tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle January 6, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm CET
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as he wasn't, it was women, especially of victims of violence in to take part and send us your story. we are trying always to understand this new culture. so you are not a visitor now the guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information ah, ah ah, this is d w. news line from berlin in the united states marks at the fateful anniversary. louis, remember, together were one nation under god, indivisible,
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that today to morrow, for ever at our best, we are the united states of america. the day after a mob storm the u. s. capital in washington. d. c. has been biden describes his predecessor, donald trump, is the 1st u. s. president to refuse to accept the will of the american people to allow an attack on democracy. also on the program doesn't scaled as protest as battle security forces in kazakhstan, explosions in gunshot saw, heard over nice us government opponents, a flea for safety in the biggest city our mattie ah, i'm from gale. welcome to the pro us president joe biden has marked the 1st
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anniversary of the storming of the u. s. capital one, a violent mob of trump supports is attempted to stop the 2020 election results. and biden's went from being certified in his speech. president biden. so to underscore the truth of what happened that day, a year on many trump support is continued to spread false narratives about the attack on the capital. many republican lawmakers still refused to acknowledge that president biden won. the president sat as long as this discord remains. american democracy is under threat. he also had a very frank assessment of his predecessor. we set a set the stage for the attack by continuously slowing down about the 2020 election . he's not just a former president. he's a defeated former president. defeated by a margin more or 7000000 of your votes on let's get more on this. and
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from the d. w. a bureau chief in his poll in washington, d. c, and d, w reporter william grew bluecross. let's start with you were in this way, we had the u. s. president joe biden and vice president ah, harris spoke speaking on the speaking to the nation. we just heard part of that what stood out for you. so we really experience a historic moment. this was not only one of the, the strongest, maybe the strongest speech of president biden since he is president. it is really rare to hear such a harsh and, and personal a criticism of from a sitting president about a former president. i mean, he biden, it said the president, a former presidential has a bruised ego, for example. so many expected that biden would kind of re, affirmed the durability of the union as presidents typically do in moments like
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that. but he really went hard on trump, and he obviously has given up to build bridges to reach out to those who still stand firmly with the former president. so a william grew croft a speech, not so much to unite the nation as to as to say as to highlight this divide and say we have to do something about it. yeah, i think he had to walk a very fine line between not sounding too pessimistic and grave while also highlighting how grave the situation is that there is this division and that, that americans as voters, me to see themselves as neighbors as fellow country people and not as the enemy or as adversaries as a donald trump, and many of his supporters have painted the other side as it was a really, really tough speech. oh, really, really difficult line to walk. and as in, as has pointed out in full knowledge, that you're probably not going to convince anyone who's if you're not convinced
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already by what happened on january 6th, and robert donald trump was impeached twice $11.00 of those impeachment in regards to this insurrection. if all those things haven't convinced you by now a speech from joe biden, who you may think is not a credible president, is not probably going to convince you any more. right in his poll. i'm that that speech is only a minutes long, and many republicans had refused to attend a hearing any reaction sofa. well, it is discussed all over in the so called liberal media. it is really interesting to see, you know, the whole morning fox, fox news hardly worth reporting about general sakes. what happened one year ago, they didn't do have any so called curtain rises towards this speech or on the other side. media like c, n, n o m, as and b c, like are talking about and this anniversary since days. so this is what we're going
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to see throughout the day in the next days, while the liberal media and the biden supporters and the democrats will probably really applaud bite and very much for this clear and, and tar speech. which didn't leave any doubt that by the end of the day or the american democracy is at stake here. the other side of the political spectrum, i will hardly recognizes recognize the speech and if so, i'm sure they just will say that a more allies are kind of discussed here because they still do think that donald trump one the last election and there will be nothing no speech in the world which will convince them from the opposite will include, prefers pick up on a at that point from, from any because objective reality says there was
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a mob via tap the capital building. people were injured, people were killed, and yet there are still trump supported and republican lawmakers who cat, who characterize this as a peaceful demonstration that just got a little bit out of hand. ah, yes, i forget 147 republican congress people. so congress, members and senators voted against the certification of joe biden, campbell harris as president of even after the attack. immediately after the attack, there were still a 147 republic elected officials and the problem, the party who st. that this was not a legitimate election novel, legitimate result. there is a conspiracy rolled out there that is fueled by social media. that is fueled by the uh, specifically, the far right. ah, media that goes beyond just ideological bubbles, right? there's a left wing media too as well, of course, and there are, there are lots of ideas that people are all political backgrounds, believe in orth or stick to, or want to support their person over another. but this goes beyond that,
