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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2022 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST

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down, lucy is the complexity from super lousy often using doors and the guy i varied courses, put it into active exercises, are available at d, w dot com, slash dot atlanta on facebook. oh, in the land. germans are free with the w dot o a we often see statistics about how many lions or jobs are left in the wild. but where do those figures come from today? we'll hear about a comprehensive wildlife census conducted in kenya. find out why it was done and none the results. welcome to this new edition vehicle africa, the pan african onto is robin environment,
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a show. i am sander to nobody here in kampala uganda. hey, chris, how i aiden today? just fine, sandra, it's good to be here again. and as always, we've put together a great program with interest and report on preserving nature. i'm protecting the environment. here is a brief look at what's in store. given old clothes of fresh login agents. are stop in south africa. the support is wildlife conservation and environmental protection. also school subject in garner county to conserve that was the motor for king as fast of fish and wildlife senses in an extensive survey on animals that dwell in the country on land. and in water, the aim was to collect data that would help conservationists resolve and also protect the wildlife better. and that means all white life, no,
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just the handful of exotic creatures, many tourists dream of seeing on safaris. ah, a pack of african wild dogs. it's a rare sighting, wild, glad conservationist, or like a humble and her crew spotted the typically shy creatures in lake keeper, where conservation efforts have seen their numbers grow from 2 to 40. while dogs are on the grave threat because they're very sensitive to diseases that are carried by domestic dogs, they are also targeted by communities because of human wildlife conflict. so wild dogs sometimes attack livestock and the communities retaliate fewer than 1000 of these endangered species remain in kenya. 3 years ago, co humble launched a t v series to help such species it draws attention to
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how communities and individuals can eat conservation efforts. the wildlife series that i produce wildlife worries, aims to excite people about nature, educate them, and inspire them to care. and to act, to save them, we want to see people going to the national parks participating in clean up, doing tree planting. a protesting when these wildlife are in trouble. and rain, nose and wild dogs are not the only wild life in trouble in kenya. certain species of giraffes are also endangered, and a lot of animals are lose inhabited through human activities and climate change. at the same time, wildlife tourism is an important source of income accounting for about 7 percent of kenya's g d. p. conservation efforts tend to focus on kenya's iconic peak,
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5 lions elephants, buffaloes, renault's, and lemons. but they alone don't hold the fragile ecosystems together to get a better sense of the overall picture. last year, the canyon government undertook the biggest wildlife sensors ever conducted in africa. the effort collected data in over 50 percent of the countries land mass, which included national parks reserves and consequences. we found them as a positive results, particularly for specific like a le pants we, there's a positive group. you are able to grow up properly from 24000 to that to 6280 that i know population was also doing very well. but in the front, some ups where it got at a very low number, this finding lead to a recommendation to step up care for him,
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didn't get ruminant theses. but because the vision is costly and all too often the nations of funneled to a special project like protect and the last to survive in northern quite rhinos in the jetta. a private kinds of mc the regents popular with tories are also where the money tends to flow. representative of one conservation organization believes this practice is short sighted for the parks and what was that a lot as frequently visited by 20 of more very, very, very important follicle system. the absorb will couple than in the 40 area in the world. although the main aim of the senses was to collect data on animal populations, it also revealed information about the habitat and the need for more protected areas. it gives us a status of the health of our ecosystems and by adversity. in reality,
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we only really looked at mammals, large mammals in particular. but the truth is most of our bio diversity is in forest. it's in rivers, it's under the ground in the soil. so those results will tell us something about the health of all of all ecosystems because all those animals eat the vegetation or drink the water, the color of conservation indiana. and can you saw this coast protects wildlife at the same time as support in bio diversity here they have managed to stabilize the color bus population with relatively simple measures stolen monkey bridges back connecting different parts of the forest. the primates can move freely while avoiding de yes, posed by traffic. and the code division is here. have thought that a cheap lansing campaign war trees will provide food and shelter while maintaining the soils humidity. to nearly miss out people how important these indigenous trees
