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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2022 4:15am-4:30am CET

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so that initiative like this will help to boast tourism, which has gravely suffered because of the co at 19 pandemic. right. and he has a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you. the united states is asking the un security council to convene on monday to discuss russia military build on a long ben, ukrainian border and a written statement. you and ambassador linda thomas greenfield, called russia's behavior, a clear threat to international peace and security. in recent weeks, russia has mass 100000 trips near as border with ukraine. and once again, my name is leih from berlin. business is up next. stay tuned for that. if you're looking for more news and analysis, there's always our website, d, w dot com. and go further from me and the entire team here in berlin. thank you so much for a company. sh
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ah, where i come from, we have to fly for a free press. i was born and raised in a military dictatorship with one tv channel and a few newspapers with official information. as a journalist, i have work off of free book many cameras, and their problems are always the same. for do social inequality, a lack of the freedom of the bread and corruption, we can afford to stay silent when it comes to the defense of the human from seaman whitefield. bulls who have decided to put their trust enough. my name is jenny perez and i work at the w ah, her o. u. s. economy roars back to life.
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america logged its strongest annual economic growth since 1984, but will soaring inflation cut the rebound short. a new trade dispute is brewing this time between china and one of the european union smallest numbers. lithuania, also on the show. no more late night calls from your boss, or buying your own laptop and this remote working hot spot. portugal introduces sweeping laws to protect people working from home. chelsea delaney welcome to the show. the us has recorded its fastest economic growth and nearly 4 decades. last year, gross domestic product grew 5.7 percent. as the u. s. rebounded from the depths of the pandemic consumer spending and business inventories help buoy growth during the 4th quarter of last year. but that trend may not last much longer. the rapid spread of the over con variant could hurt economic activity while searching inflation. it's households this week the i m f slashed, it's 2022
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u. s. economic growth forecast to 4 percent from 5.2 percent gen score to our correspondence in new york joins as now. so yen 5.7 percent is really a rock star figure here. why has the u. s. economy bounced back to life so much faster than the economist had been expecting? chelsea is this a rock star number and actually if you just look at the 4th quarter, we saw the us economy growing by an even more stunning, 6.9 percent. also better than expected. i mean, clearly we have to put that into a certain perspective because we're comparing the 21 to the year 2020. that's when the pandemic actually cost the u. s. economy a to shrink by a 2 percent. and now we are seeing the biggest growth in 1984 is what happened in
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1984 ronald reagan was president, but it was not just because of ronald reagan that the economy was growing so much back then. but as well, it's also because we came out of the huge recession prior, but still no question that and this growth rate is pretty impressive. we definitely see company. it's after all those supply chain issues and some of them still lasting, restocking quite a bit. so that was one of the key reasons why we saw this extreme economic growth, especially in the last quarter of 2021 williams. can we expect this to last given that omicron inflation? a continued supply chain issues, all are still out there. well to stay positive, i would say that the economists at least expect the economy to continue growing, but definitely not with the same growth rate. now for the 1st quarter, for instance, economists are expecting a growth rate of about to 2 percent for the entire year,
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maybe growth of about 4 percent. who knows what's going to happen in the next couple of months, what we're already seeing and actually hearing from companies that yes, we still dealing with a lot of issues talking about those supply chain issues. so just here on a thursday, for example, we heard from the companies like intel, the chip manufacturer from northrop grumman, a company from the defense area that they do see a problem. for example, with the supply chain, we see that there was a shortage of goods. there was the shortage of labor, so that actually could cause the us economy to grow slower. and then finally, what we also shouldn't forget what was one of the key drivers for the growth in 2021. well, it was all the stimulus money from washington. and we might not see that in this year, and we also had all the money. so you could borrow the almost for nothing was 0 interest rates. so that's also probably going to change with the federal reserve.
