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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2022 9:30am-10:01am CET

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us the hosts are trying to help the team temporarily settle their minds and bodies in a new city. for now this football team has no opposition, but one singular go to get home to peace. it's the 2nd day of us president joe biden's trip to europe, and he's beginning with a meeting with european commission president was a lof underline and brussels up high on the agenda is an energy deal that will see the u. s. supplied the e. u with liquefied natural gas. this would help the 27 member block to end it's dependency on energy supplies from russia. that meeting between biden and funded line comes on day 2 of an e. u. leaders summit focused on the war in ukraine. and we are expecting a press conference in brussels with was enough underline and a u. s. president joe biden, that should start shortly. we will go life that press conference when it begins. but for now, we're going to return to our top story developments on the ground in ukraine, and some signs of ukrainian forces. gaining ground and pushing back russian forces,
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intelligence report, se ukraine as retaken ground west of care of, and destroyed a ship in russian, held a territory. when russia launched its invasion, a month ago, it expected to take ukraine in a lightning offensive against all odds. ukrainian forces continue to keep one of the world's biggest armies at bay. but that resistance has come at a terrible price. flames and smoke billowing from a russian transport ship in the harbor of russian occupied bared young. ask lines for humanitarian aid. stretching in front of bombed out apartment blocks in the heavily struck city of mar, you pull a month into russia's war and ukraine. every days, full of images that only weeks ago were difficult, if not impossible, to imagine in modern europe. the sun was shining in keys and no bombs were falling for the moment as soldiers and civilians reflected on a month of war. greens as legit it's of ukrainians have united as never before
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perhaps under god. this makes me very happy. the pin and the russians made a big mistake coming after our country in our land, where we will bite their throats or with our homeland, no shadow or dinner, must've way away. morale is as high as on the 1st day, and it will remain so until the last day. victory day, he remained determined. ukraine has proven its resilience, but sustained bombardment, bodies in the streets, and life in bomb shelters with limited or no power or heat. we are bound to take their toll on even the bravest with my furnace was id equus. i feel hostile with a lovely one doesn't know what to do next and how to behave. am i? so i try to keep calm and only hope that everything will be over years that you can all will be fine as it was before for over to and to see the smiles returned to people's faces. and our chances to enjoy life returned to us. they were a,
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did they validate you a month ago? no one knew how long ukraine could hold out against russia. and yet, despite the told to human life and infrastructure and the sheer size of the russian war machine, the underdog is still standing. we can speak now to our correspond it funny for char, she's reporting from this in western ukraine. i funny, we saw in that report that about ukraine's reported a sinking of a russian supply ship. tell us more about what that means. the several landing ships had, of course, want to supply to russia and surveyed very important basically things that you need to fight in this war. we're talking about fuel, they're talking about armored vehicles. we're talking about supplies and ukraine claims that they sank. one of these ships, a landing ship named artist near the port to town about a pianist, which by the way is about 85 climate is from besieged town of mar your pool. now
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also ukraine claims that they could make some headway in keep us valley to northern part of the city and pushed back some of the russian troops. we cannot verify that, but the videos that we have seen about that appear and destruction of that ship. of course, symbolizes to many people here on the ground that some headway is being made and that the offensive by ukrainian forces also succeeds in some way. even though of course, it cannot be underestimated that russia is still very superior in terms of the number of troops, the military and the any other elements that they have to bring forward. what they call is a demilitarization and di notification of ukraine. so they're making headway funding, you said, but is there a sense there that ukrainian forces are actually gaining the upper hands? that's a really good question because they are mixed messages in a way. on the one hand, the ukrainian defense minister says,
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said yesterday that they made some progress, as i say, in keeping the northern part and some of the troops could be a pushed back at the same time. of course, the troops, russian troops are known to then again and come to gather, regroup, and to try to start the offensive again. in fact, you pray, sad that they do know that is offensive. i going to resume not only keith, but also had keith is to me in other parts of ukraine, also in murray. pull really a challenge where you ask yourself, what is there to resume? because that town is basically reduced to almost nothing. and people who are trapped there, even though wants to try to leave that city, are asking themselves where to go to. so yes, on one hand, ukraine strike to spread this message that we, let's hang in there because we also got to make some progress. ukrainian military is going to make some progress here. the question is the, what you plane is going to look like by that time when that progress, according to ukraine, is completed. and at what price. finally,
