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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2022 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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is clear who hushed ego, antony con felicia explored germany, they dive in and they check everything out. there's a lot going on in there. oh, but germany tried and tested again with d. w. with coming up on dw health show how to combat stress. the pucks of holidays at home and why fish and samsung can lift your mood and what all that has to do with mind body mess and welcome to in good shape with
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oh, oh, feeling your feet body the ground with all your senses. this walking meditation might look a bit odd, but it's a mind body medicine practice and it's backed by science. but i've been body mates . mind body medicine is about working with different methods in which physical exercises have a positive impact on your mood and psyche. oh, vice versa, t paying attention to the mental level. oh, which can also have positive effects on the body, but somebody owned and cut up a positive but i'm with. busy mind body medicine connects modern healing methods with complimentary practices. my body made its mind by medicine is made up of practices that all have an impact
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on the body of. so we know from studies that it can alleviate symptoms for people with chronic pain, high blood pressure cause gastro. intestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, or ulcerative colitis, and metabolic syndrome. what it is also jose are these practices that affect the whole organism. and this isn't life, and from a torrent, the off one's on guns and organising worth of you. yoga is a core component of mind. body medicine, the exercises strengthen the local motor system, improve flexibility, and boost circulation. they also help with stress management. that's one of the main focuses of mind body medicine because too much stress can trigger many illnesses. and i mentioned kind of mucous come when we don't have any way to relax on an ongoing basis. we all reach a breaking point by an i'm is met, m a some the long term consequences of stress will be felt more in the gastro
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intestinal tract. the others. it's in their locomotive system than with yoga, creates a harmony between body and soul. the ancient teachings benefit people's health on several levels over yoga really helps to alleviate stress. it strengthens muscles high, and that can reduce back pain the any garvey, adam stress levels sink and that has an effect on other areas. but for instance, when stress goes down, digestion improves lifetime mind from this exercises relaxation techniques, sports and movement. nutrition and natural healing methods are all part of mind. body medicine, their methods, anyone can use to do something for themselves and their health every day. and on a concrete cases of illness in mind, body medicine can help restore everson self regulation and strengthen their self healing powers or task is also useful for children.
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and they can often engage with holistic methods more easily. ah man, buddy minutes seen as mission of of accent mind, body medicine is not just for adults. the children also enjoy it. they can concentrate better in and we know this, for example from studies in the us. it was applied in socially troubled areas. were really cool guys in hoodies with tattoos did mindfulness training with school classes and the violence rate drops and emotional regulation improved with 4th was a mind body medicine is also wonderful for kids. yeah, of a can of will not offering simple tools for self care and helping establish a mindful lifestyle. mantell, mind, body medicine can help you get and stay healthy or stress is a modern day scourge. according to one study,
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the most stressed out people live in the us and greece. another study shows that the pressure we put on ourselves is one of the main causes. we aspire to excel at work, successfully juggling with family life and pack our free time with activities. it's too much. stress not only makes us grumpy, it's been shown to lead to cardiovascular disease. back pain and stomach ulcers. it's time we've vanished stress once and for all we feel stressed when we overdo it, don't take proper breaks or attempt to do too many things that was on the carpet comfortable. nobody has amazing mechanisms for helping us deal with dangerous situations as it can switch to turbine. if we're in danger,
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the body releases stress hormones incredibly quickly went off the skin vans, english, ne face with an eminent battle for survival. our body needs energy fast. the sympathetic nervous system is activated. the stress hormone cortisol, released by the adrenal gland, causes blood sugar and collect for all levels to rise at the same time, the hormones, nor adrenalin and adrenalin, elevate. our blood pressure. brief periods of stress are not a problem, but chronic stress can lead to vascular inflammation. a heart attack or stroke and stress also disrupts all other functions that are not necessarily needed for our immediate survive. like our digestive and immune systems, or our libido bi doors. chris, if we're under permanent stress, we can get the feeling that we're losing control when that is very unhealthy and can lead to anxiety disorders, exhaustion, depression, or burnouts,
