tv DW News - Africa Deutsche Welle January 1, 2022 5:30pm-6:00pm CET
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19 vaccine. why is the number of vaccinated people in africa still so low? don't have access to vaccines? at least we don't know when we'll get access to them. what is the master plan to increase immunization coverage? the 77 percent. i mean, they don't appear to have been to 60 minute, not on d, w. ah, what people have to say matters to us. m. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d. w. welcome to a special edition of d. w. news africa. looking at some of the highlights on our show this year, our correspondence, we're on the ground reporting from across the continent. that's right. we got re
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access into rebel territory in east in d r c. and met one woman who's picked up hobbs to defend her community. against rebels and in northern mozambique tourists. paradise island are turned into refugee camps because of an islamist insurgency. the magical place in cape town, 9th and formerly divided communities. ah . hello everybody, i'm christine 12 and i am eddie micah junior. welcome to the program. it's good to have you what as, as always, christine m j another yes, come to an end and you don't look any old at love, but just as we will just before we put 2021 behind us, we want to look back at some of the highlights that our wonderful and amazing correspondence have this. yes,
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that's right. i can be very hard on dangerous reporting in the field. right. are you stuff got correspondence? mario mueller. that's right here in the middle. well, she found herself in the crossfire while reporting on protest against locked on restrictions, and i will be a me now ask you just saw a tear gas kind of style was fired directly at taco responded via by a police officer. we spoke to her shortly after the incident and she told us she was interview and one of the female protest this, when it happened, there was please read behind the lady and they were pointing at us. and we just
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wanted to get out of the way and we tried that, but then i, the next thing that i heard or failed was another shot. and then i just felt like this burning pain on my thigh. and i saw that this kind of stuff of this is that they, you know, launch from a real weapon. so it's not just, you know, they don't throw it, it's really in. so it's really strong. and the impact was very strong. so yeah, that's what i, that's what i experience today. well, we're going to stick with more of mario's reporting and now we go to the democratic republic of congo, way on groups have killed more than 2000 people. that was in 2020. now the eastern part of the country is ruled by a complex web of competing malicious. that region is dangerous. definitely difficult to access a d. w 's, maria mula managed to get into one rabbi, how they are in my c. c. she brought us a story of one woman who has taking up arms because she's tired of being a victim. from now on is what they called no man's land because not the government
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. and also, no specific rebel group controls this area that makes it also quite dangerous. the right behind me, this is our went out. no man's land begins and lessons were also had quieting happens on a regular basis. we are on foot. the beauty of the landscape cannot distract from the constant fear of kidnap are being caught up and fighting. as soon as we get close, the rebel militia sends an escort to take us to their base. one of them is mamma for either. she joined the militia almost 20 years ago. after another armed group attacked her village. the man killed her parents with machetes. 6 of them raped her . she was just 15, she'd already been married. the same group had killed her husband earlier. my shaley machine damages and i felt defeated my own my life had defeated me the nearby. i saw what they had done to me were and how they killed my family dinner
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and i couldn't continue my life like it had been meliss physician really. so i decided to become a fighter and drive them out while was at the waffle was given the chance she'd shoot them on the spot. she says when a former teacher began recruiting people to take revenge, she joined him. many in her group survived similar atrocities. it's a militia of traumatized, damaged young people, all. santa barbara, they killed my father and i think they killed every one in my family. that's the only reason i became a fighter. the glueck also to revenge and survival, but they control around 20 villages in the area security for food in a deal they say is consensual that we saw local people running in fear from them. the idea of consent is complicated for every one of them. it's only when we are
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alone. that ma'am, after either says this garza when i hear that other people run away from the group, but i think how can i run? i have no one to help me. i have no land. i have no one who could help me build a life. she would like to trade her gun for the life she had before. as a farmer lingo she the were my shadow. i would have had a good life with my husband, one like other people have english that you know, my dad was taken away from me. so when i got done now she poor's, what hope she has and her children, that they will have choices one day. the mom or what the numerical or whatever will muscle. if god blesses me, i could at least give them an education. if they are blessed, at least at an opportunity, i can never get another job. so i cannot have them by myself. lovely, say d. now our correspondent in southern africa address
