tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 2, 2022 6:00pm-6:16pm CET
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correction starts march 4th on d, w ah, this is d, w live from lead to more civilian casualties as russia steps up its attacks on the ukrainian cities, buildings in khaki, if are a blaze after renewed bombardment. and russia claims control of the port city of cason. though ukraine denies this, saying that fighting is continually also on the program as hundreds of thousands flee. some return to fight, re meeting, you crank and willing to risk everything to defend his country. jeremy chancellor
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on our shoulder makes his 1st official visit to israel, a country trying to support ukrainian jews while keeping relations with the kremlin intact. ah, i'm so gale. welcome to the program as the war in ukraine, and has it 7th day of russian forces or intensifying attacks on the countries made cities and claim to take control of the port city of cas and close to crimea in the south. and you credit official has disputed the claim saying the fighting in the city is still going on. a father to the a support city of mario pod is under heavy attack. quoting the city's mer, the reuters news agency says russian forces are actively preventing civilians from leaving the mario polls. water supply has been cut off. you crate, 2nd city khaki is being shell. the gain and caves mer has warned that russia is
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gathering troops close to the capital. ukraine says dozens of civilians have been killed in russian asked ranks over recent days. numb from shock. this woman sits just 2 meters away from a dead body. one of a number killed in rushes, sustained attacks on harkey, ukraine, 2nd largest city nazaburundi i can receive. we've been shelled by russians. we are all scared why us, why us regular people russia has continued to bomb both residential areas and administrative buildings in the city. a local hospital has also been damaged, running late bloomer broder, we had injured people in the hospital. the basement served as
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a bomb shelter. people were hiding here from the shelling of the so called peacemakers. let's put it like that. ah, emergency services in the city of their high tamya spent the early hours of wednesday morning trying to control raging fires. local authorities say a russian air strike hit the city, which is west of the capital cave. in care of itself, people are desperately trying to leave. they continue to flock to the central station as they try to escape the capital on tuesday evening. and miss, i'll hit the city's t v tower killing at least 5 people. the tower is close to bobbin yar a memorial sight to one of the biggest single massacres of jews during the holocaust. oh, this is
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a country under attack with no one really sure when or how it blend. there's 20 w correspondent, nick conley, who's in the viv in west and ukraine. welcome, nick. let's start with his a 60 kilometer russian military, a convoy that was spotted yesterday advancing on keith. and what's the latest that? well, as with all these facts and figures, we're hearing this, we have to be quite careful because i'm seeing both sides. there is military and attempt to kind of so your respective line is successful. there are various kinds of government laws banning reporting on what's actually happening, but it, this is a big column of, of military hardware heading that way. it doesn't seem to have made a whole lot more progress than just today. actually been kind of hand to hand
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fighting the things are doing very well and there is an endless stream of images on social media of destroyed russian tanks. remember that the u. s. and the u. k. supplied and to take me. so traveling and in laws, more coming from other countries now and they are proving to be very, very successful in destroying that russian tanks of the home and vehicles. so the rest of teaching moving over to a technical, just aerial bombardment, the kind of things where you can, doesn't have much in the way of offices to basically destroy civilian infrastructure, attack, heating facility and teaching plants, electricity, water, 16 medical basically to make the humanitarian price so high that maybe that would then put pressure on the government's to capitulate, or at least to accommodate some of those pretty extraordinary aggressive demands that russia has. maybe i'd like to talk about the possibility of further talks. next we've had 6 hours a couple of days ago, the future look, same doubt. so nick will hear from ukraine of foreign minister, demetrius for labor, and then we'll come back to you more how to see yawns. going to do those size
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rushes demands remain the same as putin announced in his address before the war started, where he basically declared the solution on non renewal virus. now we are ready for talks for diplomacy. we are not ready to accept any russian ultimatums at all. when new talk will take place is unknown at the moment. it's in the navy don't. ok, so next, commonly no one knows when these talks will resume, but people are bound to ask what can be achieved in good faith. if shells are still raining down on the country and indeed that's very hard to see what can be achieved . and i mean, just as a side note, it's kind of something that has gone down to under just quite how it makes totally this boy that those negotiations were happening. preparing the 50 next to the job on the power station that goes town. when no one is listen, thank you 6,
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this is kind of fiction stuff and that's where on the border of ukraine and these totes going on. i think about the texas is about the side wanting to be accused of not being open for discussion. so the russians tend to be delegation to a better russian city, where the russian, where the grand story refused to go and helping russia, ukraine. and they basically wanted to create senior pictures for the tv camera. the ukraine is open for debate. we are willing to negotiate, were willing to stop that, but the ukraine, the just being maximum amount and the other way around. now, the ukraine, you have seen that engaging without much hope for progress, neither solid yet really willing to make major concessions. and you can put that kind of clear, why should ukraine now, given to these pretty far reaching the month, it has to be run russia to mon, the military. they should be great. you have to make totally bundled to russian attacks. and they do not cation whatever that means, the russians haven't made much attempt to explain that. basically, russia claiming that refrain democratically building in the judgement needs to be
