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tv   Der Birnen- Konig  Deutsche Welle  December 28, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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and some great cultural memorials to boot d w, travel off we go on the green. do you feel worried about the planet? we to a meal host of the on the grievance of cost. and to me, it's clear remains to change the solutions or alpha, join me for a deep dive into the green transformation. for me to do, for the vent ah, ah, nurses that are on the front line in the battle against the pandemic. the new on the kron variant is a much more infectious form of corona virus. and as making the job of health care
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workers even more demanding. and they're at risk of infection every day due to the large number of infected patients. the world health organization estimates that at least 115000 nurses world wide have died from coven 19. and there are staff shortages and burnouts. the pay is generally low and working conditions are harsh. in many countries, nurses are fighting for better recognition. but apart from applause, as a thank you, they often get very little in return. welcome to your coven. 19 special. i'm daniel winter. the jobs of health care workers were already demanding even before the pandemic. the once the virus struck, they took to the front lines and saved millions of lives around the world, came an outpouring of appreciation. but did anything really change?
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many doctors, nurses care as and hospital workers believe their work has once again fallen out of the public's awareness, leaving them worried that things will never change for the better. to hear from the people themselves, we travel to spain, india, and germany. working as a nurse has always been demanding, even the full current 19 struck. but the pandemic has accessible to the problem. katherine bag can feel the impact on her everyday life. the i c u nurse from berlin is one of many who take care of covet patients day in and day out. it's a back breaking job. as a physical strain is enormous, it's a huge strain working in this protective suit. and a psychological part also plays a big role. we take care of critically ill patients. that's our normal work, what we've been trained for. but now we have critically ill patients who can also put us at risk. this is really stressful and prosperous as to pandemic. hit nurses
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received a lot of praise for their efforts, but they're working conditions didn't change. all the beds were full, and then there's constant stress for far to little money. many also complain about like of recognition nurses in spain, especially dissatisfied, hundreds of them were recruited to help out during the height of the pandemic, only to find themselves jobless again, when the infection numbers dropped. they were informed by text message until that a, if that the boy they come, i found this way of informing people about their dismissal, really inappropriate. they can find that and it shows 0 respect for those who gave their role. during the pandemic bellow a could have a higher lapierre grunfeld what we've got is locally, we're desperately needed to keep the system working. and now it seems like they're just staff who are disposable. that when i'm on it, i ask them all, but shall i lose? how did the data but the importance of having enough health care professionals is now clear to many countries,
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especially as the pandemic continues. spain has also changed and must go currently putting in a lot of effort to create more permanent positions and ensure that fewer staff have to work in unsafe conditions as history. we hope the situation will continue to improve in 2022, that i aldo me, when the laws for lease women in india, the nursing problems in europe opened up new opportunities for them. the caregivers and nurses gained a lot of experience during the pandemic. now they want to offer help to european countries, ban images, gander in india, compared to the west indies, especially the u. k. so i, again, i, i know that again, do the same for them. also, we have managed to contain the bantam again, the 1st few months it was, it was on model for the whole world. and i, we believe that we can do the same in the, in all the other countries as with cut and burger in berlin with welcome such
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support. the world may have to brace for a completely new era after all. for now, what we're talking about the cone, a virus, me stay with us permanently and we have to develop strategies as aware yarmouth. we have to strengthen our health care system with enough staff with enough equipment with all the necessary tools. corona is not leaving us any time soon. warner for less than 5 my subtler creating better conditions for the caregivers. this will remain one of the key issues in 2022. and we're now lucky enough to be able to speak to christian, kara juanita who's a long specialist, an intensive care physician. thank you very much for joining us. christian. so from your personal perspective, how are healthcare professionals coping with the pandemic right now? i guess it's a, it's more less a routine now over 2 years. but most of our nurses and also doctors, we shouldn't forget them are very tired at the moment. and you mentioned that