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where it really is, if you look into some of these far right groups, some of these conspiracy theory groups, i don't think it's accurate to necessarily call it far right. it's just conspiracy, and it's just, ah, it's just based on i'm on nothing. and yet people can easily buy into any people can be easily co opted into it. and we know that, um that facebook and youtube are major sources of information for a lot of people that may not be accurate. so there's a lot of factors that play here that. and there's a lot, donald trump, in his po. and today in his speech, joe biden, there was no, there was no concession to the other side. there was no healing till he went for donald trump again and again without actually using his name. yes, that's what he tries to do. he really tries to avoid mentioning a him by name. he just refers to him as the former president, as he tries not to give him any more power. but indeed,
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as william just pointed out, phil, he really vent after donald trump and for a reason he might only have like one actually less than a year left in which he has the majority because of the upcoming mid terms. and this was a clear call for action also to the senate to pass through or writing a voting rights or legislation to use these last months of the majority of the democrats to really make everything which can kind of secure the american democracy. because, i mean, i think he and, and as did vice a president carmella harris made it crystal clear. this is a crucial moment in american history. this is, everything is at stake. if donald trump will get re elected is the next elections, the midterms will be kind of over run again by
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a mob of which is kind of a stern up by donald trump. and his supporters. the united states will not be the same anymore. so there's a lot at stake and therefore he went out so strongly today. okay. yeah. in his poll in wasn't for now. thank you. i he, with me in the studio, william a blue crafter. thank you. so we're talking about this because of the speech that re her end of the last hour about the events of a year ago today. january the 6th, the last year when a mob stormed the capital building, us lawmakers inside began the process of declaring joe by the winner of the presidential election. now this followed a speech by video, former president by that president who was at the time donald trump at a nearby rally. and during the speech he alleged electoral fraud and he urged people to fight like hell. his amos polls report o,
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long before election day donald trump had announced that if he should lose the white house, then only because the election was reeked. it didn't come as a surprise that thousands of tron followers gathered in washington d. c. the very day. the peaceful transition of power was meant to take place. january $6.20 in there he is in the very i had been at the mall for hours to report for the dublin hughes and could physically feel how the mood changed during the speech of donald trump. the protests so far had been intense, but with every sentence donald trump spoke, it got more and more aggressive. our country has had enough. we will not take it any more. and that's what this is, oliver. no one was prepared for what happened then. neither police nor politicians, the images of trump supporters storming the capital of the united states shocked
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the world and left deep marks in this country which claims to be one of the oldest democracies. the findings of the investigations showed how close a real could it are. was this cold january afternoon? well in his pole and with him grew cluster are still with me at a william the, the people who stove the capital building there is still this sincerely held belief that they were robbed for some of them. yes, up some people. if you look at the case files that are the people in our peering before court, some, some are remorseful. some are trying to paint this as an accident or something they got caught up in and they, they have no history of a no criminal history. and they would take it all back and they regret what happened. but there is a core, very a minority, but a very loud, very influential and extremist movement that's very close to donald trump. and
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increasingly, the entire republican party that will not let go of the fact that there guy last in 2020 and that joe biden is president. i mean, the very idea that joe biden is called an extreme, leftist or some communist takeover america is, is, i mean, if you look at jo biden's track record just makes no sense because joe biden is a centrist as centers as they come from many democrats. he's too far to the right. i mean, that's just one small aspect of how this, these claims just don't add up it to reality. but they're going to believe what they want to believe in. it's a major challenge, not just with donald trump, but when you look at dealing with falsehoods, how do you deal with them? i don't think anyone's quite figured out the magic formula for breaking this down. and in his poll, let's talk about a he, he must not be named donald trump is still a significant figure within the republican party. so the how close is he to add to, to facing justice
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a year own it is very unlikely that he will face justice only because he still as you cher, central is so powerful within his own party and a republican lawmakers. many who probably are all who might be critical with him just don't dare to do that in public. why? because look, for example, at las cheney was really outspoken about donald trump's role in january of 6. what happened to her, she kind of got cut off and is called or is seen as the enemy of the party. so this will, that will hold many, many people back to really yeah, to, to, to, to delivered justice to donald trump. let me on the line something a william just said, phil, if i might so many really are concerned that this general sick storming, has just said a precedent for any disputed or close election in the future. and i'm not talking
