tv Arts.21 Deutsche Welle April 3, 2022 3:30pm-4:00pm CEST
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on d, w o, send it to us. if grades will need a t, a developed vote for over mentioned home the force i'm them hold mostly semen that we can about would you like me about almost a valley that the last dragons had called to home. teresa dw books on june. 0, one thing that used to win the war and another thing to think of anything to fix everything. no shadow was what a shame bell. ruth wasn't able to stop putin in 2020. 0. you know, from, from in moscow the attitude was we can do this, we can reestablish ourselves, ah, with
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whom. what does war do to people? how will identities societies and nations form and how will this historical development influence our future? to search for these answers, we visit soviet memorials and looked deep into the soul of ukraine. oh, next we speak with a ukrainian director who's filled today, appears to be prophetic. wanted to point out, i bought them civilian running from bombing in ukraine. this isn't yesterday's news, but a film from 2018 set dumbass, eastern ukraine, where russian forces are supporting pro putin separatist yet. lydia. the civilians are actors staging a fake news massacre for russian tv. allah propaganda to justify the military.
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encourage all over with smithy. ukraine director saudi last, nita shows how for years russia planned it's war of aggression against ukraine. but the west fleming wasn't paying attention to this question with b. e o, she could go to lunch to get a worse. oldest la spell western annabel democracies were asleep when the new rush was form, our little one was attacking in graz. chechnya again when it was attacking georgia, crimea, dumbass and ukraine. and so what we're witnessing now in a way is the consequence of the slope would beautiful of this lack of counter action on the part of the where the justly amy it is or does that there were sna was 0 me for years. yeah. your gilan washer, but i hate the year. what to do is to flush it up. i marley. oh yeah. jolly for years was miss. he says he tried to wake people on the plane in this country and on bass, he shows the absurd logic of d. knots vacation,
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use later by putting to justify the current war. a german journalist not trying to interview separatist score is fiercely attack or his links to the great, what fascist enemy. more spinning for shoes. look, do through blue boom pushes them will oh, countries tell their national stories and the corrupting influence of propaganda has always been core to lawson. it's as work oh, the 2014 documentary, my don shows pro western protesters and keith, who else overthrow a pro russian ukranian government. russia depicted these events as a far right qu plus, nita says he tried to avoid propaganda. using only long takes to capture the truth
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of the historic moment. ah, e that she approaches the yelp see. even the style of my film is in a way opposed to the methods of propaganda. like the russian propaganda newsreel, which presented a very different picture of what was happening libraries, video level. great. what last it's a saw was a new ukraine being built before his eyes. e a. d e, a peer. it was a moment of national wake up up fo it's the moment when the nation is borne up when the nation begins to really construct it's statehood. if i know that i becomes independent from the russian colonial vision, it's already a boucher, i see. it didn't did. oh, oh, oh yeah. but
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my dad works as a time capsule, capturing a moment in history. much of his work closely to says is a fight against what the director calls crone aside the killing of his stork memory . that i get ye or got dora, that i had when the tragedies that occurred, the traumas that afflicted a society are forgotten or not talked about in a society. guys, what happens is, sooner or later, these traumas come back with them. yeah, the way they re surface and basically come back to hot the society that is trying to forget about them in the garage options, door unhealed. historic trauma is at the heart of lust. it says documentary barbara yard context, using archive footage with no commentary. he depicts events outside keith in 1941,
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when nazi troops murdered more than 33000 ukranian jews and dumped them into the baba yar ravine. alicia to her, she knew by the yard that she, i made the film baba yar about the event of the massacre that throughout the soviet period was never talked about. it was kind of taboo. and in general, soviet propaganda did not even acknowledge the fact that the whole cause and a subject was almost completely forgot. ah, of course, it goes without saying that the truth about this event should be told. and the memory of this event that i should live on our law, those lovely raised me, sheila, the film to pick scenes painful for ukrainians, showing local, celebrating the arrival of the nazis and standing by as they round up the jews. yeah, on las nita's refusal to simplify history angered many in ukraine when after the ukraine invasion, he refused to support a full boycott of russian cinema. ukrainian film academy kicked him out of
