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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2022 6:30pm-6:46pm CEST

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i even got white hairs on learning the german language. hello. this kids to me and create those trinity to interact with. you want to know their story. my parents are fighting and reliable information for migrant. you're watching d. w. news asia coming up today, a captive 26000000 people. that's how it seems in shanghai, where residents are in during their 3rd week of lockdown as pressure mounts on the government to deliver the basics to everyone trapped in their homes. and political change in pakistan will a new government bring stability or just more uncertainty for deeply divided nation . ah,
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i melissa chan, thanks for joining us. shanghai, one of asia top financial centers and china's wealthiest city is in its 3rd week of lockdown. and while some parts of the metropolis are just starting to ease restrictions, other residents are reaching there, breaking points. hunger has been a main driver with official struggling to deliver food to 26000000 people. it's very much stress testing, trying to 0 corporate strategy. as bob in crush mart reports for weeks, the streets of shanghai have been empty. supermarkets, a shot delivery workers that would normally be leaving their way through the city, are nowhere to be seen. social media is full of cries for help and complaints about lego food. some videos, show unrest, neighborhoods where people are desperate to find food. and in one unverified video,
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people even seen looting a supermarket authorities scrambling to deliver supplies. but they are huge probably know if i'm in for delivering vegetables. some of getting their food early summer getting late. it has a big impact on people's lives. ginia and les, it's a tomato pharma who walk on the outskirts of the city. he's doing his part to try and help. he's moved out of his home and into a dorm at the industrial greenhouses, whereas company growth tomatoes. this is a video he shot on his phone of the room. he's saying in asian, if you were understaffed at the moment and need to ensure we keep up production. so we start work early and work overtime for about 2 hours a day. but reports say the biggest hurdle and the delivery of goods is at the last mile. many delivery workers and other supply personnel remain under locked down themselves. the challenge is getting food from markets and warehouses to people's home. the local government is now trying to mobilize delivery workers to get back
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to work. as long as there aren't any positive cases within their residential compound. the bottlenecks could pose a serious problem to the government. frank psi is c o and founder of china crossroads and a risk specialist. he's a resident of shanghai and has been under locked on himself for over a week. when you induce food insecurity to a country whose purpose is to modernize and make people live better, i think it adds a certain twist that, that, you know, people here and the leadership here are not, are not so comfortable with for the past 2 years, china is touted its approach towards containing the virus and pointed towards its ramp and spread the west as a mark of superiority. this could break the narrative that china system is better at doing this, especially if it really explodes the next few weeks. so we could be a quite an inflection point and how our cobra balls and,
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and how the world comes to see chinese performance, unquote. but how its own people see, it is what met us the most. and authorities will need to get a handle on the situation quickly to prevent people's frustration from spiraling any further. we have 5 in crash, mary joining us father, and i understand some parts of shanghai are easing restrictions. i wonder, does this mean the death toll has fallen? do we even know the death in case numbers there? well, i mean, according to the official numbers, we have a far more than 150000 cases in shanghai or but no official death. so far, i don't think that's very credible. we know that an elderly homes in nursing homes, there were a big infection clusters. however, at the death z i don't show up at the statistic. so i'm at least assuming that the authorities are really stretching the criteria of what it means to die because of the virus or with the virus. but i see the using of the locked on at least parts of
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the city more as a reaction to the public pressure. i mean, it's really an emergency situation for most of the people there die a food supply, et cetera. but when you say easing of the locked on, i mean, it basically means at one 3rd of the components of the residential compounds, people are allowed to go to the streets, but only within a really confined area and their neighborhoods. and there's not pretty much you can do, i mean, a public transport as a shot and also the public facilities a shot. so by european senate, for example, i would still consider this quite a strict lockdown as well. yeah, fascinated with china's strategy. and in 2 years after the pandemic, beijing seems intent on maintaining a 0 covered policy. why is that? what i mean? first of all i'm, the leadership is arguing that we take the human lives more seriously. i mean, that's also part party propaganda. i would say because m as in shanghai,
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we can see that the collateral damage of the locked on policies also triggers fifth's not by the virus, but then best buy in, for example, suicide because of a man mental problems also. i mean, my patients who can't get to the hospital on time because it cannot show a negative p c r test and so on. but you have to consider that if the china would really open up, let's say like the u. s. a long time ago and not really have any measures in place, then that would cause a lot of infections and also more deaths. and for example, in the west because they're not enough emergency. betsy of the health system, especially in the rural areas. it's really quite rudimentary, so public health is really a concern, but it also has to do with political reasons. i mean, the propaganda basically said that 0 cobit is approved that we can manage to contain the virus as are the only big country in the world. and now to change the path is really quite difficult. and lastly, i think a big mistake by the leadership was that they didn't allow any m, m, r, in
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a vaccine from outside the only available vaccines m, r, the domestic one, sign of farm and sign a week. and they're not really as efficient against on the chrome. got it? fired in crash bear. thank you so much for joining us. the in pakistan, iran con may be out as prime minister, but he is certainly not down ejected from leadership on monday. his supporters have hit the streets. it underscores how shaky the political situation remains and how the parliament that ousted con, we'll have to reckon with an angry public walk his monthly bill, multiple traces, it's entering a new face. the country is witnessing the politic divisions after prime minister iran han was also much to need more confidence over the weekend. how of the war on sunday after the country supreme court ruled that he had earlier acted
