tv Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe Deutsche Welle February 14, 2022 1:02am-1:31am CET
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aah! all aboard the glacier express in switzerland. my colleague, hannah hold takes an exciting journey through this scenic swiss out. we'll find out more about her trip later in the show. i want to welcome to another edition of your max with me, your host. megan lee. here's a look at what else we've got coming up. deliciously deceptive crocheted art from the u. k. what's the appetite for more? and how a blind italian chef still continues to poke in his successful rest. cinemas in berlin are rolling out the red carpets again as the berlin film festival. the ballina gets under way. despite ongoing corona, virus restrictions,
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18 films are in the running for the golden and silver barrow wards. and even though digital technology leads the way in promoting the movies, some production companies still advertise with old fashion hand painted cinema posters. austrian artist goods valise is one of the few cinema poster painters. keeping up this unique tradition here in berlin. whether aside die or tragic comedy giant movie posters can be seen all over berlin and not just during its international film festival goods valley and helps films make a big splash. the movie poster painter is one of the last of his kind. he refer, i love film and it's one of the most important things cohen it's, aren't really want to shit. i don't differentiate between art and film, ionic or me. it's a great art form. you could call it pop art or popular culture. we'd be lost
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without moving. assume of involve smith at his berlin studio. he's making a poster for the cities, film festival, the bad. another. first, he sketches the outline or the 5th of his art. i don't use projections much just enough to give me some orientation on this huge canvas afterward line one because up close things look different than they do from far away as refund me. the hardest part is getting the proportions right, because the canvas is 5 meters high and 9 meters wide. that's $45.00 times the size of a standard movie poster. goods melvin uses a spray gun for the larger surfaces. he goes through 20 leaders of paint per poster i'm. i figure out how to do it while i work. there is no plan. everything is improvised. every picture is different and poses different challenges for in terms of color on structure. i just try to get it right as quickly as possible. normally,
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it takes goods valvoline 2 days to complete a commission. his hand painted film posters, costs 800 euros apiece. he said great story in his precise technique using a paint brush to bring out the details as if the machine was out of it's a mixture of everything that had sung. you must be extremely fit well and flexible, like a ballet dancer able to jump around. i think every month you have to be able to it all at the same time one and also know how to paint it was and on, even if it sounds like i'm exaggerating that you need courier read that because when you stand there in the morning facing a 9 meter long white canvas that needs to be finished by the evening. you have to be able to just office. we'll jump right in. that was there. i'm spring icama. oh, good saline study painting in vienna before moving to berlin. he made his 1st movie poster in 1992 and has painted over 2000 more since then.
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his artworks are almost hyper realistic. the ownership freshman book and other came out after 30 years of experience. i said young i can say the difference between a print and a painted poster. what is that you abstract, alice? oh, oh captures absolutely everything. every little structure as to whether you wanted to or not mine it. whereas i accentuate the things i feel need to be stress is it's a form of reducing things to their essence of reasonably each other. all that's missing now is the writing, then the giant bell. and now the poster will be done by lean is assisted by rosita cutter that they've worked together for 30 years and only parted company when a film proved too successful. prevent benefit. but i am runs for 3 or 4 months in all the cinema i field and we simply have nothing to do for that long while titanic was the worst of all. no one saw it coming. the film came out of nowhere. suddenly
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we were unemployed, were 3 month audits, lewis. but it's not just blocked clusters that make life difficult. fewer movie theaters can afford to commission hand painted movie posters. civilians craft is threatened with extinction. but that just makes him even more determined to carry on that. so to get as much rangers, been under stress ever since prince started being may line on force, but my aim is to be better than a print gun that might sound arrogant. that's what it's really true. it's opposite . what i learned is, i'm generally better than a poster because i'm better at getting the point across colma, it's more personal hazardous yet i'm just as quick and older than i can make them just as big cause can also goals. but goods valinda isn't sentimental about his past movie posters. once that film they promote has left the cinemas. he simply paints over them. one of the best ways to see europe is by train. and if you