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court door to door, mira cheerfully. d got doria, i'm absolutely against the proposed total boycott of russian cultural figures and russian filmmakers who have actually been opposing the regime of actually been condemning the war. because if we do that, if we boycott them as well as everyone else is really in a way, we will be betraying them as the rates. ah plus, nita says he's no profit and he's no politician. his films don't speak for ukraine, but try to depict the world and the war as he sees it, only be near because so it's still get unequal. what, what does it do? an artist should do what he does. basil what he knows a video and that is to make art a castle, made guernica we all we artists have to make films have to produce art that is narrating and reflecting upon the events all of me which we are witnessing. we
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might didn't wake up the rear. ah, with that it's us loosely pressed, i guess. yeah, us and i mean, but it's, i guess you the war in ukraine has catapulted the world into a collective state of shock, including the arts to demonstrate against the bloodshed russian artists give gun. yes. are you ever ford fake blood over herself in front of the regional parliament and saint petersburg before swiftly being led away by police? 2 rebellion against russian dominance has a long tradition in the former soviet republics historian and expert on eastern europe. culture logo talks about old alliances and new identities in ukraine. for the past 50 years, he has travelled across eastern europe and specialized in the history of the soviet union and its successor state. she logo will be
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the 1st to admit that for the longest time, he too just saw ukraine as a part of the post soviet cultural fear. only after russia's attack on crimea. he began studying the country's uniqueness. prudence claim that ukraine has always belonged to russia. schlagel writes off as pure propaganda a pretext to divert attention from his problems at home. if the man says um it's sufficiently child to, i see a connection between the failing modernization or re constellation of a post soviet russia and a tendency to blame the outside world for every problem and contradiction within their godson. problem it would reduce crishna ost restricted ghost to turn in. i think that the intervention or aggression in crimea is zoom, wasn't attempt at rallying the people or society by using a small, successful and triumphal orchestrated war of occupation goes for could do 0 if
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you didn't do that. it says um, socially. oh, according to sugar, put in his clueless about the young european identity that has emerged over the past 3 decades. and the cultural diversity thriving between living in the west and the don boss in the east. in the soviet days, however, ukraine was merely seen as a coal supplier and a bread basket. but even back then ukrainians had their own distinct culture dating back centuries. speed isn't in non senior hunger affect no later than in the 19th century. all the characteristics of modern nation building are in place that come such as the fight for a language of one's own speed and the formation of a literary language, given the struggle against russ, if occasion would be found. the demand to forge a new state eigen stout to be common with the student to come this time, then comes with the collapse of empire cbs does. that is after world war one.
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martin is very cute, but the autonomy had only lasted half a year when ukraine became entangled in the world war between stolen ism and naziism. as part of the soviet union. only in 1991 was the country able to step on to the world stage as a sovereign state as a condition ukrainians had to give up their nuclear weapons, a price, they were happy to pay better offers and as a returning garbage, there was a referendum following the breakup of the soviet union, with an overwhelming majority in favor of independence regarding the honor was one . and it's important to remember that don boss played a key role at the time root. even though that was the most soviet eyes part of ukraine's youth to toe dual kind of using this often in moscow, the attitude was moscow. we can do this, us, we can reestablish ourselves to stern ukraine's european orientation challenges
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putin's old imperial model of society. it's a clash universes, a younger global minded culture, opposing the regressive authoritarian russian regime. who didn't accuses the lensky of being a puppet of meal fashion. he in turn counters with instagram stories, shows himself as a family man. he tells of his jewish heritage and his grandfather's fight against the nazis. ah, if a copper to do this, he embodies this civil pay. those encourage between i think he's great goes out to honda is the attorney really is the antithesis of that bitter evil. the dastardly and hateful man who talks down as people from his bunker hoop in the kremlin bunker, him camera off to low time of year. that's the historian and eastern europe. expert
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snuggle remains adamant, and he is support for ukraine's fight against pewter hooton's attack on ukraine. is also possible via the confidence and silent support of belo bruce the neighboring country that allows putin's troops to pass through a documentary shows how close things came to changing history. minsk, in august 2020. then thousands of bell russians took to the streets and protest against their country's reeked presidential elections. these images were shot by bell russian director ali x a palo young. his documentary courage were count those days when change was in the air in his homeland authoritarian leader, alexander lucas franco's days seemed numbered. but 2 years on beller bruce's hopes for freedom have been dashed. lucas jenko still rules with an iron fist. as putin
