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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2022 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin. ukraine tells it citizens in russia to leave as aggression increases. residents are also fleeing from easton, ukraine as sampras. shelling attacks continued a correspondent is it's a village caught in the crossfire. this is the beginning of russian invasion of ukraine. and you, as president joe biden announced as a 1st wave of sanctions against russia. more countries joining,
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condemning most goes recognition of separate states in ukraine. ah, i'm been fizzling. welcome. sh ukraine has urged its citizens in russia to leave immediately. it says rush, an aggression is increasing. so to the threat of invasion, the situation is developing rapidly. ukraine is preparing a month, long state of emergency, according to its top security official. the ukrainian parliament has approved a draft law allowing all ukrainians to carry firearms and to act in self defense. he have has also begun calling up members of its reserve defense force to be ready to fight me while selling has intensified in ukraine's east following russia's recognition of to break away regions as independent states. a corresponded mathias building, filed this report from
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a village close to the line between ukrainian and separate has held territory. it is quiet at the moment a good time to leave for days now the people in the village of rubica have been under fire. the villages in ukrainian government control territory and is being shared by separatists from the other side. not severely dish or deliberately and then i'm the whole night is that some people are still in the cellar too scared to come out. the kid spent the whole day yesterday downstairs, but at night we went upstairs, but it was just too cold. downstairs a seller is a seller, but those people half of the village has already left. the others are terrified. shells of come down, right in the center of the village. one shall hit the school yard while children were in clos. others have damaged people's homes. luckily, no one has been heard so far,
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but the constant stress has taken its toll. electricity and gas have been cut off. now goswick as have come to patch up some of the damage or they went. we fixed the pipe twice already. we came last week yesterday and today we're here again. will be of course, quite far away from the artillery positions of the other side. there are 15 kilometers between here and the front line, which is just the range of this artillery that they are using. people who have not experienced this kind of fighting, even during the worst times a few years ago, lena mac, her ankle, and her neighbors have tried to make the most out of the cold and damp cellar. but the effect of the electric heater is limited.
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she is in and out of the basement constantly those days i need to go up now to take some stuff to my daughters place. she is finally leaving with her kids at least to a place nearby. she would like to move further away until it becomes clear with the latest news from moscow and cleave me. no, i don't know what to think now. yes, i do not yet understand evening. i don't even know what to do next. to takes just a few minutes. and the shelly begins again. 12 key of correspondent nick connelly. nick if ukraine's called on his citizens in neighboring russia to leave immediately is
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a full russian invasion imminent. well, definitely things getting more nervous here. we've heard reserve is being called upon to, to basically kind of come to their own military units and report for duty. there is discussion here and keep of civilians being evacuated from places just like the village we saw in that report. places that are just to close the front lines to guarantee civilian safety, increasing limitations on what people can do at night, or in terms of filming near that front line. basically the government here for the 1st time, really suggesting that this could turn into a hot wall to this crisis, we'd heard from ukraine's leaders that they didn't think this would be anything beyond kind of postering beyond brinkman ship on the part of like that person. but i think that announcement, in the past few days that russia recognize no separatists regions, not only where they are now, but their claim to the full entirety of the donating the hunts regents. that really has changed thinking here and give what is happening along that line. of contact
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and east and ukraine by government and separate his forces a clashing well, as you saw in the report, people are often without heating. they might still have electricity, thousands of others, all without water because shelling has destroyed critical infrastructure will to people who thought that they'd kind of made that piece with living next or was owned because it was somehow manageable. they knew the rules, the game most the time shelling was at night and immediately along that front line, but even 10 kilometers behind that frontline people felt more or less safe. they thought that the worst they'd seen in 20142015 that that was over. but now a sense among lot civilians that this is even potentially going to be worse for them than what they have already seen. a lot of people deciding whether it's now time to pack their bags and go, well, he has not mobilizing its entire military, but it is calling up reservists. what's the reaction to that? i think these are all people who have for before who have military experience. i think it doesn't have the same psychological effect as if they were calling up the whole male collation above the age of 18. that something that ukraine's coming very