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before that there was a lot of applause in the beginning. but at least in germany, it was not more so, so we are not more stuff. we even have less than that. 10 to 20 percent less nurses than before. and that's the major problem we are faced with at the moment. so it sounds like you're suggesting that more should be done. what more do you think canon practice be done to support health care work? yeah, one of the major points in germany is that we have really in nursing crisis. and there's nothing crisis begin by far earlier than the pandemic occurred. and one of the major problems in germany, it's a germany, is a huge economic pressure on the hospitals. and so that we have to treat many patients and have to last nurses and also doctors for it. and that is one of the major points. and the pandemic really had a huge impact on that because they have to do more and you had to do more and the
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workload was even higher than before. and that is one of the major points. and therefore, i guess the 1st thing we have to do is to lower the workload and you can only do that if you have more colleagues. and the 2nd point is that especially the nurses earn more money than they do at the moment in germany. so understaffing is a key weakness. what more should the government should health care companies be doing to bring more especially nurses into the health care system, in your case in germany. now let me give an example, in your case, for example, you have one nurse for one went elated patient and germany. one nurse has to care for at least 2 ventilated patients during the night, but mostly for 3 patients. and that is one of the major points we have in germany. so we have to, i guess we need in. yeah, let's say in you not in your health care system,
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but we have to reorganize the work how we do that. we have too many hospitals in germany, and that means that to less nurses per hospitals are there. and therefore, i guess we have to concentrate for many her nurses in one hospital to lower their workload and to make life easier. i guess that is one of the key points we have to do in the future. ok, so a reorganization, a stronger recruitment drive and more pay. when we look at the, the situation that we're in right at the moment with omicron, how has on the chron affected admissions. so far as you can tell, because we're hearing different messages on the one side, it's far more transmissible that it is already very clear on the other early data appears to show that it could be a more mild illness. yeah, i fully agree with you so, so it's very early now with the army crunch. and in germany, let's say we have 2 weeks behind the other countries in europe, especially behind
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u. k of france. and at the moment the numbers are increasing. so in some parts we have $1020.00 and handbook, for example, 40 percent of all cases, all me run. but we have today only 8 patients was all micron over the country on the i c u. so it's very early at the moment, but if you look at france on your k, it seems that at least on the i, c, u, b, f. not such a search like we expected 123 weeks ago. and i guess we need at least 2 weeks more to have a definite if a idea, if it's, if it's really less severe than the data very end. and that is what we, what we all wish, at least for the i see you said the workload is low and the pressure is lower. there's plenty still to do christian, kara g. anita, thank you very much for speaking with us. thank you. and now it's time for you to
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ask and for us to answer his view, a question for our signs correspondent derek williams. oh, who is considered a coven? 19 survivor. is it regardless of its severity? this is really more of a semantic question than a scientific one, but it caught my attention because i've used the term here quite often, but i've never really thought about it before. so let's think about it. the word survivor is a pretty dramatic one. the cambridge dictionary defines it as a person who continues to live despite nearly dying. now, that definition certainly applies to the many, many people in this pandemic who contracted severe coven 19, but didn't succumb to it, but not necessarily to everyone who tested positive for the disease. of the 2 members of, of my immediate family who had mild cases of coven 19,
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for example. they told me they wouldn't describe themselves as survivors. in scientific literature, the term is often but not exclusively applied to people who recovered after having been hospitalized with the disease. but there are also arguments for thinking of those who recovered from even a mild case as survivors um, studies have shown, for instance, that there are increased longer term risks for them as well, of developing the range of symptoms, commonly known as long cove. it and, and online support groups for the condition are full of people who got only a little sick from the initial infection, but have struggled ever since recovering with a wide range of, of ongoing life altering complaints. though i don't know anyone personally who