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aluminum burn out. but you can actually reduce your stress levels yourself if you react in the right way. just breathe, breathe in and out deeply 3 times. you've probably heard of that trick before. it may be simple, but it's amazingly effective. who can guns the effect of teeth, inhalation and deep exhalation on blood pressure. impulse can be gauged precisely. it's measurable after $12.00, or 3 deep breaths, ports to reduce stress. it's worth learning some relaxation techniques like progressive muscle, relaxer ation. for example. here, various muscles are tightened and then consciously released in succession. we become conscious of just how tense we are and regain awareness of our own body. it must been up as every muslim. nobody tells us when this opening wrongs that if
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you're in pain, if you are sitting up straight enough and on the, if you have your showed is 10 step or clenched teeth together before that should send you a signal am on them by but was so stressed out and busy now every day lives that we just aren't he this signals anymore and fell eva does good feeling puts in many patients a very effective when they get back in touch with themselves again and can focus them yahoo! often we rush through life. not noticing that what bent over a lopsided to that we forget to put our shoulders back in our everyday lives. we've forgotten many of the mechanisms for looking after ourselves. m. i talked often off to pass one quick exercise, clench your fists or tincture thighs, and then relax. the chinese have employed the relaxing effect of movement and meditation for over a 1000 years now. they call it she gone, or life energy cultivation. it's an important part of
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traditional chinese medicine. basically the movements are linked with inner images or stories and east ins deal. if i'm standing there, reaching out someone might think out, oh, she's stretching her hand in the air and i'm glad in my head. i'm imagining that i'm reaching out for this sun, for rays of sunlight and absorbing them into my body. i'm getting positive energy and tapping into all my strength and the movements perform during she gone. also stimulate our circulation, help hard and muscles to work better and release the feel good hormone dopamine. that helps us deal better with stress. in addition, she gone is like meditation. with its breathing and high levels of concentration. if we look at the brain activity of regular practitioners as they meditate using an m r i scan,
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we see low levels of activity in the omega stress and fear can sparks i nap deke hyperactivity there. while the hippocampus, which is responsible for empathy and our sense of self, is more active relaxation techniques and meditation can be effective ways of treating stress. ah one fail safe way to distress is to take a vacation. a study has shown that a 100 a has a range of health benefits. it now is blood pressure by an average of 6 percent improved sleep quantity by 17 percent. increases our capacity to cope with stress by 29 percent and in some people, a tricky is his blood sugar levels. all the study, participants reported feeling happier. sometimes we need a break from the daily grind. a trip away can broaden our horizons. put things in
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perspective and help us unwind, but taking a trip isn't the only way to switch off. we can also holiday at home, though it's important to lay down clear boundaries with regards to our normal life . first of all, make your home look nice. it's easier to chill out in a pleasant environment, stock your refrigerator, so you don't have to think about buying groceries and buy yourself some treats. i. if you work from home, clear your desk just shut the office down. however, many of us find it hard to switch off from work one survey says 7 out of 10 employees remain reachable. went on holiday. that's not healthy. as of and this is stuff if you think you need to remain reachable. and i think that something you should question very closely before them limit your availability of
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in the stands is them check in at 3 o'clock every day and see if someone's tried to call me. and if so, call them back look, no or answer an email from me, or give yourself a window to think about work themselves. none of that is an unhappy that makes it easier to maintain an emotional distance. michelle would sooner than so distance young planned activities for your stay cation that will put you in the holiday mood and give structure to your days. experts recommend doing things completely different from your day to day life. if you normally sit at a desk all day and make a point of being active, if you do a manual job that leaves you physically exhausted and put your feet up, but not all the time. gone 6, the hits for most people in physical activity is relaxing by another call. it doesn't have to be a competitive sport. let's just take
