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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2022 11:15am-11:30am CET

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so i, let's get a reminder now of our top story here on d, w. u. s. secretary of state antony blanket is in berlin for discussions with his german, british, and french counterparts on how to contain the threat from russia. lincoln left here early this morning after meeting with ukrainian leaders and assuring them he will keep working to avert a russian attack. coming up next turkeys, inflation and currency crisis is putting basic goods out of reach for some families . rob watts has details on dw business state youth with
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welcome to the dark side, where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings, were organized crime rules. where conglomerates make their own laws? we shed light on the opaque worlds who's behind the benefits and why are they a threat to us all o peak wolves this week on d, w a ah record inflation that's out of control with shops in turkey,
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having to raise their prices almost daily. we'll look at whether the government is making things better or worse. the afghan economy has all that collapsed since the taliban returned. but is there a reason for hope and trouble on the tracks here? how cargo trains are being regularly looted in los angeles? this is date of your business, our robots in berlin. welcome to the program budget, ty berto and has pledged to bring down turkey's soaring inflation and the pressure from the president, turkey central bank as slashed rates in recent months, triggering a currency crisis. a correspondent julia han reports from miss tumble. who are d m n g a has to print new price stickers, milk eggs toilet paper. almost everything he sells in his small shop in istanbul, scotty co district has become more expensive again. normally those wanted him to
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take this pack of pastor for example, a year ago i sold it for 3.5 years now it costs more than twice as much. that's not normal. thank you. manufacturers and wholesalers are hiking prices several times a month. and d m n g has to do the same. sometimes he says he is barely able to keep up on for another reason. i've been a shopkeeper for 10 years, but i have never seen anything like this right now. the wholesalers don't make a profit. i'm not making a profit, and the customers suffer to on the nobody wins every one is losing a longer shronda all around the world. nations are grappling with rising inflation due to the corona, virus pandemic, entire energy costs. but the price spikes here in turkey have been exacerbated by a dramatic depreciation of the country's currency, the lire, according to official figures, inflation has sought to 36 percent. that's the highest rate in nearly 20 years. yet
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many think that even this i popping figure is an understatement. brung it out for i think inflation is higher. everything got at least twice or 3 times as expensive, which with electric charged with us. we know exactly what we are paying at the supermarket. i think it's 50 percent or more. i'll fly now. now i've been running around for 2 hours trying to find cheap bread. i think we're seeing 100 percent inflation right now. garbage, riverside, on social media to anger about the price explosion is growing. this twitter account with more than 100000 followers, is called inflation diary users post photos showing changing price tags in grocery stores. i also use, he shall law president, reggie of ty about once economic policies have so far been unsuccessful in court. nevertheless, he says he is convinced that prices will soon fall of them are good economist,
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good m, utter by disagrees. she projects that inflation will likely rise further eroding incomes and savings. you started from what is that towards the end of the 1st quarter, we will see inflation rates of 50 to 60 percent. the real problem is that president ad one thinks he is the chief economist here in the country. and every one else doesn't know anything that will only change with an electron and a new government to in vicious yet. the next elections and turkey aren't officially due until 2023 shop owner for the m n. g does not know what will happen in the mean time, but he knows one thing for sure. the next price hike will definitely come. let's discuss the situation in turkey. further with economists, john sol. tricky joins us from his dumbo. thanks for being with us on the date of your business. can you just explain to us why when inflation is such a big problem in many parts of the world at the moment, it is so severe in turkey?