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bustle is a snicker, easy, it's really awful, it, but the 1st realization was what a shame bel roost wasn't able to stop hootin in 2020 prisons to stop the vice of vio knows, of changing a country could have made a difference to victor. happen, the russian invasion of ukraine makes l. e. x a puddle, yawns, film, grimly topical and highlights a bitter truth. the crushing of the protests in bella, ruth strengthened to teams, role in the region. hello. the protagonists of palo yawns, film, or actors at the bell roof. free theater and underground theatre. immense that was critical of the ruling regime in 2020 palo yon plan to create a portrait of these brave theater makers who been harassed and threatened by the regime for years. oh, on the bus. and what those, the theater folks dared to do down ah,
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down with tim and get profit demon than they broached topics that back then and still are only spoken about in private to meet without peasant for then only whispered to trusted individual handlebar. told us that they talked about the death penalty in a piece of theatre and food. they spoke about the abduction of politician hottest cooking, and they made theater about torture in prisons, ensemble members, wrist persecution, jail sentences, and being banned from performing for the, for the whole to hit him duncan, ah, the whole one gambler, i was, i think it spectrum was afflict schiffer nick or english, the one that would have an early sketch conference. 54 thought the thought i did that we had isn't the move from the growing unrest turned the film about the theatre troops into a documentary of the protests and attribute to bel russians who demonstrated civil courage, was through it. with a student dimension,
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dick esteemed people who devoted to her and that the candidates in the presidential elections were tortured in prison in such a way that people who decide and could hear the men's voices. sas delighted, but also get out. haven't ashton, from a few of them were kilten i need to mention on give iraq. i was gonna do one thing i did. oh yes, you can use dorothy to play with alexey pablo yon documented the brutal repression by the regime. these are my see this massive violence give simply left people no room to keep quiet anymore. i can class closets of people are vital to so hundreds of thousands of people said that's enough from my jacket crashed. oh, for
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a while. it seemed like alexander lucas ankles more than a quarter century long rule might finally be over. i'm up to, i get tired. so i nigger the for a time for a few seconds or minutes. there was hope things were changed, the some field nadisa you said started the film with the scene in front of parliament up how a soldier accepts this flower, the bloom in them as there was much speculation about whether that scene was staged in that is of the smith 4th, are always pre planned. i honestly couldn't say. but after 2 months, luca shank oh, brutally cracked out on the protests. the wes tried to exert pressure on the dictator using sanctions, but with tragic results. isolated and economically weakened lucas shanker needed his close partner, russ. more than ever, in the end, the big winner was vladimir putin. thus had him moved his allowed putin to back the lucas shanker regime into a corner exits and do with lucas shanker. what he wanted in your thoughts,
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lack of us, even the huge retaliatory measures what if she had sanctions? i served to make lucas shanker, a vessel of futons that didn't us yet. look, i sank, i rocephin. that's also a consequence of the protest. was a fun, fun protest. in 2020 the films protagonists fled bella bruce and went to ukraine. now the war there had forced them to flee once again. this time to poland. ah, do you know that i loiter these 3 people have learned how to start their lives over from scratch? toys, as layman, focuses on the camera. woman for this film still lives in bella luce and mince cliff, and doesn't want to leave on jesus. i'm living in a historic time back. i want to be here and his voice shot fired i from here are the artists, like writers also have there. and for me, that's courage to leave and also on the stand behind these personal choices in the desert presentation, trying to stay on the exit. pol yonce film is
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a call to stand up to oppression and protest against brutal regimes. can we expect? seems like this will be repeated in russia. oh, is it a review of the door on the one? with another? yes. over your life. since in beating ukraine, the russian president has often been portrayed as a fascist. at the same time, the russians were among those who liberated the world from the nazis. in 1945, a world view is disintegrating, especially from the perspective of east germany. the former sibling status of the soviet union. my studio wilson blue, easy, almost hopefully the feeling and frown ally,
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he was even with the russian poet yevgeny. you have to shanker published this verse in 1961 while the nuclear threat kept the world awake at night. ah, today the fear is back. the world is in a collective state of shock over putin's invasion of ukraine, especially in east germany, where there had been much sympathy for russia and put in the world has turned upside down. the former ged propaganda phrase, to learn from the soviet union is to learn to triumph, has taken on a bitter aftertaste. thus we kneeled, felt when sparkling, what being ruined and by putin himself that is no less than the central monument of soviet history dealt with in their horrifically one victory. and is he, the tragedy of the entire union, st. hoggard the narrative of sacrifice, the shifter will be known to now corrupt that into a patriotic,