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want a really memorable ride than a trip to the swiss alps on the glacier express should be on your bucket list. well, the trains cars have glass tops giving travelers incredible views of the mount landscapes, while the journey from saint morris to sir mot in switzerland takes about 8 hours, which makes it the slowest express train in the world. duramax report or hon. a homo hopped on board for the latest installment of europe by train. snow dusted, mountains and glistening glaciers. rocky gorges and stunning ski slopes. this is train travel at its peak. hi there, i am hannah, whom all and today i'm traveling on the glacier express. the twisting track travels through some of switzerland's most scenic landscape, which is why it's often described as one of the most breathtaking journeys in the
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world. i'm starting my journey in st. morris, a winter sports resort, beloved by the jet set. it's airily, the sun is just rising and it's minus 10 degrees celsius, but hopefully it will be worth it for the gorgeous winter views. i've been promised our 8 hour long trip through the swiss alps begins and sent more. it's continues through core and matt and break and ends in their mat. the route connects to ski resort towns often viewed as the winter playgrounds of the rich and famous big glacier express cars itself, the world's slowest, fast train averaging just 38 kilometers an hour. it passes through $91.00 tunnels and crosses at $291.00 bridges, including the land, faster viaduct, a unesco world heritage site. the train is making
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a somewhat longer stop to switch agent. so i'm going to see if i can have a quick chat with the train driver, tyler went back hello. can you tell me right about what it's like to actually drive a train like this line? is they all snow? it's quite challenging. of you need to have a good concentration and an overview of the root all as well as know the mountains and where the dangerous parts are for i hurry back onto the train just in time for lunch. the glacier express prepares all of its food on board in this tiny kitchen. it offers a 3 course meal of traditional swift cuisine that goes perfectly with the surrounding scenery. a verena mikaela has worked on
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board since 2018. the guess is in the gas, our international comment. there are new gallons and every day, which makes the job interesting. it, we get to exchange stories which makes the day so enriching the muffin top for. then she serves me a traditional schnapps, the shoes, the more just for digestion. of course, a good to go in the glacier express wasn't always a luxury tourist attraction. it started running in 1930 as a way for locals to get around. but only in the summer months the vast amount of snow and ice made it too difficult to operate in the winter time. in the early 19 eighties miss west began to recognize the trains tourism potential. the railway line was overhauled so it could run it year round, the glacier express became one of the world's most successful and well known
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tourist trains. several hours into the journey. we reached the highest point on the line that over out pass at an elevation of 2033 meters. no wonder this is also a popular ski area. this is definitely the most amazing view so far. like being if i had a snow globe. so if so got a few more hours to go think i'm going to try and explore the train and see if there's anything else to see. so i'm sitting in 1st class, but there's even an extra class. excellent class. let's go take a look, arrive tickets for these seats. kostin. i watering 650 euros. so unsurprisingly, there are only a few people in this carriage. i order and groaning at the bar made with regional
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swift jim 300 kilometers. later, the train reaches its destination. after 8 hours, we finally arrived in 7 months. it was like a winter wonderland. gorgeous scenery, but now it's really time to stretch my legs. i even catch a glimpse of the famous matter horn. just as the sunsets over this plan, you know, village breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day and it's also served as inspiration to one artist in the u. k. you mang lew likes to crochet and embroider, but she took it to another level by turning her english breakfast into 3 d. art. embroidered edibles is her latest project and we met up with her in london to hear
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more about it. oh, anguish breakfast with bacon eggs and beans, poor. how about some popcorn or broccoli? tasty though they look. these food stuffs are best not eat. british artist, you mang lu, created them with a needle and thread. think of a food has their own character. for example, like him, my baby brocly i made, i want to let people feel relaxing and it felt really peaceful. and for example, like my fide ag, it's really energized say, can warn. so i wanna transfer all of the feelings to my audience is. so the idea of boot inspired embroidery came to her over breakfast in 2020, and the series embroidered edibles was born. she posts the finished works on instagram. her goal is to create $301.00 pieces and total. it's actually really
