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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2022 7:00am-7:15am CET

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oh ah ah, this is dw, coming to live from berlin. the diplomatic push to diffuse, the ukraine crisis moves to berlin, leaders of france, germany and poland, se they're united in their resolved to prevent war and call on russia to engage in meaningful dialogue. ukraine crisis is sparking concerns across the region. we visit reservists in lithuania, who explain why they too are nervous about what they think russia could do next. and security forces in canada are struggling to contain a protest by truckers and ottawa against the government's anti cove measures. the
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demonstrators are blocking the busiest land crossing into the united states. ah hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. germany, france and poland. say they are united in their goal of preventing war in europe and have again warned russia there will be massive consequences if it embeds ukraine. leaders of the 3 countries have been meeting here in berlin as part of a round of urgent shuttle diplomacy by french president manuel my call. it's been a busy few days for wold leaders as they engage in a diplomatic push to resolve the crisis on ukraine's boulders upwards the leaders of germany, france, and poland puts on a defiant front in berlin on tuesday. while the
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guidelines are not common goal is to prevent a war in europe and the deployments of russian troops on the border with ukraine is very worrying. and our assessment here is very much the same as is our position here is does a dent, uncle? she in this is the meeting followed a diplomatic blitz by micron who pushed for further talks on visits to moscow and kiev shoes. multiple mother, i believe that we have concrete, practical solutions that will allow us to move forward. we have had the opportunity to discuss this together. i've also had the opportunity to discuss this with president putin. as i have done with my european partners and several of our allies in brazil is it. the criminal denied reports that putin told micron. russia would not further rump up military tensions and would pull troops out of bella roost later this month. that german is foreign minister on a line of bare bulk,
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also visited east in ukraine on tuesday. she said that could be no military solution to russian aggression. backing kiev president lensky said he expects more talks to take place. sylvia. but as more us troops are sent to europe's eastern boulders, it still hoped, but a diplomatic solution can be found. spring in our political correspond, julia shall deli here, julia. after all this diplomacy, are we any closer to a peaceful end to the stand off with russia? it is hard to tell exactly right now, but what we can say is that there is definitely being a lot of effort being put in by european countries and the u. s. to try to prevent any use of force. in this crisis, we've seen a western allie's putting, putting up a united front on how they want to deal with the situation. they say that they are
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ready to work together and they want to work towards a dialogue and diplomacy. and we've seen that germany with a chancellor, all of shots seems to have reassured or his us counterpart, joe biden, and other lawmakers in the us about germany's commitment to working together with the us to find a solution to the crisis. there had been doubts in some political circles in the us about germany's commitment, but it seems like they are convinced by what all of shots has told the president and other lawmakers there. and as we've seen a yesterday in the meeting between shots and the 2 presidents of france and poland, they also have committed to working together and try to further discussions with russert russia and try to stop any use of force. and the key words here are d escalation, diplomacy, and dialogue. this is what it seems like. western allies are going forward,
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but also putting their foot down and seeing that with a further aggression from russia, there will be dire and severe consequences. what's the division of labor in these diplomatic efforts truly are germany and france plank specific roles in talks on resolving the ukraine crisis doesn't seem like there is an explicit division of labor, but we do see some different actions from the various countries. we've seen the u. s. take the lead on playing a strong part. strong words are seeing that there will be a high price for russia, and also, a moving troops are from the u. s. and other european countries to eastern europe to show that the u. s. is, is present and ready to play a role. we've seen mcclung taking a leading role within europe to try to propose solutions. he went to talk to put in
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a put forward or the idea that there should be further talks and further dialogue. and we've seen germany of being a little slow in reacting rights are as if the chancellor took his time or before he sprung into action. and his role seems to be also to a pushing for diplomacy. as the most important factor in dealing with the crisis went right now, and that is what he is doing in his talks with his her counterparts from other countries. julia, thank you so much. our political correspond julia. so deli, though, all eyes may be on ukraine at the moment, but other people in the region fear they might be next. the baltic states of lithuania, laconia, and estonia share borders with russia. 2 of the 3 also border bell roost rushes close allied. the baltics were once part of the soviet union butter. now nato members. the alliance her stationed 1200 troops on lithuanian territory. germany
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provides half those soldiers and has pledged to send another 350 next week. but with tensions running high, many lithuanian civilians are preparing to defend themselves. it's a freezing cold weekend morning. but for these lithuanian civilians, leisure time is more like boot camp. they want to be ready to defend their country . took 3 men crew. there are doctors, architects, artists, musicians, and managers like me. will they need training. they all need to know how to move as a combat unit, how to use weapons, and how to survive on the battlefield. 44 lit again. click go. galler lithuania, shares and border with kremlin aligned belarus, and with russia itself, the giant regional power. the crisis in ukraine is making people here. nervous
