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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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so their story and reliable information for migrant ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin, a show of force from north korea as the tests it's most powerful weapon in years,
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a ballistic missile capable of hitting us territories in the pacific ocean. washington calls for direct talks with young act. also coming up the u. s. calls and emergency meeting on the ukraine crisis, the united nations security council meeting with an hours to deliberate on the threat of russian invasion. meanwhile, washington to prepares what it calls the mother of old sanctions. on moscow, afghans find refuge in the eastern european country of albania, as they wait for the us to take them. it has promised that many fear that dream will never come troop and digging out after a massive blizzard on the us east coast major disruptions after some places get up to 80 centimeters of snow. ah i'm to be so much gun. it's good to have you with us. it's in called north korea's
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most significant weapons test in years, the reclusive regime has confirmed it has launched a missile that can reach us faces in the pacific state. media said the weapon was a while song, 12, a ballistic missile of intermediate range. it is capable of hitting the u. s. territory of guam with a nuclear warhead. it is the 1st time the north has tested a missile that size tense 2017. the report said pictures of the earth were taken in space from the missiles, nose cone. it's flight was 1st attracted by neighbouring south korea and japan, which condemned the new test. a good am i gonna dondo rizoto tour north because i'm not a series of actions by north korea, including the repeated launches of ballistic missiles. threatened the peace and security of japan, the region, and the international community in a little, okay. such intense ballistic missile launches are in violation of relevant security council resolutions for me and our country has made a strong protest to north korea. you guys getting junior call your dutchman. we can
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speak now to josh smith. he's a senior correspondent with the reuters news agency and sol. josh. thank you for joining us, sir. south korea, japan, as we just heard there, and the u. s. have been quick to voice their concern. are they right to be concerned? well, and listen, the officials that we've spoken to here have underscored that these advances by north korea as well as the tests of older missiles was on, well, represent real military progress and real military capabilities. so of course, that could all become a real threat in the event of a war, which they say is all the more reason to ensure that a war never breaks out. but, but they do say that these tests do not appear to be simple propaganda moves by north korea. obviously, it has messages for the international community as well as domestic audiences. but these are real missiles with real military capabilities. and this was the biggest
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missile, the north korea tested since 2017 comes after months of smaller tests. and yet we haven't seen as much propaganda from pyongyang this time around. why do you think that as well they appear to be bent on developing their missile capabilities? perhaps at a time when there's less international focus on them. as there has been in the past, the kind of messages that we have seen have been ones from them depending this kind of testing as the kind of normal self defense military measures that many countries around the world take. and that seems to be the message that they're putting out there, that these are message are. these are missiles that are not pointed at any one country, or their sovereign right of the country to defend themselves against the policies from the united states and its allies. out korea in japan. i want to ask you about the timing of this test. josh, because diplomats are working around the clock right now to prevent
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a russian invasion to ukraine. we know that relations with china are at their worst in years of is north korea perhaps taking advantage of the west being distracted at the moment? that is certainly one theory by many watchers right now. north korea appears to be testing the limits of what we can get away with at this point. it's heavily thanks and are ready. and as it looks around the world, as you said, most of the major players are distracted elsewhere. the basic lucas are coming up and of course, washington is looking elsewhere. so they may see this as a time to make more progress on these weapons, perhaps with less repercussions than they may have had in the past. and just, just one last question, the u. s. was calling for direct talks. what could that look like when you were unlikely to see a face to face summit between the leaders of the us and north korea? there does seem to be a lot of pessimism about the chances of those talks. not just because of the very
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difficult nature of differences between the 2 sides. washington once, not really give up these weapons. and north korea has shown very little sign that they're willing to do that. but then there's also the issue of the ongoing pandemic . i, north korea has, has a very strict lockdown that they're only the very beginning to ease a bit there. so there are many obstacles scanning. the way to feature talks. jasmine, senior correspondent with writers in sol. thanks so much. a man hunt is underway in south west germany after 2 police officers were killed during a traffic stop. the 2 officers had stopped a vehicle near the city of kaiser now tone. when shots were fired. when backup arrived, the 24 year old female officer and a male collie age 29, were found dead. the suspect fled the scene and dw political correspondent, julia, so deli, is following the latest on the story for us. hi julia. what more can you tell us
