tv Kick off Deutsche Welle April 5, 2022 1:30pm-2:00pm CEST
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live to that, as soon as it happens, we're seeing light fixtures off the venue here right now. um, you mentioned the, the measures that germany has taken a german ever been quite reluctant, especially when it comes to, to an embargo on russian gas or germany has been criticized pretty harshly onto the criticism. hasn't stopped or do you think that's so deserved? um, i think germany is doing what are what is can to, to become independent from rush and gas. it has shown a willingness to, you know, to, to, to gain this independence. but of course is not going fast enough. or if you, if you look at that situation on the ukraine, from the ukrainian perspective, you also have to know that even if germany is importing 50 percent of its gas right now, from russia, the reserves in germany are still 20 for 20 percent, or a full that means that even if the russian gas stopped at flowing like right now,
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it was still not considered an issue for the situation right now it would be for, for, for later. so a germany does try. we see this is a very var natar situation. it might still agree to an embargo, we do not know about that as of yet. in any case, it tries to answer to the criticism. so garza gas prom, as you've mentioned earlier, has been put the, the german arm of gospel or the russian or gas company has been put under administration if you will, by the german regulator. how big of a move is that diplomatically, while it's important and vice chancellor in the economy minister, how about how back said it was a necessary step to avoid germany being exposed to arbitrary decisions by the kremlin and to ensure the security of germany's a gas or supplies and why is that? it's because gas perm, a germany owns companies that deal with the trade that there's tolerate and
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a transport of rush and gas. so if there is a regulator, then a gemini, can a sick it's access to it's a gas supplies. now of course, this is also a, you know, this is also criticized yesterday. i was in front of the panama toy, and it was a protest by ukrainian refugees who were saying that if you use rush and gas, then you have your credit on blood on your hands. so not everyone understands. my gemini just simply doesn't stop using russian gas to well, it chain yeah. was heavily dependent a few years ago, up until a few years ago on rush and gas just decided to, you know, disenfranchise itself from, from those supplies. even us as a so far thank you very much. we're still waiting for the press conference to start after the donor conference for moldova, by the foreign ministers of germany, france and romania and the prime minister of mold dover. and we go to that
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as soon as it starts. ah, me, while he has a quick look at some of the other news making headlines today, joan is formulas. the analytic burbock says belin is expelling 40 russian diplomats after civilians were discovered dead in the ukrainian town of boot shop, france. and with when you have announced similar moves, germany will also boost support for ukraine's armed forces and token economic sanctions against moscow. one authorities in hungary, i say 5 people have died after passenger train collided with a pickup truck and derailed transport authority say the driver of the vehicle ran a red light more than 10 people were also injured in the craft, which happens. se on capitol hill. the past and we go to
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france now eh, polls are pointing to a likely winful present immanuel mccall and the presidential elections that begin on sunday. mac also boosters ratings at the start of the russian invasion of ukraine. he positioned himself as a strong leader during a time of war, who continued a dialogue with president putin. those approval ratings have slipped and his position now seems increasingly under threat for both the far right and far left candidates. immigration has been one of the main issues in this election. did abby, it's lisa lewis spoke to a priest at the french city of leon. where's spent decades campaigning for margaret migrants writes? this young alarm has been on the front lines of campaigns for migrants rights for nearly 50 years. back in 1983. he was part of francis, very 1st demonstration for their rights. 17 people marched for 7 weeks against casino phobia. from my say in the south to paris, where they were joined by 100000,
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others for it has all due due to what will i be made devotedly, what yearly. during that time, many young a foreign descent were killed by neighbors while this or even the police, because they'd say stolen cars, inoculate them after march was a way of saying stop shooting at us in the tv. yet these youngsters who were born to immigrants and had french nationality also believed they'd get equal rights in a republic that they saw as fraternal, open minded and egalitarian where did any but that believe has been eroded over the past decades watching some of the presidential candidates to long can see why. latin luis, the source of crime in our country is the immigration. we've seen over the past 30 years. without immigration, criminal activity will go down. are the same,
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the fear of foreigners, the rejection of them. a closure of borders i'm the expulsion of foreigners is not only a central topic of the election campaigns of themes too far. right. candidates that a theme is also being picked up by other presidential candidates. it's a disaster. he says, asked dylan host several migrants at his paris. they too have been watching the election campaign with dismay and increasingly fear. gotcha. burton were afraid of certain candidates because they're attacking us. they want to stoke fear to win over vote. but that's d p shocking. we're no criminals, but nevada, by the, on the gc that is on i so many people die on my way to france. they drowned. they were shot at pictures, they perished. oh,
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and i think of that and can't sleep at night. of course, they can say what they want during the election campaign so far what we're worried, how things will turn out afterwards. so welcome on sunday, even upper what i as he takes is to one of the places in leon. he walked through back in 1983. dillard says he has faith, your people will read as a cover their humanity perhaps with a little help from pragmatic considerations where it moreover, or gather when i look at what's happening to rain ukraine left for you and then it's a tragedy. what by example, i see that most people spontaneously want to help me plus it's in our own interest to take in more migrant b. we have a demographic deficit and need more young people. they will huffy. he hopes that whoever wins the election will also re discover a feeling of solidarity and turn france into more well coming place
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at the war. and ukraine has pushed the you to take steps to reduce its dependence on russian gas and move towards cleaner energy. but you and climate scientists say climate action is not happening fast enough. they have released the most comprehensive report ever produced on how to stop global warming. and it's findings are dire. the world is hurtling towards a climate danger zone and the options to avoid it of running out the assessment of the new i. p. c. c report is clear, drastic action is needed to avert catastrophic global warming. the un secretary general set the report reveal the litany of broken climate promises. some government and business leaders are saying one thing, but doing and others simply put, they are lying and the results will be catastrophic. these is a climate emergency. climate scientists sworn that we are already perilously close to tipping points that could lead to cascading and irreversible climate impacts.
