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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2022 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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starts april 16th on d, w ah, this is the w is live for then the u wards, china against helping russia and it's war against you crate or to evade western sanctions. european commission president touches on the lives as beijing risks, reputation or damage. if you talk back to moscow, a china says it won't be forced to take sides. also on the program, red cross convoy traveling to evacuate civilians from ukraine's besieged city of mario fall is forced to turn around. the age group says it's not clear whether
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troops on the ground are aware of the grade you, military and current. under music events with a difference in ukraine, 2nd city, ah missions and talk to you continue their annual classical festival. this like the russian bombs and devastation. ah, i'm so gale. welcome to the program. european union has worn china not to help russia wage war on ukraine or to sidestep western sanctions. regime has given russia political backing and has refused to condemn the invasion. you lead as issued the warning during a virtual summit with china with the war in ukraine, top of the agenda. it was the 1st summit between the you and china in 2 years. the
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goal assurances that china won't arm russia or help moscow evade western economic sanctions. european commission president or sa, lafond, or lion said afterward she had made an appeal based on simple math. let me remind you that every day shine on the european union trade, almost 2000000000 euros worth of goods and services. and in comparison, trade between china and russia is only $300.00, some $330000000.00 euros per day. so a prolongation of the war and the disruption it brings to the world economy is therefore in no one's interest, certainly not in china's. china has refused to condemn russia for invading ukraine . in fact, hours before the summit with brussels, a spokesperson for china's ministry of foreign affairs called the us the culprit
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and leading instigator of the ukraine crisis for its role in nato's expansion since the cold war and the president. she jin ping was more subtle when addressing the e. u officials. long day china has maintained the consistency and continuity of its e u policy function. we hope that you can form its own perception of china, adopt an independent china policy. oh and work with us for the study and sustain development of china. you relations goshen, where she rushes. war has brought the you closer together and shown how far away other powers such as china or on foreign policy. let's get more detail because it bent rigate in brussels. a welcome banter, house china given any sort of firm indication of where it's sympathies lie. in this wall. just to 2 days ago, the foreign ministers of china and russia signed an agreement about eternal and
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limitless cooperation and china so far. and also in this, during the summer, has refused to criticize the russian aggression against ukraine. the you in china cannot even agree on the wording, of course, or the used is naming it of war, but the chinese side is still insisting that it is a situation or a conflict, a crisis in ukraine. and that's also the reason why there is no common, no common communicate, no statement by twos, by the 2 sides about this war. but at least the china and the you could agree that the situation or the voice threatening vote order and word stability. right? so as a sort of underlying urges china to stay out of it, what leverage to say a you have leverage is a big burden. the sir circumstances the you is of course,
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the biggest trading block of the biggest trading, pardon of china? at 2000000000 sir of verse of goods, 2000000000 years worth of goods exchange every day. if you compare that to russia only 340000000. but as sanctions or economic sanctions of far down the road, the you would only apply them if china would openly support russia by delivering arms or things like that. so the leverage is really slim. there's only the appears we've heard from was left on the line a regarding the reputation of china and the world. but there's not actually much that they use now willing to do for its parts at china state broadcast, the c c t v, as quoted the premier leaky coin as a saying that china will push for peace talks between ukraine and russia in its own way. what's that likely to me? yeah, that's what mister lee also said during the summit that he opposed opposes to take
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sides officially in this conflict. so he admits that he has some leverage on russia, but he does not say how he will use it. and the use now demanding that the china uses its influence because it has influence and russia somehow. but officially the chinese have not taken sides and have not read a rated or explained what they will do in the future. thank you. her band to bend reagan in russell's daughter, malia pole, a, which has come under continuous russian bombardment for weeks. the strategic port on ukraine's southern coast is essential for control of access to the sea of as of previous attempts to establish humanitarian corridors. out of the city. for around 160000 civilians have failed. in the last hour we've heard that the red cross convoy that was on its way to marian full has been forced to turn around because of the impossible conditions. hollow shells of buildings now were
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a vital port city. once stood mary paul is still under bombardment, with tens of thousands trapped. those who made it out to areas of ukraine not controlled by russian forces. describe a harrowing journey on roads controlled by russian soldiers. these women were able to come to the city as i parisha my dear, what were you? chill negates where people were buried in children's playground video w. a person was buried in the yard mcgee, we quickly got into the bar, so that is full time, are already 10 people in the bus was even though it was intended for 9 people, was the driver. loosely, they put in more c because people had to get out of another. it wasn't until the 2nd data we realized that we weren't going to a humanitarian corridor than others de la city. like no more, i could have simply been shot. we were threatened that they said we can kick you out and take your car for the needs of the army and just shoot you. this family
