tv Business - News Deutsche Welle April 5, 2022 12:15pm-12:30pm CEST
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also expelling russian diplomatic stuff and that's it from me. others team for now don't go away. business uses up next with chris kolber. i remember you can always get the latest news on our website. that's of course the w dot call. i'll be back at the top, the top of the off with more headlights, about office in berlin. i spoke with these places in europe or smashing the records, stepped into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of you are record breaking sites on google maps, youtube and now also in book form. imagine how many portion of love us are now in the world right now. the climate change. if any, off the story. this is my plan,
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the way from just one week how much was going to really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with it. subscribe along with ah, turning off the tabs easier said than done as pressure is growing on european leaders to boycott. rush and gas deliveries will talk to an expert on what other sources would be available and how long it would take to task them. also, the show will go to indonesia, to find out whether the world's biggest exporter of thermal coal can profit from buyers, shifting their demand away from russian. i'm chris global. welcome to the program.
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mid recent escalations and possible russian war crimes and ukraine. the trying to rid itself of russian gas as quickly as possible. also considering that russia has threatened to stop the liver or use a timeline, however, is unclear. germany has activated its energy emergency plan in order to be prepared for a possible loss of russian gas supplies. if this were to happen, alternatives would have to quickly be found. in 2021, russia supplied the e with 155000000000 cubic meters. of gas, so turning out the tabs means a big shortfall. the united states has committed to an additional 15000000 cubic meters of gas. this year supplies could be delivered through europe, through various liquefied natural gas terminals. algeria has also agreed to supply more gas if needed, and creasing its capacity by nearly 3000000000 cubic meters a year. other commitments are squishy or the international energy agency estimates
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that countries like norway and other by john could increase their output to the over the next year. while other suppliers like cut our canadian australia, already bound by long term supply contracts and cannot easily ramp up production. right for a closer look at this, let's bring in karen petal. she's the director of the for center for energy, climate and resources, and he joins me from munich. i welcome back to the program. karen, should the you decide to boycott rash, russian gas deliveries? it doesn't look like the alternative sources can fill the gap. does it? no, it doesn't, i mean that's basically unanimous from all of the sources that you see trying to estimate how much is possible that there is only a minor increase possible with respect to pipeline deliveries and a little bit larger, but also very uncertain increase in the deliveries by ellen g. so of the
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155000000000 cubic meters that we saw last year, how big a gap would remain if bureau were to tap all the sources. rel, i'm basically estimates of range from 10 to 15000000000 cubic meters that could be added through pipelines and a 20 to 60 via ellen g. so there's a high rate of uncertainty and we could face something as low as like $30000000000.00. so that would make up about 20 percent. that could be made up of the imports from russia up to something like $75.00, which would bend amount to almost 4550 percent. but it's a high range of uncertainty. and a, what we need to do is not only get gas from other sources, but also reduce demand and reduce usage of gas. germany is a higher, heavily industrialized economy, obviously and,
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and the gap that you're talking about. what would this gap mean if we translated into loss of g d p there's been a number of studies done on exactly that. questions and estimates usually range in the short run between minus 3 minus 6 percent of the previous estimates of g d p development. so it's a lot, but it's not unbearable. now, of course there's a lot of discussion about that because especially in the very short run, how fast can you actually you substitute? how fast could you use for imports, for certain things, a fast can you do energy efficiency increasing in increases. so all of this is a rather uncertain and the government is basically frantically trying to hash out what is possible and what and all of the states takes time. of course, we know that, for example, the terminals to receive liquefied natural gas and germany are still under construction. that's certainly something that can be done uh from today until to
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morrow. karen, tell us, how long will it take for germany and the you to be completely independent from russian gas? sure. the block to side wanting to do that. i mean that, that not only depends on, on the you, but also to a large extent on the development of ellen g shipping capacities from outside of europe. there is a small potential of increase in gas production in europe that has declined substantially over the last decade. basically, but the development of ports to ship. ellen g from is as important as the development of the of ports actually receive elegy. and of course, germany doesn't have own terminal so far. but there is a construction going on of other terminals in other e u countries and in a network like it is in the u. this, of course, also the possibility for germany to get liquefied gas through other ports. karen,
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fidel, director of the full center for energy climate and resources, thank you for insights. thank you for adding me. went out now to some of the other global business stories, making headlines, almost 20 percent of germans avenue, reducing their energy consumption since the war and ukraine began. that's according to a new poll. most consumers are trying to save money amid soaring energy costs and inflation . conflict has pushed gas and oil prices to new highs. the world's largest banana explorer, ecuador is taking a head from the russian invasion of ukraine. the industry has lost more than $10000000.00 in 3 weeks, as russia and ukraine are the biggest importers of bananas from ecuador, the country is left with containers of rotting fruit, and nowhere to a sport. grease has fully paid off its debt from the 2010 financial crisis and 2 years ahead of schedule. 8 years ago,