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climate impact that is leading to more extreme weather events. the world is on a pathway to exceed the $1.00 degrees celsius warming limit. a great at cop 21 in paris. if we continue acting as we are now, we're not even going to limit warming to 2 degrees. never, never mind. one point. 5 degrees. emissions in the last decade were the highest they have ever been of continued to increase. scientists say emissions must peak by 2025 to prevent disastrous climate effects. and that only a drastic reduction will secure a livable future. the big message we've got, you know, human activities got us into this problem and human agency can actually get us out of it again on, i think that's the hopeful message that we're trying to get over in this report. it's not the hope, it's not all lost. we really have the chance to do something the world must leave behind the age of fossil fuels. the un says of phase the disastrous consequences of
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climate change. and just a reminder, for viewers who have just joined us, sir, we're waiting for the joint press conference of the foreign minister on collab more on global angelina burbock with prime mister also, moldova, natalia carlita, the foreign minister of france, joseph little yard and foreign minister of romania bogged on or escalates and sir, that is due to start any moment now we're seeing life pictures here of the podiums being prepared for those are politicians after their donor conference or for more support for the tiny country of moldova. that is as taken. it is the current crisis in ukraine with me in the studio is m o l shars are political correspondent. i'm in manuel. we've been talking earlier about the measures
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that many countries and also germany as a, has taken her in support of, of ukraine. there was another step to day and that was an expulsion of diplomatic, quite a significant one wasn't quite a significant move or from germany to follow suit. other countries, e u countries have done so and 40 russian envoys or have been expelled. that means to have 5 days to leave a german territory and for a minister anna, lena bear, burke justifies his decision by saying, does that these people does? russian envoys have worked. i quote against our freedom against the cohesion of our society and are of the quote. so this is really and she also said that the, the sanctions would be further tightened. and that's a 1st step if you will, after the d, horrible pictures of a butcher a have emerge, a chancellor or lashona had said that germany would,
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it would impose further and sanctions, also honor or you know, bilateral level. thus the 1st measure. and of course, putting a gas firm as we were talking just earlier putting at the german, a company or german side of the gas from company under the supervision of regulators was another by germany. so do you think that from the outside the pressure on germany of course is, is growing, or is this, these are small gestures compared to what is going on in, in ukraine and many, asking germany to sort of step up to the plate or bring in all their economic way to, if they can, do you think that is, that is enough so that the, keep the germany's friends in the west and also crucially ukraine. so while they're used, they're doing something at least well. oh, i think germany is doing something very german, meaning they're implement those measures gradually and they always seek to justify
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every move and to answer or to, to keep or so as some sanctions should the situation escalade further? of course one could ask one serve, how further canada escalade after having seen the pictures of butcher or for example, but eminent burbock also the, the foreign minister also said that germany would send more weapons and we have to keep in mind that this change is decades of a foreign policy by germany which had never officially sent those. 1 or weapons to wart on a countries. so the fact that germany has, you know, switched at positions has done this. you turn already, this is a big step for germany. even if on the outside it may look like a small one. remember, end of january gemini had only pledged for 5000 helmets to support the ukraine, and now it has increased by a pledging to send a a, you know, a me size anti tank me size, anti tank weapons. i think at around $3000.00 entered tank me size or for ukraine
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any has announced it would sound even more so we might be surprised by a what is motto, comments, and our sanctions by germany. it has definitely stepped up. it has definitely trying to get up to speed and to answer the criticism it faces where he is, it's handling of the situation. you mentioned how germany's rep, initial reluctance to out with, with weapons, with proper guns and not just helmets has changed him. and it actually was a sea change in german foreign policy. do you think i with these fresh pictures that are emerging from boucher these horrible accounts of rape and torture of of civilians. will that sort of add to the pressure that is already there? he definitely does. i think everybody was appalled by those pictures,
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including governments and the pressure is added not only by ukraine, which obviously desperately needs her health and one's head of it's western allies . but also from that, you know, the general public like everybody has access to those at pictures if they so wish. so there's added pressure on any government but also on the german government for it to act as swiftly. those pictures emerged over the weekend. and we saw the fast further sanctions being implemented on monday. so the government is reacting is that enough? you know, the next few days will tell, but it is definitely reacting to you mentioned the sanctions that one of the sanctions would of course be cutting off the gas applies. but before we talk about gas, i just want to remind viewers that we're currently waiting for a joint press conference to start after a donor conference conference that was hosted by germany here in berlin. today we're waiting for a foreign minister on a lena bear book,