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only about the 2024 presidential election, but we might actually see already in november when the midterms will taking a place that those who are don't agree with the outcome. my challenge it and that we kind of see the same thing happening again. so that's another reason why uh, president biden and vice president camera harris were so outspoken today. william, is this a domestic american issue. if it's just a we a, we, we intruding on local grief here. i mean, yes, and no, this is very unique to america. america is one of the few democracies that just has 2 parties. there's not a whole lot of political choice. and one of the most diverse countries in the world is actually not a lot of political diversity to represent the cultural and social diversity that america is democracy. researchers among the experts say that what the ninety's is
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going through is unique right now to many democracy, even as populism in far right extremism is present and growing in many other countries. but what's happening in the u. s. really is on another level, but it does affect the rest of the world because the u. s. is like it or not better or worse, a superpower, and look to for setting an example, no matter how many times it's contradicted its own example and undermined its own example all around the world. it is still look to as an example for democracy, for rule of law, and we've seen dictators and other strong men around the world. since donald trump took power in 2016 when he was elected president. following this example of kind of using him as cover for being able to do things in their countries to their people that the united states might speak out against a kind of gives those kinds of people the ability to get away with even more. and that is, i think probably the, the biggest effect for people around the world. ok. william blue cross to thank you
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so much for that in his poll in washington. thank you. outer cassock star where police in the country's largest city, how matter told state and beady, the dozens of protesters have been killed. what they call an attempt to store administrative buildings and police stations. they say several police officers were also killed. countries presidents has reached out to neighboring russia for help. after describing the demonstrators as terrorists. russia is now leading an alliance of former soviet states and sending what they call peacekeeping forces. the 1st protest was sparked by soaring fuel prices and an hour in the 5th day. this eye witness footage gives some idea at the level of unrest continuing through the night in kazakhstan, looting, and an attempt to break into a local bank. after skirmishes with security forces or russia led military alliance
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as now agreed to dispatch so called peacekeeping forces to catholic storm. after the country's president asked for help in controlling the protests, the unrest originally began over the weekend in the remote oil hovers channels then at the price of fuel. but the unrest quickly spread to other cities leading to a nation wide state of emergency. in our marty police were deployed to curb the unrest but tear gas and stung grenades. have done little to dissuade the crowds. neither have hundreds of arrests or the imposition of a curfew and newton restrictions in several regions. cassock president cathy joe mac or kaya said he would reinstate price controls, but protest does the now calling for political change beyond the price of fuel. here from here in a surprise, move president took care of sack the government and took control of the state
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security committee ousting, former president and longtime ruler, new assault and us up i have talk i of has lent on the military and is now called on the collective secure g treaty organization, a moscow paste alliance of 6 former soviet countries for assistance which has been granted kazakhstan. so thorough tarion government usually tolerates little real opposition. but this time, the protest, his anger seems to have caught the authorities off guard as cable from the w's or moscow corresponding to emily show. and welcome emily. it's difficult to communicate with people in catholics down at the moment where the internet being down and what are you hearing. while as you said, the internet still is patchy. it's been either completely down or partially blocked now for 3 days in a row. so trying to get in touch with people on the ground is difficult. most of the information that we're getting is from official sources,
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and there are some far media reports as well. from what we know, i can say that there have been protests across the country today. there is still an emergency situation in place across the country. banks are closed and there has been reports of shots fired and also of explosions being heard in almighty the biggest city in cars aust. on. today the authorities have said that 2000 people have been arrested in el monte alone. the authorities of course, describing the protesters who initially took to the streets to voice their anger at living conditions at the rise of fuel, but also at living conditions in the country. they are describing them as a violent band of terrorists. and in that context, they asked for help, not just from russia, but also from other countries in the former soviet union as part of the collective security treaty organization. and we've now seen russian peacekeeping troops
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arriving others surely on the way. it seems like the situation may calm down with the arrival of those troops and also with the crackdown that we seem to be seeing from police, especially in our mighty. but we'll have to wait and see of course. so we've, as you were speaking, we were looking at pictures. so this is a dangerous violent and chaotic c in a country. this is essentially and the autocratic rule. so that in itself is, is unusual, but this seems to have also been sparked by massive increase in fuel prices, but as you hinted, that that's not the full picture. well, absolutely, these, these protests are very, very unusual. some have been saying that they're the biggest since the fall of the soviet union. it's very rare to have protests at all in cost on which as you say, is under, has been under autocratic rule. for the last 30 years,
