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tv   REV Special  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2022 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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ah, we got some hot tips for your bucket list. ah, magic corner trip hotspot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot w travel off we go. ah, we're all used to the streets of our cities being hectic. smelly and noisy always have been always will be right. it's up to us to find our way through the traffic. what other options do we have? more than half of us now live in cities that are getting ever more crowded. but for generations, cities have been built for cars, not people, causing traffic jams and pollution. many cities are already very unhealthy,
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and the climate crisis could make them unlivable within our lifetime. some people say we can rethink the cities we live in and make them better with. but what does that actually mean? how could we reclaim and re use our own cities to make them cooler and cleaner, and asked happier and healthier group? we're about to see how some cities in europe are finding solutions to their own urban issues. the french capital, paris is experiencing a new revolution on its streets. barcelona, in spain is making the most of the cities unique designed to revitalize itself. and both cities are learning a lot from the disgrace, haunting and in the netherlands with you might think the netherlands is far too obvious, a choice to start exploring people from lease street. but do you know how hard
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dutch people have to fight for them these moments of change have never been easy. and many people think that in the netherlands, this always was the case. but also in the netherlands, it took radical change like literally urban warfare and the 1970s of people going to the stream and demand the street back in the netherlands, get the movement that was called stop the child murder in the 19 seventy's. and that movement really managed to get people to reclaim the streets that at that time, what really engineer toward providing more space. because this is marco typically most stretched, aka the cycling professor. he had the faculty of urban mobility futures, the university of amsterdam and mentally the next generation of urban planners in land use and mobility. what is missing in our current conversation about rethinking urban transportation planning? marco also, she has a lot of ideas on social media about how we use on the streets,
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and our cities always were the remaining space between buildings and in the remaining space between buildings, everything happened. social life happens. trading happens, children could play, people could meet and people who travel through them for this change radically in the 1900 twenty's 100 years ago. and that was the pressure that was introduced by the motorized vehicle. cars came in large numbers to that street. and basically put pressure on the way that we were thinking about the street and literally colliding with all these other purposes that were happening in space. and to respond to that . a whole new domain of thinking was introduced to traffic engineering sort of was born in the 1900 thirty's and developed the language around seeing streets as places where people want to go as fast as possible as individuals. and because of that, it's got to solidify into institutions and into loss and behavior. it's solidified into concrete, asphalt and technology. i finally, it solidifies our imagination or we now take it for granted that we think about the street as places that are primarily there for tripled. the way that we develop
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a streets with this logic makes our streets unsustainable. unlivable unsafe, and maybe even unjust. so we don't think about streets as places in terms of justice and that's how we thought about them until the 1920s. there are no longer a place where our children can play or can find out how they autonomy. lee can go through the city and become an adult citizen, and this is something that society now slowly starting to realize that this is unacceptable. we need new narrative and as soon as we start using them, we see that people suddenly start seeing the st for what it really is. and they start understanding that there are something to fight for. i think there is a political or societal movement of people that are sort of wakening up to this idea that you can actually tell different stories and different narratives. like for instance, shifting from we are closing streets off for one day. instead of that saying, we're opening streets for one day and suddenly we see what that does with people that people start realizing, wait a minute, we have been accepting our language, our narratives about the streets. what if we challenge them?