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there's not that much information coming in yet, but what we know of this far is that the incident occurred early in the morning of monday when the 2 police officers stopped a car for a traffic check. we don't quite know, it hasn't been confirmed whether it was a routine check or whether they had any suspicions regarding the vehicle. there are reports that the 2 officers had found some a dead, a game in the vehicle, but these are yet unconfirmed reports. the 2 officers were able to radio for help seeing that they were being shot, but by the time help arrived. it was too late. the female police officer who was 24 years old, was still in training at the police academy. now, a police is searching for the suspects. they are saying that one of them at least, is armed than they have had advised the population not to take on hitchhikers. they
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have extended the search to the neighboring state of zion land and but they do not know exactly what vehicle the 2 perpetrators had been driving or in which direction . and they have gone out. flags are flying at half mast to day in the state of rhineland. platinum, where the incident occurred and germany's interior minister said that the news is devastating and said that the incident is reminiscent of an execution against the 2 police officers and said that everything will be done to try to find the perpetrators and julia, how unusual is an incident like this in germany, incidents like these don't occur that often that also may be tied to the fact that germany has some of the strictest gun laws in europe. and a person can possess a weapon only if they can justify a, a need for a weapon, and that translates into
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a low number of weapons per capita in the country. for example, comparing that to the us in the u. s. there are 12 weapons, every 10 people in germany, there are 2 weapons, every 10 people, so definitely a lower number of guns in the country did have you corresponded julia. so deli reporting for us. thank you for that update. now to some other headlines from around the world, at least 18 people have been killed in brazil after heavy rains. the state of sao paulo saw landslides and flooding authority say, around 500 families have been left homeless. the states governor has authorized emergency aid money for the affected areas. brazil has experienced torrential rains and flooding over the past month. protesters angry over canadas vaccine mandates have blocked roads for a 2nd day in the capital ottawa. the demonstrators include truck drivers who organize the convoy from the western part of the country. prime minister justin trudeau and his family were moved to an undisclosed location as a precaution. portugal governing socialist party has been celebrating after
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a bigger than expected victory in sundays elections. the result allows prime minister antonio crushed out a stain power with an absolute majority in parliament. nearly all poles had predicted a nearer were when for the socialists and music streaming service spotify as taking new measures to combat co, 19 misinformation. it follows a dispute that so artists neil young and joni mitchell removed their music from the platform and the you case prince harry and his wife megan markelle, who have deals with spotify have also expressed concern over vaccine misinformation . the un security council meeting later today for the 1st discussion of rush us military build up along the border of ukraine. if the meeting goes ahead, it would see russia, un bassett, or square often public against both of the us, britain and other countries. us lawmakers are also readying further sanctions on russia, in case it does invade its southern neighbor. this comes as ukraine trains that
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civilians and the use of weapons and how to fight authority, say a 100000 people have received military training and recent years in preparation for a potential russian attack on their country. more recruits means the need for more weapons, but germany has upset some of its nato allies by refusing to send arms to ukraine. berlin says the export of lethal weapons to the region could increase tensions with russia. russian fighter jets in eastern europe moscow's military build up on ukraine's border. has he has a desperate to arm its defense forces. ukraine is asked germany for support, but has met reluctance from the new coalition government. while berlin has approved the delivery of 5000 helmets. it said no to leave the weapons as get crowded at midday. with right now, we're trying to engage russia and diplomatic talks to avert a war in the middle of europe. and i believe supplying weapons within the complete run signal would not lead to an evening of diplomatic tensions. spinal as it ought
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to come. the german government is still deciding whether nato ally, estonia continued crane, heavy artillery, made in the former east germany berlin's policy not to export leave the weapons to conflict regions is backed by the greens in deutschland state. of course it's essential question. is it possible to be toughening gauge and dialogue with russia and deliver weapons? i'd say no. and that's why a policy is the right $19.00 and a subsidy. we can always disprove as much that policy for now doesn't include a stop to the node stream to pipeline. but if russia does attack ukraine, chancellor, all of sholtes isn't ruling out painful sanctions. for more in the story, we can speak to alexander craft lamb stuff. he's the vice chairman of the free democrats parliamentary group and the f t p is part of the governing coalition. mr . coff. lance. i've got to have you back on d. w. you are joining us from warsaw to day. and the former polish foreign minister told us that germany should be sending defensive weapons or to ukraine because it
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has a special duty to preserve peace. why not send weapons? well, we have a longstanding policy of not doing this will me just as a was pointed out in the contribution that we just saw. and we have a situation in which the ukranian armed forces are militarily inferior to the russian forces by a factor that could never be made up by arms deliveries. however, if the ukrainians want to purchase and procure weapons, they know where they can do it. as their foreign minister said, when he was standing side by side with unavailable, the new german foreign minister to local labor said very clearly, we know where to get which weapons when we need them. and i think therefore that this discussion is one that is more about domestic dynamics and germany than about the situation ukraine. let's talk about some of those domestic dynamics. we know that germany is one of the biggest arms, ex porters in the world. germany has made exceptions to this rule against sending