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i was in kazakhstan in 2019 when the then the long term president and leader of the country. nor so time does our bias resigned. and there were elections. and the president who's now president promised suite wide reforms including economic performs and some people are saying that, you know, lot of people hoped then for change and that they haven't seen that hit that change, that they hoped for their living conditions to improve. and that perhaps this rise in fuel prices that we always simply the straw that broke the camel's back as it were barking these huge protests across the country. thank you for emily show in moscow. take a look now in small stores making news around the world. toxic gas league from an industrial tank as killed at least 6 people in west and india. another $25.00 were hospitalized that they hail the gas in industrial complex. in serat, good,
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you're not state. north korea says it's launched a hypersonic based on and it's 1st major weapons test this year. john young claims it hit a target 700 kilometers away. hypersonic missiles for a fly at 5 times the speed of sandwich. korea president a launch adds to regional tension. is awesome. do. italian government says approved measures to make covey 19 vaccines mandatory for everyone over the age of 50 italy struggling with record high levels of infections. it was the 1st european country to be hit by the pandemic. and has one of the highest deaf tools here in germany, there's been a sharp increase in corona virus cases with more than 64000 new daily infections recorded yesterday. that's twice as many as a week ago. jeremy currently has the 3rd highest daily death rate in europe after russia and poland. chancellor olla shoals will meet leaders of the countries
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federal states on friday to discuss further measures. proposals include reducing quarantine times people who test positive for coping. 19 goal is to keep critical services running into our children to return to school as quickly as possible. a negative test results would be required. good. let's get more from d. w said she political editor, mckayla kaufman a welcome mckayla. i'm so what at the moment is being done to try and slow the spread of the virus in germany. while not enough that's according to the expert group that does publish their report to inform those political talks coming up on friday. they're already talking about the potential need for more contact restrictions. nobody's talking about locked down, but about targeted contact restrictions. they are cooling on politicians to decide ways to get more people to get vaccinated and boosted particularly also in hospitals. and they are warning that those emergency plans need to now be put into
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place and this has to be done regionally. so that clearly at the top of the to do list to deal with a large number of patients being affected, being tested, positive, although they may be in hospital for totally different reasons. but also large and large groups within critical infrastructure thinking hospital stuff on something that the health minister wants to avoid sending those people back to work. that's why we're talking about sort of quarantines. but he won't rule out either that some people who are still positive that tends to be contagious, would have to go back to work. so the expectation is that the number of omicron cases a germany will rise in the coming weeks. so we'd like me to be looking at another lockdown. nobody wants to even mention the word locked down even actually in those locked down days,
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germany always stop sort of the kind of tough lockdown we saw in britain or france and but we will most likely see more contact restrictions at the moment. there is great disparity between individual states, weathers, infection rates are the experts are predicting. that's what the models are showing that omicron will take over, that numbers will continue to go off. while at the moment, still, the number of people in intensive care is going down. and while all micron may be a lot less harmful than the delta variant, it is so much more contagious that that cancels out what is perceived to be an advantage. so it is the relative quiet before the only cron storm and politicians will have to find ways to deal with that. i value batch of mckayla kusha. this is dw, lie from bell in his reminder of our top stories of this. our us president ger bypass open commemorations on the 1st anniversary of the storming company
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u. s. capital building in washington. you said democracy help despite the vibe. he also condemned his previous asset. donald trump, for supporting the attack and allowing the rule of law to be trapped by his support of next year, all d w, a focus on a europe prepare spotlight, all the people that will be back at the top of the with with
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fighting for reparation for that injustice. but with rushes, recent ban on the human rights organization memorial. her last hope for health is fading. focus on your next on d, w. o . europe. we diversity, and anything unusual. no mountain is too high, and no road is too long. in search of the extraordinary we are the specialists of lifestyle, europe, you lomax. on d, w ah,
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the internet knows all its creators more to everything and digitize every thing, the hot commodity in this global experiment. our data, smart devices are embedded in our daily lives tracking i work every day. we headed to a futuristic utopia, poor but digitize the nightmare. the internet of everything starts january 17th on d, w. ah, ah, hello and welcome to focus on europe.
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