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unconstitutionally, in blocking the process and dissolving parliament on monday? not sure if mitchell and the opposition leader shall shave as the prime minister. often we support the what the place after on $168.00 allies in the $242.00 national assembly walked out in protest. shabbos is the younger brother of treat. i'm prime minister in the washing on the body. as a leader of the opposition show. he also led the bid to our hon, and now she's able to bring pockets both economy back on track following fans and management. and i change won't just come by talking supreme court. so if it were to come just by talking, then in the past 4 years, our country would have progressed and become the most developed country in the world. i mean, it's kind of home but you know, have a high or after you,
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you cannot mismanagement. the new government faces you challenges show you support to say improvement will not come overnight. the db exam, the width of the videos and leave them will get them in the current position. if we go towards early elections, georgia high, it will get won't be good for this country, but your school was back. i'm gonna give you it was. that's why it's better to give this new government some time and give that up so they can stabilize the country and hold elections. you could aren't allowed me. i left them with family yours. but in wrong hans didn't, has many supporters. on sunday, paul's isn't. protesters took to the streets of major urban cities across pakistan, protesting against hans dismissal. in ron hahn became a political force in 2018 when he was elected prime minister on the promise of routing all corruption and letting the millions of focus on these alga forwarding. but he and his body bed short of that gold. and today,
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he is known as the 1st focus on the prime minister. do the house fit in a no confidential? the country is now entering an uncertain political ball. and if there is one thing that the cricket stark while edition has in his favor, it is st. bubble, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, a mess you to him or on con, is that we will stand with you till our last drop of blood. and we will fight with you even if we die. i ha spot, the leaders are calling for more protest to be conducted in the coming days. how long the protest will gotten you, and how long the new government would last is a matter of speculation. although the necessary election is scheduled to take place in mid 2023. the opposition had previously said they wanted an early mission. it's been more than 11 years since the meltdown at japan's fukushima nuclear plant . tens of thousands of people were forced to flee the region over radiation fears. some have since returned, but one town remained deserted until recently,
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signs of life finally in food taba and optimism in a place that hasn't seen people in 11 years. i'd circle yamato has put out a lot of food for customers at her restaurant called penguin, and she's getting customers all, be it mostly from nearby towns that reopen before for taba. this is the last village around the fukushima nuclear plant, given the all clear that was in january. so they're all in luck. this land that we have here. we need to use it well, both 90 and attract more people to visit or whether through sports or music lab or what than what thought korean. and when they visit for sports or music or to consider moving here, they can easily get a room at the arm, foot, tub, business, hotel, clean accommodations, comfy beds. and frankly lonely staff ready to serve. i go, claim the thumb. i think it's difficult to change the minds of those who said
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they're not coming back to landed. but if there are those wondering whether to come back or not. oh, come on. i think it's the biggest thing to come back and see the situation for themselves. the situation is one of rebuilding and building a new but the situation is also damaged buildings left to crumble. evidence of lives lost and lives hurriedly left behind in the aftermath of the earthquake. and about a quarter to 3 in the afternoon of march 11th, 2011. the earthquake followed by a devastating toonami. yes, so she houses our was 66 when he had to leave for taba at age 77. he was the 1st to return to the village, but his neighbourhood looks bare. most nearby homes and buildings demolished. there are no longer any clinic stores or services for a 77 year olds or any ones needs. uh oh, my name is am right. there's no school there. no doctors, there's no way young adults with children will come here and need them. i want it
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to return, but i came back and now i think it was mistake. and i've been with the hard reality in the face of high hopes into taba, where a handful of people have returned. they hope others young and old, will follow to bring the village back to where it once was. that's it for tuesday. thank you for watching and see you tomorrow. with secrets lie behind these walls, discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites d w world heritage. 360. get the app now you ah, the joy ride through fascinating worlds into uncharted deb with our guides and know their way around with
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a strictly scientific trip to some pretty wacky places. curiosity is required to morrow to day on d. w. ah, war is hammering ukraine's economy and threatening to send millions into poverty. we'll talk to a trade representative from the country about what he see and whether it's too soon to talk about rebuilding. also on the show, the economic consequences are hitting poland, which is in a pinch for truck drivers as more of them had to ukraine to fight. and russia has a reputation for it. cyber know how now ukraine is showing that it tube knows how to find and hack its adversaries. weak spots back into the show. i'm seeing
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fiercely in berlin. an estimated 4 and a half 1000000 people have already fled the war in ukraine. that's just one reason why much of the country's economy has come to a standstill. infrastructure loss is another one. at the almost 7 weeks, the damage to buildings, bridges, and roads is already massive. government, estimating, one trillion dollars have been lost thus far. that's all leading toward economic collapse in january before the outbreak of the war, the world bank predicted the ukrainian economy would grow by 3 percent this year. and its latest production. it foresees a contraction of 45 percent and even says that 7 out of 10 ukrainians could fall below the poverty line. this year. right now is a critical time of year in particular for farmers, but ukraine is already bringing less market because of the war. farmers are unable to attend to fields or harvest and whatever can be brought in can't be processed. railways, bridges and roads have been destroyed.


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