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suffers from long coven, i'm certain that many of those who do would also consider themselves. survivors who have to keep working to survive every day. so, long and short, there doesn't seem to be a really narrow definition of the word survivor in the pandemic. but because coven 19 affects people in so many different ways, that shouldn't come as a surprise. mm hm. and that's a it from the cove at 19 special from me and the whole team stay healthy. stay safe and see you again soon. with the landscape. a reflection of a turbulent history. the cities, the mosaic of different people and languages. the ron's mountains reveal
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unparalleled beauty. ah, a special look at a special country iran from above. in 30 minutes on d w. y. subscribe to d w books. you meet your favorite writer things i like to see myself as the kid. i and the strange grown up world did when you booked on you to the joy ride through fascinating worlds into uncharted deb our guides and know their way around with a strictly scientific trip to some pretty wacky places. curiosity is required to morrow to day on d. w. ah, hello guys,
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this is the 77 percent the platform for africa. you'd beat issues and share ideas with, you know, or this. now, we are not afraid to touch on delicate topic. africa population is growing fast. and young people clearly have the solution. that future belongs to 77 percent now. every weekend on d. w ah sabina, newfound house and helmet. hellman are a couple. constantine close is really keyed to find a companion. nothing out of the ordinary yet often still the exception for people
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with intellectual disabilities at this supported housing project in long and harden love and sex aren't brushed under the carpet relationships or no problem here. the ones the all we want to help them find people, they feel happy with people they can share their lives with or what's off and taboo elsewhere is openly discussed. here i nominate i zebedee and house and helen would hammond enjoy each other's company listening. yeah, would you like something to drink to some lift her here, all drinking coffee together and chatting since meeting a few years ago. the 60 year old pensioner is have been a couple. it was at the retiree coil right now, but i know at the retiree group,
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i went and spoke to him. yes, he had, i spoke to her. and i said, yes, i'd like that mix. yes was out. he wants us to be together. and i said me too. oh, how can i ask if you had a boyfriend? no, i didn't have one any more. the other one died. oh, does that cover? i've it. when i heard about it, i was in shock that he died. the other one. and then i waited up. i had to get over that 1st. i bet then i got together with him. would there be no lives in a group home, but she spends as much time as she can with harold. he has his own apartment and a lot of determination, missouri. you have to decide for yourself what you want from life. that's how you move forward. yes, i know with your older young, you want things out of life. yes, i know. well, i like to live at up
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a little me till i want to have fun of got the power. well, you have to take what life gives you. that's what you do. go well together. you feel good when we're here together. don't you? a born i and i am at home, i'm not as happy co there been a lives with a small group at the supported housing facility. there are a total of $106.00 residents. up to 7 people share an apartment. some need more support than others. there are care providers on hand around the clock, just in case constantine close often feels bored. he's $32.00 and he'd really love to have a partner. well, whole lot i had several go friends at school law one after the other model. once
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one more. did that work out well? here. when it was funny, sometimes see how the girls fought over me. tom, it's my boyfriend, that's my boyfriend. that's my boyfriend. constantine was hit by a car when he was 10 since then he's been disabled. he says he goes to work. his job is in logistics, but otherwise he's at home a lot alone. oh the mom, most of them don't want me who are the other in the past? when i left school, women weren't interested in the family and they would rather be 51 soccer pitches
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away from me. man fan fly and i'm gonna buy it on the 5th of the bidder. when was warm? i ling just think how big a soccer pitch is. one of constantine's housemaids is last. novak last is engaged and has been for a while at some point, constantine decided he'd had enough of being alone and started looking for a girl friend guy. flor thank flint ill. i want to have 6 with there as well. that says, if he are who ma, it's only human mentally have you had sex before we are here for the money. hm. and we can't remember who with and there were
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several the voice. they wanted me honey, and they got me and what was it like? oh yeah. all good. yes. ah . when you spend the night at sabine is do you cuddle? yes. do you share a bad law? yes. how is it? we have to like got to bed, and then bedroom is yeah, double and sick knobby. as soon as we lock the door so that no one comes in a vacant call. yes. some people come into our room. that's annoying. it is my when