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so that actually could bring us some am headwind for the month to come into court at new york. thanks so much. now over to el salvador, where is decision to become the 1st country to accept bitcoin as legal, tender is drawing the eye of the international monetary find an jeopardizing its access to aid. but many l. salvadorans have grown fond of the ball. volatile, corrupt show, currency, take a look. the international monetary funds call on el salvador to draw bitcoin as legal tender was the front page story in just about every local newspaper in the capital san salvador. it seems, every one has an opinion about it. this shocked owners don't like the outside interference of accepted bitcoin as a means of payment and for them has no turning back. when on la suffolk that he, us removing bitcoin would affect us because people already know that we accept
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bitcoin. what they already know, that they can carry their money safely on their phone, but it would be a step backwards. what many here are agree, and it's no wonder then now most all the dorians with bitcoin wallets, than traditional bank accounts, their coach, he will, while it's here, this atm machine can convert between bit coins and he was dollars because both currencies are legal, tender in el salvador, many get remittances from relatives abroad via chiva whit charges lower fees than regular banks. and that's a theme. nice idea. well, in my case, i would not agree with the elimination of bitcoin because i haven't benefited. i do use it. oh, salvador became the 1st country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender in june last year . but now economist fear it could become the 1st country to go broke. because of the crypto currency, the salvador ian government has spent $200000000.00 to buy bitcoin, according to estimates that is increasingly looking like a bad investment. bitcoin has lost around 50 percent of its value since it had
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a record last november. and that comes at a time when el salvador needs $1400000000.00 for debt payments. talks between the country and the i m f for a new loan help stoled. because of the land is concerned about the crypto currency . it says no new loans were el salvador, it keeps bitcoin as legal tendo. now to some of the other global business stories making news deutscher bank earned a record 1900000000 euros last year, mostly driven by its investment arm. germany's biggest lender says it's reaping the rewards of a strategic overhaul since 2019, which a bank has withdrawn from some of its risk your businesses and shed 18000 jobs worldwide. samsung electronics profit jumped by more than 50 percent to $11600000000.00 last quarter due to high demand for its computer chips. the south korean tech giant said ship supply will remain tight this year due to the expansion
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of 5 g mobile networks and broader demand for tech products. now a trade conflict is building between china and the european union member state lithuania. at the heart of the dispute is the baltic nation's relationship with taiwan. the you has asked the world trade organization to take action. last year, lithuania, allow taiwan to open wooded calls, a representative office in the capital vilnius. but by using the name taiwan, it broke with diplomatic custom and immediately enraged china. beijing saw the outpost as a defacto taiwanese embassy, something it can't accept china of use taiwan as part of its territory and it rejects any moves to grant the island diplomatic recognition. and it requires countries, it recognizes including lithuania to back, this one china policy. now one of europe, smallest member states,
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is experiencing the repercussions of its decision in the form of sanctions and blocked import. the european union says that's economic bullying, measures or threats to the integrity of that you single market, self exit interview, trade, you supply change and say hello, negative effect on you industry. this is why we are stepping forward to different are you sure it's a good date? we are bringing the case of the w tool. china's imports from lithuania have dropped by around 90 percent products like pharmaceuticals, lasers, electronics, and food are being blocked at the docs. brussels is also looking into claims that china has pressured other european companies to remove lithuanian commodities from their own supply chains. and they've started drafting new regulations, ones that would allow them to retaliate against foreign governments attempting to undermine europe's economy. now purch portugal has been
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a major destination for low workers throughout the potomac, but as an all been working from a beach or alice and cafe, many complain that they're being overworked and forced to bear the cost of work equipment. now the government wants to strengthen rights for not workers with one of the most ambitious laws in europe. so philippa olivera works for lisbon city council. but for health reasons, she works from home. when the pandemic began, she had to buy her own work equipment, but that wasn't all in a course that went to lee. i kind of our boss, always called when he had a new san diego at 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock at night. he always had new demands, even though our work ends at 5 o'clock to protect portugal, employees from just that the government has now passed a new law. employers must pay for costs such as a laptop and the electricity to power. and they have to respect regular working
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hours with his master knows the programs we all want labor relations that promote a balance between personal, family and professional. i leave you the feed up swell for me the i appreciate this clearly seems to be a global trans. i met them up in the us in will be events, and this is the balance. we want to define it with the last leave. any employer who contacts employees in the evening will be penalised in the future. but portugal software industry works in offices and with teams around the world. that means work around the clock. they're unfazed by the new law. it's going to get everyone to take a re, take a look at the policies that they already have in place. i think that the policies that needs i have are all righty robust. ah, there is the potential once that the law is finalized that there may be some tweaks that we need to make. the software industry has already had to ensure that it's professionals of decent working conditions, if only for competitive reasons. but unions also expect the law to improve other
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aspect simps, divine. there must be working hours in reference to achieve the necessary balance in between work. the personal and family lives either be rather v, this is the ideal relationship thought go well, we all. but it gives quizzes called by the pandemic as raised the question of worker protection everywhere. portugal is answering it with one of the most far reaching laws in europe. and before we go, a reminder of the top business story we're falling for you, us recorded as fast as economic growth in nearly 4 decades. last year. it grew 5.7 percent overall with an especially strong 6.9 percent in the 4th quarter. and it's all from me and the business team here in berlin for more from us, check out our website to w dot com slash business. take care and see you next time for
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the battle against cove it the only covariance is putting healthcare systems around the world. to the test vaccination campaigns are accelerating, while restrictions are intensifying once again. but are these measures enough to stop the spread of omicron, fax, data and reports? coven 19 special. next on d, w. a come up for one year for the fundraising will be here. mean by india, a city growing at breakneck speed at the expense with the younger bands when we got an eviction notice. this is where our family lives. this is erin. these are all things megacity wound by, from slums to skyscrapers. in 45 minutes on d, w ah,
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with soccer is a sport of colors and the children in this mountain village of the mole. but can every one be a dog with them regardless of gender? i lose the color of her favorite sexes. traditions prevent her from going to games and play an insurmountable obstacle. little girl football on the peak that starts february 4th on d w. ah, ah, welcome to the coven 19 special.


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