tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle March 2, 2022 7:30am-8:00am CET
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ah, discover the world around you. subscribe to the w documentary on youtube. a special day and very emotional occasion in the european parliament in brussels. this plenary was scheduled especially to hear and listen to a video message that the ukranian president vladimir lensky has for the members of the parliament. he wants to become a member of the european union. he was, of course, also talking about his people suffering and dying in the war in his country. but he is looking to be to come closer to the block to be part of the
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e u. and that is really the main thrust of what he had to say to parliamentarians. here, let's have a listen and also let's listen to the answer afterwards of the president of the european commission or slot fund align with a john deere food, him present in the media in the news session. hell, you know, over the last couple of days, i don't know how to well come and greet everybody because i cannot say good morning . all can say good call to noon a good evening. and i can not and that's true. shut down because every day, for some people, the day is not good. for some people, the day is last one. i speak today now about my citizen series of
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ukraine who are just sending off by paying the ultimate price. they just sending freedom. i'm very happy. that's what i've seen here. no heard here. now i'm very glad to send this mood than that. you know, it's a unifying, was unhappy that we have you do find today all of your older countries of the european union. but i did not know, but this is, this is the price that we'll have to tragedy from a factory for every ukrainian tragedy coral. our, i mean this, this high price, very high credit phones of people who were killed to revolutions, one war 5 days, full scale invasion of the russian federation. you know,
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i am, what do i'm not, i don't read off the pay off the shift you see. because the paper phase and this in the life of my country has ended. now we really was railey, were dealing with kill feasel real life. you know? and you know, i believe that song way in which to day where giving lines formal bad moves from rice for freedom, for the desire to be equal. as much as you are the number, we are not giving away our best people. the strongest ones, the most valuable ones. ukrainians are incredible. he
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admitted very often we loved to say that we will win over every one. and i'm very happy that you are not only talking about it, but you can see that and we even, we will overcome every one. and i'm sure i'm convinced here there is an expression ukrainian of believe your choice, your european choice of ukraine. brown. that's where striving to pull, and that's what we're going to and we went to what you should. so i would like to hear back from you to us. we could hair even all for you with the, the that, that ukrainian choice for euro from you. i have the only thing i have is maybe some time off here because we have breaks between the miss out strike and the badness. and this morning was
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a very tragic one for us to cruise me. selzer hit harkey of the city which is located to the border of the russian federation of the we're always menu russians land and that all is friendly. there were home relations there. more than 22 universities are there. it's the city that has the largest number of universities in our country and was the youth is bright smart there. the people who gathered there all the time and was gathering that all the time fully celebrated fallen celebrations. and the largest square in our country leads freedom square and say, and this is the largest square in europe, and that's true. this is called the freedom square. can you imagine this morning to peruse, massage, or below hit this freedom with square?
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dozens of killed one and this is the price of freedom. where fighter for us just for our land is and for our freedom equal to me, this shall fight the flag when you wish that all like cities of our country are now blocked me. nobody little it is going to enter and intervene with our freedom and country. i believe you, me every square with out to day, no matter what it's called. it's going to be college as well today for freedom square in every city of our country. nobody's gonna break us where strong, where you train is on us here. we have a much a desire to see our children doing me alive. i think
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it's a fair one. julie yesterday, 16 children were killed. again and again, president putin is going to say that is some kind of operation and we are hating a military infrastructure in where i children, what kind of military of factor is. do they work at whatever. what tanks are they jolly, wendy, or we in the launch a cruise missiles, he killed 16 people. yes. yesterday our people are very much motivated, very much. so we are fighting for our rights for our freedoms, for life, for our life. and now we're boring for, we're fighting for survival, it's an illusion. and this is the highest of our notes evasion. but we are facing that issue. oh, for them to be equal members of europe. i believe
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that to day me we me christine book. and we are showing everybody that's exactly what we are here. here's your opinion. what is going to been my stronger without so that's for sure. without you, you train is going to be lonely. lonesome will have proven our strengths. we have proven that yet hasn't, at a minimum, we are exactly the with the same as your law. so you do prove that you are with us the we do prove that you will not let us go to prove that you are indeed all european and best life, but it will win over death and life will win. i about darkness. glory. be to your crime.
