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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2022 12:00am-12:16am CET

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ah, what is true? what's vague? it doesn't matter. the only criteria will who people we should light on the opaque world who's behind benefits. and why are they a threat to whistle open equals this week on d, w. ah ah business d w a news live from berlin, australia tells know that talk of it to leave. authorities revoke the visa of the
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world tennis number one, following an uproar after he was allowed into the country despite not being vaccinated against cove at 19 or so coming up. russia says it's sending peacekeeping forces into catholics, down off the deadly protest armed demonstrate as cease and set fire to public buildings in the biggest city, a, marty, the unrest is triggered by a shop increase in kill prices. ah, i'm all on soccer ab one. welcome to the program. was william prime minister scott morrison says, no one is about the rules off to his country's board, a force revoked the visa of serve in tennis style. novak joker, which the world number one was held at melbourne airport to overnight joke of which was granted a medical exemption to take part in the australian open without being vaccinated against the 19 news of the exemption sparked outrage in
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a country with some of the was toughest corona virus restrictions, but news of the cancellation has also provoked anger injury, which is native serbia whose president condemned what he called the players maltreatment. now to talk us through the story i'm joined by tennis commentator, steve piers in melbourne, get to see you again. steve. after apparently being granted an exemption from vaccination from the vaccination requirement, joking with joker, which has now had his visa revoked what, what happened? that's a good question. again, it's something that people are trying to piece together now in melbourne. it's obviously it's what everyone's talking about. so basically what it's saying is, although victoria, the victorian state government and it's process with tennis, australia involving medical expertise to decide whether to pay mit tend to play in the tournament or not. that medical medical exemption was approved for another job,
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which then he's very publicly declared that and jumped on a flight which possibly now looking back wasn't the best thing to do. could have come in a bit more like a anyway. he's jumped on a fly and arrived at melbourne airport like last night is trying to time it's 10 o'clock in the morning now. here in melbourne. and the border falls, which is run by the federal government who look after the actual borders of australia, rather than victoria australia. an open had looked at his visa and looked at the supporting evidence with that around the medical exemption and decided that is not sufficient to to gain entry to australia. and i have contacted the state government last night and asked whether the state government would do anything further to support. and i think joking, which is entry into australia, the site, i'm going to say no, we can't do anything further to support it. this is how it is, and therefore the strategy border force as made the decision to cancel his visa and
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he's aiming to deport him to die back to serbia. but there is more to play out potentially in the courts. i mean, there's been a lot of negative reaction and a lot of strong feelings in australia as well. since we've talked to the 24 hours ago. what are people saying now, what's the reaction now to this latest news? that pretty much flabbergasted. you know, everyone who didn't want to come anyway is just saying, well, that's great, you know, turn around, get them out of here. but i think overall, the sense is just that. how could it come to this? how could it be that the 2 processes that should be far more aligned and fast smoother. i mean, you've got a situation where you have state governments here in australia. this is the case and some of the countries around the world state governments who are responsible for b and c, and then federal government's responsible for the e n f and the to just not meeting, not, not talking, not understanding the process,
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but you know, there's that and so how did it come to that, but also from no joke of it? she's position and he's team. how could it be that these, these requirements were not kicked off so robustly before he took that photograph announced that he was on his way to australia. i mean, everyone knows that getting into a country with the right these requirements is absolutely the 1st thing you have to deal with. so that the reaction really, really here is just everyone throwing their hands up in the air. really and, and everyone's blame each other. victorian government and the federal government, vice versa, it's a mess. and it's actually quite embarrassing for the country, i think as well. you know, it's one thing to be so, and you know, the rules apply to everyone, but don't let it come to this. surely this could have been sorted out before he actually got to fly. or i tennis commentator for australian, open radio. steve pierce, thank you for your insights. thanks. hello. russia says
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it will dispatch what it calls peacekeeping forces into cassock stock after the country's president asked for help in controlling protests. that 10 balance precious is in the biggest city. a. marty ceased and set government buildings alliance off the days of mass demonstrations over surging fuel prices, least 8 people had been killed. night falls, and they unrest in almighty intensifies further. what began is a protest against fuel prices has quickly spiraled out of control. local media reports that several security personnel have died, while flights in and out of pharmacy have been cancelled. the president has confirmed that protest is stormed the airport earlier on wednesday. the protests originally began over the weekend in the remote oil hub of gentlemen. but after the government announced an end to price caps on fuel,
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the unrest quickly spread to other cities. now a nation wide state of emergency is in place. in al massey, police have been deployed to curb the unrest. but t a guests and stone grenades have done little to dissuade the crowds. neither have hundreds of arrests, nor the imposition of a curfew and movement restrictions in several regions. cassock president costume jamal took, i have said he would reinstate price controls. but by now processed as a calling for political change be owned the price of fuel rica, in a surprise, move just president to tie of also sacked the government and took control of the state security committee asking former president and longtime ruler. no sultan nasa . bye. if now, with kind of solely at the helm, he has called in the military and he says, no matter what, he will stay in the capital or the mac or global state. and from today,