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the prime minister of moldova, natalia, of really also the foreign minister of france on eve, little e r, and foreign minister of romania book, done all rescue are part of that line up. so as soon as that starts, we go there alive, but let's talk about gas. big issue, emma. nauseous still in the studio here with me are political correspondent. what earth could germany do? i mean, though, there's a lot of pressure to, to cut off or the russian gas, but germany says weak hard. i mean, if should they do it? what would happen in germany? where there would be an increase in price? is that for sure that will come, but it might not us amount to a, you know, the catastrophe that some are necessarily fear. you know, it is at germany's gas reserves are still full or by a quarter there's 25 percent or gas in those reserves. so even if it cut off the
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gas flow right now, it would still be able to, to, to leave on those reserves for the next weeks. the next month to come. it might also accelerate the switch to a cleaner energy, which was also a goal of this current government. so germany does try to get to become more independent from a russian gauss, perhaps it should inspire itself from lithuania, who announced that he was now a completely independent from russian ghastly tray, now was heavily dependent of the russian gas supplies as early as 2015 it till 7 years and a with no pressure other of an of a war air just next door. so germany, i should be able to do it a bit quicker and definitely under those passing circumstances. i'm a thank you so far. we got to talk a bit more a little later let, let's remind ourselves why we are waiting for the results of that donor
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conference for more help for moldova, because moldova is appealing for help in coping with the flow of refugees from ukraine, some 100000 people have fled to the small country, which is one of europe's poorest. germany says it will extend a no strings attached, 50000000 euro loan to help a country. the german government is hosting this donor conference to raise more money for more of a former soviet republic that sits on ukraine's south western. this is why board i will be crossing live to that press conference in berlin, where the mold over president will be joined, prime minister rather will be joined by the german, french and romanian from nurses. but 1st, let's have a look at this report filed by our correspondent christine, won't work from the mold oven, city of or hey, it's hamil homes like, are you in this village in all? hey, who's doors have opened ukrainians? fleeing the war in the country?
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this is mary anne, his house 10 people live here. now sharing the little her family has fell out anything i've earned the small salary i we have to get out of this report because the press conference of the foreign ministers and of the moldova prime minister. starting right now i left a dominant shannon. good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, melissa president in the been on time in is done with my colleague and for the a colleague and friend zon eve, literally all done. hello dear bog down arrest school. warm welcome. and thank you very much for having launched the sort of dirty platform for moldova. we're meeting in the 6th week of a criminal warf aggression in the europe. it's week number 6 of death and destruction in our immediate neighborhood. we see
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a 1000000 years of caper losing their home, their friends, their family, and we're meeting here 6 weeks after what had to been unimaginable had become a reality. and now and that is what russia ones no money. it's turning into a horrible anya tortures reality. we must not accepted these inhumane and images from which i admire your point from so many other, nor my locations in cities and towns become normality. as i hear the ad was, were, will day and we have separation to meet the fight against one wall crime. it's becoming norma's did so normally we're countering the idea becoming normality, which is meant to justify this. jeff father risen the allegation that russia has any claim based on the history cable does to hi,
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agnes negate nations in the neighbourhood, the right to their own self determined life to their existence of their state. the 20 white this conference which takes place to day, sends out a very clear message. no country is subject to the arbitrary wills of others. why hide? nobody is the back yard of somebody else. nobody is condemned to live in the lack of freedom only because the russian uniform in his government once to achieve that in their nationalist res, yet prime minister, 30 states and 9 international organizations have gathered here today in order to recognize and appreciate the performance of moldova mode of our country with 2500000 inhabitants who have taken in hundreds of thousands of ukrainian refugees providing them with accommodation and shelter, ice duncan,
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under from the wall and only and one such an achievement did all fit, so hide with eyes. i was also continued upon by sticking to the reform agenda of moldova, by embarking upon our joined european path and to assert our european values against these war of aggression by russia, we met year to day to give that very clear message. that motive i wouldn't stand alone. we see the challenge is that you are confronting having we have you back in and we are working on via preventative lea together with our partners. we're going to strengthen moldova in 5 cool areas and are going to provide support. we are supporting mold of our when it comes to providing help for those fleeing from ukraine. this includes, of course, also the continuation of the distribution flights, particularly for those wanted persons who are in special needs or support fun.