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replaced without election by somebody about using as an a. can you give us an idea of what day to day life is like for people as this war rages? it really depends what part of the country you're in. so i'm hearing that even the far west near the border with tones and the european. so your opinion, nato, so far they haven't been much in the way of attracts on places like leave and it was actually become a center for people fleeing from other parts of the country. transportation is over filled with people arriving here, then trying to get into cause had to that polish border supermarkets, austin, operating some parts daily life. but there you can see all of the menu and there is a few here before that we were in place when it was for the eastern, closer to the action and we were in and out of the cellar of aero star. and coming on a couple of islands, you couldn't get a decent asleep because that would cause company that anxiety and those foreign. but the re so much, much,
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much worse. get people left without the trinity with our people dying in their homes, being, you know, coming, falling victim to bomb schooling on residential areas. now, marable, basically, students surrounded bundle sides except the sea. people really wondering where they're going to get food, where they're going to get supplies. and as you not report to meet the russians, not allowing your military court or not allowing me to leave the things getting extraordinary desperate that people it isn't very big. i think the most important thing, but actually for now is that mobile phone networks also lots of people still have access to information and outside world is still able to check up on their family. their friends are stuck down in the key of metro 100 meters below ground. they still have that sense of being able to see and find out what's going on around them . i think as soon as those mobile phone networks blocked as it to be expected, as everyone here expect stop. and i think that will really make people a lot more anxious, a little worried about the survival and day to day basis. ok, thank you for that. stay safe and nic conley in leave. will you and general
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assembly has adopted a resolution demanding that russia immediately stop using force against ukraine and withdrawal. it's military from the country. the resolution won the support of 141 of 193 member states. before the vote, the assembly heard ukraine's ambassador to the un so hate his lydia accused russia of seeking to commit genocide in his country. russia's ambassador repeated unfounded accusations of rampant neo nazis. menu cried and claimed russia only wanted to stop the separatist conflicting dumbass to we'll have a listen to the ukrainian ambassadors address. we're all missed the week. ukraine is fighting, fighting on that, the bombs and missiles fighting in the face of our mothers of hardware and, and countless crowds of enemies. they have come to the ukrainian soil, not only to peel, some of us, not only to received our cause and priorities. they have come to deprive ukraine
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of the very right to exist. they have come to resolve the ukrainian issue as they are propagandist claimed. just stop and think whether these wars remind you of something. yes, more than 80 years ago. another dictator tried to find the, the resolve the issue over now the people he failed when the world responded in the resolute hand united manner. it, it was happens immediately and the delay cost, it doesn't. so millions of people are we ready to pay such a price now? or a, is it time to demonstrate the unity of focus and deeds already now?
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so your crimes ambassador to the un, so here it is. let's see. so what does this vote that the general assembly me or the w c for international i was, or richard walker can explain. welcome richard. so this was a vote about what? yeah. so this is a vote that in the terms of the resolution that was put to the vote, deplored the invasion in the strongest possible terms with the language that it used that russia has mounted against ukraine, demanded an immediate withdrawal of russia's troops and also condemned other aspects of what's been happening, including the fact that vladimir putin has raised the nuclear low level of russia and nuclear weapons forces. and in various ways threatened that he might be ready to use nuclear weapons in some way in this conflict. so those with the sort of cor aspect of this resolution. and what happened here is this resolution has
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been voted on by the un general assembly, not by the un security council. so the un security council held a vote on a similar resolution a few days ago. russia was a member of the security council, wheeled, it's veto that, which meant that it was able to block it in the general assembly is different. there is no veto there. and a vote like a resolution like this can pass with a 2 thirds majority, but there's another difference. it also is not legally binding. so rush is not compelled to do anything on the basis of this. but what's really striking about it is the degree of rushes, isolation in this vote. so a 2 thirds majority was needed. that was exceeded, so 141 out of the 193, a member states. but what was even more striking than that was most of the other votes were abstentions. they weren't vote for russia to russia. only managed to persuade 4 countries to vote with it. that is bella risk, which is essentially a party to this conflict already because that has been
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a ground so that sort of evasion from the north, north korea, eritrea and syria. the rest of the world did not follow russia did not support it here. so i think it's a very, very striking sign of rushes, isolation in the international community about what's happening here. ok. but not binding. russia gets to say, well, the rest of the world is again, this is what we expect. you will run a phobic anyway. well, it was interesting to watch the russian ambassador to the un speaking just before the vote. he express many of the talking points that we've heard from the russians recently about this conflict. many of the justifications that they're attempting to bring forward. but it was clear that he was aware that some, that isolation was about to happen in this vote. and he was sort of preparing the ground for that. and claiming that there had been an open and
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cynical threats to countries by the west, supposedly to vote for this resolution. so, so clearly the russians knew that this was not going to go well for them. they have so this is a vote to be under 3 days, i think of discussions. and so what we've been hearing during those days of debate . well, we've heard from the ukranian ambassadors, united nations. i think that his speech is that the ones that are probably had the greatest impact as you might expect. speaking at the beginning and, and the end of this debate that we just heard from him there a clip where he compares what's been happening to the beginning of the 2nd world war. interesting lead the us ambassador to the united nations who was also one of the law speakers just in the last arrow. so also may comparisons to the beginning of the 2nd world war. so to really the most drastic comparisons in recent world history that you can possibly make it was interesting also of course to watch some
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