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and i think that we see globally, this movement slowly gathering momentum and now what it needs to sort of a couple of seeds of places that show what can happen if you really recapture that narrative. one person already planting seeds is yan kaminsky. his animations invite the viewer to imagine how streets could look if space for cause was replaced with space for people, for young sharing these utopian visions is a playful way to question how we think about our cities are no longer wanted to wait for the increasingly urgent social change, but to make a contribution myself and as a communication designer, i decided to make streets without cause visible. and i realized that there was so much space to create and show possibilities of what we could do with the streets without coff ah, or the bicycle the feet, as the dutch call them
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a key to sustainable city concepts. we asked the cycling professor to explain how the netherlands and amsterdam is a good example of what happens if cycling gets respected. place at the table of traffic engineering and what they show us. what happens if you take cyclists are human behavior as a central element in design, instead of how can you make humans behave according to an answer, then we have some places where we experimented with what happens if you eradicate the traffic light logic on an intersection, ah, so this in the section was redesigned because there was so many cyclists compared to god drivers that the municipality considered what would happen if we take out the traffic lights and traffic lights. actually ensure that god drive is good, go through, but didn't really make it safer. so did, at best they got the traffic lights. and one of the peculiar findings of the
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elderly that did it was if you take out the traffic lights, people start to behave like active citizens again. so they're not looking at the light, but they're looking at each other and negotiating with each other. how to use the intersection of course amsterdam could have turned out rather differently if they hadn't blocked us inspired. did he make overs like the car 1st joking and plan and the 1960 of the dutch cities like which has been rolling back call centric planning. goodbye urban highway. welcome back. original city canal. ah. then this morning and it chose human centered planning in the seventy's and is now ranked as one of the happiest places in the world. we met 2 of the people responsible for keeping it that way. they can accept the center of crowning. it was totally different than today. the central part of the city at salt monica are
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central. a square is, was a place where a garza driving around when you went from the south of frauding into the north of in the province. in the seventy's, we decided that has to stop, we choose to make a city traffic plan where our sensor was divided in 4 parts and where it was not possible to move from the one party daughter with a car only with food or back. it was a totally new concept of thinking about, or city war, one of the 1st cities in europe to rethink that use of the city center, a concept in paris. i think it's a way we design our city already. the concept that in 50 minutes you have to reach your work, your school, your roots, your center, reach your shops. it's the way we designed the last 25 years. our city center, this example embarrass on a frowning and it's very useful for a lot of cities in europe, but also are now central hunting and has been come to city manages i english,
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but hoist. attending their attention to be out scanned. business verbatim. a back, i see that a very functional design. there are a lot of concrete lanes for the car. there are side roads with a lot of got bogging and our sidewalks were the la bicycle barking. so we see a lot of opportunities for change. there are 2 neighborhoods which i divided by this road, so we want to bring the neighborhood together for public space. we made this an example for how are the city could look like? ah, if only only made a choice to make more space in a streets for green, more space for people. so the consequences that we have less space hooker, and that's not always, it's easy choice because a lot of people also if a building and are dependent on the car, also a lot of people like to see the car in front of their house. but what we do is ask the people, what kind of streets do you want and as a different suppression, then where do you want to park your car? and then everyone says, well, now in front of our house and i don't want to pay for it. that's what everyone who
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owns a car will say, we ask what kind of cd and a lot of people say. so we like to see a street where children can play with there are some trees or it's nice and easy to meet your neighbor. and when you start with that question, the discussion will check. what is people in other cities who are asked what kind of streets they once that's already happening elsewhere in europe. we between the mediterranean sea and the mountains, barcelona has the highest condensate and one of the highest population densities in europe. but thanks to a cook of 19th century planning, this iconic european city is undergoing its own special transformation. the city government wants to convert a 1000000 square meters of road surface into space for the local people in the cities unique grid path dates back to 859. and the pre call era, designed by funds for this layout is the key to barcelona plans. groups of
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individual block a close to 3 traffic and in hunting and they remain open for local use and for commercial and emergency name alone basically built super blocks idea on that idea of, of 40 years ago. the idea that you can still allow contracted to go everywhere as long as you lower speeds of cars and you don't allow through traffic. so much of the traffic you will find is not necessary. and traffic that is necessary can still go to places where they want to be. but as soon as you do that, you start unlocking that street for the people that live there, they suddenly realize how much space they actually reclaimed. how much space did now have to sit, commit each other and how much space and freedom the children suddenly have if there is no longer god traffic everywhere. and it also frees up the parents because no longer have to shop for the children everywhere because they are much less danger around. we visited a super block santini market. they're actually known plea as to buddy s o c. the
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island switch seems to fit better that originate test salvador to ada, told us that the goal was to cut traffic and noise pollution without camping down on call use. a lot of helena model. okay, more she said yeah, will leave it out 7th, up on a few and pull. that is popularly call that because i'm already that here, but i'm following up on the piano that got you discussed, michael, it's this part here is not bluffer piano. is it online? that's a key on the car. yes. you know, they go to configure a battle. you know, the quote is a new rod of, you know, they've either like i said that i like is the last that it's a few of our not for them. this are yeah. to say and today your loyal coil of me in your spare time, be another lender, any mentor or ended under gambled money for the theater in school to dollars out of this because there are, there are a few of our noise from the weather is arianne told us was that it does not fall, i meant the best plan for me and a new generation in barcelona is growing up,
