekend marked a break with the past in several ways. he hails from the left and at just 35, burridge will be the countries youngest ever had of state. but the former student organizer is turning heads for other reasons as well. for example, his tattoos, which he proudly displays when rising political star, gabrielle burridge, wanted some tattoos, hart as you mel gongora came up with strong images. a tree standing steadfast in the wind and a lighthouse in a raging c bartch. his body art sets him apart. the beard had 35 year old, leftist is an unconventional figure who represents a break with tradition in chalet. he won the largest majority ever recorded in
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a chill, an election where he ran on a platform of ambitious changes in a country reeling from inequality and corruption. gongora never thought she would be inking her country's future president. nor did burridge back then out allen now. well, it's strange to think, remembering the president that moment when i talked to them, maybe on tattoo in the future presidential whatever. in fact, i asked him, i don't remember when, but the law burge was already a congressman. i think i asked him something like, are you, are you going to run for president uncle? and he said, no, it was too much of responsibility. a lot of things around whatever they are. and which i will say, with the economy battered by the pandemic, a widening gap between rich and poor, and under pressure to rewrite a constitution written during the era of dictator. august opened o'shea for a chest to prove he can face those responsibilities. even if it means hiding his adorned skin every now and then
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you're watching dw news up next. coven. 19 special. is time focusing on the long term effects of the pandemic on children. don't forget you can get all the latest on our website. that's d w dot com. you can also follow up on instagram and twitter at d. w. news. i'm already in isa. thanks for watching. ah. the fight against the corona virus pandemic? how has the rate of infection been developing? what does the latest research say? information and context the corona.


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