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and tell them which of the trees the animals like colors and other monkeys species prefer new and offend. as in the meantime, presence of free zones have also been introduced for some antelope p. she's mountain bone goes, we're also transferred from one kinds of unsee to another, from where they will slowly be reintroduced into the wild. an unexpected result of the senses was this carbon heard about in areas that were previously unexplored. that why we have never had we found as a significant number of your assets that we have never known. dad also based upon collection of elephants that to be counted between cadets will cause they knew that about $1821.00. if we didn't cover, they've got, we never knew what those the final report recommends publishing
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a national wildlife census every 3 years and also allocating more resources for monitoring and supporting rare and endemic species. sounds like a good thing, especially if it helps people and the animals co exist more peacefully in south africa. i started has also come up with a clever way of supporting the walk of a nation of parks. but there meffort relies and high tech. now, what could that have to do with nature conservation crease? more than you might think, sandra, this particular tree of entrepreneurs. i started a crypto platform, which enables users to treat unique animal cards and supports conservation at the same time. let's take a closer look at how it's really works. happy lions with nothing to worry about. these big cats or the fin, the game reserve in south africa are protected. but conservation initiatives like
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these cost money and drumming up donations requires a lot of time and effort. together with due friends and fellow nature lovers from jason simms came up with an idea to make donating to animal conservation more attractive with the aid of modern technology. all of us have experienced the bush and i love those experiences as, as children and growing up. we want to preserve that, and we've all been following block, take block train technology for a while and to be able to put that together and merge those 2 passions was, was really special for us. the 3 friends leave in cape town and work as software developers, every transaction and their digital block chain can be carried out safely and transparently. most importantly, it is recorded. so what is their idea exactly?
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all of our different conservation partners on the wild card platform. these conservation have certain types of animals and species that they look after. and for every animal that they have, we represent that as a unique digital artwork on the block chain that only one person can have. and if you own this wild card, you essentially pay a monthly amount to actually support that organization and his team on the wall cards. digital platform might be, can buy and sell red animal cards using crypto currency for each card. there is a back story. details of its purchase history and even a photo of the animal in some cases. and every month, 20 percent of each cards asking price is donated by its owner to a conservation organization of their choice. one of the 1st organizations to benefit is the while to morrow funds and american eng. geo. that wants to open up a corridor for wildlife migration and south africa. the corridor will reconnect
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animal populations and in the pin the reserve and the ease among delisa wetlands. greg canning is the general manager of baltimore refunded south africa. the conservation organization has received more than 45000 euros and funding through wild cards. the money went toward covering the cost of transfer me what was once a pineapple form into a wilderness area. how it works. i do not know, unfortunately, and what i do know is you know that we are able to find a lot of our conservation, which directly through crypto currency and, and 3 organizations such as wild cards. wal cards make support in conservation, simpler and more direct because it takes away a lot of bureaucracy and purifies it to what people really care about, which is protecting the environment, the wildlife in the pin. the game reserve will certainly benefit if mo fonts are generated. but walcott founders are also aware of a less attractive aspect of this scheme, maybe uses a lot of electricity. and,
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and this is concerning, and i actually don't believe that sustainable. but also taking a step, a step back. if we were to use the traditional financial system, we had be paying, you know, all of the resources of the bank employees driving to and from work and all the construction of those big buildings. but it's a huge concern, and we are going to reduce that as much as we can over time, as, as new technologies come out, we'll move to those technologies that are more efficient. so while cars has a dial them yet to solve, find in a modern and efficient way to help protect critically endangered animals without adversely contributing to the already critical climate crisis. that looks like an interesting project, as certainly makes support in wide life fun by the environmental cost of digital transactions, are still a huge issue. and it's something would need to keep in mind as crypt occurrences,
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gain wider acceptance. when you consider that a single bit coin transaction has a coupling impact of several 100 kilograms of c o 2, it makes you wonder if crypt occurrences can ever surely be sustainable. and our next report looks into just that's crypto parent sees, are disrupting the financial world as we know it. and many newcomer investors have made a lot of cash on this hype. but it's not all champagne and super your mining new crypto currency, and particularly bitcoin is actually kind of an environmental nightmare using up huge amounts of electricity and generating thousands of tons of electronic trash in the process. but some new players in the crypto community, a trying to change that in 2021 bitcoin mining gulf hold more electricity than the