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worried about doing that could cause panic. that people don't have an image preparation might try and get out of that my try and leave that, that really would see people scampering to the soup markets. panic, buying really a sense that catastrophe is imminent. so this is still a few steps back up. definitely a change and incremental change in what ukraine's government is signaling to its people. we've had a volume zalinski crisis present, talking to trainings again last night. i'm seemingly now aware that he needs to give a more concise and more clarification to population animal regular basis. he came in for a lot of criticism for having not really spoken directly to ukrainians in recent weeks, preferring states, given, used to western press, and lots of mixed messages coming out of the government, hearing caves or desire now and an attempt to try and keep people in the loop and try and prevent panic. and what about the attempt to resolve this diplomatically, as far as give, sees this? while it's very hard to see where the mileage is for any talks, even just last weekend. if you can remember a buzz back as far as that, given everything,
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it's happened since then we have the amount on that call trying to organize some kind of grant summit between biden and putin may be with him as the mediator talks schedule between foreign minister and all of that is now over a secretary state essex in lincoln and also the french side saying that there's basing nothing's talk about since the french excuse me, since the russians have recognized their separatist regions. and a sense that basically right now, as long as ukraine is not going to give much way, isn't going to kind of capitulate as they would sit here and keep on its sovereignty. there's basically nothing to talk about with russia given russia is, is, you know, seemingly intent on pushing through it, sir. demands on the full front of issues. d, w, 's, connelly, n t, f. as we heard russia appears to be continuing. his military build up along ukraine's borders images from where satellite company claimed to show an enlarged bass in southern bell roast just a few 100 kilometers for the ukrainian capital. u. s. president joe biden says,
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russia's invasion of ukraine has already begun. russian troops on the move, the heading towards ukraine's eastern border as fighting intensifies between ukrainian and separatist forces. far away from the frontline, the upper house of the russian parliament voted to authorize the use of force outside russia's borders. they also approved vladimir putin's recognition of the don yeske and lou penske people's republics as independent states. but the russian president didn't stop there. he later announced the borders of the 2 republics, include the ukrainian held territories, not just the rebel held areas, nor was it but his nell. we recognized that jeanette's and hans people's republics, which means we have recognized all the founding documents, including the constitution. and the constitution defines the boarders off the don
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yeske and hans regions at the time when they were part of ukraine. nobody mc, ogden williams, the 3rd grade. in response, u. s. president joe biden accused the russian leda of setting up a russia now to take mo territory by force. this is the beginning of a russian invasion of ukraine as he indicated and asked permission to be able to do from his duma. so let began to so i'm going to began to impose sanctions and response. far beyond the steps we and our allies and partners implemented in 2014 a us satellite company has released new images that claim to show military vehicles messing in southern belarus, even as western nations coordinate a unified response. many fear a full scale attack on ukraine is still part of russia's plans. o russian affairs analysts,
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constantine agates joins us from lithuania. vladimir putin has recognized all of don't yet scanned the once as independent, but ukrainian troops hold 2 thirds of that territory. what does that make? went through and explained means yes. and then he said that she expect skia to settle the old standing issues with the government school. both of these newly recognized entities on top of us. the lensky government has to recognize that crimea is washing it has to publicly state that it cancels on old plans to join native. probably that will mean in put his parlance amending the training constitution to include neutrality was and finally, something that sounds to me straight out of you know, the better side, 3, tier 1918 through d minutes are off. what that could mean? i don't know,
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probably your grade should symbolically show that it's going to strengthen its on forces. for example, council, it's contract with the u. k for procurement up to more than destroyers, something like that. and if thesis fulfilled, then extensively that will mean piece from russia. maybe, but as zelinski probably is not going to do it, probably 100 percent is not going to do it. as we've seen in an economy report, then it means only one thing that eventually puts in. it will say that the newly recognized states need to have their full territory or the control, and that means we'll have a real competition. real battle between russia and ukrainian force is very, very much possible to me. now at least the logic of this shows me that, but it doesn't get any of that. where, where does that leave him in the kremlin?