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lethal weapons, for example, by arming the kurdish pash america who were defending themselves in iraq. so why shouldn't an exception be made in this case, which is seen by germany as a serious crisis? it is seen as a serious crisis, but we have made 2 exceptions from the rule. one is the one you you mentioned earlier. the other one was when germany participated in protecting the cause of ours against the genocide, and that was the dog attempted by, by the serbian side. the point here is that in both cases we had a genocidal situation or we had a situation on our hands that was imminent. that was concrete. that was specific where violence was already being used. it was not a situation where diplomats were still talking and air when we armed the kurds. on the other side, we had the islamic state, the so called islamic state. these are people who cannot talk to, whereas it is possible, even though difficult to talk to the russian side, which is what we're doing together with our allies. and there's one thing that i
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think is important for our viewers to understand should a military aggression occurred. the german government has said very clearly that all options are on the table and they remain on the table and that includes everything that we're talking about. he said that the ukrainian military is inferior to the russian military. no defensive weapons that could be said would really make a difference in the situation at the moment, but is this about ascending as, as a signal of solidarity to the ukrainians? and i want to read you what the ukranian ambassador to germany and ramonica wrote recently on twitter. he said, you should be sending the fence weapons to a stop, a new russian, where you prefer to get rid of these issues behind closed doors. this is a culture of communication that belongs to the past. it sounds like that the, that you're feeling of solidarity is not being received by the ukrainians. well, this is a, i know every man is very well. he's a very active ambassador and he's not doing the right thing in his judgement by putting these things out into it. i think what's,
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what's going on is that we are expressing our solid charity also in practical terms with ukraine, including a, you know, 8 in the cyber field. you know, that all ukrainian ministries have been hacked or just recently. or we are supporting the armed forces with non lethal elements. we have propping up the economy. we opening up our markets in the european union for your plan, your products, the many things are going on and we are helping ukraine as well as we can. but in this phase, and let me say this again in this phase, we are still talking. we've just heard that the security council of the united nations is addressing the issue today, right? i would suggest to take it of the security council and bring it to the general assembly because russia doesn't have a veto there. so there are many things that we can still do in the diplomatic brown . and i think that's what we should between doing some of germany's nato allies are choosing to send weapons to ukraine. are you concerned that moscow might perceive germany's reluctance to do so as division among the west and see that perhaps as an
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opportunity? well, if so they would be mistaken if they're read this as an encouragement, you know, in terms of a military, an incursion. no, i don't think that the kremlin should read it that way. we have a new government, we have a government that has been very clear on arms exposed as of a more restrictive line that's going to be pursued by this government. it's absolutely clear in the coalition agreement and so on the on, in this particular situation, we are very clear should military or incursion happen all options on the table. and i mean all options. but before we come to a situation like this, we try to save the peace in europe and that's, that's what the german government is actively pursuing. alexander car flagstaff and the governing coalition party that free democrats. thanks so much for joining us here. andy w. thank you. we take you now to albania, where more than a 1000 afghan refugees are living as they wait for the us to approve their asylum
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applications. washington promised to provide them with visas and permanent homes once their applications had been approved. now, after months of waiting in the eastern european country, many afghans in albania are growing concerned. they might be stuck there and see their dreams of a life in the us fading. dw correspondent, funny for char file, this report from the town of change in another day of the andreotti coast of albania. de number 140, for alia, snub and dish. the 29 year old fled from afghanistan after the taliban to control in august. last year alias is a journalist, a job risky to keep under the taliban. his thoughts here, revolver on his sister's left, behind, forced to leave school. it's very hard to love to hear that your sister is asking for education and you don't have a power or
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a possibility for her to to, to respond. hair. hideous is thankful to be safe, but his own future is also uncertain. a life of being in limbo, he says, there is no way to go back. no way to go for it are that you are stuck in one place for the last 5 months, silly us and about 1500 other african refugees have been staying in this hotel complex in change in a tourist resort. they were told it's temporary until they are vetted for a u. s. visa, this replica, the statue of liberty, had been erected at the hotel by albanians, the u. s. as a patron of stability. that's the image. many locals have. this has been here long before the hundreds of african refugees who arrived at this hotel. some of them have told me that a statue has begun to feel like a hollow promise. as they wait out the vetting process. he asked wants to keep busy