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aggressive national religion across even that, that is a perversion of the power to you. hope the journalist and author kristen digman is a post war child who was born in 1953. he grew up with strong ties to big brother, soviet union. understanding russia was and remains a deep concern for him. it is a long shared history. over 40 years and many had the state, the g d r and the soviet union portrayed themselves as sibling nation. yona 5th, whom you think to 1991 break up of the soviet union and prudence rise to power in russia has been an authoritarian and imperialistic presidential regime. the image of russia held by many former ged, our citizens no longer holds true to see a warner to let's nice house, which the irony of the last 30 years is that the birthplace of socialism or communism has now become hyper capitalist of openness and concepts. and t,
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in principle, the parameters of east and west are the same as in the great czarist empire. in this r as imperial state fidel, from tush on and everything we've learned on top that this is communism fighting and capitalism. keegan, this is all just superficial. and plastered on bo, and in the end, it always comes back to gio strategy to keep the bond between the former citizens of the g. d. r. and the soviet union shaped several generations affection for the occupier was institutionalized in the german soviet friendship. this was a mass organization, comprising millions of members, soviet art, films and literature were standard subjects of the school curriculum. but despite all this, the often touted german soviet friendship was to a large extent not real and intimidated many to the outset could demand in the
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g. r years. the eternal drivel about the brotherly bonds with a country of linen simply became unbearable. harden that it was pure imposed ritual . we vulgar stooped the sca okay. there were no real and individual and unregulated exchanges with the russians. dina watson, we saw that it wasn't until this superstructure was gone after the end of the g. d r. that i could finally approach this history personally, that my, with my own feelings, focus shift, and neon. ah, there are 3500 soviet military cemeteries in germany. almost all are in the former east. the war memorial in the ship. what's a hide? a public park is the burial site for more than $13000.00 members of the red army. 100 bronze panels. tell us the battle of those who fell to take berlin. diesel off . take me a this place, remind me where i as a post war child in east germany, and i have come from yacoma and vimeo. so i and it reminds me to be grateful that i
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didn't have to grow up in hitler's great empire. oh fucks, most of when he gets to you when i come here now, it's not, i can't get this horrific situation in ukraine to day out of my thoughts and ish for mine, an o about thesis. but this soviet memorial is not just a russian memorial and, but it's also a ukrainian at kirk is an a casa memorial and georgian and arthur by johnny, by janice. ah, how should we feel to day when we approach such russian war memorials? have they become emblems of dictators like putin and must now be removed, as some historians are now publicly demanding? how might they affect the thousands of people who are now fleeing ukraine for germany? guffaws. natalia course is, of course, there is a great danger. there is always a great danger when generations pass and history finds its way into history book once dusty shifter descend, that the history of soviet martyrdom will sink into ancient history. and that,
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that evil will say once it was, but it is no longer and v d also look at how the russians behave of they forfeited their right to be remembered. thus, that's dangerous thinking the saga, i think good and bad are not static on ye. those people then are not these people today mentioned those people died and sacrifice. you heard these people who are over running ukraine or criminal sign ah liberation from hitler's fascism as the moral core and ethical legacy of soviet history. this shape the identity of many generations in east germany. putin has forever tarnished this legacy. they call it audio visual terrorism. their new music video about the uprising of the dead has become a viral hit. worldwide. back
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d. w. ah ah, signing between heaven and earth name always had meaning. and he usually knows exactly what that is. doctor kurt kramer, also known as the most you have been then. one of the world's most renowned experts on church bells. in 30 minutes on d w. ah, we're all the good to go beyond the obvious i as we take on the world 8 hours, i do all this weird all about the stories that matter to you.
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whatever it takes, 5 policeman follow me pain. deal we are your is actually on fire made for mines amount of cost is increasing every year, many im gonna watching on lunch with the wife. very holiday destinations drowning in plastic weiss, we, we wine, happy to look at the console with every year, year of the exports over 1000000 tons of plastic with use there. another way. after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines
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a blue. ah ah, this is the dublin use lie from berlin fighting back ukrainian forces say they have 3 taking the entire key. if region troops soldiers moving into villages and towns around the capital finds scores of dead civilians. also coming up missiles hit, the strategic port of odessa, the city wakes to explosions as thick black smoke fills the sky.
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