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i mean, he still, or he says he's a once a diplomatic solution. well, what he said today, which is ironically, defenders our father learned in russia what he said. she said, we are open to diplomatic solution and talks. well essentially i think, i think in such circumstances that means you do as you do as we say. and then we'll accept it, because as we've seen, neither joe biden, laure, manual micro, no blink, can really want to talk to moscow anymore. so, i suppose that essentially this is just, this is just workplace. and frankly, put in, we'll have to take a decision what he's doing next because the logic, as i said, pushes him towards basically coming to the age goals and growth of these new recognize state and helping them secure the territory. the territory that, like now all side of moscow's control is actually 2 thirds of these lists of these
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regions and is put in goes for there. that also will basically be the beginning of probably him going even further to build the land bridge between the russian territory and the crime in peninsula which is now completely isolated from russia, apart from one secret constantine. many thanks for the analysis. and general rio terrace joins as from estonia. he was a commander in the estonian defense forces. now a member of the european parliament. do you expect the russian president to launch a full scale invasion of u. k? i think it is still very much well to believe we're listen to his speech showed the day before yesterday then it was wonderful ration even though the end didn't come to it, but that's all your all your grade. he's not the state. i think he showed that
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you gave to change the government by just operating on it's going on bus. he will not reach the age of changing the government to a government which is more suitable for recognizing, pointing as he's superior. now the ukrainian military is issued and ordered to call up reservists from a military standpoint. can you claim, withstand a russian offensive anyway, russia has never in the, in the last decades. even in 2nd world war phase. and the army b, b, s, the grain and the little thing, the 1939 that you can fight with with a be get him is so i think you bring your army and you agree and they is very much ready to fight for the values. demographic value and fight for de
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depends. i have seen best in the always of the so just in the, in your gray in demarkation like a couple of days ago they want, they are ready to fight for their country. do you see a military option or is diplomacy the only way out of this? i don't think we didn't understand the grown see. because every attempt to reach the door, he has not taken the hand. so i don't think once that the logic, because ocean if of course, if you will do that, then it is very well. did it then he asked to withdraw from the next room on square. he saw right now and give back here. you can give back re source. you tweeted yesterday the bold steps needed to put delusional,
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potent in his place. what other steps there, for, from, from the majors perspective, i would say they do has been showing it's very, very big. you know, they're very focused and they does never being stronger right now and that the cost would be a year. you will be in union as a function noise, just about to put functions on russian, russian. and again, barry wice unified, even though people who are some countries will not support the sanction they are so very strong. and even germany has at least the current bowman nursing to. so these, all these, all grade need financial and military help
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us. i mean, when you should and stocks border and on that front us, president biden, announce yesterday he would, would be sending more troops to the baltic states, including sonia, where you are to both the nato's eastern flag. how's that going to help? well, they toys determined to defend then they just there it is. the leasing of all forces already to the territories nato's each. the border and our law is not only usa, but france and germany got denmark and others are sending additional troops to the region. understanding the fight for democratic values. these are the so just to show strengths is the only way of understand language was that they are terrorist, former commander of the estonian defense forces. thank you very much for being on
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the show today. thank you very much. now to some of the other stories making use around the world, bullen 60 people a dead after an explosion at a market in the west african nation of patina. fast. so the boss with some powerful, it brought down the buy homes investigated suspect that happened in a store selling chemicals from minus and have detain the owner. the lawyer full uganda, an author quinn said kit of assia says he's arrived in germany. the writer says he was tortured wiley in custody. he was charged with insulting again as president and the president son. the case has raised international concern. one person has died off the heavy rain caused clash flooding in easton us radio. the storms in queensland and you south wales are expected to continue through the week. residents are being told to be on alert. with more flooding. expected uncle authorities of announced compulsory coven,
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19 testing for all of the territories. 7.4000000 inhabitants. next month. she, executive carry, lamb also extended strict social distance measures. she said help from mainland china was required to tackle a record surgeon karone virus cases driven by the only court variant. the code 19 pandemic has especially affected youth with schools and universities closed for months and limited access to social activities. here in germany, the number of young people suffering from depression has reportedly increased d. w met a man who says, therapy is helping him cope it's especially around people that heading a verse now feels his anxieties, a pressure to please everyone to fit in to belong. since the age of 15, he occasionally had problems in groups. but last summer he suffered his 1st severe panic attack. when not the sca freeman when was stretching my gave i had the feeling i was about to throw up and i felt sick. i was shivering and i was cold. in
