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tv   DW News - Asia  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2022 5:30pm-5:45pm CET

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become the person he's always wanted to be a 3 credit that will go with i was born in storage, march 30th on d, w. i you're watching d. w. news, asia coming up today. south koreans head to the coal soon. and what will be a consequential election with a war in europe and north korea? launching tests missiles. national security has become a campaign issue. but elections are run on domestic issues as well. in south korea, candidates have been debating the merits of tattoos. find out why. ah,
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i melissa chan, thanks for joining us. russia's invasion of ukraine has imposed itself on south korea's presidential election, highlighting south korea's national security challenges. the 2 lean candidates and wednesdays elections and their supporters have weighed in on the issue some suggesting the ukraine situation offers a lesson conservative, young silk, joe coles for a hard line with pyongyang. while progressive lead, james young argues for redoubled efforts at peace with north korea. south korea's international affairs will be very different depending on who wins wednesday's vote . i put on my piece in ukraine, echoes through a rally of conservative christians in sole gathering to pray for a change in south korean leadership. just ahead of the presidential election.
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russia's invasion of ukraine has again raised awareness of south korea's security challenges. military veteran and activist e, guam, silk, suggest the public could learn something from the war. little little care. we must have a strong national defense. if we are off our guard, we could always fall into ukraine's position and believe peaceful, come to the korean peninsula with fake peace displays like a declaration of the end of the korean war. so ukraine provides us with a huge lesson. we should protect our country ourselves, law would owe to the to incurable camila, leading candidates, conservative units. so you'll of the people power party and progressive e jame young of the governing democratic party offers starkly different programs, especially on foreign affairs and national security unit tact ease party for its soft line on north korea, particularly in light of pyongyang, missile tests her. oh,
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you're not already the 8 time this year that north korea tested nuclear capable, misses. the international community has strongly urged us to stop their threatening provocations. water. what do you remember? how this democratic parties, government reacted. they acted dumb. no, not even using the word provocation. you know, i don't know. how can this government protect our people's lives and safety? oh, the race has reached a fever, pitch and candidates are trying everything to win over undecided voters. each aim young wants income equality, market transparency and more engagement with pyongyang. he says peace with north korea would alleviate the so called korea discount of an undervalued stock market. who johnson has us for auto origin, with the chief political crisis of pointing guns at each other, highlights the historical fact that we are not firmly at peace and still in an armistice done today. that is one reason for the career discount oxygen. young
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kodiak is got dirty when the crisis of, nor is reduced pieces secured on the korean peninsula stabilized. so the korea discount decreases. oh, yeah, it is gone to throw them it off. rushes, invasion of ukraine exposes south korea is almost total dependence on energy imports. souls main stock index decline more than 2 percent at the start of the week on worries oil prices could rise even higher with more sanctions on russia. under consideration, a ripple effect could also damping already reeling hospitality and services sectors . you and o g as a teacher, campaigning for the democratic party. she wants small businesses hit by the pandemic to get a break. something her man, the political veteran, e, is championing, was on the self employed, are desperate because of coven 19. the conservative party and their supporters insist the democrats are handling a pandemic poorly. but if lee becomes president,
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it will be different. but he's promised to fully compensate the self employed, which will get us through this crisis that to me, that campaign rhetoric has been acrimonious with both sides, tainted by scandal. but there is keen interest in the vote across of korea with early voting numbers hitting record eyes. taking a closer look at how a war on the other side of the planet impacts south korea, sol is joining international sanctions by tightening export controls against russia . cars are south korea, single biggest export item to russia, totaling $2.00 billing us dollars in the year. 2020 cars are a key player in south korea's export driven economy. then there's oil. south cree imported nearly $10000000000.00 of petroleum products from russia in 2019. so has decided to release some strategic oil reserves to help stabilize the international energy market. and ukraine is
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a leading provider of noble gases. these are used in lasers that print circuits on semiconductor chips. south korea's single largest export item. we have john de larry of south korea as young cy university with us. i, john, i want to start with the biggest global story right now. we just shared some of south korea trade vulnerability stemming from russia as invasion of ukraine and how disruptions may impact the countries industries. how else is the war impacting? are going to impact south korea? well, you know, i think the south koreans probably do look at this 1st in terms of economic self interest. russia is not the most important country by any means for south korea, but it's a significant economic partner. and especially in terms of energy, as you've pointed out. so there is a tendency when a conflict feels far away,
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like frankly, ukraine does feel far away from northeast asia. there is a tendency, at least to look 1st at, you know, kind of the bread and butter. how is this going to affect my bottom line, whether it's a south korean, you know, company or. busy the government as well, that has to consider that. but i think what we're seeing so far in the, you know, close to 2 weeks into this war to this conflict is that, you know, south korea is really staying on board with the response of the european union of the united states. and broadly, the international community, in terms of making a determination, this is something that rushes invasion of ukraine really takes, you know, takes everything to another level. and that the normal calculus doesn't really apply here. and that south korea does want to join the international efforts to stop this war to end it as quickly as possible. and that includes sanctions that includes measures that will effect in the near term south korea's economic