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well, the primary fundamental reason is the causes of inflation is not being current, the buy management by their buy or, or the monetary policy. so as long as the underlying effects of disorder and the inflation is not dealt with, it's not reasonable to expect the inflation to go down. and obviously at the, at the core of the issue is depreciated. lira, as the church economy already depends largely on fix currency for, for production. and also dollarization is the increasing gain to trust in the economy overall is decreasing, and this has an effect not only price to the pass through of the currency, but also through the increase in producers costs, which in effect impact the prices for the consumer. so this is a downward spiral,
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and as long as these drivers are not dealt with, there's no reason to expect the patient to go down. yeah, i mean, the pressure talking about there is present data on some conventional belief that low interest rates will tackle inflation. why does he have this unconventional idea how to handle the situation? i think there's growth at all costs. this prioritize seems to have been prioritized at the moment, and low interest rates, depreciated lira that would provide a competitive edge for turkish exports. is believe so incentivized, investment and dr. exports of ever you know this, this aims to provide oxygen for the private sector at, in, you know, by lowering attack, lowering interest rates actually has quite the opposite effect. right now the
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official interest rate is very different from what the real sector and lawn rates. so in effect, this whole thing drives up it producers manufacturing costs. so it's actually resulting in the opposite direction. so just briefly, if you can, is there any hope without a radical change in approach of inflation actually being tackled in turkey? anything short of a complete policy reversal. i see it's very difficult for you place to go down. as i said, if you don't deal with the drivers, then it's not reasonable to expect there's up to change. okay, john, so she okay. thank you very much for joining us, unbeatable. your business. my pleasure. chuck, honest on now, whether it return of the taliban to power has proven to be an economic catastrophe . the un says more than half a 1000000 people have been pushed out of their jobs. and international sanctions
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are squeezing and economy already suffering after decades of war drought. and now upon demik. however, there appear to be signs that not all is lost with the taliban government, but on its 1st economic conference and cobble on wednesday, even as the new rulers are shunned by much of the west management. in footage supplied by a state television broadcaster a u. n. rep says that some parts of the economy are surprisingly, doing well. exports have also reached the $1000000000.00 mark. for the 1st time ever. payment of salaries to civil servants for 2 months have been made with a recent announcement of further payments in the future. as one of just a few women in the room, leon's called for more inclusion of women in public life. adding the economy can
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only thrive when all parts of society are included. however, most afghan women have seen a huge reduction in their ability to work since the taliban took over in august. in this small tailoring workshop in cobble. so he'll nori is fighting to keep her business afloat. before the taliban took over, she had 80 employees at 3 different textile workshops. they were mostly women. now she only has 30 so missouri code in the past, we had so much work to do. like we had different types of contracts. we could easily pay a salary to our master tailors and other workers, but currently we have no contracts. the international labor organization reported on wednesday that employment for women fell by 16 per cent. in the 3rd quarter of 2021. the taliban took over in the middle of that quarter. meanwhile, men in the same period saw 6 per cent,
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less employment. billions of dollars of aid and reserves were cut off from afghanistan when the western backed government fell in economic crisis is gripping the country and advocates say that it's being disproportionately felt by women. oh the ma honey, my monthly income is around $1000.00 afghani or $10.00 and i'm the only person working in my family. money means a lot to me as we can solve lots of our problems with the money. unfortunately, since the taliban came to power, there is virtually no income at all. i did that he joined to nevada. many women fear reprisals from the taliban if they continue to work. but for these employees, the opportunity to make even a little money is too precious to let slip through their fingers. let's take a look at some of the other business stories making news around the world. the promotion of women in leading positions at major european companies rose last year,
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but not fast enough to reach the east target for 2025. a 40 percent female representation at board level currently sits up 35 percent 77 percent of companies . chief executives of women. instagram is looking into paid subscriptions for influences. the social media company is planning to test with select accounts in the u. s. where funds can pay for access to exclusive and live content. and scrum says it influences needing more reliable revenue stream. and adverse plans to out $6000.00 jobs world wide in order to meet growing demand for new aircraft and green plain technology. the move signals that the european playmaker along with yours, airline industry, may be recovering from deep cutbacks made during the pandemic. now in los angeles, cargo trains carrying packages from retailers like amazon, a being looted on an unprecedented scale. last year alone, damages amounted to an estimated $5000000.00. this year could even worse as the of
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open boxes containing merchandise that has been left behind is causing a dangerous and expensive issue for retailers and rail operators. on tuesday, 17 trained cars derailed. whether it was caused by the debris is under investigation, thieves or gaining access to the containers by jumping off bridges onto the moving trains. and removing plastic locks that are easy to break. they're looking for merchandise that can be re sold, like mobile devices, tv sets, tires and coven. 19 testing kits. is lawlessness. and honestly, we need to be tougher auto lawn order al, here and alert. evelyn bracy, across the states, mainly run on it la, cuz you know, seen this, i've been with this company for years and i've never seen like this in my entire years. sources say the l. a police department does not respond to reports of a train robbery unless the real operator asks for assistance,
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which they say is rare. thieves who are caught are charged with a misdemeanor or petty crime and are released after paying a nominal fee. union pacific has asked the l, a county's office to reconsider its lenient policy for such offences. to combat the crime, the company is also strengthening its surveillance using drones and other detection systems. and just finally, french champagne sales rebounded last year despite many restaurants being closed. due to coronas virus restrictions and hit record levels. the commute champaign federation says 322000000 bottles was sold in 2021 and the more people are drinking champagne at home sales were up within france and abroad. so much. in fact, that's don't perineal a modem, chandel, so shortages ah, is germany addicted to china?
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d w richard walker explores germany's china dilemma at the dawn of a new political era. there's meant to be a new strategy. but the so called traffic lay coalition is divided, the u. s. and other allies want germany to be much tougher. so what now can germany find a new way of dealing with china? next on d, w, these places in europe or smashing all the records slip into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of you to record breaking sites on google maps. you too and know also in book form .


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