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good kiva, a 30 one a is a computer language is of it's like something like great direction. so at that time as a new direction for me. you mang lou, who's originally from the chinese region, you know, studied at the london school of bashing to day. she lives in bristol, england. she takes her inspiration from the culture and landscapes of both countries. i went to dolly, it's a by minority re jane china. so i went to a par, can i met the locos, who was doing the amazing punch nato embroidery by, by just straight away, i being attracted by their work and rolled by this handiwork. you mang lube began to teach herself the punch needle technique. unlike normal embroidery, it involves working with loops,
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ideas developed and i weight invented into my own like technics. basically push those 2 eyes into the base for break. and now i will get a lot of loose in the flood. and then i just a tray man as copa to the of find, know look that what are what the artist is fascinated by diverse textures and by the unique nature of a variety of fruit and vegetables in particular, they have, oh, different like touchy texture. so someone really smooth osama has this kind of really thumb different my kid. so face, i feel like they, they want me to use many dose to do that. do to tell the different stories about them depending on the size and the effort required. the artist can work up to several months on an object. she uses silk or cotton thread for all her projects. smaller works have about 10000 loops, while larger ones have more than 100000. i designed it my own best po,
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punch ito. because to the, the mog here was really big and, and is like this wise, really delicate. so you can quit and more in details. occasionally, human lou also accepts commissions and she can imagine working with fashion houses and other companies in the future. but her heart belongs to this main project. now i'm thinking that these project is more like a lifetime project. so i will keep making more odds. would i keep all of them? cuz i really hope that one day i can exhibit them all of them into in the caliber optical illusions which wet the appetite for more in this context, playing with your food is quite all right.
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when something so easy to do, how often have you said? i can do that with my eyes closed or i've cooked that there's so many times i can do it blindfolded. well, for one chef in italy doing things without sight is his reality because he is in fact blind. instead, antonio chuck to law employs all of his other senses to rain over his kitchen. and the results are not only tasty, but they're very inspiring. ah, antonio chalk, the law can smell every single ingredient. although he cannot see, he can create the most demanding dishes. for me, it's not a problem that i can't see because you can also see what their hand is equally money. every morning the italian chef bakes his soured oak red with sausage or cheese filling on board dominga shoe line. never actually think about the fact that
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i can't see that i will completely blind rather good on bands or my. i feel like a normal person a from be said to have a shorter, maybe it's because i so much enjoy preparing these great dishes. higher were suspended it, but it, but it's, it is cuisine traditional italian with a dash of fantasy in the village of bel videos that in say, near the adrian coast, you will find his restaurant. lots have added none dahlia to keep on the menu such dishes as milk for yet. with pecorino. milky with truffles or asparagus quiche with bacon. he hears if the onions for the spaghetti carbon ata get too hot and smells when the pasta water boils. you go. i feel with the work that the bacon is getting harder now. sticking a bit to the pan and slowly getting crispy or i can smell and here it or water. it,
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when it doesn't mean i'm better than other cooks of kidney, just more concentrated on because i'm not distracted. i thought and rely completely on smell touches and hearing the thought it dr. as a young man, antonio chuck the law was already working as a cook in his birth place near naples, along with his wife. he opened his own restaurant in bed, the dead austin se in 2001. on new year's eve, 2005, he was hit by a firework in front of his restaurant. lost his eye sight. ah, he refused to retrain. returning to his kitchen, to test out if he could still manage there as a blind man. troubadour least look if i noticed immediately that i could still handle the night and me a night is my bread, a grill of each other. in the beginning, i often cut myself a but not any more gay and realizing that my hands could still handle the knife pretty well. gave me courage. i broken away, i learned quickly to belay and chop again. your main deck,