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increase, also travel to some dangerous places, including northern mozambique. now that part of the country is reeling from a brutal insurgency with medicines linked to the so called islamic state. now for more than 3 years, the veteran campaign has displaced hundreds of thousands of people and destroys dozens of towns and villages in the region. vizier was on big received support from rwandan, answer dark troops to help fight the insurgency. in april, our correspondents either increased ventured into cover delgado. it was i'm big as a province that it used to be a tourist hospital. now it's very volatile and assault of thousands of internally displaced people from the ivy islands of more than beaks northern coast. look like paradise but live on the ground is increasingly difficult. evil is one of the last islands that have been spared from islamist attack. a lot of refugees has more than
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doubled its population in just a few months. the united nations, a mission isn't able to feed everyone. the we've been here since 7 in the morning and haven't gotten anything. and now they tell us they're all out. but they wrote down our names. what should i do now? i may do you already, nasa was lucky enough to receive some rise flower, corn and cooking oil. tara groups have attacked her home village on the mainland twice and want everyone to leave. but the villagers had no way to go. then the attackers came a 3rd time one off one head for no reason, right before our eyes. everyone had to watch even the children
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to this island. now marie lives in the hut with her 3 children. she has adopted another child who had lost his parents on the way. yeah. it was the next day we started for the neighbouring island of kids in the u. n. food program as also planned to mission year to have the but our trip and that when we were halfway there. so we just would have to, shana try to push the bird forward, or to the scare the, i mean all the surrounding islands. he had one point where he attacked by the incisions. no luck, low tides. we're definitely stuck. we have to wait through shallow waters and mangroves for 3 hours before we encounter the 1st inhabitants. but i don't know. and then finally, we get to the island of kitty mout and aids boat docked in the evening before
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the islands government administrator helps with distributing food. it's critical for survival of you said i'm happy with that. i'll probably up without this food. we be in an utter crisis, up it almost everyone here lives from the sea, but the refugees are from the mainland. they're farmers and can't fish without the food aid, but it will be chaos here. oh said, elma, it is the doll about 4000 people lived on this islands before the insurgency. now it is more than 10000 people was thousands of displaced people leaving the mainland and coming here in the past months, looking for a safe place to stay. just that this is the exactly a safe place. last year terrorists attacked the islands, pillaging its and killing 2 villages to terrorists kidnapped 30 islanders mainly girls cobbled delgado province. people are worried about more attacks,
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most feel helpless against the terrorists. and so far, not a single soldier has been stationed here on the island. ah. now this next one i know is a favorite of yours. 80. i mean, will allow fast cars, right? so as you can clearly tell, there wasn't all about crisis reporting this year. my personal favorite was the woman reverend and spinning it in south africa. cost billing is actually a popular sport in the country, but it's been dominated by men for far too long. but some women are changing, you're trying to change the status school. you may wanna fasting your feet because this is not a normal right. but a, my name is melanie. she wore. i am originally from middle info it. so i am
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a female, but not in the spinning world or in the spinning life. my name is dan. keep that you come around. yeah. and the crowd was so happy to see you, you know, and like people actually pay money to come and see me guys, you know? and it's so much fun popular because it's part of the culture here in south africa, which used to be 100 percent male dominated. we've got a lot of females getting into a sport now. and i'm very happy to see that there are more and more women getting into the spinning industry every week. mother's great, she's catching on very quickly. and i think she's, she's becoming a force to reckon with both among the drive and among the girls. a. and this is when he started from, as they say, i mean there's not a day that will go past without you seeing or hearing one of these babies driving park. so for me, it was just an actual thing. i started by getting myself this car lot of power.