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we know that the toll on the civilian population has been devastating, hasn't it? definitely, unfortunately, these 4 weeks into this will thousands of people have been killed. and unfortunately, we can only talk about an estimate as it's really incredibly hard just to verify the numbers as are they are towns where even journalists do not have are just very limited access to. so we need to work through the sources that we have from a beat at u. s. united nations, and can only call it an estimate. but bottom line is millions of people have been displaced since the war began and are going to continue to be displaced as long as this massacre actually, as the pope called it, a senseless massacre continues as the war continues. debbie's funny for char, reporting from love is, thank you for that update. and we can get some more perspective now with helena vasa jenko, she is a member of the ukrainian parliament miss vessel jenko. thank you for joining us here on d. w. the war, as we mentioned,
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has no entered. it's 2nd month. can you tell us more about what your experience has been? yeah. hello. thank you for inviting and thank you that you show tool all the world . what is really going on in a ukraine? and then of course, this is the worst time way in there are what history, because in our history. but since we are independent, you see what is going on. and every day these miles are fighting with cds. and does that work? is that is this russian sold there's, they don't fight, we've always sold those. they fight with always civilians. and you see what they made with muddy ball, with what they made with all wet big cities, such as car keys should me here. and so what they they apply to host
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patel's. they a fight in residential buildings as they are fighting different administrative, administrative buildings. and houses they had, they had destroyed more than $500.00, if you cation of an occasional building society and kindergarten. this we've just been, as you've been speaking this past, and we've been looking there at some of the pictures of the devastation and multiple that you yourself have just been mentioning. i want to ask you about the day of diplomacy in some, it's that we saw in brussels. we saw a nato, of course, vow to continue to support ukraine. we saw you member state say that as well, but they rule out direct intervention and they will out any sort of a step that might result in an engagement with russia. are you disappointed in what you've seen from western ally so far? the control i want to takes it to say thank you to all governments and to all
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people around the board that supporting us. and for that, for all that, and military and of humanitarian aid as a to be gaining from you, man, bertha, and from the united states of america. but i'm sure that for instance, ne told, for instance, the united states of america and also your members. they can more because for as for this moment, we are not only defending all the country and only our democracy. we are dependent democracy and democracy of the whole human over the whole civil, civilized world. we are defended democracy on the whole, europe, and nato. as you mentioned, it was created as the most saved l, b, l, e, and post a 50 in the volt. and we asked to take us to nato, and we assured that if we were a member of need to risk law,
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could not be launched even for this moment. reassures that always told me that i may meet the standards of the nato. well, miss miss watson single. what do you think of the fact of the concerns from nato member states that taking ukraine in as a member for example, could raise the threat of a nuclear war? i think that for the last 2 weeks, everyone in the board understood that which is crazy. and if she does a will decide to, for instance, to use chemical biological and nuclear war or to a to start more. why do what she will do it despite all we the members of the or not it was, for instance, peacekeepers are in your grade or not. if you could send one message to
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nato and to the you of what you need right now, when you came, what would it be? we need to close this sky, and we need peacekeepers here in the ukraine. we'll leave it there. member of the ukrainian parliament. helena vessel jenco. thank you very much for joining us on the w this morning. thank you. as we mentioned it is the 2nd day of us president biden's trip to europe and he's starting today with a meeting with the european commission president was a funder line. high on their agenda is this energy deal that will see the u. s. supply you with liquefied natural gas. this would help the 27 member block and it's dependency on energy supplies from russia, and the meeting between biden and funder line come on day 2. and your leader summit focused on the war in ukraine. and we are awaiting a press conference. as we mentioned earlier with the u. s. president and the european commission president, we will listen and live to that press conference as soon as it begins. all of this
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comes after a marathon of action and brussels on thursday that we're back to back meetings of nato, the g 7 and the you all promising more support for ukraine. western allies are trying to ramp up pressure on russia to end the war and ukraine as it enters its 2nd month . president biden is pushing for russia to be kicked out of the 20 group of nations . and the leaders are using moscow of war crime. the day began at nato's headquarters, where beyond the handshakes photo ops and display of unity, the 30 leaders of the trans atlantic alliance also reaffirmed their support for ukraine. today, all our leaders also agreed to provide further support to ukraine, helping to uphold their from a man to right to self defense allies or also equipping ukraine with significant military supplies into the anti tank and air defense systems on drones. which are