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a walk every day or if you already have a sport as a hobby, then do more of it to me. i'm offer a change is as good as the rest. try something new. it can lift your spirits and boost your self confidence. one austrian study has shown that even a short break can improve your health. the participants reported feeling more relaxed after just 4 days of time out. experts say a few more days is even better. as a tough relax ation levels can be quantified when they're highest on day 8. there's practically no further increase after that on them. so fairly short holidays are good for relaxing and more often, but shorter, that's better than a 3 month break. i'm off by more not. obviously there's not a lot of novelty to a holiday at home, but that actually has some advantages during a familiar environment. and you don't need to adjust to new surroundings. so you
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relax faster. if you set everything up in good time, you can enjoy some wonderful rest and recreation. a nice holiday. cheers. esa and cheerful. people have few as stressful names in the bloodstream and are less likely to get sick. but they also pay more attention to the health and pessimist types. they more likely to enjoy exercise. so what can we do to live down mean? well, we can head to the kitchen sometimes you just want to enjoy a snack without worrying about calories. you simply need a proper feel good boost. i like pizza, and you don't. hello, alice, do the honestly, i like chocolate. chocolate or chips, depending on how i'm feeling nothin viscado from kind. i like it
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a little raspberry and hurts looking for an um. i 1st glance all very tempting. sadly though most treats contain too much fat or to sweet or plain unhealthy sort. attrition is isabel, his mom recommends other foods that are also guaranteed to boost your mood. when breakfast standard does that, you'll notice you feel better very quickly after eating these fates. they have a big influence on the body. if the body is performing well is fast and satisfied, it will also have an impact on your mental health. you'll be happier and have more vitality. i fancy lucas younger tyler's living in our brains get energy from food. in order for humans to function properly. we need, in addition to water complex carbohydrates, proteins, and fats with a lot of omega 3 fatty acids. these foods are high and tripped to fan and tyra seen
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amino acids that are converted into serotonin. our main feel good hormone by deficiency of his hormone, can lead to bad boots and stress. so what exactly does that mean? what should we eat? about savannah, 3 thing that's a particularly important coconut oil, linseed, oil olive oil, and the omega 3 fatty acids and fish and fish. complex carbohydrates and fiber are also very important actually, whole grain, bread, oatmeal or nuts, vegetable and animal proteins are also very important. easily digestible types are found in cheese and milk, but also in things like lentils and in a beat up how the right food is good brain food damage, notice cups, because we don't hardly have our head brain to build but a so called 2nd brain to known as the god brain do you like, and it is directly connected to our head brain. firstly, via the vegas nelson,
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a very long nerve that runs down from the brain stem. it to the digestive system and, and secondly, throughout intestinal bacteria on but for you. and they need to be fed the right foods because the composition of our gut bacteria is key to our well being was have none of those studies have found that paypal, who's got bacteria is not so well balanced, tend towards depression zones. so to close your mind, vice versa, or they got bacteria of depression pay po, changes dramatically on bacteria williams at sundown stock for an for a feel good meal. you can combine foods in many different ways. most important use fresh ingredients. zunker cavellas with the curry, mongo seat with ginger than has been a tasty pastor with a spicy source like our b auto done on liquid until. and then a delicious chocolate pudding for designed to work with every one i've made this for has been happy on when it's been among the caught up. another great ingredient
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is saffron. it's even said to have a euphoric effect. housey and get the saved and out persian sang that you shouldn't eat too much saffron because he could laugh yourself to death. he is on the feedback. that's because the body relates his lots of feel good ha minds. when we eat a lot of saffron, almost to the point of ecstasy, chile and garland can also lift moves since they trigger endorphins. and now and then even a bit of sugar helps. because foods can only lift your spirits if they taste good too. so feel free to experiment, combining fun and good food, pretty much guarantees happiness. oh, okay, so we can all land some anti stress tricks. make silly exercise regularly, and include plenty of fish and fresh vegetables in our diet. but what
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can we do to keep ourselves motivated for start? we can massage alley is right here. that stimulates the vegas nef firing up the vegas nav boosts are immune system reduce as muscle tension and lowest blood pressure. it also helps regulate digestion, and it increases omelet evasion in a small year device could provide help here at to be in university hospital. a team led by neuropsychologist meals koya is researching and new procedure, sending electrical impulses through the ear to the vaguest nerve. it's one of the bodies largest nerves get i was to have had a vegas. iron has a whole range of functions. it helps us by relaying signals from the body and guiding her behavior so that we do the right thing and keep everything in balance. it's a tool and isn't alice guy handsome?