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whole country of thailand uses each year. and much of that power came from burning cheap fossil fuels. definitely not green or clean. right now you would really more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere making one pick going transaction than you would taking a 6 hour flight from new york to amsterdam. that's around $2000000.00 times more carbon emissions than a single visa payment. then as the waste the mining computers burn out or need to be upgraded roughly every 12 to 18 months, there will be a limit to how much government will accept from this type of system. this is the dutch economist alex, to freeze. he set up the bitcoin energy consumption index back in 2014 to track the situation. we already saw china bending basically mining. we're seeing this type of
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options being raised in europe at the moment. everyone's trying to realize their climate ambitions. all the digital currency is out there. bitcoin is by far the worst offender when it comes to the environment. the clock seems to be ticking for criptos, most famous poster child to clean up its act. but how could that work? what about using green power sources to mind bitcoin? texas is the cheap oil and gas capital of the us. but it also has huge untapped potential for green energy development. there is more wind and solar in texas than we could ever harvest. jessie pelton is the c t o, a puddle ranch, a bit coin mining company that only uses renewable power. and we see a huge opportunity for coin mining to be mutually beneficial for the grid. they can act as a buffer in times of power surge and use energy that would otherwise go to waste.
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but what if international power grids can't, or won't incentivize the downtime for the green energy powered miners? they will be inevitably losing the competition to the rest of the network. and the ones that will survive will be the ones with the most stable power sources. and those unfortunately typically happened to be fossil fuel based power sources. as renewable energy becomes cheaper, a hybrid power model is becoming more popular with bitcoin miners. in 202039 percent of bit coins, global power usage came from renewable sources. if you still want to stick with bitcoin, but concerned about the carbon emissions, the underlying block chain technology can potentially help with dance. you can now offset your footprint by purchasing carbon credit tokens that a block chain verified the money you invest, travels directly by
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a block chain to fund conservation efforts. a brazilian environmental tech company called mosque dot earth is becoming a popular option for climate conscious crypto fans. and while we have done, you know, to turn crypt investments into, you know, when investment lose a, jamie is the found of mos dot earth. any one can buy their verified carbon credits at the click of a button. they're called m c o 2 tokens. you can calculate your pollution from, you know, driving cars using electricity a home there kind of stuff. and you can buy the equivalent carbon credit using block chain tokens, provides a clear record of everyone's green investment transactions. and supposedly the money travels directly to forest conservation projects in the amazon, the company says the sale of m c o. 2 tokens has compensated forest projects with over $15000000.00 us dollars and helped preserve around $500000000.00 trees.
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so they're all pioneers trying to clean up criptos act. but right now they're still few and far between bitcoin and digital currencies a here to stay. and if we want to make them sustainable players, investors, companies and governments will have to start changing the rules of the game from the voucher to the basics. what do we really need to get by food, water and clothing? we know the fashion industry is the really sustainable and buying 2nd hand helps. but people still like to feel special every now and then. well, it is possible to pack up your wardrobe without buying you as well. see in this week's doing debate. this is what carlin albano, the oldest functioning market in cairo today it's known for clothing and textiles
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and is a favorite with thrift. shoppers, artist n g m dell huck started coming here a few months ago before that she'd never considered buying secondhand clothes. but something changed her mind. i've been my thought not on an artist, made me aware that we need to stop over consuming. we buy without any real need or awareness and most fabrics these days aren't even natural. no, i. now when she finds an item she likes, she takes a photo and sends it to northern albano, an albany and visits. wicked umbrella. regularly, it troubles her. that clothes are bought and discarded so quickly. shopping at the market gave her an idea. a lot of used clothing is still in good condition, often just a bit dirty or worn. but with a little creativity items can be transformed into something new and unique. she
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posted videos of some of her creations online to show what can be done with old clothes. the response surprised her. i look at what i made a video of myself paintings secondhand clothes and it went down well. once i saw how interested people were and i got more followers, i decided to show more of what i do. that's how it all started circle model over that node. i'm halbens also began borkin izing workshops on altering youth trousers jackets and dresses as well as painting and decorating them to order to create new one of a kind pieces, thereby eliminating the need to buy new things. i know about you. if you are also doing your bit jealous about it, visit our website, or send us a tweet, past ag doing your bit. we share your stories.