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proving highly effective. as well as substantial financial on humanitarian aid. for moscow, they promised more punishment and isolation off to nato. it was the g 7 whose leaders announced that they'll restrict the russian central banks use of gold, major wheat producers, canada and the u. s. said they would increase exports to try to minimize the looming global food security crisis caused by russia's invasion of ukraine. then came the e u summit. e leaders did agree a deal with biden to buy more liquefied natural gas from the u. s. we will present um a new chapter in our energy partnership. it is about additional energy from the united states for the european union, thus replacing the russian. ellen gee,
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we have so far an important step forward. 1000 kilometers away from the talks. the war raged on in ukraine. from the capital, keith war valorem zalinski sent this message to the world. the war continues the x, after or against peaceful people go on one mass already. that long, it breaks my heart, heart of all you grants and every free person on the planet. that's why i ask you to stand against the war. but back in brussels, every one knows. it will take more than solidarity to bring europe's worst crisis since world war 2 to an end. and our brussels bureau chief, alexander phenomena has been covering all the action for us. hi, alexander. it's good to see you. tell us more about what came out of this flurry of
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activity and brussels. also, me the fact that all the 3 summits took place on one day he in brussels, was remarkable. and a shy and strong sign of unity with nato leaders approving a massive reinforcements of the alliance of forces on the eastern flank and promising more military assistance to ukraine with their g 7 liter saying that they will hamper any efforts to circumvent western sanctions. and the european leaders meeting with the you as president and colon gout, russia for its war crimes, and promising ukraine to raise money to help rebuild the country. however, when we talk about concrete outcome that was rather limited, and of course not enough from the ukrainian perspective, nato is still saying no to a no fly zone over ukraine, and the u. leaders has rebuffed to ukraine, ukraine's plea for ad fast trek you membership, and that's
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a message we heard directly from the ukranian president. he thanked you members the west for their support, but also was critical of what they have not done. so let's take a look at what he said is that he, he knows sankey, uber plight sanctions and we're grateful. even these are powerful steps could be, but it was a little late. we civil war because of it was preventive. russia would not have gone to war. no one knows for sure, but at least there was a chess. so alexandra zalinski essentially saying there that western leader is enabled hooton's invasion of ukraine. how did that go down and brussels? well i think that we have to acknowledge, we have to acknowledge that zalinski has emerged as her, as an excellent communicator, or who is tailoring his messages to the audience he's facing. and that was the case here as well. and i think that it went down well with some member states with the
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baltic states, for instance, or poland. they have been calling on the you to be tougher on russia for years, are pushing to for more sanctions, more action to help ukraine and lensky. acknowledge that in his statement saying latvia stands with us lithuania stance with us. and then he went on speaking about germany, for instance. and he said, said germany a little bit later, acknowledging that germany was initially initially reluctance to imposing tougher sanctions. and that germany is now one of their members states that are blocking a potential oil and a natural gas embargo. alexander tells more about what is happening to day. we saw president biden calling for russia to be kicked out of the g 20. and we understand there's gonna be an announcement as well, about boosting a u. s. gas shipments to the you? yes and to the u. s. president was very clear that it, it were if it were for him,
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he would to remove russia from the g 20. but of course, he knows that it needs to be a consensus phase to decision and some g. 20 members are reluctant to remove russia . that is why he suggested that ukraine should be invited to the g 20 meetings or we'll see whether that is going to happen. and today, we expect a joint statement by the european union and the u. s. on energy with the u, as expected to promise to deliver up to 15000000000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas to the european union until the end of this year to help the u. b. less dependent on liquefied natural gas from russia. t w's brussels bear chief alexander phenomena. good to talk to you. ok, we're keeping an eye on that press conference. we're waiting in brussels, but we want to bring you some sports news now. when a major shock in men's football, european champions,