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thank you very much for your strang message. strong message president for your bravery and for your conviction i will now give it a floor to to speak of the crane parliament for slander stefan took for his intervention. first of all, i would like to thank you for the possibility to speak to address parliament. and i would like someone to say, look at my but he should everybody say today, the whole world said today to be 8 years ago. ukrainian people to go because you know, for the russian russian history. so changing their way to europe be
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a nation to the united european union to, to have very successful unifying process that they've demonstrated during all these years in our right to develop our rights should be a democratic states. but to these it, so its own way was completely ruined by the country. that doesn't respect international law. international principle, sir william dear friend is in the project of the resolution of the european parliament. there is a whole range of sanctions gonna be reflected against the aggressor. i call upon you to support down here. ok. let's you don't get that to do with your mom just to get your mind.
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we have what to confirm to confirm. nick churchill, eric expression about that there are no small people and no small countries. let's we know that you grain has proven that this slogan during the last 6 days. let's be left with any of those people who are perishing right now for the european union, for the future of our european house let's i understand that they cannot be these in europe without ukraine. federal, there will not be integrity. you are up without re brain glory to ukraine. thank you for your attention. thank you very much. hi representative. i now give the floor to the president of the european commission or to live on the line for a statement. madam
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president of the european parliament, mister president of the council, high representative, mister president of the ukraine. dear valar damira, mister speaker of the ukrainian parliament. my hon members swore has returned to europe almost 30 years after the balkan wars and over half a century after severe troops marched into prague and budapest, civil defense sirens again went off in the heart of his european capital. thousands of people fleeing from bumps, camped in underground stations, holding hands crying silently trying to cheer each other up. cows lined up towards ukrainian western borders and when many of them ran out of fuel, people picked up their children and their backpacks and marched for tens of
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kilometers towards our union. they sought refuge inside our borders because their country wasn't safe any longer. because inside ukraine grew, some death count has begun. men, women, children are dying once again because a foreign leader president put in decided that their country ukraine has no right to exist. and we will never, ever let that happen and never, ever accept that normal members, this is the moment of truth for europe. and let me quote, the editorial of one ukranian newspaper, the keefe, independent, published just hours before the invasion began, and a quote. this is not just about ukraine, it's a clash of 2 worlds, 2 polar set of values and of quote,
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they are so right. this is a clash between the rule of law and the rule of the gun between democracies and autocracies, between a rules based order and a world of naked aggression. how we respond to day to what russia is doing will determine the future of the international system. the destiny of ukraine is at stake, but our own fate also lies in the balance. we must show the power that lies in our democracies. we must show the power of people that shows their independence pass freely and democratically. this is our show of force. and today, a union of almost half a 1000000000 people has mobilized for ukraine. the people of europe are demonstrating in front of russian embassies all across our union. many of them
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have opened their homes to ukrainian fleeing from proteins bombs. and let me thank specially poland, romania, slovakia, and hungary for welcoming these women, men and children. europe will be there for them not only in the 1st days, but also in the weeks and months to come. that must be our promise altogether. and this is why we are proposing to activate the temporary protection mechanism to provide them with a secure status and access to schools medical care and work. they deserve it. we need to do that now and we know this is only the beginning, more ukrainians will need our protection solidarity. we are and we will be there
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for them. our union is showing a unity of purpose that makes the proud at the speed of light. the european union has adopted 3 ways of heavy sanctions against russia's financial system. it's high tech industries and it's corrupt elite. and this is the largest sanctions package in our unions history. we do not take these measures slightly, but we feel we had to act these sanctions. we'll take a heavy toll on the russian economy, and on the kremlin, we are disconnecting key russian banks from the swift network. we also banned the transaction of russia central bank, the single most important financial institution in russia, and this paralyzes billions of ferren reserves. turning off the tap on russia's
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and proteins war, we have to end this financing off his war. and 2nd, we target important sectors of the russian economy were making it impossible for russia to upgrade its oil refineries to repair and modernize its air fleet, and to access many important technologies. it needs to build a prosperous future. we've closed our skies to russian. they are clock aircraft, including the private jets of oligarchy, and make no mistake. we will freeze their other assets as well. be it. yes. a fancy cars or luxury prosperity is. we'll freeze that all together. and thirdly, in another unprecedented step, we're suspending the licenses of the kremlin propaganda machine,