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there is evidence that in many diseases, the perception of these bodily signals is impaired. that can lead us to eating more than we actually need. for example, in the esl as the eyeglass. and i get susan's name. listen, the biggest nerve is our longest cranial nerve. it runs from the brain stem through the neck and chest to the abdomen, and sends information from the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, and digestive organs to the brain. it tells us when we feel full stimulating the vaguest nerve can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and relieve chronic pain. neils chroma and his team want to find out how the vegas nerve can be influenced with the ear device. stay home. if i give i was gonna follow up with the vegas nerve, runs through the entire upper body, but it also runs through the ear and from there into the brain stem video at accorda if replacing electric in the ear. yeah, we can adjust the stimulation so that we can effectively trigger signals in the
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brain stem ha enhanced. we assume that by changing the signals of the brain, we can influence behavior and for and, and an office for heightened bind, fulsome control. when the electrode is fitted properly in the ear, it delivers mild, electrical surges to the vaguest nerve. they should be noticeable but not painful. this process allows information passing through the nerve to be modified in a targeted way. research shows that such stimulation can help with depression and improve mood and motivation. neil's crewman is exploring whether it can also have an impact on eating behavior and the extent to which we feel full after eating. he's leading a study that he hopes will answer these questions. food doesn't play a role in the experiments. instead, participants carry out monotonous tasks on a computer like holding a ball above a line, like constantly hitting
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a button. how long can they keep performing such a dull task? during the game, the vaguest nerve is stimulated with electrical impulses. the experiment is designed to find out if that increases the participants motivation. then v it's, i concluded that if we can show that stimulating the vaguest nerve, produces an acute effect, then the next step is to see if we can derive a therapy procedure from it. and repeatedly influence motivation by stimulating the vegas know all by inflows and come can we use it to increase motivation in such a way that we can induce healthier behavior? you gazande of us a hyphen, i'm lincoln in the procedures used to date, mainly in the united states. the electrodes are surgically implanted in the body of the patient and connected directly to the nerve tracts in the upper torso. the method being tested here in germany does not require surgery stimulating the nerve
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via the e device. instead, this makes it much less complicated to use. initial study results show that the stimulation does indeed have a quantify ably positive effect on the participants motivation. but how could the technique be used to influence eating behavior? ok, cummins is this that i think you can basically imagine it like this. you eat something healthy, i've had them, but it feels like you've eaten something more calories ethical to this could be helpful in the initial phase of trying to lose weight. that is, you understood, so in depth in its ya, most participants who start a diet do initially lose a bit of weight. but the problem is that relatively quickly, they compensate. so listen to the heat more. and then in some cases, gain more weight than they lost before mckesson on dantes and me at suny mossey for out. good alma,
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that's exactly would vegas nerve stimulation is designed to prevent research is still in its infancy, but initial successes with eating disorders and depression. give hope that it could also be used to treat obesity, and perhaps the procedure could help prevent obesity. to by his visor, many people are overweight, but not yet at the stage where it would be seen as a disease that needs treating. but we know that excess weight is also a risk factor for the later development of metabolic diseases and so on. and so you could start with this procedure and people who are still healthy to support certain behavioral changes and prevent diseases from developing in the 1st place. sits or david sofa might mrs. yes, a congo and become more motivation just by stimulating the vegas nerve. fun is also very motivating. let's join fitness trainer. oh galia. she knows how to make working out and relaxing fun
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with. i the only thing it today if this, that work up, we will do it today. a lovely stretching exercise. it's called that double sled needed. lay on your stomach, cross your arms, hence are fronting to the floor, and then lay your head on the arm in the front. desk stretching exercise is perfect for your shoulder. i have my left arm into prob, so here i stretched my right shoulder perfectly paused one side for almost 2 minutes, then changed the earth. and to exactly the same credit the same time
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we tried to lead as good as okay. and for you, ruby just don't fall asleep or you might miss next week's in good shape until then. good bye . ah ah ah! with
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who? the morning of september 11 in new york. the artist, yet a guy as easy, is known for sending people back in time. with his new panorama, he recreate the plaza in front of the world trade center. why is 911 so important to him? here, rollbacks. in 30 minutes on d. w. make the world a little bit better with
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t these entrepreneurs are revising all traditions in their way with fair wages and organic quality, and as climate friendly as possible. t new ideas for a traditional drink. in 75 minutes on d w. o. oh. what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating world heritage sites with d. w. world heritage is 360. get the app now. it started out with
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spooky and condition and transformed into an orgy of hate and violence. the history of the ku klux klan, the oldest terrorist organization in the united states founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d. w with
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ah ah, this is d. w. news live from berlin. b cranes. prime minister vows to fight the end as russian forces close in on the besieged ports of mario paul laska. also steps up a tax on key cities including the capital. francis says the world is seeing and easter off was the front of tells the faithful ukraine has been dragged into a cruel and census conflict. ah .


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