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italy will miss november's world cup after losing their play off semi final to north macedonia. an injury time goal from alice center try coffee field. the one know when in palermo and left italy sun less than a year after their triumph at the euro, north macedonia aren't through to the world cup and guitar just yet. they still have to play christiana, rinaldo, portugal into play a final and mark meadows from d. w. sports is where those high mark, what a shock did anyone see this coming? not really. no. i mean this is italy. i mean, everybody saw how wonderful they were in the euro's back in june and july. most football fans will say they really deserve to, to win the tournament. but yeah, they're out and let's give credit to, to north macedonia because they have a bit of history of this. they beaten germany, for example, in the qualification in germany. and they also reach the euro's the fullest of a major tournament and, and perform pretty well. so it's not such a massive surprise bought. this was a one off game played in italy. everyone expected italy to win and they've,
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they've not managed it. how heavily fallen so far so fast? i think would upset them a little bit. was that because the euro's was delayed by a year because of the corona virus pandemic. it kind of appeared in the middle of wilco qualifying. so i think that sort of upset italy's rhythm a little bit. they didn't actually lose a game and woke up qualifying. they had a few too many drawers and then finishing the low 6 of them. so then they have to play. this is play off match. and yeah, i mean, it just staggering, really. but we have to remember the italy didn't qualify for the last world built in 2018 motion, and that's 2 in a row where the full times champions won't be there. i think coach mo, mo, reverse. so mancini for the past he said last summer i had my greatest joy. and now the biggest disappointment. definitely tough ridley. what about ukraine? they didn't play but they can still qualify. yes. you praying were actually meant to play scotland last night in a playoff. semi final, understandably, ukraine decided that they weren't able to play that game. so the game is basically
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been postponed till june or possibly september. it obviously has to take place before the will cut, begins in november, and if they've got through that semi final, they didn't have to play wales in a play a final. now russia were also not in action last night. that's because they've been suspended basically from wilco qualifying. they would you to play poland. poland refused to play them. now russia trying legal means trying to get back in to the woke up qualifying campaign. but poland will play sweden on choose day in their play a final. and as long as that game goes ahead and then one team is definitely fruit to the will cope. russia basically has no chance. no, right. mark meadows from the w. sports covering football for us. thanks very much for that update. or come back to the live story that we're covering. the 2nd day of us president the biden's trip to europe. he's starting with a meeting today with european commission president was a funder line. the big topic on their agenda is an energy deal that we'll see, the u. s. supply you with liquefied natural gas. that would help you and it's
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dependency on energy supplies from russia. and the meeting between biden and funded comes on day 2 of an e. u. leader summit focused on the war in ukraine. we are still awaiting that press conference beginning in brussels and we're going to bring you that life. as soon as it begins, we want to bring you some other headlines from around the world. now, 48 people have been killed in twin bomb attacks and central somalia. the 1st black killed 2 law makers and their guards. it was followed by a car. bama had a hospital where the injuries were taken for treatment. the militant group, al, sure. bob has claimed responsibility. chinese state tv says the search has resumed for the 2nd flight recorder from a plane that crashed earlier this week. all 132 passengers and who were killed when the china eastern airlines. boeing 737 came down and the gong g region one black box has already been located. north korea claims to have test fired its biggest
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ever inter continental missile state media report. the launch was overseen by leader kim jong on to show the world that north korea is boosting it's nuclear deterrence. it's the country's 1st long range test. since 2017 authorities in australia say the great barrier reef is suffering a mass bleaching event. the world's largest coral re system has been under heat stress from warmer scenes. it is the 4th time a major coral die off has happened on the reef since 2016 and form a u. s. president. donald trump has filed a lawsuit against his former democratic rival, hillary clinton and several other democrats alleging they falsely accuse him of colluding with russia ahead of the 2016 election. trump is seeking a jury trial and at least $72000000.00 in damages. ok, as we said, we are covering that live story of u. s. president biden's trip to europe, and we have our chief political correspondent, melinda crane. with us and melinda,
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let's just remind people what we're talking about. this is a meeting that he has started with was left on the line today, discussing energy and gas shipments from the u. s. to the you to help you make up some of the gas that they want to avoid getting from russia. we're seeing here life pictures of the press conference that's about to start. that will be a statement with the european commission president with a funder line and with the u. s. president, melinda. first of all, tell us about what this announcement what we're expecting to here on this broadening of a partnership with the u. s. on energy. actually, the u. s. is already been diverting considerable amount of liquid fire natural gas to europe, of the national security adviser to president biden. jake sullivan talked about a surge in us supplies to europe. this will be an additional 15000000000 cubic meters of a liquefied natural gas from the us. that's what we're told. we don't have official