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the international monetary fund provided the country with 3 successive bailouts, totaling to some 260000000000 euros to prevented from going bankrupt. ellen musk is the biggest single investor of twitter after purchasing a 9.2 percent stake in the platform. shares rose by more than a quarter after the disclosure in a 1st move. mr. musk asked followers if they wanted an edit button replying to the post twitter c o park aggravated urged users to vote carefully. consequences of the poll would be important is western countries want to become independent of russian energies of lies. that's the idea. but what are the alternatives russian hard coal could be replaced by coal from indonesia, while more demand for the countries industry is certainly welcome. indonesia, government does have its own concerns. at the beginning of the year, the inner needs and government crackdown, imposing an export ban on cold,
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but the band was on the enforce until the end of january. now cool ships are allowed to head for international ports. again, as long as domestic supplies, short a quarter of the production must remain in indonesia sold at price is set by the government. exported, cool, on the other hand, will reap a bonanza for the cool companies. thanks to the shop price and prices on the world market, fueled by the russian wharf, aggression in ukraine. the price of a ton of coal recently climb to over $400.00 us dollars. but cool. the rich indonesia is also focusing on renewable energy for the long run and wants to be carbon neutral by 2060 indonesia. as a trophy go countries, yeah, we are having a lot of sources of solar and also be said that we have also wind. and then they're also martin, i energy source. we are beside those i beside those technology,
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we also expect the development rapid development of the and the distorted system. at the moment, however, climate damaging call is the country's most important energy source. for this year the government expects production to grow by 8 percent or more in this less crossover to jakarta, and journalists not in flash lod nadine, how much is indonesia profiting from coal? buyers seeking alternatives to russia? i mean, indonesia, profit is from high cold prices for a while now. it started, i believe before the ukraine crisis really took off and i mean, you would think definitely the coal sector has, has, has had seen its prices sore. but as you mentioned earlier, there's also 2 forces that actually countering this effect, which is on one hand, the indonesian government's attempt to force the coal producing companies to
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reserve a certain amount of coal for the domestic market. 2 and when you said earlier, 25 percent, there's not talk of raising that to even further to some 30 percent. so and then the other dimension, and this, that actually increases pressure on the indonesian budget is that as commodities prices rise, the need for subsidies also rises. because it's been important to the indonesian state to keep certain prices for fuel, for, for gas, consumer friendly and very low. and that means we need to continue subsidizing which, which increases the pressure on the state budget. not long ago this year actually in unusual leadership issued a temporary export ban on coal is their concern that the government could do that again, anytime soon, there is no more talk of an export outright. then there is talk of increasing the
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domestic market obligations a little bit further. so i think the, the balance of those 2, i mean, the balance of the domestic market obligations where it's going to be, i haven't heard anything about, and you've been in the world's biggest exporter of thermal coal. but it is relying on oil and gas imports. could benefit from a possible western bar code of russian oil. i mean, that's the thing i like. some western countries in the news hasn't said that it won't take advantage of cheaper prices on the market. and i think per time, you know, the state of oil company is making plans to purchase russian oil at lower costs. again, because you know, higher prices in indonesia mean that the government has to pay a lot for subsidies. and so it's truly an economic decision to look for cheaper prices on the market. now,
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despite its heavy entanglement in the commodities business, indonesia also wants to come carbon neutral a by 2060, as we heard in the report, possibly sooner than 2060. how far along is the country on this path? i would say it's still, it's still a long road. indeed. what we have heard the ministry say is that a new bill for you and renewable energy is supposed to be passed by the 3rd quarter of this year, which will finally give a little bit more concrete plans for hollow. the energy transition is going to be achieved. what has happened already is that one or 2 or more utility scale solar systems have come up, have had begun building? i don't think any of them have actually come online yet. so it's really still very in the early days and in my views, certain decisions, for example, to actually delay the rollout of the carbon tax again,
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which was supposed to take effect this month. but they had said, let's perform it again for another quarter, 3 months or so. those are all 6. 2 that it is still very difficult to implement. let's see. that could hurt the traditional journalists not in place, not reporting from jakarta. thank you. and the social thanks for watching. ah, a war is raging below that. what about a peer to the international space station? a cooperation between the usa, russia, and many other countries. the violent invasion of ukraine is overshadowing international partnership is peace in space also under threats to morrow to do under the bumper. next on d, w,
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making me raring to read. if there is any erotic offence between them, you'd have to find it between the lines g w literature. 100 german must reads oh, get ready for out of space. on march 23rd, germany is mateusz maha completed his 1st space woke together with a fender as to not despite a few complications, the 2 managed to accomplish their mission. but well, the international space station remain in place of global corporation in the future that and more with coming up with.
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