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is thought in a story, doesn't end with the un nato. what has happened in this region over many centuries is not over. our enemies have not changed and we must be vigilant with the wooden monsieur m. good. as much with you. i feel under threat. i want to be prepared and to know what to do if tea day comes with them and we have to defend ourselves for that. they are determined ready to fight. and unpaid lithuania, as defense, ministry only covers organizational costs. lucio c at the most difficult in russia, wants to secure supremacy over its neighbors. and it's using highly aggressive tactics. ukraine is the 1st on its radar, but others will follow this. we're going to document the words you there below. under chairman command nater treats have been stationed in lithuania since mid 2017 as a deterrent against russia. but germany's hesitant stance in the ukraine crisis has
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provoked criticism, including here in lithuania, aramark development, but canada gear we live in a region where russia keeps nuclear muscle, sir, that russia has li, tactical, short range missiles, miller error, and germany refuses to draw a red line at the sack on the breast that hold on the linear o civilians preparing for the worst for these lithuanians, a war in their country is a very real possibility. sketch up on some of the stories making headlines today, firefighters in oklahoma city in the us, are battling a massive blaze of construction site cities, fire department. so the fire was in an unfinished hotel or apartment complex. and parts of the building had collapsed. no injuries have been reported. at least 14 people had been killed and dozens more injured in a landslide in columbia. the incident followed heavy rains and
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a mountainous region in the center of the country rescue team se they fear new mud slides could follow. indirect talks between iran and the united states aimed at reviving the 2015 around nuclear deal restarted in vienna. after a break of just over a week, officials say the talks have made significant progress under president trump, the u. s. in unilaterally withdrew from the pack in 2018. former pope benedict has asked the victims of sexual abuse and the catholic church for forgiveness. but he denied any personal or specific wrong doing an independent report released in january, so that benedict had failed to act against clergy. members. in 4 cases of alleged abuse, canadian prime minister just intruder has bound to bring an end to a trucker protest against pandemic restrictions. now in its 2nd week, the protests have gripped canada and paralyzed parts of the capital, ottawa,
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bringing the business district to a standstill and blocking the busiest border. crossing with the u. s. ottawa. police are requesting backup from across the country as they struggle to contain the truckers almost 2 weeks into their seat in these protested brush off another frozen also a morning. each day the hundreds of camped out truck is joined by supporting the movements that began in response to a vaccine mandate has grown into a catch all for government sentiment. the truck has say they're staying put in till they get back what they call their freedom pallet determined are you to continue to the protest while if you take a shot of my drug, you'll see my tires are of thought is that the lawyer auto residents have faced harassment and there are reports of hate speech. after
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a court order stopped, the protest is from constant honking. the truck has began revving their engines instead, filling the air with diesel fumes. police say they have slowly started to regain control of central ottawa. seizing fuel supplies in an emergency parliament debate. prime minister justin trudeau defended the government's pandemic response. we've been working with provincial premiers right across the country to bring in the kinds of restrictions the kinds of mandates that have saved canadians lives. everyone is sick and tired of lock downs of the measures we have to do of the sacrifices we've had to make. but canadians have continued to step up over the past 2 years. been there for each other, been there to get vaccinated, more than 80 percent of adults are fully vaccinated. and there's been broad support for government measures. but sympathy has grown for the protesters as canadians tie
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of restrictions. rallies have sprung up around the country in solidarity protesters have partially blocked. the busiest border crossing between the us and canada. a quarter of old trade between the 2 countries normally crosses the bridge, sparking fears of shortages out of beijing winter olympics and snowboarding. biggest star, they're shown why it has reached heights that no one else in the sport has. the 35 year old american returns to his 5th olympics before retiring, competing for a record for the gold medal. his competition starts today. ah, he's the king of the half pipe, shawn white is going for gold. again, the american is the most successful snow border ever with 3 olympic gold medals. stranger to the pressure of computing se olympics,
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so i know it brings out the best to me and i'm hoping that all of this rocky bumpy road to the games is gonna kind of peak once we get there. so this is one more step along the way. he's the only snore water to need to perfect 100 score must might started snowboarding at the age of 6, and turn pro at age 13. he competed at his 1st winter games in terrain at 19, where he won gold in the half pipe. then again at vancouver 2010. so cheese 2014 was an anomaly after white only finished 4th. but he bounced back at piano chang, 2018, claiming his threat olympic gold medal. i know the end is there, so i'm just enjoying every moment that's giving me this extra boost of excitement. sean whites legacy is unmatched. as the legends has good bye to the sport of
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snowboarding, watching dw news frumber lead up next to us consumers go on a record binge. we've got business news for you with chelsea, delaney on terry martin, thanks for watching both every day for us and for our planet. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities greener? how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do with all our waste.


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