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confirmation on that figure yet. but that would amount to about 10 percent of europe's annual natural gas consumption. so it's significant, but again, it's additional to what the u. s. is already been diverting to europe and there's a clear commitment and a lot of flexibility on the u. s. side, because essentially they are producing a good deal of l n g. and they are able and willing to divert it to the highest bidder. in other words, this is definitely going to have an effect on the market and on prices. the prices of fossil fuels have been sor ring as we have seen. and we can certainly expect them to continue to do so, but it's obviously key for europe to when itself, off a russian natural gas, which until now has been about 40 percent of you gas overall. and for 2 reasons. number one, to avoid sending revenues to what president soleski of ukraine has called president
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putin war machine. and secondly, to start making themselves more independent from russia, in case of an energy embargo on russian fossil fuel imports. and that could come not only from the you itself at the moment e u member states are blocked. some of them want an embargo. others are dragging their feet including germany. but it could also come from the russian side, for example, in the form that we're currently seeing suggested that president putin has said that unfriendly countries will now have to pay for their gas imports in roubles. that would force those countries to go through the russian central back, which in fact they have sanctioned. in other words, it would be an end run around their own sanctions and european union members have made it clear they are not going to do that. they said the contractual obligation of russia is to allow for payment in a foreign currency and therefore they are not about to do this. however,
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the result could theoretically be that russia would say, ok, then we don't deliver. you mentioned that germany has been one of the countries dragging its feet a bit on an embargo and rational oil and gas. we have seen the news today, however, that it does want to further reduce its dependency. right? yes. astonishing. the minister for economy and climate has been working very hard to diversify german supply, and it is now his ministry is now announcing new figures that say that by the end of this year, germany is dependence on russian gas will have decreased from over 50 percent to 30 percent, and that in fact to his of dependence on russian oil will be to half of what it used to be. so how is he doing this? we saw him go this week to tar, and the united arab emirates to try to negotiate l. n. g, liquid, natural gas deliveries from them. interestingly enough, he is a green party member and a shopping trip for fossil fuels is not exactly the rule that he would have seen
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himself in, but he is clearly pragmatic. he says, we have to do these deals, but he also has been trying to link those deals with additional moves to get these countries to deliver hydrogen. hydrogen of course can be made from renewable energy sources. it's then known as green hydrogen. and he sees that as a way to supplant natural gas overall and get germany towards its climate neutrality goals, which at the moment it is badly falling short of and all of that liquefied natural gas. just to understand how that works, that can arrive in germany because we're setting up new terminals. well, that is the aim that they are certainly plans to build longer term terminals. but what we're hearing today from mr. have ex ministry is that they're looking at doing a deal on the floating gas terminals that could essentially be placed either at ports at the north sea or in the baltic sea. in other words, there's flexibility there. and these are terminals that would then take gas off of
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tankers and re gas, defy it. because when liquefied natural gas comes in, it's in liquid form, it has to be turned back into gas nonetheless. and that's all fascinating. the speed that this is occurring at is truly, is truly remarkable. nonetheless, there are still bottlenecks when gas flows through pipelines that is a continuous process. it's very efficient when it comes as l and g deliveries that have to be taken off tankers, reek, ossified and then transported, we're looking at a chain that has significant potential for bottlenecks. and therefore, the news from energy experts is that even if everything goes right, probably it's going to be hard to, to reduce natural gas that much more than to 2 thirds of what we're now, at least within the short to medium term. most certainly an important topic to be discussing as we're waiting for this press conference. we know that energy markets
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and gas and oil and played such a central role in discussions around this conflict. but i want to pick out another headline we heard from president biden yesterday at the flurry of summits and meetings in brussels, where he said he wanted to pursue kicking russia out of the g. 20. tell us more about that. what that would mean and what opposition? there might be. yes. first of all it's there would be a position. the g 20 includes china. and as we have seen in all of the united nations general, assembly votes that have been taken at china. either up stains or even votes against. so i think very unlikely that china would go along with such a move, but the move clearly would be symbolic in the sense that it would further isolate russia and in that sense it biden also said yesterday in response to a question at one of his press conferences that when we sanction russia, we're not looking simply to.


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