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i think that's kind of cool. i think it's awesome that that she's spinning. i am very proud of my name is penny 10. this. yeah. i work. i'm in human resource development at one of the insurance companies here in south africa. and i'm also a student. i'm doing my 3rd year at the university of northwest in h r. so it's more just juggling more than anything. it's just juggling everything for me. it's just one of those things where i feel like i'm breaking barriers. i mean male dominated the works all to so and that runs, i mean, on the day on the pits. i don't think i know tim females who are in suspending within the entire south africa. oh, let me say i've been trying to to, i've made for me, it's about showing woman that you can do whatever it is that you want to do. your age shouldn't be a limits. your agenda shouldn't be a limit. the kind of your incident be
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a limit. you should just go out there and live your dreams and do whatever it is that you want to do. i love that one m. j. i was super cool. i want to get into the whole spinning thing myself for now. let's get to an exclusive report from nigeria, that the governments told you that hundreds of people who died early last year from a mystery sickness in many states have been poisoned by a bound pesticide contaminating in nearby rubber. now it is the sale and the use of that pesticides has been illegal for years, but as dw corresponding parish reporter found, it still very much available and easy to access. christina and our chief are struggling most of their family died after drinking poisoning we've. i will, i used to go to school before with my mother day, because my sister and i struggle to move time. because all her brother and
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sister who used to pick your boy, he also day the only have their father now, but he needs help soon. he's blind, his wife and older children were crucial to the family. where the pain is too much . i don't feel like being in this world a more. i feel like you even this earth and being with my wife and children the village of, or your be lost more than 270 people at that time. the suffered stomach pin, vomiting and diarrhea before the date authorities traced it to the river. scene fishermen had poured pesticides into the water so they could take the dead fish. it was the only water in the village doctor walked up. now ben would do better, but to glower my bill would detect above that particular. 2 water, no detail box. now i don't pick this water drink now does i still go to call hoppin
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glen joe, out at 2020 for government. build a ball. so the community had clean water is also investigated. what had happened. but officials never released the results on to the state health commission. i spoke with d. w. tucson. ha, ha, ha. ha. ha. well, due to poison induced, endo so fine doesn't belong in a river. it's the pesticides and it's so toxic that it's banned in many countries including nigeria. but it's easy to get hold of back illegals. we got to do mabel market image or place to buy chemicals of all sorts. we didn't see, endo, so fun on display. what after asking for tree, does we got a bottle of angel fan? that's the brand name of andrew. so 50 one liter. i mean cause that to you as
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dollars. now the said i didn't care what i wanted to use it, or if i even knew how to use it, it says here that it was manufactured for a company major. emily, where exactly it was manufactured. it also says clearly that it was manufactured in 2011. that's is 10 years ago. and a shelf life is just 2 years. which means even if it was in bonding nigeria, it's already expired. just expiry date doesn't mean it's safe. but it shows how unregulated and dangerous the situation is. and so we followed up on the story at 80 with an interview with the national environmental standards and regulations enforcement agency in late because we asked one of the senior officials why these band product was still getting through that kind of report needs to call
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out for people to see and the reason why they should not use this benz pass. this is the reason why it was banned in the 1st place. they need to know and then we need support as much support as we can get, you know, says the physician and i well is a very, very expensive, very expensive and government long cannot do it. we need all the support from wherever this supports can come from. now, i know, i know we all really fed up with corona on the pandemic. this year has been tough for many across the continent, particularly for children and all the students who are forced to stay home due to school closures unlocked downs caused by the cobra 19 pandemic. now in uganda, this has resulted in a rise in teenage pregnancies. that's according to child write scripts, many goals have fallen victim to sexual abuse and have little or no access to birth
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control as data abuse. julius more gambler reports, valet chill is 17 years old and already has a baby. she was a student in eastern uganda until schools closed last year to stop the spread of coffee. 19 viola returned home and then got pregnant. and i was afraid my mom was so angry with me. i ran away from home, but returned later while her school remain closed while i helped her mother run a restaurant. that's where she met the man who impregnated her. val, as mother sees that her daughter was safe in school. this school hadn't closed. she wouldn't have gotten pregnant, he'll that's a fact. that was the wrong way. this is violence school. like all schools