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i want to be alone with n mode, i the others come in. oh, so i said leave us be what's my do please? i don't want that. as something's a private does a boundary. they should keep too expensive. yeah. like, i don't go around walk into other rooms, but not every one does me. nobody that don't understand, don't, they've got quite serious disability. friendship love, sex. normal things often denied people with disabilities. but not here says flow. he and cornish from the lung and hack and residential care facility, and they are often to hide div. yeah, i think this open minded approach of ours is a step ahead of other organizations. i'm like, ah, the approach benefits couples like sabina and helmet, who enjoy their life together just like to day at hanover zoo life
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you keep animals, you've got to know what you're doing as well. farmers need to know what they're doing. i know those are the big ones. i know if you're with your car, yes. as young was quiet, isn't it that he thought just like at home it's nice and peaceful. dear to. ah, i pity. round. no man's vis off makes it easy to relax. so are you to engaged? no, no, we just together. why? helen mo hasn't wanted to yet telling me he hasn't talked about engagement. it has to come from hell. moat, me. but would you like to go? yes. if hamilton would allow a law, what happens when i'm gone? well, you'd still have the ring home, and what will you do then rustling? oh, oh, oh, who time said what? i can still take the ring up to the own when you have it as
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a keepsake in alma. ah, do me know when you're not around anymore. i can put the ring in a drawer. keep it as a momento. that's also a possibility. that good. oh yeah, here didn't you notice her before? i know she looks pretty pretty. i'm caught my county, the government. i'd like to take her in my arms and hug her and kiss her again. nice and juicy. little with tongues. constantine close is browsing an online dating platform one for people with disabilities. hello, support worker mattie. gov is helping him out. you could start by asking her how she is doing. oh yes. hey, that's a good idea. of him. the wolf of aunt on from home all covered with assume this is
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a long constantine's profile describes his ideal woman quite specifically miss ho hm. order. oh cory no smoking or drinking? we are controlled. open to kissing and cuddling coin. clay friendly and funny. and laughing likes to laugh right. i don't think you specify anything else plan of sure you can. some way you can specify the woman's age constantine sense cartier. message. he's already exchanged messages with several women, but it's never gone beyond virtual contact. i actually met in person. well, how should i put it? no, the what a shame you're. yeah for sure. maybe it'll work out with county. yes. maybe
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it'll work out from pasco. hoffers. i hope it does. it. but in the water. now they're both eating in the water abida now this, they want to have it. lemme look, he's going at it. yes, i know. there is no, he's not full yet. why? yes, i know not to let him to there. oh yes, i know. one. when she was younger, sabina thought about having children of her own, but she was repeatedly told it wasn't possible me. if i have a disability, honey, my, my sister said it wouldn't be good up word is artice me would, is i can't read or write. i couldn't teach the child anything. it's misled
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vision. i'm a bit sad. yes yo. i would like to have kids, you know, but i'm also afraid i wouldn't manage up you go come, you can't always choose mother to accept things as they are. it's all so. okay, without a child. oh, what's to come at the care home in london? hadn't i does constantine hear from katy? ah, what's new with take lashona mon advise? no buck. the bed. a fellow part. yeah, exactly. and what's being discussed in the sex and love group,
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ah find out next time, ah, with
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the landscape, a reflection of a turbulent history. the cities, the mosaic of different people and languages. the ron's mountains reveal unparalleled beauty. ah, a special look at a special country. iran from above in 15 minutes on d. w. how to eat without feeling guilty about the impact on the planet or according to german food pioneers,
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it is possible they are creating environmentally friendly alternatives for popular foods in the kitchen. and the laboratory. is this the solution to a growing global population? well, 3090 minutes on d w. oh. sheesh. i'm just kinda, i think that's hard and in the end is a me, you are not locked up to you anymore. we will send you back. are you familiar with this with the smudges were lions of the what's your story. ready he wasn't, i was women, especially a victims of fine and skinny labs and take part and send us your story. we are
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trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor, not the guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information with this is nina. news lie from berlin. germany tries to head off the threat from the on the chron corona virus variant protesters vent their anger is the government introduces new restrictions on private events and public gatherings. it also calls
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on the unvaccinated to step up.


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