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knowing that the streets can belong to everyone. thanks to the bt books or bite the bus every friday. the children cycle to school with traffic stop on their lives with me, when can i mean yes, but i me let me, she say really was collections and on this cold winter's day in barcelona, most people asking about, we're happy about the changes i think grade to our safe space it out or you can kind of you people. busy like me really woke and just enjoy reagan winters, who got sick or gifts are known to still get a good afternoon and i will is inconvenient because im directors at lowes. but if, if your son somebody orders less so little a few less much. viva fuller for so lufkin, this is
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a rescue service. speedometer must be the organ on. janet sands is barcelona, is deputy math for ecology urban ism and mobility. she says the success of pilot projects inspired her team to think big point here. normally when get i'm of the talk in a door about hello not getting a boiler pretty much. i'm gonna ask you if you any language mean brenda. so i'm not a complete, i mean, do you shouldn't look at the inner good but i was the last guy years is to lock in the thing almost as popular one coming out, but a whole lot about us thought or but i was hungry. i'd like to hear i was again only goes but it, i mean didn't go very much bye couple of them for the vehicle, but i hadn't been glad that you put on more revenues. the federal government is prioritizing community participation. but vocal critics remain. monica runs, a portia garage in downtown barcelona and mrs. the freedom to drive anyone with when he's more with it, glassy on practicum and the benefit not on lack of quality steady. are you not linear sca center good family that it's a scary so anyway,
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i can get her brother law kind of swimming doing the floor. those rockers allotted and enough from up north africa. they took the after knock with us in venice incoming. that off moustache, profound and not angry. naughty a heads the barcelona tourism association and isn't happy with the planning process of looking for emma has not been out of pocket. and that is something you'd be at mickland m e at yahoo! dot com was lithonian the for betty. yes, kitten. aussie i journey. get all my life bed to see on as good. must been. you go there. he's willing to fit. okay. is 24 miserably nickel. but in the end of candy, i think i need to go in the front of my finish and make it home or not, i guess as to you haven't already gone platform of the city government is convinced it has enough public backing. i just pushing on the end of what i'm going to go, just pull some of the way up there or not, but a thin throat than there. yes boy, last can maybe be him. those are the make on the up must transport their booley for manual school, just going by milan. skip. but i lost ya setting the spins have left me and gotten
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me from coming on to get him off putting in garbage. if some of coaches will need us, yes, which will be your fellow now. got your latin tickets for the quarter ending the saddle. my coach room is straight seat belt loan, facing the same debates as dutch cities in the seventy's and eighty's. what we see in all these changes in general in change is that people resist and we have to take that seriously because they resist because some people will lose something. again, the example of children children have been losing their freedom for decades, but they don't have a voice for the people that will thirdly lose. well, 1st of all, their loss will be relatively small. as receive for many examples, we still have to allocate the traffic require for people that really need it. but all the other pieces are lot sort of the freedom to go through a city with your personal private vehicle as fast as possible. yeah, you will lose that, but because of that so many others and even yourself,
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you will win so much as well. and we need to unlock all these people that currently don't have the voice. and the silent majority that sexually losing out already for decades, the parents are so inspiring for us because it shows that if you develop a new narrative, it can actually convince people, but the narrative should not be about scars versus by that should really be about the deeper values that people have an a 15 minute city gives us this narrative. it talks about a meaningful life that is not requiring fast mobility. this means that the relation that citizens have with the streets with the city, and we didn't shudder, can radically change more about the 15 minutes later, 1st wide. and it became mer of paris in 2014, with her pledge to make the capital more livable. parisians were ready for change after years of deadly summer heat. why should parents be so under threat from rising temperatures? for roxanne, many of the capital climate academy,
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it's down to typically that he designed the heat weighs all more hole in density center such as paris because of the sheet island effect, which is basically the fact that in the centers the temperature was higher than in the surrounding countryside, this effect is due to a very effective and a lot have been can be linked to planning and how the c t is evolving and his designed in paris especially we have very narrow treats and often high buildings. so the even res, reflect a lot on various features and that accentuate the increasing temperature of this also means that you have less wind and we need when for cooling effect, the green areas and the water which is quite skiff in over and say things. and in person, but for so it adds to the sheet effect, of course she's emission which are directly due to human activity such as the emissions from vehicle, from industry. so many of these causes can actually be cold by different planning.
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few people know the streets of paris better than just a slight case to broadcast his rides live on twitch and keeps his social media followers up to date with the change. it just took us on a flight, cried to see what had happened in the french capital over the last a lot of new patients through is going to to lead the thing to just says, if it was all know it's on when he talked it's and when it starts walking, sometimes they do, i know 0 so. so we are going to be working on you can see know all of it for writing by before it was everywhere on. but i think i feel that expense plate. so no, it's very nice place ah
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ah, so here we are in other caea. you have to imagine before all of this place. it's thought cha charle can pass here for turning all around his place, or nobody will generally walk or leave nozik just remove that's on you can just on joyce's place for leave. now from here you can see we are a little a thinner on his place. was only for thought, no, the significance if he kept on only pedestrian on focus on youth, his faith bringing a lot of life the idea of creating many centers within
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a city that are completely workable. within 15 minutes was developed by urban planner, carlos moreno to give paris escalades ecological economic and social foundation in the future. the 50 means the concept is new, but a dagma for living definitely in see if he wanted to reduce that sure to be shocks . and at the same time, we wanted to bring the quality of life for developing intensity in proximity. we want to to promoter city based on the federal centers, se defend on places for all a leading to reduce the role of individual car deceased. new pass for having a schuman at the center of city ecology, proximity. so daddy t and the citizen important are default pre last there of balcony city as parties is very crucial. the role of counties not same factor in the center of cities. hi.