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my case, i was lying in bed like, and i could not move condos if i couldn't get any rest. so it feels like you're not yourself anymore because you are simply overwhelmed. i'm thought of quinton reform on the 21 year old had spent a lot of time at home in the months before the pandemic didn't seem so bad at 1st. no meetings, no university. the social pressure decreased but then he suddenly felt much worse than before. he stops on, does caesar? i think it was because there were so few social events that when things started opening up again last summer, it was much harder for me to integrate again. love, you know, i think that's why my anxieties were suddenly much worse than before. on this alt estie, never since austin a hutch name of on that's for her. just like heading many young people, spent a lot of time at home during the pandemic. while scrolling through
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a seemingly perfect social media world. this isolation has consequences. the number of young people with symptoms of depression is increased significantly in germany. hanning finally decided to get help. it switched and that is a hypnosis guide forbush and for this feeling of helplessness, now i didn't want it any more. and as a drug soon, i wanted to be able to sleep again, often colonel, and i just wanted to feel better mentally helpful. so i went to see our family doctor, old and finish her. some tylenol was awed, couldn't be heading, has since started therapy line. and talked openly with others about his mental health issues eating the how did you go? yeah, i think of anything else that's i think astonished us one some tired of among it's amazing when you start talking to people about it and then you come across similar problems. when gentlemen, they suddenly start talking about their issues too. as i've been one of mac them that made me feel better because he realized that you're not alone with line falling into a depression that can happen to the happiest person in the world. it's ethan
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hanning has learned from the pandemic when it's over. he wants to be able to enjoy his life with lots of people around him for that he continues his therapy every week. it's been half a year since international troops pulled out of afghanistan and the taliban seized power. many afghans who worked for foreign forces is still trying to escape the new islamist regime. germany has helped more than 10000 people leave. thousands remain . we made one afghan who bought for a german, n, g o and is now living in fear. a country road somewhere in afghanistan. we can't disclose where this man is stained to night or his identity for his own protection. i was one of the former local afghans staff. we implemented projects for germany and afghan, a stan for many years. since the collapse of afghanistan,
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we can't stay here anymore. we are threatened by the taliban and we are afraid of them. immediately after the taliban seized power in august, they came looking for him. i wasn't home at the time, but my father was they beat my father badly and they tortured him and asked him to find me. they gave him a date by which time he had to find me. the family had been on the move ever since. demand worked on behalf of the german government at an end g o until 2014. he's hoping for a visa to germany. he wrote to his former supervisor, but says he's received no answer. i always ask myself why i helped the germans in afghanistan. why did i work with an organization that doesn't care about us that has forgotten us in the media,
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they always said the leaders of germany and other countries support those who helped us in afghanistan. the german government says it has approved entry for more than 21000 people since may 2021. but only some have been able to leave afghanistan . thousands are still waiting. many in hiding. this man also worked for the german army mostly as a sub contractor, which means he's not eligible for a visa. he says the taliban are looking for him. model karma. every day people who worked for foreigners are being murdered on remote dirt roads more. we have no idea what to do and what you book on him. back in germany, refugee writes groups a to use the german authorities of inaction. yes, all the debt, we demand immediate action from the new german government. the sluggish bureaucracy needs to end. whoever needs protection must be allowed to leave the control skies
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and do of the german government declined to comment on camera. this man will not be returning to his family home any time soon. he just hopes that the german government will finally help him and to some of the other stories making news around the world. but his way then, authority say to military personnel have been killed in a helicopter crash. another 2 were seriously injured after the helicopter came down in laura state in all the venezuela to lay and fight as a battling dozens of blazes in the country. central south. the fire have been burning for weeks, but 1st responders say they are now facing the worst conditions all summer. several homes have been destroyed, and many more were threatened by the spreading fires. affinity and ecuador president, he m o law. so, as announced that at least $5000.00 prisoners will be pardoned to alleviate over crowding in the countries jails. the measure comes after riots last year, left hundreds of inmates dead. there currently around $39000.00 prisoners in
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ecuador jails, around 30 percent more than capacity. this is dw slide from berlin up next, mate looks at the problem of inflation in the us and europe is plenty more news and information on our website, d,
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w dot com. i've been fizzle. and thanks for watching with what is money worth? everything is getting more expensive. inflation is making people nervous. but how did this happen? and could crypto currency offer away out with a glimpse into the complex world of inflation made in germany
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on d. w. oh, africa. ah, it's extraordinary. and not for the faint of heart of bike cairo. the city is dominated by cards, but the activists are pleading their best case for clear street and better air, eco for go. in 60 minutes on dealing with dogs are more intelligent than most people with psychology. professor john pillay has proved how you act with
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scientific studies, of course, with the good girl called out of the secret of a friendship with dogs. and us starts february 25th on d w. ah, ah ah, ah, ah, it is one of the biggest threats facing the global economy, inflation all around the world, prices are surging and the value of the money we earn as eroding the increase in inflation has caught much of the developed world off guard. but for other countries,


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