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other starts over the sure we highlighted what can be done or must be done to resolve wildlife populations here in africa bought one, succeed a people and institutions a not aware of how important these one east you are. absolutely right sondra. and one way to do that is to engage our children and grandchildren and environmental awareness at an early age. ganna has already recognized the need for that and made environment unofficial school. subject echo africa took a look at how it has been received. my class is in session at the t i off medea senior high school in kumasi, gonna 2nd biggest city. the theme of today's lesson is vital to the future of these students climate change and how to tackle it. logged analysis in environmental
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protection have been taught here for about a year. now. sustainable business ideas are also on the curriculum. the ads are become warm. so it is true, he wanted to reduce the rad lifted over to process reason. so yet students would them much want to know what, what's the elderly blog that is all the other things didn't mount. so i did do the deviates from did a bud i to reduce that i was pointed with the, to the global warming. for most of these students, it's the 1st time they've heard of the climate crisis and the subject has really caught their attention. we encourage all appearance, how qualities you am involved in. um we are for use. these are meaning the shoe repair and plants cheese to that's it to help, to reduce the removal warning effects. i think it would really change our attitude
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towards the environment. all supports and the protection of the environments from the teachers are being taught to raise awareness about environmental protection. over 600 have been trained so far. over half of gone as schools are already integrating the subject into their curriculum with more to follow. gone as education, ministry sees environmental education as high priority. it's a will training the, the kids or the language to own the environment. they're varman belongs to the other future leaders, and therefore we need to incorporated them a better understanding and appreciation of that task ahead of them. so the curriculum have that aspect in their the teaching modules focus heavily on the climate crisis. the students learned that the emission of greenhouse gases leads to heat, wakes and drowns. in addition, see levels are rising,
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which is why some villages on the coast will have to be abandoned. some lessons also deal with a plastic waste that clogs many sewers and drainage canals in ghana and makes flooding more likely. the students also learn how planning trash impacts the environment and health. many people and gonna are already feeling the consequences of environmental destruction 1st hand. the climate changes and her environment is causing so many problems in our society. you know, they suffered or food. and you know, at times there's flood in and all these things in order to raise awareness of these problems. more and more schools are also organizing, so called green clubs. outside of class, the children go on excursions, collect rubbish, and plant trees. the green clubs often lead by environmental protection activists
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is much easier to groom the younger ones who become people who are, who more responsible instead of possibly focusing on the adult. we, for the younger ones are there was no glory. now you freak on ship, their future, you such a way that they are more suited to was good is solution is it is better for the climate and also for the future. environmental education in schools is a stars. the coming years will show whether the seat that was planted here has terminated. so we learned 2 important things today, which is counter animals in order to comes of them. and with a little creativity, we can make something use into something you. i'm chris a little bit in you. farewell from lagos, nigeria. important lessons indeed, crease. i think initiatives like those who seem today can really have a big impact if you want to learn more about environmental protection for the also all of social media platforms. i am sandra tween oh video signing go from compiler
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. here in uganda. we'll see you again next week. ah, ah ah ah ah, ah, with
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who will use crime fighters are back africans, most successful radio drama series continues this season. the stories focus on hate speech. cholera, prevention and sustainable charcoal production, all episodes are available online. and of course you can share and discuss on d, w, africa's facebook page, and other social media platforms, crime fighters, tune in now. for hello guys.
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this is the 77 percent the platform for africa. you, hey sher idea, ah, you know this channel, we are not afraid to pass and then it gets to talking. young people clearly have the solution. good future, no, to the 77 percent. every weekend on d w. a ah, a
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ah. ah, the news . all we can be the generation, the ends it for good malaria must die. i millions can live ah
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ah ah, this is the w slide from berlin, is germany doing enough to help ukraine in the face of russian aggression. chancellor will have shots, has been taking questions from lawmakers on his government. so ukraine policies and he says, germany has won a this. most of you, it must be our goal that russia does not win this war dust and survivors of the occupation of portia tell dw journalists.


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