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don't city's own sorting far on channels that i ever that can see them. they probably get pay so ease only for a going with my car. the role of car is an order point in particular for going for a 2040 kilometers, but not for day. very shocked on. there are other changes affects including a make over the shows that he's a, we spoke to the architect in trusted with breathing new life into the heart of the capitol. harris says so one older european cities and like most cities in the seventy's, it's a city that has been over one voice course. and the case of the shows it is a is an interesting example of this problem is very symbolic area in paris, very famous. but he had something incredible that the parisian hate this day. why is because it's an area that used to be for the past century, a place where you would go for a walk with the children was a nice moment. it was the most elegant avenue in parish that local people loved and
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we figure out that since 40 years, no one want to go there except tourist. the car, of course, is one of the key problem to give this face back to people and pedestrian. because all of this has been treated as a highway entering paris was 2 times for lanes, going up and down. and you have pavement, verizon, south. that is very noisy. so she go there, shall that is it to these like bomb is one of the most noisy place in paris. reducing the part of the car, getting this place accessible to people is one 1st action. of course we can defeat bankcard units a big debate in paris. the mayor has been planning hard from the sand river in a lot of political conflicts about that. so i think we have to be careful and being a bit scientific about that unless ideology, so that's very important. we want to be very methodological. and santa fe cannot fighting her pro or against car the other aspect of so that we want to
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produces, understanding better the way nature in the cities working as an ecosystem, the planet chan. we've got a lot of warm spot in paris and this avenue, it's very hot spots so i can use the natural elements to cool down the city. but that is a simple conclusion to a more larger and more scientific study. which is to say, can we not tomorrow, saturday, knowledge of reducing our carbon footprint on hers. and that's working on all the cities because that's where 85 percent of the damage of produce 2 percent of the surface of the planet. changing the city is not something you do overnight. this vision we propose start in 2025. it's maybe going to be done. 2035. it might sound like paris is taking the long view, but for a city that counts it's age in millennia, 15 to 20 years is a very short spin of the whale. much depends on whether parisians are ready to support this revolution on the streets in barcelona as overcome early opposition to
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school. some quick wins, but here to the hardest work is still to come 50 years after starting to reclaim that st. duck cities such as amsterdam and humming and must still work hard to put humans, the head of cars. what will other cities do about their automotive love affairs? while individual vehicles, ciocca st. pedestrian, a bicycle activity will remain, rand, i'm saying. can people living and 21st century mega cities expect politicians to tackle pollution and climate change to make those city for the best time to reclaim our strengths was yesterday. but i think the 2nd best times today, and it's so important because many challenges that we face as society in terms of global sustainability, but also local live ability can no longer be solved if we do not reclaim our streets as public spaces of places that are there to support not only the through
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with the vehicles, but to support the thriving of our society. we'll leave the last word to young and the dangers of green washing our traffic problems away. if you liked this special reports, check out d w ref on youtube to see more films like this a ah, with
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who who talked to me nandan. for laurie tish nigerian artists mission is to brighten up london. those lives with your romance. coming up on w. freedom and security are essential to their way of
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life, but how is that affected by their proximity to russia? let been verified as the happiest people in the world. most of them believe in peace. would that seat is there a rag neighbor is feeling for the global 3000 in 30 minutes on d, w. o. o or an eternity time. it can be measured precisely, and yet each person experiences it differently as if there are different forms of type, type phenomena. a dimension and illusion. about time
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starts april 14 on d w. what does war do to people? are hatred and violence inherited from generation to generation and award winning documentary searches for answers for 2 years. the author accompanies a cell, a fist family in northern syria, with insights into the isolated world of radical islamists and into a spiral of violets. without end with
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a film about family, faith, masculinity of fathers and sons starts april 16th on d, w. ah, this is dw news, and these are our top stories, french president, he manual my clone and he's far right. rival mother le pen projected to face off in an april 24th run off in the country's presidential election. they placed ahead of 10 of the candidates in sunday's 1st round. first. the pen dramatically narrowed mcclung leading opinion polls in recent weeks. ukraine and russia had agreed on humanitarian corridors to evac.


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