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made it to the city of denise pro. after a hellish ordeal in their hometown of marian por, bring a hero, a bomb clearing and exploded into 2 parts to head and the torso. and then small dom, still out of a plane and fragments flew into the windows into this cold kindergarten. so windows were all his oh and the house shook so much for sharing the fire. mean the family is safe for now. their journey out involved multiple checkpoints before escaping russian controlled territory. with global before there were 8 or 9 check points on the route in the villages. people with machine guns stood at the crossroads, took your someone, looked at the passports and said, oh, here are the children. you can drive you crazy or even cry. we see the 1st
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ukrainian check point. they said, now we will calls parisha and escort car who will accompany you there. with the red cross has been trying for weeks to help get people out and supplies in. for those who cannot escape marion pull don't take a quick look at some other ukraine related stories. i have a head of the international atomic energy agency says he will lead a mission through the contaminated to a novel nuclear science in northern new crime. there was an answer comes after russian forces began to withdraw from the area of to seizing the site. in late february crate has claimed russian soldiers showed signs of radiation sickness similar to the modern you know what our play u. s. president joe biden says he wants to release up 219000000 barrels of oil from his country strategic reserves control rising energy prices related to the war in crime. the international energy agency to,
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to hold an emergency meeting to discuss further action. jelic, prosecutors say they charged a former job and military reserve of the spine from moscow and say he was in contact with the russian intelligent services from 2014 to 2020. and that he provided information about the that civil defense and the impact on general companies. you sanctions against russia. germany has approved the sale of 58 tanks from a check company to ukraine. they originally belonged to the east german military and the defense ministry in berlin. center permit had been issued for the vehicles which are equipped with cannon and machine guns. and the vehicles were acquired by the bundles van after german reunification in the 19 nineties and later so to the check company. so called end use closed means military hardware can only be sold on can only be sold on to 3rd parties with berlin's approval. vladimir
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click kind of the former boxing world champion, a brother of keeps mer vitale in berlin for talks with german political leaders. i met with economy minister robert harbor the 1st day i spoke with chancellor all shots and foreign minister and i'm in favor. at today is the eclipse goes billing for more german support or the crate to the economic and military and humanitarian . a broken finance. and we need to be supported with food with medic broken medicaid with weapons broken van i so we need russia to be isolated. there is a li, wrong isolated economically and is a dorm because every sense that a spanish, by gas is used for wetlands that are killing our children with you've often for women with our madelyn, our civilians kinda loser frowns. remember it was a civilization every year. ukraine, 2nd largest city khaki, eva host
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a classical music festival of musicians and organizes have decided to keep the tradition going this year despite the war. but instead of concert halls that play in bunkers and subway stations the w, as we speaking with one of the organizers who were stranded here in germany, as a russian invasion began, o p. music fest in the middle of a wall to bombs may have destroyed the organizes plans, but the musicians refuse to be silenced. ah, artistic director vitale, alexey noch, was in germany. before the war started, he had to delegate the onsite organizing to others. with a heavy heart, the mach invites have earned fee miss. no, he's going somehow we have to go on,
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but the festival will be different options. and that's something very special for all of us thought, because we will be able to go on playing music despite the bombs valden much of hawk eve in northeastern ukraine is reduced to rubble. the bombardment, rockets and artillery continued during the festival. oh none the less people experienced moments of calm and peace via kitten or strongly sh mayer. or you originally had a bigger orchestra for the festival myth as well as hundreds of people in the audience. the right by our we have to put on the festival with what we've still got . and with people who have found safety somehow in bunkers and subway station since in born come on in that robin. the will of the people of ha heath to assert themselves is remarkable. despite the danger, they continue to attend the concerts, capturing memories with their mobile thanks. a 1000000 in these
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events are a beacon of light, which allows you to believe in good and hope that it will land soon and be better. i think it's good that like a song, the music and art a part of life. they are the rays of light that help the soul survive. got the order from a gun loose. ah, and it's exactly that that was the intention of the festival organizes. ah, we've owned the mutations edson thus says, ready to send a signal that life must go on and that we should raise our voices in terms of arts and culture happens on the organizes. as the hockey music fest aim to keep holding concepts until the war is over, as well as being there for anyone that listens. this is dana with news line from belin. his reminder of our top story, the e u,
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was born to china against helping russia, if a sanctions imposed over its invasion of ukraine. you commission, president ursula found line the spacing business reputational damage even back to moscow. china says it will not be forced to take sides of next on the w, a documentary about the increasingly important role hello products i'll play in the economy will use at the top of the day. and we're interested in the global economy. our portfolio d w. business beyond here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the flight for market dominant. get a step ahead with d w business beyond.


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