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. he turned the casino room of the hotel into a makeshift newsroom with honor exiled jauntily. once they're gone, informed the world about afghanistan as the world's attention is shifting. it's very important to continue our work. it's our responsibility. it's our commitment to us a journalist to that paper. he's the online editor in chief for the 80 lacrosse newspaper, one of the most read daily and afghanistan. the print no longer exists. the team here wants to keep it alive on line with colleagues stealing. cobble. the work distract from their worries about their future. i don't know about my future at that. what will happen? because we don't know when we leave albania, some here want to stay anonymous, fearing repercussions for their families back home. all of them want to know when will they move on? albania, interior ministry says that's difficult to answer,
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but it seems the united states may no longer be their final destination. no hold on one. we will have meetings this month with the canadian government. they are interested in taking a lot of atkinson, but we are also prepared for them to stay in albania. eli, us and all the honor african refugees, hope they will not be forgotten. as time goes on, after all, albania was only supposed to be a transit country. israel's head of state, isaac hartzog, has arrived in the united arab emirates in the 1st ever official visit by an israeli president. 2 years ago, the 2 countries normalized diplomatic ties had sog flew to abu dhabi the capital of the amorous, or he met their crown prince and de facto world mohammed bins. i at the 2 sides discussed security and economic relations. israel's president isaac had so on his way to the united arab emirates historic visit. the 1st of
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these railey leda, to the gulf states at the royal palace and abu dhabi answered, meets crown prince mohammed been zide ahead. i b as part of the u. s. mediated abram accords, israel the u. e, establish diplomatic relations in september 2021. almost overnight, commerce and tourism between the 2 countries flourished. $400000.00 israeli tourists have already visited the emirates freight between the 2 countries has multiplied by a factor of 12 within a year. is rated technology is boosting the u e. economy and even arms deals are in the pipeline is in a 1000 biden. lend on july the day. the synergies between the 2 countries are
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immense, forgotten, and there isn't benefitted from each other. during the corona virus pandemic when the undone men, lakeville, and technology 100, it said home build on mutual benefit. these ties are set to strengthen further northern europe is recovering from a powerful winter storm. high winds, heavy rains and snow left at least 4 people dead across the continent. in germany, the storm left its mark from the mountains all the way to coastal regions. the storm system known as nadia in germany hit the north sea coast with spectacular force wind gusts of more than a 100 kilometers an hour combined with a tidal surge to push hard, but it couldn't keep on lucas away. brandon, it's amazing. the kind of power nature has while coastal areas will lift, batted and water loved by the rising tide. further inland the emergency service
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workers were left to deal with down trees while services were halted in many places, around berlin in knee by brandenburg, one man died after being hit by a falling election poster. as the storm moved east and towards the higher elevations on germany's border with the chick republic, the winds power remained, but war and e re white, cloak of snow. warnings of hurricane force winds lived up to all expectations. only those with a job to do were brave enough to get out and make tracks. as germans stayed battened down to get through the night with storm nadia,
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the u. s. has also been hit by some severe weather. tens of thousands of households on the east coast are still without electricity. after a winter storm left, several states note in resident started digging out from the blizzard snowfall. as crews worked to restore power and to clear roads. a sunny sky over the u. s. east coast, only a day after it was hit by a powerful winter storm. that left behind a thick blanket of snow. more than 100000 people lost power during the blizzard. boston tide, it's record for the biggest single day snowfall. busy days for the snow blowers clearing the runway of the near by logan airport. the storm prompted the cancellation of hundreds of flights. several states have declared emergencies as many residents begin to dig out and get some work to do
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little bit. yeah. yeah, my neighbor help me out quite a bit though. yeah. with us back up. some school districts canceled classes on monday. well, the snow is still being cleared. meanwhile, crews are working a round the clock to restore electricity as soon as possible. one item from the sports world. manchester united football player mason greenwood has been arrested by british police on suspicion of rape and assault after allegations were made against him on social media. on sunday, photographs and audio recordings were briefly shared on the instagram account of a woman. the recordings appear to document physical and sexual abuse perpetrated by the footballer matches united have confirmed that the 20 year old greenwood will not return to training or play for the club until further notice. it's good reminder of our top stories now. police in southwestern germany are searching for a suspect after 2 police officers were killed in the city of kaiser's lot. the 2
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officers aged 24 and 29 had stopped a vehicle when shots were fired, the suspect fled the sea. and north korea has tested a ballistic missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to us targets in the pacific ocean. it is the largest weapon tested by the country since 2017 washington has called for direct talks with young . yeah, coming up next are globalization show global $3000.00 explorers, whether desalination is the answer to water scarcity around the world stage, and for that ah
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