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and that's when i said to myself, if i can cut blind, then i can do other things to the doors. he wrote a book about his story, it boiled in by the luck, which means the darkness in the pan. when shopping, his keen sense of smell and touch helps him to assess the quality and freshness of the ingredients and make the best choices with rich in the kitchen. almost everything remains as he last saw it before the accident. in the beginning, a cook would assist him, but in the meantime, antonio chuck the law does almost everything on his own. again, his wife manolo mariani helps with some tasks. her husband, sudden blindness, was a great shock to her. in wonder for a world class, i didn't know where to start again, how to go on. everything had changed drastically. all just thought was among the mean though, when with time you find a way you have to keep going got the,
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the me that apples to their children were born after the accident. antonio has never seen his sons. he doesn't only run a restaurant, he enters competitions, does cooking shows on tv and teaches budding chefs. ah, the 60 seats in his restaurant are almost always book down a restaurant whose reputation reaches far beyond the small italian town. got sort of the buddhist very good and none of us would have guessed that the ship was blinded. gleaming compliments, it tasted great ring. the special keys here always surprise me. there is always something new on the menu with occasionally antonio chopped. the law greets his guests personally, but mostly he doesn't have time to spare from the cooking. before
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his accident, his ambition was to earn a michelin star, and despite his blindness, he still hopes to achieve this one day. and finally, we turn our attention to a polish artist who likes to play with dolls, but not in a pretty in pink world. monica must tova cat shoots morbid ghostlike portraits of her subjects to revoke evoke a range of emotions while her photos have an eerie and sand quality about them. but they also fascinate. as we found out when we visited her in krakow lou these dolls are not toys. they're so realistic, it's almost creepy. especially when polish artists monica must avec, sets them up for a photo shoot. they capture something, a theory,
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or you could almost expect them to come alive. i may be j. d doors collector and photographing those photographer. so b, j. d, those are my passion. actually, i spend the like already like more than 10 years of my life were photographing. b, j, d, or ball jointed dolls, come from asia. they can be arranged and all kinds of poses thanks to their ball and socket joints. monica owns over 25 of them. she gets a russian artist to paint their faces and body parts, according to her exact requests. a new character is created for each photo. so you can exchange to eyes so so that she can look, you know, aside oh, in front. so you can change the color of voice size of ours and so on. so again,
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you to appear like a different face and a different mean and different character. the dolls are often dressed in taylor made clothes. this dress, for example, was sewn by an artist friend. there are different sizes of those. so sometimes you'd say, you know, hard to find the right dress because sometimes the dress is too big or too small. the leather boots are color coordinated with the dress. monica wears gloves, so as not to smudge the dolls delicate makeup. she wants her photographs of the dolls to stimulate the viewer's fantasy. ah, his daughter, you know, are so inspiring for me because they are not smiling, acc, city, they are pretty a serious or even said old crying. yes. so it is some possible to
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canada and more serious stories, not about toys, but actually about the people. yeah. about the humans emotions. ah, she showcases her artworks on instagram and at exhibitions, like here in her hometown of krakow monica often stages her photo shoots in derelict buildings or abandoned sites. that i have that she came and looked, she has a dolls evoke an uneasy feeling in me, nipple, but i wouldn't call it fear. exactly. otherwise, i wouldn't be here something the most is because of those of budget. many of the photographs feature groups of dolls resembling families or siblings. monica, my stove expos combine. a fairy tale looked with a morbid atmosphere. there hauntingly airy and they certainly fascinate.
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oh, can i hold your hand? ah oh kings we had a lot in common tongue. can this become love? of i don't got book an eye on me that that made they could have been an ins, 10 artificial intelligence combat loneliness. high a. i love stories from the future in 45 minutes on d, w. ah. and she up to date. don't miss our highlights. the d w program on line d, w dot com highlights the battle against cove in the oma coon variant is putting healthcare systems around the world to the test . vaccination campaigns are accelerating,
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while restrictions are intensifying once again. but are these measures enough to stop the spread of omicron, fax data and reports? you know, weekly coping 19 special. every thursday on d w. with ah, ah, welcome to global 3000 submerged how people living in thailand's coastal regions of finding creative solutions to fight flooding out to post as a culinary delicacy. can aquaculture farming help protect these intelligent creatures from extinction and going for gold? why.
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