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the state on russia today, and sputnik and all as their and all of their subsidiaries will no longer be able to spread their lies on to justify proteins war. and to divide our union and these unprecedented actions by the european union and our partners in response of an unprecedented aggression by russia. each one of these steps has been closely coordinated with our partners and allies, the united states, the united kingdom, canada, and norway. but also, for example, japan, south korea and australia, all of these days, you see that more than 30 countries representing well over half of the world's economy have also announced sanctions and export controls on russia. and if porting was seeking to divide the european union to weaken nato and to break the
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international community, he has achieved exactly the opposite. we are more united than ever, and we will stand up in this war. that is for clear that we will overcome and we will prevail. we are united and we state united unable members i am well aware that these sanctions will come at a cost far economy to i know this, and i want to speak honestly to the people of europe. we have endured 2 years of pandemic, and we all wished that we could focus on our economic and social recovery. but i believe the people of europe understand very well that we must stand up against this cruel aggression. yes, protecting our liberty comes at a price. but this is
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a defining moment, and this is the cost we are willing to pay. because freedom is priceless, honorable members, this is our principal freedom. it's friday or investments today will make us more independent to morrow. and i'm thinking 1st and foremost about our energy security, we simply cannot release so much on a supplier that explicitly threatens us. and this is why we reached out to other global suppliers and they responded. norway is stepping up in january, we had the record supply of energy gas. we're building new l n g terminals and working on interconnect us. but in the long run, it is our switch to renewables and hydrogen that will make us surely independent. we have to accelerate the green transition because every kilowatt hour of
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electricity, europe generates from solar, wind, hydro power or biomass reduces our dependency on russian gas and other energy sources. this is a strategic investment. and my honorable members, this isn't strategic investment because on top less dependency on russian gas and other fuel fossil fuel sources also means less money for the kremlin war chest. this is also a truth. we are resolute. you can rise up to the challenge the same as to on defense. european security and defense has evolved more in the last 6 days than in the last 2 decades. most member states have promised deliveries of military equipment to ukraine. germany announced that it will meet the 2 percent goal of nato as soon as possible. and our union for the 1st time ever is using the
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european budget to purchase and deliver military equipment to the country that is under attack. 500000000 euros for the european piece facility to support ukraine's defense. as a 1st match, we will now also match this by at least 500000000 euro from the e you budget to deal with the humanitarian consequences of this tragic war. both in the country and for the refugees. honorable members, this is a watershed moment for our union. we cannot take our security and the protection of people for granted. we have to stand up for it. we have to invest in it. we have to carry our fair share of the responsibility and this crisis is changing europe. but russia has also reached across, wrote,
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the actions of the kremlin are severely damaging the long term interests of russia and its people. more and more russians understand this as well. they are marching for peace and freedom. and how does the kremlin respond to this by arresting thousands of them. but ultimately, the longing for peace and fries and freedom can not be silenced. there is another russia besides proteins, tanks and we extend our hand of friendship to these other russia. be a sure they have our support. hon members. in these days, independent ukraine is facing a darkest hour. at the same time,
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the ukrainian people are holding up the torch of freedom for all of us. they are showing immense courage. they are defending their lives. but they are also fighting for universe lou values. and they are willing to dive for them. president zalinski and the ukrainian people are a true inspiration. and when we last spoke, he told me again about his people's dream to join our union. today, the european union and ukraine are already closer than ever before. there's still a long pass ahead. we have to end this war and we should talk about the next steps . but i am sure no body in this hemi psycho can doubt that the people that stands up so bravely for our european values belongs an hour
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are driven by merciless greed. others are fighting the destruction again when the invaders came to prison, they shut down the native today. think of them and is trying to destroy the indigenous people with the large cap biotech and grabbers or exploiting b, amazon rain forest. indigenous peoples are now bravely opposing them because it's not only the earth's brains ones that are dying to the rain forest. we cease to exist and our people die out. a long term report from the heart of brazil starts march 9th on d, w. ah, ah
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ah ah, this is d w. news coming to live from berlin. russia steps up. it's a tax on ukraine's cities. air strikes, hit the t, v, tower in kia, knocking out broadcast and killing several people. russian troops and tanks are reported in other key cities, but ukrainian forces continue to mount a defense. we'll hear the latest from our correspondence. also coming up. when dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they caused.
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