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the president of the security council, i intend to act as much as possible cause extends authoritarian government usually tolerates little real opposition. but this time, the protest angus seems to costeo socrates of god. as i have heard it was skyrocket. skype skyrocketing energy prices that triggered the protest and spoke their political crisis across the catholics on wheels. bruce penya, a journalist specialist specialized in central asia. how that could be the case in a country with some of the world's largest oil reserves? yes, well this is an amazing back in itself and you got to remember that somewhere between 60 or 70 percent of cause of spawns electricity. ready and ours supplied by coal, even though there as a major oil exports and natural gas. you know, it's just been kind of mismanagement. i mean, they, they both is called the personality kind of around us are bias. and i think the
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problems today have, are certainly impacted by what's happening with the energy sector and all this done in the failure to supply people with sufficient amounts of electricity. but you know more so when there was a change of providence, one step down in march 2019 a lot of people had the impression that there was going to be a change in the way public fund was run. that isn't what happened at all. i have been a long time loyalist nozer but really kept the same form of government entirely. there hasn't been any substantial reforms. there hasn't been a significant improvement in the lives of many people. so i think a lot of people were just disillusion in their expectations, just weren't awful filled. they thought that they were going to enter some new era, but it didn't happen that way. journalist bruised, spanish speaking just a little earlier. the united states top infectious disease expert anthony found che, as warning against complacency, about the on the chrome variance of the current of ours voucher said the record
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number of daily cases now being recorded could overwhelm the country's health care system. on the crown is rapidly spreading in the u. s. and the surge is also fueling a rise in hospitalization of young children. in texas as largest children's hospital, grayson was struggling to breathe. he's just 4 months old and has contracted cobit 19 is really scary. i just hump day, you know, he's able to get better gum. his mother. gov yell thinks that the youngest of her 3 children was infected at a family, christmas gathering album. talk to him in like a little maybe really, i think to him i key thing like he like c. grayson is only one of some 70 children currently being treated here for coven 19 chart. the waste. in the past 2 weeks, covered admissions have quadrupled here. most of the children are unvaccinated.
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that bar for resilience. just keep moving. you think that? i don't know how we could do this again and then we keep doing it again. they don't have much of a choice. coven. 19 numbers continue to rise and not just in texas. nationwide, some 1000000 new infections worry ported over 24 hour period. more than 95 percent are being attributed to the omicron varied growing numbers of americans are critical of president jo biden's response. a shortage of testing capacity is just one of the problems confronting the white house. everyone, if you're vaccinated and boosted, you are highly protect it. and i'll be concerned about, i'm a crime, but don't be alarmed. but more and more vaccinated americans are worried and are calling for schools to be closed, at least until the latest wave has passed. but new york's new mayor opposes that
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idea. we can't continue to stop our children from developing socially and academically in a support that they need. so we have to learn how to live with co, it elliptical would cope with the safe way staff at the texas childrens hospital say they expect the situation to become even more critical in the coming weeks. even if omicron usually results in lust of your cases than previous variance. the problem is that with so many children and adults infected, even if the percent percent hospitalization rate is lower, we're still could see more children hospitalized over a very short period of time. so that's certainly puts a strain on our health care resources. healthcare workers are hoping by religious are right when they say omicron will pass its peak by the end of the month. best pregnant, bring in sod, oma his director at the yale institute for global health. welcome to the program.
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the search in mc one cases in the u. s. has also fuel to rise in hospitalization of children. how worried are you about this? well, i'm concerned because there are a lot of children in the hospital and here's the reason why. especially young children, children under that gender than 5 or unvaccinated because there isn't a vaccine available for them and they're in the vaccination rates. are lor, compared to other groups and older children as well. and so therefore they're getting hospitalized. but just a nuanced there that compared to adults, the risk in children is still laur a, but it's not 0. and the fact that there, you know, this virus is spreading this video to spreading so fast. um, you are seeing a lot of hospitalization in a short period of time. so what can be done for the youngest children to protect them if they can be vaccinated? while everyone else to get vaccinated to make sure that there are fewer
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opportunities for the virus to jump into this? ah, unblocked the unprotected group? ok, in terms of vaccinations there. what is standing in the way now from the pharmaceutical companies air when it comes to approving vaccinations for babies and for toddlers? well, for, for younger children, i think there's a gen one delay because some of the initial trials or didn't show efficacy in children under 5. and that's part of the game that's, that's what happens. that's why you do these trials to make sure that the vaccines you deploy are not to safe, but also efficacious. and so while that, that is a, you know, part of the process, it's obviously frustrating for parents of young children and others who care about this age group. so hopefully we will see authorization and then eventually licensure of the vaccine in this age group fairly soon. but they have been delays
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as an if i she has said warned against complacency around the, on the con barry. and do you see this as a problem in the united states right now? unfortunately, yes, and some of it is understandable because there is certainly been that vend amick fatigue. you know, you know, this virus has been with us for over 2 years now. and yes, people are frustrated and there is this, you know, fatigue as i said in terms of complying with requirements, et cetera. but here's the thing, look out, you know, we need to focus on things we can do. and then yeah, sort of find other outlets to do stuff safely. thank you very much. sorry. i know that's it. up to date. ah, so i'm just kinda,
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i'm not tied into andy from me.


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