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interests. but it's something that essentially the entire world has to really do. now, south korea also understands a hostile neighbor to the north, and north korea has test to launched so many missiles since the start of the year. what's going on there? yeah, that's right. i mean, south korea is always in this precarious position of having to deal with a nuclear armed, smaller power. you know, ultimately south korea is the stronger of the 2 korea's but north korea has the, a symmetrical advantage of being a nuclear weapon states. and so obviously that is a constant vulnerability. that means that south korea does have to look 1st to the situation on the korean peninsula. and you know, north korea is, i think it's fair to say doing some of the usual saber rattling, it's very hard for analysts to, to tell how much of this really has to do with ukraine at all. i mean, frankly,
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all the behavior that i've seen out of north korea, i think, would be consistent with what they could be doing. quite possibly at this point, quite apart from any sort of russian invasion of ukraine. so in a sense, we're seeing the normal situation on the korean peninsula, but normal is not good for south korea. you know, this is normal means the status quo is. there is no diplomacy right now in play. and north korea is making steady progress on it's nuclear weapons capability on and on missiles to deliver them. now all this is playing out in a fairly close election. and you know, this is going to have an impact in the region and with the countries relationship with the united states. can you talk a little bit about that in terms of the 2 candidates we have here? yes, this very broad consensus in south korea in terms of supporting the alliance with
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the united states. yeah, every poll says the same thing, which is that south koreans consider the u. s. r o k alliance as the bedrock of their security. and there's, you know, despite all of the chaos of the trump years, really this alliance relationship whether that storm. so there continues to be very strong support. and both the liberal and conservative candidates are signaling the same kind of commitment to the united states going forward. so that in a way is the bedrock of the foreign policy. but once you go beyond that, things get complicated. when you look at the relationship with china, there's an ongoing debate about how to navigate that. there hasn't been a lot of debate about russia, but obviously now there has to be given the world situation. john de larry. thank you so much for joining us. to pleasure, melissa. thank you. now tattoos might not be the most urgent campaign issue,
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but they're being talked about in south korea's upcoming election. officially tattoo artists in south korea are criminals, because the country only allows doctors to do them. but there are growing calls to legalize tattooing, including from the ruling parties, candidate with their fine line drawing, bowed use of color and detail designs, korean to, to assert, attracting attention around the world. the body are equivalent of k pop, but it's a risky profession. and south korea, i know they also know hello i'm to to as doi kim, doin who draws on human skin. it's up to re is the only country that considers tattooing by non doctors as illegally gave up to about repub injury they've gotten into. in south korea's socially conservative society tattoos are associated with gangs and criminals and go against the confusion belief that altering the human body means disrespecting one's parents. attitudes are changing. bts band member
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joan cook famously has several. and while body art is usually covered up on t, v celebrities take to social media to show off their tattoos. and brad pitt's inc also helps boost the profile of local artists. kim was fined 5000000, won around 3700 euro last year. after a video of him inking, a popular korean actress went viral 6 to to us have been jail since last april. around a quarter of south koreans have undergone tattooing, including semi permanent cosmetic eyebrow procedures to strong support for the practice to be legalized, especially among younger people. oh, it's on the ruling parties. candidate for the march 9 presidential election. lee jame young has said he would back making the practice legal. oh cool. i really hope the candidates will keep this pledge in the tattooing by non doctors will become legal. as the person getting the tattoo, we don't get punished, but the people who do those touches for us get punished. i think that's quite
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uncomfortable. i thought on back to my if the bill backing d criminalization doesn't pass, many of sad careers to, to us are planning to leave and practice their art overseas. that set for tuesday, stick with us this week. as we look at how a conflict in europe impacts the asia region. see you tomorrow, and good bye. what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites d w world heritage. 360 get the app. now. some are driven by merciless freedom. others pushing the destruction against not only the invaders came to prison, they shut down the native to do the government is trying to destroy the indigenous
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people in with a larger scale version of a budget lend grabbers or exploiting the amazon rain forest. indigenous peoples are now briefly opposing them. a long term report from the heart of brazil stuart's march 9th on d. w. ah, russia feels the full force of international sanctions, but better roost is also facing major restrictions over its involvement. in evasion that ukraine will take a closer look at russia's ally and enabler also under attack on multiple fronts. russian ali galks will ask if sanctions against russia's osha, rich and making a difference if the state of a business on rob walks in berlin, welcome to the program. since it invaded ukraine, russia has become increasingly isolated from the rest of the world. one of its she
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remaining allies is the authoritarian leadership of belo reuss. however, it's small and neighbor is paying a price for its role in putins wor bloody amir putin has been tightening his. hold over bella ruth and it's autocratic leader, alexander lucas shanker. and with a 2 countries targeted by sanctions over the ukraine, more russian dominance is only set to grow. last fall, put in and look at shank agreed on a 28 point economic cooperation plan. it includes a common monetary policy and energy market. but in this partnership, russia is firmly in the driver's seat for around 45 percent of all goods exported by.


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