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across the country. it remains closed and abandoned. the teachers here are worried that the more their students are kept from school, the mothers teenagers are exposed to abuse. i'm amazed even to me to i did it on my during this time at home. the kids have leg bank that we didn't know about at their age when you did anybody remember, this is a digital age where children watch pornography and phones and try out stuff, fantasies, isaac, woman, even the churches that would have helped the children remain closed. so many kids are likely on their own. yeah, but, you know, according to government figures before the pandemic, one out of $4.00 had girls fell pregnant in uganda. these has grown to nearly one in 3 girls. in some villages, the government is now vaccinating teachers to foster truck the reopening of schools . viola hopes to resume studies,
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but with the baby to take care of learning may never be the same for the young mother. now let's see where the school topic carumba the dreadlock been we reported on in ghana to us fearing kids were denied enrollment at a gun in school simply for wearing drugs and any we followed up and in the end they didn't have to cut their hair after 2 months in court, the judges ordered them the school to admit them, so we met up with them in a cra on the 1st day of school. today marks the very 1st time i am going to school, i thought to myself, a long bottle of being caught, i doing this at home, all gillian by myself and a whole lot of painful experiences. but today really is an unusually accepts. now as i would say, i feel really great and i came in to people will come in, they'll take the teachers, i tell you, yeah,
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i can continue with the school is complying with a court order for now to allow that kids in. but it doesn't to rule out appealing in the future. monday, less education and human rights activists say they're willing to get their students back to school. is ground breaking. who seen courts make 2 announcements that are frames that the right for the occasion is a fundamental rights and shall not be subject to any form of discrimination on the grounds or gender on grant electricity, on gotta religion on grant or so check on the status on initial shift on your house and having that are founded by our law quoting gamma is a sub trillion landmark for me. classes over for to be on for these kids who have been under the spotlight for months. or that might just now is be able to attend
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school irrespective of your religion or hair style. critical one. yeah. yeah. now i wish i had always been so happy about going to school because it can be fun faster. it can be fun. i imagine go into a school where creativity and magic hour and a time table. yeah, that's right. in cape town, south africa. that's a possibility. because whole more than 30 is a college of magic, has been teaching bedding, magicians, everything from kevin card tricks. there's always get me to spell binding illusions, and it's not just about wizardry and fun as you're about to see. ah, hi everyone, and welcome to the college of a
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hello, what is your name? what's the west coast r g? we didn't see that kind of magic is where young people come and then the ad skill of magic, the mural activities like juggling. oh, i've been the college of music since these. so the been using it because it's huge . college of magic helped me through a lot like it. you know, that in the townships we had this challenge of kings that is in crime and everything. so for me, it's like giving back helping the child to taking them from, from those threads and giving them like a better skill to, to have something laid as to change the someone's life or the teacher of, of, of, with more given bed to be the college for helping us going through the life. i mean,
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this is the college of life. i love magic and jacqueline. yeah. the end of the corners of badge. and like magic a leg. so somebody a see you do a good with ha or you need to go to magic school and that way we'll leave it for this year. be sure to check out the diabetes applicant next year because special correspondence will continue to dig deeper. reporting all over the continent. that's right. we leave you now with some tricks, acrobatics from around africa. could buy from us. so you still at the new year with
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a global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matters to you. shift in 15 minutes on d. w. for 77 percent on a matter of life and death. this week we wanted to talk about the global inequality around the coven, 19 vaccine. why is the number of vaccinated people in africa still so low? don't have access to vaccine, at least we don't know when we'll get access to them. what is the master plan to increase immunization coverage and be 7 percent. i mean, they don't appear to have 30 minutes on t w o
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t please listen carefully. don't. ah, yes, today, ah, feel the magic discover the world around you? ah, subscribe to the w documentary on youtube. ah, the internet knows all creators want everything to digitize everything. the hot commodity in this global experiment. our data smart devices are embedded in our daily lives tracking and we're
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