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we have agreed on a swift acceptance of 12000 people in our use of her title, but this distribution of refugees get on it. yes. and just started with today. and even then, via alongside this, we're going to provide humanitarian aid to the tune of 71000000 euro our sons, yet it's widens even wider as of today. secondly, dustin, we're going to support moll devonne in the field of power generation where they have had large runner abilities so far. and thirdly were going to support the moldova government when it comes to implementing their reform agenda in the future . just that is the current option to fight against corruption and in the fields of economic development force, we're going to support modal element. when it comes to border management, then there's the fish more we're going to gain,
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but i support the resilience and strengthened the resilience of mulder want hold. so in financial terms, we're going to provide owns budgetary support and other financial support to the tune of 196000000 euro. i sent out a bullet kenslo federal chancellor today from announced a loan without any strings attached to the 250000000 euros to modify and where facie a bitter reality in doing all this, everything's in awesome indicates that we are ease of voice only at the very beginning of this crisis is horrible law and everything indicates that wendy perseverance and this is why this press conference is not vacant, closure and closure of a joint while it's just the kickoff meeting for a long term continuous support platform for mo, dora, later in the afternoon the 5 working groups are going to start with at work in
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order to support moldova, in their respective fields, in the long run. for the do such decision to support these platform, i want to thank the co host, france and romania and want to think all other friends in part nice who have taken on responsibility in order to implement today's decisions. to prime minister. the problem is no, i'm lucky. i can assure you that we not only need perseverance shannon good minds, but indeed we do have this isn't persevering, us and stamina together. at the end of the day, it's not only about modal law or ukraine. it's about europe, it is about our joint and shad freedom, the freedom to live the way we want this young i self determination peace and security and to make sure that our children will also have the opportunity to live in this way. thank you very much. we were going to miss you could come most up to my little knowledge you of it with his us at the go felicity. i am will devin very
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happily for this 8 conference to support mode over in a very difficult context. as under lambert has already alluded to, what and fact of the matter is that we're dealing with us a law which is waging on independently all the narrative that russia tries to from will gate the war is going on. the logics of invasion is going to be continued . all those and narratives might change the negotiations of life can't and do not develop beautiful and seem to me. and some of these salt not much has changed ever since the war was on leash for that. not only this, we're seeing that an roscoe increase of atrocities and
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acts of barbarism perpetrated by russian troops in the occupied villages and sides in ukraine. and i'm loving, that's where we are seeing the extent of the disaster and the drama unfolding in front of our pilot. and that is dozens of all that. what i showed that a yale that was well de mas bareback and myself stating constant contact. am i going to meet again tomorrow in brussels feel is best for the foreign minister as meeting at night or meeting. the athena are going to meet for a european counselor for a minister spot. the duration of situation makes me feel stayed at the very beginning of the press conference on moldova, m. yeah, it makes me state that together with our german friends, are we? ah, not going to continue our support for ukraine in germany, cherry, in terms financial terms,
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military returns will provide goods supplies and we work in close alignment with romania, lenny, c, devil. and together were always on the legs, going to see the need to impose life more sanctions in view of the increasing severity of the situation. and in view of the horror that these pictures cause. and as the days may, they cause in us we need to launch a 5th package of sanctions. i want them left with you to with a meeting to take place on the 11th of april and germany and france about to define the details of such a package. of shannon and an oil and coal need to be there will be that is part of that packages. see more data tease and details are as you about to be a deliberate it upon right now, we also need to that the work to prevent an impunity of these crime
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said we've been witness things under gail. impunity off here in the seeming war crimes and crimes against humanity. and we need to support, you know, crated document these crimes. and this is what we're going to do regardless of this, together with and he said mr. is bogged on mr. bog down arrest school. we made efforts to put together there's a conference full mode of arm where the conclusions to have already been portrait and laid out by message i love. what i believe is very important to highlight is the generosity in the fall ukrainian refugees which has been evidenced various times recently under no newly also vi and v prime minister and fitness of our kids. and we see the abutment support for moldova,
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by all stakeholders who met here today. it's not enough to to provide one off support. it's going to be a long war. it's a long crises. and this links up to the reform efforts that are underway in moldova, which you are already carrying out. prime minister govern lids and which you are going to continue. and i also like to draw your attention at this juncture in to the support of refugees and the provision of help to refugees in if i miss it, they have already hinted to this and we also want has help moldova, to achieve energy independence.
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